Friday, December 30, 2011

YOU TRULY NEED A PROGRAM! -- Just A Minute Radio for Monday 120102

Ok-ey Doak-ey – here we are in another year!


And just as confused as ever. (L)  We’re supposed to find out how many Iowa delegates will be voting for which candidate when the nominating convention of the Republican Party convenes in Florida this summer.  But we really have no idea who we want to be the candidate for this party YET! Things have been so mixed up so far – according to the MSM (main stream media  for those who do not follow Rush Limbaugh’s line of speech) and I doubt if we’ll get an iron-clad verdict this week even though millions of $$$ have been expended in the process… both of contributed tax type money and that voluntarily donated by supporters.


It’s going to be a long year – I fear… and we’re just starting. But perhaps the excitement of the possibility of making change will indeed stir the corpuscles and crank up the engine.


I’ve started off the new year with a grand, cold, sore throat and cough… so don’t get too close to the radio… stranger things have happened.


Tomorrow we’ll do some more ‘educated guessing’ and watch the pros do the same thing… and sometime down in the week – or maybe the month – we’ll get an indication of just what happened in Iowa in January. The difficulty is the process has been shoved up to the head of the line… and penalties on who gets to vote at the convention are being imposed by Party rules… so we really have nothing substantive – or maybe definitive – to really show for the efforts that have gone on before.


Meanwhile, our President and his family and I presume knighted members of his Cabinet are working on their golf game… (90 rounds or so for POTUS) and lots of heavy thinking…  (Rhymes with imbibing)… and so the Ship of State sails on it’s deficit way.


We’ll try to be more informative – if possible, tomorrow.


Cordially, IN HIM (J)






          Just a Minute: It’s a near impossibility this year to tell the players without a program – but since I’m short on time lemme reel off the ones *I* think at least have a chance.

          Romney and Paul, (of all people), are statistically tied for first. And amazingly  the media virtually ignores the fact Iowa’s previous caucuses have a spotty record for choosing the eventual winners. Santorum is closing in and a strong possibility for third – and from there on it’s Perry, Gingrich and possibly even Bachmann.

          You can put those last three in almost any order you wish with a roll of the dice – they’ve all held the lead at one time or another.

          Jump toward the end: We’ve experienced ‘faddist’ styles in candidates like we did in Jr. Hi School when loafers or blue denim’s or whatever came into style and faded. Each has experienced a surge – Mitt’s has been relatively steady which is due to his showing four years ago – and calmer strategy and planning – plus lots of steady cash.

          So who’ll win?  Be listening on Tuesday. <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)  

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

IS #2 ABOUT TO BECOME #3? -- for Just A Minute Radio on Friday 111230

Here’s the last message to aim for the last week of 2011… I’m glad to be thru with this year.


The Crystal Ball game is cloudy – mainly because of mud being stirred up from the bottom. Visibility is clouded by an abundance of speculation. I’ve seen Pundits change their predictions at 15 minute intervals. That was particularly true on the last ‘showdown’ trap into which Speaker Boehner walked. But when things happen that fast it’s hard to see the curve balls coming.


Anyway – “Once bitten; twice shy.* as the old saying goes. But many of the newbies in this Congress don’t have the ‘battle’ experience that tells them the other side is laying a trap. So they blithely march on till it’s too late – and the only tools left are apologies and retreats.  All of which amounts to ‘eating crow’ – and that’s not something you ‘develop a taste for.’


However we now have a years’s worth of House veterans who at least have undergone a bit of ‘class warfare’ and are learning fast. Some will be casualties – but that’s the result of desiring to be a ‘public servant.”


I heard it put fairly succinctly last week when an experienced legislator said something like: “We come here to serve the people – then we stay here to serve ourselves. 


How true how true… and an honest statement by an honest member.  If we have more members who look at themselves stringently instead of self-servingly – things will go a LOT smoother and fairer  -- and the folks back home won’t be disappointed.


So – this’ll be the last message of 2011 – and next week we start on a clean slate.  BUT I think it wise not to think the battle is over. It’s hardly begun.  There was some ‘Foxhole Humor’ that survived WWII… one of the axioms I fondly recall was from an infantryman who wasn’t really *trying* to sound bitter… he just told it like he felt it. It said: “Well, it goes along like this for a while – then it gets worse!”  That’s probably what ought to be expected for the next couple of years after the self-created god has fallen from grace. Existence still goes on--- and if the tubers aren’t too big you can probably  get to where they don’t taste bad at all. It seems to be what comes with the game… like playing with a wire connected to the 3rd rail.  When the game’s no fun any more – it’s time to leave.


Too many of our ‘public servants’ have failed to heed the warnings.


OK… signing off for today --- and this year.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram

Have a blessed New Year in the Lord!




          Just a Minute: Is Burger-King about to lose his throne? Remember the “Where’s The Beef?” hamburger wars about 25 years ago? Maybe we’re going to travel that way again. The American people – at least a hefty portion of them – are ‘plumb upset’ the way things are going with our government. They’re about to ‘throw the bums out’ – they’ve been asking “Where’s the beef?” too long… it’s time for answers and it appears it’s more than ‘tea party’ time.

          Last week Wendy’s got ready to pass the usual hamburger #2 slot  with 1400 fewer stores than Burger King – the usual occupant as the second ranked hamburger purveyor. Does this intimate there’s rebellion in the lower ranks of America’s fast food consumers?

          The unquestioned leader in hamburgers is McDonalds selling about 2.3 million dollars worth a year; whereas both Burger King and Wendy’s sell about 2.6 million together. To what do we attribute this shift in taste?

          Sure there’ve have been menu changes but little Wendy in pig tails may be joggling the physically larger monarch because Americans are gonna upset the Hamburger cart signifying bigger changes to come. Stay tuned.       

          <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)  

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THERE'S A DIFFERENT CELEBRATION GOING ON -- for Just A Minute Radio on Thursday 111229

Working our way between Christmas and New Years:


And we begin today’s JUST A MINUTE  with a brief understanding of what Hanukkah – the Jewish Holiday connected with the feast of lights – is about.


It’s a *very* short course in Hebrew History… but the Syrian Greeks had occupied the territory called Israel these days for going on 200 years. Obviously that didn’t sit well with either party. Finally a Jacobean hero – Judas Maccabaeus. He began to rouse the Jews telling them they could re-take their homeland if only they would get to it.


Certainly I was not there – but he comes across in some of the history as a man who is cut out for the front lines. Since my knowledge of Hebrew History is very thin… I did take a course in it years ago – but ancient history isn’t my field of study for excellence. I do enjoy history – and Hebrew history is sprinkled with history. There’s just a lot of names, dates and places that are not in my short file stack. (L). My teacher was Dr. J.Barton Payne who put together an amazing Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy in the early ‘70’s before there were computers sprinkled around the land. I’m sure he had help of some graduate students…. But it was and still is an amazing compilation of particularly Old Testament prophecy. 


He was quite a scholar especially in Greek. Unfortunately when he was visiting his missionary son in Japan he went on a hike intending to climb Mt. Fuji with his son. At the last moment the son had to take another assignment but Dr. Payne did not want to miss the opportunity to climb the famous mountain. There were signs along the mountain’s trails which warned not to take certain routes because of their danger – but Dr. Payne was not a Japanese linguist – and apparently taking the wrong trail he fell and being all alone was injured fatally.  How ironic that such an educated scholar happened upon a trail marked in a language with which he was not familiar and it cost him his life.


I suppose it shows us that even the most dedicated and skilled are sometimes found seriously short of knowledge that is vitally important.


I hope you’ve had your interest whetted in ancient and modern history. It is after all…. HIS story.  


Thanks for walking with me today.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram




            Just a Minute: I had not realized it but the Jewish celebration called Hanukkah --  is also called Chanukah -- in some books.  I’m not partial to either but in looking up I found some Marine outfits are particularly attracted to its tradition of being ‘the few and the proud.’

          Essentially it commemorates the victory of the Jews in 165 BC over the Syrian Greeks who had occupied their country, and the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem. Hanukkah is Hebrew for “dedication.”

            They light one candle in a candleholder each night for eight nights in memory of a legend that the lamps burned, without enough oil, miraculously for a week. An eight-day festival begins on the 25th day of Kislev, commemorating the victory of the Maccabees over Antiochus Epiphanes.  Formerly it was one of the lesser Jewish festivals, but today it’s celebrated by Jews especially the United States, where it occurs usually during the celebration of Christmas.

          In any case it’s part of our celebration between Christmas and New Years.

          <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)        

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OK -- Hard to believe but we’re just today, tomorrow and Friday before our work here at the ‘update’ fair is done.


Yessiree… I was wondering if the end of 2011 would ever get here as Mr. O continued his ‘shovel-ready’ work of preparing the biggest [deficit] hole in modern history!  He is (I think) out there in the westernmost state of this honorable Union diggin’ with the *divot machine* to set a new Guinness Record of the most golf played by any U.S. President in any term in the White House.


That will apparently go on the mantelpiece of the mansion he reclaims back in Chicago if he can tear himself away from Washington after he has set the bar at the lowest possible point for any POTUS.  After the ‘Obama’ era if there is a President who manages to exceed the record of ‘dishonorably discharging  the responsibilities of POTUS’ it is highly un-likely the USA will continue to exist except in the history books and one of the 17 MARVELS of the Western World for leakage from a government treasury.


It is un-likely, if he wins a second term, there will be enough money in the treasury to fuel Air Force One and its supporting fleet of backups and vehicle transport aircraft to make any trips of greater length than from Andrews Forces base to Dulles where one can transfer to domesticated commercial airplanes. Even then they will have a tough time operating after the collapse of the Air Traffic Control Centers due to strikes by the appropriate (or inappropriate) unions who believe they have been cut out of the largesse.


The bright spot in the coming economic situation in such an eventuary situation would be only for the printing industry (in order to fulfill U.S. Treasury’s needs for paper money manufacturing machines – formerly called ‘presses’) and a great boom in the paper supplying part of the American economy – although it will probably also be short of manpower due to the starvation situation that is forecast to develop once the AFL-CIO party gets control of the economic levers in what’s left in 2014 of the formerly American economy.


The only difficulty the newly installed second term POTUS would encounter is that the pipefitters and plumbers unions are unable to outfit the President’s newly-expecting-to-be-built mansion.  Its location has yet to be determined due to the inability of the transportation or electronic communications networks to function in light of the totality of the world’s economic bailout failure.


Fact is we’re storing up ink cartridges in order to ensure the ability to print and run the communications networks in 2015 and beyond when total collapse is forecast.




Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram





MizP: Jist A Minit: Do you thank hit’s gonna be a better yeah,  Mr. Jack?

Jack: I guess I always think so, Miz Pearl.

MizP: You mean the way we tawks to one another…?

Jack: I believe  Bait Shop and Sushi Bar  bunch seems to get along OK. .

BB: You’s tawkin’ ‘bout the Congers aint’cher?.

Jack: Well Mr. Billy – they could easily be exhibit “A”….

               But I think the problem lies deeper than that. 

MizP: Ah reckon you’s got a wider target – field of view.

Homer: We’s jist come through Chris-mus and you’s seed sumpin…

Jack: You’ve touched on it, Homer.  It’s called the Bible belt ---

MizP: An shunt hit be?

Jack: Look around us… there’s a lot of Charity going on … but…

BB: But they’s a whole lotta wickedness too…

Jack: Right Mr. Bill… and that’s a result of …

MizP: Hit’s people turnin’ they’re backs on God. We puff’s our seves up

               but hit’s only 2 percent we give away.

Homer: If’n you go  down that road Miz P… we won’t git done today. .

Jack: Right Homer –

MizP: We claims to be so gen-rous – but  that’s the wrong place to look…

BB: No – we ain’t perfect – they’s only one who’s perfect

Homer: An we jist celebrated His birfday.

MizP: How comes we meks such big mistakes.

Jack: It’s in God’s word Miz Pearl – all we need to do is read it and …

BB: And accept hit, Mr. Jack -- lots of us’n  jist turn away.

MizP: Or they relies on they own good works.

Homer: Thas the mistake th Rich young ruler done made…

BB: An lotsa other people too.

Jack: But there is a Saviour – the only one.

MizP: Like you say we jist celebrated his birth…

Jack: That’s right Miz Pearl… it brings us to the end today…

MizP: Les meditate on hit this comin’ year.

Jack: Great Idea… sorry we have to go Happy New Year everybody!

               <>. I’m Jack Buttram.  (END)

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PYONGYANG MAKES NEIGHBORS NERVOUS -- Just A Minute Radio for Tuesday 111227

Holidays --- and another one just around the corner of the weekend. 


Plus Congress trying to decide how to unlock the horns of deadblock without getting mud all over themselves and looking silly.  It’s a difficult job – especially when trying to look impressive and making the moves that show the Nation you know what you’re doing.  It’s hard when you don’t!


Well… that’s a sentence you’ll probably want to save until after New Year’s Day when you can chew over it like a dog with a bone.


These Freshmen House members are beginning to grasp the fatigue and difficulties that looked so easily resolved when observed through a glass’n’glistening TV screen.


Everybody’s got to get broken-in somehow. But it looks like some of the truth that has been being batted around the Capital Dome and getting rather fractured is beginning to have some import – real Importance for a change. If the GOP drops the ball on this election and we’re all faced with the prospect of four more years of trillion dollar deficits and 26 Presidential games of golf a year it’s gonna be a hot time in the old town [make that Chicago] tonight! I don’t think it’ll ignite another fire as bad as the one that just about wiped Chicago off the map – but it’s gonna be hot. And we’re just about to enter the furnace.


The primary election battle in the hinterlands will temper the activity of the last two years because we have a ‘PRESIDENTIAL’ election to navigate. Look back to the long Bush-Gore Shad-counting ballot in Florida that just about jerked a knot in our tail.


That should give some weight (gravitas) to the contest. But since we have already seen Barney Foof take to the sidelines – there will be more I’m sure.


Some years ago in my home town of Roanoke, Virginia when the ‘fireworks’ laws were not as well monitored as they are now, someone for a joke tossed a cherry bomb in the middle of a huge fireworks display across the street from a Junior High School building. *Fortunately* it was not on a day when school was in session or there would have been far more casualties than there were. But there were enough of the scared and wounded that Roanoke has never been the same since.


I’m fairly convinced we’re in the middle of such a powder-keg setting across America for this coming year.  I’m not so concerned about physical violence as I am about moral violence.  When you start down a steep and slippery slope if there’s enough incline and slickness there will be serious injuries before the contest is over – possibly of the nature like that Congresswoman Giffords experienced in Arizona – but more likely to the structure of our freedoms and moral tone in America.  We can go so far that there will be no coming back.


For that and the morality of our nation we’d better give ourselves to serious prayer.  May God bless us all.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram




            Just a Minute: “They’re trying to do things they’re not very good at…” according to Mr. Jeffrey Lewis of the James Martin Center for Non-Proliferation Studies’ in D.C. He says North Korea is the kind of country who would build nuclear arms which don’t work.

          Problem is North Korea’s recent missile efforts have been sullied by misfires and operational difficulties – it’s that kind of country, North Korea experts say.  The problem is exacerbated by North Korean leadership which kicked out the IAEA inspectors in early 2009 – and since then have invited foreign scientists, including Americans, to visit a secret enrichment operation in 2010

          Apparently North Korea has developed a taste for highly enriched uranium rather than the plutonium-based bombs they have already stored. They seem to be using the lower grade explosives to throw watch-dogs off the track. It’s a trick also possibly being used by Iran.

          So rather than add North Korea to our ‘worry’ list – we’d be better off adding them to our prayer list. <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)  

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Sorry -- an audio attachment didn't come with this file as it should have.

The file should now be attached. – Jack

WHO ARE THE WISE MEN? -- Just A Minute Radio for Monday 111226

We hope you had a very pleasant and happy Christmas yesterday. 


Today we’re ready to help you pick up the toys that are ‘scattered and broken’ I fear – that St. Nicholas won’t come again for a year…


And by that time all the Christmas good cheer will have to be renewed. (J) – Which does happen every year—we hope.


Well… we do have a more permanent outlook if we set aside the ‘temporal things’ that disappear and break and have to be replaced and all that… and turn our eyes to the skies – as the poets say and concentrate – or perhaps the better word is  meditate on things that don’t get lost or broken so quickly.


My memory was (and still is to a degree) that there’s a period of sadness that seems to follow the highlights of good cheer and family fellowship.


The sobering moment for me this year came during the run-up to Christmas. Working on JUST A MINUTE almost every day – seems to get me caught up in the moment – especially the election moment that will come up in 2012 – when I believe there is so much at stake. So… I need to concentrate on the eternal  and not be so caught up in what is temporary and going to be caught up by thieves and stolen.


Well… that’s the way the world works. And up to now we haven’t known anything but existence in this world. But my younger brother Jimmy, who lives in Virginia where we grew up together, have been apart for something like 60+ years and while we’ve kept in touch it’s not the same as living in the same house, eating at the same table and all that goes with it.  So… as they years go by I find myself being more and more nostalgic for the ‘good old days.’  (Maybe they weren’t so good as we imagined.) Especially since we’ve had a broader taste of ageing and the difficulties that entails.


All that to say I’m finding as I near the 80+ mark at the end of next month… well it’s a bit intimidating. Now that I’ve gotten started on the subject I’ll probably revisit it in the coming week between the holidays. I hope you’ll join us.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack & Barbara





            Just a Minute: Christmas was yesterday – but a question lingers in the air today from B.Y. Williams poem: Who are the Wise Men? 

Who were the wise men of long ago?

Not Herod, fearful lest he lose his throne;

Not Pharisee’s too proud to claim their own;

Not priests and scribes whose province was to know;

Nor money-changers running to and fro;

But three who traveled, weary and alone

With dauntless faith because before them shone

The Star that led them to a manger low.


Who are the Wise Men now when all is told?

Not men of science; not the great and strong;

Not those who wear a kingly diadem;

Not those whose eager hands pile high the gold;

But those amid the tumult and the throng

Who follow still the Star of Bethlehem.

                                                            --B.Y. Williams

So since that wonderful, sacred, worshipful day is gone until another year rolls round. We’ll cap our cheer for now and aim to live for HIM preparing for the coming year to trust HE will be coming soon.

                                              <> I’m Jack Buttram  (END)            

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

THE SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS - for Just A Minute Radio - Friday 111223

We have almost arrived at the wonderful time for the Sugar Plumb Fairies to dance – Christmas Eve tomorrow.


So it’s a very special treat for the kiddo’s… at least it was for me. I often am transported back to times when our two maiden aunts who lived near us in Southwest Virginia (and it still wasn’t very near in that New River Valley area that still looks like wilderness) would make a big deal out of Christmas Eve for my ‘little’ brother and me.


I’m about four years older than he is and I’m not really sure I was a ‘good’ BIG brother. I think I kept him from ‘taggin’ along when I was playing with the bigger guys.  Of course that kept him out of a lot of trouble… but it was also something that I’m sure ‘hurt his feelings… at least looking back on it I’m pretty sure that was the case.


Anyway – Christmas Eve meant after dark we were ‘dodging’ Santa’s sleigh. You know if HE saw you were still up and about he might not stop at all at our house. (L)… and that wasn’t pleasant to contemplate. My Aunt Emma was always teasing us with pretending to see Santa nearby and we would duck down behind the driver or passenger seats in the old ’35 Ford. [I wonder where that old car is now?  Dad had to put three or four rebuilt engines in it up through my college days – I didn’t have access to it. Times were hard… Dad made everything count… and buying a new car on a mail clerk’s salary during the Depression wasn’t a high priority. I’m glad I could ride the bus for 10cents. 


I gotta get out of here.  My producer Angelo wants me to get the programs ‘in the can’ for next week. So… I’d better get with it.


Have a great Christmas everybody. Praise the Lord and we’ll see you before New Years’



Cordially, IN HIM






            Just a Minute: Today we conclude the story of Jesus’ birth:

When the wise men departed, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.

So Joseph took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt: And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son.

Then Herod, when he saw he was mocked by the wise men, was angry and sent forth, to slay all the children that were in Bethlehem from two years old and under.

It was fulfilled which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying: “In Rama was heard, lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children because they were not.

But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt -- saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead which sought the young child's life.

And he arose, and took the young child and his mother, and came into the land of Israel – and being warned of God in a dream, he turned aside into the parts of Galilee: And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene.

So we conclude the Christmas story today with our best wish for a blessed Christmas for you and our families. <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)            

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

THE VISIT OF THE MAGI -- THE WISE MEN -- For Just A Minute Radio on Thursday 111222

It’s not exactly difficult to realize we’re getting toward the New Year is it? 


Everybody has it in their mind that Winter begins on December 21 … and ordinarily that would be true. But according to the OFA (Old Farmer’s Almanac) the sun crossed the equator – effectively moving from the northern hemisphere to the southern at 12:30 AM *today*… i.e. 30 minutes into December 22 (Today! At least it’s *supposed* to do it that way. And for this kind of stuff I think the OFA has a reputation of some length to maintain so I tend to figure they’re correct. They’ve certainly been at it a LOT longer than I have.


Meantime – Washington is in a dither. I’m not taking much time for it – I know you’ve heard and seen more than you wanted already.  Seems to me like the ladies and gentlemen who pull down the kinds of salaries they do… well they ought to be able to get the simplified deadlines of passing the budget etc. etc… done on time. After all it’s not like a sudden surprise appointment.


Yeah… yeah… I know… things get busy at Christmas – but if you were going to be ‘docked’ by the hour minute or day… you’d be certain to get things done when they are supposed to be done!


Well… it’s too close to Christmas to be playing Scrooge! (L) Let’s go on to more pleasant things. --- One of the ‘unpleasant’ things that hit me Wednesday morning was that my blood glucose level (blood sugar) was out of tolerable range for me by about 15 points.  We’ll see if I can pass up enough holiday sweets to get it back down in range.

Meantime I took a walk in the drizzle yesterday with one of my grandsons and my dog … He’s the smart one in the family I’m referring to my grandson … Smart on computer stuff and cars and things. So I find him a neat companion when we’re just battling drizzle… Yesterday wasn’t too bad for the battle… and I guess it’s doing us good climate-wise. Too often we tend to get crispy-brown over the summer weather sometime – and it takes a lot of rain for all the lakes to recover. But that’s the ‘way the cookie crumbles’ I hear. I also wonder who it was that thought up that slogan.


I hope your Christmas cookie isn’t crumbling.


I’ve found a very good cure for crumbling cookies. Submerge yourself in. say, the book of Job… and read it all the way through. [You can do it in less than an hour.]  You’ll come out feeling a whole lot better!  I think the Lord put that story in our Bibles so we couldn’t say something like, “I’ve got it worse than anyone!”  You can’t seriously read the book of Job –especially right at Christmas time and think you had it worse than Job. Well… I won’t try to convince you today. (Tomorrow maybe – (J)


Cordially, IN HIM

Jack & Barbara




            Just a Minute: Today we learn of the Wise Men’s arrival in our holiday series.

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,  

Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.

He gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, and demanded of them where Christ should be born.

They said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet,

So he sent them to Bethlehem, saying: Go and search diligently for the young child and when you have found him bring me word again that I may come and worship him also..

When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.

When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.  -- And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him:

And when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, frankincense and myrrh.

And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)   

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