Friday, January 29, 2010

I LEFT THE SCRIPT RIGHT HERE -- Just A Minute Radio for Friday 01-29-10

            Great day in the Mawnin’ – IT’S FRIDAY ALREADY…   


            We’re very close to the end of Janus wery… the two faced Greek representation of looking backward and forward at the same time.  Now why does that bring the STATE OF THE UNION address to mind?  I’m sure I’ve got the reason right here in “the stack” somewhere.


            Anyway… we’re off to an early start on the mid-term election cycle… Or is it the 2012 cycle?  Or maybe just a motor-cycle… everybody getting on theirs and riding off in all different directions.  Well as the months go by we’ll probably get a hint one way or another… or perhaps it’ll be just like last year… both the red AND green lights go on while the yellow is flashing.


            Trying to figure that out all the time makes my brain cells get tired.  It’s hard work when you’ve only got two and they are sometimes not talking to one another.  However… as I pass another milestone… I’m glad I’ve got those two – even though they are sometimes in disagreement … and you know, I suspect,what the Bible says about a double-minded man…”unstable in all his ways… driven with the wind and tossed.” Well… I reckon it’s not too far to home port anyway… we’ll just try to ‘stay the course.’  I think I heard Ronald Reagan say that a couple of times.


            For some time I’ve been advocating a bill that would eliminate January from the Calendar and see if we couldn’t substitute another May or June… Of course that might throw the bees off schedule.  – Since we moved back from North Carolina, I left my two beehives in the care of a friend – a fellow church member at Adaville Baptist Church in Spindale.  Last time I saw him he said they were doing OK.  Beekeeping is an interesting hobby… and I enjoyed the years I kept a couple of hives.  Just this week I got a beautiful new catalog of beekeeping tools and paraphernalia.  The company is headquartered up in Kentucky – but apparently they sell supplies all over the U.S. And I’m glad  the bees haven’t taken a holiday because of all the hot air due to ‘global (political hot air) warming.’


            Life goes on – even if politics strikes a discordant note from time to time.  We need to think of ourselves more as all in the same ship.  That’s the way I think the folks in Boston thought about the time of the first tea-party there in the harbor.  Something to consider.  Perhaps if we smiled and unclenched our fists from time to time we might find an outstretched hand. Let’s think about it at least.


            We’re making some changes in the way we handle requests for scripts and/or audio downloads.  It may involve some slight changes in how we’re able to make these available to you.  Please be patient with me… remember only two half way working brain cells… I loaned a couple to a fellow talk show host… I only have 60 seconds… he has three hours… his brain cells get a lot more wear. (J )


            Cordially, IN HIM



            Jack and Barbara


PS – If you can’t get them to work… I’ll be trying a fix next week… contact me at I hope … and we’ll get it straightened out.


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Just A Minute – Wednesday night, Mr. Obama made his first for-real run at a State of the Union speech.  Observers wrote it off as a trip to “Hopenhagen.”

In September, he’d tried to pull the rabbit out of that hat to win the prize of the 2016 Winter Olympics for Chicago.  He picked up the Nobel Prize after a two week Presidential record.  At a UN Climate conference, he unwisely showed up at the end where he got a ‘clenched fist’ for his outstretched hand.  Der Speigle – German left-wing paper – labeled him a prisoner of the “Stockholm Syndrome” – captive of his own beliefs.

He made no headway with Putin on Czech and Polish missile defense sites.  Hugo Chavez still sniffs for Sulfur at the UN; the Hondurans are less than thrilled with his attempt to stuff an illegal President down their throats.  He lectures Supreme Court Justices on political spending plus military policy.

And just think, we’ve got three more State of the Union addresses to sit through.  Popcorn anybody?

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service




Wednesday, January 27, 2010

HIT DON'T MAKE SENSE TO ME - Just A Minute Radio for Wednesday 01-27-10

            Good Wednesday to you.


            It is, after all, the week in which the full “Wolf” moon shows it’s face… Saturday is the day… but according to the Weather Bureau’s forecasts… we *may* have some ‘falling’ weather in which the ‘Wolf’ can make some real tracks.  Be not lulled into putting away your winter clothes just because of the spring-like weather we’ve had for the last week or so.  The best part of all that was the kick start on replenishing the ground water, so low for the past several years… and is not (according to the experts) fully replenished yet.  Having enough, good water, in times like these is most likely to be a continuing issue that our globe has to support.  I think that’s a far more imminent problem than ‘global warming’ – but I’m not about to suggest Al Gore write another book.


            When I was in high school – back in the ‘40’s – we told we cut more trees than we were growing.  By mid 50’s the ratio was reversed.  Why? It became more profitable to grow trees than cut timber.  It’s called a ‘free market’ solution. It could be stifled by letting the government (which does so few things well) set the price of lumber.  Let the market work, thank you. 


            There are other examples: Most of us growing up in the South of a certain age, say 65 and above, remember there were thousands of red-clay gullies through parts of South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and … you get the idea.  Where did they go – why did they disappear?  Doubtless the CCC boys/men who came to my grandfather’s farm with their large motorized plows able to quickly carve water retaining terraces and taught farmers how to keep their land from washing down the creek -- *especially* the topsoil that was most productive.  But why did they jump in behind that program and make it work?  Not because FDR and Henry Wallace and other exponents of conservation paid subsidies … but because it was in the farmer’s best and most profitable interest to operate that way rather than plowing up and down the hills creating gullies.


            We love and admire limited government – and find, if we let regulation get out of hand, much damage.  Can Presidents make BIG errors?  “You bet cha!” to both of these *if* we have a concerned and diligent citizenry and aren’t greedy we can come back but it depends upon the moral character of the Nation.


            Here’s an example which fits today.  Our second President, John Adams, was so attacked by the media of his day stirring up opposition to his policies when our nation was much younger, weaker and less mature – he got Congress to pass the Aliens and Sedition Acts. Here’s a brief definition taken from an online encyclopedia:


 The Alien Deportation Act allowed for the arrest and deportation of any non-American during wartime. The Sedition Act made it a crime to do "any false, scandalous and malicious writing." This resulted in the jailing of 25 newspaper editors, most of them Democratic-Republicans. This was during the presidency of John Adams, a Federalist. The response to these acts was marked. Kentucky and Virginia passed resolutions opposing these acts. (Yes – we did have the first ten amendments to the Constitution.)


            America survived these very dangerous periods – fostered by some of our most revered founding fathers – who were under tremendous pressure like today they made a big mistakes.  Similar laws were passed and subsequently dropped in the early stages of WWI and during WWII.  We rounded up and imprisoned relatives of German and Japanese Americans. The present senator from Hawaii, Daniel Inoue’s relatives were subject to such mistreatment.


            But I shine the light on John Adams again… for he said in 1772: The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty." God is the only true source of wisdom and truth.  Let us place our trust only in HIM!






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MizP: Just a Minit – Ah thank hit’s kinda cool heah.

Homer: Cuz we’s a-tryin’ ta' freeze thangs…

BB: Whut is we tryin’ ta' freeze – hit ain’t summer time y’know.

Homer:  We’s tryin ta' guess whut Mr. Bamer’s goner say t’nite in th Union State message a comin’ up.

BB:  ER… who’s a-gonna win th’ futbawl game.  

MizP: There you go a-tawkin’ sports. We ladies don’t keer fer tha-ut.

BB: Miz Michelle Balcome from Minnesota got yelled at by Senater Speculater. 

MizP: The one frum Pecilvannie?

BB:  Oh he treated ruff but said he was a-treatin’ her like a lady.

MizP: If he’d a-treated me like tha-ut… I’da give him a whack wif m’ hanbag.

Jack:  Whats this all about ?

BB: Seems th’ two of ‘em – Mr. Specter and Miz Balcome

MizP: Wuz doin’ a radio program t’gether -- an Mr. Spectator. …

Homer: He’s switched parties ya know now a-bein’ a Demicrat.

MizP: An she’s th’ firs woman ta' reperzent Minnesota in th’ Congers…

BB: She’s a Christian lady an bin a-havin’ a hard time of hit…

MizP: That-ut ole Keith Olberham – he an Speculator a gangin’ up on Minnesoter’s firs woman                Congersperson … Ah tell you … hit ain’t ‘Merican.

Homer: Hit ain’t bein’ nice neither.

Jack: What about th’ freezing … ?

MizP: We heeah th’ Prezidint‘s freezin’ spendin’…

Homer: After he done run th’ bill waaaaay up yonder.

BB: An he don’t even start that piddlin bit ‘till nex year …

MizP: A-sailin’ under false pretences – thas whut hit is, Mr. Jack.

BB: Say one thang an do another.

Jack: But he hasn’t given the speech yet.

Homer: You know how leaky Warshington is…          

MizP: Nothing ain’t secret in Warshin’ton… ‘cept the meetin’s behin closed doors.

Jack: I guess we’ve all had enough of that.

BB: Masterchussetts done tole ‘em so.

Homer: They jist don’t git hit.

Jack: And we’ve got to get out… b‘cause time’s up – See you here Next Wednesday

               <> I’m Jack Buttram.



Jebco Editorial Service




Sunday, January 24, 2010

HOW TO CALM DOWN, WHEN YOU REALLY NEED TO -- Just A Minute Radio for Monday 01-25-10

            Good Monday to you faithful friends…


            Here we are kicking off another mid-January speculation match trying to figure out what’s going on.  I don’t really think anyone was preparing for what turned the apple cart over last Tuesday.  It’s a series of events that just threw the playbook out the window.  And for the last few days people have been running around Capitol Hill like Chicken Little. 


Last Monday was the day Congress returned after its extended Christmas/NewYear’s break. It seems like an awful long time ago when Senator Harry from Searchlight decided everyone got a Christmas present in the Senate by voting on shutting down the filibuster of the Republicans and proceeding to the hanging.  But the scene has shifted considerably since then. I don’t recall a time exactly like this when such a sea change has taken place over a vote… and that not in the Senate – this was a vote by the Massachusetts voters that no one really expected.  Now we have the waiting game to see what comes of it.


Next comes the Supreme Court with its ruling last week that turned over another applecart – that of campaign funding.  So…we’re on an entirely new playing field there… where the goalposts AND the sidelines have been moved, not to mention the new rules the Umpires. Linemen etc… are to enforce.  Nobody knows exactly how that is going to play out. But it’s being examined from all angles.


            If you throw in the ‘underwear’ bomber trying to bring down a plane on a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit – and the hurricane of charges, counter charges and overflowing stupidity -- mix in the continuing case of closing Guantanamo and/or doing something smart with the detainees, ice it all up with an election this fall that portends a lot – but nobody is ready to predict with any degree of certainty what -- it’s going to be a roller coaster year.


            Add all that to the volatile mix and the drubbing the stock market took last week on the possibility Fed Chairman Bernake may be turned out – almost totally unexpected – and you have a complete, marbleized upside down cake that no one knows just who is baking it, or who – besides the American tax payer – is paying for it?


            All of that just to point out there is one person who knows; knows that He knows… and knows we, who are His people and the sheep of His pasture, are confident of His ability to make it all fit together perfectly in order that His will be accomplished.  That is the confidence believing Christians have in the Word of God – the Bible – and those who want to live by it.  Otherwise it’s a piece of cake. (J)


            Cordially, IN HIM




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            Just A Minute – The Washington Post‘s Michael Gerson, tries to imagine the President managing his Tuesday night anger enough to wiggle out of the present dilemma.

          Gerson says the Tuesday vote, translated into national results, would have been a ‘blowout’ of Republican victories.  So what’s a President to do thwarted like this?

          Gerson sees three options, before the State of the Union speech: He can ignore the anger, embrace it, or try to blunt it.  Here are samples:

          Steny Hoyer, Pelosi’s Number two, says try to ram the Senate bill through as is… -- “Better than nothing…” he says.  Snorts of disbelief from Barney Frank.  Tuesday’s exit polls showed 52 percent don’t like it.

            Running backwards to embrace what he just denounced looks foolish.  He’s not a good populist.  Does making fun of Brown’s pickup truck strike you as smart?

          How about throwing Pelosi and Reid under the bus?  It’s already crowded there but Gerson says unless he blunts some anger, he abandons the idea of governing. 

          I agree… right now it looks like he’s stuck with trying to herd cats.

          <> I’m Jack Buttram



Jebco Editorial Service




Thursday, January 21, 2010

HOW'S THAT AGAIN MADAM SPEAKER? - Just a Minute Radio for 01-22-10

            Howdy on Friday – AGAIN!


            I’m glad it’s here… it’s been a *very heavy* news week with the earthquake in Haiti – aftershocks – and the aftershocks from the Voterquake in the Bay State that pried a Senate seat out of the Democrat Party’s hands for  the first time in more than 50 years. Teddy’s brother was President and his other brother in DC was Attorney General when the third Kennedy brother went to the Senate.  Yeah…. I’m for tradition and all that – but I’m also for reality.  Realizing we are *all* in the same boat.  Sinners… and only as we are ‘saved by Grace’ as the Bible accurately says – do we have any claim to righteousness – and that is totally in response to the salvation offered by Christ.


            Sorry if that strikes someone as intolerant… it isn’t but, in America you’re entitled to have your opinion.  I’m just amazed, quite frankly, at the slippery, sliding, bell-curve scale we use to measure people by. It’s atrocious.  Former Senator Edwards … is he any worse than someone who crashes a car with a young girl into a tidal stream and leaves her there.  I’m not the judge.  You’re not the judge.  God is the judge and HE judges righteously.  Therefore it behooves us to attend to the words He has left us, obey them, and when we fail – as we all will on our own, that’s our nature, -- beg forgiveness in the way in which God provides.


            I’m not writing a theological textbook here, and I certainly allow for differences in how we understand what God says through the Scriptures – but there are certain things that demand repentance, confession, forsaking and restitution – far too much for me or for most of us to fully comprehend in a lifetime of trying.  But it’s not unattainable!  Salvation is freely offered and available to all who will believe.  All the same, as King David can tell you – in the Bible – there are some things irreversible.  That’s reality – that’s the truth.


            It wasn’t my intent to go there today – but in doing the research for today’s program I ran across so much crazy, inconsistent, downright wrong thinking and expression… well it just came out.  Write me about it if you like. I’ll do my best to answer every letter.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just A MinuteSpeaker Nancy Pelosi, regaining her equilibrium after the Massachusetts voters fired a strong shot across the Democrat leadership’s bow on Tuesday.  Now she says she lacks the votes to ram the Senate's version of health-care reform, through the House.           

She did not address the idea of ‘swallowing’ the Senate’s version at all.  It contains several ‘poison-pills’ for conservatives and “blue dog” Democrats while rendering a devastating blow to President Obama’s lynchpin issue. 

          Pelosi, whose Democrat seat in San Francisco is apparently not under threat, spoke to reporters after House Democrats held another closed-door session during which several members reportedly ranted in frustration with the Senate's version.

Her apparent acquiescence, practically means hope is on the ropes for an  immediate White House-effort to ram the Senate version through the lower chamber.  She said rather, (quote) it’s time to ‘pause and reflect.’  That’s a far cry from her earlier assurance votes would swing in her favor.  "I don't see the votes for it at this time," She said…

My comment… Praise the Lord for His answer.

          <> I’m Jack Buttram

          Jebco Editorial Service





Wednesday, January 20, 2010

SEA-CHANGE OR PERFECT STORM? -- Just a Minute Radio for Wed. 01-20-10

            Great day in the mornin’ folks…


            A seismic event in the political world occurred last evening. You remember there was to be a special election in Massachusetts yesterday.  It was the special election that turned into the *really special* election – and by now I’m guessing most of you have heard about it if you follow politics at all – and these days we all need to be interested in what’s happening to us.


            By 9 PM EST last evening the die was cast.  Despite President Obama’s most diligent efforts to shore up the candidacy of Mrs. Coakley in MA… she went down to defeat by a seven point margin in the contest to see who would occupy the Senate seat of the late Senator Ted Kennedy.  It wasn’t totally unexpected – but has caused a tidal wave of Tsunami proportions in the American political scene.  I won’t bore you with the details which is all over all the news media.  What I believe *is* important is one of the vital things about America. When the people are willing and able to express their will – they WILL be heard. And last night was, as far as I can tell, a political shot that compares favorably with the one heard in Concord MA more than 200 years ago, when the Colonists declared their independent right to have a government that responds to their needs and wishes.


            The ramifications of this defeat are wide ranging and will be felt nationwide as well as world-wide I think.  Further, I believe it was a definite statement by the electors of – as I heard last evening a dozen times – “the bluest of the blue states.” Which is to say… it was NOT the expected result of the Obama Administration.


            Things are now in a tangle that will take weeks or months to comb out – and as far as I can see, it is a healthy reaction to a very misguided and dangerous course Mr. Obama and his crew had set for the Nation.  Now we need to pray for alertness and competence to ask the Lord’s blessing on our Nation as it tries to recover its equilibrium.  Please note the citizens of Massachusetts are not the villains.  They are worthy citizens.  But we have experienced a near brush with major problems in our country – most of which still have to be solved.  I praise the Lord this is possibly the first step toward righting our course – and preserving our freedoms.  May the Lord be glorified.


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack & Barbara Buttram


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Homer: Just a Minit – Mr. Jack – Hit’s done bin done.

Jack: What’s that Homer – you’re talking about the President?

Homer: I shore am.

BB: Yep –  Jist a year ago we got us a new ‘un Mr. J… but now he’s got a new scrip on his       tell-e-prompter.

MizP: Mr. Jack, th’ fellers over at Earl ‘n’ Lester’s Bait Shop an Sushi Bar  say he’s done hit          a homer.

Homer: Yep, frum whut happened I b’leve he done hit one clean out’n th’ park. 

Jack: Don’t get too far ahead of yourself.  There’s a lot of ground to be covered yet.

MizP: Mr. Jack las year when  they was inagguratin th’ new Prez you said sumpin’ I             r’member.

Jack: What’s that MIz Pearl?

MizP: You said hit took Prezdint Carter three years ta' git inta th’ maylaze …

Homer: But you said you thought Mr. Obama could do hit a lot quicker.

BB: And hit turns out tha’s whut done happened.

Jack: Look, it’s one election.  It’s an important change … sort of a sea change I think…

BB: Ah thank hit’s more like one of them T’sunami waves…

MizP: Er a earthquake… an we all bin seein’ whut tha’uts like.

Homer: Ah jist hope summa th’ thangs that has been put in place this year can be    


MizP: You mean like th’ bank bail-outs…

BB: And Cash fer Klunkers? 

Homer: Air they a-gonna have a ree-tire-mint party fer Sen. Reid.

MizP: Well, whut about Miz Nancy frum San Francisco…?

Jack: Forget that -- I think Christians praying is what really turned the tide

MizP: Ah was jist about ta' say tha-ut Mr. Jack – Now we needs ta' give thanks.

Jack: Indeed we do.  And we’ll have to sayy so long also – until next Wednesday.

              <> I’m Jack Buttram 



Jebco Editorial Service





Sunday, January 17, 2010

WHAT MOST PEOPLE WON'T SEE -- Just A Minute Radio for Monday 01-18-10

            Here we are at the beginning of another *exciting* week in the history of our Republic.


            Despite the best efforts of the Democrats to turn the Senate into a rubber-stamp legislative body for their Party, certain circumstances keep getting in their way.  This time it’s the obstinate unpredictability of the “freedom from being intimidated” that characterizes  the American voter.


            Replacing Edward (Teddy) Kennedy in the Senate was supposed to be a shoo-in for the Democrats. After all they’d not sent anything except Democrats to the Senate since oh … about 1992…  Now all of a sudden, a conservative sounding State Senator named Scott Brown threatens to upset the Bay State’s Winesap cart… (Winesap is a hearty old-time New England favorite apple – not as popular as it used to be – but one that keeps well through the winter… You probably wouldn’t know that if you didn’t run a small apple orchard like my Auburn Alum graduate in Ag Engineering… did.)


            How does growing apples figure in holding on to the Republic?


            Well, MA (as the P.O. likes to abbreviate it) has a history of thwarting the British at Bunker Hill… alerting the Concord Minute-Men to the arrival of the Red Coats – and finally of shaking off the short-leash which the King of the U.K. kept “The Colonies” on, hampering their ability to engage in commerce or most anything else without royalty’s permission. Well.. we won’t go there today. (J)


            So when the Democrats decided to pass a government mandated health bill come whatever and high water… it rankled the old style American blood that still flows in the veins of American blue-bloods… who formed their own militias to be able to stand up when the ‘across the pond’ militias decided to tell them, down to the scruples, how to run their country.


            OK… so that’s a mangled bit of American history… but it has veins of *truth* buried in there.  You’re familiar with enough of it to sort it out.  Sometimes our Courts – and particularly our Congress tends to lose its way – not even mentioning the Executive Branch.  Then, as Ben Franklin, George Washington, James Madison and a host of others decided – along with John Handcock, who wrote his name large enough so the King could read it without his specs – crafted a Declaration of Independence… and a Constitution with its attendant Bill of Rights for American Citizens that has stood the test of time over a two hundred plus year history.  We’re thankful – and we’re still workin’ on it… so…

DON’T TREAD ON ME still flies in New Hampshire… and don’t forget it!


            Well… enough ‘harmonizing’ for this day… Let’s see what news develops by Wednesday when we visit again with the crowd at the BAIT SHOP AND SUSHI BAR not too far from the Caroliner Line…


            We’ll be lookin’ fer you too…


            Cordially, Jack  plus Billy-Bob an Frens.


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Just A MinuteAll eyes are on the special Massachusetts’ election tomorrow – except it’s not an election, it’s a Boston street brawl, between Big Labor and everybody else.  If Mr. Brown does go to Washington in place of the hand-picked union candidate – it’ll kick the 60 vote dictate imposed by the AFL-CIO on their bought party -- the Democrats -- in the ashcan.

The polls I’ve seen are so close they’re statistically insignificant.  The recent gubernatorial victories in New Jersey and Virginia have sent the Democrats and labor bosses on 24 hour total red alert.  Union Bosses have mobilized a juggernaught to turn out their vote that’s not been seen since the days of Hitler’s Blitzkrieg. 

But if Republican State Senator Scott Brown can win this, he’ll instantly become Harry Reid’s nemesis, and win the Tea-Bagger’s Medal of Honor.  The hair-thin poll totals so far have sent serious chills among Democrats that could cause vote-switching.  Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank predicts if Brown wins, it’ll kill the Health Bill.

Our best course is to pray.

<> I’m Jack Buttram

Jebco Editorial Service




Saturday, January 9, 2010

AN URGING TO 'THINK FASTER' IS WRONG -- Just A Minute Radio for Friday Jan. 15th 2010

            Howdy folks… it’s FRIDAY! 


            Just a couple of weeks till Groundhog Day… and perhaps we’ll get a whiff of Spring – which as I understand the sentiment -- will be most welcome.  But perhaps we’re just getting soft. (J)


            I’m remembering some years back when I had to fill out an analysis of our radio station’s programming every three years and turn it in to the FCC – Federal Communications Commission.  Things have changed a lot since then. It use to be one owner could not own both a newspaper and a radio station in the same market area. Then as regulation loosened up – we get to the situation we’re in today in which there are a whole lot more stations… but many fewer owners… and media is more plentiful on the one hand but more in the hands of fewer people.


            All that just to note, the world doesn’t stand still. Society is ever shifting along with whatever we call ‘culture’ in these days… so old guys like me are always most likely decrying what’s going on in society. 


            However, I do see areas of improvement.  We have more churches today serious about helping people… and America by most any standard, is one of the most generous, if not *the* most generous nation on the planet.  Trouble is it’s not always to good effect.


            I’m also encouraged to see there are new ideas on the educational front.  Charter schools are making headway, even though the two major teacher’s unions do all they can to hold back anything that does not have their imprimatur.  That’s sort of sad. You’d think teachers would be the most enlightened class… and perhaps they are … it’s just the NEA and AFT manage to cover it over so thoroughly.  In any case, progress and enlightenment do manage to make notable progress in spite of their opponents.


            I better go get my advocacy license renewed soon by the Department of Correct Thinking – I believe that’s coming along soon.  I probably won’t be a leading light there. (L)


            Anyway… glad to be back… looking forward to the Spring. 


            Cordially, IN HIM




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          Just a Minute – In all his TV appearances last week, the President jumped on the National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) and the CIA.  For the first time, the President used the phrase “We are at war…” and in his most  overbearing manner, ordered both agencies to speed up and develop quicker ways of pursuing leads to potential terrorists.

          In simpler language, he could have said: “Hurry up and connect the dots.”          Responding to the President, Mark Lowenthal, CIA's assistant director for analysis between ‘02 and ‘05, said: "You can't ask analysts to think faster.  And the president's solution to have analysts share more information sooner is only going to exacerbate the problem that got us into this flap in the first place."

          Apparently, the President is feeling the heat of the spotlight – which calls up a quote attributed to another Democrat, President Harry S. Truman: “If you can’t stand the heat – stay out of the kitchen.”

          Attempting to deflect Republican criticism, the President resorts to sloganeering – “I want citizenship not partisanship. “

          Mr. President, it’s a little late for that.

<> I’m Jack Buttram

Jebco Editorial Service
