Wednesday, November 26, 2008

THE PLYMOUTH COLONY -- Just a Minute for Friday 11-28-08

            It’s my hope you aren’t in that crush of people looking to spend their diminished hoard of silver on stuff they are not sure they really need – and by this time next year may wish they’d saved a bit more….


            But human nature being what it is – if we give in to it… we’re probably out there with the rest of humanity… but it need not be so.


            Yesterday, forgetful me, I didn’t think to tell you of the first time I remember hearing the poem THE LANDING OF THE PILGRIM FATHERS. We only have time for a part of Felecia Hemans’ very famous poem. She was born in Liverpool, which is a well known seaport in Great Britain. Undoubtedly she saw ships coming and going in that harbor. She never came to America – and was a sort of mid-level famous poet in her day. She passed away in Ireland and is buried in Dublin according to the information I have.


            Dr. Bob Jones, Jr. – the President of Bob Jones University in the 50’s when I worked at WMUU AM after graduating from the University – and some time in the late 50’s or early 60’s the University was invited to provide a program for ABC radio’s Thanksgiving schedule. Several musical numbers were recorded and I happened to be the recording engineer when Dr. Bob recorded THE LANDING OF THE PILGRIM FATHERS. I thought it was a descriptive and inspirational poem then that caught the essence of the heroism involved in that hardy band who weathered the difficult voyage and wintering on the Massachusetts coast.


            Anyway, it has remained in my memory as a part of my Thanksgiving – even more so than turkey and cranberrys – which by the way the Indians called ‘crane berries’ since the water fowl were very fond of them also.


            I trust your family had a good time yesterday – and will enjoy the rest of the holiday season Thanksgiving sort of kicks off. I’m thankful to be an American – and I hope you are too.


            Cordially, IN HIM





ãJebco (Prepared for air on11-28-08PlymouthColony)



               JUST A MINUTE – According to commercial lore this “black Friday” is when sales make or break into the black – But back in 1620 when the Mayflower first encountered the Massachusetts coast things were awfully black also.

          It’s hard to even imagine the difficulties of the sea voyage that brought these hardy souls from exile in Britain via Holland. They had a difficult time with the ships and supplies as well as the weather and New England winter which made its start even more miraculous. There’s plenty of history in the Library as well as the Internet that can be of interest to children and adults alike.

          What startling is that only 4 of the 18 women who survived – totally only 53 out of 102 adventurers saw Spring come. Just a few houses in the planned village were built during that harsh winter. Had it not been for God’s miraculous provision of a Native American who spoke English learned from fishermen, they most likely would have perished.

          Every Thanksgiving every American has reason to praise the Lord for HIS miraculous provision for our beginnings.

<> I’m Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service





THANKSGIVING TRADITION - WMUU - for Thursday Nov. 27th 2008

            Happy Thanksgiving Folks –


            Be careful. Not too much turkey or the rest of the day will be uncomfortable.


            Thanksgiving is my most favorite holiday. There’s pressure to be sure… get the turkey, fix the turkey, mash the potatoes – be sure the cranberry sauce is fixed that special way – along with some pearl onions with shelled peanuts in a white sauce (another tradition we’ve picked up along the way) and some fresh-baked dill bread. (I don’t know just when these came into our menu) but we have a daughter in love – who started us on the dill bread I think. And the Pearl onions mixed with the peanuts was a dish added by Barb’s Mother – Marie – long since with her Lord – and we still miss her but with the sure knowledge we’ll all be re-united IN HIM before long.


            Well – you see how quickly I get off the track.


            Getting the program ready and all the rest of it becomes a little bit of a bind… but nothing like Christmas… and I seem to enjoy it more each year because it is a bit more relaxed and family friendly – even though getting our family together has become more of a challenge over these many years. Five children – four additional families – thirteen grandchildren with several of them married and now *five* great grandchildren… none of whom we’ll see this Thanksgiving. But… The Lord knows how we miss them all.


            Barbara has a brother who lives in Florida – facing some surgery sometime soon… I have a brother who lives in Virginia and we each talk on the phone with our siblings at a marathon length when we sitdown to have a chat. So that’s good. It’s *all* good -- the Lord has blessed us and for that we are thankful. I hope you’re in a similar circumstance. But perhaps you aren’t especially as the years pile up.


            May I just remind you of this… Barb and I just read it this morning in a little devotional book called “The Daily Light.”  A verse --  “The Lord delights in you.” – is found in Isaiah 62:4 --  You have [or can have] a friend who ‘sticketh closer than a brother” [Proverbs 18:4b] – There’s always a resource in God and HIS word the Bible. If you don’t have one… contact me through the radio station and I’ll see if I can’t make arrangements to get you one.


            Most of all, may you have a Blessed Thanksgiving with the Lord and your Family.


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack and Barbara Buttram







It’s our Thanksgiving tradition – to hear a portion of The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers  by Felecia Hemans


The breaking waves dashed high
On a stern and rock-bound coast,
 When a band of Pilgrims moored their bark
On the wild New England shore.


Not as the conqueror comes,
They, the true-hearted, came;
Not with the roll of the stirring drums,
And the trumpet that sings of fame:


Amidst the storm they sang,
And the stars heard, and the sea;
And the sounding aisles of the dim woods rang
To the anthem of the free.


Why had they come to wither there,
What sought they thus afar?
Bright jewels of the mine?
 They sought a faith's pure shrine!


Ay, call it holy ground,
The soil where first they trod;
They have left unstained what there they found,
Freedom to worship God.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving  -- I’m Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service
























WHAT WE ARE THANKFUL FOR - Just A Minute for Wednesday 11-26-08

Howdy Folks…


Almost Turkey time. But we’ve already had two helpings… Oh well… just a *little* bit more.  This is a rather perplexing time of year. I wish we could slice off a bit of the anticipation and move it over into January when we seem to be lacking much to look forward to.


I keep proposing we do away with January. Among other things it would eliminate my birthday and so – dividing my age by 4 I’d come out in my late teens… Well… I don’t know if I want to go *that* far back. But getting back to Jack Benny’s favorite age – “39 and holding” would be pleasant if we didn’t have to go through all the intermediate illnesses again. Once is enough… But eliminating one January and replacing it with another June might be a nice swap. J


Tomorrow’s a big day. I always feel sorry for my wife. She cannot resist having a Thanksgiving Dinner…and then we need to have as much family as we can assemble – and this year it’s going to be a bit sparse with some in HI – some in WV and even the ones in SC have ‘other family obligations’ this year. So…it’s often feast or fast.  This year we’ll have four – no five family (I almost forgot a grandchild she’s so grown up now) and a couple of less fortunate kids who don’t have other family to go to.  We should have a good day. And then there’s the lefovers… and the clean-up. I resolve to be a BIG help.


I’ll be here tomorrow – even if it’s not live. But we pray you have a Blessed Thanksgiving--join us for our traditional Thanksgiving one minute version of ‘THE LANDING OF THE PILGRIMS’ at the usual times tomorrow.  We love to have you drop by here at 94.5 on the FM dial for the whole day.


Cordially, IN HIM







MizP:  Jist a Minit – Homer, whut’s the news frum Warshington?

Homer– Well I ain’t heered direc from th’ Office of the Prezidint Elec. Yet.

BB: They ain’t a-tellin’ yew whut they want yew ta' do?

MizP: Now Billie … this is Playfair -- hit’s Thanksgivin’ – an that’s Warshington.

BB: Yeah but hit ain’t perlite ta' keep a feller on tenter hooks …

Homer: I ain’t heered nothin’ yet ‘cept he wants me ta' hep with gittin these extra Senaters


BB: He does huh?

MizP: He don’t want yew ta' come up air b’fore Thanksgivin’?

Homer: No… he jist needs more money fer ta' finish up ‘lectin Senaters in

               Georgia an Minnesota.

BB: We’s anxisous to know what you’re a-gonna be  doin?

Homer: Ah’m goin’ over ta' Momma’s fer Thanksgivin’.

MizP: O course you are –

BB: We jist wants to know if’n you gonna be in th’ Eisenhower building, er…

Homer: Georgia I thank – huh huh...Ah thank he needs…  money.

MizP: Money?

Homer: Hep git these fellers over th’ top.

BB: Tell him ta' hit up George Soros er sumbody else rich.

MizP: But rite now we’s wantin’ ta' wish everbody a Blessed Thanksgivin

BB: An have a good fambly time like we’s plannin’ ta' do.

Jack: Let me add my good wishes … and we’ll see you all next week – Happy Thanksgiving!

               <> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service






Tuesday, November 25, 2008


            Howdy Friends and family…


            Great to be with you again. Seems like the time just spins by – as the old dog song goes – “You just get up and it’s time to lay down” – Life gets ‘tedious don’t it.


            Well, not if you’re concentrating… and just seeing how the Lord can and will lead you. We had two very illuminating services at our church this weekend… and I renewed my appreciation for Pastors who spend the time and effort in the Word of God to attempt to show us how complex and at the same time, how good God is. Yes, of course I’m aware of times when we wonder what’s going on… and how does this illness or closed door fit into God’s plan. But I’m finding out when I pay attention and closely examine how the Lord has lead me and guided me – and worked out things not only for good, but for the very best…. Well it gets pretty amazing and I’m so pleased we have God’s servants all around us – different people with different talents and gifts – but all fitted by the Lord into a perfect tapestry that glorifies HIM and the plan HE has for us.


            It just makes me thankful all over again. I had the opportunity to visit Monday with a group of folks who have traveled many miles along life’s road… and it was such a blessing to be with them. Yes there are illnesses and pain and loss… but for those who are genuinely committed to understanding what God has for them – I’m just happy to be around them – and I hope you have that kind of experience too.


            My preference in holidays will be here in a day or two – because it tends to be a family gathering and sometimes we can dial back the pressures that seem to surround Christmas. Perhaps this year with the economic problems that seem to be rampant… we’ll see more of what Christmas is all about and less of the tinsel and materialism that often crowds out who Christ is and why He came to earth. I like it – this time – when we can give our thoughts to HIM.


            Cordially, IN HIM







JUST A MINUTE: We are going to break with political news today! -- Let’s talk turkey from Renee S. Ferguson for 14 years she’s been the Butterball Turkey Talk-Line expert – these are actual questions she has had to answer:

Can you eat a turkey that hasn't been refrigerated in three days. (BB:Short answer: No!)

Can you deep-fry a frozen turkey. (BB: Short answer: No!)

Can you use an old nylon to stuff the turkey. (Short answer: Ew! No!)

Here’s breaking news from the campaign trail.

BB: I thought you wasn’t going to have any po-litical news.

Jack: I forgot –  Oh but this can’t wait: Al Gore is hitting the campaign trail again… in 2008, and the newspapers are using the same headline as they did in 1988, 1992, 1996 and 2000.

BB: Well, ah’m glad we din’t miss that.  Anything else?

Jack: Oh FOX News reports the secret to longevity is: “A little science and a LOT of healthy living.

BB: That all now?

Jack: Scientists are trying to teach robots and humans how to get along.

BB: OK… Mr. Jack, Mebbe you oughtta siddown.  Ah…We’ll be back tomorrow folks. Ah’m Billy Bob – So Long.  (END)

Jebco Editorial Service




Sunday, November 23, 2008


            Hello again… it’s Monday… and we’re going to continue examining education – particularly for teachers.


            DC public schools have long ranked as one of the worst performing districts in the nation… in fact it has been THE worst up until the current DC mayor picked Michelle Rhee and made her Chancellor of District Schools.


            She had the reputation of an iron-lady reformer interested in results – and especially interested in the education the children were attaining. She found a mess in the DC schools. She’s been there a year – and I won’t go through the statistics… but they are in the nature of a major shake-up.  She’s closed something like 27 failing schools… replaced a dozen or more principals who don’t meet the standards and proposed a new pay scale which is giving the teacher’s union a nightmare.


            Ms. Rhee says teachers can opt for a pay scale about 10 percent higher than the present one, which can double their take home pay in a matter of just a few years IF they will give up tenure. – Tenure, in the education world, is attaining a level at which you can’t be fired. They can choose the higher pay with its higher standards or stick with the tenured system if they wish, but pay wise, they are likely to be left behind.


            This causes smoke to come out of the ears of the NEA personnel also located in DC. Well… the lady came to improve the system and it looks like she’s dead set to do it. Let’s check back in a few months. I wish her well for the benefit of the DC school kids!


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack Buttram





JUST A MINUTE: OK – since I’m in the woodshed already, I might as well go ahead and point out Washington DC – up to very recent history – the school district, 100 percent empowered by the U.S. Government, is the worst performing one in the nation… that is UNTIL DC Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee came along.

She’s fired tenured teachers – closed poorly performing schools, replaced failing principals and, horror of horrors, she told the profs they may opt for a newly increased pay raise IF they’ll give up tenure – or they can slog along at a lower rate, opposing her. And the message is sinking in.

Tenure – getting to where you ‘can’t be fired’ in educational circles is the
holy grail. Chancellor Rhee is causing educational earthquakes, but they expect to see tremendous improvement in the DC schools, which up to now have been horrible – and she threatens to shake up the whole educational establishment.

I can only say ‘more power to her’ may her tribe increase.
And may it rub off on some of our closer-to-home education administrators.

<> I’m Jack Buttram



Jebco Editorial Service





Thursday, November 20, 2008


            Howdy – well Friday’s here again… and it’s been a week with some cold weather.         


            Some things have fared better than others. Our gas furnace newly installed in the middle of the last heating season is working to perfection. Just like clockwork. That’s encouraging.


            One of our public school establishment figures has pronounced the ‘distracting debate’ over how private educational efforts may or may not be conducted, has attempted to interpret some school funding referenda around the State as a mandate to ignore any further discussion of vouchers or credits or anything else that might touch sacred ‘public monopoly’ schools – and I don’t think the many private schools in the State – not to mention the several thousand who are home-schooled, want to be told to ‘siddown and shaddup’ – for that seems to be the tone of his message.


            So today JUST A MINUTE does the second half of a commentary on that issue. Scripts are available at this web site… one is posted right below or there are links where you can download the one from yesterday and today if you wish. I’m not trying to irritate public school advocates – but I’m just a little put out they want to treat people who may prefer private over public education for various reasons as those whose opinions are not worthy to be heard in the public square.


            I’d urge you, you if you have a strongly felt concern about public vs. private education to courteously and with respect, let your opinion be known to your local officials, both educational and governmental. One point especially needs to be emphasized. Public or private schools are established for the benefit and education of the students, not empire building or ego satisfaction of anyone else… including Administrators.


            As the current economic melt-down is illustrating, even businesses and other institutions tend to become top heavy and inefficient – they get toppled or turned out by more industrious or dedicated individuals.  That’s true in almost any business, industry or even charities. It’s part of the human condition and especially governments need to have a housecleaning and trimming down to eliminate wasted motion and ‘bridges to nowhere.’


            Have a great weekend.


            Cordially, IN HIM






JUST A MINUTE: Yesterday I told Dr. Paul Krohne, head of the South Carolina School Boards Association his reactionary opposition to private education – in the form of vouchers, tax credits, and Charter Schools – which are also public schools – harms his advocacy.

When the “public school” monopoly stomp on parents’ passion to claim the best education possible for their children – there is bound to be increased heat without more light. May I respectfully suggest professional public school educators have it engraved inside their eyelids that schools exist for the benefit of the students, not the Administration. Unless that concept becomes totally impressed on their consciousness they will be forever at odds with parents and taxpayers – inevitably saddled with the costs administrators entertain.

You would be wise to abandon the thought, expressed in Job 12 vs 2 : “No doubt but ye are the people and wisdom shall die with you.”

Dr. Krohne, do you really believe you are appointed to tell all parents in South Carolina they,”are done with this debate.”?

<> I’m Jack Buttram



Jebco Editorial Service





NEVER MIND THE PARENTS -- WE KNOW BEST! - Just a Minute Radio for 11-20-08 Thursday

Howdy Again Folks –


It’s movin’ on time here at the ranch… and today we take on one of the big old bulls… EDUCATION!


This subject seems to be a lightning rod and people get riled up easy. Today I kick off a two-parter – because it all just won’t fit in one… So be sure to tune in to both parts for the full Technicolor picture.


Somehow even public school people get their head screwed on wrong about Charter Schools.  Here a week or two ago we had public school people ‘disinviting’ Charter School administrators and I don’t know who else, NOT to show up at their meeting that would be explaining what was coming down the pike in new courses and what not. This statement was included in a memo – “We aren’t recruiters for Charter Schools…” etc.


So the Governor wrote to the State Supt. Of Education to suggest to him they are all working for the same employer and should be cooperating. I think they got the message – with the possible exception of the Executive Director of the SC Association of School Boards Dr. Paul Krohne EdD. – who wrote a column carried in the ‘GREENVILLE NEWS on Wednesday saying by their votes for school funding in about six places in South Carolina the public has spoken and we all should put away the discussion of vouchers or credits or anything that “distracts” from public schools. He said: South Carolinians are done with that debate.”


So… today and tomorrow’s Just a Minute will try to dispute that distraction. I hope you’ll listen and invite friends to listen because having a goodly number of options of how to accomplish the best education for South Carolina’s children certainly ought to be near or on the top of every public servant’s to-do list.


I’ll talk about it some more tomorrow… Meanwhile rally round.


Cordially, IN HIM







JUST A MINUTE: The public school monopolists are at the gates again. Wednesday’s Greenville News carried a war cry by Dr. Paul Krohne, head of the South Carolina School Boards Association opposing non-public education. He cites passage of certain tax referenda as evidence we should (quote): …” dispense – with fruitless, distracting discussions about private school vouchers … that have distracted … the education debate in our state…” He blames the Governor and (quote) “wealthy outsiders” adding, South Carolinians are done with this debate.”

May I say to the good Doctor – I’m a South Carolinian. The three ladies in my immediate family are or have been public and private school educators. I have children and grandchildren who are products of both public, private and home schools and we are definitely not done with this discussion.

Everybody wants good schools but not a public NEA-type monopoly. Continual pleas for more funds brings New York State to spending an unsustainable $28,000 per pupil per year – while housing a building full of idle and incorrigible teachers they cannot fire. We don’t want to go there.

          I’ll have more to say tomorrow. <> I’m Jack Buttram



Jebco Editorial Service




Wednesday, November 19, 2008


            Howdy folks…


It’s what they call ‘hump’ day. If you think of a week like a traffic hump in a road or a rail yard… its as far from one end as the other… it’s as far away from Sunday as it is from Saturday. So how does that make you feel?  Anyway…


            We have an interesting situation developing at the Bait Shop and Sushi Bar on the Caroliner line in Playfair. Homer has a letter – and it’s from the office of the President – Elect Himself. So Homer’s all excited. I’m sure you’ll want to hear the program or listen in. – It’s also on the audio track link if you like to get the program that way. The main thing is the excitement.


            Somehow I think the main thing being the excitement has obscured some other things: For instance I heard one ‘actuality’ program in which the majority of the voters they interviewed did not know which political party claimed Mr. Obama as a member. Now that’s a pretty high confusion index especially since the campaign for the Presidency has been going on for most of two years back when the primary season was just beginning.


            It may sound strange to say it out loud… but I’m NOT for these campaigns that just plead for everyone to get out and vote no matter what. What I’d rather hear is vote… but vote responsibly. If you can’t do that then I don’t particularly want you messing up what the rest of us are trying to do in selecting a good and responsible, reasonable government.


            Oops… I’m off on another subject. Just tune in or listen to the audio track to see how excited Miz Pearlie and the rest, over Obama’s letter that came today.  Thanks for stopping by.


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack Buttram





Homer: Jist a Minit – Mr. Jack, lookie here at this letter I got from the

Office of the Prezidint Elec.

MizP: Frum Mr. Obama?

Homer: Frum Prezidint – Elec Obama – an he says they want me ta' come to Washinton.

BB: Heah… lemme look at tha-ut – (pause) hit looks offishul.

MizP: Oh jist thank… I’ll know sumbody in th’ White House.

Homer: Well I ain’t there yet.

BB: Hit says here this transition spechul office ain’t there at Pennsylvania Avenue.

MizP: Course not… he ain’t been Nagurated yet…


Jack: Congratulations, Homer.

MizP: How did they pick you, Homah?

Homer: I reckon they was a-listenin’ when we took th’ straw vote.

BB: An you was th’ onliest  Obama vote …

MizP: I member tha-ut.

Homer: Ah thought he needed some frens.

Jack: They say the comptition’s pretty stiff.

BB: So what’s the job they want yer foah?

Homer: Ah don’t ritely know yet.

MizP: Ah’m sure hit’s sumpin impawtint.

BB: Oh indubbitabully.

Jack: Good wishes for you, Homer.

Homer: Thankee Mr. Jack… I’ve gotta hurry.

BB: What’s the big rush.

Homer: I need a new pair of overalls.

MizP: Homer, I need ta tawk to you first.

Jack: And we’re out of time… see you next week – I’m Jack Buttram.




Jebco Editorial Service









Monday, November 17, 2008

DON'T LOOK OVER *MY* SHOULDER! - Just A Minute for Tuesday 11-18-08

Howdy Again…


Brrr… got so cold outside last night my dog Emma’s ears needed defrosting. (I warm ‘em up with my hands. ‘Global warming’ where are you when needed?) So far I’ve not convinced the last 15 percent of the leaves to let go – so we can get on with cleaning the gutters, grinding up the mulch for the lawn and flower beds and getting ready for the *really cold* weather the Old Farmer’s Almanac says is on the way. 


The Snow Belt up around Buffalo to Cleveland, has had its first real visit from the snow “dumper” – ten inches they report in some places. Are you glad you don’t live *there*? We had a consulting client in Sun City, Arizona a few years back and I really got amused at some of the desert landscaping out that way. (They say a two-inch rain means the drops are two inches apart.) But one neighbor was really imaginative in the winter. He manufactured a wooden-cutout snowman, holding a gold-painted snow-shovel in one hand and a sign in the other that said: HO HO HO – NO SNOW!  It stood near his front sidewalk.           


Like the old poem says: “Why do things seem sweeter, when we possess them not.”


The Union Bosses are pushing once again for the “Card Check” to be imposed on the big three automakers, who they also want to bail out with our tax dollars. That effort used to be called The Check-off back in 1963 when we were living and working in Spartanburg – it was the same deal only then at least the unions had to get a majority of the workers to sign a card without having to have a formal vote – essentially it’s the same deal today – and just as un-democratic. But the Democrat party is so much in debt to the Union Bosses they support it -- never mind the deleterious effect it has on new businesses coming in and creating jobs.


Ah well… we’re going to have a wonderful time.  The Democrats are going to give us a short course in why we vote the way we do. Did I say short…? Well it could be four years – but if we study hard and, do our homework, we could cut it back to two.


