Wednesday, November 12, 2008

THE COFFEE'S ON; THE LEAVES ARE BEAUTIFUL - Just A Minute Radio for Wednesday 11-12-08

            Hello once again from the middle of the week…


            Things are going along just as we thought they might… I keep hearing the phrase ‘buy on the rumor – sell on the news’ – and have no practical experience but it sounds very chancy to me – somewhat like the chants I heard actors playing sailors at a crap game incant before rolling the dice. --  But maybe I’m mistaken.                     

            Seems like we’re on a rickety roller coaster with nobody at the controls – and the supposed experts in the game of ‘economics’ have misplaced their rule book… if ever there was one. Perhaps people have fooled around with the game so much it no longer obeys the rules…


My Dad was invited by a group of cousins on their way to New York to invest in a game called “Play the Market.” It was going to rival Monopoly which had proven to make everyone who participated in it a Millionaire. Well… he didn’t and it didn’t either. So for years we had this one game of “Play the Market” that was too complicated for kids to understand and apparently grown ups too… rattling around the house. But my Dad had successfully avoided losing any money in the game. He’d told the cousins… “The Buttram condition in trading seems to be wrapped up in the motto BUY HIGH:SELL LOW.”


So we lost our chance (a failed one as it turns out) to be millionaires – in fake money. Why do I get this feeling I’m seeing the game played over again with big shots who seem also to have lost the rule book and are bent on making us a nation of paupers?


            Anyway… I see Sarah Palin has a TV friend in Greta Van Sustern – who has been to Alaska twice now, to get Sarah’s side of her story unfiltered by Katie or Charlie. I wish her all the best. The sun doesn’t finish its northward journey until mid-December. Perhaps after the Winter Solstice we’ll begin to get some relief – and possibly someone can get word to Mike Huckabee that we’d just as soon everybody lay off the campaigning for at least three years. Wait till Labor Day of 2012.


            Cordially, IN HIM







MizP: Jist a Minit – Mr. Jack, What about the ‘lection?

Jack: Ah it’s a beautiful day Miz Pearl – the leaves are totally beautiful.

MizP: You’ah changin’ th’ subject.

Homer: At’s rite Mr. Jack. What about the…

Jack: Coffee? It’s never been better.

BB: So what happened?

Jack: Well, the Blues and the Reds got kinda mixed up.

BB: An that means what?

Jack: It means Mr. Obama is the President elect – and we shall all have a long time

               to contemplate what that means.

MizP: An a long time to be a-prayin’ about hit I reckon.

Homer: I reckon so too – Well th’ fellers over at th’ Bait Shop and Sushi Bar owed me

a Dr. Pepper and they done paid off.

BB: I heered Mr. Huckabee is a plannin’ ta' go out to I-owe-way soon as he kin ta' git

a head start on th’ next un.  

MizP: Oh no… don’t tell me that-ut…

BB: Ah won’t if’n you don’t want me to.

MizP: Ah mean hit’s bin a whole two years worth… Ah’m not a-gonna stand hit.

Homer: Let’s git us up an anti-campaignin’ campaign.

BB: Sound’s like a winner to me. Ah’m fer hit.

Jack: It’s just time to slow down – look at the leaves – get hungry for Thanksgivin’

MizP: And smell th’ … th’ turkey a-roastin’ – soon.

Jack: Right…I’m Jack Buttram




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