Thursday, January 29, 2009

RUSH SUGGESTS *TWO* PLANS -- Just a Minute for Friday 01-30-09

Howdy again at the end of the last week in January…

Don’t forget – wear your beaver hat Monday… it’s ground-hog day. If the Li’l earthy rodent sees his shadow… six *more* weeks of winter are reportedly in store. Feb. 2nd is also Candlemas day… blessings on candles still needed for the still short winter days. The celebration of Groundhog Day began with Pennsylvania's earliest settlers. They brought with them the legend of Candlemas Day, which states, "For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day, so far will the snow swirl in May..." Punxsutawney, PA held its first Groundhog Day about 1887 – Legend has it Punxsutawney Phil was named after King Phillip. Prior to being called Phil, he was just called Br'er Groundhog.

Well so much for looking to next week – what about the Porkulus plan – as Rush calls it. He put his full article on the op-ed page of the Wall Street Journal yesterday. We have a boiled down version (3 hours concentrated into sixty seconds) – I hope you get to hear it. The link is posted below if you’re not within radio range near the upstate of South Carolina.

We’re always open to hearing from you via e-mail, USPS mail (I hate to call it snail-mail) or carrier pigeon… (although they’re rare these days). We’d like to have more folks in our radio family – the folks over at Playfair particularly will be happy if you write.

Let us hear what you think of Rush’s plan… if you want to know more… I guess you can get a copy of Thursday’s WSJ and look at the page opposite the editorials. I think he’s pretty proud of his plan.

Cordially, IN HIM

Jack Buttram

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Just A Minute – Rush Limbaugh’s PORCULOUS plan was on the Wall St. Journal’s op-ed page yesterday. Boiled down to JUST A MINUTE -- divide election response roughly 54 – 46 and see which works best. Under Obama-Limbaugh PORCULOUS: $486 billion goes to infrastructure and pork defined by the Prez: $414 Billion – goes to tax cuts defined by Rush … watch the results.

“This is bipartisanship! It would satisfy the American people's wishes, as polls currently note; and it would also serve as a measurable test as to which approach best stimulates job growth.” He says, and continues, “I say, cut the U.S. corporate tax rate -- at 35%, among the highest of all industrialized nations -- in half. Suspend the capital gains tax for a year to incentivize new investment, after which it would be reimposed at 10%.”

Rush’s conclusion: “There's no reason to tell the American people their future is bleak. There's no reason, as the administration is doing, to depress their hopes. There's no reason to insist that recovery can't happen quickly… it can!”

OK How ‘bout it Mr. President?

<> I’m Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

JUST A SHADE SHY OF 'BATTY' - Just a Minute for 01-28-09

Howdy on a Wednesday –


Here we are in the middle of the week already… and it’s only the second week for the new folks in town… and there seems to be a tone of edginess in the air. Plus – there’s the sound of a mighty double-dose steamroller warming up ready to flatten whatever gets in its way. But of course the driver wants to ‘do it gently’ so nobody hears the crushing sounds or gets alarmed.


The problem is he’s already alarmed half a dozen radio hosts with big and continuing daily audiences – and doesn’t seem to be giving himself the opportunity to ‘learn the ropes.’ That could be the result of the looooooong primary campaign. All the major papers have written about the “well-oiled” campaign that learned from their errors and smoothed things out as they went. The problem is Washington is not the primary campaign trail. It’s a hot-kennel jammed full of trained attack animals always primed for a BIG story… and feeling a little remorse (a very little I’d say) for their abandonment of their self-held supposed ‘objectivity.’


Anyone who has lived and worked on either side of the divide of the ‘real hard news world’ knows it gives no quarter. It’s no good whining about how biased the news operatives are – those are the facts of life. You might as well rail at the rivers for always flowing to the ocean. Until you learn to make water run uphill it’s always going to be that way.  What it takes to survive is learning how to paddle upstream faster than the current – or how to ‘make a portage’ to go around the rocky, rugged rapids in your path. Well – give that metaphor a rest for a while – and watch developments. But I must observe, I’ve never seen a shorter honeymoon between a CEO and his media.


Meanwhile the comic operetta, originating on the shores of Lake Michigan and echoing through the sacred halls of Lincoln’s Springfield, are just getting tuned up. It’s like a second ring of a three ringed circus. Distracting and sometimes sopping up a major part of the daily news feed just when the new people have come to town and were expecting to have a period of relative calm. Problem is they have set off a few fireworks of their own that once ignited kick off their own spectacle that could last a while.


Well, at least it’s a change from the hash and re-hash of the campaign trail. Let’s pray we all survive, especially while the boys who are *supposed* to be market experts continue to give every evidence of trying to ‘learn the ropes’ – while rewarding themselves on the job. Maybe an Ivy League business school could commence a course in the MBA curriculum why NOT introducing a new Jet into the start-up equation of a new venture is smart. Call it “Soothing Shareholders.”


Cordially, IN HIM




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MizP: Just a Minit – Did yawl haeah Dr. Krauthammer’s diagnosis?

Jack: About the Illinois Governor?

Homer: He’s an MD -- an he said he thanks th’ boyish Govner is, just a shade shy of “batty.”

Jack: That means he’s standing right on the edge of insane.

MizP: So what kin they do about hit?

BB: Th’ boys at the Bait Shop ‘n’ Sushi Bar figger hits time ta' quit a-beatin’ th’ mulberry bush slap     

               th’ cuffs on ‘im.

MizP: Well he shore stirred up a bunch of crazies on Miz WAwas’ TV show…

Homer: You tawkin’ ‘bout THE VIEW?

MizP: Rite -- tha-ut Miz BeHar is fer behind Gov. Blago-jo-vitch.

Homer: She’s batty too?

MizP: She keeps a eggin’ him on… a tryin’ ta' git him ta' go a Richard Nixon emmetation

               an holler out “Ah a-um *NOT* a crook!”

Jack: Oh -- that’s about the worst thing she could get him to say.

MizP: Ah know tha-ut Mr. Jack – an I thank he come ta' his senses enough to stop short of

               plungin’ ove-uh th’ edge.

BB: So whats gonna happen now, Mr. Jack.

Jack: Hmm… he’s accomplished one thing – putting himself right in the center of the spotlite.

Homer: Well – maybe that’ll slow him down some.

Jack: We’ll see. What else MizPearl?

MizP: Homer don’t have his job yet … an they’s still one cab-net post open.

BB: Hit’s th’ one Gov. Richardson took’n his name off of.

Homer: Oh… don’t run me thru that wringer again.

MizP: But Homer – we want’s you to make good.

Homer: Hit’s like whut Prezidint Lincoln said about th’ man who was bein’ tarred & feathered

               And run out of town on a rail.

Jack: What was that Homer?

Homer: He said if it t’weren’t fer th’ honor of th’ thang – he’d just as soon not!

Jack: Oh oh… we’ gotta go… I’m Jack Buttram



Jebco Editorial Service




Monday, January 26, 2009

SHOE NOW ON OTHER FOOT - Just a Minute for Monday Jan 26, 2009

            Hello again… T’is Monday f’sure…


            And we begin the second week of President Obama’s first 100 days. Kind of an artificial landmark by most lights… but the media is determined to use it. So… here we go. It’s a somewhat rocky beginning. The State Department is off to a slightly delayed commencement – but Treasury begins the day still stuck at the starting gate… although that will probably be remedied before the day’s over.


            What does all this mean?  I happen to think the mainstreamers are a bit embarrassed by their very obviously one sided and open preference for Mr. Obama through a *very* long campaign. Now that it’s over there’s a sort of bounce-back in coverage rather akin to having discovered the cute little kid’s hand is in the “Not At All Un-Biased” cookie jar after all. But let’s leave that behind … there are more serious things at hand.


            One thing the President and his Cabinet worry about is a replay of the campaign ad of who will answer the 3AM call from Moscow? Anything bad affecting national security which happens any time soon will be laid at Mr. Obama’s doorstep -- although that could be quite incorrect – nevermind… in the game of great expectations that’s the way the big-ball bounces. And having all ready signed the order for closing of the terrorists warren for those significantly suspected of being involved in attacking America, it’s something happening on the new President’s watch as he takes the helm of the ship of state.


            One would expect caution – but it appears caution is in short supply because of the overwhelming need to meet the critically high expectations which have mushroomed. I was listening to BBC people talking with their European counterparts… and they all are wearing double thick lenses of a very rosy tint. I don’t wish them ill… but perhaps a sip of caution or an expression of modest concern would be in order.


            Meantime… I find Toles major cartoonist at the Washington Post – along with the paper’s columnist named, Froomkin, have both fallen suddenly silent at the end of last week… Somebody moved their target labeled GWB… and they have forgotten how to skewer any other – or so it seems.


            Have a GREAT week!


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just A Minute – In the middle of the 19th century Great Britain, militarily forced trade into the seaports of China and occasioned what has become known as the ‘Opium Wars.’ Millions of Chinese died or endured wrecked lives by ‘recreational’ addiction to the poppy.

Now, it appears tables are turned, and western nations including the U.K. and the USA, wrestle with the debilitating effects of a huge population of ‘recreational’ drug addicts. The history and situation can’t be summarized in JUST A MINUTE. It’s barely sufficient to say the problems swamp national borders and threatens international health and financial markets to a degree hard to imagine.

I was asked if I could make this crisis a subject of a JUST A MINUTE– but one look simply overwhelms me. The only glimmer of light I see is -- the first opium conflict allowed western missionaries access to China – possibly the Lord can use this disastrous Tsunami of drugs to bring the healing of Christ’s Gospel to these nations.   

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service




Friday, January 23, 2009

ONE ENDS AND A NEW PRESIDENT BEGINS - Just a Minute for Friday 01-23-09

            Paul Harvey’s voice can be heard above the snowbanks in the Midwest – IT’S FRIDAY!


            And I think just about everyone is ready for a bit of relaxation. GWB is makin’ coffee, fishin’ and readin’ th’ paper – all before 8AM.  I take a more type “B” or “C” or maybe even a “z” ( see the small “z” approach to life. I like what the Scripture depicts in the 3rd and 4th chapters of Hebrews about those who believe in God and are committed to serving HIM shall enter a rest – similar to that when God rested on the seventh day of creation. But some do NOT enter… because their work is not mixed with belief and trust in God.


            So… it’s good at this time when we seem to be concerned with newness… and new beginnings to see what is true from the Holy Book… and what is restful…(Heb 4:3 “For we which have believed do enter into rest as He said…”) Read it… study the word… meditate on it – and you’ll come to the place where God will instruct you in His will – and you’ll know Him and the works He ordained from before the foundation of the world. – What certainty… in a world that’s just about totally ‘uncertain.’


            Some folks have given me the thumbs up to the Wednesday program – so far no critical comments… which is more than I can say for *any* of the politicians in view. That is a world hummin’ with mosquitoes or gnats or always ‘something.’ Isn’t it interesting that among the plagues that came upon the Egyptians when God got Pharaoh in the place where he was willing to let the Israelites go – there were gnats and flies and frogs… irritants that make things really uncomfortable.


            I’ve been reading “The Reagan Diaries” – it’s something on my to-do list for a long time… and it’s a very encouraging enterprise. “The Gipper’s” influence lives on. Praise the Lord.


            Well… better get this posted. Thanks for coming by… See you Monday?


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just A Minute – The new President starts out on a rocky road. The very first thing – the official oath – needs repeating in private. Out of 44, he’s number three who’s taken the oath more than once.

Just to hold my perspective I’m reading, “The Reagan Diaries” the only daily personal Presidential account covering any U.S. Presidency. I recommend it for those, like me, who can use a fresh sense of history.

Here’s a CNN Obama quote I aired last June 30th:

(quote) ”At certain times over the past…months, I have found…my patriotism challenged – at times as a result of my own carelessness…[I vow never to challenge the patriotism of others in the campaign…so] “I will not stand idly by when…others question mine.”

Finally, Doug Brinkley, Editor of the Reagan Diaries writes: “[Reagan realized he] did not ‘become’ president, but was given ‘temporary custody’ of an office that ultimately belongs to the people.”  To the new President’s politically and socially immature supporters whose actions threaten to stain his inaugural and his presidency – that’s wise counsel.

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service




Tuesday, January 20, 2009

ALONG PARALLEL LINES - Just a Minute for Wednesday 01-21-09

            Hello there… it’s the middle of the week –


            And you know that means it’s time to visit Playfair – the little town on the Carolina line that houses Earl’n’Lester’s Bait Shop and Sushi Bar where the elite meet to eat, and fish and swap stories. Yesterday they weren’t gathered around the pot-bellied stove… No sir… it was the black and white, soon to be digitized, TV set to be upgraded to the 21st Century.  They were getting the latest scoop on the Presidential Inauguration.


            By most accounts it was a ‘tolerably good speech’ – but the grading curve on speeches at The Bait Shop and Sushi Bar is rather erratic and wanders around a good bit. Still it got a good reception at least before the networks got finished dissecting it. That’s not a favorite pastime at the Bait Shop… telling stories about “the one that got away…” is.


            So as some of the commentators said – close to half the electorate did NOT vote for Mr. Obama… but with all the excitement about installation of the first African-American President – there seems to be a high level of expectancy (*very* high in some circles) that may take a while to sort out. Also there’s the matter of the economy. Iraq isn’t just going to disappear, neither is Afghanistan or a dozen other international issues like immigration, free trade or a huge variety of economic and social items.


            President Bush finished with grace. Those on the Mall who engaged in scattered booing and other rude acts have only themselves to deal with, most will simply ignore or disregard their behavior. President Obama was right when he noted America is still a ‘young’ nation – seems like it’s sometimes ‘young’ in the most juvenile sense.


            But it’s over. The tumult and shouting has died. The parade won’t come again for four years – meantime we seem to be building a mountain of debt we shall be forever digging out of – but, having lived through the post WWII days, I can recall when we thought those debts were forever going to be our shackles – and apparently America’s spirit never faltered but we went through tremendous economic growth.


            My concern is more for the things that are invisible… the eternal vs. the temporal. But I’ll save my sermonette for another more graceful time. Glad to have you with us today. Come back often.


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack Buttram


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Homer: Just a Minit – Well Mr. Jack – Hit’s done done.

Jack: You mean the new President?

Homer: I shore do.

BB: Yep – we’s got us a new ‘un Mr. J… whattaya thank?

Jack: I saw the ceremony and heard the speech.

MizP: So what’s th’ verdict Mr. Jack?

Jack: It’s really not my call.

MizP: Oh c’mon… quit dodgin’ round th’ blackberry bush… what did  you thank of hit?

Jack: It was an excellent speech – not a word with which I would disagree. In fact

               I checked with the fellows at Earl ’n’ Lester’s Bait Shop and Sushi Bar…

Homer: And…

Jack: And they unanimously agreed it was good -- they’d go along with it.

BB: Well that’s good. I din’t come by there this mornin’ – hit was too cold…

Homer: Coun’t shovel out’n th’ snow huh/  He heh…

MizP: Oh Homer… you an your jokes.

Homer: Did you like hit Miz Pearl?

MizP: Ah did… he was very statesmen like … an hit was showt too.

BB: Yeah… at’s impawtent when hit comes ta' standin’ out’n th’ cold a-listenin’ –

Jack: Did you stand out in the cold.

BB: If’n you was outside you was standin’ in th’ cole.

MizP: Did you think he disagreed with Prezidint Bush, Mr. Jack

Jack: I thought an outstanding line in his speech was about getting the ‘other side’ to

               meet us half-way.

Homer: Whut part was that Mr. Jack?

Jack: There were several good points he made but my favorite was when he spoke to the

               Muslim world – he said…To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict, or blame their society's ills on the West--…  your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy. … we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.”

Homer: Yeah… Ah thot that part was good too…

BB: So, I guess we’s all agreed – God bless the New President --       

Jack: And the United States -- <> I’m Jack Buttram



Jebco Editorial Service





Sunday, January 18, 2009

TIME FOR SOME REAL CHANGE: - Just a Minute for Monday 01-19-09

            Howdy on a Monday Morning…


            Did *you* get enough snow to make a snowball yesterday? Maybe that ought to be the standard by which we make a decision to close schools or not?  And what about Sunday School?  Does it operate on a different standard. Some SS superintendents think so. J What do you think?


            Tomorrow portends to be an historical landmark in America’s history. The day on which the first black American takes the oath of office of President of the USA. Everybody’s excited, particularly those who live in states which have had congressional districts gerrymandered by the courts or legislators creating voting districts of a particular race majority. It’s a questionable result of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which injected court decisions into heretofore state decisions. It’s been part of the “law of the land” now for 44 years.


            But tomorrow we install a President whose success in getting elected arguably demonstrates whatever justified the Federal government getting involved, is no longer applies – or does it?  It’s a question that ought to be considered post haste. The Washington Post says Mississippi now has more black elected office holders than white ones – not more per-capita – but simply more. Which would indicate there’s no longer any need for courts to be overseeing state political functions.


            Well… we’ll see how it unravels. I suspect there will be a LOT of unraveling to be done within the next four years or so. I think the mood of the country is to give the new President the honeymoon that is traditional between him and the press or the opposing party. But it will be interesting to see just how this timeline plays out. There will be some fascinating debates – I think.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just A MinuteNo question – Everybody’s looking at the inauguration. Everything else, except lauding “Sully” the U.S. Air pilot who landed in the Hudson mostly uneventfully, is pushed out of the headlines. But we’re skipping the plain-as-the-nose-on-your-face story that’s gotten hardly any play. It ought to be among the first ten bills the President signs.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 – prohibits states from imposing any ‘voting qualification’ to deny or abridge the right of any U.S. citizen to vote on account of race or color.  That’s very close to the language of the 15th amendment. It’s been part of our legal system for 44 years. Mississippi now has more black office holders than white ones – not more per capita, but simply more. It creates minority-majority congressional districts.

Since so much has been made of the “CHANGE” on which the incoming President ran we anxiously await the incoming President wiping out that legal blot on our constitutional treatment for all Americans. One of his first legislative acts should correct that manifestly un-equal treatment of some Americans.

<> I’m Jack Buttram

Jebco Editorial Service






Thursday, January 15, 2009

A FITTING FAREWELL - Just a Minute for Friday 01-16-09

            Hello at the end of the week again –


            It’s been a fairly demanding one for us. Barbara is having a stress test done Friday morning… and we’re just glad to come down for a landing – although not as glad as the folks in New York yesterday who were headed for Charlotte on the US Airways plane that used the Hudson River for it’s landing spot. – Great admiration for the pilot who put it down without any fatalities – and by the grace of God, plus good training.     


            But I guess it’s one more notch in the gun of convincing those who don’t want to fly that it’s unsafe. I heard one statistic yesterday that I’m unsure of but it sounds about right… Something like 1.5 billion people (about a fourth of the world’s population) fly in commercial flights each recent year – and for two years running there haven’t been any fatal accidents the story says. When you think about that … and compare it to the deaths in motor vehicle accidents just in our own state in the space of one or two years… flying in commercial aircraft is pretty safe. Of course as a private pilot who’s never had an unplanned landing – but then I have retired with a pristine record – I’ve thought it *can* be safe all along. Although in all candor… one does have to really pay attention. You can’t just pull over to the side of the road always when something goes amiss… like running over a flock of geese.


            At the same time – the odds of getting hit by a meteorite are pretty low also – but I suppose it happens!


            President Bush made good use of the time and audience he had last evening for departing remarks. I’m glad – and I wish him well. I have grown increasingly tired of the Bush bashers – and hope we can now give them all dishonorable discharge. Let’s move on.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just A MinuteThe President’s fitting departure last night echoed another George’s thoughts printed in a New York newspaper, of his day, and seeking providential leadership by his successor.

Turning down a third term as President, George Washington said: “The unity of Government, which constitutes you one people, is also now dear to you. It is justly so; for it is a main pillar in the edifice of your real independence, the support of your tranquillity (sic)at home, your peace abroad; of your safety; of your prosperity; of that very Liberty, which you so highly prize.”

It’s a different city with vastly altered circumstances where the 43rd President graciously passed the torch to the President-elect with a prayer for the Nation at this historical point of progress. Now it is up to America’s citizens to pray God will indeed bless America with the peace and tranquility the first President sought so America might continue to signal freedom, “under God” as our goal in this land.

May the Lord endow us all with that vision and prayer.

<> I’m Jack Buttram

Jebco Editorial Service





Wednesday, January 14, 2009

DON'T GIT HIT BY THE CURTAIN - Just A Minute for 01-14-09

            Hello once again… it’s ‘hump’ day … the middle of the week –


            And over in Playfair at Earl ‘n’ Lester’s Bait Shop and Sushi Bar – well, they’re celebratin’ and downhearted at the same time. Celebrating because the water in the lake is up by about another two feet from the recent rains and restricted outflow downstream – and downhearted because the FDA says some peanut butter is contaminated with a powerful strain of salmonella and there’s no way to identify it yet… until people get sick. 


            Does it seem to you there are more things to be avoided than ever… That’s why it’s so calm over at Playfair… they haven’t decided to pry themselves out of the early 20th Century yet… Life at least *seems* to be a little more on the simple (and safe?) side. But then they don’t remember iron lungs or polio – or more people sick with pneumonia, scarlet fever, chicken-pox and all the things we’ve been glad to see go over the side.


            Barbara and I often bemoan how often (more often) we have to see the doctors… and the dentist… but I’m thankful they’re there… and although I get impatient with the paperwork that follows insurance… I’m glad it’s there too…and hope more people can get coverage.  It just can’t happen like a lightning bolt.


            Well… let’s not stray off into the world of illness – on a beautiful day – no matter where we are.  Thank the Lord for HIS blessings. It’s a lovely time of the year even if I get a little tired of winter… If we don’t have enough cold weather the apples don’t produce nor the peaches… and we can comfort ourselves with peach “presarves” if our habits are frugal enough in the summer… Or if we can make enough trips to the supermarket in the winter. Let us count the blessings we have and not despair of the ones we don’t. The Lord *will* supply all the *needs* of HIS children – we’re assured from the Bible and by the Holy Spirit.


            God bless you today as you live before HIM.


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack and Barbara


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Homer: Just a Minit – Mr. Jack --  What’s a week from today?

Jack: Let’s see Homer … it’ll be the 21st.

BB: At’s a Wednesday – enny body knows at. 

MizP: Hit’s th’ firs day *after* th’ naugeration.

Homer: Perzakly rite Miz Pearl.  And whut’ll be a-happenin’?

BB: He’ll be a cuttin’ brush jist like Reagan did.

Homer: Ah’m tawkin’ bout th’ *new* Prezdint Mr. Bill.

BB: Oh… Mr. ‘bama. I fergot…

Homer: Him speakin’ in Berlin

MizP: Bein’ a citzen of th’ worl?

BB: I fergot… He’s bin a-campinpainin’ fer two years …

 MizP: Ah hope in two weeks he won’t be a-gittin’ over a head ache.

Jack: I heard him say first day he’d close Guantanamo.

MizP: Ah sho hope he won’t turn them terreristers loose in Playfair.

Homer: He wunt do tha-ut.

BB: If’n promises … ya better git to hit.

Homer: Tha-ut was campainin… this is *diffrunt.*

MizP: Hit shunt be. 

BB: Homer… you oughtta uphol’ Miz Pearl.…

Homer: Whut you pointin’ at me fer… You wint ta' Warshinton wif me.

BB: YOU was th’ one a-lookin’ fer a job with th new ‘ministrashun.

Homer:  They tole me they wanted meta' hep… but I din’t have the $25 they wanted rite then.

Jack: Can I see that letter Homer? 

Homer: Hit come frum Dr. Dean.   --- Jack: Dr. Dean?

BB: At’s rite … signed by H’ard Dean – the big boss chairman.

Jack: That was Chairman of the Democrat National Committee. He’s not there any more.

Homer: He ain’t? He ast my hep… --- BB: Hep like in sendin’ money.

Homer: But I ain’t no fun raisin…  --- MizP: You’ve heped fer th’ Boy Scouts.

Homer: Ohhh … my job – ta' raise money? BB: ER give ‘em some.

Homer: Oh … I done bin misuderestimatedled… 

Jack: Homer… I’ll see if I can help straighten it out.  -- BB: Ah’ll hep too… MizP: An Me too…

Jack: And we’ll be back next Wednesday.   I’m Jack Buttram.



Jebco Editorial Service
