Wednesday, August 31, 2011

KEEP ON PLUGGIN' FER PROGRESS -- Just A Minute Radio for Wednesday, August 31 110831

Got behind the ticking clock 8-ball Tuesday evening (actually Wed. Morning) decided to quit making stringed-out errors and go to bed.


So – up early today to check on things and get the day off to a good start. (J) Made some progress and with Caleb’s health moved a couple of ham-tower pieces from Steve Shaffer’s farm where they have been sleeping for a couple of years – out to Jimmy Cox’s place where I hope we can sell that tower and one that Jimmy wants to sell also. Anyone looking for one or two triangular towers in the 65’ range of height?


We’re trying to finish up a move we started at the tail end of 2008 and along came the market turbulence and slowed everything down – so I think this has been our slowest ‘move’ of our career.  We’re planning on a big yard sale in the coming month – and tying up a lot of loose ends, while finding stuff that’s been residing at the bottom of boxes… so we’ve discovered we don’t need all this stuff after all!


Maybe this will become a ‘liberation’ for us. Anyone else share that kind of feeling?  Well, we’re looking for (hoping for?) a BIG change (or changes) in the scope of things to come – nationally as well as personally. Since both Barb and I are in the eighth decade of life now (and happy as clams) we’re looking forward to change for the better. I saw some new pictures that our ‘most mature’ daughter Kristi added to her FB pages… and was reminded that we have grandchildren who are spreading the “BUTTRAM CLAN” all over the place.  Maybe we’ll start a family page and try to get all that info in one area where we can more readily keep up with family concerns without boring everyone else to death.


Well…I’m getting behind on today’s sked… so we’ll write more tomorrow. Hope you have a good week.

Love to all.. from –


Jack & Barbara




Homer: Jist A MInit: Mr. Jack, hit seems like th faster we run we don’t git no wheres.

Jack: Seems like it, Homer.

BB: Has you read the Vice Prezidint’s new Memo-Ire? 

Jack: No Billy-bob... too busy keeping up with the electoral jockeying.

MizP: You don’t keep up with things?

Jack: I try – but there’s a lot to keep up with.

Homer: Ah heered you a tawkin’ ‘bout the contest b’tween the former govnors.

MizP: You mean Mr. Perry of Texas an Mr. Romney of Massachusetts

Jack: Exactly right -- Miz Pearl.

MizP: Ah heered both Earl an Lester say rite c’here in the Suchy Bar hit is too early.

BB: Ah’ve  heered tha-ut too… Cud we start a REE-Form Party?

Homer: An tell ‘em they can onny campinpain fer one munth b’fore the ‘lection.

Jack: What a good idea… Is that what th’ former Vice President writes in his memoir?

BB: Oh no… Ah’m sorry – we done got off’n th’ track.

MizP: But earlier this week you done give out the word ‘bout lotsa GOP candidates.

Homer: Yeah – you was tawking ‘bout Trump, an Peery, and Palin…

BB: Yeah … we wanna know who’s a-gonna run?

Jack: Well Trump has said he would not run for president as a third-party candidate.

               But Patrick Caddell, who is pollster, an Doug Schoen  --  both are Democrat 

               Consultants and wrote in the Wall Street Journal last week that

                57 percent feel There’s a need and a third-party candidate in the primary.

MizP: Ain’t we got e’nuff of them now.

Jack: Apparently not… More  sources tell me Patrick Caddell and Donald Trump

               have been in a huddle at the Trump Tower in New York aimin’

                ta come up with a plan.

BB: Thass a mess in th’ mekin ah thank. 

Jack: I agree with you Mr. Billy --  but our time’s up on this Wednesday.

MizP: Oh my … we won’t be back ‘till nex week.

Jack:  Right and we’ll be lookin’ for you all then.  I’m Jack Buttram. (END)


                                             Jebco Editorial Service





Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Hello again… we were in a bit of a swivet yesterday (a very tightly wound dust-devil or small hurricane.) But we still managed to get things on the air… although a lot of New England stations weren’t able to broadcast.


So we go through life with sometimes big and sometimes little problems. I’ve still not been able to figure out how the get lip-sync sound shots without being caught shooting lip-sync. [In lip-sync – the apparent singers just mouth their words to a previously recorded sound track. That technique of getting the singer’s voice ‘close-up’ when there’s nary a microphone in sight.]


I saw a scary thing flipping through the channels – a documentary showing how we would before long be eligible to have a truly bionic eye where it could be hidden under a patch… and looking to highly functional ‘fake’ arms and hands… which the scientists speculate may take over a large part of the market someday… That is SuperMan or some of his look-alikes may take over a lot of jobs which require greater strength or clarity and detail.  Or the robots may begin to tend your garden – then you’ll have a whole new set of machines and other things to worry about.


Ain’t technology wonderful.


Just remember the “bot” doesn’t have a soul. And most sci-fi is based on them (the bots) escaping from ‘human’ control and starting to take over. It’ IS interesting to contemplate. I’m just worried about the bad guys getting ‘bot’ control… and using it to greedy effect.


Well… enough sci-fi for this late at night. Be with us tomorrow at the Bait Shop and Sushi Bar… much discussion awaits.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack & Barbara




            Just a Minute: We didn’t have time for candidate whispers lost in the earthquake and hurricane sagas. So while Donald Trump has said he’s not running for president in 2012, the billionaire businessman is likely pulling strings behind-the-scenes. He’s had phone conversations with Rick Perry, who’s offered the billionaire high praise for business savvy. They plan a meeting in September.

            Meantime, Trump has most "Iowa" candidates just dropping by. Sarah Palin met for 15 minutes at the end of May at Trump’s Manhattan sky palace. The Governor told reporters they shared a love for getting the country “back on track” and Trump expressed his desire to see Sarah run for President.

          Huckabee’s meeting with Mr. ‘Comb-Over’ came before Huck decided NOT to run. On July 28, Huckabee said he thought the time might be ripe for Trump to re-enter the Presidential race.

          Mitt Romney is in the mix, planning an early Trump meeting in September. But I’ve not been able to locate a Ron Paul and Trump tête-à-tête. Look out guys.

                    <>I’m Jack Buttram.          (END)

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Monday, August 29, 2011

Jim DeMint Leads Conservative Score Card - for Monday's Just A Minute Radio 110829

Well… Do you think this is the change we’ve all been waiting for?


All weekend folks have been checking their TV’s and radios… and if they live on the eastern seaboard above the middle of North Carolina – they’ve been looking out to see if the water’s rising or trees are blowing over.


Warned about tornadoes that are often spun off by BIG storms… they’ve been wondering.  People who have ‘ridden out’ storms like this (they think) begin to wonder about midnight at high tide. It’s a hard call. I had a lot of folks wondering if the storm was going to get stronger or weaker. I suppose we all stand on the brink. Wondering if we made the right decision after all.


Funny thing… we have that same kind of anxiety when we hear it’s just going to be a ‘light dusting’ and about midnight we measure with a ruler and see that five inches has already fallen and the wind’s coming up and we wonder how much will be there at sunrise. Weather is *always* a wonder – wonder if we’ve guessed  right. (J) Next day when the snow blower stalls for the fifth time and we’ve lost power *again* and it doesn’t act like it’s coming back on… well… we wonder… wonder if we’ve made the right call.


I guess that too is the reason so many people wonder if they’ve made the right call about moving from life… to…well…what? 


You know the best thing to do if you’re thinking like that is to get down the Bible if you’ve not been reading it lately… and start in again.  You know what… you CAN find out what God wants you to know – IF – you seek HIM with all your heart. The scriptures are there for the knowing. I’m not saying I know it all…but I do know enough about the veracity of the Bible to know it’s incapable of being a fake.  Now there are people who will try to make it a fake… I can name a half dozen or so. 


But there are far more who know it can’t possibly be the work of man.  And the totality of the evidence is pretty evident. BUT you’ve heard all that before.

OK… I’ll leave you to your guesses and I’ll stick to the things that are self evident about the Bible and those who espouse it.

I’m trying to think of something new to say to you… but it’s late… ask me tomorrow. (


Cordially, IN HIM






          Just a Minute: Sen. Jim DeMint from Greenville South Carolina – leads Heritage Action for America’s new legislative scorecard measuring conservative congressional votes. DeMint a former Representative and marketing executive, now in his second term as a South Carolina senator, scored a near perfect 99 percent supporting conservative issues.

          He’s also a prime mover in the organizing and developing tea-party efforts as well as recruiting conservative candidates for the next election in 2012 when President Obama runs for re-election.

             Heritage Action’s CEO, Michael A. Needham, says the new scorecard is a tool to empower Congressional Members to be accountable and follow conservative principles. Senator DeMint currently leads the pack.

          Other lawmakers with high scores are Utah’s Sen. Mike Lee, 98%; South Carolina’s Jeffrey Duncan, 97%; two Congressmen from Utah, Chaffetz and Franks at 96%; along with Ohio’s Jim Jordan, also 96% and Arizona’s Flake and South Carolina’s Mulvaney at 95% -- Michele Bachmann, Joe Wilson and Jim Inhofe all got a 94% score. 

Eleven other Republicans, including Senators Rand and Rubio got 90% or above.

          We’ll have another 2012 story for you tomorrow.

                    <>I’m Jack Buttram.          (END)

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

A CHRONIC CASE AND GETTING WORSE - Just A Minute Radio for Friday 110826

Wow… we’re having better ‘n’ better weather! … It’s so good I’m forgetting to water the plants… But I’ll get to it later.


It’s been a very good week… but I keep thinking I’m terminally stricken with a lazy streak… however this week was a tad better. I’m getting a few things done.


However,…we had planned a *magnificent* yard sale for a while ago. (May -- to be precise.) And because my wife and I had sold a sort of trundle-bed to a family who seemed nice and promised they would shortly provide the remainder of the purchase price… we loaded it on their truck… I think it was back in late March or April… My dear wife was worried that the bed frame for the nice trundle bed was going to get rusty being under a somewhat makeshift tarp.  So I put the item on our local ‘Garage Sale’ program and these people showed up wanting to buy it.


Well -- after entertaining them and receiving their assurance they would bring the remainder of the agreed upon price by -- just as soon as their Social Security check came in the next month… we put it on their nicely kept red pickup truck… and away they went --- and that’s the last we ever saw of it or them.


I did speak with the lady of the pair on the phone about a month later who said they would bring the $$$ by the very next month … but we’ve never heard or seen them again. We’ve lost the paper with their address… and their telephone number. And I suppose something just totally unexpected and terrible has befallen them or they would have undoubtedly brought the money – at least that’s what my darling wife thinks…and I have learned in these matters of trust and discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart… I had best leave those kinds of decisions to her.  (Still and all we could use the $$$.)  But I’m resolved to put it absolutely out of my mind by writing this letter.


There – now it’s gone… and I won’t ever think of it again… until I see one of them approaching with the cash in hand. 


Meanwhile we are going through another revision in yard sale plans… in addition I have some amateur radio equipment I *must* sell to get it out of the way. And fulfill some promises I have made. (J) … And now that the weather is getting more temperate… I’m up for it.


Whew… that cooled me off admirably. 


Today’s JUST A MINUTE is a condensation of an editorial appearing in USNEWS&WORLD REPORT… Edited by Mortimer Zukerman – that I discern expresses some of the same kind of emotion I may have described earlier in this blog… but you can be the judge of that.  I’ll look forward to hearing from you if you have!


Cordially, IN HIM

Barbara & Jack Buttram




          Just a Minute: Mortimer Zukerman, editor of U.S.News, renders a stunning critique on President Obama: – Quote:

          The rising impatience with the leadership of President Barack Obama was epitomized Aug.8th -- His speech on the economy [began] 53 minutes late. What showed on TV screens was an empty White House [lectern] … When the president did speak, the best he could [say] was ‘We've always been and always will be a triple-A country.’ The market's response was … a drop of another 300 points.

          Mr. Zukerman continued: “The president appears to consider himself immune from error and asserts the fault always lies elsewhere … But in politics, the failure of communication is invariably the fault of the communicator. … Many doubt [his] leadership qualities. J.P. Morgan calls it the competency crisis.

          “Twenty-five million Americans are unemployed or can’t find full time work … [Does he] not appreciate what is going on? … Like many Americans who supported him, I long for a triple-A president to run a triple-A country.”

          Thank you Mr. Zukerman. <>I’m Jack Buttram.          (END)

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Earth-shaking news generally comes in threes – they say – so be on the lookout for that storm coming our way.


I’m always having to refresh my memory about how to pronounce “JOBS” but after I look it up and make sure I’ve got the right pronouncer… it comes out the same way I had first imagined it. IT’S A JOB.


There’s no additional information about Mr. Jobs as to his illness – but it’s plain to see his work shows him to be a persistent genius, and an extraordinarily talented marketer. From all the information that leaks out he’s a micro-micro manager and within that frame he has gained a lot of fame as well as made himself and a lot of other people wealthy.


Congratulations. I must point out just one very important point. Its illustration is found in the Gospel of St. Luke Ch.12 verse 20: But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?


That is NOT to call Mr. Jobs a fool. It IS to point out all the *things* in this world are transient. All the things in the next world are eternal.


Not only that but their value is far beyond anything this world has to offer.


It is all summed up in God’s spoken word in verse 20… Thou fool!


 Further – “For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” Mark 8:36


If you assemble these thoughts together, you don’t have to be an accountant to figure out the value of what is left. It’s not rocket-science either.


It’s my prayer as I write this that the Holy Spirit of God will call attention of some lost soul – who realizes how worthless his effort and savings are to him at the end of this life – will now turn and commit his life to the Lord and come out a WINNER!


If you need assistance in figuring this out – write me at < > I will answer you and give you individual help – and I’m not selling a thing.

God bless you.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram




          Just a Minute: Steve Jobs wrote a letter to his executive board at Apple that the day had come he could no longer handle the duties of CEO and he was stepping down effective immediately. He appointed Tim Cook, his number 2 executive and chief operating officer (COO) as his successor.

          So in a figure of speech one earthquake follows another. Some years back Jobs had lost a brutal battle for control of Apple resigned and was restored when the company had faltered and Jobs had taken over another computer outfit.

          He had surgery for a rare form of pancreatic cancer in 2004 and has appeared increasingly weakened.

            “I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know,” he wrote. “Unfortunately, that day has come.”

          This month, Apple’s stock briefly became the most valuable company in the world, surpassing oil giant Exxon-Mobil.

                    <>I’m Jack Buttram.          (END)

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

DO YOU WANT ME TO SIDDOWN OR STANDUP? - Just A Minute Radio for Wednesday 110824

Yesterday was a beautiful day – lite breeze,  no clouds, medium temps – Is it Fall yet?


Well, we’re treating it like it is and all in all it’s very pleasant – except for a couple of things… like?: Well, like the hurricane off the coast of Puerto Rico and heading for Carolina shores – we think:  and like the EARTHQUAKE that shook the coast from the middle of Virginia up to New York and down to the Florida coast. That got everyone’s attention.

            I read this on the internet: Two rare earthquakes have hit the U.S. in two days -- a 5.9 magnitude tremor epicentered in southern Virginia on Tuesday shook the White House, Capitol and Pentagon and was felt up and down the Eastern seaboard; and the largest earthquake in Colorado and New Mexico four decades occurred on Monday.  – Joel Rosenberg – He continued quoting from his columns FLASH REVIEW -- "The Lord is shaking the nations physically, spiritually, financially: Why, and how should we respond?"

            Mr. Rosenberg even gives some scriptural references in case you should like to look it up in your Bible: "For thus says the Lord of hosts, 'Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land. I will shake all the nations….I am going to shake the heavens and the earth. I will overthrow the thrones of kingdoms and destroy the power of the kingdoms of the nations." (Haggai 2:6, 7, 21, 22)


            It would be a wise time to check on things… like… well of first importance would be: ‘What is your relationship to the God who created Heaven and Earth?’ Try reading the very short little book by the Apostle John (1 John)  in the back part of the New Testament… First John Chapter One is a good place to start for a short read.

            Well – my time is short… it’s almost 1 AM and there are things that need doing tomorrow too.  All the best…


Cordially, IN HIM





MizP: Jist A Minute: Ah cain’t tell nothing, Mr. Jack seems like thangs has gotten cornfused.

Jack: Sure seems like it, Miz Pearl.

BB: Whut ah cain’t unnerstand Mr. Jack is las week everbody knew whut ta do.

Jack: Well, people change their minds, Billie-bob.

Homer: Ah’ll say. One day everbody’s runnin fer kivver – an th’ nex theys claimin Victry.

MizP: Ah’m a thankin’ tha-ut fer my self. Don’t seem like nobody’s got they head on strait.

Jack: You can say that again….

MizP: Ah said…Ah’m a-thankin’….

Homer: He wuz jist a-kiddin’ Miz Pearl… not really astin’ a question.

MizP: Well…hit shore is a time-waster… nobody knows….

BB: Nobody knows whut’s a-goin’ on Miz Pearl…. Hit’s awl cornfusion.

Homer: Why’nt we git down ta breass tacks.

MizP: Ah don’t know whut brass tax has got ta do wif ennythang.

Jack:  It’s’s just a sayin’ Miz Pearl.

MizP: Jist a sayin’?  Well whut’s hit a-doin’ in th’ middle of ourn discussion.

BB: Hit prolly means jist ta slow down an thank a bit.

Jack: Good idea Homer.

MizP: OK Ah’ll buy tha-ut line – but whut does hit mean.

Homer: Ah thank hit means, less quit jist jawin at one ‘nother an do sumpin.

Jack: That sounds reasonable Homer – what do you suggest?

MizP: How ‘bout we jist cool hit a bit an decide on a question we want th’ Prezidint ta anwer.

BB: Good start.  Whut’s the question you want answered?

Homer: Ah’d jist like ta know if’n he’s gonna run.

Jack: You mean Mr. Obama.

BB:  Oh he’s done tole you tha’ut.  Tha-ut he woun’t give nothin’ fer hit.

MizP: Well whut does hit say?  Is he gonna run?

Jack: Have you just asked him?

MizP: Ah din’t thank Ah had to … he done said he was!

BB: Nemmine whut he says – whut do YOU thank?

MizP: Oh fer gooness sake – ah done ast my question.

Jack: He think’s he’s given you an answer. 

MizP: But Ah ain’t even ast hit yet.

Homer: Time’s up Mr. Jack.

Jack: It shore is Homer… you folks be back next week – we’ll try to make progress.

               <> I’m Jack Buttram   (END)



                                             Jebco Editorial Service




Tuesday, August 23, 2011

"I DUNNO -- I WAS JUST TRYIN' TA DRAIN TH' SWAMP!" -- Just A Minute Radio for Tuesday 110823

Grass is a bit greener – the weeds a bit fewer – but I still need to repair the driveway!


Always something isn’t it. No matter just what you do there’s always something else that needs doing… at least that seems to be the way around here.


I suppose that’s a plague for President’s also. I read parts of Ronald Reagan’s diaries – and what I admired most was he was really faithful in jotting down things that happened that day.  Apparently he wrote before going to bed. I can imagine some evenings he was ready to sleep, but duty called. It’s quite a feat. Try as I might, I’ve got steno books and yellow pads and other things that show beginnings… not much to show in the cause of ends.  But I’m thinking… I’m thinking… Just running out of time.


Isn’t the Libya thing a wonder. I hesitate to say or write much about it. When I think back to 9/11… well it’s not a pleasant thought. And I’ve heard a few folks who lose buddies… fellow workers and others close to them. I can imagine just a bit of the heartache they feel…especially for the families.


The heart agony of the families who lost loved ones in the Pan Am flight that was blown out of the sky in Scotland. That was terrible.  Folks lived in that plane long enough to know they weren’t going to make it. The same was true for those who died in the plane that went down on 9/11 in Pennsylvania. Another terrible thing to comprehend. To know you’re going to crash… but also to know you’re going to save some other lives.


Altogether it was a dastardly deed. Cowardly. The chickens in that case are just now nearing the end of their flight. There are other rounds yet to be executed… and I use that word deliberately.


Well… I suppose there will be a lot of time to contemplate that as yet. I find myself slipping off into a rather morose mood if I do not bring myself back by reading scripture or praying for the Lord to fill my heart with His love. The love He expressed for all of mankind in the sacrifice of himself… when He was not to be blamed. Oh dear Lord… thank you and thank you again.


The night hours slip by fast – and I really need to close up things for this evening. Hope you had a good day and will have one tomorrow when you read this. God bless you and be with you.


Cordially, IN HIM


Barbara and Jack Buttram





          Just a Minute: Here’s a dream I recently dreamed:

          I sorted my way by the ‘snake bit pit’ of Martha’s Favorite Golf Course -- I beheld a lanky golfer who’d sliced his shot into the rough. It was hidden’ ‘monxt th’ undergrowth.  There was thrashin’ an huffin’ mixed with muffled monolog:

          “It’s here somewhere. I said I’d find it – and I will.”

          He asked me and if I’d seen his golf ball marked with a big “O”? I shook my head. So he d’cided to follow th’ unplayable rule and drop a ball over his left shoulder takin’ the one-stroke penalty… I watched.

          Once he was done I took an August 1985, Gainesville Sun news clip outta my bag – the headline read -- “Reagan lauds Congress in fight with deficit,” and the story: (Quote) “Sometimes it’s difficult to remember, you didn’t send us to Washington to feed the alligators, you sent us to drain the swamp. We didn’t come to raise your taxes, but to lower them.” the President said. (unquote)

          He folded the clipping handed it back -- said it must have been intended for Nancy Pelosi. Then I awoke!       

                    <>I’m Jack Buttram.          (END)

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Monday, August 22, 2011

DON'T GET HIT BY THE BUS -- Just A Minute Radio for Monday 110822

Great to have you drop in at the beginning of the week.


We even had a couple of fairly significant rainfalls over the weekend – for which we are grateful. Still the grass in front hasn’t quite waked up yet. But it’s lost its brownish hue.


Things are progressing on toward the end of Summer… although I remember some hot days walking to school in September. Even listening to the World Series in the late summer… mostly it was hot. But Al Gore – and now even Mitch Romney say they think summers are hotter… I reckon some day we’ll be fit to find out. Although I never hear anything but howls about the cyclic nature of trying to measure the weather.


Well… the WX guys take enough guff from pilots and people who don’t enjoy walking in the rain without umbrellas or rubber shoes… I’m not sure I’d be pleased with that kind of job. But then nobody’s offered me one. (J)


I do remember some days in winter…when flying was NOT the thing I definitely wanted to do – but there was the job to be done. Thankfully I had the good sense to call off flying in T-storms down in the Florida area north of Orlando which they call Thunderstorm ally in the summer time.  And I’ve heard some pretty dicey – icy stories about flying up north in winter. (I also experienced it a few times.) But I tell you the guys and gals who take on the job of getting you from here to there on time and with your baggage… well they are usually the kind of folks I like.


But every day can’t be sunny and smooth… it’s just not the nature of … well nature.


There’s stormy weather awaiting out there in the political scene.  But Mr. Obama with AF One … and a top notch group of airmen (and women) their job is to get them there on time and back on time… even if they have to fly high and around and back… they are a class act.


OK… not much else to say today.  There was a war between the Libyan regulars and irregulars trying to get started before I wrote this script… maybe it’s blossomed by now.  Just tune in as often as you can to stay with the scene.


Cordially, IN HIM






          Just a Minute: At this stage in the political season – it’s hard to know which way to look when crossing the street. When I was trying to tie the program together, the ‘war’ in Libya was filling up the airwaves but not getting to a conclusion.

          So remembering my Dad’s instruction to his rookies was – “Keep your eye on the ball.” That’s about the most useful advice to follow in trying to handicap politicians in this stage of what’s happening politically nationally, internationally and locally.

          We’re so far removed from the target – November 6th 2012 –it’s hard to even tell where it is much less try to hit the bull’s eye. So we’ll probably do just about as well by checking on the President’s golf game, though for sure the Secret Service won’t release  the score.

          Down on the farm about the only thing going on – besides chores and tending the garden – was eatin’ Sunday dinners or going to a Methodist camp meeting.

          And Yeah … I know … the school year has already started but you can still get a good running start on it … and not much is likely to happen ‘till after Labor Day anyway.  Pay attention to the teachers. It’ll pay off in the end.

                    <>I’m Jack Buttram.          (END)

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

PICKIN' OUT THE CULLS -- Just a Minute Radio for Friday 110819

Well, today’s JUST A MINUTE PROGRAM gives you a very brief overview – 60 seconds if you want to time it – of the Republican field of presidential primary candidates. There probably are one or two others I did not put in because they poll less than one percent of the voters… at least that was the ‘gate’ at the Straw Poll last week in Iowa.


There have been several very interesting round-ups covering all the candidates. I’ve not been that comprehensive because this isn’t, strictly speaking, a news show – it’s more in the nature of a commentary. The Iowa Republican caucus began around 1979 or 80… as a way to give some candidates exposure to the electorate – especially if the candidates were not Midwesterners and liable to be overlooked, especially if they were not national candidates. My information is it has pretty much increased since then. The straw poll was an early edition – most often used date is 1979 – although I think something along those lines was in existence in the early to mid 50’s.  My interest in primaries was peaked when Harry Truman captured the Democrat primary and the election in 1948 when he ran against popular NY Governor Thomas E. Dewey. Truman, the successor to the very popular FDR, had not had a smooth term and was widely predicted to lose to the popular governor of the Empire State.  Life Magazine ran a full front page picture of him on the campaign trail – in a boat as I remember. The press was all convinced Dewey would win.


Truman… from the ‘show me state of Missouri, was tenacious and resolved to take a train tour of the nation, make speeches and meet people. Roosevelt had used radio for his ‘Fireside chats’ as WWII ground on – to maintain the resolve of the people in America who had been attacked by the Germans, Japanese and Italians. Russia had been on the other side during the first world war… but things had changed and Joseph Stalin allied with Roosevelt, Churchill and Chiang Kai Shek as victory in Europe came closer  


Dewey was widely expected to win – so much so that Gallup and one or two other pollsters quit sampling several weeks before the actual election – and the Chicago Daily Tribune ran what has become the most famous headline in newspaper history – ‘DEWEY WINS’ – it’s a bold headline across the Trib’s first page which they ran early to get copies out on the remote rural RFD routes.  My how the apologies flew – even as a sub teen I took note. [My dad was a Republican and had voted for Dewey.  I think my mother did too…but in earlier votes of other elections (At that time in the South (Va.) the only essential elections were in the Democratic Primaries. It had been that way since the end of the War Between the States.)


All my uncles, aunts and cousins (those who were old enough to vote) voted in the Democrat primary… the other general election was just ‘pro-forma’.  The overwhelming vote in most elections was in the Democrat primary… but there were pockets of ‘contrarians’ in most of the southern states. Upstate SC was one… as was portions of NW Alabama and Georgia, E. Tenn… and parts of Florida. Those were farming areas which often grew something different than cotton… and were not likely to have owned slaves… or more accurately, their parents or other relatives were not likely to have had big enough farms to warrant ‘field hands.’


History is interesting to unravel – and see how we got here. I was pointing out to one of my grandsons, who doesn’t like classrooms … but enjoys history much more than I did. I was encouraging him to follow his ‘passions’ on that. Anyway to learn more in the way of history IS important… it generally means we don’t have to make the same mistakes others have made – if we pay attention. My Dad opposed Truman and voted for Wendell Wilkie as I recall.


I hope you can enjoy today’s program… and perhaps it will whet your appetite for yet more information. I’ve touted David McCullough’s accurate and prize winning historical books. The one about President Truman I think (even as a Republican) it’s very good.


Have a nice weekend.


Cordially, IN HIM


Barbara and Jack Buttram




          Just a Minute: Helping my Dad run a small apple orchard taught me something about pickin’ out the culls – discarding, or makin’ cider out imperfect apples. Today we’ll give you Just a minute’s worth.

          Michele Bachmann – bear in mind since the 1800’s no one has been elected president out of the lower house. – always a first time though… Obama is our first black president. Also straw vote winner usually does not win the Iowa caucus.

          Herman Cain – race is probably over. He said needed be in top 3 – he was 5th.

          Chris Christie – People close to him say he won’t.  

          Jon Huntsman – He can continue to spend his own money – that’s it.

          Paul Ryan – despite recent stories – probably not.

          Sarah Palin -- 95% name recognition; 12% support – Gallup says not this time.

          Ron Paul – Won’t happen – 3rd party got us Bill Clinton.

          Rick Perry – Press antagonism – big obstacle.

          Mitt Romney – Most experience – presently most likely.

            My qualification for this job?  I’m quite often wrong.  See you next week.

          <>I’m Jack Buttram.          (END)

Jebco Editorial Service



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