Wednesday, April 30, 2008

JUST WAIT TILL YOU GROW UP-- JAM file for Thursday 5-1-08 -- 70 and Older Chinese speak out.



Perhaps because they have less to lose or they have already been persecuted by the government – it appears, according to the Asian Wall St. Journal that the older generation of Chinese are the outspoken ones. You’ll find it detailed a bit in today’s JUST A MINUTE.  China’s going to figure BIG in America’s future – in *everybody’s* future. Leave a comment about that.


Here are links to the audio and the downloadable script:


And today’s script:





Just A Minute – The Asian Wall Street Journal isn’t  on my reading list but occasionally something grabs attention -- like yesterday’s story that  seventy and eighty year olds – are the only voices speaking freely in China today. 

The author quoted Confucius, who not until he was 70, would say he could “follow his desire without overstepping the line.”

Ye Tingfang, 71 year old language scholar, once found his entire language department sent to the fields to labor during the “Cultural Revolution.” A childhood accident caused the loss of his left arm occasioning scholastic opportunity and allowing for overseas study. He now writes papers directed to the CPPCC advisory committee to China’s rubber-stamp legislature – the most recent one arguing for repeal of the one-child policy.  “Because it is national policy,” he says, “It won’t be accepted.” But Mr. Ye recognizes opinions like his own will eventually stack up.

He sees present efforts to cleanup his neighborhood for the Olympics to be like a “young girl, who doesn’t know how to put on make up.”

These are the ‘free voices’ in China today.

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service




Cordially IN HIM







Tuesday, April 29, 2008

JAM notice files on server for Wed. 4/30/08 -- Billy and frens discuss soaring taxes sores.



Hi Friends…


Billy-Bob and the folks over in Playfair are up in arms about jurisdictions raising property taxes in the face of the housing crunch.  At the very time a housing crisis seems growing Arizona, Memphis, Chicago Fairfax County in Virginia all bewailing declining tax revenues plan to give property owners a double whammy with a huge new tax bill. Miz Pearl thinks it’s CRAZY with a capital “C” – express your opinion in the comments section below and we’ll try and take them up soon.


Here are links to the audio and the text.


And here’s today’s script if you’d like a preview.





Homer: Just a Minit – Mr. Jack – Has you heard how the governor of Arizona is raisin taxes on peepul out thy-er who is losing money on their home values – an maybe losing their homes?

BB: The lady Governor, Janet Napolitano, deecided to veeto a bill to make a two year suspension of proppity taxes permanent.

MizP: Hit’s a shame some people in public office cain’t see how they’re hurtin’ the home owner – Crazy.

BB: Why in the worl is the governor keeping on with tha-ut kind of taxes?

Homer: Mr. Jack – In Fairfax,County Virginia, where you used to live – they’s is a-joinin’ Washington State, Chicago, Memphis, in raisin taxes ‘cause they ain’t collectin’ enuff money.

Jack:  You know th’ higher taxes cut down the value of the house and so the house is worth fewer dollars.

MizP: Ah thank *crazy* is the rite word. What we gonna do, Mr. Jack?

Jack: Sorry folks … no quick fixes … We just have to get on the ball and elect people who can think for themselves and make sense of public policy.  The Bible calls it “wisdom.”

MizP: That’s th’ best idée so far today…

Jack: <> I’m Jack Buttram

( END)

Jebco Editorial Service




Leave us a message… See you tomorrow.


Cordially, IN HIM



Monday, April 28, 2008

JAM notice for Tuesday 4/29/08 -- Another predictor of election results -- election futures.

HI Folks…


Things have calmed down here a bit – even if not in the continuing skirmish between the Obama – Clinton camps.  However, I’d not predict that will continue past the Democrat Convention this summer.  If you can remember (as I can) how the Kennedy – Johnson forces who traded mud balls before the JFK nomination made up so they could run as a team; and then Camelot’s “A” team treated Lyndon’s folks as if they were not even sandlot material – well, Teddy White’s book tells all about the knives behind the curtains. But that’s often the way when the political world turns.


Wonder what Al Gore’s people are thinking about Lieberman traveling around with McCain?


Anyway… Today’s JAM deals with the difference between blogs and wiki’s – Noted at the bottom of the script today.  Add your comments if you wish.


Here are links to the actual JUST A MINUTE files for Friday

April 29th 2008


And here’s today’s script if you’d like just a preview.





Just A Minute – If you’re over 15 you probably won’t know the difference between a “wicki” and a “blog” – at least that was my condition – I barely knew they existed until I read about election futures in Iowa markets.

Now, sure I’m vaguely aware of commodity futures as financial hedging deals that allow bakers to ‘lock in’ the cost of their flour for instance… but “wicki’s”  I’d heard of the “Wikipedia Encyclopedia” – where lots of ‘editors’ provide content – some of it accurate. But news coming over the transom says there are political equivalents now that may far surpass the accuracy of political polling.  The operative thought is when people are putting money behind their opinions the crowds are more likely to be accurate because individuals are less likely to provide off-the-wall answers to questions on which their dollars are riding.

Newspapers used to run quotations of election odds – predicting the election of Woodrow Wilson over Charles Evan Hughes for instance. A very close race.

Anyway – it’s a supplement to sticking a wet finger in the wind – or reading the latest Gallup.

<> I’m Jack Buttram



Wikis are used for sharing information and sharing views on things. Blogs are ways to talk about you and give opinions on certain things. My class uses blogs to share information about ourselves and talk about things that interest us and shows our views on things. We use wikis to help with group effort, teach our classes how to do certain computer lessons, and other things. WSJ Opinion Letters - anonymous



Jebco Editorial Service



Friday, April 25, 2008

JAM files for Monday April 28, 2008 - Carter's Last 15 minutes of fame?



Observers of Ex-President Jimmy Carter are wondering just what moves him to sally forth on his own peace initiatives when requested not to by parties on both sides. The reports he puts out are that no one has asked him not to go – but the White House requests have seemed very public – and the results are less than spectacular. Foreign policy negotiations are like a fluffy cake or a souffle’ – likely to fall when jostled. Carter, by his presence and visits also builds up people who stand in opposition to what the U.S. is trying to negotiate.  He must know this but chooses to ignore it and ends up making a difficult situation generally impossible.


Here are links to the audio track and the radio script for Monday’s program. I think they will work OK. Thanks for dropping by.


And here’s today’s script if you’d like just a preview.


Cordially, IN HIM




PS – Also today’s script for reference.




Just A Minute – Former President Jimmy Carter has managed to give a fair impression of Chuck Schumer or Jesse Jackson in running to where the lime-lights may be focused – only his specialty is messing around in international issues. The Internet’s “Scrappleface” blog, authored by Scott Ott, called his unbidden appearance on the doorstep of Palestinian rulers, an exercise in “One Party” negotiations – and suggests his efforts might better be used in negotiating a cease-fire between the Obama and Clinton campaigns.

So the question is being asked – what’s happened to this Nobel Peace Prize laureate? Is he seeking a final 15 minutes of fame before exiting the international stage for the last time providing prestige to international terrorists? Accounts from former Secret Service personnel, interviewed by book authors about Bre’re Jimmeh’s haughty private personnel practices, have already  smudged his ‘smiley face’ reputation.

            Whatever the reasons, Ex President Carter shows a proclivity of abandoning ethics while sullying an already tattered public record with a larger moral error.

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service





Thursday, April 24, 2008


It appears the Democrat candidates for the Presidency are engaged in a “Night of the Long Knives” battle that may damage the Party significantly. However, there have been notable ‘kiss and make up’ parties in the past like when JFK picked LBJ to be his running mate. It wasn’t a mutual admiration society. So… that’s the way the world of politics goes.

Here are links to the actual JUST A MINUTE files for Friday

April 25th 2008

And here’s today’s script if you’d just like a preview.



Just A Minute – The conviction is growing rapidly the two Democrat candidates are to the point of shedding each other’s political life blood. A Washington Post story says Obama finally has the gloves off and they may stay off.

The Post says …
(quote) “There is a growing sense among Democratic voters that … Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama are attacking each other unfairly, and majorities of each candidate's supporters [say] they would be dissatisfied if their top choice did not prevail.“

The Post -- one would have to say a ‘friendly Democrat’ newspaper -- details nearly seven in 10 voters saying Clinton has attacked Obama unfairly, and half say the same about Obama's campaigning against Clinton. Fifty-three percent of those voting for her on Tuesday told exit pollsters they would cast a ballot for Obama in November but more than twenty-five percent said they would vote for the Republican – about two in 10 said they would not vote at all.

There may not be enough forgiveness to go around this Fall.

<> I’m Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service



Hi folks….

We’re revising some of the stuff on the ‘’ – My Grandson Caleb is helping me and lifting the load a bit off another family member – Grandson in love – Josiah Smith – who has been my computer guru rescuer assisted now by Caleb. They make up a great West Virginia / Hawaii team.

Today’s JAM just deals with all the slice and dice commentary that has hit the airwaves after the Pennsylvania Primary… and tries to get a handle on what’s coming down the pike. This has been the longest and most unusual Presidential contest I’ve experienced since I became active in political news. In many ways it’s unprecedented… and at the same time it seems some of the lessons that ought to have been learned have to be repeated.

Hope you enjoy the commentaries --- and we’d love to have you join in. The links and means are here on this page.

Cordially, IN HIM


HYPERLINKS to audio and scripts:

Here’s today’s script if you’d just like a quick peek.




Just A Minute – Madam Hillary passed the 10 points test of the Pennsylvania primary. Now but we still have Indiana, North Carolina, Oregon and others with Puerto Rico last.

But the coliseum crowd grows restless. They’ve already heard Obama’s chosen pastor repeatedly call for plagues on America -- and Hillary’s gripping sniper-fire story has become legendary material for… bedtime stories. Does this mean we’ve run out of really “bad” news?

Oh by no means – the Tony Rezko story may become a mini series – how the Obama family joined the ranks of the well-housed in a million plus mansion for a measly few bucks. There’s still the explanation of Hillary’s startlingly accurate cattle trading which she gleaned simply by reading the Wall Street Journal and case of the mysterious disappearance/reappearance of the Rose Law Firm records.

Friends I’m afraid we’ll experience this until the last editor’s ink cartridge runs dry. -- Let’s pray it happens soon!

<> I’m Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

JAM FOR WEDNESDAY April 23, 2008 - Where did the NC debate go?

Hi Folks...

The results of the Penna. Primary are coming as I write this...but Billy-Bob and frends have left the building. The audio and script files are due to be posted.

Here are links for listening and commenting:

A script is posted here to help for quoting if you wish.

The line at the bottom of the screen shows where and how to comment.

Cordially, IN HIM

Jack Buttram

Here’s today’s script:



MizP: Just a Minit – Mr. Jack – whut’s done happened to our dee-bate?

Hit’s supposed to be on on th’ 27th I thank.

BB: Do you know ennythang about hit Mr. Jack – we wuz supposed ta' git a debate rite here on th’ Caroliner Line… between Mr. Barak and Miz Hillirary… I waz lookin’ farrerd to hit.

Jack: Hillary Clinton had accepted an invitation to a debate on the 27th but Mr. Obama had not… In an interview with the Charlotte paper he said he wasn’t sure… would tell everyone after the 21st debate.

Tha-ut was a week ago Wednesday.

An I figger frum the problems he got he was a-hopin’ he’d stopped at 20.

Well he’s done said he thot those in North Carliner had had enuf time to form their ‘pinions.

BB: I figger hit this away – he thanks he’s got hit all locked up so he’s jist a runnin’ out the clock.

MizP: Whut’s tha-ut mean?

When you’ve got th’ game won... you jist stall a’roun until th’ time runs out.

Well… I never… I was a-lookin’ forward to seein’ Mr. BaaRock. Ah thank his big ears is kinda cute… remins me of Dr. Spock.

Jack: Now Miz Pearl… some people might think you’re makin’ fun…

MizP: Ah’m jist sayin’ whut Ah thank… hit’s a free country ain’t hit.

Homer: Well yes… but you still got to be kerful…

Ah’m done… thas awl ah’m a-gonna say.

BB: At’s all Mr. Jack… I kin tell ya..

OK… I’m Jack Buttram

Jebco Editorial Service

Sunday, April 20, 2008

JAM for Tuesday 4-22-08 -- SANFORD FOR VEEP?

Hello Again –

The buzz today is about the Wall St. Journal article getting attention directed at Governor Mark Sanford for a possible VP candidate.

Here are the links to the audio track and the text document:


Just A Minute – Last Friday’s Wall Street Journal recounted an hour long discussion between South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford and, Brendan Miniter, a Journal editor about a possible Vice Presidential candidacy.
Sanford has not even been hinting he wanted the job or indicated he thinks he is in the running for it.

Miniter said what brings him to Columbia is the Governor’s record number of vetoes and small but significant victories demonstrating a more successful way of dealing with a sometime recalcitrant state legislature.

Miniter noted Sanford’s success creating a statewide Charter School district and the dint he made in legislative pork spending with his two-pigs maneuver a couple of years back. The important thing – which he said is often overlooked – is that both legislative and bureaucratic spending that year was markedly reduced. “I won...” he says without braggadocio.

Probably South Carolina is going to vote Republican anyway in light of present candidates – so balancing the ticket isn’t the prime motive. Perhaps what might be called the “quiet man” theme would prove most attractive to thinking voters.

<> I’m Jack Buttram

Jebco Editorial Service

We're trying out a new format to make it easier for you to read, listen and comment if you wish. The comment line should be right below this message. Please drop me a line and I'll do my best to answer. -- Thanks -- Jack

JAM for Monday 04-21-08 TAX OR NO TAX?

Howdy ... it's Monday again... Hope you had a good weekend.

PROMO LINE: The ABC news crew of Stephanopoulos and Gibson laid it on the
Democrat candidates last Wednesday night with hard questions and follow up –
even about taxes. You can get in on the no tax increase shell game by
listening to JUST A MINUTE at (time) today on UNIQUE FM 94.5

Here are links to make listening convenient or if you want a script for
reference when making comments:

A script is here also to help you aim your aimed comments but it's also on

the website .

The line at the bottom of the screen shows where and how to comment.

Cordially, IN HIM

Jack Buttram

Here's today's script:




Just A Minute – The left-wing media are angry with the Gibson –
Stephanopoulos team that interrogated Obama and Hillary last Wednesday. The
key to their displeasure is, it's the first time hard follow-up questions
have been aimed directly at those candidates.

More middle of the road journalists adjudged the debate the best so far
because it drilled down past the evasive answers both Barak and Clinton have
put forward so far. The most instructive was the exchange over taxes. Obama
has repeatedly said he would not raise taxes on middle income people – which
to him is $250 thousand and below. But he would raise capital gains from 15
percent to 28 percent – almost double. Some 100 million Americans own stock
– 79 percent of tax returns reporting capital gains are from those who earn
less than $100 thousand.

We need to thank the ABC Gibson-Stephanopoulos duo who put the heat to the
feet of both Democrat candidates who to this point had been masters of the
wordy shell game.

<> I'm Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service

e-mail HYPERLINK ""

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11:31 AM

Thursday, April 17, 2008

JAM notice for 4-18-08 -- The Sky Is Falling in Indiana (and Philadelphia)?

Hi Folks –


Another day another attempted communication about the "sky is falling" – for
4-18-08 – Friday.   


PROMO LINE: Remember Henny Penny and the Sky is Falling Fable... it happened
north of Indianapolis on Wednesday. Listen to JUST A MINUTE today at (time)
on this station with its new 519 toot tower WMUU-FM 94.5 – reaches into
NC,SC and Georgia maybe even eastern TN.                       


Here are links for listening...but if they don't work for you try going
directly to the website which is:


http:\\ – and there you should find them






A script is here also to help you aim your aimed comments but it's also on

the website .  


The line at the bottom of the screen shows where and how to comment.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram


Here's today's script:




ăJebcoinc. (Prepared for air on04-18-08SkyIsFalling)



Just A Minute – Remember the first excitable "BREAKING NEWS" reporter? 
Henny Penny? She ran about yelling "The sky is falling the sky is falling… "
Well Wednesday night authorities in north-central Indiana believed flashes
of light in the sky with an earth-shaking boom revived those fears.

In Howard County alone, 911 dispatchers took 146 phone calls within 15
minutes. First responders in Howard and Tipton counties, along with Indiana
State Police, were mobilized within minutes of the aerial display. Sheriff
Marshall D. Talbert scoured the area to find a plane crash, an explosion –

So far -- no reports of any debris or evidence found in what is a broad
reporting area. One resident reported she felt her house shake violently and
saw a fireball, feeling some kind of explosion near Kokomo. Kokomo is about
60 miles north of Indianapolis.

Other witness reported blasts or bright lights. 

            State police think it was some sort of meteorite. Or… possibly a
reaction to the Clinton-Obama debate happening that night in Philadelphia.
             <> I'm Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service





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9:00 AM

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thursday 4/17/08 - Endless Inside Politics


We're getting closer to the mark of eliminating these troublesome gremlins
that have infected something about our process... "We will overcome!" But
some days the battle just *drags* on. Today's JAM is aimed at the useless
charge and counter-charge cluttering the campaign trail. The files are aimed
for the server.

PROMO LINE: We are having to wade through countless "gates" like
"Bittergate, Snipergate, Moneygate, Rezkogate" even "Debategate." Enough
already. Listen to JUST A MINUTE today at (time) on Unique FM and register
your opinion on our blog-gate if you like. We'll try to read some. Just open
the plain gate!

Here are Links for today's listening and/or commenting:

A script is here also to help you improve your aimed comments.

The line at the bottom of the screen shows where and how to comment.

Cordially, IN HIM

Jack Buttram

Here's today's script:

Jebcoinc. (Prepared for air on04-17-08BatBallWeek)


Just A Minute – Obama and Clinton are locked in a battle of words. The press
has coined phrases like "Bittergate, Wrightgate and Osamagate" describing
Obama's problems. While "Snipergate, Billygate and Moneygate" are shorthand
for Mrs. Clinton's difficulties.

Apparently they are agreed on "Iraqgate, Anti-Bushgate and Time for
change-gate" – which means no-debate gate while they argue about whether CBS
and Katie Couric get chance in the spotlight if Pennsylvania proves less
than conclusive.

This campaign has provided already too much "inside politics." We'd like to
hear more substantive stuff than the "who shot John" sling-shots going back
and forth on the endless newscasts. Meanwhile John McCain does little else
but visit overseas, rub his hands and count the days till the conventions
are over.

All in all it seems like a totally confusing way to pick a President. But
nobody has laid out an iron clad way to eliminate the confusion except
people like Hitler, Fidel and Hugo – and we surely don't want to go that

Let's count our blessings and pass the earplugs.

I'm Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Wednesday 04-16-08 – Turn Off TV Week

Hi –

Still working on scrubbing out the glitches… Here’s JAM notification for Wednesday’s program Billy-Bob and frens…

PROMO LINE: National Institutes of Health say one hundred twenty five million children and adolescents are overweight. A BIG factor is sitting in front of TV screens or computers. So next week is Turn off the TV Week. Listen for today’s discussion on JUST A MINUTE at (time) on WMUU-FM’s new 500 foot plus tower.

Click on the link below to listen in:

The line at the bottom of the screen shows where/how to comment.

Cordially, IN HIM

Jack Buttram

Here’s today’s script:

Jebcoinc. (Prepared for air on04-16-08BB#15TurnOffWeek)


BB: Just a Minit – Mr. Jack – do you know what next week is?

Jack: Let’s see… how about National Prune Pitting week?

BB: Aw Mr. Jack – you know that ain’t true…

Homer: Hit’s national turn off week.

Jack: National Turnoff week… -- really?

MizP: This is recommended by the Surgeon General.

Jack: Like national “Nanny” week?

BB: Now git cute, Mr. Jack.

Jack: OK Billy-Bob, Miz Pearl, Homer.. I’ll bite… what’s National Turn Off week.

MizP: Well… th’ week of April 21-27 is National Turn off th’ TV week… the National Institutes of Health is promotin’ fer chillun ‘specially – git outside an play in the sunshine.

Jack: I’m not usually much for things the government promotes – but this sounds good.

Homer: I shore thank so… Do you know Mr. Jack that more than 12.5 million American children and adolescents are overweight?

MizP: The Acting Surgeon General says, th’ more time a chile spends in front of the TV or computer, the more they’s likely ta' be overweight.

BB: Is sittin’ in front of screens than anythin’-- else ‘cept mebby sleepin'.

MizP: So parents…an granparents… Git th’ kids to turn off the TV and the ‘puter – an go outside an play… Hit’s impotant.

BB: I’ve noticed Mr. Jack – you’re gittin a mite plump ‘round the middle.

Jack: Same to ya.

Homer: I challenge each of ya to a whirlwind match of Horseshoes…

Jack: OK…

MizP: I’ll keep score.

Jack: That’s the spirit – I’m Jack Buttram.


Jebco Editorial Service


Tues 4-15-08 - the Slipper-tongued Obama

Howdy...Here it is Tuesday already.

Still with residual address and other cptr related problems. But I hope this
gets to you OK. I've got top-notch techies working one it.

PROMO LINE: Today's program illustrates how even in the most organized and
well-funded campaigns – things often go awry. Listen at (time) today to JUST
A MINUTE here on Unique FM at 94.5

Here are links for listening and commenting:

A script is also posted to help you know what you're commenting on.

The line at the bottom of the screen shows where/how to comment.

Cordially, IN HIM

Jack Buttram

Here's today's script:

Jebcoinc. (Prepared for air on04-15-08WayWithWords.doc)



Just A Minute – By now everyone's heard Mr. Obama's words, captured by
candid camera, caricaturing "small town" Pennsylvanians as people who
(quote) "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like

What is now revealed are the efforts by the Senator's staff to bar media
from the festivities. Mayhill Fowler, a blogger for the leftie- liberal
HuffingtonPost blog, broke the story and has been thoroughly denounced by
Obama-ites. He, had already attended other Bay Area fundraisers on April
6th – all fetching the contribution limit of $2,300 -- but the well-known
Ms. Fowler, snagged a bargain priced thousand dollar ticket intended for
supporters, even though she'd been barred from two similar gatherings
because of her blogging.

Fundraisers usually shield these events from media lest special attention be
shined on contributors. Obama campaign staffers were described as "livid."

Ms Fowler, an Obama supporter admitted to CNN, "I was not going to write
about his remarks…[but the more thought I gave it] the remarks bother[ed] me
enough, I wanted to write them up."

"…more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares…" Ecc. 7:26

I'm Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Monday 4/14/08 - The Obama switcheroo on public financing

Hello –

It's Monday and "once more into the breech dear friends..." the files are
intended to be posted [hopefully without glitches today] for 4/14/08 Monday.

PROMO LINE: Obama pulls a change on *his* definition of public financing for
campaigns – in addition to putting down small towns. It's all on JUST A
MINUTE for today at (time) on 94.5 – Unique FM nearing the completion of
their new, taller tower project in Greenville.

Here are links ready for listening and/or commenting on the blog.

A script is also posted to help you know what you're commenting on. The line at the bottom of the screen shows where/how to comment.

Cordially, IN HIM

Jack Buttram

Here's today's script:

Jebcoinc. (Prepared for air on04-14-08)


Just A Minute – Mr. Barak misspeaks often it seems lately… Consider --
describing the people in small towns in Pennsylvania as bitter and clinging
to guns and berating illegal aliens. It earned him the label of elitist –
translation: stuck up – from the media as well as co-candidates.

Now he wants to change public financing rules – which he formerly supported
– from limiting the amount of funds coming from IRS return check-offs --
money coming to him from the public treasury, to money the public sends to
him – which, in effect, wipes out any control over spending. A campaign
spokesman hurried out to specify it was not a policy statement.

Sounds quite like characters from Alice in Wonderland – who say a word means
what I want it to mean … nothing else!

The Senator agreed to limits on spending when he was trailing in
fund-raising; but now that he's raised 40 million a month to Hillary's 20
million – he wants to change the rules which now tie him down.

The Bible says: He that hates dissembles with his mouth, and
hides deceit in himself. [Prov. 26:24]

I'm Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service


Thursday, April 10, 2008

JAM NOTICE FOR Friday 04/11/08 -- Light Legislation

Hi Folks… Here’s another attempt to ‘bite the bug.”                    


Sometimes we fail to see what’s actually happening to us.  I knew about fluorescents being pushed on us. I just had not realized Congress passed a law. Grrr.


PROMO LINE: Poor Tom Edison spinning in his grave as fluorescent light bulbs are mandated and his designs will become antique by 2014 if things don’t change. Listen to JUST A MINUTE at (time) today and see what’s in store for us all on WMUU at 94.5


Here are listening and commenting links:



A script is enclosed for assistance in framing your comments.  


The line at the bottom of the screen shows where/how to comment.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram


Here’s today’s script:





Just A Minute – By 2012 Congress says you can’t buy a 100watt, 50 cent light bulb! Tom Edison’s bulbs totally phased out by 2014 with fluorescent.

There’s nothing wrong with the 50 cent incandescent a three dollar fluorescent won’t cure, except that flatter feeling in your pocketbook. In fact GE, Sylvania and Phillips have sold them for years to five percent of the light bulb market. The rest of us dim bulbs get along with the Al Gore global warming model. So about 95 percent of us aren’t nudged into the more modern consumer category, we’re forced into it – or phased if you prefer -- by the year 2014 the old bulbs won’t be available in any wattage – unless the law is changed.

It’s true the new ones last four times as long – but they sell for six to ten times as much: a good deal if you’re GE or Phillips. Offsetting that is the $18 billion in electricity saved. But the big improvement will be on the light bulb maker’s bottom line.

Just pray Microsoft doesn’t get the same itch to pass a law requiring new computer required each year – or is that on the books already?

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service



Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Trying again folks… I’ll whup this thang yet (Says Billy-Bob) –

Here are the jam files (we’ll be revising this format soon I hope) for Thursday. I hope they work for you.

PROMO LINE: You see Lanny Davis defending the Clintons over and over on TV – after all he *was* in the Clinton Administration. But despite that he does ask penetrating questions that point to the heart of the Obama-Wright matter. Listen to JUST A MINUTE at (time) today to get a certified viewpoint on questions Obama ought to be answering.

Here are hyper links that *should* take you to where you want to go:

A script is also posted to help you know what you’re commenting on.

The line at the bottom of the screen shows where/how to comment.

Cordially, IN HIM

Jack Buttram

Here’s today’s script:



Just A Minute – Lanny Davis, who you’ll see ubiquitously on TV news and talk shows – is there as Defender in Chief for the Clintons. He does a good job – he appears to be reasonable and is loyal beyond question. But on the question of Obama and Rev. Mr. Wright there is also no question about his questions – they need answers.

The first one is Senator Obama’s “second thought” that *if* Mr. Wright hadn’t resigned the Senator would have felt (quote) “Very uncomfortable staying in the church.”

That ought to go without saying – but it never answers the question; it just raises another – “Why then did Obama appoint Wright to his religious advisory committee?” No answer yet.

And finally it calls for examination of how do these decisions to stay in spite of what Obama must have known, affect his judgment? We don’t choose our lineage – so better leave our grandmothers out of it: We do choose our pastors. So Mr. Davis still stands, with hand upheld asking a reasonable question. Will the coming election provide answers?

<> I’m Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service
