Wednesday, February 29, 2012

WHAT A RELIEF TO TURN THE CORNER -- for JUST A MINUTE Radio on Thursday 120301

Here we are in a brand new month after the ‘leap day’ yesterday.


Someone furthered the legend that a woman is permitted to ‘propose’ to a man on that one day out of a 4 year cycle. There are a LOT of things I did not know. That’s one of them. (J)


Now we hikel up our socks and go for the other state races in the political world. I will be *GLAD* when we work our way out of the political fog.  Seems like we’ve been here a LONG time. But I guess my mental clock just doesn’t keep the correct time – even if I’m lookin’ at the calendar.


This phase I guess goes on until late August unless somebody … or somebodies … drops out of the race and lets things go unfettered.  I don’t know… I suppose it’ IS better to let more people in on selecting a nominee than ‘twas done in the olden days when ‘smoke-filled’ rooms were the gathering grounds to decide behind closed doors who would be the nominee and at what price.


Choosing between those two I guess ‘tis better to stick with the imperfect plan we’ve got although it’s messy too.  Let’s pray we get through it while we can still be friends. (J)


I have been undergoing some medical tests – nothing serious I believe… but it does tend to sap your strength…and since I’m only running on two ageing brain cells I don’t want to overload them.


See you, Lord Willing (Abbreviated as DV) tomorrow at the end of the week. Can’t come too soon.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack & Barbara





          Just a Minute: You know prediction is not my forte’ – but Wednesday I think we turned the corner while the distance to the finish line is still quite long. Both conservative and liberal media types have been, in my view, far too quick in listening to their own echoes. They’ve made too much of the “Santorum Surge” – while continuing to discount the potential backlash of ‘dirty tricks.’

          The hard work remains and the Romney Crew has a long slog yet to the finish line. Right now they seem to increase in skill and persistence. The question is -- will the resources hold out.

          Unfortunately, the race grows increasingly ugly as teams Santorum, Gingrich and Paul ramp up bitter post-race remarks. It lacks long-range wisdom to continue building the divisive spirit right up to the convention. There will be far too much time to chew over the bi-partisan arguments arising between now and November 6th.

          I’m just glad to see some light at the end of the tunnel and thankful to realize it’s not the headlight of the ‘Obama Limited.’  

           <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)  

Jebco Editorial Service



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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

WELL NOW--AIN'T THAT A MESS? - for JUST A MINUTE RADIO for Wednesday 120229

We have come to the definitive day of another leap year – which means it’s the year of a Presidential election…(If the creeks don’t rise)


Of course we still have a goodly pace to go to get us to the GOP Convention where they actually pick a candidate to run against the “sitting” president. And that’s in the future too I believe… (let me check that) … OK ---


The GOP holds their convention in Tampa Florida in August – Last week Monday – Thursday 27-30


The Democrats hold theirs in Charlotte, NC (first time for CLT which Obama barely carried in 2008) Sept. 3-6 – Then the “Official” campaign begins… running through to November 6th a Tuesday.


So you can look at it like the GOP gets a week’s head start… On the other hand (OTOH) Mr. Obama has already been campaigning for five months and doesn’t have to pick a Cabinet etc. to get the government started for next term until Inauguration Day – which is usually January 20th… But this year that’s a Sunday – usually then the next day,, Monday is the inauguration day… but that’s Martin Luther King Jr.’s national holiday… what will all the government workers needed for the day do?  Nobody knows right now… or at least they’re not saying.  Perhaps the Supreme’s will have to decide… It looks like a rocky beginning to 2013 already. (L)


Cordially, IN HIM






BB: Jist A Minit: Mr. Jack – Seems like th’ harder I tries the…

Jack: Less effective the attempt to fix it is.

BB: Thass ree-maketable – jist like yo wuz redin’ my mind.

Jack: I just seem to have that gift sometime.

MizP: You mean of readin’ his mind?

BB: Thas shor whut hit seems like.

Homer: Jist like he was takin’ ‘th words out’n you mouth?

MizP: Oh Homer – tha-ut ain’t polite.

Homer: Ah din’t mean I was a stickin’ my fingers into his…

                  mouth Miz Pearl …

MizP: See – there you goes agin. Ah jist git embarrassed.

Jack: I’m sorry Miz Pearl … I’m sure they didn’t mean to …

MizP: Oh Ah knows you din’t – hit’s jist tha-ut Ah’ve had it.

BB: We din’t know we wuz a-bein’ impolite Miz Pearl.

Jack: It’s one of those things that happens when you wear…

MizP: Wear you heart on you sleeve… Oh see now you done it.

Homer: Done whut Miz Pearl?

MizP: Done plucked th’ word’s outn’ my mouth…Ah don’t …

BB: At’s awl rite Miz Pearlie… we’ll try ta do bedder.

MizP: Hit’s jist tha-ut all this politickin an awl…

Homer: Hit gets to ya finally…

MizP: Yeah… an Ah’d like fer people ta be nice …

BB: Ta be nice ta one another….

Jack: That’s pretty hard to do if you have hate in your heart.

MizP: Ah know yaw’ll don’t have hate in yo heart…

Homer: Hits jist tha-ut we soun like hit sumtimes.

Jack: And a big cure for that is to ask The Lord to take over.

Homer: Rite…to take over you’re heart.

BB: Ah reckon thass the onlely way out. Ta ask th’ Lord

MizP: Fer forgiveness….At’s whut Ah thank..

BB: Me Too…

Homer: I reckon we’s all agreed.

Jack: You’re all right… the only one who can make

     forgiveness is the Son of God.

MizP: I’m glad we’re agreed on that – and now we have to go

Jack: Right Miz PearI See you all next week… I’m Jack Buttram (END)

                                                      Jebco Editorial Service




Monday, February 27, 2012

THE WAPO AND TV LAND RECRUIT COMICS FOR OBAMA -- Just A Minute Radio for Tuesday 12028

Here we go around to the other side of the barn to figure out what’s going on anyway.


The difficulty is the many things going on this past week around here. Gideon’s International SC Statewide Convention – which was a really good blessing for many folks.


In addition  we had quite a few local church presentation services informing people on the work of the Gideons.  Their mission is to spread the good news of the Gospel both at home and abroad. The small New Testament copies are being produced in nearly 100 languages and spread out for various people groups overseas.  Gideons at home and abroad are hopeful that many people will pick up the pocket size testimony and read it.


Gideons International does not sell copies of Scripture.  Our membership at home and in various foreign countries (about 90 now) … provide them without charge to the countries at home and abroad.  We want the Gospel of the Lord Jesus and his saving grace to have the attention to as many hearts as possible. In the New Testaments given out in the United States there are little snippets of verses for those who are into many foreign languages.  Then in the 90 or so countries around the world we try to distribute copies of God’s Word to those who are interested.  We don’t try to force them on anyone and there is no charge. Our mission as Gideons is to spread the word as far and wide as possible without cost to the receiving countries.


We would be pleased to have born-again Christians to pray for us across the world as the Lord wishes us to “Come over and help us.”  That was the cry of those imprisoned in the jails across the Middle Eastern part of the world and has since been a point of distribution in schools and wherever they are wanted. You will never find a Gideon attempting to SELL the Testaments and Bibles in his/her possession.  They are always to be handed out by those who are members of the International Association – and there is nothing other that we ask the little books and the Bibles be utilized to “spread the word.”  It is our intention to do it readily without respect of persons or expecting any payment. It is our mission.


So if you would like to know more… there is usually a Gideon telephone number in the telephone directories of cities and towns… Or you can write the Gideons International in Tennessee and they will be happy to assist you wherever possible in getting the Gospel message out without hindrance in as much of the world as we can.


Thanks for taking the time to read after the dinner and we appreciate your generosity as the Lord leads you to help provide funds for giving away to people in native lands who oftentimes do not have a Bible – we seek to remedy that.  The Auxiliary ladies in our Camps each have areas assigned to them and try at least twice a year to touch base with the pastors and laymen to see if there’s anything in the line of fitting the tools to the task.  We are here to serve.


Cordially, IN HIM

Jack Buttram

Jack E. Buttram

Chaplain (Ret.) of the Greenville North Camp


PS – If you would like to have a member of the Gideons Intl. come and present the work at your camp please contact through the local telephone company.


Look us up in your local telephone book. 






          Just a Minute: In a story which appeared on The Washington Post’s blog Friday, comedian Bill Maher, revealed he has pledged a million dollars to a super PAC supporting President Obama's reelection bid. Bill Maher, the bane of most conservatives, has responded to Mr. Obama’s wooing trying to rescue his faltering attempt to stir up a win similar to the 2008 victory over John McCain.

          The news is welcomed by a group struggling thus far to raise money equaling its conservative rivals. The Super PAC called Priorities USA Action comes as the PAC revealed it had managed to raise only $58 thousand while conservative PAC’s were bringing in millions. A large chunk of the Hollywood PAC’s money originated with years of effort by Hollywood mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg.

          The President shifted his course earlier this month announcing he would support the Hollywood PAC and also will allow Cabinet members to help raise money for it. The Post said Maher sent his own “tweet” acknowledging his gift which the PAC had voluminously described as generous.

          We only observe this campaign obviously needs some comedy! <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)  

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

GINGRICH AND ROMNEY TURN UP THE TAX HEAT -- for Just A Minute Radio Monday 120227

I Hope you don’t think I’m exaggerating when I tell you writing for a ‘one minute’ program seems like it takes AGES.


And I’m finding more and more that if I have to do it into the wee hours of the morning the two active brain cells just seem to go to sleep on the couch… (I almost just wrote ‘ouch’ cause that’s what it feels like – especially when the cuckoo clock strikes two AM… you don’t feel like tellin’ jokes. 


I think this extended – long drawn out – political campaign ain’t for sissies… even if we do sit on the sidelines. 


In a way I really feel sorry for the candidates and what they put up with… and when it comes to fund-raising what they have to put out in the way of effort. It is NOT an easy job.  And when I think of the urgent deadlines and the days on end of the same-old, same old… plus probably getting chewed-out by the main character… Well after a while it just ‘ain’t worth it’!  And that’s why you see people making bad mistakes and getting rid of the urge for public service – while walking off into the sunset!


Well… I could get on the soap box in Hyde Park for sympathy if my feet didn’t hurt so much. (L)… [Sorry … some days the pity-party seems like a feather bed.]


But as mentioned in the ‘promo-line’ there comes a time when the fog clears a bit and you can see the peak you’re needing to climb – or help others climb… and the dangers of driving too close to the edge become even more fearsome – and I tell you running for office and making a good job of it all ‘round – by that I mean doing a good job, doing it well, and not running over someone in the interim is no small matter. Chris Christie of New Jersey is built for it… and it looks like it (within the limits –  we *all have* ) and is temperamentally suited for it.  Except I have to say – I know it puts a great strain on family and children… and temptations to go off the reservation with temperament and tangles … they can trip up even the most dedicated person. 


But it’s all the more reason we should commend our soldiers, sailors, marines AND Coast Guard… along with police, firemen and other first responders – Including mothers who tend to the children, washing cloths and dishes – doing the shopping and all that stuff that goes unnoticed… I stand and give you a round of applause if you take even the slightest note… Thanks – I do pray for you in all of those necessties.


Well… off to the week before us.  Tally Ho….


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack & Barbara and all the little ones!




          Just a Minute: For the first time in a week or more – it appears that GOP candidates are beginning to do what they do better than bash each other – and that is offer new ideas about getting us out of the hole we find ourselves.

            Gingrich was overshadowed in the media because of the buzz about Mitt Romney's new 20% income tax cut plan which was the latest idea to sprout from the neighborhood of Newt’s economic “skunk works” policy shop. The ‘boys’ are beginning to see the voters would like new, dynamic ideas that have some hope of catching on to repair the economic damage done by The President.

            Mr. Gingrich has announced he will use dynamic scoring to show his plan's bold approach (a word Newt *loves* to work into his ad libbed remarks) that could jumpstart growth. His plan boasts the hottest concept including a 15% optional flat tax plus allowing newbie workers to earmark their payroll tax dollars into a personal IRA. 

          It’s a whole lot more interesting than a rehash of “who shot John” rhetoric over the past months.  -- <> I’m Jack Buttram... (END)  

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

HOW LONG CAN WE STAND IN THE GAS LINE? -- for JUST A MINUTE Radio on Thursday 120223

Wednesday was one of those days without end…. AMEN!


I’ve been having unexplained spells of nausea and attendant problems for several months now… They don’t usually last more than 24 hours… but they DO upset a schedule. In any case I survived and my wife took me off to our primary care doctor who is a long-–time family friend. He cogitated (which I greatly appreciate from a man of considerable medical practice) and my wife cancelled her own appointment (moved it to next week) for her ophthalmologist who is her worker against Macula Degeneration – Praise The Lord. 


Ok that shot a big hole in the day  -- but we managed – I got through  24 hours without my usual meds… and here we are. I’m working on rebuilding the druggie sked….(all Rx and OTC approved drugs…. I don’t make any in the back shed. Actually don’t even have a back shed.) So here I am after midnight trying to add the missed hours back into the work day… but giving up on it – because although I had a good night’s sleep the night before this one… I’m not pushing my luck.  The Doc will think of something else to rule out – yesterday  the  sonogram apparently found nothing… so we’ll try another test in the near future.


Meantime… I hope you are having good health and wisdom.  Wisdom to go to bed at a reasonable hour – I think I’ll do that just now. There’s nothing else pressing me at this moment. The Lord is arranging my schedule as I’ve found out is the BEST thing for me to function… and I get done the things that REALLY need to get done. We even enjoyed a 60+ degree day here in the South… while some are having horrible weather and terribly hot winds out west off the desert… I endured those for a few days many years ago when I was assigned to do some work in L.A.


Well enough for Recollections… I’m starting a book by that name soon… it might be finished or I might be finished. The Lord knows what’s best. (J)


I’ll look forward to hearing from you tomorrow – or at least hearing ABOUT you tomorrow… which is (as I glance at my watch) already today!


Cordially, IN HIM






          Just a Minute: I vaguely remember my Grandpa filling up the glass, gasoline, hand- pump just in front of the windshield on his Model ‘A’ Ford. A dollar would fill it up.

          In my high school days gas sold for around 19.9 cents a gallon. (Has big oil never figured out we know point nine cents adds another penny?) Plus you get the windshield cleaned, the oil checked (a quart added if you needed it) – and air pressure added in the tires – and the attendant could click out change from a five or ten dollar bill.

          Last Tuesday one of the morning TV anchors groaned about having to pay $75 for a fill-up; another who drove a Hummer I guess said she had to shell out $100.

          Look no matter what propaganda Big OIL puts out to justify higher prices… it eventually comes down to when the public says “I’ve had it”! That’s enough!  Eventually the ‘market’ gets the message despite all the ‘skewed’ supply and demand propaganda.

          Do they think we just fell off the turnip wagon?

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)  

Jebco Editorial Service



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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

DOES ENNYBODY KNOW WHAT Quinguagesima MEANS? -- for Just A Minute Radio on Wednesday 120222

It’s been a busy week thus far and still an uphill climb.


The Presidential Preference Primary seems to be tightening up – and possibly tempers along with it. Several things contributing to the tension of course. Politics I guess is first – but from a distance it’s hard to tell which candidates are letting the back and forth’s get inside their bee-helmet (as a former bee keeper I know what that means) and whom of the more experienced or calm temperament are better able to handle the shock and shell of a political campaign coming down to the wire.


We’re not there yet. There’s still a long stretch to go before the finish line. But the GOP nomination won’t be in until late August if things go as planned. But experience dictates the winner will be the one who manages to tie down a nomination *before* he gets to the Convention. That way there will be more and better time to assemble the campaign and all that goes with it.


I was sort of caught up in a Presidential campaign in 1964 that way. It had been a bitter battle to the end for the ‘upstart’ Goldwater to pull off getting the nomination from the ‘eastern establishment lead by Nelson Rockefeller and many of the ‘old bulls’ were very much afraid the man with the horn-rimmed glasses wouldn’t be able to withstand the onslaught the Rockefeller machine would lay on him. Fact is it was difficult and dirty and all that – LBJ was the winner – and the nation was certainly the loser.  But the Lord saw the path was opened for a large recovery later… and the foundations of the Reagan Presidency were laid down during those perilous times.


So we mustn’t lose heart when the grey clouds assemble. The Lord is still in control… that’s where Christians’ prayers should center. And HIS will shall be done:


*** *** ***

I’d also like to put in some information that comes largely from combing the sports pages (which I usually don’t do avidly) and from the attention attracted to Jeremy Liu – whose Christian testimony is largely ignored by the MSM but from what I pick up (admittedly from a distance) is Mr. Liu is maintaining his relationship with the Lord who is keeping him (at least from my perspective) on an even keel.


Here are some things I picked out of WORLD magazine’s posting about his most recent basketball career

“A little more than a week ago, Jeremy Lin, then a third-string point guard for the NBA’s New York Knicks, found himself suddenly in the limelight after leading his team to a surprise victory over the New Jersey Nets. …  [He was a Harvard] grad already cut from two other NBA teams.  [And]“ now, as he leads the Knicks on a seven-game-and-counting winning streak, everyone’s talking about Lin, his underdog story, and his faith.

“Sports commentators call him the “Taiwanese Tebow,” a nod to Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow, who sparked so much debate last year about public displays of faith. Although the men share a habit of giving God glory during postgame interviews, Lin’s friends say the quiet and unassuming basketball player has little in common with the demonstrative football star.”

So let’s continue to pray for Jeremy Liu who said in an interview that before getting called up to the Knicks … his being cut by the other pro teams had brought him up short and made him realize how much he needed (and needs) to depend on the Lord. Our prayers will help him be a continuing good witness for the Lord.


That’s all folks…

Cordially, IN HIM

Jack & Barbara Buttram





MizP: Jist A Minit: Mr. Jack – What does ‘shrove’ mean?

Jack: It’s the name of the Tuesday that comes at the beginning

               of Lent.

MizP: Tha-ut dint hep me much… What is Lent?

BB: Thas about fifty days b’fore Easter.

MizP: That still leaves me not a-knowin’ whut Shrove means.

Homer: Miz Pearl th easiest way ta figger hit is hit’s the past

               tense of Shrive.

MizP: Ah STILL don’t know what Shrove means.

BB: Well you could say ‘Shriven’ -- I reckon?

 (PAUSE) MizP: Ya know A’m sorry I ast.

Jack: Oh don’t feel bad Miz Pearlie… we were havin’ fun.

MizP: At my expense Ah ‘spose.

BB: We din’t mean to hurt yo feelin’s Miz Pearl.

Jack: Shrove Tuesday was yesterday and I hope you had


MizP: Whut in th’ worl fo-wah?

BB: Pancakes takes oil ta be cooked on th’ grill …

Homer: An at gits ridda th’ oil in th kitchen b’fore Lent.

   Ya not ‘sposed ta eat oil stuff b’fore Lent.

Jack: Where did you hear about that?

Homer: Shrovetide is th’ Sunday, Monday and

    Tuesday b’fore Lent. Jack: Oh…

BB: An I ‘spose you know what Lent means?

Homer: Mean  40 weekdays b’fore Easter.

Jack:  Which according to the ‘church’ calendar indicates …

MizP: Ah do know tha-ut… hit’s a time of repenting.

Jack: Right Miz PearI.

MizP: So now Ah got one fer you…

Jack: A word.

MizP: Rite one word… (quin-ka-SEE-ma)

Jack: Quinquagesima?  You  sure? MizP: Ah’m sure.

Jack: (Pause) I give up.

MizP: Hit’s th’ Medieval Latin word for Shrove Sunday…

      --- an Ah’m pullin awl yawls legs…

Jack: And we’ll see you all next week – I’m Jack Buttram . (END)


                                             Jebco Editorial Service






Tuesday, February 21, 2012

THE FAME IS 'LINSTANTANEOUS' - FOR Just A Minute Radio on Tuesday 120221

Hello… sorry to be late with this posting. Can’t figure out just why, except to blame it on the New York Gremlns.


I think that’s the errant group who sabotage my efforts when I’m in a hurry. I thought I had stamped them out… but here’s a comeback.


Anyway the ‘punsters’ have taken over the sports pages of the New York papers etc. with their new Knickerbocker  Star – His name is Jeremy Lin. He’s a Harvard grad who played for them and was kind of tossed around in making his bid for the pros. I’m not a close fan of Ivy League “Pro” ball.  Geographically it’s a bit distant from South Carolina and the BIG game down here is football.  Even in the Pro-football… SC gets shortchanged… closest team to the north is the Panthers who do manage to train some in Spartanburg at the Wofford campus… but it’s the Charlotte team that carries the pro weight in these parts. Next you have to go to Atlanta or further south.  Like I say my knowledge there is very sketchy.


But Jeremy Lin got plucked from the lower ranks to join the NY Knicks a couple of weeks back and has set the publicity for that franchise on the high burner.


I’m fuzzy on some details because the coverage isn’t great down here… and I’m usually (or at least presently) having to concentrate on politics. But I did work up a piece that I’m having to resurrect out of memory about this sudden blossoming of a “D” level player who was moved up to the Knicks first level and within a few games in a couple of weeks has hit the cover of Sports Illustrated and become the staple on the ‘punster’ circuit. He even made the first string of Saturday Night Live – which I don’t follow much either. He was the subject of a recent SNL opening parody …. And apparently is boosting everyone’s ratings.


The interesting thing to me – which hardly gets covered – is he has managed to get a Christian testimony in between all the basketball talk – and he seems to be the genuine article. I guess that’s why the local ‘Gremlins’ ate the earlier piece I wrote.


OK…so much for my bellyaching… these oddball things happen to my postings from time to time… and so far I’ve not discovered a cure. But I do appreciate the cheerfulness and humility I’ve observed in the interviews that have built him up recently – and I think the whole basketball world was shocked by the headline one of the NY papers pasted on him.  His heritage is Chinese – he looks very handsome – but some headline writer (and I’ll let the paper go unnamed because I don’t want to spread the stupidity to their publicity advantage) utilized the somewhat derogatory term “Chink” in their bold type.


It’s embarrassing to the sport. It’s such bad taste the paper revised the headline within hours because of the complaints and papered it over … but I’ve not discovered an apology yet. Yeah… I’m fully aware we all make mistakes – but we also apologize when we do. Often it can’t be rewound… but they at least ought to get a publicity ‘knock on their block’ for having let it escape into the print world…


However I’m sure in the end it will boost Mr. Lin’s visibility (as it has for Tim Teabow) and I trust it’ll be wiped off the slate ASAP.  The headline was in poor taste – it can’t be justified in any reasonable way – it’s one of those public ‘stinkbombs’ becoming more frequent in public media. So on the nameless headline writer’s behalf as a minor player myself in the publicity arena – I’ll issue my own apology on the ‘thoughtful’ sports media’s behalf and say it’s over and we are expecting it to be expunged from the public record to be abandoned forever.


Go right ahead Jeremy and shoot those amazing shots and let us share in your proficiency in the sports world. You’re welcome among the ‘thinking’ fans.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram





          Just a Minute: Punsters are suddenly ‘Linundated’ in New York when a new American basketball star is born almost overnight.  You’ve been living under a rock if you haven’t gotten the sports news of  Jeremy Lin.  Harvard graduate who has suddenly taken over a slot on New York Knicks basketball squad and become a welcome ticket-office salvation for the struggling pro team.

          I played basketball in high school – but it was a far different contest from the sport that bears its name today. A recent movie called “Moneyball” more accurately describes the primary engine of today’s professional hoopsters. It’s far more a business than a game.

          I’m at a drastic disadvantage trying to communicate what has happened in the last two weeks as this Chinese-American-Taiwan third-string player suddenly burst upon the pro-basketball scene with asset of skills that’s set the pro-league on its ear. You’ll be reading and hearing a lot more about him as he gives definite and strong evidence of being an attractive and sincere Christian sports star.


Jebco Editorial Service



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Sunday, February 19, 2012

CAN WE STAND THE GREATEST 'FUTUROLOGIST'? - For Just A Minute Radio - Monday120220

Well… the game draws on ‘apace.’  We have an intermission and then a weekend and then a ‘SUPER TUESDAY’.


Within this  next week or so there will be a continual re-chewing and accusing and from all I can tell no repentances – well maybe I’d better hope there will be… but the protestations of the candidates left standing is: There will be none. (L) So what will ensue?  Hard to tell. I keep telling myself I’m no ‘prognosticator.’ Nobody pays me money to stick out my neck.  (And I’m not at all sure it would be profitable considering the “Buttram Luck.” 


What does that mean? You ask… Well you get a hint when you consider the Buttram family slogan has always seemed to work out along the lines of “Buy High – Sell Low” – not exactly a wall hanging from either the Rockefeller or the Buffet mansions – Bill Gates might have something similar set up in his garage where he and his buddies invented Microsoft. 


My rambling thoughts – when it comes to political times like this – are to ‘forget it’.  Stick to your knitting. Do your job and forget trying to see around the corner …. Leave that to the Gallups the Rasmussens and the Drudge report – Even the Pew Foundation earns a better score than we do.  But … I’m not complaining – just totally giving up on gambling. (J) Even punchboards and pinball machines never paid off enough to attract me to them as a smart way to make money.  The better idea was to learn how to plant a garden… tend an orchard … or pay attention to the farm.  With all of those you may have a bad year but normally things come back.  I guess I’m thinking the hard times come when you have three or four hard years in a row. That’s where I think we are now.  So…what’s the solution?


Here is a solid gold promise from the creator of the Universe and All things. It resides in the book of Psalms…. It’ is the 55th one and while the whole Psalm has great value… I find verse 22 to be the most encompassing one easiest to remember – and it covers everything well.


Psalm 55:22 -- Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.


What promise from *anyone* can be more encompassing, more trustworthy, more valuable to you or me in time of need.


Thanks for reading… God bless us… everyone.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram





          Just a Minute: Editorialists at the National Review asked Newt Gingrich to abandon his ‘fly in the ointment’ role in the Republican Primary last week and take up his role of the ‘Greatest Futurologist’ in the world.  At least that seems the objective of Columnist R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. writing last week in a blog.

          Tyrrell aimed squarely at “Newt” urging him to drop out since he’s only come in first in one contest so far compared to four racked up by Santorum. He’s generally down there with Ron Paul.  Conversely, Sunday I heard Mr. Gingrich twice within ten minutes accuse Mr. Romney as the candidate of ‘no ideas’ while simultaneously wrapping himself in the toga of every idea in the bazaar.  Thus far no one has tagged Newt with the label of being “too humble – apparently it ‘lies below his pay grade.         

          Since this is ‘President’s Day’ one observes possibly Newt would have not only admitted cutting down the cherry tree – but presented his father with a slice of the pie he’d baked with the salvaged wood.

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)  

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Thursday, February 16, 2012


Great to have you here joining in a bit of relaxation.


It’s been mentioned to me several times that folks like a break from the overstuffed political information that comes to us day by day – even from the folks over in Playfair at the Bait Shop and Sushi Bar where they’re usually always ready to talk things over for a  while.


But a steady diet of ‘who shot John’ or who is it who wants to fill John’s britches with a bit of bird shot… well that gets old quick.  And with this infernal non-schedule of beginning one campaign right smack up against another one ending wears out the ear drums or reading glasses or whatever.


Anyway the Bait Shop & Sushi Bar folks like to talk about something else besides the political world now and then – and we have access to some random thoughts and short bits of wisdom that come in over-the-transom … so we’re glad to pass them along. That way it might start another conversation in another direction and you’d get a bit of relief.


So… here goes… the tape will start playing and you can give us your reaction whenever it’s convenient. I hope you like the material. We didn’t hire a gaggle of gag writers to work it up… these are just plain observations by just plain people and I pick ‘em out at random. Hope you enjoy. Let me know one way or ‘tother .


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack & Barbara




          Just a Minute: Several folks have told me they enjoy a break from “too much politics” when we quote some random thoughts from just plain folks: So here are some to savor over the weekend.

n     I had to look up what ‘parlous’ meant: it means perilous; dangerous or obsolete. – I had to wait ‘till Age 80 to find out.

n     A woman can stand anything but being forgotten, or not needed. – Age 89

n     Picking out a lunch box for an eight-year old is a major decision. – Age 30

n     It’s never too late to start reading the Bible. – Age 34

n     If you throw ten socks in the washer only nine will come out. – Age 27

n     My prayer most often is: “Lord please keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth.” – Age 34

n     Last one: When I’ve acted really dumb and I think no one’s watching, the guy I wanted most to impress is.  – Age 13

Have a great weekend – forget politics for a while. <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)  

Jebco Editorial Service



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