Thursday, February 26, 2009

BIG LABOR AIMING FOR DOMINANCE - Just A Minute for Friday Feb. 27 - '09

            Howdy –


            A perennial issue arises from its underground cavern again. When I worked in public relations in Spartanburg, SC in the early ‘60’s it was called “The Checkoff”.  The idea was to change the labor law – particularly the Taft Hartley Act – which would allow Union Organizers to attack a company by getting enough of their workers to sign a card saying they wanted to join a union. When the count passed 50 percent of the eligible workers the union would be automatically installed as the representatives of all workers in the plant whether they had signed or not.


            Fortunately the effort failed – particularly in the South where workers distrusted those guys with the accents from ‘up north.’


            But it’s has had various reincarnations over the years – with a similar low success rate. Now it’s called Card Check… or the Free Choice Act. The only problem is that’s false advertising. It’s not free choice for the workers… when 50 percent plus one sign up – presto the plant or organization is organized by that union and their representatives bargain for all workers whether they want it or not. Nevermind about half the States have right-to-work laws that specifically forbid compulsory union membership. All the states within range of this station are right to work states.


            Anyway – our new magnetic President who at the moment is enjoying Rock Star popularity – mentioned it in his address this week to the joint houses of Congress – both now controlled by the Democrats – and he got a rousing ovation. The problem is that ovation is largely paid for by union lobbyists and big labor bosses NOT union members. Anyway… we’re being ‘steamrollered’ again.


            Some years back when I wrote several scripts for a national dramatic program… in order to get paid I *had* to join the Writer’s Guild and contribute part of my earnings whether I wanted to or not. The State was New York – it’s NOT a right to work state. There was *nothing* I could do about it… as some Chinese officials once told me: “No reason – just regulation.”


            Is that where we want America to go? I don’t.  I don’t think a majority of Americans do. There are populations who go that way – and that’s America. But taking away the secret ballot and requiring a person to join a union in order to earn bread for their families is NOT.


            OK --  I’ve said it again. J


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack Buttram


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Just A MinuteWhen even Senator Bob Byrd – Democrat and longest serving Senator from West Virginia criticizes President Obama for his power grab creating Czars outside the reach of Congress – you know the boat’s about to tip over.

Another sign is the booming applause and ovation given the President after announcing HE will pass the ‘Card Check’ Law allowing big labor to wipe out a worker’s secret ballot in organizing drives. The cheers you heard resulted from labor bosses and lobbyists, not union members.

Like President Reagan I had to join a union when writing for a national network. No choice… just law. That’s just not the America’s way.     Winning an election is NOT a license to run rough-shod over American workers -- never mind what Nancy Pelosi thinks.

If we who are in the minority retain ability to effectively express ourselves in our nation’s affairs, we have to join forces with organizations like the National Right to Work Committee -- and others -- to make our voices effective in the capital.

The rights you save may be your own.

<> I’m Jack Buttram   (END)


Jebco Editorial Service




Wednesday, February 25, 2009

AIR YOU CERTAIN OF WHUT YOU'RE A-SAYIN'? - Just a Minute for Wed. 02-25-09

            Hi Folks…


            Don’t be glum – winter will ‘officially be over next month – which begins next week… The signs of Spring are coming… the daffodils are putting on an early cold weather show for us to let us know Spring really is around the corner. We’ve had a mild but dry winter… and while there’s a still a relative shortage of water – there’s no shortage of political hot air in the offing. Why I wouldn’t be surprised to have someone formally announce their presidential aspirations before Easter. Really –yes.. really – stranger things have happened in this period of reported global warming.


            Someone’s even said Al Gore has been having new suits made for possible campaign appearances. With that Nobel prize under his ample belt he should be ready for almost anything.


            That’s what they’re saying over at EARL ‘N’ LESTER’S BAIT SHOP AND SUSHI BAR where everyone’s waitin’ fer you ta' jine them. The natives are getting restless… Having been accustomed to continuous campaigning for the past two years… and having blogs galore – plus the icing on the electronics communications cake of Twerps and Twittering (remember only 184 characters permitted) info is flying back and forth faster than the Kremlin can communicate with Khadafy.


            The world is too much with us late and soon – says William Wordsworth – And so it seems all the “chattering classes” – according to the Hon. Senator Schumer – Senior Senator and notable limelight seeker from New Yawk.  The esteemed Senator says we should or do concern ourselves virtually not at all about his designated ‘tiny’ pork rinds in the massive spending legislation just pushed down the open throat of the ‘great unwashed’ as H.L. Mencken – Baltimore Editor used to call those of the ‘middle class.’


            Frankly, I’m growing more and more tired and impatient with the omniscient attitude of “Now that we are in the majority your duty is simply to listen and to obey your betters.” It was precisely that attitude that brought the greatest Army and Navy in the world of 1776 crashing down around its ankles in an eight year war they thought would be wrapped up in a matter of months.


            Well… that’s what forums (Forii just doesn’t look right … what is the plural of forum?) are for – to have debates and express opinions. But opinions are of no value unless they have a nexus with fact and reality. I feel we’re floating in an ‘unreal’ bubble of euphoria surrounding the current White House resident. He had a hand in generating it – but a large portion of America’s populace is guilty of aiding and abetting nonsense. Reality will, sooner or later demand payment – and that’s when the *real* hardship begins.


            May the Lord bless us all –

            Cordially, IN HIM




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Homer:  Jist A Minit – Mr. Jack  --  Why air you a-lookin’ so down in the mouth?

Jack: Am I lookin’ down in the mouth, Homer?

BB: Hit’s shore looks thataway ta' me too, Mr. Jack.

MizP: Mr. Beelie is rite, Mr. Jack looks like yer lower lip is a searchin’ fer yer belt buckle. …

Jack: Did you hear the President’s speech last night?

BB: Shore we heard hit, Mr. Jack

Jack: Well what did he say?

Homer: He said we’s in a crisis but we’s a gonna survive – an we gotta be ree-sponsible.

MizP: Tha-ut’s rite Mr. Jack – Be ree-sponsible.

Jack: And is it ree- sponsible to spend more money in one day last week than we’ve spent in all 200 an more year of our history?

MizP: Well I ain’t perzackly heed hit say-ud like tha-ut b’fore.

BB: Ah thank you got a pint Mr. Jack…Ah saw sum of th’ commentary ‘bout Gover’ner Jindle – an Ah thought his’n was good!

Jack: Yeah … but they didn’t – at least the commentators on Fox News…

Homer: Ah saw tha-ut too Mr. Jack… I was dissapinted also.

Jack: I would a fired th’ whole bunch from Brit on down.

MizP: Mr. Jack – Ah never heered you tawk like tha-ut.

Jack: And the new assistant whip from Virginia – Mr. Kantor… he was wishy-washy with Hannity.

MizP: You know they got ta' git along wif one uh-nother…

Jack: Getting along is one thing – making sense is another.

MizP: Well… what would you say?

Jack: I’d say it’s time to quit the palaver and talk with meaning.

MizP: Meanin’ whut?

Jack: The President talks about being responsible just after pushing for passing the most irresponsible spending bill ever.

Homer: But they got ta' do somethin’

Jack: First rule of getting out of the hole is to stop digging!

BB: Folks --  Ah thank hit’s time to say thass awl for ta' day… We’ll git an ice pack fer Mr. Jack – See you next week.


Jebco Editorial Service







Sunday, February 22, 2009

DON'T THINK ABOUT IT -- JUST GIMME AN ANSWER! - Just a Minute Radio for Monday 02-23-09

            Hello – It’s a new week. We know not what it may bring forth.


            There will probably be another in the succeeding course of events in the Illinois “People’s Snow Opera” – “The Misfortunes of Governor Blago and Senator Burro.” More dialog of: “Yes you did!” --- followed by: “No I didn’t.” That will take us through the next week or so.


            Then Tuesday evening comes the new President’s first try at reading the teleprompter to the joint houses of Congress to see if he can keep them awake. Undoubtedly there will be the stopwatch holders and the applause counters who will tie up the news channels for an hour or so afterwards offering stuffit conversations (stuffit = three or more talking at once) on what was intended or not intended for the phrases to mean – and the party in power will say they fear not to tread boldly while the party out of power says they fear greatly getting squashed. It’s episode 33 and counting in the usual first hundred days film which has been made every four years at least since the days of FDR.


            Like Will Rogers“I only know what I read in the papers.” – Only these days he would have to include the Internet, C-Span – Twitter and twerps. There’s more by half than all the news that’s just won’t fit in print. Not a very pleasing prospect indeed for the coming week… but we’re one week closer to Spring – and things will look better then – we hope.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just A MinuteE.J. Dionne, Jr. -- who writes for the Washington Post advises President Obama when addressing the nation tomorrow night, not to be distracted by inside-beltway-obsession ideology. Dionne says better to concentrate on quieting the country's raw fear. Some union leaders echoed his advice after hearing from their members.

Out in Ohio, the head of the state legislature’s Finance committee says people don’t care for the romantic ideal of bipartisanship – they just want the (quote) "basic stuff fixed."

A lot of Republicans – around 30 – 35 percent we hear – agree with Democrats on the need for stimulus and so are welcoming the money – Dionne says such… “Hypocrisy may be the greatest form of flattery.”

          One industry CEO who pioneered auto shop hand cleaner – Says: "When people get really frustrated … they really want answers more than reasons." But then agreed he was himself amazed at what he’d just said.

          So … how will the “Mr. Really Cool” President handle the situation? Tune in.

<> I’m Jack Buttram   (END)


Jebco Editorial Service





Thursday, February 19, 2009

MORTGAGE BAILOUT: "COST ROUGHLY ZERO!" - Just a Minute Radio for Friday 2-20-09

            According to the Almanac ‘winter broke its back’ last week – but I guess the thermometer didn’t get the memo.


            So here we are – “very cool” – Discovering what the President means when he says if we don’t do anything, everything will get a whole lot worse. I find it hard to reconcile with other pronouncements he’s made – and here we are hardly 30 days into his Presidency. What a mess already!


            “ T’was ever thus!” says the poet… But we hoped for some breathing room. Six or so – depending on how one is counting – Cabinet (or sub-Cabinet) offices have had significant difficulties with finances, experience or not paying Nannies’ withholding taxes – all of which seem rather elementary for the scope of the responsibilities they are shouldering. [But some GOP appointees have had the same types of problems… so glass houses and all that.] Even the appointee to succeed the President in the Senate has made a huge tangle of his testimony – or has overseen a making of a tangle by not ‘remembering’ to whom he told what. That one’s going to hang around a long time I believe.


            In any case it does seem the White House speechwriting crew – and those checking such things – would do a more thorough job of vetting what they wrote, or at least reading it over in advance of giving it. But there too… there are many who have and continue to make such errors. About the best we seem to be hoping for is we’ll have a flat tire or broken axle – something to have a break-down *before* we get to the edge of the cliff. Sort of like hoping you’ll break a leg before you run the wrong way and make a touchdown for the opposing team.


            But – we know Spring *is* on the way. We’ve seen the daffodils and a few sprigs of Forsythia trying to bloom. I even have one small lonely little buttercup peeking out beside the patio step letting me know no matter how the markets fall, there’s always new life and it’s the season of the resurrection.


            Have a wonderful day and a blessed week-end.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just A Minute – I’ve got a question:

President Obama reading his speech off a teleprompter in Mesa, Arizona, on February 18th two days ago, talking about homes “underwater” meaning more is owed on them than they are currently worth and saying how his plan will allow Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to refinance loans currently not allowed.

The President said his plan [and this is lifted directly from the White House transcript.] (Quote) “…will allow millions of families stuck with loans at higher rates, to refinance. And the estimated cost to taxpayers would be roughly zero.” (Unquote)

My question is: “Mr. President -- if the cost to the taxpayers is ‘roughly zero’ why in the world are we taxing ourselves and generations to come with this $787 Billion porculous bill that promises to keep us in financial slavery for decades to come?

“Please explain to us -- and to Congress – in small words we can all understand, why we are going through all this pain and trauma?” 

The relevant part of the President’s speech is posted at as well as the White House Press Office.

<> I’m Jack Buttram   (END)


Jebco Editorial Service





Tuesday, February 17, 2009

JUST ONE THING CERTAIN, UN-CERTAINTY - Just a Minute radio for 02-18-09 -- Wednesday.

            Hello again… It’s the middle of another week…


            The President signed the Stimulus/Rescue/Certainty Bill out in Denver, a little more than 24 hours ago… and we’re off downhill on a crazy  toboggan slide into --- who knows what?


            Certainly the Secretary of the Treasury has apparently been too busy catching up on his back tax returns (although he missed a LOT of them) to give us more just a few vague hints. The President apparently decided Denver was a more attractive climate so he broke away from Washington and the ongoing squabble over his Senate seat – which threatens yet another chapter—and ended up in Denver to try and give a green environmental cast to this huge recipe for disaster that has all the money managers turning green by themselves.


            No one has yet ventured a guess with any support as to when this miracle is supposed to take place – because nobody has had time read not to mention study, the bill. It’s rather like riding a bicycle down Mammy-Morgan’s ice covered hill in February, with both hands in the air yelling “Look, Ma – No Hands.” You might get to the bottom unscathed – but the chances don’t favor it.


            It’s been a rough winter up North – and a rather uneventful and mild, though too dry, for us down South. But there’s nothing we can actually DO about that – except for prayer (And I’m serious on that score.) However, there is a primary thing for Bible readers to cement in their remembrance: the Word of God is absolutely full of demonstration after demonstration of the idea – “You (in this case Joseph’s brothers) meant it to me for ill; but God meant it to me for good!” And that same result is repeated over and over in say, Job, Esther, Jeremiah, Jesus unlawful conviction and crucifixion, Paul, Peter, Thomas and John (among others) who endured hardships for the Gospel – and countless martyrs from the first century onwards.


            One message comes through the ages: God is still on the throne – and HE is in control. All things were created by HIM and by HIM all things consist. That’s the message which needs to be tattooed on the inside of our eyelids in these days.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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BB: Jist A Minit – Mr. Jack  -- Ah done figgered out how ta' be shore th’ Stimmilus Plan works!

Jack: Billy-Bob – you’re saying you know how to make sure the stimulus plans works?

BB: Why shore… hit’s plain as th nose on m’face.

MizP: Mr. Beelie… beggin’ your  pardon… How is it tha-ut Yew know how ta' make th’ thang work when …

Homer: When nobody – ah mean NOBODY else knows whut’s a-gonna happen.

MizP: OK – how you gonna make hit, happen Mr. Smarty?

BB: OK on th’ T and V ah’ heered him say many times :”Ah know one thang fer certain…”

Homer: But tha-ut don’t mean he knows

MizP: Hit means he don’t know  perzakly how his plan is a-goin’ ta' take hole.

BB: He’s said: “Ah know fer certain if’n we don’t do nothin’ hit’s gonna be a catastrastroke.”

Homer: But he ain’t said he knows how ta' do hit.

Jack: Homer’s right Mr. Billy … All I’ve heard is that “something” has to be done or things are going to be worse.

Homer: Yeah…

BB:  See – hit’s plain both of you has done missed hit. See Mr. Obama an me – is both great students of his’try

Homer: Oh you air, huh?

BB: Yeah – You ever heered ‘bout King Kan-nuute?

MizP: King who?

BB: See – Ah done tole you – yawl ain’t studied eenuf.

Homer: Well don’t keep us on tender feet… tell us ‘bout him.

BB: He was a king, see – over in Norway er sommers.

Homer: Yeah – And?

BB: He got his court people ta' carry his thone out to th’ seashore – saddown ther an commanded th’ tide not to come in.

MizP: That don’t seem ta' be too smart.

BB: Look th’ Prezdint kin jist passed anothern’ like the Stimmilus Bill that says hit’s illegal ta' fail. …

MizP: I never heered such foolishness… Mr. Jack ain’t hit time ta' quit?.

Jack: You’re right Miz Pearl.  See you all next week. I’m Jack Buttram.  (END)

Jebco Editorial Service





Monday, February 16, 2009

HIDING HEALTH CARE UNDER THE STIMULUS - Just A Minute Radio for Monday Feb. 16, 2009

            Howdy Once Again –


            Monday was forecast to be a bit cloudy… actually earlier forecasts called for snow – but this hasn’t been the absolute *best* year for weathercasters. In fact they’ve had a string of poor years. Problem is the weather is -- well… unpredictable. Why do we keep on trying? 


            Same with the stock market… or all the financial markets. Why then do we think that throwing a couple more trillion greenbacks in the hopper will do the trick?  The answer is in the word PERCEPTION or Faith… or belief in what may happen. It’s been fairly evident since Alan Greenspan admitted before a Congressional Committee that he – the long standing ex-Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board [who, it is said claimed for himself the title of the world’s greatest, living economist] -- that body that is supposed to know everything about everything – possibly made a mistake in the management of interest re-discount rate between banks (whatever that is) and contributed a teensy-bit to the problems than now plague us.


            Oh well… no one wins in the blame game. Even historians will never get it right on who is, or was, at fault. For years we’ve heard FDR America spending its way out of the Recession… Now some people have the temerity to question that. There are folks even writing books about how wrong we were. But old legends die hard – and we tend to cling to our Teddy Bears and Fairy Tales.


            All that to say – it became evident there might have been a lot of highly touted people (as well as highly compensated people) arguing over the levers of power but *nobody* really knew (or knows now) just how these problems are going to work out. It’s somewhat like that ill-fated crew flying the Continental Connection flight into Buffalo – they didn’t know what they were getting into until it was too late – and disaster resulted. The plain fact is – as most experienced pilots will tell you – there’s nothing certain about ice build up, how fast or with what effect. Because there’s nothing certain about the weather… how much moisture, exactly what temperatures are encountered, or the conditions those effects will have on the aircraft as you lower gear and/or flaps. They aren’t known – but they *are* real! So the only real solution is to change equipment, change locations, go back – or don’t fly at all! That’s what they do on AF One.


            That’s exactly the same situation with America’s economy right now. We’re flying in conditions which have varying parameters and their effects are not accurately predictable. Our best – or put another way – most useful tool, is the market. It predicts with considerable accuracy how much milk will be needed in New York tomorrow. No government bureaucracy can do that. If you don’t want to fly in those conditions – don’t. Go back… or don’t take off.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just A Minute – Friday, I said we’d try to say more about health care if the stimulus plan wasn’t signed. It’s now passed the House and Senate and is being flown to the President in the West. But you should still let your Senators and Congressmen know what you think.

It generally follows what Tom Daschle and Hillary Clinton didn’t get in 1994.  A year ago Daschle wrote: “… the next president should act quickly before critics mount an opposition. If that means attaching a health-care plan to the federal budget, so be it,” he said.

OK – he said it – that’s what’s happened. Just remember, it’s the largest employer in the U.S. – accounting for almost 17 percent of GDP – but it treats health care like the Europeans do: a cost problem rather than a growth industry. If autos or electronics were treated the same way – we’d have no innovation – in fact it’s probably dangerous to your health – just like in Canada or Great Britain -- but Obama demanded it and it passed it in less than 24 hours, Crazy.

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service





Friday, February 13, 2009

HERE COMES EUTHENASIA - Just a Minute Radio for Friday the 13th, 2009 in February.

Howdy… It’s been a warm week.


Not just the weather – but in some places the rhetoric. I think they’ve run out of ‘negotiation powder’ on Capitol Hill – and Madam Speaker thought she’d laid in a whole season’s supply.  Here the first month of the Obamanation has hardly gone by and they’ve nearly run out. But never fear… there’s always more where that came from.


What’s really running in short supply is bi-partisan good will. I watched some of the House speeches after they took the second vote on the stimulus plan – and I thought I heard a gurgle from a stopped-up drain. Everyone – almost – having watched the Obamanation Campaign Train in operation for two years – figured running the nation would be a snap. The Republicans would be totally dispirited (and possibly they are) and the Democrat Donkeys could run free in the pasture. They just didn’t figure being tripped up on their own tax-trip wires. A strange omission indeed.


So now the President has to make another trip to the well to find a Commerce Secretary who is willing to run a Department stripped of one of its major plumbs – taking the census. Meanwhile the unions have written their demands into law in the coming omnibus package – as have the NEA icons and the ACLU, the NAACP and a *host* of other special interests.


Of course that canal to be built across the property in Speaker Pelosi’s district isn’t made of PORK…it’s water… and every other rock turned over in the ‘surprise package’ which – according to the President’s campaign rhetoric and promises, will rest on his desk for five days while people may use the Internet to examine it carefully (it’s only seven or eight hundred pages long… roughly a billion dollars a page) and we can rewrite the history books on this one. This will be the age forecast by Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin when the populace realize they may vote themselves goodies out of the Treasury and thus destroy the integrity of the Nation – which heralds the slow (or perhaps not so slow) decline of America from a representative Republic into something akin to a giant-sized and thereby all the more inefficient ‘Banana Republic.’


It’s not nice really – to have such a dismal outlook on a Friday… but it is the 13th – and black cats have been seen scampering across the path.

May the Lord bless us all.


Cordially, IN HIM




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Just A Minute – You want to know what’s in the Obama Health Plan… Here are a few ideas originally proposed in Tom Daschle’s book before being rejected as Secretary of Health and Human Services:

           First, Daschle said health-care reform “will not be pain free.” Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them. … Medicare now pays for treatments deemed “safe and effective.” but the stimulus bill would change all that and a government board, like one under the British system, would approve or reject treatments using a formula which divides cost of the treatment by the number of years the patient is likely to live so younger patients are more often approved than those that affect the elderly.

An example: In 2006, a U.K. health board said elderly patients with macula degeneration must wait ‘til they go blind in one eye before they would be approved for a costly new drug to save the other eye. It took almost three years of public protests to get the board to reverse its decision.

More on Monday if it’s not been signed by then.

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service






Tuesday, February 10, 2009

AIR FORCE ONE'S CARBON FOOTPRINT -- Just A Minute Radio for Wednesday 02-11-09

            Howdy everybody –


            Here in SC one would have thought it was June 1 – but we have to be careful and pray lest the peach crop get blasted in the bud. One thing is encouraging. The seasons go on no matter what Washington does. In fact – taken in the light of eternity – whatever Washington does or doesn’t do does not escape God’s control and His plan. I’m still convinced of that and that conviction grows stronger and stronger with me every day.


            Billy-Bob and the crew at the Bait Shop and Sushi Bar over at Playfair on the Caroliner line just keep pluggin’ along. And I suspect much of America does too. Frankly I find it increasingly uninteresting to listen to the same arguments over and over. I realize “Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty.”  I just wish they’d change the record every now and then. I spent about a half hour listening to what passes for debate in both the House and the Senate… at least the speeches in the House are generally shorter. I realize the fellows and girls are not on TV to entertain us – and thankfully the cable companies pay the bills on C-Span. It just gets awfully boring. I’m afraid I found it that way even when I was there in person.


            Anyway… America is great!  God is Great – and Just – and Good. If you’re trusting in his Son Jesus Christ – then in this world you really have nothing to concern you no matter what the circumstance. I say that fully recognizing what heartache and pain people often go through – but I also say it realizing that God, the creator and sustainer of the Universe – of all things that are – loved us enough to send His only son to lovingly give his life – die the shameful death which we deserved -- to redeem our souls from the clutches of the Destroyer… Satan. These beautiful spring- like days remind me HE IS RISEN and has overcome death and sin. Our redemption is assured by the person and work of Christ – there is no greater security. May God bless us all.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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MizP: Jist A Minit – Mr. Jack  -- Has you been hearin’ strange noises?

Jack: Why no Miz Pearlie – why do you ask?

MizP: I saw the pitchers wheah Mr. Presdint Obama done smacked his head on th’ doah way of Marine One…

Homer: Mr. Jack don’t ride Marine One… thass th’ Presdint’s helicopter….

BB: But they is ‘bout th’ same hite…

Jack: Right Billy Bob – he’s an inch or so taller.

MizP: Well Ah saw fowah sho he conked his noggin a gittin’ in the helio ta' get out to Andrews.

BB: Speakin’ of a-goin’ out theah ta' ketch AF One…

Homer: Yeah -- whut about hit?

BB: He was on his way ta' meet th’ Demicrats in Williamsburg

Homer: Rite…

BB: An he took AF One down theyuh  -- he tole hit to one of th’ rporters on th’ plane.

MizP: An tha-ut was nice of th Air Fowus ta' let him borrer hit.

Homer: He din’t borrer hit, Miz Pearl – th’ Demicrats is s’posed ta' pay fo hit… Hit’s a political thang not gummit.

BB: At’s rite… at’s th’ rule – But Ah wonder – ‘bout one thang?

Jack: What’s that Billy?

BB: You member tha-ut speech where they crawled awl ovah them automobile executives fer a-flyin’ they-uh

               air planes frum DeeTroit ta' Washinton… ta' cllect them bail outs?

MizP: Ah ‘member tha-ut reel good. Next time they had to drive and in them HIbread cars.

BB: Yeah… th’ press reely gigged them fer bein’ so hi-falutey.

Homer: Yeah… and a-spending awl that bail out money on them corporate jets.

BB: An messin’ with th’ carbon footprint.

MizP: Yeah…

BB: Ah din’t heah nobody complainin’ ‘bout Presidint Obama’s carbon foot print – he coudda gone to Williamsburg

               in Marine One…

MizP: Or in a cah … an he wountn’t a bumped his haid.

Homer: An he ain’t a havin’ no bettah luck gittin his stimluss pakage of’n th’ groun.

BB: It’s a-gittin’ a lotta turbulence awright.

Jack: Turbulence is right… and our time is up for this week <> I’m Jack Buttram  (END)

Jebco Editorial Service
