Monday, July 30, 2012


You can almost smell the smoke in the air of burning leaves – it’s almost Autumn.


No it isn’t!


 – Dry weather is making the leaves fall off some of the trees and lawns take a shade of brown.  But folks have been watching what they catch of the games in London (which in some ways is a lot of empty seats – making one wonder if Mr. Romney wasn’t right that LONDON wasn’t quite ready for the games.


But we won’t hold that against them. Just don’t hold grudges. (J) Today’s the day Mike Huckabee – former governor of Arkansas and contestant for President four years ago. (Unfortunately found out Mr.McCain had more votes if not more friends – at least that’s how it turned out. So we’re back in an election cycle again and who knows when or where we come out?


Today Barbara and I do plan to take our noon(ish) meal at the Hampton Village Shopping Center’s Chick-fil-A restaurant just because we want to help them show family strength at the Chicken bar… and maintain a neighborly helping hand when someone else tries to paint Mr. Cathy and friends into a corner. So Chick-fil-A didn’t ask us to visit them – we just decided to do it and you’re welcome to join us if you care to.. It’s a low key – low budget ‘assist’ on our part.  Just a small way to lend a helping hand (small as it is) to a family that has taken a stand and one which we support.


Well…no need to lean on it. The other side is going to try and make August 3rd an anti-Chick-Fil-A day… I think it’ll just show how far off the mark they are…  but who knows? And it’s a free country – just be nice about it – don’t try “proving” something. We already know who you are and what you stand for….we can take all that knowledge on board without sinking I think. (J)


Time’s up for today. See you tomorrow.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack & Barbara




            Just a Minute:  The last hundred days before judgment are playing out. The nominating conventions are before us and we’re finally coming around the bend to the finish line – and I say ‘none too soon.’ The President is going to ask one of his least liked Democrat colleagues, Bill Clinton, to speak the nominating speech. It would normally be done by the Vice President. It’s just one more ‘odd-ball thing’ for a sitting president to do.

          New York’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg, has thrown cold water on his fellow mayors in Boston, Chicago and San Francisco; so Barbara and I will participate in eating a Chicken sandwich at Hampton Village agreeing with Mayor Bloomberg who said it’s foolish to try and run Chick-fil-A out of town before they even get there.  

          Who ever thought a chicken sandwich could fire up a conflagration? But it’s election time and strange things are known to happen -- often. Just ask former President Jimmy Carter. We’ll look for you all tomorrow at Earl ‘n’ Lester’s Bait Shop and Sushi Bar on the Caroliner line, where interesting discussions often happen on Wednesdays.

          <> I’m Jack Buttram (END)

Jebco Editorial Service






Sunday, July 29, 2012

MINDIN' THEIR OWN BUSINESS -- Just a Minute Radio for Monday 120730

Well, I think we’re going to have some fun to see how things work out down on the farm.


Somebody kicked a bee-hive in deciding to be critical about Chic-Fil-A.


It’s spreading and while there’s a possibility of a lot of noise, I think there’s a big embarrassment potential too that might tend to quiet down some of the loooudmouths who love to jump into the fray whether they know anything about strategy of debate or not.


I’m not particularly good in repartee…. Especially if there’s angry emotion involved. When I’ve worked with some of the more exuberant campaigners in politics there’s always one (and sometimes it was me) who wanted to fly off the handle and end up making things a BIG mess.


That’s where the emption lies in these last 100 days of this campaign cycle. Mr. Romney is overseas and that’s often when something jumps the tracks because some cooler head is off on a two day vacation and before you know it something untoward has been said or done. Not that I think that trigger has already been pulled – I’m just saying it can get away from you quicker than an angry rattler.


So just read today’s JUST A MINUTE or close your eyes and wonder what could ‘come loose from it’s moorings’ in these last 100 days of campaigning – then pray that the mistakes are made by the “other” side and not our own team. --- No need to be too cautious either, just remember to keep your cool and for you Bible Believers… recall that the LORD is in control. You might want to read that part of Samuel where David and Jonathan have to split up.  You see there how quickly situations change. Well the same thing happens in the heat of political campaigns….and we can see how the Lord’s hand is on these things sometimes not easily perceptible until afterwards. Think it over before you do something really radical…and commit your way unto the LORD in times like these.


Cordially, IN HIM

Jack Buttram





            Just a Minute: Chic-Fil-A is an 18 hundred store restaurant chain that primarily sells chicken sandwiches – and other good eats. It started as one little store owned by Mr. Truett Cathy and his family in 1946 near Atlanta, Georgia. But now, the mayors of Chicago, Boston and San Francisco want to slam their doors and shut them out. Why? Because they let their workers off on Sundays. Does that make sense to you?

          See, Mr. Cathy and family are Christians. They let their workers off on Sundays so they can be with their families and can attend church if they wish. They do other things like offer educational scholarships to students who want to further their education.

          Nobody’s complained -- but Rahm Emanuel, who was famous in the Obama White House for his plenteous cursing. He’s now mayor of that pristine city of Chicago, and says the Chic-Fil-A values don’t fit there. Similar statements are made by the mayors of Boston and San Francisco.

          You’ll hear more about it tomorrow if you join us at this same time. <> I’m Jack Buttram.

Jebco Editorial Service




Friday, July 27, 2012

FW: BE SURE TO ARRANGE FOR RE-TRAINING -- for Just a Minute Radio -- Friday 120727



From: Jack Buttram []
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:26 PM
To: ''; 'Rick Hulkenberg'; ''; 'h smit'; ''; ''
Subject: BE SURE TO ARRANGE FOR RE-TRAINING -- for Just a Minute Radio -- Friday 120727


Looks like we’ve wrapped up another week – and this week WE did it with an excellent overseas trip (via photos etc.) to the city of Harbin in Mainland China.


Although we’ve been to various ‘other’ parts of the Mainland beside Taiwan – we had not visited Shang-Hai and other parts of Mainland China. I suppose traveling is designed to make one feel humble. Barbara and I have traveled overseas a good bit, but we’ve not had the experience that many others have had – although we’re thankful for what we have seen and the places and people we’ve visited.


Perhaps it makes us more aware of how big – and small this globe is – [all at the same time] and end up marveling at the great goodness God has spread over this earth and often how we have received it slightly and flippantly when we should be pleased and certainly awed at the great works God has done and how blessed we are to have sampled a good portion of it.


In a way – for a Christian – it makes us well, homesick. As Christians, taking the word of God as our guideposts and the Holy Spirit as our tour guide on ‘limited assignment’ because we are such hampered observers by our own making – there is so much out there to be observed and the reality of the world about us is so often “filtered” through the lens of TV or newspapers or whatever other media, we are somewhat amazed at what we see in person when our senses even have perceived that of which we did not know.


Well, it’s kind of hard to explain. We feel both fortunate and yet longing for more knowledge.  Obviously these bodies and their perception abilities are wearing out. Yet we still desire more, knowing we don’t have the time or energy left to do what remains to be seen. It leaves one with a hunger that is unfulfilled. Except…


Except we know we “serve a risen Saviour – who is in the world today” And we know by the testimony of that Word which has proven so infallible when carefully studied across the years there is much more to be seen and learned – and the Lord has promised us by HIS testimony that we shall live to rule and reign in HIS kingdom -- *much more colorful and startling* than the incomplete and distorted view we have at present…  How fortunate we are to have a Lord and Saviour and King who will bring us into permanent and beautifully complete perfect knowledge of HIM and HIS kingdom – Oh That will be GLORY … glory for me – for me to see and love my Saviour and HIS created world. I can’t wait to get there!


But meantime – there are things yet to be taken care of and enjoyed in this world at this time.  I urge you and your family to join us in this wonderful God given adventure of completing the life HE planned for us. Praise the Lord – Amen!


See you all next week too. (Unless the Lord comes back before then.) Amen and good night to all…


Cordially, IN HIM


Barbara and Jack Buttram




          Just a Minute: Most folks around agriculture are aware of gates and “cattle guards”. The latter is a set of horizontal rails – wood or steel – placed in the ground at fence openings to prevent cattle from crossing. The bovines won’t go there fearing for their feet.

          This story comes to us as true – but we are a bit uncertain.

          Having read the report there were a hundred thousand cattle guards in Colorado the President ordered the Secretary of Agriculture to terminate half that number immediately! 

          We understand farmers protested this sudden change in grazing policies. But before the Cabinet Secretary could respond – and presumably to express his humanitarian instincts, Mr. Biden, the Vice President stepped in and suggested since the order was abrupt should it not be delayed and reset to give time to for resettlement and retraining. Mr. Biden suggested the “cattle guards” be offered six months for of retraining and re-location.

          Since there’s always some lack of clarity when they come in ‘over the transom’ so to speak, we thought it best to share the information with you before insisting on its implementation.

          <> I’m Jack Buttram (END)

Jebco Editorial Service





Thursday, July 26, 2012

BE SURE TO ARRANGE FOR RE-TRAINING -- for Just a Minute Radio -- Friday 120727

Looks like we’ve wrapped up another week – and this week WE did it with an excellent overseas trip (via photos etc.) to the city of Harbin in Mainland China.


Although we’ve been to various ‘other’ parts of the Mainland beside Taiwan – we had not visited Shang-Hai and other parts of Mainland China. I suppose traveling is designed to make one feel humble. Barbara and I have traveled overseas a good bit, but we’ve not had the experience that many others have had – although we’re thankful for what we have seen and the places and people we’ve visited.


Perhaps it makes us more aware of how big – and small this globe is – [all at the same time] and end up marveling at the great goodness God has spread over this earth and often how we have received it slightly and flippantly when we should be pleased and certainly awed at the great works God has done and how blessed we are to have sampled a good portion of it.


In a way – for a Christian – it makes us well, homesick. As Christians, taking the word of God as our guideposts and the Holy Spirit as our tour guide on ‘limited assignment’ because we are such hampered observers by our own making – there is so much out there to be observed and the reality of the world about us is so often “filtered” through the lens of TV or newspapers or whatever other media, we are somewhat amazed at what we see in person when our senses even have perceived that of which we did not know.


Well, it’s kind of hard to explain. We feel both fortunate and yet longing for more knowledge.  Obviously these bodies and their perception abilities are wearing out. Yet we still desire more, knowing we don’t have the time or energy left to do what remains to be seen. It leaves one with a hunger that is unfulfilled. Except…


Except we know we “serve a risen Saviour – who is in the world today” And we know by the testimony of that Word which has proven so infallible when carefully studied across the years there is much more to be seen and learned – and the Lord has promised us by HIS testimony that we shall live to rule and reign in HIS kingdom -- *much more colorful and startling* than the incomplete and distorted view we have at present…  How fortunate we are to have a Lord and Saviour and King who will bring us into permanent and beautifully complete perfect knowledge of HIM and HIS kingdom – Oh That will be GLORY … glory for me – for me to see and love my Saviour and HIS created world. I can’t wait to get there!


But meantime – there are things yet to be taken care of and enjoyed in this world at this time.  I urge you and your family to join us in this wonderful God given adventure of completing the life HE planned for us. Praise the Lord – Amen!


See you all next week too. (Unless the Lord comes back before then.) Amen and good night to all…


Cordially, IN HIM


Barbara and Jack Buttram




          Just a Minute: Most folks around agriculture are aware of gates and “cattle guards”. The latter is a set of horizontal rails – wood or steel – placed in the ground at fence openings to prevent cattle from crossing. The bovines won’t go there fearing for their feet.

          This story comes to us as true – but we are a bit uncertain.

          Having read the report there were a hundred thousand cattle guards in Colorado the President ordered the Secretary of Agriculture to terminate half that number immediately! 

          We understand farmers protested this sudden change in grazing policies. But before the Cabinet Secretary could respond – and presumably to express his humanitarian instincts, Mr. Biden, the Vice President stepped in and suggested since the order was abrupt should it not be delayed and reset to give time to for resettlement and retraining. Mr. Biden suggested the “cattle guards” be offered six months for of retraining and re-location.

          Since there’s always some lack of clarity when they come in ‘over the transom’ so to speak, we thought it best to share the information with you before insisting on its implementation.

          <> I’m Jack Buttram (END)

Jebco Editorial Service





Wednesday, July 25, 2012

SAFEGUARD THE MAYOR -- for Just a Minute Radio -- Thursday120726

The Gotham Mayor spares no little effort to make sure he travels in a safe mode – mainly with others who carry firearms.


However he is a bit shy himself about appearing to be “scared or something” so he has only a 24/7 bodyguard for that very dangerous assignment of being the free world chief of NYC… and thus has no qualms about appearing on highly dangerous news shows or other problematic venues. We all know how many people get shot often in TV shows and newscasts and the like. So we have to be careful.


I shouldn’t sound cynical – I’m sure there are a lot of crazies wandering around in Central Park or down toward the ferry boat landing etc.  Even the traffic in New Your is dangerous… or was, the last time I was there… which thankfully was more than ten years ago. There are so many foreign drivers and obviously they are very respectful of the Mayor’s transport. So I apologize Mr. Mayor I’ve not experienced first hand the vital (by that I mean life-threatening) characteristic of life in downtown New York…. But I know you have.


So we won’t bug you about that any more if you can get your sights trimmed up so you don’t appear to be up there in the stratosphere while we await the rebuilding of the Central City which seems to have taken so long… especially with all the men with guns all around.


Guess that’s enough for today. Tomorrow’s Friday… see you then.


Cordially, IN HIM






            Just a Minute: Critics of New York’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg are concerned he may be spouting advice which endangers the population of the great metropolis. The citizens cite as evidence the Mayor is losing his governing grip after the shooting in Aurora, Colorado and other locations showed up when he called for the President to impose new gun control laws.

          Bloomberg himself has, of course, a 24/7 detail of body guards. He jumped before mikes and cameras after the Aurora shooting calling for new gun control laws saying if we had fewer guns, we would have a lot fewer murders but citing no evidence.  He appears rather to be calling for anarchy in the streets until Congress passes more laws eliminating the Second Amendment and wiping out the citizenry’s ability to defend itself against demented aggressors.

          Congress hears plainly from their constituents they think little of the effort to criminalize gun ownership. Facts however show firearms in the hands of citizens have proven a great deterrent as well as personal salvation when a deranged attacker is on the loose. <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

                                                                                    Jebco Editorial Service




Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I’m a little fuzzy on how to slug this title on Jam # 30… but here goes.


We’ve had a lot of extraneous paper floating around the Bait Shop and Sushi Bar. Some we use to wrap fish in, some we use to make a point on the blog. I leave it to you to figure out which.


Mainly we need to clean up the place. But the subject matters that are outlined in a phrase or a sentence are just to let you know how wide-ranging just a one sentence or phrase can carry a person if they are just sort of kanoodling what’s going on and figurine a new angle from which to state the same kinds of issues.


I hope you won’t be confused. Just read it and cogitate on it a while and if you have a brilliant campaign idea send it to me or forward it to one of the campaign themes. By now you ought to be able to weed the field pretty much down to 2 or perhaps 2.3 (J) – lets write it down. We still have about four months to go till we get there and there will be a lot of mud (or blood [oh let’s hope and pray not]) spattered before we get over the hump and have to start counting ballots and votes and all the rest.


Probably we do not have absentee ballots in the mail yet. I’m guessing Mr. Paul will remain on the ballots (if he can) and will not throw his votes to one camp or the other. He may be able to do some negotiating that will allow for some effect on a cabinet division or something. You never know with these elections just what might turn up – and when you turn up the heat on the Florida vote between Mr. Bush and Mr. Gore… well something or nothing is bound to happen.


(You can, of course, see just how much I’ve *helped* you there!)


I think I’ve been breathing this rarified electioneering air long enough to get dizzy – which means it’s time to cut off the computer and go to bed.


So that’s what I’m going to do. See you tomorrow folks. Perhaps we’ll come up with *something* that contributes more light than heat. And shortly we’re going to have Mr. Romney’s foreign policy speeches to throw into the milieu – we’ll see if that clarifies or obscures – when an election is at stake one hardly knows which way the tide is turning or the wind is blowing.


When we get right down to the majority of voting, perhaps we’ll have a clear revelation that will amount to a blowout. That’ll be exciting. Meantime we’ll be playing badminton or tiddledewinks; or something else equally exciting and informing at the same time – Maybe!


Cordially, IN Him.


Jack with Barbara


               “JUST A MINUTE”


BB: Jist a Minute: Whut’s the mop fer Mr. Jack?


Jack: We’re doing some file cleaning.


BB: Whut fer?

MizP: Hit’s about time… ah can’t stan the piles

   of paper ‘round heah…

Jack: We’re throwin’ out a lot of old stuff…

Homer: Like whut…?

Jack: Newspaper clips etc.

BB: Then we’s liable ta lose sumpin.

Jack: Would you miss knowing McDonalds

   Earnings fell 4.5% last year.

MizP: Ah don’t thank I would.

Jack: Or do we need to know never will so

  much money be spent for so few un deci-

  cided votes as will happen this year.

Homer: Why is tha-ut Mr. Jack?

Jack: Because so many people have already

   Decided who they are going to vote for.

BB: Well in the Penn State case they is punishin

   The players who wasn’t even around

   Fer the’ crime.

MizP: Tha-ut sho don’t make sense.. an in the

  Norway shootin’ las year they plannin’ ta let

  Tha-ut feller go scott free.

Homer: Has you read the price of chicken in

   Iran has gone up 60% makin’ people squawk!

BB: Anna airplane hadda land on Innerstate I-5

  Near San Diego ‘cause they ran outta gas.

Jack: Well that sure is stupid.

MizP: But hIt happens don’t hit – ain’t nuthin

   We kin do about tha-ut.

BB: ‘Cept tell people – don’t be stupid. Didja

  Ever run outta gas Mr. Jack.

Jack: Ran low once because of high winds and

  Unforecast weather … But no we didn’t.

MizP: This news is a SHAME!

Homer: But whut kin we do about it?

Jack: Well, the first thing is to pray.

MizP: Ah’d secon tha-ut motionl.

Jack: And the next is to rely on the Lord to

  Bring us out OK. He will whether it’s in this

  World or the next. But the important thing

  Is to cast ALL your care on HIM because

  He cares for you.

BB: Ah’ll say a-men to thaus Mr. Jack.

Jack: And we probably have to say Amen to

  This program because we’ve run out of time.

MizP: So Thank the Lo-wad and we’ll see you

  Next week Lo-wad willin’

Jack: Amen… I’m Jack Buttram

             Jebco Editorial Service





JUMPING TO INCORRECT CONCLUSIONS -- Just A Minute for Tuesday 120724

I have a very good memory – it’s just *short*!


But Lord willing, one of these days it will be *perfect*!


However, in the meantime I have to write myself notes, not stay at the computer past 11 PM and lots of other remedial tricks. Problem is – when will they FAIL ME?  [I can’t remember!] But eventually we’ll get there!


Fortunately this day is going and gone!


Many of you ask how my son Kim is getting along after this pedestrian / auto incident up in West Virginia. He’s in his 22nd  -- day of not being able to communicate – at least not that we can tell. However, due to the good care in the Charleston Hospital (CAMC) he seems to be making a bit of progress… and it’s very slow. And we’re all praying. We have nothing spectacular to report other than the excellent medical and hospital care being administered.


Of course we – as a Christian family – realize this is all in the plan of God for us and for KIM… and I’m sure that raises a lot of questions for people who are not Bible believers or believers in an omnipotent and loving Lord. Fortunately, by the grace of God we are. And we believe this is part of God’s plan for our family and why things are coming together as they are. I could go on at some length – and perhaps at some time that will be possible and profitable. Right now our stations are known and fixed and we’re really coming together as best we can – taking care of the other responsibilities we share – and we just praise the Lord for HIS closeness, HIS care and HIS provision for all our needs. It’s making us stronger and more convinced than ever that there is no better life than the Christian life. Perhaps sometime before too long we hope, Kim will have the opportunity to tell you or explain it to you himself, as he did after some previous brain surgery and hospitalization. I can let you know there are answers to your questions, I just don’t have all the resources to inform you right now.


The time is up for this typing season – and we’ll do our best to be here tomorrow!


Cordially, IN HIM






        Just a Minute: Here’s a quotation from Samuel Adams – one of the ‘fathers of Our Country.’ It pertains to wildfires that break out in America today: [Neither]…will the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt

          There were 70 people dead or injured in the movie house supposed to project the new”Batman" movie 'The Dark Knight Rises.'  It was after midnight and allegedly the demented work of James Holmes. ABC News and Brian Ross led the main stream charge and before we knew it they located a Jim Holmes of Aurora, and hooked him up with the Colorado Tea Party and packaged the whole story.  Yet within hours ABC was forced to make a retraction.

          The Daily Kos website managed to make their own connection with the NRA and was rounding up all the other ‘usual suspects’ the left likes to snag whenever they can. They even blamed Rush Limbaugh for the atrocity because he had reviewed the new movie. Colorado already had its share of wildfires … this was an ABC News project.  

            <> I’m Jack Buttram (END)

Jebco Editorial Service



























Monday, July 23, 2012

JAM elements for Tuesday 120724

Another beautiful catch of crabbiness in the crab box.   


PROMOLINE FOR Tuesday 120724: Remember the terrible battle out in Colorado with the wildfires?  We had an additional outbreak in the wake of the Batman after midnight showing the other night and the violence that ensued. There were quickset little fires threatening an even worse conflagration… until cooler professionals prevailed and expert police and fire suppression work was executed. Follow us on 94.5 WMUU-FM and we’ll unravel the whole story on JUST A MINUTE at (time).

Cordially, IN HIM

Jack Buttram




        Just a Minute: Here’s a quotation from Samuel Adams – one of the ‘fathers of Our Country.’ It pertains to wildfires that break out in America today: [Neither]…will the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt

          There were 70 people dead or injured in the movie house supposed to project the new”Batman" movie 'The Dark Knight Rises.'  It was after midnight and allegedly the demented work of James Holmes. ABC News and Brian Ross led the main stream charge and before we knew it they located a Jim Holmes of Aurora, and hooked him up with the Colorado Tea Party and packaged the whole story.  Yet within hours ABC was forced to make a retraction.

          The Daily Kos website managed to make their own connection with the NRA and was rounding up all the other ‘usual suspects’ the left likes to snag whenever they can. They even blamed Rush Limbaugh for the atrocity because he had reviewed the new movie. Colorado already had its share of wildfires … this was an ABC News project.  

            <> I’m Jack Buttram (END)

Jebco Editorial Service




Sunday, July 22, 2012

HOW DID WE GET IN THIS "AWFUL" MESS? -- Just A Minute Radio for Monday 120723

Here we are starting off another merry-berry week of national fussing and fighting.


The President may well have utilized his right as the CEO [or more accurately CAC,] for American war planes, and flew himself and all his entourage out to Colorado for a proper, non-political, expression of amazement and condolence to the relatives and others who are traumatized by the absolute wickedness expressed by the actions of Mr. Helms who has killed and/lo wounded over a dozen victims in a midnight film showing. We don’t begrudge him that – it is what the President of ALL the people should do.


What was interesting however was a “Notable & Quotable” item in the weekend edition of the WSJ publication – which went on as usual that attempted to paper over the “un-American” effect of the criticism of the WALL STREET Journals’ weekend editorial broad sheet edition. The op-ed piece appearing on the Saturday-Sunday edition of the Wall St. Journal pointed out how far off base was the Friday 13th speech made in Roanoke, Virginia by the President continuing to try and make an argument that “the government” (or in the case of this rather weak and soppy pointing at teachers) and others who have been a big part of contributing to others successes.


It’s rather like pointing our how much fishermen in the southside Virginia owe to the taxes that have gone into building the water impoundment there. It’s like giving a fishing medal to the U.S. Corps of Engineers when the whole thing is not due to fishing or other recreational goals, but rather side effects of the need to prevent erosion and foster good land use etc. Fishing would go on in rivers and farm lakes regardless. Nice side effect but nothing to break your arm while patting yourself on the back about.


It’s just another claim by an incompetent administration to take credit for the sun coming up each morning and going down each evening and seeing if they can’t figure out a way to raise your taxes on electricity in the bargain.


Let’s have recreation and conservation and all the other things that happen with *good* but not greedy government. When the emperor struts around without looking in his mirror – we have a re-play of THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES – a comedy.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack & Barbara Buttram




     Just a Minute: I’m listening to economists who seem to speak “economese” relying on odd ball signposts to tell us if we’re in a recession or are “driving the car off the cliff”? -- I’ve come to the conclusion: “None of the experts are experts.”

     Forget our metaphors -- let’s agree: “You can’t take more water out of the bucket than you put in -- including interest.” We know we’ve ‘borrowed’ our own money – now it’s got to be paid back somehow and we need a guy to steer who knows how this bucket system works. So -- let’s hire him and fire the guy who got us into this mess in the first place.  Pretty simple!

     Jobless claims rose again by 35,000 last week. Not good. However it does show if you're unsuccessful in this country, you didn't do it on your own. You had help. Now we’ve had help. Our current President racked up more debt in one term of office than all the preceding Presidents put together. Can you figure out who gets the pink slip?

          <> I’m Jack Buttram (END)

Jebco Editorial Service



Thursday, July 19, 2012

THE PRESIDENT OPENS *HIS* PATENT OFFICE - Just A Minute Radio for Friday 120720

Looks like the Gremlins are mounting a deserved attack on the opposition.


We’ve been getting lousy news breaks from time to time with a 90% unfriendly MSM press corps. [They don’t look for anything that will help us – au contrar’ mon frer’….] They seem to *always* be on the side of trying to magnify any slips or probs on our side. It’s frustrating. Takes me back to the “Goldwater” days when that was also the ‘soup’ we were generally in.


However – I’ve grown up a little since then – and it’s more tolerable and I’ve seen a lot more of the “justice” the Lord metes out (I’m not sure that’s the word I’m looking for … but it’ll have to do for now, I can’t recall a more apt one.—For the most part things do even out in the end although it doesn’t look like it at the time. (L) – but as I said in the DC Mixing bowl it does end up with “What goes around, comes around!” Often the justice you want to see imposed on the other side gets doled out as the Lord sees fit… so I’ve gotten a little less sensitive to thinking “We’re always getting the short end of the stick.”  


Sometime we get the BIGGER end of the stick and fewer blows accomplish more. (If you follow my thinking. – Which isn’t the easiest thing to do.)  


In the G’water days when I worked first for the G’Water Committee and later for the RNC… I tended to sweat *both* the big and the little things politically. Now I ignore the ankle biters… and commit the BIG guys to the Lord’s justice… and things work out more smoothly… the difference is sometimes I forget.  


But I see guys on the other side who have similar problems – they’re human too, just with more errors that are not counted than I think *ought* to be. But one comforting thought ought to help us all…”There ain’t gonna be no need fer no politics in Heaven.”  Now that was a quote I pulled right out of Mr. Billy Bob’s notebook – he’s good to have around because I can more readily see the kinds of mistakes I’m about to make before I make them (usually) – but not always.  We’re not to Heaven *yet*.


I think that’s about enough ramblin’ for this week. See you next week if you’re willin’ (Billy-bob again!)


Cordially IN HIM


Jack and Barbara


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            Just a Minute: Has the President never heard of the Patent Office. His argument is the self-made man is an illusion… He told the folks in the ‘Old Dominion’ (Quote) “If you were successful, somebody along the way gave you some help.” Thus he informs the ghosts of Henry Ford, the Wright Brothers and Alexander Graham Bell they are frauds for acting as if they developed anything new themselves. Mr. “O” says it was government pure and simple that which brought forth those inventions! How dare they claim an inventor’s crown!

          Nothing The President has ever said resonates more loudly than Mr. Obama’s Roanoke Firehouse Speech. He’s saturated the Internet with images that Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs and others ought to share stage and spotlight with government gods and goddesses who are up until now unsung heroes of the Capitol.

          That’s certainly an unexpected leaf from a heroic paean!  -- I don’t recall ever hearing it expressed with such overwrought emotion. I’m hoping it goes down in history as the point at which Mr. Obama put his foot in his mouth and walked off the political stage. What a welcome sight. <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

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