Thursday, April 29, 2010

STANDING IN THE MERIDIAN -- Just a Minute Radio for Friday 100430

            G’day… it’s FRIDAY again… and for this particular week it could not have come at a better time. (J)


            Two nights ago it was the ‘full “pink” moon’ – I don’t know where that designation came from – except this is the time of year when azaleas (among other floribunda) really grace the southern urban landscapes.  As to why the ‘moon’ namers picked ‘pink’ – maybe that’s just what came to mind first.


            [Oh… I just found out ‘floribunda’ applies to a special profusely blooming rose which has been brought into prominence by hybridizing … I didn’t know that… something new learned today… Thanks.]


            There are some things we don’t often think about.  For instance I had forgotten that back in 2006 an international conference of astronomers met to resolve the question of “Is Pluto a planet?”  It has normally, since 1930 when it was first discovered, been so regarded. But it is so distant, so small and follows such a peculiar orbit… it strains the definition of what a planet is.


            The conference was held in Prague and the resolution before the group planned to drop Pluto and reduce the planets in our solar system to eight similar bodies.  But there were astronomers or scientists who held dissimilar views – and they proposed a definition of “a massive, spherical body orbiting a star.”  Well and good – but there are scores of obscure chunks of rock – or something – that would meet that more ‘generous’ definition.  Some held that expanding the definition would ‘cheapen’ the designation – sort of like how many ‘Starbucks’ can be fitted into one city or county.  It’s mind bending. 


            The monthly essayist in the Old Farmer’s Almanac – from which I got this plethora of facts – says  the only one to gain from such a debate will be the “publishers of astronomy text books.” – To which I think we might add – “Or Almanacs.”


            Drop me a line with your opinion and I”ll post  it here – or Perhaps you’d rather tell me whether Charlie Crist is going to win  the primary in Florida shortly.


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack Buttram


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            Just a Minute: -- My Tidewater Virginia history instructor said -- late during the “waw b’tween th’ states” there was a young recruit who, -- not wishing to be identified with either army -- convinced some cohorts to don a uniform guaranteeing safety.  So, they attired themselves in ‘butternut’ grey shirts – as worn by Confederate Soldiers; and dark blue pants – the uniform of Union troops.

It took but one skirmish to reveal their mistake. Rather than being viewed as non-combatants in ‘no man’s land’ -- the “Billy Yanks” shot ‘em in the shirts -- and the “Johnny Rebs” shot ‘em in the pants.

Charlie Crist, Florida’s sitting governor, may well encounter the same reaction.  Having embraced Mr. Obama’s stimulus plan, his poll numbers began to slide about a year ago until yesterday in his hometown of St. Petersburg he declared he’ll hold on to Republican registration -- but appear on the Florida ballot as a Non-affiliated office seeker. 

Pennsylvania’s Arlen Specter, was more honest a year ago, but recently expressed other thoughts.  

            What noble motive moves Mr. Crist now to take such action?

            <>I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service





Tuesday, April 27, 2010

IF IT AIN'T BENT -- HOW YOU GONNA UNBEND IT? - Just A Minute Radio for Wednesday 100428BB#17

Welcome once again to the land of magic tricks –

At least that’s what some of the folks over at Earl ‘n’ Lester’s Bait Shop and Sushi Bar on th’ Caroliner line call it. The more folks read the 2000+ page health care bill the more puzzling it becomes – and more unintended consequences raise their troublesome heads.

The next bill on the docket wants to be straightening out the “immigration mess” – and it is reputed to be nearing 2000 pages in it’s Harry Reid, unfinished state … at least that’s the appeal Mr. Obama put out last week to the favored constituents – and a sound bite of his promise is being played over and over on cable.

His appeal is to those -- the minorities, which he does not name except for the Latinos and others to whom he aimed special invitations to help him get elected – to assemble and help him over the next hurdle which seems to be immigration problems… illegal and whatever.

Although seasoned observers note he did much heavy lifting on other legislative goals before he got to this one – and apparently that was interpreted by some (perhaps many) of his supporters as ignoring them too much -- there have been repercussions. Plus pundits are now saying the immigration problem (which no one expects to really get solved or passed before November – though no one will say so) may be an advantage to the GOP for this November – but it won’t be for 2012 – oh boy… we’ve got to be running two campaigns at a time it looks like. It’s enough to make a feller just want to throw up his hands totally about this politics stuff. (L)

Well… politics in some ways is a lot like baseball – or ice water …I get interested from time to time… and then go a long time before I get thirsty again. Maybe I ought to take up stamp collecting. (J)…

Cordially, IN HIM


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MizP: Jist A Minute – Mr. Jack, Hit completely excapes me a-bout this unbending stuff?

Jack: What’s this all about Miz Pearlie.?

BB: She’s got all bent out of shape ‘cause of the health care curve bending the wrong way?

MizP: Ah nevah heered ab-out the health cay-uh curve in th’ firs place.

Homer: Miz P – hits a sort of symbol the eek-onomists use to tawk about how much thangs cost…

MizP: You mean in th’ hospital?

Jack: It’s sort of an aggregate Miz Pearl… taking the whole health care system into account.

MizP: So when they do tha-ut whut do they find out?

BB: Well they find out tha-ut genrally th’ older yew git th’ harder hit is to keep frum gettin’ sick.

Homer: Rite Mr. Bill… hits genrally harder to stay healthy.

MizP: But chirren git’s sick too…’specially babies…

Jack: And it takes a lot to get them well again… When we have special medicines

Homer: An more an more specialized eequpmint ---

MizP: An Mr. Obama sayin’ he’s gonna make everbody healthy an happy.

BB: Yeah – add in another 20 million… but hit ain’t a-gonna cost n’more..

Homer: He din’t say tha-ut – he said he won’t a-gonna raise texas…

MizP: A thank you mint Taxes, Homer…

Homer; Yeah…at’s whut ah Mint… But I don’t thank he kin do hit.

BB: Oh sure he can … he’ll jist cut a good size chunk o’ green cheese offen th’ Moon an sell hit to th’ Ruskies.

MizP: Now you bein’ seelie Mr. Beelie…

BB: No more seelie tha-un Mr. Obama. You kain’t put both feet in one shoe.

Homer: Well… who-ever thought of tha-ut…

Jack: I think we’re getting close over to the weed patch again.

BB: We jes tryin’ ta mek sum sents out’n whut’s on th’ news Mr. Jack

Homer: An tha-ut takes sum doin.

Jack: And I’m afraid we’re not doing it this week… Maybe next week.

BB: Yeah… mebbie… ifn’ th sun comes up agin in th’ east.

Jack: OK… time has flown for this week be back next week… I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

JEBCO Editorial Service


Monday, April 26, 2010

WHEN ENOUGH IS ENOUGH -- Just a Minute for Monday 100426 Lt. Col Lakin

            Welcome to an after rain and wind weekend here in  the Carolinas….


            But we’re used to those kinds of things aren’t we.  It’s what comes after the early Spring Bradfords have put away their white umbrellas till next Spring… so they can be first then… and the daffodils and jonquils along with the forsythia have regaled us with their yellows – until we want to see something else… and buy pansies… and geraniums… etc. etc. and so it goes.


            The boys over at Clemson Extension service are about as busy as the form 1040 guys and would like a break… but the summer cometh on apace.  Mother’s day means flowers and bouquets – weddings and so it goes… the Gardner’s work is never fully done – especially if you’re ambitious along the vegetable line… I won’t even go there… unless you want to promise me some sweet corn…


            Tomatoes seem to have such great promise until the cut worms sneak up them some night… or something else of a blight or a botch family comes along… so we end up buying them at  the store.  Ah well… some have the gifts and some don’t … (L)…


            Today’s program needs careful listening.  Perhaps we’re going to see a new chapter develop in trying to get the President to properly certify himself to be qualified to *legally* lead the Nation.  I know, I know the smarty-pants media think they’re putting us down calling us the ‘tea baggers’ and the ‘birthers.’  Just remember this little saying of … “God doesn’t settle his accounts in October…” 

Sometimes the Harvest begins in November… this year I’m praying for a bumper harvest. (J)


            Well… time to go and let that one sink in … it’s all in good humor – at least on this side of the fence it is…. We’ll see how it all comes out and I’ll bet … well… actually I don’t bet… Stick with the best and truest choices.


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack and Barb


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            Just a Minute: -- Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, a military physician, 18 year veteran, highly decorated and commended for his service -- maintains President Obama has not proven he’s a ‘natural born’ citizen of the United States as the Constitution requires.  So he’s refusing to deploy for a second tour to Afghanistan.

            In this weekend’s edition of the Wall St. Journal and earlier in the New York Daily News, he quotes Constitutional language thus: “No person, except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; … “That language was needed in the Philadelphia convention where many were ‘natural born’ citizens of Great Britain.

            Col Lakin, maintains Obama’s refusal to produce evidence of being a “natural born” citizen renders his orders illegal and says:”I invited my court martial and [I] … stand ready to answer the [se] charges…” His attorney, Paul Jensen, hints they may use discovery process to compel release of a more detailed birth certificate.

            Let us pray for his success.

            <>I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service





Friday, April 23, 2010

HOW DO WE KNOW WHEN WE'VE SUCCEEDED - Just A Minute Radio for Friday 100423

            IT’S FRIDAY… I hear it echoing down the halls of history…  (J)


            End of the week time for a good story – well… not exactly a success story as we usually think of them – but certainly it is one in the light of a 65 year point of view.


            Back in April of 1945 – shortly before the end of WWII … especially in the European Theatre – things were moving pretty fast.  One of the very sad things to happen is explained in today’s JUST A MINUTE.  We don’t have time to go into great detail – but we do have listeners who can remember back to those tumultuous days.


            As one of the “Older Set” – somehow that doesn’t sound so ominous as the “Senior Generation” although I was happy enough to claim the title back in 1949 headed for picking up that diplomatic piece of paper. – sheepskin they called it – but I don’t think that was accurate.


            Nonetheless…time is very flexible when we’re remembering and that’s part of what we’re doing today… as well as counting our blessings and trusting the Lord…which is the most important task on the table.


            Thanks for being with us today… and have a great weekend.  We’ll look forward to being with you on Monday.


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack and Barb





            Just a Minute: -- It’s April in 1933. What’s come to be called the “Aryan Paragraph” has just been ‘officially’ adopted by Hitler’s regime although it’s been part of his pathological rhetoric for some time now. In essence it banned all Jews from government employment.

            German churches – relying on government support – faced a choice, resist and cut off your funding, or dismiss pastors and employees.  Regrettably, most Protestant and Catholics quietly complied, some even currying favor with the Swastika wearing government.

            A 27 year-old-pastor named Bonheoffer, published an essay on the “Jewish Question” asserting (quote) “The churches of Germany share an unconditional obligation” to share their difficulties even if they – the victims of an unjust state – “do not belong to the Christian community.”

            That eventually lead to early April 1945 – 65 years ago, Bonheoffer had been revealed as a spy; he was executed with other ‘criminals’ for his ‘radical obedience to God.’

            It’s fitting to be reminded of what our freedom has cost.

            <>I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service





Wednesday, April 21, 2010

PLAYIN' POLITICS IN THE THIRD GRADE? Just a Minute Radio for Monday April 21, 2010 [100421BB#16ThreeIsTwoMany.doc]

            Here we are in the middle of the week again… Glad you’re with us!


            Things get pretty mixed up around here… especially after midnight… but we keep pluggin’ to get the program in shape for the next air date.  Sometimes the carbon paper gets stuck in the copier [Nah… that’s not a reasonable excuse in these days.]


            Anyway – the Florida situation has about 10 days to go before Gov. Charlie Crist *has to* make up his mind and either dive off the high board… or climb back down.  Because of Marco Rubio’s meteoric rise in polling numbers after Mr. Crist embraced President Obama both physically (in a much circulated photo) as well as rhetorically – his campaign has torn itself in two.


            Old timers say stick with the ‘sure thing’ be orthodox and do what pols before you have done – but the TEA PARTY people want none of it.  They are double-tired of being promised everything – and being delivered nothing – well substantially less.  So if *anyone* starts looking, sounding – even what passes for thinking – like Arlen Specter… they are all over him. 


            It’s a dangerous world out there between now and November if you can’t read the traffic lights or the hand signals.


            Mr. Rubio’s rise… and backing from Jim DeMint’s Conservative Senators… has given a new dimension to an old game.  You can’t talk or act “middle of the road” and not expect to get run over by both groups.  With the defection of Bart Stupak on the House side after he had taken on the mantle of ‘baby saver’ – and now his sudden decision to ‘retire’ --- when it had never been mentioned before… well, let’s just say “it got the blood a stirring.”


            Part of it’s regional.  Southerners – like it or not – feel like they’ve too often been the ‘long-tailed cat’ in a room full of rockin’ chairs.  Having found at least some powers of persuasion in recent contests in MA, VA and NJ… they aren’t ready to give up the ship to what amounts to a bunch of loud mouthed legislators who haven’t been able thus far to slug their way out of a box of tissues.


            It’s a wonderful time to be a political observer: not so great if you’re out there in the arena with the Gladiators and Lions.


            Cordially, IN HIM









MizP:  Jist A Minute – Mr. Jack, -- Did I eveuh tell you ‘bout winnin’ in th’ thud grade?

Jack: I think so … but a good story is always welcome.

MizP: Ah wuz a little girl in th’ thud grade…

BB: Uh oh… we’s a-goin’ way back in time…

MizP: Hush up, Beelie…

Homer: Mr. Bill… hit fits rite in wif whut’s a-goin’ on these days.

BB: OK… I reckon

MizP: Thank you so much Homer…

Jack: She’s learned th’ value of not interrupting people.

BB: They’s a hole lot more cud larn on FOX an th’ big-us too fer tha-ut matter.

MizP: Larnin’ ta be polite – not Bein’ A big ole bully like O’Reilly.

Jack: Go ahead, Miz Pearlie.

MizP: Thankee Mr. Jack – you is a gemmun. – Now .. back in Willawaw School.

BB: Williwaw?

MizP: Eggzakly Mr. Beelie -- be quite.

BB: OK … whut happened?

MizP; We wuz ‘lectin’ class officers see…

Homer: And?...

MizP: And we girls wuz allus a-loozin’…

Homer: ‘Cause they wuz more boyeezs.

MizP: Homer … So Ah got a smart idée…see ta nominate another boy…

BB: But wait a minit… tha-ut would split th’ boys votes…

MizP:  Of kos hit would…

Homer: An tha-ut wud mean th’ boyz woud looze ..  but th’ girls wud outnumber ‘em in th’ votin’

MizP:  You’z veery perspective Mr. Homer.

BB: He’s bin tole tha-ut b’fore… don’t give him th’ big hed.

MizP: See tha’s whut’s a-happenin’ down in Floridee… Mr. Crist gittin ta split tha-ut vote wide open.

Jack: Oh we don’t *know* that… do we?

BB: We don’t KNOW hit but we can sure smell a surpise a-comin’ in th’ works.

Homer: Well… Ah don’t know as I’d bet on hit.

Jack: It’s never a good idea to bet – especially on politics… but things are moving pretty fast –

                And we have to move pretty fast too… our time is up. The whole gang expects to be back next week.

MizP: An we-d like fer you boys ‘n’ gurls ta be here wif us too..

Jack: I’m Jack Buttram.(END)

                                                                                    JEBCO Editorial Service





PLAYIN POLITICS IN THE THIRD GRADE? Just a Minute Radio for Wednesday 100421BB#16

            Great to have you with us on this Wednesday.


            I believe it was one of the pre-war Southern Senators who called the House of Representatives “The Cave of the Winds.”


            Well… they’ve been off for a couple of weeks and so should have been “re-charged” --  I would have used “blown-up” but someone might have misinterpreted that a threat in some way.  In any case the talking has resumed… and the hot-seat in various Committee Rooms on Capitol Hill is hot indeed and waiting. 


            Wall Street has its own problems with an obvious cloud of possible scandal circling overhead.  Some feel, well, “challenged” – others take a less painful approach of NOT wanting to have to endure the ‘slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’ especially when it’s being doled out by those famous exemplars of virtue Barney Frank, Barbara Boxer, and Charlie Rangle (-- leaving out Dodd, and a host of others).  To run the election in November just to thin out some of those would be well worth the cost of the ticket.


            I bear them no personal ill-will – however there are those around the National Capitol who do… and will.  It certainly does not have an underpinning of respect underneath… but then that hasn’t been the case genuine since early Colonial Days… and possibly not even then.  When you have the numbers of $$$ being spent on ‘trial run’ campaign ads being tried out *this early* in the season – it causes the ground to shake a bit.  We wonder if it means “This *is* the next big one – or, just the roar of rank partisanship cranking up there on the back row with both Democrats and Republicans.


            It’s just been a busy warming season so far.  Feels like we ought to be somewhere ‘post labor day’ by the baseball clock.  We’ve already lost interest and there are still lots innings to be played.  It seems a long road to November.


            Tennis Anyone?


            Cordially, IN HIM

            Barbara and Jack Buttram 



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MizPJist A Minute – Mr. Jack, -- Did I eveuh tell you ‘bout winnin’ in th’ thud grade?

Jack: I think so … but a good story is always welcome.

MizP: Ah wuz a little girl in th’ thud grade…

BB: Uh oh… we’s a-goin’ way back in time…

MizP: Hush up, Beelie…

Homer: Mr. Bill… hit fits rite in wif whut’s a-goin’ on these days.

BB: OK… I reckon

MizP: Thank you so much Homer…

Jack: She’s learned th’ value of not interrupting people.

BB: They’s a hole lot more cud larn on FOX an th’ big-us too fer tha-ut matter.

MizP: Larnin’ ta be polite – not Bein’ A big ole bully like O’Reilly.

Jack: Go ahead, Miz Pearlie.

MizP: Thankee Mr. Jack – you is a gemmun. – Now .. back in Willawaw School.

BB: Williwaw?

MizP: Eggzakly Mr. Beelie -- be quite.

BB: OK … whut happened?

MizP; We wuz ‘lectin’ class officers see…

Homer: And?...

MizP: And we girls wuz allus a-loozin’…

Homer: ‘Cause they wuz more boyeezs.

MizP: Homer … So Ah got a smart idée…see ta nominate another boy…

BB: But wait a minit… tha-ut would split th’ boys votes…

MizP:  Of kos hit would…

Homer: An tha-ut wud mean th’ boyz woud looze ..  but th’ girls wud outnumber ‘em in th’ votin’

MizP:  You’z veery perspective Mr. Homer.

BB: He’s bin tole tha-ut b’fore… don’t give him th’ big hed.

MizP: See tha’s whut’s a-happenin’ down in Floridee… Mr. Crist gittin ta split tha-ut vote wide open.

Jack: Oh we don’t *know* that… do we?

BB: We don’t KNOW hit but we can sure smell a surpise a-comin’ in th’ works.

Homer: Well… Ah don’t know as I’d bet on hit.

Jack: It’s never a good idea to bet – especially on politics… but things are moving pretty fast –

                And we have to move pretty fast too… our time is up. The whole gang expects to be back next week.

MizP: An we-d like fer you boys ‘n’ gurls ta be here wif us too..

Jack: I’m Jack Buttram.(END)

                                                            JEBCO Editorial Service



Monday, April 19, 2010

WHEN IS A WAR NOT A WAR - Just A Minute Radio for Monday 100419

            Howdy on a Monday!


            While writing this blog I riffed through some amazing photos of what’s causing the airline shut-down across the Atlantic and over most of northern Europe.  There are some truly magnificent photos of the volcanic eruptions that have gone on since mid to late March in Iceland.


            Of course Iceland itself has for years been a haven for Geothermal energy and a very limited (at least it seems so to me) national existence.  But one of my colleagues from some years back spent quite a while there during his naval intelligence service and found it to be an intriguing place.  The language is one obstacle I suppose – but then a lot of people there speak English… or one of the Scandinavian languages… and with such a radical shift of sun to darkness during the winter – 24 hours of sun during the summer… it is a land of extremes.


            Well… that took me off the subject…. Which today is Obama’s Dilemma… what to do about replacing Justice Stevens on the Supreme Court.  We don’t have room for a major presentation here… but other news has sort of mangled what’s happening there… and I suspect the Republic is going to take another pretty heavy blow…all because “my party” the GOP blew it last electoral cycle by just not restraining spending and dumb stuff like that.


            9/11 was not something we could help… at least I don’t see how we could have.  But things have changed now… and if we can get enough people to recognize we can’t do the jump off the thirteen story building and yell – as we pass the 4th floor on the way down – OK So FAR!...That just ain’t gonin’ to cut it friends.  I’m just asking the Lord to show us what to do before we get to the edge of the economic cliff… because I feel certain we headed directly there… the question is are we going to beat the clock or the printing presses… as they print the greenbacks covering our road to ruin.


            However, I’m still optimistic. I know the Lord is in control… *I* would not have had the solution to the problem marching the children of Israel out of Egypt… especially when headed directly for the Red Sea.  Nonetheless… the Lord marched them over on *dry ground*… leaving Pharaoh and  his army to find out how chariot wheels bog down in the bed of the red sea… and the salt water drowns 10,000 soldiers as quickly as it drowns ten… So… miracles happen.  And I suspect we’re having several in store.  Could be some have already happened and we’ve just not seen the results yet.


            So… cheer up ye saints of God… there’s nothing to worry about.  Or the old saying… “Why pray when you can worry.”  That’s NOT a good motto.


            Well… enough for today. I’d love to hear from you when you have time… drop me a line and I’ll do my best to get a response back to you ASAP.


            God bless you and all those you hold dear.


            Cordially, IN HIM





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            Just a Minute: -- What’ll be the judicial temperament of the next Supreme Court nominee replacing Justice John Paul Stephens, who turns 90 tomorrow and was a 21 year old Naval officer in WWII. He’s the Court’s only Veteran.

            John Yoo, law professor at UC Berkley, says Mr. Obama will of course nominate a liberal, to please the critics on his left; but needs also to foster judicial restraint on terrorism.  Professor Yoo, says Justice Stevens, has walked a wobbly line. A decision he wrote in 2004 panicked the Justice Department into releasing 560 detainees – of whom fully 20 percent (says the Wall Street Journal) -- have gone back into terrorism, including Yemeni’s and a Taliban general.

            Mr. Obama’s in a tight spot. Republicans may gripe about it but without the public getting aroused he’ll be pressured by the left to undo any good precedent established thus far.  A lot rides on the public’s grasp of what’s happening now.  It’s a tough call.

            <>I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service










Thursday, April 15, 2010

MIZ PELOSI DROPPING THE BUDGET? -- Just A Minute radio for Friday 100416

            Howdy – Yep.. you guessed right… it’s FRIDAY again… and we’re into tumultuous weather season for sure. – but the flowers and grasses are pretty and growing.


            Budget time comes around the first of July – when things are achieving a bit more of a simmer.  And this year, having gone through the toils and triumphs of getting this far… and now with TAX DAY just behind us… the scope of the problem begins to raise its ugly head.


            Congressmen are finding out the drafts that had to be drafted in such haste are beginning to show their ugly problems – which will probably linger until the snow falls.  It’s hard enough to do a credible job of legislating when you’re paying attention – much less when you’re brimming with overconfidence  -- alternating with figuring out if the TEA PARTY people are real… or are they going to go away.  From all the recent rumblings… It doesn’t look like they are going away… but then neither are the problems generated by the “hurry up so I can get my ‘legacy’ safely locked away… and ‘nemmine t he consequences.’


            At  this point at least, it doesn’t appear a very large and disparate group of voters are buying the line.  Of course the joys of inauguration etc. seem to fade fairly quickly at the beginning of most Administrations – but this has been a more turbulent beginning than most.  The problems that surmount the wave crests just seem to keep coming – and even in the face of bits and pieces of good market news – it’s a vast heaving sea out there – and the winds continue to blow with more than gale force.


            Perhaps before long we’ll hit the ‘summer doldrums’ but I wouldn’t count on it… as I recall my academic career… this time of year when ‘finals’ come along – and you’re trying to look both ways at once – forward as well as backwards… it’s’ not a tranquil time even though winter seems past.   Well.. the garden holds promise… let’s get to it and see what can be achieved  by God’s grace.


            Cordially, IN HIM



            Jack Buttram


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            Just a Minute: -- Does Speaker Pelosi fear the budget battle this year?  Politico(dot).com – a not quite neutral blog says the Democrats, neck deep in the swamp, worrying about  the electorate’s mood in November, may just want to skip the whole budget thing this year.  That would allow Miz Pelosi to duck floor debates denying Republicans any opportunity to question how taxpayer dollars are spent – no representation.  Sound familiar?

            In ‘74 Congress enacted the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act  to forestall overspending and the President’s impounding  funds. The House is required to be the originator of spending bills – they’ve never failed to produce a draft budget even though they’ve missed enacting a real one four times.  Miz Nancy said yesterday it’s her intention to put a budget resolution before the House… Will she carry it out?

            If not she won’t wrestle with Ohio GOP Congressman Jim Jordan, and has  proposed alternative budgets linking spending with revenue.  Last year he got 111 votes.  Does Congress just want to chicken out this year?

            <>I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service
