Wednesday, June 30, 2010

NO CURTAIN CALLS ON THIS PERFORMANCE -- Just A Minute Radio for Wednesday 100630

            Welcome to our Wednesday chats here on JUST A MINUTE –


            The folks at Playfair – being mostly of the ‘more mature set’ – have been long time observers of the senior members of the United States Congress – particularly the USS… [United States Senate].  And being mature in vision and temperament – as well as knowing they are, as a group, more likely to be nearing the ‘Celestial City’ as described in “Pilgrim’s Progress” are concerned to be up to date on current and expected events.


            All that to say they have one eye on the weather and another on the daily obits in the paper or on TV. 


            Which brings us to the departure of Senator Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia – who holds the record of being the longest serving member of the legislature of the United States.  He came to the House of Representatives in 1942 I believe…and served until death took him, over the weekend.  No doubt he was loved by the people of West Virginia and they loved him back, mostly.  Of course there are political differences – but at times like these they need to be put aside, and I will say from personal experience in the Senate, they usually are.


            Senator Byrd was a singular figure. When I served there during the mid 60’s he was well known among the denizens of the Hill to be personally the first man in his office each working day – opening his own mail and tending to the business of his constituents.


            He was an astute vote counter and eventually became a well-respected leader both in the majority and the minority.  He was personable and polite and committed to whatever he grasped.  He – along with Senator Thurmond who was my boss, changed his view on racial matters as the nation changed – and was open about telling those who said they had disagreed with him that he too had learned some things from youth to growing up.


            Well… I didn’t come today to write another obit… you can read those or hear them as you wish… I do, however, take this occasion to point out that time (and apparently taxes) catch up with every man or woman – and there’s no getting around it. Without sermonizing here or temporizing, I would urge you to be honest *with yourself* -- and take heed to those who wish you well even while you may think you are in opposition.  After all… Jesus Himself said: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” Words to which I sincerely ascribe and advocate.


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack Buttram


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Homer: Jist A Minute – Mr. Jack who is gonna take Senator Byrd’s place as th’ longest servin’ Senator?

Jack: I don’t know right off, Homer. I’d have to look it up.

MizP: Twon’t be quite th’ same place wif out Mr. Byrd an Mr. Thurmond…

Jack: No – that’s right.

BB: Ah reckon they’s bin enough cowboys there ta fill up a good size book.

MizP: Quite a few of ‘em Mr. Beelie.

Homer: Did you ever meet him, Mr. Jack?

Jack: I don’t believe so, Homer… if so it was a very brief handshake. He was a very friendly man to staff members. My son Kim and his family live in Beckley West Virginia… and if you’ve ever been in any place in West Virginia you feel like you’re surrounded by the man.

BB: There’s a freeway named after him ain’t there?

Jack: Right… the Robert C. Byrd Freeway… and the Robert C. Byrd Library, and School …

MizP: An Coal Mine?

Jack: Maybe Miz Pearl… but I’ve never heard of it.

Homer: Senator Maybank of South Caroliner was purty good at bringin’ home th’ bacon was he not?

Jack: Yeah some other members said if he brought one more government agency to Charleston it would tip over and slip out to sea.

Mizp: Aw… Ah don’t b’leive that.

Homer: Sumbody tried ta pass a bill ta keep tax-paid thangs bein’ named after peepul ‘til they bin dead at least ten years.  

MizP:  Ah thank we better stop they-uh… we wants ta be nice.

Jack: Sure we do… and anyway time’s up – Be with us again next Wednesday.  I’m Jack Buttram.


JEBCO Editorial Service





Sunday, June 27, 2010


            Howdy… it’s MONDAY! --- and Hot and Sticky has been the rule… and threatens some more…


            But it’s nice when a T-storm comes by and drops the temp by 20 degrees or so…  If you don’t begin to feel like a steamed clam… then you’re OK down South of the Mason-Dixon Line…  The town where my wife lived during her High School Daze – used to have a BIG Dixie cup factory right there in the heart of Yankee Land… it was a landmark all the kids used to see who could pick it out first when we were visiting there in the summers…


            Those were the daze all right… hot and hotter… and before A/C was very common.  I think I heard it said once movies would not have been successful if it had not been for the fact down South that was one place you could go for a couple of hours to get cool.  The other place was the ICE House… where you had to go to buy ice… if you were planning to make a ‘churn’ of peach ice cream.  That’s what used to keep people alive here in South Carolina. (J)…And I have Cousins around these parts who were – and I guess still are – great Watermelon fans. Matter of fact we’ve got one in the air conditioned kitchen right now… I hope we get to it before long.  But it’s one of them “little-uns” – everything’s little about it except the price.  But my wife says I live back in the 18th century anyway when it comes to pricing stuff… or worse, paying for it.


            Anyway be sure and be listening to today’s JUST A MINUTE…. I’m sure the folks at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in Washington DC would be so *glad* to hear from you via e-mail etc…if you ask them what a good definition for transparency is.  They ‘re having a hard enough time figuring out what they ought to be doing for their Summit meetings.  I hear $19,000,000 – that’s Million with an “M” was the cost they had to lay on to have safety fences to protect all the bigwigs coming in for the weekend. 


            Maybe they’ll learn a conference call is cheaper.  ‘Course they’re not worried… the US is on the hook for most of the bill anyway… Ah well…not a great way to start off the week is it.?  Well – Just remember – Happiness is a DECISION!


            You can keep a smile on your face if you’ll just listen to a Jimmy Durante record.


            Cordially, IN HIM



            Jack & Barbara






Just a Minute: -- Asked by the NEW YORK TIMES if they were aware how many meetings go on between staffers and lobbyists at nearby coffeehouses – Dan Pfeiffer, Director of Communications for the Obama White House said: (Quote) “This administration has taken unprecedented steps to increase the openness and transparency of the White House, … We expect that all White House employees adhere to their obligations under our very stringent ethics rules regardless of who they are meeting with or where they meet.”

          Three reporters worked on a major piece last Thursday questioning why so many staff/lobbyist meetings go on just two blocks away in light of the President’s pre-election ‘transparency’ promise.

          Rahm Emanuel – White House Chief of Staff meets weekly with a private group of lobbyists at the Capital Hilton according to last Thursday’s edition of the TIMES.  This is happening in spite of the President’s complaint about “battalions” of lobbyists ‘exerting undue influence’ on government operations and policy.

          Well…  Last weeks rumors indicated Emanuel will likely bail-out after November. His bucket must have a leaky hole in it.  

<> I’m Jack Buttram.  (END)

Jebco Editorial Service




Friday, June 25, 2010

WATCH OUT FOR ICE BERGS -- Just A Minute Radio for 100625

            Howdy… it’s that day again… Friday… and July 4th is a-comin’.


            I’ve heard a lot of folks describe July 4th as the peak of Summer… and it’s just a short downhill ride until school starts again in the Fall with all that portends. 


            Indeed the days do get a wee bit shorter right here at the end of the solstice… which took place on Monday at 7:28 AM (despite what you may have heard in error)… Other things you may not have heard of in the midst of all the political, oil and water crises – Back in Union SquareManhattan in 2005 a 17½ ton – 25 foot tall ice pop (that’s what the Old Farmer’s Almanac called it) melted flooding the streets. And on July 20th 1837 Queen Victoria ascended the British Throne.


We’re expecting the Full Strawberry Moon to rise about 8:46 PM here in the East Saturday early AM … and there will be a partial eclipse of the full moon somewhat before 5:06 AM or if you want to get up a little earlier around 4:30 or so you might have a better chance of seeing the effects of this partial eclipse. And that happens no matter which party is in power or has a majority in the House or Senate. (J)I’m the sun not the moon!


So – with all that good news piled up for you… have a great weekend… enjoy the Summer while it’s here… even though it is a mite dry. See you Monday. (DV)


Cordially, IN HIM




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Just a Minute: -- Now allegations sullying former Vice President Gore.  Without passing judgment, it calls to mind the continuing need for a return to character and uprightness.  As a Christian, I believe we will have to have a majority turn to God, or the essence of what is proclaimed in the Bible. 

I know we aren’t recruiting for a church here … But there’s no excuse for dishonesty and bad behavior.

Both political parties need candidates of sterling character – or we are in a futile fix.

I began thinking of how King Canute must have felt placing his throne on the sandy beach, commanding the TIDE not to come in.  He was intent to communicate to his courtiers it was futile without Christian character.  And so it is.

If America is to succeed on our mission – it’s absolutely necessary to hold public servants at every level to standards that deserve trust and nothing less. Some will say that’s impossible – if so we must say to old Ben Franklin, he must have been right. We cannot hold our Republic. Is that what you want?

<> I’m Jack Buttram.  (END)

Jebco Editorial Service








Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Howdy, howdy, howdy –


“Once more into the breach dear friends – Once more!  Or close the wall up with our English dead. …” The brave words of Henry V who was – according to Shakespeare – willing to lead his men into battle to the point of risking the King’s own life…. (Himself!)… which would have been disastrous.


But there are times when such bravery is called for. America seems to have plenty in her fighting men and women… but the battle grows wearisome when the leader does not know, nor give evidence he cares much, so long as his leisure is accomplished and nothing personally intrudes upon his composure.


Possibly that’s too harsh a standard – but when it falls to you to send young people into war from which they well may not return… well… responsibility takes on a much heavier coat. From which, certain men whose names have become famous in history…like Benedict Arnold as an example where he can now be better assured of getting out alive because of the training they undertook. But WHO IS TRAINING THE LEADERS?  Who informs President Obama on what needs to be done in areas of restraint, bravery, putting yourself and family last… Who?


Right now it seems to be the American taxpayer… like it or not. And most red-blooded Americans don’t like it. Are we coming to another place in the road where Freedom takes a back seat – and unselfishness is not as readily found. Except we continue to hear these miraculous stories.


It is TIME America that we quit calling on the young men and women of America to sacrifice themselves when their leaders seem to fail grasping little of what *they* are asking others to do for them.


Is it not time we right this wrong – no matter who is senior or who is disinterested. We needs hang together… or as Benjamin Frankly once averred reverently… If we do not all hang together – we most assuredly will hang separately.


Cordially… In HIM





Here are the audio files --

Sunday, June 20, 2010

WHAT DOES 'SNAKEBIT' LOOK LIKE? -- Just a Minute Radio for Monday 100621

            Howdy AGAIN ---


            Yessiree – Today we’re exploring the herpetologists domain to figure out how ‘snakebit’ figures into politics.  It’s happened before (they say).  The subjects most recognizable, besides the usual mug-shots on the post office bulletin boards, are current politicians.


            That seems to be the case according to some of the Nation’s top-ranked pubic pundits… people who look into their crystal ball … or read the tea-leaves or *something* and bring out the stories that when you read them six months from now, you’ll wonder just which far off planet were these folks describing.


            Punditry, is not the easiest job in the world… but it probably has better odds than ‘playing the lottery.’  We’re not trying to set people up for success or failure in the runoff elections of tomorrow… but there will be winners and losers.


            A word to the Democrats listening… no need for you worry about voting tomorrow – all your races have been decided (at least in the local area of South Carolina.) I’m not sure about North Carolina or some special election districts in Georgia … so check your local news authorities.


            About all I’m sticking my neck out for is to let you know the polling places will be operating in SC between 7AM and 7 PM tomorrow (Tuesday) and while I believe the voting will be heavier than usual in most of the runoff’s of recent years – it’s still not forecast to be an election that will cause long lines at the voting places. Most likely that will be a different case come November… because there seems to be more interest than usual in *this* mid-term election coming up in the fall… but right now for the most part this event settles the question when you have more than one candidate in the race… and answers who will get to bear the standard for their party in the fall when the *real* election takes place.


            Also… if you’ve moved from one voting place to another… it’s a good idea to get your registration card brought up to date and remember you have to have a voter registration card with you or a valid driver’s license OR.. you’ll be asked to vote a provisional ballot OR go downtown to get your record straightened out beforehand at the election commission’s office in Court House Square.


            The time of day when you are *most likely* to have to stand in line is late in the day after most folks get off from work… so plan accordingly and take valid part in electing your representatives – it is *your* country… take care of it. (J)


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just a Minute: -- Peggy Noonan – who writes weekly commentary in the Wall Street Journal, says President Obama “is starting to look snakebit” – meaning experiencing a bit of bad luck.

TIME Magazine’s Mark Halperin, called last Tuesday’s oval office effort: “fierce, unforeseen, disappointment.”  The Huffington Post  described it as “profoundly underwhelming.” And Clinton’s former Labor Secretary, Robert Reich, called it “Vapid.”  -- Keith Oblerman at MSNBC averred: “It was a great speech if you had been on another planet for the last 57 days.”

With friends like that, you need not look for enemies. Observers on the right disliked it too.

Nielson rated it 32 million watching compared with 48 million on the State of the Union address.

The President reverted to his ‘professorial’ demeanor which doesn’t stir the cheerleaders – although Noonan says he could use his hands because he wasn’t holding a hard copy in case the teleprompter froze – “Politicians do this” she says, “because it makes them look natural.”

Anyway – what do you do when you begin to look ‘snakebit?’  She opines “When you’re snakebit, you get some sympathy.”… Shades of Jimmy Carter. <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service






WHAT DOES 'SNAKEBIT' LOOK LIKE? -- Just a Minute Radio for Monday 100621

            Howdy AGAIN ---


            Yessiree – Today we’re exploring the herpetologists domain to figure out how ‘snakebit’ figures into politics.  It’s happened before (they say).  The subjects most recognizable, besides the usual mug-shots on the post office bulletin boards, are current politicians.


            That seems to be the case according to some of the Nation’s top-ranked pubic pundits… people who look into their crystal ball … or read the tea-leaves or *something* and bring out the stories that when you read them six months from now, you’ll wonder just which far off planet were these folks describing.


            Punditry, is not the easiest job in the world… but it probably has better odds than ‘playing the lottery.’  We’re not trying to set people up for success or failure in the runoff elections of tomorrow… but there will be winners and losers.


            A word to the Democrats listening… no need for you worry about voting tomorrow – all your races have been decided (at least in the local area of South Carolina.) I’m not sure about North Carolina or some special election districts in Georgia … so check your local news authorities.


            About all I’m sticking my neck out for is to let you know the polling places will be operating in SC between 7AM and 7 PM tomorrow (Tuesday) and while I believe the voting will be heavier than usual in most of the runoff’s of recent years – it’s still not forecast to be an election that will cause long lines at the voting places. Most likely that will be a different case come November… because there seems to be more interest than usual in *this* mid-term election coming up in the fall… but right now for the most part this event settles the question when you have more than one candidate in the race… and answers who will get to bear the standard for their party in the fall when the *real* election takes place.


            Also… if you’ve moved from one voting place to another… it’s a good idea to get your registration card brought up to date and remember you have to have a voter registration card with you or a valid driver’s license OR.. you’ll be asked to vote a provisional ballot OR go downtown to get your record straightened out beforehand at the election commission’s office in Court House Square.


            The time of day when you are *most likely* to have to stand in line is late in the day after most folks get off from work… so plan accordingly and take valid part in electing your representatives – it is *your* country… take care of it. (J)


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just a Minute: -- Peggy Noonan – who writes weekly commentary in the Wall Street Journal, says President Obama “is starting to look snakebit” – meaning experiencing a bit of bad luck.

TIME Magazine’s Mark Halperin, called last Tuesday’s oval office effort: “fierce, unforeseen, disappointment.”  The Huffington Post  described it as “profoundly underwhelming.” And Clinton’s former Labor Secretary, Robert Reich, called it “Vapid.”  -- Keith Oblerman at MSNBC averred: “It was a great speech if you had been on another planet for the last 57 days.”

With friends like that, you need not look for enemies. Observers on the right disliked it too.

Nielson rated it 32 million watching compared with 48 million on the State of the Union address.

The President reverted to his ‘professorial’ demeanor which doesn’t stir the cheerleaders – although Noonan says he could use his hands because he wasn’t holding a hard copy in case the teleprompter froze – “Politicians do this” she says, “because it makes them look natural.”

Anyway – what do you do when you begin to look ‘snakebit?’  She opines “When you’re snakebit, you get some sympathy.”… Shades of Jimmy Carter. <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service






Friday, June 18, 2010

SO, HOW DO *YOU* EXPLAIN ALVIN GREENE'S NOMINATION? -- Just A Minute Radio for Friday 100621

Yep, No doubt about it … IT’S FRIDAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaayaaaa!

I really don’t know why we make such a fuss about it – Fridays come every week… just like …well… just like clockwork.

Have you ever looked into how they used to keep time… back in the ‘olden days’ – things like candles that burned down an inch an hour – or some approximation of that… Water dripping from little cups and dumping out into larger containers…

Then of course there was Galileo – and when I went to look up his last name – I find he is best known by his first name Galileo --- so how’s that going to look in the phone book? He taught us how to tell time… accurately!

Also I’ve somehow in the rush of things around here… managed to bollix up my e-mail addresses… which I’ll have to untangle at a later date. So… If I’m slow getting back to you… it’s just an old geezer fumbling around in the belly of the beast… the computer – trying to straighten things out.

We ought to have a lot of fun with what’s happening with the nomination for whoever is going to run for one of the Senate seats in South Carolina – since it caught a lot of Democrats… (Republicans too for that matter.) totally off base.

We used to be coached in baseball… when you’re on base and trying to steal second or third… you only get off the bag by “two steps and a slide.” – I hadn’t thought about that until Barbara and I went to a ‘live’ baseball game… minor league of course… but a nice newly built stadium we’ve been too before… and I got a sunburn inadvertently even though I was sitting in the “sombre” section… which is supposed to mean shadow… and I thought it was shadowed enough that I wouldn’t need sunscreen… I was wrong. So… I’m a rosy pink for a few more days. I don’t think I got enough to blister… but apparently I’m a class 1 sunburn case… most folks are class 2 and the really bronzy ones are class three… that’s something else I picked up over this week.

Well.. have a happy day at the beach… and stay in the shade or well sunscreened… take it from an “old master.”

Stay tuned for the latest on how we pick our senators and presidents and well drillers. I believe it’s time to write some new chapters in the “Conduct of Proper Procedures” tomes … (Had to look that one up… I did NOT mean graveyard.)

See you next week.

Cordially, IN HIM,


(Just trying something new.)

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Just a Minute: -- Let’s have your theory on how Alvin Greene won Democrat senate slot? Here’s the Washington Post’s best guess:

In a Columbia barber shop, as Glenn Johnson cuts a customer’s hair, he just says: “Don’t know th’ cat”

The mystery of how Greene with no, money, no staff, no ads -- thus far unsolved – but “Conspiriacy” hangs heavy in the humid air.

Greene, 32, is an honorably discharged veteran. On CNN, Fox News and MSNBC he appears hesitant, almost unprepared.

Republican plant? – The Attorney General’s office says, no evidence of election fraud. Where did the $10,000 entry fee come from? – Greene says he saved it – but he’s said he has no job and plead poverty last Fall.

Columbia business owner, Ronnie Morris 62, confesses that voting on his lunch break Greene’s name was just the first one on the list. “When I saw him on TV for the sex investigation I said, “Lord have mercy, I voted for this dude!’” He says he knows five other people who did the same thing. .

A precinct captain believes quite a few GOP voters voted for Greene deliberately … but ruminates – “You’d think though if Republicans did it they’d pick someone more believable.”

Th’ th’ --- that’s all folks… I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I DON'T KNOW -- HE WAS THERE -- I VOTED! -- Just a Minute Radio for Wednesday 100616

            Howdy… Great to have you here on Wednesday – Interesting things are passing on the airwaves.


            Time is draining through the hour glass faster and faster it seems. I think I already gave out the information the “OFFICIAL” first day of Summer comes next Monday morning – Seven something as I recall… and then the days start getting shorter again…


            But I found out something either in the air or someone on the air… June is the month in which we get the most sunlight.  I guess it’s because of the particular tilt of the earth  (23.5 degrees – I believe) so if you get your Almanac out in which sunrise and sunset times are figured out for your latitude, you’ll see the days stretch out a little longer in early July – but the Sun appears to come up earlier for a slightly longer period in June… which contributes more light for us in June than July… and then of course we’re headed into the fall season.  I’m not enough of an astronomer to pin it all down or figure it out… but apparently the farmers… particularly up north where there’s a greater variation in the length of days … that tips the sunlight duration more toward June than July.  I never really caught that before.


            Well… the political lights are coming on and I devoutly wish that we would come up with something like the British system which tells them how long they can campaign…I think it’s right around a month…and then no more campaigning until the next election cycle occurs.  However I’ve got a good set of earplugs… noise cancelling earphones and I can turn off the light at night – and the TV too – and shut it all down.  Problem is we can’t stop Congress from spending money at night. When the moon is low and the wolves howl… No… I’m getting off in another genre of stories.


            Praise the Lord we do have *some* diligent, caring and concerned ‘public servants’ – and I thank HIM for them. In reality it’s not an easy job… and no matter what you do if you do it long enough there will be people who don’t like what you do… it’s the nature of the beast.  That’s one reason why I like term limits so… it shortens the time usually under which a person has to bear that yoke of public service.  Well… enough said for today.  But be prepared to take park in the elections next Tuesday if your party has runoff contests.  Some races are not contested and so there’s a relative calm there.


            Interesting time these.  I keep crediting this saying to Thomas Jefferson although I can’t find just when and where he said it: “This time, like all others, is a very good one – if we can just discover what to do with it.” – Lets’ hurry up and make that discovery.  Time’s a-wastin’.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Homer: Jist A Minute – I ast a question las week but I never got no answer.

MizP: Sumpin’s wrong tha-yh Homer – everbody’s goin’ round lookin fer plants.

BB: Homer’s a-askin’ now is ‘bout the man at won th’ Demicrat Primary heah fer th’ Senate.

MizP; Ah knows th’ question – Ah jist don’t know no answers – Oh… at a dubble negative.

Jack: Miz P, when Homer says “He never got NO answer… that means…

BB: Means he *did* git a answer but he cain’t say whut hit is.

Homer: This here’s veery cornfusin’ – ah heered Miz Foriner was critical of Senator Boxer’s hair…

BB: But din’t know th’ mike was on.

Homer: Tha-ut happened ta th Vice Prezdint …

MizP: An Prezdint Bush th’ second one …. 

BB: An th’ firs Prezdint Bush *wisht* th’ mike wuz off when he said “Read my Lips…”

MizP: Oh din’t he tho.

Homer: But jist like Mr. Clyburn duz when he thanks Alvin Greene is a plant…

BB: Not wif green leaves … er pine needles ah hope…?

MizP: Naw Beelie… he thanks sneaky Repubbicans done sneaked him on th’ ballot.

BB: Ah’ll letum sneek me on fer ‘nuthr ten thousand.

MizP: He sez he saved at up …

Homer: But in th’ he tole th’ judge he din’t have no money.

Jack: Another double negative.

BB: You gimme Ten Thousand dollars… I ain’t gonna fergit hit.

Homer: D’ya thank that’ll happin b’fore ‘lecshun day Mr. Jack.

Jack: I’m not wicked good at predicting…

BB: Well th’ courts makes a lotta difference. Oh We vote again nex Tuesday.

MizP: Oh th’ time jist flies.

Jack: Exactly right Miz Pearlie… so we’ll close shop ‘till next Wednesday. --  I’m Jack Buttram.


JEBCO Editorial Service




Monday, June 14, 2010

FUNNY, HOW PERSPECTIVE CHANGES -- Just A Minute Radio for Monday 100614

Howdy on a Monday –


Hope you had a sterling weekend.  I did – I don’t think I forgot anything… much… Friday was my youngest son’s birthday… Can’t believe he’s 53… that’s an old man isn’t it?  Maybe I’ve forgotten something.  Oh yeah… when you’re almost in your 80’s the 50’s seem way back there… pretty young – maybe not so pretty.


Today is Flag Day… in case you hadn’t remembered.  I think I saw the soldiers going through Arlington Cemetery – that’s a big passle of flags to put out.  But they deserve to be placed there.  Wasn’t there a lot of stories about the mixups at Arlington over the weekend?  Maybe it’s the oil spill… either that or global warming… only I think nowadays we’re suppose to call it ‘climate change.’  Even if we’re not sure it’s really changing.


Memory – it’s a funny thing. I recall getting dressed for church on Sunday …. Clipping my note-taking ball point pen to the neck of my Tee shirt… about 15 minutes later I was looking all over for that pen that was ‘hiding’ somewhere… I didn’t find it until late afternoon… when I took off my shirt with the tie… and there it was still clipped to the tee shirt neck…  And to think --  I used to make fun of people who lost their sunglasses pushed up on their foreheads… I don’t now.


Age is part of perspective.  I read an old NYT essay about how poetry is useful as a factor for self-awareness. Funny, I never thought of poetry as being useful that way – I guess I still don’t.  I don’t know why… it’s just me. The script today shows how we change our perspective on things – at least I think so – as we get older… or at least as time goes by. Well, perhaps when I outgrow adolescence I’ll change my thinking about things.  I dunno… it’s too early in this week to make those kinds of plans. (J) at least that’s as far as I’ve gotten with it so far.


Have a great Monday… I’ll see you here again on Wednesday with all the gang.  Oh – yes… I forgot.  I hope you didn’t miss Miz Pearlie’s run down on the ‘lections of last week.  She made a guest appearance on Friday’s JUST A MINUTE program.  Next thing you know she’ll be wanting her own time slot.


Cordially, IN HIM




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Just a Minute: -- Here’s a front page headline in the week-end  WALL STREET JOURNAL.

It reads – “A School Prays for Help.”  Is the ACLU alerted? The story says Americans United for the Separation of Church and State have a retired Baptist pastor on the case.

The story originates in Lakeland, Florida, but cites instances near San Diego and documents occurrences of businesses and public schools combating budget cuts – example: school principal of Combee Elementary School welcomed The First Baptist Church at the Mall, “adopting” the school when his budget for pencils, and other essential supplies was cut by a third… they stocked the school supply room with five thousand dollars worth of supplies.  The Principal is delighted and so is Pastor Dave McClamma who told the Journal, “We have inroads into public schools that we have not had before. … By befriending the students we have opportunities to visit homes to talk to parents about Jesus Christ.”

 A picture shows the principal and pastor praying outside the school –

Oh – Wait ‘till the ACLU hears about this <> I’m Jack Buttram  (END)

Jebco Editorial Service
