Tuesday, November 25, 2008


            Howdy Friends and family…


            Great to be with you again. Seems like the time just spins by – as the old dog song goes – “You just get up and it’s time to lay down” – Life gets ‘tedious don’t it.


            Well, not if you’re concentrating… and just seeing how the Lord can and will lead you. We had two very illuminating services at our church this weekend… and I renewed my appreciation for Pastors who spend the time and effort in the Word of God to attempt to show us how complex and at the same time, how good God is. Yes, of course I’m aware of times when we wonder what’s going on… and how does this illness or closed door fit into God’s plan. But I’m finding out when I pay attention and closely examine how the Lord has lead me and guided me – and worked out things not only for good, but for the very best…. Well it gets pretty amazing and I’m so pleased we have God’s servants all around us – different people with different talents and gifts – but all fitted by the Lord into a perfect tapestry that glorifies HIM and the plan HE has for us.


            It just makes me thankful all over again. I had the opportunity to visit Monday with a group of folks who have traveled many miles along life’s road… and it was such a blessing to be with them. Yes there are illnesses and pain and loss… but for those who are genuinely committed to understanding what God has for them – I’m just happy to be around them – and I hope you have that kind of experience too.


            My preference in holidays will be here in a day or two – because it tends to be a family gathering and sometimes we can dial back the pressures that seem to surround Christmas. Perhaps this year with the economic problems that seem to be rampant… we’ll see more of what Christmas is all about and less of the tinsel and materialism that often crowds out who Christ is and why He came to earth. I like it – this time – when we can give our thoughts to HIM.


            Cordially, IN HIM











JUST A MINUTE: We are going to break with political news today! -- Let’s talk turkey from Renee S. Ferguson for 14 years she’s been the Butterball Turkey Talk-Line expert – these are actual questions she has had to answer:

Can you eat a turkey that hasn't been refrigerated in three days. (BB:Short answer: No!)

Can you deep-fry a frozen turkey. (BB: Short answer: No!)

Can you use an old nylon to stuff the turkey. (Short answer: Ew! No!)

Here’s breaking news from the campaign trail.

BB: I thought you wasn’t going to have any po-litical news.

Jack: I forgot –  Oh but this can’t wait: Al Gore is hitting the campaign trail again… in 2008, and the newspapers are using the same headline as they did in 1988, 1992, 1996 and 2000.

BB: Well, ah’m glad we din’t miss that.  Anything else?

Jack: Oh FOX News reports the secret to longevity is: “A little science and a LOT of healthy living.

BB: That all now?

Jack: Scientists are trying to teach robots and humans how to get along.

BB: OK… Mr. Jack, Mebbe you oughtta siddown.  Ah…We’ll be back tomorrow folks. Ah’m Billy Bob – So Long.  (END)

Jebco Editorial Service


e-mail n4zhk@arrl.net



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