Friday, March 25, 2011

YOU CAN'T SEE THE GARDEN FOR THE WEEDS -- Just A Minute Radio for Friday 110325

Good! – You made it through the week.


It was a tough one – what with the Prez being out of the country and all… and the Germans pulling out of the Libyan deal and the Egyptians… And Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton not being in sync on what they were saying is/was happening in the UN and all that stuff.


It took a lot of effort to get back on the same page – and the most illustrative remark I saw come across the wires was: “Well our air strikes went well… the question is ‘Where are we headed?’”  Is Col. M going to keep on going on the way he is?  What will happen if he just won’t leave – who will put him out – and where?  It’s a good question.


We left the world and the Congress wondering just how are we to untangle this mess?  At the beginning of the Rebel (are they really rebels or Mohammed Brothers?) resistance in Libya it looked as if Obama might be gone if someone gave him a little nudge.  By the end of the week – even though we had gotten the no – fly zone up and running… no one seemed to know where to next?  The President did cut his trip short by three hours (what a compromise) and there’s still no agreement on a plan to fund the government for the rest of the year… but nevermind – Germany’s Merkel is worried about losing votes in a very loyal part of her country… even though her seat is secure. The Arab league nations are very dicey about having any of their bombs drop on anyone professing the Muslim faith… OH, oh , oh…


And we have a ‘few’ things dangling in air on the home front.


But it appears with Donald Trump insisting the President get out his birth certificate and show it to everyone… and Opra has been on Australia and now to Tasmania the coming week… and other international crises… Looks like the Freshmen GOP House members are totally disgusted with the compromise their leaders want to make – and the leaders are worried that the GOP will get the credit ??? for shutting government down again… Meantime the Iowa caucuses are nearer – and Oh (Heaven forfend) it looks like Evangelical Christians are going to dominate the IOWA caucuses… and nobody knows what to do about that. (J)


Meantime Mr. Pawlenty decides it’s time to run …. Even though it’s almost 19mos away from voting time – and everyone’s decided it’s a worse time than the second election prospects Jimmy Carter found out about.


To add a little spice to the cake – Human Events is promoting the “Rage” book that explains to the world – by Denesh D’Souza – why Mr. Obama is in such a ‘calm rage.’ [I just typed that sentence and I’m not sure what it means.]  So that means we’ve got an even bigger ball of twine to try and straighten out. Looks like we’ll need every day of that remaining two years in Mr. Obama’s term to comb out the kinks in the electoral system… get Rev. Jeremiah Wright to figure out if he’s for or against Mr. Obama and quite a few other loose campaign ends that will be sorted out and bound up in a nice frazzled package for the electorate to sort out.


Somehow it’s gotten to be after 3AM while I’m trying to put this story to bed… Lets’s just not have another earthquake or war start up before dawn if you please.


Cordially, IN HIM

Jack & Barbara



          Just a Minute: -- Libya and Japan have been chewed over this week. So we’re gonna talk about vegetable gardening.

          First -- a list of easy to grow veggies from the “Old Farmer’s Almanac.”

          The 5 easiest veggies to grow? -- Bush Beans are a snap; Radishes don’t need fertilizer; Beets are easy-care; Cherry Tomatoes aren’t bothered by disease as much as others and Zucchini’s are awesomely productive.

          Six to eight hours of sun are needed – for light, more is better.

          Now don’t go whole hog or you’ll have Zucchini’s in your attic. Soil should be well-drained and loamy.  Best advice to newbies … start small – better to be surprised than frustrated.

          For how to tips write the Old Farmer people at Dublin, New Hampshire Zip 03444 to buy a copy – or pickup one at a bookstore –

might be sold out by now – costs about $6… we don’t sell ‘em.

For South Carolina residents, get loads of no-cost great info at Clemson Cooperative Extension -1-888-656-9988 Monday thru Friday 9-1. In North Carolina or Georgia – same deal there’s an office in every county.

          Do you feel better already? Great! <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)


Jebco Editorial Service


                                                                                                            [Sorry  how the layout came out.]


Delayed Audio Link



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