Wednesday, March 30, 2011

HOW TO BE OPAQUE! - for JUST A MINUTE RADIO on Wednesday 110330

Welcome to the “World of Wet” – at least that’s the informal name for the current weather that’s happening around here.


It’s unusual because the last few years our trend line has been to complain about not enough rain.  However, those who live on the lakes in NW SC probably are better long-range measurers of how much rain comes along the Blue Ridge Escarpment where the Piedmont plain begins the climb up to the first range of the Blue Ridge.  It’s quite evident when flying in a light aircraft under 10,000 feet.  And if you go much under that in the night you may run into obstacles… not a good idea.


Anyway… it’s different. We’ve also had cold interspersed with rain and that’s not been usual when we’re out of the winter season – but an occasional late frost has been – at least in my experience. Seems like a few decades back we often lost at least a portion of the peach crop every three or four years – but in more recent years it became less frequent. I also remember colder winters enabling ice-skating on municipal park ponds in Roanoke VA during my school years. But the factors that slowed that down I don’t think were entirely the fault of ‘Global Warming.’


Well… I’m not a weather trend specialist. (And I suspect some who are such avid advocates of how the ‘Greenhouse Gasses are Gassing Us’ may be a little [or a lot] excessive in their enthusiasm.)  I will say however, the most impressive evidence I’ve seen concerning global warming were signs posted along the perimeter of some of the glacial ice my wife and I saw in New Zealand.  There’s no doubt about the evidence for there’s no advantage to the NZ natives to ‘brag’ about their glacial ice retreats.  At the same time – people who keep track of ice shelves in Antarctica as well as the ice shelves and formations on the Iceland side of Greenland… well there’s contradictory evidence there indicating the ice coming and going occurs over pretty long cycles – not just decades but longer.


No need to go down that path. I can’t make a good argument either way.  But weather IS a very interesting subject… and from experience of flying in a fair amount of it with less experience and equipment than I might have wished I had… Well… we all learn new things and ought to be open to what the Lord wants to teach us.


I’ve concentrated on Libya more than I wished to – there are things that need to be kept track of in Japan and Haiti as well as all over the good old USA.  I just don’t have the ability to keep up with it all – but I do appreciate the kindness of those who tell me they hear the program and want me to keep on.  I’ve had such a minimum of complaints I wonder if there’s anyone listening or reading “sometimes” – but then I buckle down to finding out something I didn’t know about…and the experiment is on again. I guess I’ve been on this learning curve since Junior High… and always something new is turning up.


Thanks for being here – and taking part as you do.  Offer suggestions as you feel lead… I always want to be open to listen or read – so fire away. (J).


Cordially, IN HIM






Jack: JUST A MINUTE: – Billy-bob  – How do you think Mr. Obama will pay for military operations in Libya?

BB: I reckon, Mr. Jack, tha-ut he’ll hafta ast fer one a them cornditional  fundin’ thangs.

Homer: But there ain’t no cornditional funds set aside Mr. Bill.

Mizp: What ‘er you  tawkin’ ‘bout. Souns like gibberish ta me.

Homer: Oh we’s tryin’ ta figger out whut th’ Prezdint said in th’ speech Monday nite.

BB: Well, thassa lost cause – hepless.

MizP: Don’t say tha-ut Mr. Bieely… Hepless done gone out wif Pearl Harbor.

Jack: That’s a really good way to put it Miz Pearlie.

Homer: Congersman Bruce Braley of I-o-way done ast him ‘bout tha-ut in a letter.

BB: I betcha he din’t git no answer. Prezidint’s too busy wif other thangs.

Homer: That Mr. Carney that took over Frum Mr.  Ahhhh Gibbs…

MizP: Oh all them fellers is beat-a-roun-th’-bush guys. They don’t say nothing.

Homer: Well Ah read National Journal­­ magazeen said jist th’ Tommy-hawk missiles cost a hunnert million first day.

BB: Senator Lugar of Indiana said th’ operation has done cost about a Billion an also says they ain’t no buget fer hit.

Homer: At remines me whut Sen. Dirksen of Illinois uster say.

MizP: Yeah….I members – He uster say: A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon it adds up to real money.

BB: He uster tawk ‘bout billions… now Obama done graddiated us up to ‘TRILLIONS’ an hit’s wrecked th treasury.

Jack: You got it pegged Mr. Bill.

BB: Ah don’t know the answer how we gonna pay fer hit all!

Jack: OK… here’s the answer. “Call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which

               thou knowest not.”  Jeremiah Chapter 33 verse 3.

MizP: You rite about tha-ut Mr. Jack – hit’s the answer.

Homer: I’d say hit’s the only answer.

Jack: And our time’s gone … till next week. --- I’m Jack Buttram (END)

                                                                                        Jebco Editorial Service






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