Wednesday, March 9, 2011


[Sorry – this posting never got to the BLOG on time… so this one’s a day late… L -- Well – into each life some rain must fall!]


Great to have you joining us on what the weather man promises to be a day with a flood watch in it.


Given the amount of water that fell in this part of the world last week – and now what’s forecast for now through the end of this week… don’t stray too far from your rubber raft or your lifejacket. 


Some years back my wife and three of our five children were headed out for a few days in the Virginia mountains. As a kid I grew up in the south end of  the Shenandoah mountains… and Scouting activity took me to a lot of the mountainous terrain around Roanoke.  Unless you’ve grown up in the hilly country you may not realize just what a change it is to the flatlander.  We used to have Boy Scout troops from the Tidewater region of Virginia come up to the mountains for a week in summer… and it was interesting to observe the reaction of some of the boys who’d never seen or been on a mountain before.


Mine was the same way – except in reverse when I, with some scouting friends spent a week and a bit more in my first visit to the Newport News and Norfolk area.  I’d never been to the ocean and that was a first experience for me… I didn’t think it would affect me that much but I still remember seeing the waves and actually swimming in “all that water” – and it’s salty too.  Up to then my total experience had been on inland waterways or ponds – Oh yes… and some vistas on Mountain lakes and TVA dams on the Tennessee River.


Well… it’s easy for some of us to think back to the old days… in fact a lot easier than trying to remember what we had for lunch yesterday.


So today we’re trying to draw something meaningful out of the events in North Africa and the events up in Wisconsin.  It’s amazing how the two stories complement one another. And I don’t think I want my first experience in North Africa to be a fire fight in the desert.  I suppose what I like least about all this is the deprivations we are seeing on the TV and even Gen. Petraeus – who seems really cool and professional – but I believe we can see the war and all those responsibilities are bound to be wearing him down as well as the army he leads.


However, I’m encouraged by the good reports of our fighting men and women – and proud of the work which has been done to preserve our Nation as well as our way of life.  May the Lord be with and bless each one.


Now to get back to paying off the debt.


Cordially, IN HIM








MizP: JUST A MINUTE: – Mr. Jack – Air you familiar with th’ pom.. Mendin’ Fences?

Jack: Yes Ma’m Miz Pearlie – it’s a famous poem written by Robert Frost.

Homer: A hadda ree-cite hit durin’ school.

MizP: Rite Homer… do you ‘member whut hit said?

BB: Ah thank ah do Miz Pearl  -- The main message was “Good Fences Make Good

               Neighbors.” Teacher made me an Paul Brown memborize hit.

MizP: An why wuz ‘at Mr. Beeelie?

BB: Well… Ah reckon ‘cuz we wuz a-shootin’ spit balls at th’ girls.

MizP: Stirring up th’ class, Ah reckon.

BB: (downcast)  Yes’m – Ah reckon at’s rite.

Homer: Didjer git sent home Mr. Bill?

BB: Not only sent home – but hadda carry a note frum th’ teacher… an git hit signed.

Homer: Oh Boy… at was sumpin’ –

BB: Hit won’t th’ haf of hit Homer… Dumb me… ah forged my Mama’s signature.

MizP: An I reckon hit din’t match th’ otherns tha-ut you had had ta brang b’fore.

BB: Miz Pearl you’s readin’ my mind.

MizP: No … Ah has hadda teach sum school too… and handled boys like you.

               Didja ‘memborize th’ Pom Mr. Bill…

BB: Well sorta… Paul an me hadda take turns heppin’ one another.

Homer: How did hit come out Mr. Bill?

BB: Ah come outta school OK… comin’ out’n th’ woodshed… that wuz uh different..

Homer: Mite be good, Mr. Bill if’n the USofA sint you over ta North Africa – teach ‘em how

               ta’ git along ovah they-ur?

MizP: They prolly thank you’e in th’ Tea Party now.

Homer: You’d go ta Warshinton ta hep git Mr. Obama ‘lected again?

MizP: Uh Oh…hit’s time to go now Mr. Jack,

Jack:      <> You’re right Miz Pearlie… till next Wednesday -- I’m Jack Buttram. (end)


                                                                    Jebco Editorial Service




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