Wednesday, March 2, 2011

WELL -- THESE NEW DIGS IS VERRY NICE... - Just A Minute Radio for Wednesday 1103002

Howdy from hangin’ out on the Range…


We’ve been experiencing a lot of ‘out of season’ weather recently in this part of the country on the warm side… but up north it’s a different story now including BIG FLOODING – coupled with BIG BRUSH FIRES down in Florida… So in some sense we seem to be getting our candle lit at both ends.


But that’s hardly different from what’s been happening on all the news fronts.  Rebellions in Wisconsin and rumors of the same in Michigan and several of the ‘rust belt’ states which have had heavy unionization…. And now it’s time to either pay the piper or get hit with back bills. (I don’t know what all of that means… I only know I’ve been writing about “Right to Work” states – their economic benefits and the struggles employees and management go through since I first got in the public affairs business back in the early sixties.)


So… the more things change the more they seem to stay the same.  Although I don’t recall having exactly this kind of unrest and mixup of conflicts in various theaters of operation in quite this abundance.  I do recall when Eisenhower sent transport planes with supplies and soldiers from the U.S. and some crews came directly from Greenville – over to the Middle-East… the conflict there wasn’t long. You’ll hear about it in history books as the “Six-Day War” although I’m sure the attendant action from the British forces around the Suez and other European concerns existed longer. The curfew’s put in place by Col. Mubarak after the Egyptian President was slain were just lifted last month.  So… what goes around comes around.


People involved in these struggles inside the smaller countries in Europe and Africa don’t realize – in all likelihood – that we have a very BIG news budget in North America and it’s always changing. U.S. Audiences are not – for the most part – used to international news *except* if it involves getting them IN a war or OUT of a war… or hits them in the pocketbook – like blockading the Suez Canal is pretty much a sure thing to cause heating oil and gasoline prices hit the ceiling or have something troublesome happening.


Well… it’s hard to keep an eye on everything – and in these days we’ve hardly been noticing how China is having it’s problems – and so have other countries we don’t pay close attention to – like in S. America or Africa – or India, China or Japan… and we didn’t pay any attention to Europe, the Balkans, the old Soviet Union or our good friends in England and Ireland. 


So much for geography – and weather – and the change of seasons.  If you don’t like the weather here in the Carolinas, Georgia or Alabama and points west… well just wait a minute. (J)


That’s about it for today… look for you tomorrow… DV

Cordially, IN HIM




Delayed audio link






MizP: JUST A MINUTE: – Mr. Jack – Ain’t this new room decoration nice.

Jack: You like the new decorations -- and the drapes Miz Pearl?

MizP: Ah shore do… hit makes hit more warm an’ cozy.

BB: Reckon Earl ‘n’ Lester spint a purty penny on hit wif awl the pitchers an…

Homer: An th’ new lites, new paint an awl.

MizP: Did th’ boyz thank th’ d’presson is a-comin’ er sumpin?

BB: Naw…I heered ‘em tawkin’ ‘bout hit… they’s tryin’ to increase th’ bizness.

Jack: That’s what they told me too… Billy-bob. So you like it too, Homer ?

Homer: Yep… Ah tawked to ‘em las Saddady  We had th’ fly fishin’ meetin’ here.

BB: Homer’s rite… we’un’s wint up on th’ Green river… see if’n the brown’s was a-bitin’…

Homer: Specially since th’ Winter done deecided ta turn so Springtimmey.

BB: Whaddaya thankin Mr. Kadaffi is a-thankin’ now Mr. Jack?

Jack: Looks like he doesn’t have as much of Libya to tend to.

Homer: But hit we ain’t done much about hit…

BB: Yeah … took Mr. Obama more’n a week ta even say sumpin …

Homer: An then hit wuz  A’m gonner wag my finger at you.

MizP: Tha-ut jist made him laugh… Parently they done foun out…that hit was Kaddaffi

               that ordered tha-ut Pan Am plane ‘sploded in Scotland…   

BB: Yeah… th’as whut ah heered too – did you Mr. Jack…?

Jack: I read about it Billy-bob…

Homer: Terrible thang fer awl the people who los loved ones b’cause of at sneak.

MizP: Them jee-hod fellers would do hit again if’n they can.

Homer: You’s rite ‘bout tha-ut, MizPear.

Jack: So what do you think we ought to do?

BB: Well – Ah’d shore like fer us to git on th’ ball and quit dancin’ ‘round th’ question.

MizP: Thassa good ideah… but hit’s almos time fer us ta leave ain’t it Mr. Jack?

Jack: You’re right Miz Pearl!  Time is up for today – but we’ll be back to the newly decorated

               Bait Shop an Sushi Bar next Wednesday.

MizP:  OK – go ahead an say hit. 

Jack:      <> OK -- I’m Jack Buttram. (end) 

                                                                    Jebco Editorial Service






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