Thursday, March 10, 2011


Hello again… it’s still near the middle of the week… and time to do more things before the weekend.


I was trying to locate a favorite brand of shoes made for those of us who are afflicted with Type II Diabetes. Diabetes – if I understand it correctly – tends to limit the circulation in extremities… particularly feet. So you want to have socks that don’t add to the problem – and the same for shoes that won’t increase your likelihood for ‘hammer-toes’ or blisters, bunions or crowded feet to the point restricting circulation.


I’m not selling anything or hyping it for someone else. I was just looking for a particular brand and model of which I’m about to wear out a pair that have little prospect of survival to walk again another day.


One of the things about this particular brand – and I suppose others like it – is the leather uppers are moccasin style… which I like for comfort and if you are diligent they *can* be made presentable enough to pass your wife’s muster for a dinner in a casual restaurant.  The shoes are made in – where else? – China.

But these uppers look as if they were made right here in America and this pair has lasted me for more than 7 years with fairly regular walking and heavy use.


But I can’t find a shoe store within a reasonable distance… and I hate to buy something I think I *need* to try on from a mail order place.  Even though I know the style and size… I don’t like the prospect of having to mail them back and forth… for all the extra time and $$$ involved.  So drop me a line or e-mail if you know of a shoe place that sells “Dr. Comfort” shoes with a Medicare discount. That’s within reasonable distance from Greenville SC… (I define reasonable as no more than 25 miles.)


There now… we have the foundation taken care of.  Oh yeah… you can slip insoles in and out of these shoes that will conform to your feet and make you comfortable. And the Big M – for Medicare are -- supposed to supply eligible folks with one pair a year (you won’t wear them out that fast) with three pairs of insoles I believe – which [especially if you rotate their use] will last more than a year giving good comfort.


Well… I guess I did end up with a recommendation… just ignore me. (J)…


Today’s program deals with a story that has made the news – well last night for instance.  I usually leave the news to the news boys… but this one was pretty good… and I only have 60 seconds to explain it… so tune in or pick up the audio track later if you miss it on the air.


BTW… the station that carries JUST A MINUTE in the Greenville area is of course WMUU-FM 94.5 where I worked in my younger days… and I’ve tried spreading out the good word – it would take no more effort than I currently have to do – but I’m just not someone with a strong promotional stripe… (My Dad made me pull a little red wagon through our neighborhood in Roanoke, Virginia when I was a little kid and we had about an acre of land in vegetable garden cultivation. I didn’t learn a lot (I should have!) But I did love those little red radishes…. I would tie a rubber band around a bunch of the greens and sell ‘em for 5 cents… the neighbors felt sorry for me… that was my selling technique. (L)


It’s just turned midnight… and I promised my wife I wouldn’t stay up past the witching hour… I get grumpy… so G’night.  Be listening tomorrow if you can…

11:30 AM or 5:15 PM week days…  We usually visit Playfair on Wednesdays.


Good night…. Sleep well… I’ll look for you tomorrow.


Cordially, IN HIM






            Just a Minute: -- National Public Radio – is a big consumer of taxpayer money and barely three days ago Vivian Schiller, NPR President, blamed their possible shortage of funds on “the [budget] deficit.” But barely a sentence went by in a video made with a concealed camera by James O’Keefe – the guy who exposed the ACORN deception – before Ms Schiller said NPR couldn’t survive without big appropriations from taxpayer pockets.

          O’Keefe had two top NPR fund-raisers to a Washington luncheon posing as Muslim money-men wanting to drop five million in NPR's hat. They were filmed on candid-camera trashing the Tea Partyites: “glad to see Juan Williams fired from his NPR perch last year.”  They trashed the Tea Party as "white, middle-America, gun-toting … seriously racist, racist people."  They also compared climate-change skeptics to flat-earth believers and praised NPR for getting rid of analyst Juan Williams.

          The House Minority Leader, Eric Cantor, was pleased to hear NPR admit they no longer needed taxpayer’s hard-earned dollars to make films about climate change and endangered tadpoles. And it looks like Mr. O’Keefe isn’t quite finished yet with NPR’s secrets.

          <> I’m Jack Buttram           (END)

Jebco Editorial Service




Delayed Audio Link




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