Thursday, March 31, 2011


Yessir ree-sir We have had our share of Spring Rain and then some.


I know the long range water gage people say we haven’t restored the ground water yet – but they haven’t been out picking up windfalls (branches) and looking at washed away mulch and rubbed cold fingers to warm ‘em up in the absence of gettin’ the groundhog to call off the six weeks PLUS of winter here in our delicate Southland.


I suppose any who are gardening would be on my side – problem is I really don’t know one end of a hoe from the other (well I really do but it’s a figure of speech that is rather accurate when it comes to my gardening). Relatives on both my Mother’s side and my Father’s were farmers.  What I learned about farming you could put in a small beanie cap. What I learned about working in a vegetable patch somewhat less – and raising flowers even less than that.


Just this week I was trying to help my wife coax a houseplant that had great promise… and beautified our table for a while … get it to come back to health.  I not only wasn’t being successful… I think I was the touch of death for the poor thing.  I don’t think I watered it too much… but we (my wife and I together) did something either too much or too little… because it’s giving up the ghost – if plants have ghosts to give up.


We met a rather eccentric Prime Minister of a Caribbean Island some years back who sat us down in his parlor to tell us how much his plants missed him when he had to be away on a trip.  He *knew* he said when the plants were ill and made it a point to get right back home ASAP – and they would revive. We didn’t explore that too much… but I’m wondering if he ever met a self-aggrandized Colonel from North Africa who seems to have a cast-iron, totally wrong view about himself and his people.


Perhaps I’d better stick to gardening. Which I don’t stick to much.  Anyway… I’d just as soon not have any pinching pain or something like it inflicted upon or from, a voo-doo doll. Not my cup o’ tea.


Tomorrow we’ll try to shine some light on a brighter subject. Have a great day.


Cordially, IN HIM





            Just a Minute: Jim DeMint, of South Carolina, got rock star billing by Stephen Moore, who wrote it up for Dow Jones in Des Moines, last weekend.

          Other governors in the blocks were Romney, Pawlenty, Barbour plus former Speaker Newt Gingrich. Rep. Steve King, organizer said: "No question -- … Jim DeMint has a lot of appeal here in Iowa."

          Moore says DeMint told him a year ago he was not running for President: “I don’t see a real conservative champion out there. It’s disappointing.” But added the staff tells him there’s not a conservative in the field popular enough to deserve his support right now. So far the South Carolinian has scored one of the most conservative voting records both social and economic in his first Senate term but continues to maintain: "We have to decide our principles before we choose our candidate."

          He’s calling for "courageous conservatives" and listed three governors who might fit that description: Scott of Florida, Walker of Wisconsin and Christie of New Jersey. Each has taken on the unions. Moore compared DeMint to “The Gipper.”

            <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)Jebco Editorial Service



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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

HOW TO BE OPAQUE! - for JUST A MINUTE RADIO on Wednesday 110330

Welcome to the “World of Wet” – at least that’s the informal name for the current weather that’s happening around here.


It’s unusual because the last few years our trend line has been to complain about not enough rain.  However, those who live on the lakes in NW SC probably are better long-range measurers of how much rain comes along the Blue Ridge Escarpment where the Piedmont plain begins the climb up to the first range of the Blue Ridge.  It’s quite evident when flying in a light aircraft under 10,000 feet.  And if you go much under that in the night you may run into obstacles… not a good idea.


Anyway… it’s different. We’ve also had cold interspersed with rain and that’s not been usual when we’re out of the winter season – but an occasional late frost has been – at least in my experience. Seems like a few decades back we often lost at least a portion of the peach crop every three or four years – but in more recent years it became less frequent. I also remember colder winters enabling ice-skating on municipal park ponds in Roanoke VA during my school years. But the factors that slowed that down I don’t think were entirely the fault of ‘Global Warming.’


Well… I’m not a weather trend specialist. (And I suspect some who are such avid advocates of how the ‘Greenhouse Gasses are Gassing Us’ may be a little [or a lot] excessive in their enthusiasm.)  I will say however, the most impressive evidence I’ve seen concerning global warming were signs posted along the perimeter of some of the glacial ice my wife and I saw in New Zealand.  There’s no doubt about the evidence for there’s no advantage to the NZ natives to ‘brag’ about their glacial ice retreats.  At the same time – people who keep track of ice shelves in Antarctica as well as the ice shelves and formations on the Iceland side of Greenland… well there’s contradictory evidence there indicating the ice coming and going occurs over pretty long cycles – not just decades but longer.


No need to go down that path. I can’t make a good argument either way.  But weather IS a very interesting subject… and from experience of flying in a fair amount of it with less experience and equipment than I might have wished I had… Well… we all learn new things and ought to be open to what the Lord wants to teach us.


I’ve concentrated on Libya more than I wished to – there are things that need to be kept track of in Japan and Haiti as well as all over the good old USA.  I just don’t have the ability to keep up with it all – but I do appreciate the kindness of those who tell me they hear the program and want me to keep on.  I’ve had such a minimum of complaints I wonder if there’s anyone listening or reading “sometimes” – but then I buckle down to finding out something I didn’t know about…and the experiment is on again. I guess I’ve been on this learning curve since Junior High… and always something new is turning up.


Thanks for being here – and taking part as you do.  Offer suggestions as you feel lead… I always want to be open to listen or read – so fire away. (J).


Cordially, IN HIM






Jack: JUST A MINUTE: – Billy-bob  – How do you think Mr. Obama will pay for military operations in Libya?

BB: I reckon, Mr. Jack, tha-ut he’ll hafta ast fer one a them cornditional  fundin’ thangs.

Homer: But there ain’t no cornditional funds set aside Mr. Bill.

Mizp: What ‘er you  tawkin’ ‘bout. Souns like gibberish ta me.

Homer: Oh we’s tryin’ ta figger out whut th’ Prezdint said in th’ speech Monday nite.

BB: Well, thassa lost cause – hepless.

MizP: Don’t say tha-ut Mr. Bieely… Hepless done gone out wif Pearl Harbor.

Jack: That’s a really good way to put it Miz Pearlie.

Homer: Congersman Bruce Braley of I-o-way done ast him ‘bout tha-ut in a letter.

BB: I betcha he din’t git no answer. Prezidint’s too busy wif other thangs.

Homer: That Mr. Carney that took over Frum Mr.  Ahhhh Gibbs…

MizP: Oh all them fellers is beat-a-roun-th’-bush guys. They don’t say nothing.

Homer: Well Ah read National Journal­­ magazeen said jist th’ Tommy-hawk missiles cost a hunnert million first day.

BB: Senator Lugar of Indiana said th’ operation has done cost about a Billion an also says they ain’t no buget fer hit.

Homer: At remines me whut Sen. Dirksen of Illinois uster say.

MizP: Yeah….I members – He uster say: A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon it adds up to real money.

BB: He uster tawk ‘bout billions… now Obama done graddiated us up to ‘TRILLIONS’ an hit’s wrecked th treasury.

Jack: You got it pegged Mr. Bill.

BB: Ah don’t know the answer how we gonna pay fer hit all!

Jack: OK… here’s the answer. “Call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which

               thou knowest not.”  Jeremiah Chapter 33 verse 3.

MizP: You rite about tha-ut Mr. Jack – hit’s the answer.

Homer: I’d say hit’s the only answer.

Jack: And our time’s gone … till next week. --- I’m Jack Buttram (END)

                                                                                        Jebco Editorial Service






Tuesday, March 29, 2011

IT'S A LONG (AND EXPENSIVE) TRAIL A-WINDIN'! for Just A Minute radio Tuesday 110329

For the last several years it seems March seems to trip over its feet…


Sometimes in like a lion… goes out like a lamb… sometimes like a bucket of maple sap… just out of the tree and a bitwatery … hasn’t been boiled down quite yet. They’ve had a rough winter… and out in the mid continent too much water in the form of snow and rain so now comes the Spring floods.  Calamity all around.


I suppose I’ve heard five or six people make the observation recently they have an uneasy feeling about all the earthquakes and storms and such.


It was back about 1950 I heard a young and very famous preacher say – having realized Israel had been declared a nation in 1948 – which many took to be a sign of the “end times.”  So the young man said in my hearing (and it was echoed by several older and respected ministers): I cannot see how the Lord’s return can be delayed beyond ten years.


Well 1960 and a few more years came and went… and the truth of the scripture that says no one knows except the Father just when the return will be – just went quietly on without the return of the Lord … and it’s happened several more times with different preachers… So… I take a page from that book and say better not to even hazard a guess.  Certainly we are to be in the expectant mode… and we who are in HIS hands will know when it happens – but the plain fact from scripture is that no one *besides the Father* knows – so we might as well relieve ourselves of trying to figure that out.


So with a degree of certainty I have about few things, I do believe that one… That *only* the Father knows – not even the angels.  With that, I am content. I hope you are.


Cordially, IN HIM






            Just a Minute: Campaigns, military or political are easy to spot once they get rolling. So set your goal – plan -- start pouring in resources – which usually means money and…

          “Ah … Not too hard.” – You say.  Hmm -- it depends – if you’re going up against a dictator who has been in power 40 years – and buried a lot of people – it will likely be hard. And if your preference is to play golf --  or take your kids on a tour say of South America – while you’re already balancing and borrowing to conduct two wars, you may want to do some serious budgeting as well as planning an exit strategy to help you figure out when you’re done and can go home again.

          It’s been pointed out if you’re borrowing to pay the bills and your opponent just retreats to say a large sandy desert where he can survive for a long time off his stash… or even if he gets killed by a stray bomb or bullet but someone else keeps it going … and you’re still paying the bills… win or lose, the result’s the same.

            Last night – though I was listening -- I heard nothing about where do we go from here?    <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service



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Monday, March 28, 2011


Howdy Doodie…. It’s Monday again… and a very wet weekend we had after all. 


Now the grass decides to grow… and suddenly the Spring that has come and given us 80 degree days… has a struggle to get into the 40’s – and all that early enthusiasm for gardening has suddenly required a jacket and gloves and earmuffs if you’re out trying for some idea about gardening.


We did a *little* of that on Friday – but the prospect of *COLD* weather calmed down the gardening fever… and now the wetness of the soil has set things back a bit… but so far (knock, knock, knock) we’re hoping to escape a Spring freeze that would hurt the peach and apple crop and go through all that. But there’s not much we can do about it anyway.  It used to be that the old orchardists would try to set out smudge pots – and even mount air fans on polls …. Kerosene flamers that never did seem to me to do much but spread air pollution around. But just trying to hold off the frost seemed to help.


The only actual frost ‘preventer’ as far as my limited vision took me, was sprinkler systems which did seem to save some fruit and berry crops.  But then – what do I know… it was my Dad who had the degree in Agriculture from Auburn … I just had the hoe-ache and back-ache and spray the tree-ache etc. (I complain a lot but it doesn’t do any good. – That’s why I was never attracted to the farm.) 


But now we know President Obama is attracted to oil drilling – in Brazil.  Seems like he’s been talking up getting more oil imported to the USA… when we’ve got resources right here at home that would be cheaper – and speaking of cheaper… Have you ever seen a comparison of what it costs (and likely will cost) to produce electricity with wind mills?  Take a look at it sometimes.  Compare what you would pay for the number of kilowatts you presently use if it was produced by solar or wind (which are both undependable as far as continuous output is measured.) We’re the Saudi Arabia of the world when it comes to coal they say… some of it cleaner than other… some of it more difficult to get out of the ground than others – but ALL of it cheaper than solar or wind driven.


The one that really attracts my penurious mind is natural gas.  In the first place it is often a by-product of drilling for oil or mining coal. (Well … coal tends to produce methane – so do garbage dumps.) Do you know the local BMW plant harvests about two thirds of its energy requirements from decaying garbage captured and piped into the BMW mfg. facilities.  And we’ve got scads of that… yet the President has issued only ONE drilling permit since they started re-production from drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.  And by his dilly-dallying either seven or several of the big drilling platforms have moved out of the Gulf and headed for more productive locations where they can drill with less bother from the incompetents.


Well… I’m not a geologist or a gold miner… But it’s going to be interesting (and hard to live with) some of the propaganda that’s thrown around with the idea it’s energy policy. All these slowed down policies and the speeded up ones (or at least inflated by time – like medical costs) are scratching at the pocketbooks. We’ve got a long way to go folks.


But I’m talking like some of the wildcatters or railroad boomers… We (each one of us) has a far more trustworthy and dependable source of heavenly energy – which is by FAR the best in the Universe – and it doesn’t get any better than that.  I’m not selling you pie-in-the sky by and by… it is real *resource* right now…  in the person of the Holy Spirit who is the creator and source of ALL power – spiritual and otherwise. THAT’S where you want to put your trust – if you don’t believe me… read the Bible.  Much, Much better and pays *real* dividends – not that stuff that ‘moth and rust doth corrupt and thieves break through and steal.’


It’s not something that I’m selling… it’s something God is providing free and clear to all who will TRUST in HIM.  If you want to know more … contact me – for free.


Cordially, IN HIM

Jack and Barbara



            Just a Minute: Figuring out the “why” of America being in Libya – calls up a mental picture of a correspondent describing Tsunami wreckage in Japan – she said there was a large boat – a yacht – miles inland next to a yellow sofa.

          The reports from Libya are equally surrealistic. Peggy Noonan writes “no one, really, sees President Obama as the kind of leader you’d follow over the top … People didn’t hire him to start battles but to end them… Did he not know this?”  I’d guess more than two thirds of the people who voted for him didn’t. The ladies I saw dancing about Soldier’s Field in Chicago on election night were ecstatic that he was going to make their car payments and food bills – nobody talked about going to war in Afghanistan

          Noonan says the BP oil spill made him look ‘snake bit’ and asks What is he thinking?” – Which seems to be on everybody’s mind.  I’m just sorry nobody brought it up *before* November 2008.

          Inquiring minds want to know – will tonight’s speech be: “Too Little – Too Late.”

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)


Jebco Editorial Service




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Friday, March 25, 2011

YOU CAN'T SEE THE GARDEN FOR THE WEEDS -- Just A Minute Radio for Friday 110325

Good! – You made it through the week.


It was a tough one – what with the Prez being out of the country and all… and the Germans pulling out of the Libyan deal and the Egyptians… And Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton not being in sync on what they were saying is/was happening in the UN and all that stuff.


It took a lot of effort to get back on the same page – and the most illustrative remark I saw come across the wires was: “Well our air strikes went well… the question is ‘Where are we headed?’”  Is Col. M going to keep on going on the way he is?  What will happen if he just won’t leave – who will put him out – and where?  It’s a good question.


We left the world and the Congress wondering just how are we to untangle this mess?  At the beginning of the Rebel (are they really rebels or Mohammed Brothers?) resistance in Libya it looked as if Obama might be gone if someone gave him a little nudge.  By the end of the week – even though we had gotten the no – fly zone up and running… no one seemed to know where to next?  The President did cut his trip short by three hours (what a compromise) and there’s still no agreement on a plan to fund the government for the rest of the year… but nevermind – Germany’s Merkel is worried about losing votes in a very loyal part of her country… even though her seat is secure. The Arab league nations are very dicey about having any of their bombs drop on anyone professing the Muslim faith… OH, oh , oh…


And we have a ‘few’ things dangling in air on the home front.


But it appears with Donald Trump insisting the President get out his birth certificate and show it to everyone… and Opra has been on Australia and now to Tasmania the coming week… and other international crises… Looks like the Freshmen GOP House members are totally disgusted with the compromise their leaders want to make – and the leaders are worried that the GOP will get the credit ??? for shutting government down again… Meantime the Iowa caucuses are nearer – and Oh (Heaven forfend) it looks like Evangelical Christians are going to dominate the IOWA caucuses… and nobody knows what to do about that. (J)


Meantime Mr. Pawlenty decides it’s time to run …. Even though it’s almost 19mos away from voting time – and everyone’s decided it’s a worse time than the second election prospects Jimmy Carter found out about.


To add a little spice to the cake – Human Events is promoting the “Rage” book that explains to the world – by Denesh D’Souza – why Mr. Obama is in such a ‘calm rage.’ [I just typed that sentence and I’m not sure what it means.]  So that means we’ve got an even bigger ball of twine to try and straighten out. Looks like we’ll need every day of that remaining two years in Mr. Obama’s term to comb out the kinks in the electoral system… get Rev. Jeremiah Wright to figure out if he’s for or against Mr. Obama and quite a few other loose campaign ends that will be sorted out and bound up in a nice frazzled package for the electorate to sort out.


Somehow it’s gotten to be after 3AM while I’m trying to put this story to bed… Lets’s just not have another earthquake or war start up before dawn if you please.


Cordially, IN HIM

Jack & Barbara



          Just a Minute: -- Libya and Japan have been chewed over this week. So we’re gonna talk about vegetable gardening.

          First -- a list of easy to grow veggies from the “Old Farmer’s Almanac.”

          The 5 easiest veggies to grow? -- Bush Beans are a snap; Radishes don’t need fertilizer; Beets are easy-care; Cherry Tomatoes aren’t bothered by disease as much as others and Zucchini’s are awesomely productive.

          Six to eight hours of sun are needed – for light, more is better.

          Now don’t go whole hog or you’ll have Zucchini’s in your attic. Soil should be well-drained and loamy.  Best advice to newbies … start small – better to be surprised than frustrated.

          For how to tips write the Old Farmer people at Dublin, New Hampshire Zip 03444 to buy a copy – or pickup one at a bookstore –

might be sold out by now – costs about $6… we don’t sell ‘em.

For South Carolina residents, get loads of no-cost great info at Clemson Cooperative Extension -1-888-656-9988 Monday thru Friday 9-1. In North Carolina or Georgia – same deal there’s an office in every county.

          Do you feel better already? Great! <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)


Jebco Editorial Service


                                                                                                            [Sorry  how the layout came out.]


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Thursday, March 24, 2011

NEWS FROM ACROSS THE CHANNEL - Just A Minute Radio for 110324

The news of our European allies comes in “quicksilver” packages – otherwise you’d have to be quicker than you are.


It’s apparently open to the public.  We first saw the ‘brave and courageous’ Arab League indicate it would back the efforts to stop Obama from murdering all those who opposed him. 


But when the rubber started meeting the road – or even before – the Arab’s had folded their tents and silently stolen away.  Allies who wanted to see the rebel forces in Libya be encouraged to keep fighting and throw off the yoke of 41 years under despotic rules – thought the Arab league was making a freedom fighting statement – but it was not to be.  Less than 24 hours passed between the decision for the Arab league to be brave and cast off the yoke before the bravery had vanished like a vapor and they were back to their old selves… whatever it is Mommar wants – as far as the Arab League is concerned – Mommar gets.  He’s obviously stacked jillions of millions around his desert country… and he’s not planning on giving it up without a BIG fight… one in which HE wins obviously.  Like the block bully he intimidates everyone else into following his lead.


But the people… the poor people who have lived in this blockhouse ruled by the blockhead… they are the losers when the chicken-hearted change their minds.  That means millions of people who sincerely want to be free… want to be able to run their own country  -- they’re in the hands of well oiled – bloodstained hands whose stories go on and on back to the stories of the Arabian Nights… and the people in power have no interest in changing.  After all if you’ve got all the marbles – or at least control all the marbles… you don’t care who you play or how you play… as long as you win.


Even the mighty German nation – that has rebuilt its economy and fitted it in between the remnants of the countries the Third Reich oppressed – and cleansed itself of the WWII concentration and death camps – well, how soon they forget. Maybe on a bright and sunny day we’ll have the opportunity to read a short book called the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich… can we do it on the lunch hour… Sorry… it’s bigger job than that.


There is the old saying – whatever you have that cost somebody something, is precious.  You want it to be cared for with much care


Well… it is time to put the tools away for the evening and be with you in the morning.


Have a great time – we’ll look for you tomorrow.


Cordially, IN HIM






            Just a Minute: -- London's Daily Mail reports the Germans--diplomats who helped draft the U.N. resolution authorizing France, Germany, and Egypt to keep Mommar Gadhafi from murdering all his Libyan opponents, turned right around and refused to vote for it because it was too strong.  What a bunch of wimps. Apparently they caught on that they’d have to run it inside NATO after the U.S. pulls out.

          Meantime the Obama administration sends mixed signals. Actually, the Opinion Journal – electronic cousin of the WSJ says “ ‘mixed’ doesn't quite do it justice". It's more like pureed, chopped or whipped signals.”  Shows what happens when the leader of the Western world goes off on a five day ‘Spring Break’ in South America. He’s only got three or four wars and a burgeoning double-dip economy to look after.  The President’s getting worried he may not have the use of Air Force One after November of 2012.


          We’ll probably have more first hand personal accounts from Japan which we can utilize tomorrow.


          The Lord God still takes care of His own. <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)


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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

IT'S HARD TO SEE IT FROM HERE! -- Just A Minute Radio for Wednesday 110323

Welcome to the middle of the week.


Verily, I thought we would have one more ‘below freezing’ episode before Spring put on its serious mode… but here it is. Of course it can still happen.  I recall an April 3rd or 4th back in late 60’s or early ‘70’s when it was too cold for the BJU Bible Conference goo-goo eyes crowd (of which I was one once) and it was too chilly to sit out on the green-sward to speak of love and happiness through chattering teeth … It wasn’t that year but another when we lived just off Edwards Rd on Valerie Dr. we had an April snow storm that keeled over a poor non-bearing pear tree that nonetheless tried it’s best to put on a Spring face.  Two little trees stood side by side… making a brave effort to look like refugees from an orchard  -- even though I never saw a single ripened pear on either one.  They were intended to produce fruit but I doubt if they ever got the memo.


On that chilly early spring morning came something like three inches of wooly-wet – for real – snow that keeled over one of the sisters. So when the weather warmed we put them both out of their misery and planted some medium sized flowering trees that bloom later in the year. (The name will come later today.) And they put forth a good ornamental show – except they were slightly too large for the space and needed a bit of trimming each year.


Anyway Spring is the time of hope. Were I a skilled nurseryman I would try to splice in some of the enthusiasm the dandelions manifest every year – they NEVER GIVE UP.  And for little plants they grow the longest, deepest roots I ever saw.  Try and root them out… something breaks off way down there somewhere and they come with their cheerful little flowers…and their widely floating air born seeds to bring another crop for this spring and summer – never mind the drought – they will blossom and bloom to the last – even till you have to rake the leaves away…entirely voluntary – never have to be watered, fed, cultivated in any fashion. 


Next year I think I’ll set aside a little sunny patch to bring up leeks and onions and baby garlic… and all those pesky things you *don’t* want to see. – maybe some friends in Ireland would like a blooming passle of them to brighten their wintergarten – Whaddaya think? We might even develop a strain of unwanted yard grasses and plants that could make the most of a desert garden… with the least bit of moisture that would be the envy of all the browns and blacks and non flowering plants that come to visit on their own. 


OK… Let us follow on and see what’s happening in this angry world.


Cordially, IN HIM






Jack: JUST A MINUTE: – Miz Pearlie – What do you think of Senator McCaskill’s $300,000 error?

MizP: Error? ‘bout whut?

BB: D’ya mine if’n ah tell her? – Hit seems she an her husban fergot they owned an airplane.

MizP: They did?

Homer: Rite Miz Pearl… an they missed payin’ almos three hunnert thousand in back taxes

               – since 2007!

BB: At’s fergifulness all rite.

Homer: Yeah … you got to be a Senator ta fergit sumpin at big. 

MizP: Well – mebbie hit was a little plane. You’ve owned a little plane Mr. Jack.

Jack: Well… sometimes I had to move it to save taxes… but not $300 thousand.

Homer:  Well she’s a democrat and I speck hit jist slipped her mine.

BB: If’n hit slipped my mine they’d a clapped me in th’ hoose kow.

MizP: Do you thank she’ll lose her ‘lection over hit?

Homer: Oh ‘lection ain’t till two thousan' an twelve.  They fergit it by then ….

BB: Well they woun't fegit ‘bout hit fer me.

Homer: D’ya thank they flew Mr. Obama on that plane?

MizP: Oh – hit’s likely a little ‘un.

BB: Ah don’t know – When they sees Miz Pelosi a ridin’ them big planes back an forth ta Californi…

Homer: Rite… rite tha-ut cud mek ‘em jealous. 

MizP: She done tole her husbin ta sell th’ plane an sell hit NOW!

BB: Hit’s sorta like gitting yer han stuck in th’ cookie jar.
Jack: MizP the government gets billed for every trip the Congress people take ya know.

MizP: The congers people at lives in Ha Wah yah… cleans up on tha-stuff.

Jack: It doesn’t quite match the cost of flying AF one and the backup and all the

               rest of the staff out to Hawaii.

BB: Everyone needs to stop being selfish… getting their’s before somebody else. 

MizP: Do you thank we’ll ever git spendin under control Mr. Jack?

Homer: We ourt to have a anti-selfishness law.

Jack: There is one … it’s the last of the ten commandments – not to covet anything that belongs

                to your brotherI …

Miz Pearl: RITE!

Jack: OK… till next week. --- I’m Jack Buttram (END)




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Great Day in the Mornin’ – it’s almost afternoon… just a half hour to go.


Well, since we’re on the ‘Summer Side’ of the Vernal Equinox – we’d better check in on the gang at the Bait Shop And Sushi Bar… but we usually do that on Wednesday.  We don’t want to get too far ahead of ourselves or we might run up on the Christmas holidays. 


Actually it’s probably not good to be thinking about Christmas this early. I do remember however, my Dad…. Who was a graduate of Auburn – in the days when farm boys with some ambition to do something they thought they might be good at… took up Agricultural Engineering. There were steel mills in the South… I guess -- Birmingham had some – they  seemed to be the steelmaking center of the South….but it wasn’t much in comparison to the furnaces in the Northern climes I hear. -- Never being around either one much – I wouldn’t have been much of an expert. 


But now here with the Spring leaves coming out as if someone flipped on a switch and soon the flower gardens will have their fragrant say… we know the seasons they are a-changing. But indeed it is a pleasant time of year – if you didn’t have a quarter to a half acre to cultivate and turn up by hand – i.e. a fork or a spade.  These Spring days could get hot under such conditions.  


I know there was a lot of planting and such to do… I do recall that since we were ‘small change’ farmers… that is we had no mule or even a garden tractor to turn the soil and prepare it for cultivation… so I can recall my Daddy doing a lot of sweatin’ this time of year.  We had already been through the pre-emergent spraying season in the small orchard Dad was ‘tending’ – and that was still a cold weather chore… next came the ‘emergent’ sprays after the buds had begun to ‘set’ – and I don’t know what came next except it was strenuous – and I wasn’t much for it.  I knew that lawn-mowing… with the push mower (no not an engine running.. push mower… YOU were the power to move the mower and make the reel turn – I did love to mow the dandelions down.


From the amount I write about gardening you might think I am a gardener… I am not… Whatever my Dad told me I shortly forgot except when it came time to do it again… and he reminded me of what boys on a *real* farm had to do.  Well we had no animals… unless insects count… I might have turned out more farmingly inclined if I’d had some animals to tend to… but then again I might not.  I liked horses and mules… even pigs… (I enjoyed their enjoyment of eating and the sounds they shared.) But… diggin’ and pullin’ and hoein’ and trimmin’  -- well let’s just say I had my share and a little more I guess during the time I would have rather been playin’ Cowboys and Indians. 


But it was good for me. I learned how good it is to get *finished* working… and washing up and childhood was not all gardening… just a lot of it was.


The vegetables out of the garden really were tasty…. Especially tomatoes. Those I enjoyed and do till this day.  Pickin’ peas and shellin’em etc… well .. I preferred Watermelon or cantaloupes – Now Peaches I could go for – especially certain kinds… but I digress… I’m too far ahead of myself.


Have a great day.


Cordially, IN HIM





            Just a Minute: -- We’ve received amazing stories of God providing for His children in the Japanese crisis. Here a missionary speaks of living too close to the damaged reactors:

          (quote) “The US embassy urges Americans who live anywhere nearby the nuclear reactor to evacuate: I hated to leave friends but I had to -- I was running out of propane, having baked many loaves of whole-wheat bread and giving them away. There is NO bread anywhere in the Natori area. … Before I left, my neighbor, Mrs. Itoh, and her son came out and gave me a big hug -- we cried together. I told her to trust the one, true, living God to provide for her and take of her family and Lord willing, we would meet again. She has 13 people staying in her house because her relatives live too close to the ruined reactors. Please pray for the Itoh family.”

          “An incredible, miracle happened … Pastor Hayashi said they took the kindergarten children to the beach on the afternoon of the earthquake. When they felt the quake they ran to the buses and sped to higher ground! Praise God they outran the tsunami and God kept those dear, precious children safe!”

          Perhaps we can later relate more personal stories. <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)


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