Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Welcome back --  to the middle of the week – again.


The more things change – the more they stay the same.


Seems like we’re stuck in this forever dragging along in a big spiral – with only slight changes that keep us from going around in a circle.  And one of the dreamer-philosophers said time is just one gigantic spiral in which things change but not much. (I think it was one of the Wednesday crowd… Billy-bob likely.)


How did the South become so populated with double names… like Norma Jean… Billy-bob – Emma-lou, Emma-Jeannette (and that’s just part of the list of cousins I have down south of the Mason-Dixon line.


I’ve just come from a recording session with Billy-bob, Homer and Miz Pearlie from over at Playfair on the Caroliner (please note the spelling) line. They are a fun bunch to be with. Largely – and primarily I suppose – they are Blue-Dog Democrats… at least until recently.  But the lines are getting a little rubbed out (“erased” for those of you who went to school *north* of the Mason-Dixon) – these are folks I either grew up with or have become good friends with – at least in another dimension. (J) And they are puzzled about what did I mean by making fun of Miz Sarah who has lit out with her “NON – Campaign” bus and means to travel to Iowa eventually.


Well, I was greatly relieved she did not decide to buy a house in the Northeast or somewhere which might not be so accepting of her and the Palin clan. Arizona is not the place I would have picked myself – having served a Senator from there – but it is a very varied state… and there’s much to admire – even if the U.S. does own most of the land.


I guess I’ve just decided if things don’t loosen up on the political front – and I take life less seriously not so tediously affected by the wing-nuts and near hospitalized (memory and other problems) cases I’ll be cutting down on my own lifespan. So we’re backing off things a bit here and there trying to laugh more and cry less. (We all need a change of pace now and then.) I think it was my Aunt Emma who told me “It’s a long road which has no turning.”  But it could have been my Aunt Pansy – or Aunt Ruth – or Aunt Nora… As you can see my memory isn’t the most accurate in the world.


In any case… we’re getting ready to enter the crazy season – otherwise known as the ‘run up to the next election’ which does not occur until early November after next… that’s a long time away – and many speeches to be endured… and much newsprint to be consumed.  It’s the TV commercials that imprint themselves on my memory and make cat naps sometime impossible.


Well… again… I’ve had to listen more closely to my good Medical Doctor friend who has saved my life thus far about 3.5 times… and pay attention to the important things and loosen up on the rest. (J)


I hope you’re having a good day. I’ve made my quota of errors today and tomorrow will work on erasing the damage done. So… Have a good day… and join us for a good time at Playfair on the Caroliner line… That’s how we know where we are.


Cordially, IN HIM



                     “JUST A MINUTE”


Jack: Just a Minute: Billie-bob did you ever keep a swarm of bees?

BB: Ah tried keepin’ bees Mr. Jack – but they didn’t seem to like me.

Homer: Oh they’s veery innerestin’ Mr. Beelie…

MizP: Didja like th’ honey Mr. Beelie?

BB: Oh Ah liked th’ honey OK – facs is hit was reelie good up-air…sour wood – ya know.

MizP: Tha’s a premium honey all rite…

Jack: What did you find interesting about the bees.

Homer: Well fer one thang they tended to their own business…

MizP: Oh tha-ut’s reel good. Impawtant to maintanin’ peace in th’ community.

BB: But  they didn’t let no bees in who din’t belong to th’ hive.

Jack: Was that selfish?

Homer: Well hit’s impawtint ta gitting th work of th’ hive done.

MizP: Rite Homer. You cain’t git nothing done jist a flittin from here ‘n’ there…

BB: Ya gotta have purpose…. An a goal.

Jack: You think they have a goal?

Homer: Well hit’s fer shure they gotta lay up enuff honey ta git the hive, thru th winter.

MizP: An tha-ut shore can’t be n’glected er you gits’ disaster…

BB: Yeah – yeah… disaster like dyin’ out.…

MizP: So, Mr. Jack whut do you thank is a-goin’ on wit all th’ peepul linin’ up?

Jack: I still think it’s early – but that’s not what some of the folks think.

MizP: Oh Ah don’t know if’n I can hole out to November of not this year but nex year.

BB: That’s whut Ah thank too Miz Pearl.

Homer: Ah thanks you’re rite… but this is th’ way hit’s done in ‘Merica.

Jack: Homer’s right folks – America’s not likely to change just because we think so.

MizP: I reckon you’s rite Homer… I jist git awful tired of all the politickin.

Homer: We jist has to thank Miz Pearl – eternal vigilance is th’ price…

MizP: Ah know Homer… hit’s th’ price of liberty.

BB: An I reckon we has to pay the price… rite here in Playfair.

Jack: That’s the spirit Billy-bob.  Let’s get with it and come to the recue.

MizP: You think hit’s tha-ut serus Mr. Jack.

Jack:  I think so Miz Pearl… they’ve dug a BIG hole…

BB: An we got to dig our way out…

Jack: OK -- let’s get to it… next Wednesday? I’m Jack Buttram (END)

                                                                                 Jebco Editorial Service 


                                                                           e-mail n4zhk@arrl.net


THINGS CHANGE ALL THE SAME! - Just A Minute Radio for Tuesday - 110531

Wonderful Spring – coming into Summer – day here in the upstate. Hope you are enjoying it too.


Yesterday was quite warm… putting on a griller made me sweat the more…but the results were OK.  However, I couldn’t get the flame low enough to cook the brats and steak patties and hot dogs slow enough – but we were all hungry enough I suppose…Still we had things left over – all our invited guests couldn’t make it… so we ate it all up anyway!  [No… actually there was a lot left over… and we had a healthy meal…with a lot of cooperation and not many bugs at all.]  I don’t think that will hold up over the summer… but it was a nice start.


We have grandsons around… they do lots of good stuff… cut the grass, clean the gutters… and here we go into trying to do some landscaping on a perilously thin budget.  But the Lord knows we want to keep HIS creation nice and tidied up. One of these boys… a nice tall thin one… thinks he might like farming. So he’s getting a bit of a taste for it this summer as he did last. My own opinion (my Dad was a farmer and loved it… more than I did) is it’s nice but hot work. And nowadays there’s so much in the way of fresh stuff from good gardens… at low prices. (I don’t think I could outsmart the squirrels for $0.25 an ear of sweet corn.)  I’m glad we’re in the corn season!  And I was thankful for the excellent strawberries.  And it looks like a wonderful year for peaches… all varieties – plus  Muscatine’s, and watermelons and all that… whew… it’s a wonder I don’t get fat!


Well… at least good news on the garden front… even if the rivers are slow in receding – and the damage in human life as well as to property and spirit… well it’s just amazing from the TV coverage. Praise the Lord we have had as little death and damage as we have… It doesn’t compare really with Haiti and Japan and some other places…. Not to minimize people’s losses.  I’m just pleased that our warning system – as imperfect as it is – is getting better and we’re getting better at paying attention to it.


There are still things that can’t be ‘managed’ like floods and avalanches etc.  But with these the Lord gets our attention and gets us to paying attention to the things that are eternal and immortal. It’s a very sad thing to see an elderly man cry and just look devastated after the storm passes. You see something like that in war pictures… and those are man-made horrors.  Oh Lord – spare us if you can from man’s inhumanity to man – and thank you for giving us the opportunity to share in the recovery efforts where we are able.


When I was 1 or 2 years old my folks lived in Bassett, VA.  And the hills and valleys there apparently channel water into homes and factories and all.  I remember nothing of it – but I was there when the rivers overflowed and made everything a danger and difficulty.  It was before flood control became such a thing – before the WPA and the Tenn Valley Authority…. There are a lot of changes that have taken place in our land – for better we think. But then we see so much of our ‘stuff’ is perishable – earthly houses can be gone in a matter of seconds – and how thankful are those who survive the crisis. Thank the Lord for the Red Cross Volunteers – and the never ending supply of folks who are willing to spend and be spent on behalf of others whom they do not know – but want to help anyway.


How kind of the Lord to place so many among us. May HE be glorified – and may we all be concerned about one another as God meant us to be.  May the Lord bless and richly keep you from all harm… IN HIM.


Barbara and Jack Buttram

May the Lord be your individual strength and steele. Amen!



            Just a Minute: Sarah and Todd Palin just bought a $1.8 million dollar house in Scottsdale, Arizona.  But -- I’m told that’s normal – lots of cold Alaskans buy a warm winter place.   Scottsdale hits a 106 degrees in summer – easy.

            Of course we might think that’s a polit… Uh …not supposed to say that word.  Uh… this is a non-political – ah --  sight-seeing tour of the lower 48… beginning in Washington DC … with Veterans … riding from the Pentagon to the Vietnam Memorial.  You and I know it’s not political… Riiiight? It’s a free country -- when you’ve signed as many books as she has… it’s OK to take the kids on a little tour to say… New Hampshire!

            Oh -- the windscreen on the Harley does have a picture of ‘George W’ – an the label asks: “Miss me?”  Wonder what that means? Oh … coincidence … John Huntsman former Ambassador to Chinaalso rides motorcycles -- around Washington – he was Mr. Obama’s Ambassador to China. Nothin’ political ‘bout that. The AP says she’s just showing she can stir up a buzz even without being a candidate. I’d never give a thought that it was political – would you?

            <> I’m Jack Buttram.

                                                                                                            JEBCO Editorial Service





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Monday, May 30, 2011


It’s supposed to be a wonderful day all day around here – I hope the forecast is the same for your area.


I guess it was Saturday evening we saw a very moving documentary of WW II before and after done by the North Carolina ETV people. And as one who lived through the war years from Pearl Harbor to the Armistice signing in Tokyo Bay I will testify it brought back feelings of concern and anger as well as relief and then the suffering that brought it all on again with a longer conflict called the Korean ‘conflict’ that went on five years – again with much loss of life and pain and suffering.


There were friends of mine from college days who did not come back from that ‘conflict.’ I assert it was so embarrassing to the higher-ups to have a “WAR” break out just five years after the ‘Peace Treaty’ had been signed on the deck of an American battleship, under the scowl of General Douglas MacArthur, and gave war such a bad name the conflict in South Vietnam  got no name at all… and greatly depressed the morale of the military who fought at the bidding of America’s high command. So much so made even talking about that war difficult for the veterans – and ended many a military man’s dream of being a heroic soldier. We almost covered the whole thing with a white sheet.


The Secretary of Defense felt he could control the battlefield from the White House ‘situation room’ – the President believed he could by force of personality do away with the count of body-bags… but wars don’t end well that way.


Now America has been attacked at home in it’s biggest city and terrible manner with the swiping of three airplanes that by their crashing killed more Americans… and the overpowering of the perpetrators, a large number of Americans probably saved another thousand or two casualties on the ground in New York or Washington.  Ten years later we are still staggering from that blow – and despite the best intelligence and other quasi-military efforts we have three armed ‘conflicts going on a-pace in the middle east – with casualties greatly reduced from Korean and Vietnam days – yet still we are under the threats of America’s armed and difficult enemies.


What is the solution?


We wish we knew and possibly the changes that must come are being forced upon us economically as well as militarily.  At least we must come to think of things in that frame – and it’s not comfortable to contemplate.


That has been complicated further by America’s slipping educational and moral climate – too long to explore extensively here… but in the wake of our Memorial Day attention – it needs a rejuvenation of the spirit that brought America to its place in the world’s leadership – and a hard and fair examination of our own efforts to see where we have – even perhaps inadvertently – ‘let slip the dogs of war.’ 


This will have to be continued and carefully examined in better and more extensive workshop than I and my friends here are able to mount. It, in fact will have to be a total reorganizing and re-evaluating – which I don’t believe is beyond our capabilities – but it is certainly not going to be done without calling upon the One who made this old world in the first place… and I’ll call a halt there for today – intending to come back and do whatever is within my reach or within the unlimited will of the Lord.  I look forward to being with you all as we take steps in that direction.


Cordially, IN HIM





            Just a Minute: The Washington folks put on an inspiring Memorial Day reminder each May 30th recalling sacrifices made protecting our freedom and liberty. I also found these in major news media memorializing our fallen heroes: 

          Peggy Noonan, a gifted writer, says Rep. Paul Ryan, skilled budget crafter, has made unsustainable the essential word of this decade.

          Alan Simpson, retired Republican Senator says: You can’t run to Washington any more, bent on: “bringing home the bacon -- the pig is dead.”

          Robert Gates, departing Secretary of Defense, in a speech last week said “The entitlement state is crowding out the Defense State.”

          Mark Heparin – philosopher and author – “We need to make our enemies understand at the deepest level … if we are attacked – we will be quick, and you will be dead.”

            A biblical passage here translates “quick” as “living”  -- “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”  Applying this truth could cure suffering.         <>I’m Jack Buttram.

Jebco Editorial Service





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Friday, May 27, 2011


Wonderful end of the week coming… IT’S FRIDAY!!!


What we have here is a success – because at the beginning of the week we thought (some thought) there would be a lot of missing folks.


Well… that didn’t – just like it didn’t happen a couple of times before.  So perhaps it’s three strikes and you stop falsely scaring people.  But… it’s a free country!  And we do want to keep it that way.


Anyway I’d like to send kudo’s to Mr. Minister Netanyahu for the masterful speech he delivered in the House to the Joint Session of Congress.  I’ve listened (and watched) more than my share of speeches in political settings. This one was really excellent – even including the young person who yelled from the gallery.  For she gave the world a chance to see we really do have free speech – even under the most secure circumstances. And the PM adroitly took the opportunity to drive that point home for the world to see.


I’m not familiar with all the details, but some time back when Joel Rosenberg was writing for WORLD magazine out of Asheville, I had the opportunity to talk with him and discuss some journalistic point. He’s a wonderfully successful Christian and writer. I’m glad he’s one sane fellow, well adjusted and happy and on our side! May his tribe increase!


So – we had a defeat in New York’s 26th Congressional District – but we shouldn’t have.  And we can see how those who want to worm their way over to the winning side can ingratiate themselves to harm our cause and effort.  It’s not a tragedy and won’t set us back – but it is a good reminder that the object of running for office is not to push yourself forward but to be faithful to the cause and true to its principles.


Well – that’s another speech for another soap box.


Right now I’m right glad the GOP is seeing this as a tough road to drive and a steep hill to climb – BUT IT CAN BE DONE with the Lord’s help. Let’s not get cocky and think that it all depends on us. It depends on the Lord and in Daniel’s famous words to Nebuchadnezzar – …”The Most High God ruled in the kingdom of men, and that He appointeth over it whomsoever He will. (Dan. 5:21b).


So I’m not going to beat this dead horse again. Just let us be assured we’re doing the right thing in the right way.  We can *always* get the Lord guidance on such questions.


Times up for me after midnight again… so we’ll convene next week. Meanwhile the Lord bless you all and keep you  and make HIS fact to shine upon you and give you peace!


Cordially, IN HIM






            Just a Minute: Author Joel Rosenberg, accurately describes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before the Joint Session of Congress as excellent and points to an "epic battle" underway.  He also warns that Iran and its nuclear program is a great threat and describes Hamas as the new ‘al Qaeda.’

          But unfortunately the Prime Minister actually never cites the Bible nor calls for the Jews to trust Christ as Saviour. He does commend American friendship and pleads we should stick with Israel in the dark times approaching. Will this be the case?

          Rosenberg would like to believe so but agrees Biblical prophecy says otherwise: He cites Scripture indicating Israel may well be all alone in the last days, and believes only the Lord will be faithful. The question then becomes will Israelis turn their hearts to the Lord? Rosenberg turns to his namesake – Joel the Prophet and reminds us the Lord is going to judge "all the nations" because "they have divided up My Land." (Joel 3:2 ESV) For an even clearer picture read the book of Joel for yourself.

               <>I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

                                        Jebco Editorial Service


E-mail n4zhk@arrl.net



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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

YOU JUST CAN'T GET THERE FROM HERE THAT WAY -- For Just A Minute Radio Thursday 110526

Hello once again…


We’re on the trail of keeping track of the President.  I think he gets back to the ‘home country’ today...


We want to keep the welcome mat out don’t we – out of respect for our Chief Executive – “The Annointed One” as Sean Hannity is want to say.


It is my intention to be respectful of the President and address him properly.  I noted that THE NEWS CORP – which is the owner of Fox News and various other news media around the globe – including the Wall Street Journal [But they don’t own me.]require Mr. Obama to be addressed as ‘The President’ – Mr. Obama – not simply as ‘Obama’ and usually with his name rather than just ‘he’ or ‘his’  -- Fox wants to be respectful… which turns out to be sort of a one way street. 


I must admit I do admire whoever came up with ‘the lame street media’ – which doesn’t exactly fit – but OTOH, they don’t exactly fit either. 


I’ve been in the ‘lame street media’ from time to time as well as working for various publications or broadcasters… and I’ve tried to stick with the protocols they expect.  But I must say there formerly was three wire services (ones with which I delt)  AP, UP and International News.  [AP is the only surviving one.. UP – United Press eventually became UPI… -- the INS [International News Service] was generally for newspapers… and not written in broadcast style.  This was back in the 40’s and 50’s when teletype machines clacked away in newsrooms.  Reuters has always been – at least in my experience – a British oriented news service and I’m sure there were others. WMUU in it’s AM days beginning in the fall of 1949 could only subscribe to INS because the other news services were  on the other local radio outlets.  


In any case magazines, newspapers and other news services have their own rules and protocols… more honored nowadays in the breach than the observance.


About today’s story… I find AP to be somewhat left-leaning… and the same is true for most of the other news services.  There’s little reason to wonder why FOX news does as well as it does… Largely because the days of well-balanced and unbiased news services has generally passed. But the public doesn’t follow AP or USA Today or NYT etc.  For the most part they mirror one another. The whole news ‘engine’ if you will… is a different operation by a couple of hundred percent than it was back in 1950 when I was first participating in the contest.


All that to say… I think it’s much more fun to have at least a ‘more level’ playing field. And the economics of newspapering is leveling things out a bit… helped along by the ubiquitous Internet in all its transformations. I think that… along with the independent talk radio hosts… makes for a more lively and crowded field. It’s a continuous news cycle with Twitter and all that now.  There are still ups and downs… but not like there used to be when it was possible for the news media to carry on a ‘hiding’ operation that prevented the U.S. public from knowing their President (FDR) was confined to a wheel chair or braces and the public was 100% in the dark about it.


Well… this isn’t a news-gathering seminar… and I don’t consider my activities “news” per se… JUST A MINUTE is commentary on public affairs with a Christian Biblical Worldview as its primary descriptor.


I don’t know if that makes much difference to the average reader/listener  (In fact some days I wonder if I have any reader/listeners other than my family… and I’m not totally sure about them. (J)…


Anyway… I enjoy working on the program for five days out of the week.  And I enjoy hearing from you any time you care to chime in. (Just be polite (J).


Cordially, IN HIM





            Just a Minute: Occasionally, looking for just the right word for use on JUST A MINUTE, I find a gem – ah, but more later --

          Searching for a phrase to sum up the President’s overseas jaunt; knocking back a brew in Ireland; dodging volcanic ash rushing to London.  While back home, we suffer record-breaking floods, baseball size hail, 200 mile-an-hour Tornados – I found a phrase…-  

          See he’s been in South America when needed back home to fight three wars,  and manage NATO stuff in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and now Syria -- who knows what comes next? Right now, politically, we’re in ‘hiatus’ mode – far ahead of the primary ‘gun’ which won’t fire till New Hampshire. But who was first in line? -- Before there was a line? -- It was the President himself – Why? -- It’s not exactly like people don’t know who he is.

          I found this phrase that may explain:  “…Some folks are like the bottom half of a fraction – the bigger they try to be, it turns out, the smaller they really are.”

                         I’m Jack Buttram. (END)   

                                        Jebco Editorial Service


E-mail n4zhk@arrl.net



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Great and lovely weekend – I hope so at your house.


We didn’t have a trace of rain at the house this weekend.  The tornadoes and sudden deaths in MO and other wrecked sites… they were victims of E-5 Tornadic winds… that’s the highest and most deadly of the ratings. That’s when you *know* you needed a storm cellar. But when it’s all over.


Our prayers go out to the families of the dead and injured.


I’ve just never seen pictures of such flattened wreckage.  One photo showed about three cars & vans almost stacked on top of one another. Previous to this I sort of thought cars – at least the heavier cars – would be OK as storm shelters…  But it looks like when one of those ‘biggies’ the E-5 force 200 mph winds etc. come along… nothing short of a poured concrete bomb shelter offers any significant degree of safety.


It gives the verse in Proverbs 21:31b new meaning  … “There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD. The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD. (Proverbs 21:30-31 KJV)


If I had all night to stay up and expound on these things… I would be glad to do so…. But Doctors orders say I stay up too late too many nights… and so..

Better obey the Doc.


Thanks for listening and reading with me.


God bless you all.







BB: Jist a Minit: Mr. Jack, looks like this week is more frazzled than las week.

Jack: What causes you to say that Mr. Bill?

BB: Ah don’t thank I has ever heered a better speech than Mr. Nettiyahu.

Homer: Ah ‘’grees with you Beeli-bob – That-un ta bof houses of Congers was a spelunker!

MizP: You thot hit was good Homer… ?

Homer: Rite… Ah totally agrees ‘bout that bein a good – un

Jack: What  impressed you most Homer?

Homer: Ah thank he said whut was needed ta be said ta th’ Prezdint…

MizP: An he did hit awl wif respek.

BB: Ah spek hit made th groun shake unner th White House – don’t you thank

Homer: Perzakly rite Billy-bob… I cunt of said hit a bit better m’self.

BB: Yeah – I seed all them standin’ ovulations – hit war him pressive…

MizP: An convincin’ – looked like ‘bout 97.9% of ‘em aw was applaudin’…

Homer: An a havin’ ta jump up en down…Tha-ut was a good work out.

Jack: Well – then what did you think about th’ Tornadoes?

MizP: Oh my… ain’t tha-ut terrible… You cunt tell tha-ut was Joplin, Mossuri no more.

Homer: Not a bit… I never seen wreckage so flat-out destructed.

Jack: Exactly right Homer… the Weather people say it was an E-5 – winds to 200 MPH.

MizP: Did you know that-ut, Mr. Jack?

Jack: I did hear the info and looking at the weather map last night wasn’t encouraging.

BB: Ah’d say so… some pitchers I saw cars stacked up three deep.

Homer: At’s a powerful lot of blowin… Bad as Dorothy gettin’ sucked up in th Wizard.

MizP: Th’ Wizard of Oz – OH Kansas… thas where they has such big tornadoes….

BB: Ah reckon so… WE seem to be in th’ middle of …

Homer: Th’ Political kind – Ya cain’t tell the players wif out a pgrogram.

Jack: OK… look for you all next week.  Send a vote for your favorites. <> I’m Jack Buttram.

                                                                                 Jebco Editorial Service 


                                                                           e-mail n4zhk@arrl.net


Tuesday, May 24, 2011


When it gets past midnight – (through no fault of mine) – my brain sort of switches into ‘standby’ mode.


I keep blaming the machine… and I have a sneaking suspicion (That  while back stopped being ‘sneaky’ and just plead guilty leaning back and laughing at me.)  the problems I’ve been blaming on the printer and the computer ought to really be perched on my shoulder.


So… I’m trying to work with my genius of a grandson about these things… but I am a morning person… and he is not.  So today I helped with some things – including a morning prayer meeting that required an early arisal (how about that for a new word?) But I’m still having problems that seem beyond my ability to grasp and cure.


Now I’ve never been very good at math… not because I love it (because for some freaky reason I do not) but I do like to see things work like they are supposed to and when they don’t I tend to blame the machine. (L) … which isn’t too smart.


My grandson’s name is Caleb. He is the oldest of four boys in Kevin and Janice’s clan of Buttrams and they have lived and ministered in the South Pacific… (I think Hawaii fits in that category) longer than anywhere else.  It presents all kinds of problems… but I think most of them are soluble if *I* just have the right attitude. But sometimes – standing on your own foot and wondering why you can’t move it correctly…well it’s sort of a short circuit.


In any case we hope to be out of this state of flux the soonest. I trust you’ll be patient with us.  We (Barb and I) truly enjoy having them around… and we’re getting acquainted sooner and better than I had expected.


Once more I’m violating the Doc’s orders not to abuse one’s immune system… which means getting to bed on time – certainly not the hours which I have been using. So… excuse me please while I head for the bed…  I am a night worker… but not an ALL NIGHT worker. I recall when my crew had to pull transmitter duty to get things cleaned out etc. etc.  I just didn’t function well say between 2AM till around 5… I was OK… didn’t fall down and so forth… but have decided driving all night is NOT an option … as it was when the kids were really small and slept in the back of the Station Wagon pretty good.


Old times..now I’m old… and the times they are a-feeting.  Good’day!


Cordially, IN HIM



PS – See you tomorrow (DV)


            “JUST A MINUTE”


          Just a minute: - Every day turns up a new line-up for the Presidential Primary. Meanwhile the present President zips off adding to our oil imbalance every Air Force One minute in the air. His travels don’t improve solving the budget deficit or health care reform.

Every American visiting grocery store, supermarket or filling station has primary testimony of Americans sliding off the mark – always finding too much month left at the end of the money.

Notably absent is any expression of enthusiasm about Mr. O’Bama’s “Citizen of the World”  assertion made when he sought to speak at Germany’s Brandenburg Gate. Prime Minister Merkel had to remind him he was not actually ‘head of state’ yet. He’s offended Great Britain by returning the bust of Winston Churchill presented to America as a symbol of the unity between the nations. – He bows to Imam’s – tours South America leaving an embarrassed State Department trying to apologize for his unknowing rudeness.

Sure – we see he drinks a pint of Guinness and stumbles through a few words of  Irish/Gaelic –  but that doesn’t right our oil imbalance or control our fiscal bleeding.

<>I’m Jack Buttram. (END)Jebco Editorial Service


E-mail n4zhk@arrl.




Monday, May 23, 2011

I'M STILL HERE -- HOW 'BOUT YOU? -- Just a Minute for JUST A MINUTE RADIO on a Monday 110523

Whew…. I thought I was a goner there for a while… couldn’t get my printer squared away…


But here we are and there they go… the folks who are packing up their billboards and posters etc. telling us about the event that the Bible tells us no one knows about but the Heavenly Father…. Not even the Son – and not even the Angels… which kind of tamps down some of those things we think and sometimes sing about with angels.


Well one was helping me straighten some things out preparing material for this program today. I had a terrible time with a simple Word Processor… except it isn’t simple… when you want to know how to move a margin or some editing marks or whatever – dear old Microsoft wants to write a sequel to Tolstoy’s WAR AND PEACE.  Ah… maybe I’m impatient… or sometimes I’m sleepy as my little talking buddy… an auto clock just announced to me it was/is 2AM/// and I have a regular 7 AM meeting on Monday mornings… but.. well… I’m just happy I’m well enough to get up and go.  I expect it will be a wonderful day! Praise the Lord.


But I do need to get my beauty winks… and it still takes me a bit of a while even when I’m this far along (and I had to type one word three times to get it right) so… I’m packing it in ASAP folks… and look for you here again tomorrow if you can make it.  Drop me a line sometime.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack & Barbara

P.S. – WE had a lovely large family/birthday party on Saturday afternoon… It’s nice to have the folks from Hawaii close to us now… and we’ll await the Lord’s leading for them all. 

Sorry… I was able to piece the audio together and sent that along… but the printer is still ‘pouting’ and my printer guru is still sleeping in the other room as I type this so I’m not waking him up for that.  Good enough for Government work??? – Jack