Thursday, August 30, 2012

PAUL RYAN IS A GOOD SALESMAN -- Just A Minute Radio for Thursday 120830

Things seem to be moving faster and faster – or I’m just getting slower and slower.


In any case I can’t seem to get what needs doin’ in the time I can find to do it. But I’ll keep trying and see where we get.


Paul Ryan’s speech (the introductory one to the Nation it seems from all the promotion) was on last evening and very enjoyable.


I had not realized that he set out on this project – not to become the Vice President, no – to see what could be done to ‘right’ the terrible wrongs that were being created at the beginning of Mr. Obama’s term as President.  A Major gathering of government talent was appointed, the President thought it good that they had been appointed (Mr. Ryan was among them because he was ranking member  I think of the House Budget Committee.) and they set about their business of building or re-building the budget mess inherited from the previous administration. The President thanked them for their work – sent them on their way  -- and never spoke to them as a group since then. No advice, nothing.


Well… that was just the precursor to things going from bad to worse – and the pattern hasn’t changed in the 3.5 years + of the (hopefully) President’s final (DV) term.

I begin to get nauseated when I think about how he has tried to initiate all the 5 TRILLION in additional debt – and stuff like that… and done nothing that even a mentally handicapped President would have tried to do. But maybe he did with secret executive orders – what do we know.


I just know we’re in terribly bad shape financially and every other way when it comes to government. I just breathe a prayer that we will be able to recover governmental equilibrium and come out of this somehow.


The only solution I can think of is committing it fully to the Lord and trusting HIM to bring us out of this spin.


So… being of that mind this late at night when typing and praying… I bid you adieu.


Good night  sleep tight.


Cordially, IN HIM,


Jack & Barbara (she decided to come back home (J)







                        Just a Minute: Republican Paul Ryan of Wisconsin had a sales job to do in his own party before convinced his fellow Republicans. Before he won the opportunity to join the Romney team and convince America there is a way out of the fiscal forest, he had to make a sale among members of his own party that it can be done. Last night he hammered away convincing the previously un-convinced that Mitt and Paul could make a good team to convince American voters.


            Initially he got together a version of his “Roadmap for America’s” future as early as the summer of 2008.  He was only able to convince eight GOP House members to sign on for his ambitious “wish list”.  Some were not only taken aback but openly hostile to the idea for it included such ‘sacred cows’ as: rewrite the tax code, kill employer based health care, rewrite Medicare and Social Security. But nowadays you’re hard pressed to find any Republicans who’ll admit to being skeptical. They’re believers on the road to reclaiming the White House. 


            Before last night he was told it can’t be done, but he got signed up to do it! <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service



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