Monday, October 31, 2011


Things get so hectic on the political front we hardly have time to look at the wars.


But perhaps it’s good to get the wars off the front pages and in the teaser RTV HEADLINES.  This weekend the BIG story was the snowstorm in October – that isn’t supposed to come until we’re ready to go to Grandmother’s house just before Thanksgiving.  So there we were… trees still full of leaves… Big fat wet snowflakes come pouring down from the errant nor’easter that came climbing over the beaches and the eastern parts of the Blue Ridge, Alleghenies, and a few other ridges and rivers… 


It’s been a long time since I saw the Bay at Boston put on such a White Snow Bonnet so quickly – and all the road crews got to scrambling to see if they had enough sand and salt left over from last year since a lot of them were caught with their sand boxes nearly empty and salt mills too. Well… it just goes to show the weather CAN be capricious if it wants to take a notion.


I’m not a New Englander but the region holds a lot in common with some of the back woods of the states above and below the Mason-Dixon line. By that I mean to bestow a compliment. Making things work… being self-contained or self-sustaining… I guess it was more common in the days of yore.  My Dad grew up in north Alabama – and my Mother in South Carolina almost on the same latitude as Dad…just a part of a couple of states over.  I carried on in the traditions of really being in the southern tip of the Shenandoah Valley… and the Valley is firmly wedged between the Fall line… the Tide-Water and the rest of the Appalachian train of peaks…


Altogether… they represent a group of self-sufficient, hardworking, wear it out, come up with a solution crowd of people who are NOT represented by the Charleston, Baltimore, Phila, NY, Boston crowd.  I have nothing against them…except I don’t like New York entertainers considering everything between the Hudson River and the western slopes of the Rockies as ‘Flyover’ country.  (J)  Well…I don’t want to start irritating regionalisms… but there are a LOT of people out there who are as smart as, as innovative, as persistent and admirable as the more media-rich metro eastern and western seaboard crowd. 


I better quit before the soap box collapses and I get dumped in the snow. (J) Just don’t use the term ‘flyover’ again… especially if you’re planning a changeover in Atlanta. (J)


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram




            Just a Minute:  "Hanging by a thread" is the informal tag on what’s ‘informally” known as ‘Obama Care’. The Kaiser Family Foundation – one of the least politically influenced polls in the business released its latest numbers on Friday, which means it mostly gets lost in the weekend news.

          The name change is the “Affordable Care Act” and its popularity score has been steadily dropping.  Last summer it was at 65% supported by Democrats; dropped to 52% in August and 41% in September – October’s score shows it now down at 34%. 

          The Kaiser measurement is something of an ‘outlier’. This is their lowest overall measurement for the law or on this or that provision. Real Clear Politics says they measure current support at 38.4% down from a summer high of 41 and a half.

          The Wall St. Journal says it reflects the hostility evident when the Democrats were writing the bill two years ago and ramming it through Congress.  They add the durable and growing opposition results from higher not lower costs as promised by the President.

          In short “Obama Care” has become an unmentionable. I’m Jack Buttram.  (END)

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Friday, October 28, 2011

POSSIBLY I *COULD* LUCK OUT! -- for Just A Minute Radio Friday 111028

Just when you think you’re not bending too many ears with ‘the same stuff’ – something new catches a breeze.


Governor Rick Perry of Texas, seven or eight weeks back, seemed to be just exactly the ‘hot sauce’ that would spice up the GOP Nominating race.


There was already a plethora of candidates. New additions needed to be ‘different’ and probably strident.  But Mr. Perry’s entrance into the already crowded field seem to ruin everybody’s aim.  All of a sudden – and we’re not blaming it *just* on him – but most everyone in the contest started shooting at one another… and the result was not pretty.


At the moment we’re in need of settling back and remembering whoever gets the nomination does not need to go into the final round with gaping wounds that give an enemy advantage in a contest which comes at such a serious time in this Nation’s affairs – indeed in world affairs.


Perhaps I’m waving a flag or shouting “Wolf, wolf, too loudly or too often.” But damage has been done to the cause.


We DEFINITELY need to stop firing at one another!  Charging Mr. Romney with putting a major hole in the ship of state – or guaranteeing attacks will come because of untruths or simply tromping all over his integrity makes us look like a herd of RINO’s wanting to draw blood no matter at what cost. Even in shooting wars there have to be certain rules of engagement and proper conduct of battle… like not shelling hospitals or firing at schools and hospitals. That’s the same caliber of attacks that some exuberant candidates have been mounting against fellow soldiers… people on the same team. Quit that! It’s an instruction that needs to be voiced over and over lest we shoot our fellow soldiers.


Sorry to be so adamant and strident about this… but I’ve seen it happen before and we must not let it happen again.  The important thing is to stand firm on principle and not get desperately fired up to ‘win at any cost, no matter who gets shot at.’ That’s not the way of winning or prevailing in the cause.


There’s a lot more that could be said… and possibly needs to be said. – but let’s rememeber – we teach infantrymen to throw hand grenades at the other side. Not drop them in our own soldier’s knapsack!


Cordially, IN HIM







            Just a Minute:  According to the Washington Post – and other major papers – Gov. Rick Perry is committed to the next debate in Michigan on November 9th. Top staffers in the Perry camp say the governor’s participation in future debates looks unlikely. Most GOP strategists think that’s a very bad idea.

          It’s not clear how many verbal jousts are yet on tap. Estimates range from seven between now and the end of 2011 – to 18 max. With the whispers going around – and increasing talk about the need to “really spend time with actual voters” it’s hard to draw a bead on a moving target. Recent predictions I’ve heard are that Mitt may not win Iowa, but Cain may. Romney is strong in New Hampshire -- he lived next door in Massachusetts. South Carolina probably tilts at present in favor of Cain – leaving Perry to just holding his lasso.

            Perry’s top man told the Houston Chronicle he didn’t see fitting many debates in the schedule was really very likely. So what’s really gonna happen? The sun most likely will continue to rise in the East … I’m Jack Buttram.  (END)

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

DIGGER SAYS FIRE THE CIRCULAR FIRING SQUAD -- for Just A Minute Radio on Thursday 111027

Well now… the sling and arrows are firing… what is happening to ‘outrageous fortune?’ and those who are trying to sell that?


This is what some of the pundits have labeled the “silly season” of politics… When we seem to get on a slick, ice-coated slope – out of control (at least verbally) and slip and slide, forgetting this IS a real contest with REAL results and REAL consequences.


We treat it like a game sometimes… and funny pictures come out. One of the most humorous I recall was seeing Candidate Carter, with a canoe paddle in hand with which he had apparently either wounded or scared off that pesky threatening rabbit in his farm pond that is remembered to this day.


George Bush has created a whole bookshelf full of one-liners directed at him and the things he said when brain and tongue were not always working in sync.


A Maine Senator -- Muskie was his name -- standing on the steps of a courthouse in New Hampshire shed tears enough to take him out of the race. Another New England Governor (Dukakis) managed to look ‘silly’ during the season wearing a helmet riding in a tank… and became an unsuccessful candidate.


George Romney – Mitt’s Dad -- uttered three words when he got back on Michigan territory after visiting Vietnam which was sinking into the mire of a disastrous campaign run from Washington by remote controllers LBJ and Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara – Those words were “I was brainwashed.”  And thus he washed himself right off the possibility of being on a winning political ticket after a career at American Motors.


Well…now you’re reminded of the silly season and the fact people can take themselves – or their political party – right out of contention with a few careless syllables.


Today I’m pleading simply for good sense … and a few less gaffes from the Republican campaign ticket.  May the Lord grant us wisdom!  And quietness.


Cordially, IN HIM







          Just a Minute: I’ve heard more than enough zingers from the circular-firing squad. It’s time we demanded real *thinking* go on between the GOP candidates. There’s a real “election” going on in 2012 – and I certainly don’t want four more years of “Obamanation”. Who benefits from verbal Molotov’s filled with vitriol? It’s the guy covering the nation in Air Force One at taxpayer expense.

          Apparently it has not registered with some of the candidate and their strategy teams it is an election which comes November 6th in 2012. We need a quiet talk with every candidate and explain in words of one or two syllables if we get outvoted by Mr. Obama both the GOP and the Tea Party will be headed for Davy Jones Locker. Look, I lived through the Goldwater defeat – and we endured Lyndon’s “Great Society” – do we want to go through that wringer, only worse, again? I sure don’t.

          <> I’m Jack Buttram.  (END)

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

WHO'S THE MOST SKAIRT ON THIS PANEL? -- for Just A Minute Radio on Wednesday 111026

When it gets around Halloween time over at the BIG punkin’ Patch near FAIRPLAY – you just never know which side the whipped cream will come down on when the pie is served.


Halloween with it’s mounds of calorie-counting observers are party-poopers for those of us trying to lost a few pounds or an inch or two off the waistline – especially if you’re married to a cook who knows how to bring together the traditional favorites of this time of year.


So we’re not too far away from Turkey day.  My only complaint is – I think we should have occasions for pumpkin pie more frequently earlier in the year. Why wait until Halloween’s looking at Thanksgiving and all the Christmas goodies are looking over those shoulders… and by the time we get to New Year’s… well the old appetite has difficulty arguing for another slice of fruit cake or finishing off that half-quart of egg-nog … well you’re over the cliff already… so what’s the diff?  That’s a poor way to sail through the holidays… and gets you off to a very sluggish start in January.


However… you deserve at least one sort of holiday reaction sometime!


That’s why I keep advocating we *abandon* January … it’s a totally winter month – even down here in the Southland. There’s little to be cheered on in January… (except my birthday on the 31st and I hope the lads remember the chocolate covered nuts… particularly the ‘fresh’ Brazil ones even if they are hard to crack… [just recall… they’re not as difficult as Black Walnuts. As a ten year old I used to go out to the blacksmithing shed and find the smaller hand hammer I could swing and crack the BW’s [black walnuts] until one time I ate too many and made myself ill.--  that wasn’t fun. At least it signaled the end of January…) 


Good old Ground Hog’s Day… little to celebrate except the cold would begin abdicating in the latter part of February…I always knew Spring was on the way when Dad reminded me we had to dig hills for the potatoes and get them quartered with at least one eye – preferably two – so they would be sure to sprout. He said it was best to get them in the ground by St. Pat’s Day.


Why am I so far ahead on Holidays?  It’s going to be a long boring slog through the primaries and THEN come the conventions and all the normal intra-party bickering that goes on … Perhaps (but only perhaps) we can get tired enough of that to figure let’s get on with the year and the election of 2012 – get the new President inaugurated in January and fire up the real RECONSTRUCTION which is what we need to get fired up about it.


We’ll need a running start to climb out of the hole Mr. O and his minions are creating for us even as we suffer.  Can you imagine the size of the jet fuel bill he’s run up on the taxpayer’s tab during all this NON political season he’s foisting upon the American public. If you’re gonna scrape the bottom of the Treasury at least do it where we can’t see it so readily.  We’re just panting for the election of 2012.




Jack Buttram






MizP.: Jist a Minit: Has you ever been scairt at Halloween, Mr. Jack?

Jack: Ah… I’ll admit in Hitchcock’s PSYCHO I left fingerprint the armrests..

MizP: You sqooze ‘em so hard you lef…

BB: His fingerprint’s in the varnish – rite Mr. J?

Jack: Exactly Billy Bob.

Homer: Didja ever git scairt ridin’ a roller-coaster?

Jack: I guess so – I worried the old wooden one at our amusement park  would fall…

MizP: Well did hit?.

Jack: Ah – no…at least not while I was on it.

MizP: As a little girl Ah didn’t wanna go onum no more.

Jack: To be honest – I think that’s what happened to me.. too.

Homer: Didja ever git scairt in a airiplane.

Jack: No…I’ll was tense.

MizP: But bein’ scairt when you’s the pilot ain’t healthy.

Jack: Exactly -- Did all this come up because of Halloween?

MizP: Well yeah… Ah was scairt as a littl’un … Ah still don’t like hit.

BB: Some people says they enjoy’s hit…

Homer: Ah thank they’s the ones is waired up wrong.

Jack: I had friends who’d get off an get in line --  right back on.          

BB: Yeah the psyco’s say they’s got a dee fishincy.

MizP: They don’t know how to be scairt?

Jack: Well it seems it’s a kind of painful pleasure maybe.

MizP: Well Ah say at Hall-0-een…chirren shud be wif they parents an… an

Homer: An carry a flashlite so people kin see’um.

MizP: Good ideah, Homer… verry good idea…an don’t step off th’ curb no lite.

BB: If’n you’s in th’ cold weah warm  kostume an awl.

Homer: An don’t eat candy unless hit’s wrapped.

Jack: Good advice to all… stick with your parents… and we’ll be with you next week

               <> I’m Jack Buttram (END)

                                                            Jebco Editorial Service



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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

THINGS SEEM TO HAVE SHIFTED AROUND - for Just A Minute Radio -- Friday 111025

Once more we embark upon a tortuous journey into the land of ‘poor visibility.’ – Foggy Bottom.


It’s Autumn…but sometime back, someone in the West Wing thought it might win a few brownie points to call the President’s ‘Peace Offensive’ something classy like “Arab Spring.” It has a nice fairy-tale lilt to it – nothing ominous. Of course no one mentions these are wars in which the Nation is engaged. Men and women putting themselves in harms way to carry out the nebulous *ideas* of somebody up higher than the dog-faces in the foxholes or behind the walls.


Well… things go along… eventually people get restless. Arguments break out over whether or not pictures should be taken of bringing bodies – American flag draped coffins – back from overseas… from a war which nobody has bothered to ‘declare.’


Things go from bad to worse. The American Revolution lasted a much shorter time than these armed excursions into the part of the world dominated by the main marker on the globe of the Mediterranean Sea. In America we just don’t know a lot about Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan or… Libya… where’s that?  Most of us have never been there. The north shore of Africa you say?  No kidding…???


No… no kidding. Just ask the families whose sons or daughters have come back – some missing limbs, some missing blood… some missing life and breath. War tends to take those things away from some people.  Sad you say?  Indeed it is. But the world is full of sadness.


Well…that’s enough for today.  We’ll think about it… if we’re in communion with the Lord… we’ll pray about it.  We’ll all wish it was over and done with – but we’ll especially be … troubled… by those who have paid with life… Life which cannot be replaced.  That is the real cost of war.  It is found weighed in the balances of families, homes, happiness… and it always comes up wanting. The scales are never balanced – at least not in this world.


Pray for these whose families, friends, fond and precious memories are gone – shattered into a million bits that may only be restored to wholeness by Almighty God who created them in the first place. How *glad* we are that HE is just, and merciful and kind to those who belong to HimHis sheep in His pasture.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram





          Just a Minute: I’ve never claimed to be a foreign policy maven. I see no international relations expert steering American foreign policy either.  Our national influence wanes as radical Islamists take over at every international corner.

          Whatever happened to Arab Spring? The leaves are all falling off – it’s Arab Fall! Israel is our only true ally. They are under continuous threats by Arab neighbors. We look like we’re walking away from a problem in which we are involved in a big way.

          If anyone in that part of the world is taking on the stature of a force, it’s certainly not U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton -- and though Mr. Obama once called himself a “Citizen of the World at  Brandenburg Gate – he doesn’t seem to be leading a charge.

          Last night I saw Mrs. Clinton tittering on TV, describing the U.S. at the Libyan conclusion saying: “We came, we saw, he died.” Yeah… and so may we if America claims credit for murdering the murderer and cramming him half-naked in a supermarket meat locker? Which Ivy-League institution claims credit for that?

          <> I’m Jack Buttram.  (END)


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Sunday, October 23, 2011

MR. OBAMA SAYS NO MORE ROSE GARDEN CEREMONIES... -- for Just A Minute Radio on Monday 111024

Some days you can’t tell the players even *with* a program.


It’s a bit difficult to keep track of the hits runs and errors of the Dems vs the GOP in the mudball league – but when I get mixed up with the World Series and snow is scheduled (maybe) in St. Louis… and I really don’t know who I’m rootin’ for except Geo. Bush *used* to be owner or part owner of the Tx Rngrs lads…


Well… it’s almost too much to keep track of that and how many times Mr. Obama has lied to us about what he’s going to do … and then lets three trade agreements languish which could put more people to work (I think) and get the $$$ circulating at something more of a lifelike speed than it is now – then on top of that ‘oliver-suddn’ everybody’s takin up the song that Obama is such an expert in foreign policy – just look at the guys he’s responsible for capturing, killing or otherwise disposing of…


This almost 80 yr.old brain has trouble keep up with all the games without a program. (L) … Especially when economics (that sterling game of mogulopoloy in which everyone is a winner and loser at the same time.


Now there is the big cell-phone war in which Steve Jobs was the wild card… and was yanked out of the game just about the time he had set thing sup for the 5G iphone… which seems to be killing off or shortening up the lines of those who wanted the 4GS model – until they had it about a week and then everyone notices that a lot of people aren’t buying what ever’s in the store right now because they think by Christmas there will be another iPhone in circulation – and since they want to have the *very latest* one… and since they’re overmaxed on all their credit cards… and want to buy either then new Ford Semi-electric… or whatever the one is made in Finland…even though nobody’s got an extra $100,000 *this week* to throw around on another one… etc. etc.


It’s such a confused market… including the stock market… and everyone says Wall St. is ‘cut off’ from reality and just running and playing while running up hill and down hill etc and a young INDY driver got himself killed plus another 13-15 who could have been wiped out…


Well it’s obvious I not only don’t know what’s going on… I  don’t even know which set of tracks or tires or whatever to watch out for so I don’t get run over!


Can  you tell I’ve got massive confusion?  Anyway… drop me a line and I’ll feel better… IN addition I’ll be glad to pray for you… and I’m not even asking for a contribution.  Now THAT ought to be something that would get a place in Guinness’ record books. (J)


Got to quit… get this on the way to the radio station to hit the airwaves tomorrow morning… and spread calm and understanding across the world.


John 3:16…  Just look it up if it’s not known already.


Cordially, IN HIM







          Just a Minute: The President’s biggest legislative victory this year would have been the signing into law three trade bills which had been in the Oval Office for almost three years. Where was the DODD-FRANK band? Why no handing out pens…no crowd of photographers? Why no ceremony? What happened to the usual big deal?

          The “Miracle on Pennsylvania Avenuecame about because the press office tersely announced the President would sign the three long delayed trade agreements with South Korea, Panama and Columbia. The statement actually said: “There will be a stills only pool spray of the signings. The President will no longer make remarks in the Rose Garden following the signings.” (end quote) The press office would have been ecstatic if nobody had taken notice – especially the union bosses and Democrats who wanted him to kill ‘em all.

          The Republicans had provided genuine bi-partisan support in both houses of Congress trying to get the economy out of the doldrums and trying to get things moving again but the President tries to hide the light under a bushel.  What’s goin’ on?

          <> I’m Jack Buttram.  (END)

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Friday, October 21, 2011

OK -- SO WHO'S ASKING? for Just A Minute Radio on Friday 111021

It’s been an active end of the week. Something that should have been handled more expeditiously, dragged out too long and cost far too much.


But that’s the way things often happen when the government handles the task. Things that would normally cost half as much cost five to ten or more times the market price. But then – how much would it have been worth to America to have lost WWII?  I remember my rather crusty and dry (and more mature) economics professor asking me that directly: “Well then how much would it have been worth to you to have lost WWII.” Even at that early age I could see I was definitely out-classed.


It’s not very illuminating to apply home or private buying thinking to government projects. I’ve not looked it up but I’ve heard that even Ben Franklin – who was our first Postmaster General, found he lost money on the first go-round.


So. ‘tis true government does cost something. The old saying always seems to ring true: “Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty.”  As well as "Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it" – That one is credited to Winston Churchill – but I believe it was George Santayana who pronounced it first. (Maybe Churchill just claimed it as his own.) The older I get (Which happens, it seems, quite regularly.) the more often I’m reminded of it.


The “leading from behind” – which Mr. Obama seems to value so much, often leaves one stranded on an unseen sand bar… That’s one *I* just made up… you may use it however, if you wish… even without attribution!”


It’s after midnight again… So… I’m folding up my tent and headed for bed. I’ll look for you here on Monday – If the crick don’t rise. (J)


Cordially, IN HIM

Jack & Barbara




            Just a Minute: By now everyone knows of Mr. Gadhaffi’s demise after being dragged out of a drainage culvert near his hometown of Sirte and dispatched.

          So to change focus I tried to discover what complaints are most often sent to our  White House. To my surprise I find there actually is a paid and staffed government office handling mail of White House petitioners. Initially the President’s staff was instructed to call attention to subjects with five thousand signed petitioners. However, that overwhelmed the office in short order so the threshold of getting on the White House’s complaint list was raised to twenty-five thousand.

          I saw an informal TV accounting and found the most prevalent topic is legalizing marijuana; after that comes raw milk; and third is to eliminate the TSA security inspectors at airports. What follows then are more complicated questions like ‘tell us the real truth of what concluded the cold war?’; next, get rid of ‘puppy mills’ – that came from PETA; and an overarching issue: “Which agency will answer these questions?”

            Sorry -- I couldn’t locate any satisfactory answers. <> I’m Jack Buttram.           (END)

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

WHO'S TRYING TO 'SPREAD THE WEALTH?' - Just A Minute Radio for Thursday 111020

Remarkable how ‘what goes around comes around.’


Little did we know three years ago that Mr. Obama’s famous conversation with “Joe, the Plumber” – which traveled around the campaign circuit for a while in 2008 and the ‘Real JOE” who – ran for office on his 15 minutes of fame, but lost – would reprise his visit in 2012, which he apparently fully intends to do.


Nonetheless the OWS “Occupy Wall Street” crowd of protesters, who have launched their rather fuzzily-focused protesting campaign – timorously backed by former Speaker of the House Mrs. Nancy Pelosi – are on the move in various locations around the country.  [They even include such places as the State House in Columbia, South Carolina – but one can hardly tell, or stand the smell.]


An “off-shoot” of the NYC camp-out darlings, encouraged by Mayor “Doomberg” – Bloomberg to the initiate – have shown-up incognito in Virginia where President Obama has been taking his Non – Political Campaign” – via the two Canadian-built Custom busses – as well as Air Force One (and Two as a back up) to get him there and bring him back.  The OWS gang apparently swiped the truck keys to the vehicle transporting the President’s podiums (Or should that with proper plural Latin usage rules be podia?) and his audio equipment and hijacked the truck to a Richmond, VA location where it was found by the Capitol Hill newspaper minions and reported to the Secret Service.


So a Wall St. Wag – editor James Taranto, of the Wall St. Journal’s “BEST OF THE WEB TODAY”  feature  said they were merely – or possibly – electing to follow the President’s 2008 advice given in the heat of campaign that “the wealth should be spread around.”  I suppose that’s the defense to be mounted if they are apprehended and brought to justice in the Old Dominion.


However… the OWS seems not to be fully embraced by the left – or at least a part of the LEFT of the upwardly turned noses. (Their olfactory presence due to their un-hygienic practices in the NYC parks as well as the SC State House grounds seems to mark them as, well…stinky! 


Possibly there will be some kind of rescue effected by the Good Mayor of Gotham and his followers.  I’m sure the people of downtown NY don’t really care to have the OWS presence around in close proximity – or upwind. Perhaps Mrs. Pelosi can prevail upon her Father’s many political friends in Baltimore to provide a tank-car load of Eau-de-East River that would dilute the intensity of this sudden rush of folk who want to join the OWS ranks.


It’s a rather mephitic problem not susceptible to immediate resolution but I’m sure Mr. Obama and crew will find a way to place the blame on some other party.


We’ll expect to be back tomorrow.


Cordially, IN HIM







            Just a Minute: Appears ‘The World's Greatest Orator,’ who’s concluding a not political campaign bus-tour’ of North Carolina and Virginia, was a target for theft from the OWS (Occupy Wall Street) -Protesting sneak-thieves this week. The truck carrying the President’s teleprompter and audio equipment – along with the Presidential seals and podiums altogether worth about two hundred thousand dollars -- was stolen but recovered on Monday.

            The Hill – reported the theft, according to channel 12-TV Richmond – but the equipment was retrieved from the Holiday Inn Express near the airport on Monday afternoon.  Occupy Wall Street protesters said packs of brazen crooks inside their ranks have been stealing donated food, laptops, expensive cameras and even stashes of cash from ‘fellow’ agitators.’ Ms. Nan Terrie, 18, a kitchen and legal volunteer from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, said: "Stealing is our biggest problem at the moment."

          James Taranto – Editor of The Wall St. Journal’s “Best of the Web Today” feature said it looked like some of the OWS folks are taking to heart the advice of their mentor to ‘spread the wealth around.’ 

          <> It’s just that they weren’t adroit enough. I’m Jack Buttram.         (END)

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

ENTHUSIASM LAGS FOR DEMOCRATS THIS OCTOBER - For Just A Minute Radio on Wednesday 111019

Hard to believe. Right here in this little place seems like we’ve been through a month of Sundays just since Monday.


But no complaining – the Lord knows what we need… and we’re a larnin’ – as the old folks use to say.


But it seems like Mr. “O” isn’t a-larnin’ – o’course I don’t think any of us will find out ‘till a little later than now next year. By then we’ll be up to our ear phones in countin’ ballot worries… and getting’ people to ‘work the polls’ – (I don’t think that is going to be so popular this time.) but who knows… perhaps we’ll just be overrun with people who want to see government at work.


The storm clouds on the horizon don’t seem promising… I heard late in the day yesterday the USPS… (Postal Service) is considering a $.05 increase in cost for a first class stamp.  That’s going to go down bitterly… I don’t think I’d like to be in the P.O. complaint division whether it’s a BIG PO or a small PO… nobody’s going to like it – especially those of us who can remember when a first class stamp cost the kingly amount of $.03 – of course that was in the days when gas prices fluctuated between $.12 per gallon and $.15 for high test. (L) …However you got your windshield scrubbed off… oil and water checked… tires too if you wanted them… and could buy a Coke or Pepsi for $0.05 (but Pepsi came along with the 12 oz bottle and gave “Coke” a fit!) 


We don’t have to worry about prices in that category for a looooooong time I guess.


I read a long-column over the weekend that told the history of how our election campaigns got so long. In fact the piece was so long I‘ve forgotten just what the reason was/is – but it doesn’t make that much difference anyway… we’re not going there. But I do think after this mickmash that’s going to happen to the primary elections this time the public is going to DEMAND some shortening of the campaigns.  I am anyway.  We’ve got other things to do than to listen to all the campaigners and politicians ***FOREVER***….  It’s almost enough to make you wish for a dictator… unless you can remember blackouts and rationing and all that… as well as the many gold stars in the windows.  THAT is what comes with dictators and corrupt politicos.


We’re not too far off the track remembering Pearl Harbor and all the sorrow, and tears and sacrifices that came after that.


Well… time to put away the Dictionary and pick up the Bible. There you will find true knowledge and wisdom and things unshakeable!


Cordially, IN HIM








MizP.: Jist a Minit: Has you heered ‘bout the dis--enthusiasm Mr. Jack?

Jack: Ah… no Miz Pearlie… tell me about it.

MizP: Well hit looks like Mr. Obama cain’t blow up th’ Demicrat’s balloon.

BB: You mean they’s run out of hot air?

Homer: No enthusiasm, huh?

MizP: Tha-ut seems ta be th’ sitchuashun.

Jack: Tell us more Miz Pearlie.

MizP: In a new CNN/Opinion Research poll just-alittle more’n 42 percent Democrats said they wuz      

               enthusiastic about th’ 2012 vote.

Homer: But back in th’ summer 56 percent wuz enthusiastic about votin’ next year.

Jack: Uh…Miz Pearlie didn’t you say the level of Republican enthusiasm has been high for months?

MizP: And steady too -- They said th’ very same thang in October.

Jack: Look now this is what you call the trend line – The enthusiasm gap in March was eight points                   

               … now it’s 21.

BB: Sometime thangs changes fast.

MizP: So fas hitt’l mek you hed swim

Homer: But mos of th’ time hit’s th’ party out’n th’ White House thas mo’ enthused ‘bout winnin’

               th’ office agin.

BB: Hit’s that-a-way in sports… the defendin’ side’s not as hongry ta win agin as the team they         

             haz beat b-fore.

MizP: An frum what th’ pollin’ people says mos of th’ diffrunce is due, --‘parently--, to the facs

               the voters don’t like hit cause of Mr. Obama.  


Jack: Well it is a sad situation -- But there’s more than a year to go.  Oh -- Speakin’ of going… we

               got to go – time’s up for this week. More next week. See you all then. <> I’m Jack Buttram


                                                            Jebco Editorial Service




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