Thursday, July 28, 2011

EVEN THE FRENCH HAVE PROBLEMS! - Just A Minute Radio for Friday 110729

Here we are at the last day of *this* week and I discovered other nations have problems too!


Seeking some respite from eternal back and forth about the same things… confusing my two overworked brain cells anyway … I found from the Opinion Journal of the Wall St. Journal that France is apparently under problems similar to our own.  I had not heard or read about that – had you?


In any case – I’m rather doubting the people (perhaps excepting those who never make it on TV but who are quoted as the ‘scorers’ on the proposed pieces of legislation) that those crafting these competing fiscal proposals are rather like people floating down say the Mississippi on a log raft. They know where they are going and the approximate speed – but they really don’t know just when they will get there. Similarly WE don’t know (nor it seems does anyone else know with precision) just *when* we will run out of money.


I get the picture with money pouring *into* the treasury --- and month by month money is pouring *out* of the treasury… you would have to have an exceedingly fast and smart calculus calculator operating at top speed which was making adjustments for past payments and refunds and all the rest to figure out just when the spring would run dry. 


That’s why these continually slipping ‘deadlines’ turn out not just to be phony… but at least inaccurate.  So… after so many wrong cries of wolf – I can understand why people get tired of getting on edge and then getting down again. You and I know we can’t keep a checkbook balance on such a slippery surface… (but then overdrafts are not exactly unknown in our household.)


So… I guess we can’t fault the green eyeshade crowd too much. They’re doing the best they can with the problems presented to them.


Enough for today… we’ll listen and OH Yes… I’m glad some of the Freshmen (and women) in the House of Representatives took time out to pray.  More effort along those lines will bring us out at the right place with less scrapes and scratches than all the wise-acres who ever crossed the threshold of the Department of the Treasury. I have known a lot of government employees… by and large they do their jobs well and within the bounds they are given if nobody starts to rock the boat or get greedy or overly ambitious – they will be right most of the time.


It’s when we let our un-better nature (which we *all* have) get the best of us that we hit the ditch or the curb or miss the turn entirely.  The best answer again is prayer – prayer according to THE BOOK… the Bible.


Cordially, IN HIM





            Just a Minute: Your name may not be Obama or Boehner but you may face a like problem -- French President Nicolas Sarkozy has one.

          French papers say Mr. Sarkozy wrote French parliamentarians – plowing new ground under the present constitution -- in effect since the 1950s. He informed them the Greek bailout and the mess in the euro-zone has exacerbated their problems and pleads with French legislators to get their act together on public spending – indicating he might have to seek a constitutional amendment making it mandatory to balance their budget.

          Mr. Sarkozy is in the French ‘fryer’ because he is up for re-election in April of 2012 – sooner than his American counterpart – and France has the highest deficit and debt among the six triple A rated countries in the euro-zone. Contributing to the Greek bail-out again could cloud their debt problem even further.  He would need a 3/5th majority to get the amendment – which is unlikely. So the French Socialist party may have to vote against austerity – much like the USA.

          Is it comforting to know others have fiscal problems too? <>I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

DON'T WADE ACROSS A SWIFT CURRENT -- Just A Minute Radio for Thursday 110728

Not much use deciding you won’t wade across when you’re already up to your chin…


But that’s the way the ball bounces. I’m not declaring victory – just yet – but observing deep waters often run swiftly with power, especially when they’ve been compressed or directed in a narrow canyon.


The campaign propaganda machine of the Democrat party is a powerful tool – which they’ve learned to use quite well.  Too well I believe. For with it comes the dangers of overconfidence – or even more troublesome ‘over reaching.’ Predicting election outcomes I’ve found to be a chancy proposition where I’m concerned. I usually get in too deep and ‘find what I’m looking for.’ Which means I think my candidate is going to win because I’ve not examined the early signs un-emotionally. I found that out with great disappointment when in my first campaign – my candidate lost. He only carried five states out of the fifty…


Fortunately an even more misplaced effort was mounted by another person who was obviously almost *totally* unable to read the election currents and carried only one state. I was happy about that because it virtually erased the previous record *my* candidate had set of carrying only five states.


Who are those ‘losing’ candidates you might ask? It’s easily found out – just ask Google… they’ll tell you and you’ll be all the smarter – and having accomplished that task and learned something – you’ll be that much better off when you come up against the next obstacle. (J) [ Oh OK -- The answers are at the bottom of the page.]


Well, every day is a new beginning – every morn is a slate wiped clean… So go out there today armed with the accoutrements of hand-to- hand combat found in Ephesians Chapter Six vv10-20 … and send me a note at and I’ll return a congratulatory message and even pay the postage. How’s that for a freebie… (You won’t be asked for $$$. Just friendship. (J)


Enough of your time today. I’m glad you came along. Drop me a line any time. If we ever exceed a million correspondents I may have to hire a secretary.


Cordially, IN HIM




© 110728WhichWay’sThe CurrentFlowing?.doc



          Just a Minute: No question about it – the President’s standing at present is in question. An expert journalist specializing in “The Hill” – inside news from Capitol Hill says national polls *may* tell you something but state polls may tell you more.

          Josh Kraushaar – who has specialized in news from statewide polling -- notes while the latest Gallup and ABC/Washington-Post polls have Mr. Obama’s scores in the danger zone of the ‘40’s – (42-47) unfavorable and trending down in the past two months – the race for president isn’t a national contest – it’s on a state by state basis. 

          Krasnaar says: (Quote) "Those polls are even more ominous for the president: In every reputable battleground state poll conducted over the past month, Obama's support is weak. In most of them, he trails Republican front-runner Mitt Romney.”

          So even though there’s lots of talk about a closely fought election in 2012 – unless Mr. Obama can turn around his fortunes in states like Michigan and New Hampshire – Krasnaar says it *could* turn out to be a GOP landslide.

          I say – let’s pray to that end. I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

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Answers: Goldwater – 5 states; McGovern – 2,  South Dakota & District of Columbia


These attachments didn’t make it on the first train. (L) – Jack

Well… here we are going ‘round and ‘round the same whirlpool while the sound of the mighty waterfall gets closer and closer.


Who knows… Maybe it’s an imaginary waterfall anyway? Nobody’s actually pulled this off on the scale of the USandA.


We’ll see I suppose one of these days. But Treasury Secretary Geithner wants to ‘experiment’ with economic reactions. He was one of three men on the short list to become Secretary of the Treasury no matter who won in 2009… is registered as an independent and according to Wikipedia earned something over $300,000 in his last year as president of the NY Federal Reserve Bank.


Meantime the game of musical chairs continues and the bind gets tighter and tighter as the supposed deadline draws closer… we’ve been through something like 10 or 11 doom-days when the Treasury was supposed to run out of dollars… but they apparently print more. Which does what to the U.S. reputation for steady finances.


It’s hard to figure just what will happen if there is a financial melt-down in the US on this scale. But it appears all of us will be severely affected…and in the same boat. So … other methods of exchange will appear… those holding questionable assets will most likely pay the Piper… whatever that really means.


The important thing I’m keeping in the forefront is that the ‘real’ things are the things unseen… such as the Love of God… and HIS care for us. We’ve just never been in a place to see God working in a full-dimensioned way. Our vision is limited… we get an idea through scriptures and studying… I just wonder how well I’m doing in that reality.


Well… off to bed… tomorrow is already here. (L)… but it will be a brighter day… one day closer to Heaven!


Cordially, IN HIM



                     “JUST A MINUTE”


Homer: Jist A Minute: Seems like there’s no progress on the debt ceiling…

BB: That seems to be the case, Homer.

 MizP: In awl my life Ah don’t thank Ah’ve seed a more mixed up mess.

BB: Zakly rite Miz Pearl – This is a double-tied Gordibloc knot.  

Homer: I ain’t never heered of one of them Mr. Bill.

BB: Well I ain’t neither – but looks like thangs is plum tied up.

MizP: Like a spider in a pie, Mr. Bill.

BB: Yeah – an by th’ way Ah’m hungry.

MizP: Oh hush yo mouf… hit ain’t eatin’ time yet. We’s solvin a problum.

               Th worl’s a-laffin’ at us.

Homer: Your prolly rite Miz Pearlie… th’ Germans an th’

               Frenchies thank they kin run th’ e- nomic worl by theyssef.  

BB: Yeah … they’s b’come internation bankers er sumpin.

MizP: Your rite… stickin up they noses thankin we don’t know whut’s whut.

Homer: …Well do we?.

BB: Well Ah never seen Mr. Bama so riled up.

Homer: Yeah…he went an tol’ th’ Latinos he’d jist

                like ta change th law by hissef…

MizP: Ah reckon he wood… That’d make him Chavez…

BB: Er Castro…

MizP: How long we gonna dance ‘round this mulberry bush?

Homer: Th’ worl done thanks we’s los our mind.

MizP: Ah’m b’ginnin’ ta’ thank so too.

BB: Whut air we a-gonna do?

Jack: I mentioned it on the air yesterday.

MizP: Whut wuz tha-ut Mr. Jack?

Jack: I said prayer IS the answer.

Homer: Oh yeah… Ah ‘member’s now…

Jack: See when things get like this …it’s past time to pray.

BB: Some people thank hit don’t do no good.  

MizP: Mos of those people ain’t never read th’ Bible no way…

BB: Or they don’t b’leeve hit.

Jack: You’re right Billie-bob – but we’ll have to take that up next week.

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

                                                             Jebco Editorial Service 





Well… here we are going ‘round and ‘round the same whirlpool while the sound of the mighty waterfall gets closer and closer.


Who knows… Maybe it’s an imaginary waterfall anyway?  Nobody’s actually pulled this off on the scale of the USandA.


We’ll see I suppose one of these days. But Treasury Secretary Geithner wants to ‘experiment’ with economic reactions. He was one of three men on the short list to become Secretary of the Treasury no matter who won in 2009… is registered as an independent and according to Wikipedia earned something over $300,000 in his last year as president of the NY Federal Reserve Bank.


Meantime the game of musical chairs continues and the bind gets tighter and tighter as the supposed deadline draws closer… we’ve been through something like 10 or 11 doom-days when the Treasury was supposed to run out of dollars… but they apparently print more.  Which does what to the U.S. reputation for steady finances.


It’s hard to figure just what will happen if there is a financial melt-down in the US on this scale. But it appears all of us will be severely affected…and in the same boat.  So … other methods of exchange will appear… those holding questionable assets will most likely pay the Piper… whatever that really means.


The important thing I’m keeping in the forefront is that the ‘real’ things are the things unseen… such as the Love of God… and HIS care for us.  We’ve just never been in a place to see God working in a full-dimensioned way. Our vision is limited… we get an idea through scriptures and studying… I just wonder how well I’m doing in that reality.


Well… off to bed… tomorrow is already here. (L)… but it will be a brighter day… one day closer to Heaven!


Cordially, IN HIM





Tuesday, July 26, 2011

ONCE MORE THE CAN IS KICKED DOWN THE ROAD - for Just a Minute radio on Tuesday 110726

Well… for sure that’s a hard act to follow. 


I mean how many times can you have a meeting to get a problem solved and just come up with either another problem or have them split in a thousand pieces and now you’ve really got a major mess.


They tell me being President is the hardest, most difficult job in the land. And I suppose it is if you haven’t got a script and you started out without a clear idea of where you’re headed and what is the destination. I mean it’s *hard* knowing actually when you get there… if you don’t know where you’re going.


It’s like trying to solve one of those ever increasing math problems that seem to have no solution. Last time I noticed we printed something that said it was the 7th time that particular decision had been up for a conclusive and workable plan to get this problem solved – but it never seemed to get solved.  By the time you thought you could go back and pick up the conclusion… it had crawled off in a corner somewhere.  Don’t you think…?


Now – look you got me doing it.  – I mean it’s hard not knowing where you’re supposed to go or more particularly – when you’ve arrived. I think I’m going to have to hire another crew.  This writer seems to have lost his way.  He came in the front door from organizing neighborhoods on the South Side… but he never seemed to know just why he was here or what he was supposed to do… So… what could I do? Not much… I just decided it was time for a nap… They’ll probably make me do this all over again… Especially if I got a D-… Haven’t had one of those since the 5th Grade … Mrs. Ragland was my teacher…. Did you know her?


She was easy to remember – she had one brown eye and one more hazel.  So… Long… If you see Barack… tell him I’ll be back by the end of the week.








          Just a Minute: Last evening it was only a moment after the President addressed himself to an unoccupied White House East Room, before it became evident our Chief Executive is much more dedicated to campaigning than doing what the taxpayers pay him for -- properly administering the country!

          He began last evening pining every current problem on President Bush (We’ve had three years of that already.) and then lays all his present problems in the GOP’s lap. He attacks Congress who won’t allow him to borrow more money to fill out the fiscal year, with dollars for which we need to borrow 42 cents for each one we spend above income. It goes into the open maw of ‘deficit financing’ in order to head off economic collapse.

          Where did this smooth talking, but economically challenged, President come up with the long-abandoned Roosevelt idea of ‘spending ourselves into prosperity?’ Was it in South Chicago or Harvaad Squ-ah? So far he’s managed to maneuver American fiscal policy into more debt in less time than that consumed by World War Two

          Is the nation ready for another CEO? -- I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

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Monday, July 25, 2011

THE AGONIES OF 'HERDING CATS' - Just A Minute Radio for Monday 110725

Welcome to the week… Hope it’s going to get cooler soon… we’ve really been on the burner here in the Carolinas.


Not a whole lot to say about what’s going on – because it’s been going on so long everyone’s forgetting what was going on originally!


When two parties are arguing with one another – and another jumps in an imagines he can make it all come out HIS WAY… well things just don’t go well.


Mr. Bohner has a tight rope to walk – So does Mr. Cantor – and across the Chasm so does ‘Searchlite Harry’ who just more and more seems ‘out of it.’ I’m not just sure how the President takes him – and what kind of crazy mixed up strategy sessions ensue when Obama, Pelosi and Reid are all in the same room.  So each side has its difficulties.


What is hard for me to fathom is how Mr. O’ believes he can ‘lead from behind.’  That is he can sort of ‘herd the cats into his corral’ while everyone just stands around and does his bidding. The President seems to think he’s the only one running next election time. He thinks that House and Senate members just have a cakewalk ahead of them – not to mention the governors. 


I’m sure they are taking comfort in the polling that shows Romney is ahead (or neck and neck right now) with Bachmann… and that the field is so large on the GOP side. (Of course Mr. O has no worries about anyone having the effrontery to challenge him at all in the primary… there’s no Bobby Kennedy around like there was when LBJ was getting up steam.)


Well, it’s interesting to say the least.  The Lord is working these things out both at home an abroad. I’m just certain of that… not to mention that there’s nothing I could do about it anyway. I’m perfectly comfortable the Lord is going to show Himself strong in this next election if we simply put our trust in HIM. If we don’t – HE will *still* show Himself strong. If you want to see how he works things out *perfectly* just read the accounts of David and how God put him in the place of leadership wherever and whenever HE wanted.  The same is true if you look at Abraham and Isaac and the errors those families made – yet God still works things out *exactly* the way HE intends. Don’t let your faith flag. You are the only one who loses when that happens.


One really good thing to keep before you… tattoo it on the underside of your eyelids if need be (just kidding of course)…This life is the *prelude* -- not to take away from the importance of reading the Word, praying… being in tune with the Holy Spirit and all that… But know that God *will* be glorified… things *will* work out for God’s glory – all we need to do is ­rest in HIM. That’s it!  Read and apply what’s in the Word of God to yourself!


God bless you all …it’s early morning here. (J)


Cordially, IN HIM







          Just a Minute: “Herding Cats,” is a term describing the two houses of Congress controlled by opposite political parties hammering out details with President Obama – who has proposed nothing thus far to dissipate what some economists’ label destruction of America’s ‘full faith and credit.’

          Here’s CNN Money report back in April 8th this year: (quote) With just minutes to go before a midnight deadline, House Republicans and Senate Democrats announced they had struck a long-awaited deal to fund the government for the remainder of the fiscal year, averting a shutdown… President Obama went on TV announcing:

          (Quote) “I’m pleased to announce the federal government will be open for business,” He said in a five-minute statement, thanking Speaker Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Reid for their efforts lauding (quote) “a budget that invests in our future while making the largest annual spending cut in our history.” (unquote) That was the seventh agreement signed April 8th.

          Now, July 25th -- no agreement, the President scares the public with doubts about Social Security and Veteran’s checks. When will we get some ‘adult supervision’ in this kindergarten?  I recommend prayer. It is the answer!

          <>I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

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Friday, July 22, 2011


Well… we had a ‘biggie’ a “frog-strangler” cum “ditch-digger” yesterday just about 6PM – But it barely got the bottom of the rain gage wet! (Oh maybe a ‘little’ more)


Nonetheless it got my backseats a little wet because I’d left some windows ‘cracked’ for heat release…and at that time of day you don’t know that it’s going to really do nothing… or damage the whole neighborhood.


A telephone tech told me yesterday they’ve seldom been so far behind in catching up trouble tickets. And he was unable to fix mine.  We are in a sort of inflexible fix. The teleco has only so many pole-climbing fixers… who can also crawl under your house at $85 minimum… [to discourage one from idly calling for a repairman.] But when you have a phone ‘trouble’ that comes and goes when a cable gets wet… well if the repairman doesn’t come for several days (which was the best I could wheedle out of the nice lady on the repair phone) well… by then the trouble (in this case a ‘hummmmml’) has fled…. Gone away… ‘tis no more a trouble because the cable has gotten dry… it’s the wet that causes the hummmmm’ – and the phone company can’t break its own rules!  No … of course not… the sky might fall!


OK… so I’m a curmudgeon… I just can’t figure out how to fix it… when you can’t get around the roadblocks.


Oh yes… here I am writing again at about 1:30 in the AM… But we just had some fabulous friends visit us… and ate all together at a nice restaurante (see my Espan~ole has not *entirely* abandoned my two-celled brain.)  So we were preparing to enjoy an evening meal when the 45-second storm hit… and gave us a spectacular wind and rain display… but shortly went away.


It is really nice to meet long-lost relatives again… and all of these were not relatives *except* for some of our grandchildren.  And it is really a joy to have family and a bit of time to talk and enjoy one another.


But my wife said I was SO cheery early yesterday… when I’d slept well… now what’ll I do for an encore in the morning when this is read?  I’ll be pleasant – that’s what… like a cool breeze on a hot-humid South Carolina Day!


Have a great weekend everybody … including all the relatives!!!


Cordially, IN HIM


 Barbara and Jack




          Just a Minute: Today’s program began at 4:49 yesterday morning when the crew of the Atlantis started the slow-down for its arrival back in Florida for the last time. It touched down at Cape Canaveral slightly after 6 AM for a perfect touchdown and stop.

          Before daylight Navy Captain Christopher Ferguson, mission commander concluded the 135th shuttle mission after 26 years, 126 million miles and four thousand 800 and 48 time around the earth 307 days in space. Somebody used spray paint to mark the final spot of the space shuttle program.  

          Just before landing, Captain Ferguson said: “Beautiful view of the Yucatán, I think.” But he was actually crossing the coast of Florida – Oh… OK Ferguson said “I’m further along than I thought we were. “ He was nearing the end of a 5.3 million mile trip. Now NASA’s Atlantis will become a museum piece, mounted in Canaveral’s visitor center.

          Well done. Hat’s off to the entire air and ground crew. Welcome home!    

          <>I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

NOW'S THE TIME TO MAKE THE CHANGE for Just A Minute Radio for Thursday 110721

If you’re like me you don’t need no “thermo” – meter to tell you it’s hot… it’s all over the radio and TV how far and wide HOT is the mode!


Furthermore they tell you how many people have died because of this “heat event.”  And that doesn’t contribute to your feeling of well-being.

You know what I find cooling?  My Dad took me fishing as a boy, mostly in farm ponds and creeks – but occasionally when we visited relatives in Alabama and other fishing places we fished in TVA impounded bodies of water and I even went once with three or four other guys from the Textile mill – for which we all worked in one capacity or another – to the coast for a weekend of salt-water fishing.


It’s the place where I found out there IS such a thing as ‘fisherman’s luck’!


We pooled our resources to hire a 25 or 35 foot fishing boat off the northern part of Myrtle Beach… the others made the arrangements. There were four of us in addition to the Captain who provided all the tackle and bait and motored out beyond the breakwater a little after sunrise.  First thing -- one of the guys got sick when the boat began to encounter the ocean swells… so he went below. We didn’t see him again until about sundown. So I think there were three of us tending the trailing lines from two outrigger deep sea rigs and one or two hand lines trailing over the stern.


All day long my friends hauled in fish fairly regularly – and I took my turn on the various rigs… but no luck – not one… I had zero fish for the day until I guess one of the fish got lost and bit on the bait the hand line I was tending trailing over the stern.  That happened just about as we were crossed the bar coming back in – and the guy who had been sick all day came up in the cockpit and reeled in a couple on the outer rig. 


The whole day, and I had *one fish* to show for it… and that one fairly small. We all used the same bait, the same tackle and rigs and the fish knew to which outfit they should come… It was not mine.  So… that began and ended my deep-water fishing experience.


Well… fisherman’s luck – it’s not mine. (J)


Cordially, IN HIM




          Just a Minute: With the heat that’s got us all in a pressure-cooker frame of mind --  it’s easy to get those mid-summer, dead-head blues. Here are some ‘cool’ attitude changes for improvement.

          First, in 2011 it’s only day 202 out of 365… and that’s a *long* way ‘till the major political or school events of NEXT year; you’ve got almost 45% of this year left. Lot’s of time for big improvement.

          Haven’t been on vacation yet? Not looking forward to it? Well, even if you’re not thrilled your attitude affects those about you and can make changes for better or worse.

          Now don’t go silent and tune out, or just play with your ‘smart phone.’  That’s pretty sure to make your family feel ignored or go ‘resentful.’

          Check out this from the Apostle James – New Testament – Chapter one:

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:(James 1:19) That’s a great formula for getting along in any situation.

          Everybody will wonder just how much you’ve changed and think you’re going to be OK after-all. You can do it… but you gotta put some effort in it!

          <>I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

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And it is!  No question about it. As we mentioned in the earlier promotion for today –


Here’s what I found out from the “Wiki” encyclopedia…. The reason it is called the “dog” days is because it was believed this time of year was connected to Sirius, the brightest star in the nighttime sky.


It was also believed this stars’ rise brought forth not only heat but it also made men weak.


The Greek word for Sirius, “Seirios” they say translates “scorcher.” This Sirios star is prominent in the Canis Major constellation, Greater Dog or Large Dog – and that’s where we get the “Dog” in “Dog Days.”


Where do we get the heat from?  I guess they just ship it up here from Antarctica.  That leaves them with a whale of a lot of ice, snow and Penguins during the long, cold night of midsummer in the northern hemisphere and midwinter in the southern hemisphere. It’s something to think about on a HOT summer day in South Carolina.




There’s plenty of heat and not so much light going on under the Capitol Dome.


Everybody’s got a plan – but once you bring your plan to the floor and it begins to be chewed upon and sawed in two and put back in a different shape. 


Let us just say it gets a different shape…  It’s hard to control. That’s why legislating isn’t the easiest job in the world… some do it a LOT better than others.


There’s a lot to be accomplished when legislation comes to the floor like this – everybody’s liable to be a little or a lot disappointed.


John Paul Jones said – “Don’t give up the ship.”  A great motto.


Cordially, IN HIM



                                                             “JUST A MINUTE”


BB: Just a Minute: Mr. Jack – There ain’t no more room fer the plans on th planet.

Jack: What plans lly-bob?

MizP: He’s tawkin’ ‘bout all the spendin’ reducin’ plans. Rite Mr. Beelie?

BB: Perzakly rite Miz Pearl – They’s more plans than gnats in th’ Sprangtime.

Homer:Evun th’ six-pack come back ta town.

Jack: I think you meant the ‘gang of six.’

BB: Yeah – that docter feller from Oaklahoma – he’s back with a book.

Homer: He calls hit a Book in the Black.

BB: Sumpin’ like th-ut… but they ain’t got much time.

MizP: Rround here in th ‘Bait Shop an Sushi Bar they say time’s a-runnin out.

BB: Ah b’leve hit’s supposed ta be th’ secund of August.

Homer: At’s jist thas two weeks frum yestiddy… 

BB: My Daddy said he cud plow th’ whole farm with one mule in one week.

MizP: At would be a mitiey tired mule.

Homer: You‘d be rite about tha-ut Miz Pearl…

Pearl:  In this kinder hot weather… I uster hate to see th mules git s’thirsty.

BB: An tired… – Miz Pearl… but Daddy wanted ‘em ta have water… at was my job.

MizP: You’d have ta go back ta th’ well an fetch th’ water?

BB: Yeah – Daddy had hot water tank laid over and cut like a long trough.

MizP: An they drank out’n tha-ut?

BB: Rite Miz Pearl – me carryin’ two buckets of water back to th field… Ah don’t know…

Homer: Don’t know whut Mr. Bill…?

BB: Well… I’ze jist a little feller see… an carrin’ TWO  buckets from th’ well to th’ north

MizP: How fer Mr. Beelie…?

BB: We pumped th’ water up th’ well – an then carry hit to th’ north 40…

Homer: This tim-a year – at summer sun kin shore shine down. 

Jack: Right Homer… we’ll just have to mop our brow and come back next week.

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

                                                             Jebco Editorial Service 

