Thursday, April 28, 2011


Great to inform us all… IT’S FRIDAY! 


And this is a week I needed to know. 


Hasn’t this been a just a jumble of weather for both March and April. It’s unbelievable and I really feel sorry for the folks all along the South – especially in Alabama where I believe the death toll – last I checked – was nearing 300.  Oh my… that’s an emergency and a half…  Looking even at the weather maps early on Thursday… it looked as if the storms were still wreaking their terrible power on the Southeast and even running up the seaboard toward New England


Well… we trust the system will blow itself out and not rain on the Royal Wedding’s parade in London


What is really troubling is recollections of an explosion in a similar gathering in front of Buckingham Palace that killed several horses as well as the soldiers of the Queen’s Guard. It was horrible and senseless… but that’s the same kind of thing that happened when the Afghan trusted officer turned his guns on the servicemen there to turn back the Taliban… I just think those murders are certainly the work of Satan and his minions.  Well… no use in me going down that hate-filled road again. All things will come right and be settled fairly and squarely when the Lord returns.


There’s not much else to say today.  I’m praying for peace and a cessation of the bickering – and I *know* some day all those things will be settled and turned right. God is good!  God is Just! Those two principles go hand in hand and do not depend on man or our perception of it. HE made all things and by HIM all things consist – hold together – and we will each get to see the proper outworking of that truth at the proper time… even though we do not understand it now. So.. for today … I”ll just close my casebook – and wish you all a beautiful weekend and a joyous worship time.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack & Barbara




          Just a Minute: The Commander in Chief has already declared he’s running. We just don’t know who his opponent is.  What we do know is he’d rather be on the campaign trail than working in the Oval Office. My wife, indeed, says his every speech sounds like it belongs in a campaign rally.

              So … since no primary candidate is even sniffing the breeze – The President skips the chance to ask Congress to get busy on the huge problems facing the Nation. His reputation would build if something passed; if nothing passed he’d get “A” for effort and strengthen his persona by framing the issues, rather than running up fuel bills for Air Force One, and his entourage. 

          Meanwhile Republicans sharpen their arguments and build their grass roots machine the President’s poll numbers roll down the hill frustrating Independents that he’ll need badly in 2012.

          So far, he looks like he’ll flog the billionaires again, challenging Face Book’s Mark Zukerberg to – like him – “pay a “‘LITTLE MORE’ in taxes.” 

          That just won’t cut it in the next election.

                      <> I’m Jack Buttram (END)         

                                        Jebco Editorial Service




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I hope you are dry… they’re really having a BAD time out there where the BIG rivers run even BIGGER! 


It’s tough just to look at all the destruction that comes with heavy rains – tornadoes and – wildfires.


This week I read a re-cap piece on *why* we have such horrible wild fires. Apparently we are our own worst enemy when you get down to studying the “why” of forest fires.  The problem is: “We’ve gotten too good at putting out smaller fires before they burn up too much stuff.” 


But guess what?  That leaves a lot of combustible stuff on the forest floor… as they years go by with us rushing to these smaller fires and putting ‘em out quickly… we leave lots of fallen limbs. … trees that should have been ‘culled’ … generally we’ve stopped the fires but left LOTS of fuel for the next fire lying around.


When I was in high school in Virginia – for two years I was on the KEEP VIRGINIA GREEN fire fighting crew in our high school… it was high adventure for a city boy.  Because I had some experience driving a stake-body truck … I was the fire crew driver! What prestige! What a position!  What power! The underclassmen looked up to me – except for the other upperclassmen who drove tractors and other farm equipment… that I didn’t have a clue about…(L)


Anyway… we did our thing.  When we were ‘called out’ we abandoned our books and the classrooms, put on our overalls – the Principal was our LEADER !   WE got paid $0.25 cents per hour from door to door… (being the Truck driver I got $0.35 (J) and got out there and sweated, and dug firelines and were generally hot tired and dirty when we got back… The galvanized- back pack water pumps we used mainly for drinking water --  but we usually put the fires out by surrounding the fires – digging out the burnable stuff and keeping it away from fresh fuel. We put ‘em out right away… usually in a matter of hours… except when it took longer!


We didn’t know it – we were STOCKPILING WOOD out there in the forest to burn all that much hotter and higher when the next conflagration came along.


So… now they teach setting back-fires sooner… and “controlled” burns to get rid of “slash” and dead wood on the forest floor… and are gradually, they hope,  

cleaning up the forests so when a fire does occur it won’t be so devastating to housing and other commercial targets. I’ve not been on a fire line in a long time… but it sounds reasonable to me.  It just seems to happen in the news so often that you see fires and floods come in close sequences that are destructive to property and dangerous to people who live in wooded areas which are difficult to get to—and generally shelter a lot of tinder dry wood and stuff in the forests. 


Well… at least the foresters discovered what they were doing wrong and what needed to be changed.


Even as I write this there are tornado warnings along the NE corner of Georgia and the border are between NC & SC….  We’ll pray for the people in the fire’s path.


See you tomorrow (DV) 


Cordially, IN HIM





          Just a Minute: Mississippi’s Gov. Haley Barbour declared this week he was not going to run for president. Which probably indicates Indiana’s Gov. Mitch Daniels will. Both men served in the Reagan White House and are friends.

          Gov. Barbour ducking out leaves the race without a ‘good ole boy from the South.’ (Newt Gingrich, Pennsylvanian, is more Professor or Speaker than Southerner.) Gov. Rick Perry has won statewide office in Texas six times.

          Other contests also are unsettling: Richard Lugar turned 79 on April 4th and wants to be Indiana’s Senator for the seventh time.  He’s a Rhodes scholar, stubborn, ex Indianapolis mayor, farmer, Navy officer briefed President Eisenhower – and lots of GOP voters think that’s long enough. Foreign policy is his forte but he’s not attuned to the Tea Party people.  Add to all that the fact he voted FOR both Justices Sotomayor and Kagan and the sailing is liable to get pretty rough.

          This coming contest is going to be a fight from any angle.

                      <> I’m Jack Buttram (END)         

                                        Jebco Editorial Service



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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

HAS YOU *EVAH* SEED SUCH A MESS? - For JUST A MINUTE Radio for Wednesday 110427

I congratulated the early morning birds for getting here in the middle of the week – early.  Thanks to you too!


We’re starting on the downhill side of the mid-week hump now… and perhaps you’ll catch the thrill of the ride. In any case we’re trying to make it interesting.


Looks like everybody and his brother is trying to ferret out some news about the coming election… although the coming wedding of one of the ‘royal’s children to what up to now has been a ‘commoner’ is grasping at the attention of at least half the TV watching population.


Some are planning to get up early – am I right in saying it’s Friday morning?  Not sun up here on the east coast – but the time difference between the US East coast and LondonGreenwich, to be more precise – is enough to make 9 AM seem like four in the morning.  Well which is it?  The correct answer is “Yes”! and do the wind up to the festivities begins.


Everyone seemed to come down a peg or two when they found out Mr. Obama and Family were not invited to Buckingham Palace or the Wedding Cathedral in London. … There are *some* things it seems that even being President of the United States and having half the U.S. Air Force at your beck and call do not present you as “entitled.”  I’m sure that’s a bitter pill to swallow.  When everyone defers… but some do not. (L) Perhaps it will be a happy day after all.


Here in beautiful downtown Taylors, SC – we are struggling with a leaky water line out front… but it looks as if the repair crew will be here tomorrow or the next day… and we will probably be without running water for an hour or two.  Oh my… what a throwback to Colonial Days when we were at the subject whim of the British… BBH… (Before Bunker Hill … or Concord bridge) Well… that’s long in the past and certainly not forgotten.


So we must ‘soldier’ on. 


After this week clears out perhaps we’ll have a clear road for summer just as soon as we can figure out who is siphoning all the money out of the American economy with high gasoline taxes and a willingness to make the sands of the Caribbean our scape goat… although there’s precious little evidence of who is pulling the strings… and we won’t know ‘till we get everything copacetic again – and perhaps not then – if it’s Hugo Chaves’ in Venezuela who is running up the cost of filling up the tank in the average American car or truck. 


Maybe  *that* ought to be our next goal… to get gas prices back to the level of the January in which he took office.  But we’ll leave that in the hands of the Lord!


Thanks for coming by… drop me a line when you feel like it – and perhaps we’ll get things back to at least approaching normal.


God bless you all.


Cordially, IN HIM






BB: Jist a Minit Mr. Jack – I ain’t never seen candidates in such a mess as this’n.

Jack: What’s the complaint Mr. Billy Bob?

MizP: Ah kin tell ya Mr. Jack… hit’s th fack we don’t know who’s a-runnin’.

BB: You know Mr. Obama is a-runnin’ –

MizP:Oh of  co-uss Ah know tha-ut ever body knows tha-ut!

BB: If everbody awreddy knows Miss P… what ah we a-tqwkin’bout?

MizP: We’s a try-in Mr. Beeelie, ta raiz th’ level of eddicashun.

Jack: He’s always been very perspicacious. 

MizP: Who? Mr. ‘Bama or Mr. Jack?

BB: Well… both I reckon.  – an whut does persnikityshus mean anyway?

MizP: Hit means – Mister Beelie… he knows everthang.

Homer: Oh Ah knows lot’sa folks like tha-ut.

Jack: They know everything?

Homer: Naw… hit’s they THANK thy know everthang.

MizP: If’n we don’t git th’ word Rite Mr. Jack – we’ll lose our pu-lace in th line. 

Homer: An we shore don’t want ta do tha-ut.

MizP: Ah betcha ah kin ketch you fellers on a word – you won’t know whut hit means.

BB: Oh Ah don’t thank so Miz Pearlie… what Ah don’ know Homer knows…

Homer: Er Mr. Jack’ll know.

MizP: ”Let him that puts on his armor not boast ‘till he takes hit off.” 

Homer: Oh at’s in Proverbs Ah thank.

MizP: See Ah knowed you’d miss hit.

BB: Uhmmm OK… Lessee… Ezekiel then…?

MizP: Oh, Pshaw… now you’s jist a –guessin’.

BB: OK… whut’s your mystery word?.

MizP: Well…you’ll never guess hit.

BB: OK… jist try hit.

MizP: Peplum -- !

BB: Hit’s a brekfus cerul.

Mizp: Nope… try again.

Homer: My turn… hit’s a kinda cloth…like cor-du-roy.

MizP: Nope – you both wrong.

Jack: Sorry --  Time’s up – we’ll hafta see about it next Wednesday – I’m Jack Buttram.


                                                                                        Jebco Editorial Service






Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Great to have you knocking on the opening screen.


It’s the last week in April. Our rather anemic show of Azaleas has already dropped most of its blossoms.  The Iris (or is it Irises?) have gone back into just being tall green spikes and folded away their lovely ‘whites’ – since everything is ‘volunteer’ as far as I am concerned I haven’t the slightest idea what to call them. At the moment the front yard is more like a large desk drawer with things that just “happened” there.  I’m afraid my Dad would be ashamed of me – certainly he would have done a *whole lot* better by now if he was able.  But he went on to be with the Lord ‘unexpectedly’ back in November of 1971 – and I miss both of my parents every day even until this day – but am comforted by the love they gave my brother and me… as well as knowing they are ‘safe in the arms of Jesus.’  (Hmmm – I got off track there in a big hurry didn’t I ?)


But… we do what we can, and I did have success with preserving a hibiscus plant Barb bought last year in the Spring and which I tried my best to keep the squirrels from eating the flower buds before they even had a chance at blooming.  It’s had its own success this Spring with two beautiful blossoms at the very tippy top – and more to come.  I just did emergency triage work in keeping it in the garage and out of freezing temps… hoping I could nurse it along through the winter. It looks like if I can keep the tree-rodents at bay we’ll have a successful plant out on the back patio  I hope this summer.


Our biggest (as measured in $$$) outside project was one we didn’t plan on at all.  We have five or six tulip poplar trees of the 65’ variety that stand like sentinels around our ‘downsize’ dwelling. Again I’m ‘making do with what I have.’ My homeowners’ insurance agent informed me we were required to trim back those tree limbs so nothing of ‘damaging’ proportions hung over the house in any material way.


Well… of course the large trees on the large lot at a bargain price were all part of the attractions for moving here in November of 2007.  We barely escaped the housing market collapse in our former location – tucked ourselves away in a smallish log home through the grace of some Christian friends who helped us over a hurried transition in order to make that ‘haste-post-haste’ sale at our previous location in neighboring NC – and doing major tree surgery on five *very* tall trees was considerably beyond my physical and financial means at the time – mainly because there were major things like a furnace replacement, attic insulation installation , patio sliding door replacement to keep the cold north from invading the family room… installation of gas logs  -- all projects well beyond my personal skill capabilities.


Fortunately the Lord sent along helping people at the right time – and we found a house being rehabbed  -- and the poor fellow doing it (it was his first and I suspect his last, attempt at ‘flipping’ a house that really had a poor record in the neighborhood) was well “under-water” – so we were really ‘helping him’ out of a semi-disaster – and getting ourselves into a significant project that we really didn’t intend to do…. But that’s the ‘way the cookie crumbles’ as ‘tis said.  So now we’re thanking the Lord He provided for us through all this adventure so far… and we have more chapters yet to see HIM care for us as HE assuredly has.


You can see this narrative is far too much for a pre-breakfast tale… we’ll continue it at an appropriate time.  Meantime we are delaying a front yard re-vamp until we get a leak in the water main out front in the road out front repaired (it’s under way) … and perhaps we can accomplish more decorative steps in the front of our home within the next six months or so – and post a picture of it all so you can see what *the Lord has provided for us.* It really is intended  to honor Him. He does "… exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us."  (Ephesians 3:20.)”  For which we are extremely thankful and desire to give HIM the glory.


Well… the day progresses for us all… we’d like to hear from you if you’d care to drop a line to “ “ which will come in our e-mail and I promise to get an answer back to you in a reasonable time. (J) if you wish. May the Lord bless and be with you every step of the way today! (I’m keeping my dear wife awaiting breakfast! – Sorry)


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack (and Barbara) Buttram



            Just a Minute: In1950 Chinese Communists took over mainland China expelling all missionaries. This ‘urge to purge’ control has controlled the Communists up to now. It’s reported very strong in Beijing’s Haidan district and in less supervised rural areas.

          Outside observers thought the ‘Cultural Revolution’ wiped out Christianity in China; but it’s taken root and overcome decades of hostility dating back to the Boxer Rebellion of 1899. The Pew Foundation finds evangelical Christian strength to be 50 to 70 million; the next largest is the Communist party, at 60 million.

          The Bible’s Chapter Six of Second Kings -- Elisha’s servant sees a huge host of chariots and horses spread out before them in the valley and says: “Alas, my Master! How shall we do?” And Elisha prayed: “Lord, open his eyes that he may see.” … and he saw: “And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.”

          And the army was struck with blindness – Elisha led them away to where food was prepared and when they had eaten and drunk, he sent them away and they came no more into the land of Israel.  That’s how God can win a victory.

                      <> I’m Jack Buttram (END)         

                                        Jebco Editorial Service



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Monday, April 25, 2011


Once more at the beginning of a week…


And with all the troubles I had getting here… [oh quit gripin’ about that… nobody’s listenin’]  Yeah… guess you’re right.  Allus the problems show up when you need ‘em least. Here I am trying to ward off the problems of turning over a new leaf.  Oh there I go again… sounds like whoever’s in charge of what’s going on in N. Africa complainin’ again about this and that…


Well… with all the gold they say old Momar has stashed away in the Desert… he can probably hold out a long time… but the question remains… Do you want to spend all the carefully hoarded gold on perpetuating your strangle hold on just a part of Libya… or do you want to spend it in style like King Farouk of Egypt did so famously back 40 years ago.  Hmmmm…


OTOH… Mr. Aristides… the priest that took over Haiti and then lived in Switzerland etc.etc… Yeah but he’s probably in danger of being on the wrong end of a gun most any day now…


You can tell these little countries ringing the waters of the Mediterranean – they’re having trouble keeping their books straight.  Actually more difficult is remembering which story it was they told last week. The old rigmarole about “supply and demand” is wearing pretty thin. It’s looking more and more like we’re finally figuring out in America that the Arab Oil Cartel has figured out just how much lying about the oil supply the market will bear. And when the rest of the world begins to pick up on the fact the Saudi’s are awash in oil… so why is this shortage continuing to be the excuse for higher prices in the US… Somebody’s got to catch on to the game that’s being played on the US one of these days. 


Right now it’s beyond my comprehension index…. Everybody’s saying it’s S&D – Supply and demand.   But all the producers are saying there’s more oil than the market can absorb… we just need to figure out who’s not telling the truth here… slap that market back in line by drilling a few dozen more wells… and quit buying overseas… THEN the truth will come out in the wash. I think USA has let itself get painted into a demand corner… and the Arabs are just wondering how long they can inflate the price and not have to do as much work shipping it… but make as much or more money… till the dummox American’s catch on.


Hmmm… better go sleep on that one for a while.  But there’s something rotting over there… and we’ve been swallowing the bait, hook line and deadbeat.


That’s about all I know to say about it Holmes. 


Good Thinking Dr. Watson… it’s elementary you know. (J)


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram




            Just a Minute: You want to read a really scary newspaper story – check out Saturday’s weekend Wall Street issue about the “Really Smart Phone.” Not as threatening perhaps as the dystopian literature of George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”.

          Oh – dystopian? Yeah, I hadda look it up. Think – ‘dysfunctional’ as in families – Right? You get the idea.

          The Wall St. Journal weekend story does a round up on the DROID phone -- and perhaps even some earlier – it checks out where you and (your phone) are… and transmits that to data banks. Presently it’s used – anonymously the makers insist – to predict traffic congestion, how many people will buy dinner tonight, and supposedly how happy or un-happy people are.  Authors like Orwell, Ray Bradbury, and Huxley – have used this literary form.

          What I find striking is the blithe re-assurance that such information is not being stockpiled – perhaps to be used against those whom the elite find disagreeable. Don’t chuckle – it’s been used before by a little German man with a little moustache who thought he should remold the world.

            <> I’m Jack Buttram (END)         

                                        Jebco Editorial Service



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Friday, April 22, 2011


Wonderful to have you here on a day when everything is ‘comin’ up ROSES.


We have a sturdy little rose bush in our front yard out next to the road. I wonder that it hasn’t been smashed by an errant car or something.  It’s just blooming its little heads off… Actually I would love to cut some blossoms from it and bring them in to Barbara who loves flowers so much. The problem is this is not the long-stem kind of glamour roses.  The blossoms – or whatever the proper name for a rose gardener to use – are lovely in themselves.  But I can’t see them in a vase with their rather short stems and not too large blossoms.


Perhaps when I get rich enough to buy a Kindle I can figure out how to get the most out of the little bush.  Last summer I watered it regularly (we had a really Dry Summer) and I didn’t want the little ‘volunteer-but-lonesome’ plant to feel left out. Last summer and fall I kept it trimmed in my unintelligent way about roses – hoping the stems would be longer this year. I guess I really don’t know what I’m doing. I kept it watered and the small bed of Impatiens Barb and I managed.) We’re just starting on that this year.


My Dad – who graduated from Auburn with a degree in agriculture (what else…he was a farm boy – in school on his own) used to try and pass along his knowledge of trimming – pruning I think is the better word – apple trees and grapevines. I don’t recall him giving me a lesson on gardening for roses.  Probably just as well… he saw I was not making great strides in the plants of the front yard.


But I did help with cutting back trees and shrubs… (actually I piled the brush) … he figured out which ones ought to go.  And he loved to grow asparagus in the shade of the backyard garage.  I loved to eat the tender little spears… Don’t let ‘em get too big or they become stringy.


I guess I picked up a little agricultural knowledge… it just sort of rubbed off.  Don’t cut the grass too short… it’s better to let the clippings get back on the ground and enrich the soil again etc.  We had no livestock to replenish our manure pile… I guess that was easy on me and didn’t help the yard much.  Dad was a  Rwy Mail clerk so he was away a lot of days… but in the summer time he was home enough to get the planting done… and get me instructed on weeding and hoeing etc… but I must say I just was not as attentive as I now which I had been. House building stopped during WWII – so we had our choice of a LOT OF GROUND in which to grow veggies etc. in a REAL VICTORY  garden. I just don’t remember a lot about how to do it.  


My farm-wise cousins would have loved to work with him more – but we lived some considerable distances away from our relative farmers… and on a ‘real’ farm I wouldn’t have been much help anyway.  But it’s nice to think back on those things. Whattya think?



Looks like our political season is upon us in a ‘starting gate’ way – ready or not. Probably doesn’t mean a lot… but it makes one weary and rather tired of it all – so I pity the candidates that are trying to light the fires… and we turn out to be wet wood. Maybe we’ll get better in a HOT summer.


God bless you all over this weekend. Thanks for your prayers…I pray for you also.


Cordially, IN HIM

Jack and Barbara




            Just a Minute: Dan Henninger, deputy editor of The Wall Street Journal's editorial page, declares the Obama of 2011 is a very different animal than the one which was selected as the candidate for President in 2008.  He further states the ’08 model was, “… engaging, open, optimistic and a self-identified conciliator.” Whereas the Obama 2011 edition has been “…testy, petulant, Impatient, arrogant and increasingly a divider.” That’s quite a change!

          Example One – as recently as Monday, wrapping up an interview with a Dallas TV reporter – Mr. Obama said in what Mr. Henninger describes as a ‘snappish tone’ into what he obviously thought was a ‘dead’ mike: Let me finish my answers the next time we do an interview, all right?”

          And in Chicago last week to what he must not have realized was an “open mic” he complained of being stupidly “nickled and dimed” to death by Republicans.  It goes on… but you get the idea.

          Question: Does the American public get the same idea? Mr. Gallup reports something north of 60% or so do.

            <> I’m Jack Buttram (END)         

                                        Jebco Editorial Service



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Thursday, April 21, 2011

IS THIS A MAGIC TRICK OR A SHELL GAME? Just A Minute Radio for Thursday 110421

Howdy  -- it’s a Thursday – and wrestling with this bobo today …I didn’t think I’d ever get done with it.


For several weeks I have been hearing of the changes coming – partly because of competition – and partly because we’re running out of bandwidth…


Frankly most of it goes over my head. I do have some engineering training and some licenses (mostly out-dated now) and the electronic age is passing me by post haste.  But I just couldn’t understand what forces were at work here.


Every now and then we get a squawk out of China… we’re stepping on something they don’t want us to do… or vice versa… and then there’s the problem of – if you have a mobile phone will it work when you go to Europe … or some other place overseas?  The answer is – it depends! Most likely it won’t


I do follow some of the folks like Mossberg who writes up to date stuff in the WSJ about computers and modems and all the stuff that’s coming. But I figure since most of my electronics understanding got pretty thin back there when they were just inventing transistors… well… I’m not exactly in the ‘cutting edge.’


Anyway… I decided to try and puzzle out what this past Wednesday’s front page story in the WSJ was all about… and even with concentration I got bored. But… I figured some of you would want to know and I get the paper late… and am busy etc. etc.  But I gave it a huge try. Well… today’s program and script is the result of all that. When (if) you read it you’ll see what thin ice I’m working with.  In any case I gave it a good old college try.  Which would not have been so bad if I hadn’t had a bad “GREMLIN” attack… and for those of you … Most of you… who weren’t around during WWII… GREMLINS were little elfin like creatures of our imagination critics said… that messed up your gun or your equipment somehow… Part of the theatre of “If anything can go wrong it will.” School of drama…


And wouldn’t you know it on the every evening we were late getting home… etc etc… I still had to write the script and produce the program… and my computer had already been acting up and … and … and.. here it is 3:35 in the AM and I’m still trying to get this stuff down and into the automation system etc. so it can be a part of what’s on the air in the morning… Grrrr.


Well… no use getting angry at the Gremlins… that just makes it worse… anyway it turns out 99.44% of the time It’s some dumb mistake I have made. Which just feeds my stupid anger all the more.


So… I’ve already asked the Lord to forgive me for this outburst… and HE has. As HE always is willing to do.  And I’m glad I’m not going to have to be on repair detail in the AM tomorrow… so I’ll do my best to catch a couple of “make up” hours in the morning… So… without further details… as old Ed Murrow used to sign off… “Good night – and Good luck.”  Sounded good when he said it… but he died of throat cancer from too many coffin nails. Praise the Lord my Daddy worked me over pretty good about that … and BJU finished the job. So… I may get hit by a bus… but I don’t expect to die from nicotine poisoning. 


God bless you all.. More mistakes… too late… no really too early… I’ll be in bed before 3:45 AM


Cordially, IN HIM





            Just a Minute: Smoke and mirrors you often encounter when seeking accurate data. Just this week Facebook, Google and Microsoft might have been staging the children’s game of “button-button who’s got the button.”

          Last week there were rumors Mark Zuckerberg, youthful founder of Facebook, apparently encountered headlines noting FB needs to find friends in Washington. It generally involves smoke and mirrors and stories saying Microsoft bought a 1.6 percent share in the growing company for about 15 million… but that was back in 2007. 

          What is interesting now is Facebook tossed about $385 thousand -- a paltry sum -- to lobbyists who usually handle lobbying tasks required when expanding. Mr. Zukerberg gives no evidence of realizing the millions Google and Microsoft spend on lobbying. Likely he doesn’t know the legislative swamp is awash with political alligators. Senator Durbin already has rebuked Facebook for not participating in a Capitol Hill hearing on “global internet freedom.”

          A poem begins: “Step into my parlor said the Spider to the Fly…”

          Mr. Zukerberg – has planned to do business with mainland Chinese over privacy policies. He’ll learn quickly there’s a lot to learn.

          (END) <> I’m Jack Buttram

                                                                      JEBCO EDITORIAL SERVICE    


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

WHO FARRED THA-UT SHOT? - for JUST A MINUTE Radio on Wednesday 110420

Howdy in the middle of this week…


Seems like time is just a-whirrlin’ – as they say over on the Caroliner line --  And we’re smack-dab in the middle of another week (and half the work from last week is still waiting in the IN BASKET!


At least we have had some decent Spring-like weather while those as close as Alabama (NW corner) and other points out west a-ways have had a drubbing.


North Carolina took a major blow with something like 60 Tornadoes counted early – and I didn’t get the count from Tuesday before having to commit this to the Internet. What seems to be plain is – much more attention is getting to the public about Spring storms this year than before. Possibly it’s due to the increased presence of cell-phones with vidiography… and the ability to pass along many in-the-field shots that were just not utilized before.


Then I heard a summary of debt in the world…and the correspondent/reporter was saying no country has as much debt as we do (especially the debt mounted up since our current President took office) except for Japan where destruction and loss of life have been catastrophic. It at least give one something to think about when you wake during the night and can’t get back to sleep.


It’s not particularly that I’m *worried* about things. In fact in the last 20-30 years I believe I’ve worried (or fretted as some like to say) less about *things* -- health, wealth (or lack of it) illness or whatever else tends to keep one awake during the early morning hours than I did in my early years --  and in the ‘roughly’ first part of my life [since I really don’t know how to measure exactly what the last part of my life might consist of] – and quite contentedly feel, not that I know a LOT more than I knew.  But I can certainly say with confidence I have a lot more experience in which God has proven Himself so kind, gentle and forgiving – so *caring* as it’s come to be seen through more experiences -- and a greater familiarity with God’s word through reading and the Holy Spirit illuminating the knowledge God showers upon me through friends and neighbors – and hearing the Word of the Lord expounded.


Well as the night goes on while I’m writing – the run on sentences tend to occur more often and signal it *is* time to close it off and put it to bed. I tried getting done earlier this evening… and no matter how I ‘buckled down’ the night got shorter and shorter and the stuff I needed to get done just piled up more.  So… I give up… now I’m headed for the sack. 


I wish you all a good night’s sleep and rest and most of all JOY IN THE LORD – because it is available to all those who know and trust in HIM.


Thanks for sharing with me and being my friend.


Cordially, IN HIM






HOMER: JIST A MINUTE: – Mr. Jack who done farred tha-ut shot?.

Jack: I didn’t hear it, Homer?

HOMER: Well summof ‘em done started runnin.

BB: Ah thanks hit was th’ startin’ gun – Mr. Obama musta done hit.

Jack: This is going to be a jump start all right and you’d better watch the infield.

MizP: Whut’s th’ infield?

BB: Miz Pearl in a race –that’s th’ part of the oval in th’ middle covered with grass usually.

MizP: Oh… youi ‘sposed to run round th’ track – not ‘cross th’ infield.

Jack: She’s right Homer. She’s up on these thangs.

MizP: Well  -- they ain’t ‘special hard ta figger out. Hit ain’t rocket science.

Homer: You rite Miz Pearl – we din’t mean ta insult you.

MizP: Oh Ah wuzen’t insulted… Ah jist want ta be on th’ same page with everbody.

               Ah heered about th Prezdint flyin’ ta Illinois las week.

Homer: Yeah cost taxpayers over six hunnert thousands…

MizP: Well I sees he’s done flew out’n th’ wes cos this week.

Homer: He got th’ ‘lection started quick – mus be trubble.

BB: Aw, He allus runs like he’s skeered.

Homer: Musta done learned tha-ut when he lived in Keenya.

MizP: Yeah…summa them folkes learns ta run fast.

BB: Ah reckon Ah’d learn ta run fas too if’n a lyon was on my trail.

MizP: Well… whut you thank about a Tea Party?

Homer: Ah’d say if’n th’ Tea Party’s a runnin’ on you trail you better be a fast runner.

Jack:  Looks like now we are knee deep in politics.

BB: Yeah – an we din’t even try hard.

MizP: They dun started th’ race wifout astin’ us.

Homer: So you recon th’ race is begun, Mr. Jack.

Jack: Looks that way to me – although I wish it wasn’t

BB: So time’s up – right

Jack: Right Mr. Bill  we’ll invite all the folks back next Wednesday. <> I’m Jack Buttram.


                                                            Jebco Editorial Service




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