Hello again… Beginning a new week – with lots of water in the well!
When it comes time to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice some of the best and worst in people comes out. The battle is often partisan and bitter. This one will be no exception despite the “advice” from RINO Repubs and the major media dishing out what we Conservatives “must” do or risk going out of business.
Frankly it has been forever thus. In 1964, I was on the losing end of the contest. I happened to be working in Washington for the Republican National Committee when the “proverbial” sky fell in – and the ‘chicken little’s’ of that era pronounced the GOP DOA at the political emergency room. Republican Senator Scott of
But two years later “Cowboy Actor” Ronald Reagan – that’s how the critics billed him -- had won the governorship in
So… politics is rather like the stock market – subject to sudden and drastic reverses from time to time. I’m not making any predictions – just reciting history. But make no mistake. We’re in for a rather grim time in the short run.
Cordially, IN HIM
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JUST A MINUTE – You’ll remember Ricci vs. DeStefano. It’s the case Mr. Obama’s Supreme Court nominee has hanging about her neck. It’s a blunt example of what’s called ‘empathy’ by the President that fails to "administer justice without respect to persons” which she must swear to joining the Court.
You will read elsewhere the details of her one-paragraph opinion killing the possibility of promotion for a dyslexic, hard-striving candidate who did not belong to the minority with whom she empathized. Federal Judge Sotomayor disqualified Ricci and all 19 of his Hartford Fire Department colleagues simply because none of them belonged to the racial minority she favored.
The result is unquestioned, unvarnished, unfairness, which will certainly be overturned, this summer. Her brand of “justice” rips the blindfold from the depiction of the symbol epitomizing fair judgment, regardless of plaintiff or defendant.
You may not fully understand this until you read the case particulars, but it exemplifies what most Americans determine is justice denied. This will be an historic blot on Obama’s legacy.
<> I’m
Jebco Editorial Service
e-mail n4zhk@arrl.net