Monday, February 14, 2011


            Hey – It’s only five months late!.


And no one knows what’s in it. And everybody and his brother in the 535 seats of the Congress of the United States will have something to add to it or take away from it – and will try mightily to ‘earmark’ some of it – and be shouted down or threatened with impeachment.


            A wonderful start for the most powerful (or powerless – it depends upon whether you speak Chinese -- either Mandarin or Cantonese will do) of nations on the face of the earth.  How did we get here and who or what is going to get us out of this tangle?


            There are (approximately – since some have resigned over the weekend) 535 ‘legislators’ – or some representation thereof… along with their leaders, who are being paid handsome salaries to carry on the ‘business’ of the United States of America.  Yet the average small business owner in this widespread country would be loath to commit the responsibility of filling out his income tax form to the tender talents of these titans of power in the powerful country.


            It’s really hard to come up with a proper explanation of what’s happening or why the affairs of America are so tangled around the axel. I am certainly NOT going to try. I would then be worth *exactly* what I would be paid for exerting such effort.


            Please excuse the short tether -- I feel attached to the collar which I feel the legislators – and their lower minions spread across the land in 50 states, and various places to which we tax the citizens of the USA and send money they are disposed to put in the game.


            Actually -- *most* of the people who live within the confines of the 50 states, and its subsidiary dependencies – are very glad to live here – EXCEPT when it comes time to hire the people, and pay all their salaries to take care of the bills, and  organize the taxes and rake in the money to spend on things like studying various large and small fish, insects and animals, or arguing over how small children should be educated.


            Although I have lived here only 79 years as of last January – I find it difficult to figure out just how or why or wherefore this Nation is in such an organizational and financial mess as it is.  Perhaps someone will win a Pulitzer Prize of a million dollars or so to have the taxes removed, and given over to the Treasury to pay some of the mounting debt of unpaid bills and get us lined up on the road to sensibleness and possible financial straight shooting… Oops…. We don’t want violence now… that’s against the law.


            Once more it’s past my bedtime… I’ll be following things tomorrow to see how ya’ll do!


            Cordially, IN HIM




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            Just a Minute: -- One of the things I learned writing for legislators in Washington, was -- it takes more than a few shots of Windex to clear up the image in your crystal ball. It’s also true of the news coming out of Cairo, the White House or our Department of State.

          As a pilot I learned government weathermen preferred predicting a gloomy, stormy forecast and have the weather turn out well, than the other way around -- It cuts way down on passenger and pilot complaints. You find when you’re actually out there in the clouds – you’ll be flying the weather that IS – not what was *forecast.*

          That’s what you need to keep in mind these days when listening to the news out of the Middle East or the White House press office.  It’s the kind of attitude you girls need to have when making up your mind if your boyfriend is going to show up with candy and roses to take you out to dinner – or if he just forgot it’s Valentine’s Day.

            <>I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service






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