Sunday, February 27, 2011


            Howdy Folks… how was *your* weekend?


            Mine was filled with ‘suspense.’  I was trying to figure out  for a couple of days how to get an ‘errant’ application of BIG TIME ECHO CHAMBER that stuck itself to all my audio files. I didn’t know how that came about – so you can imagine the conundrum that caused in my one many production crew… [me]!


I’ve got a new dual element condenser mike operating now... and trying to experiment with several different “settings” to achieve some sound improvement --  I managed to apply ‘echo’ to all the audio files in my current batch. That really messes up the files.  Makes them unusual to use since I am not pretending to do my JAM (Just A Minute) program in a cave… or in this particular case an echoing ‘sewer pipe.’


            I guess that might come in handy if I was doing a “Count of Monte Christo” drama or rescue broadcast from Bat Cave ,NC… -- but it bungled up all the audio I have on file.. and I wasn’t about to let that stand go by the board.  Trouble is I didn’t know what I did to make it happen … so it was BIG difficulty finding out how to get rid of it.  (This seems to have been a recurring occurrence with a computer ‘non-geek’ like me.)


            In any case my brilliant 20-something granddaughter was here anyway for a Sunday afternoon dinner – and between the two of us (me trying to remember what I did to get in this mess) and she applying her computer age skills to the problem at hand – we got things back to a semblance of normalcy.


            So – perhaps you’ll notice the audio difference … perhaps not… we’ve made a change in the quality of the microphone pick-up here in my ‘modest’ home recording studio.  If you have a suggestion to offer… drop me a line using the e-mail address ( below and let me know what you think – or offer any suggestion you care to.


            Meantime we still have news of riots that went on through the weekend… in the Middle East and in Wisconsin.  [How did we manage to get caught up in that bon-fire?]  So… perhaps one of these days we’ll get a shot at some normalcy around the Mediterranean – and it could be well-wished for Madison, WI too.


            Not much use in me offering opinion about either end of that problem… Although I do think the suggestion for Christians to be *praying* about solutions and for the folks who are suffering and have sustained losses of loved on in those zones where life has been lost – would be welcomed.  



Cordially, IN HIM


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            Just a Minute: -- Pollster Frank Luntz’s survey of union members finds 80% chose Right to Work – giving individuals opportunity to pay or not to pay union dues. However, John Lynch, Democrat Governor, of New Hampshire says he will veto any such legislation.

          Newly elected Wisconsin GOP Senator, Ron Johnson -- who sits on the Senate Appropriations and Budget Committee -- making his first trip to Washington, says he can’t believe the White House’s lack of leadership on entitlement reform.

          Johnson says: (quote) "There are way too many who don't understand how urgent the problem is -- … We need a Nixon-to-China moment. … [“Someone] from the party of entitlements [needs] to step forward. Nobody is stepping forward."

          The case for the federal government cutting spending to boost economic growth isn’t often heard in Washington. Mr. Johnson is a new voice in town.

          So we’ve got partisans on either side trying to keep the country afloat – or run it aground.

          Once more, we need to seriously ask Bible believers to bring these matters before the Lord. He will answer!

          <> I’m Jack Buttram           (END)

Jebco Editorial Service




Friday, February 25, 2011


            Here we are at the end of another week… and it’s been a busy one both here at the home place, AND out there on the firing line.


            And there has been a firing line. Let’s be sure this weekend to be much in prayer for the folks in those tough places – and the ones trying to get out of Libya back to their homes. Aside from World War II, I don’t remember there being so much in the way of disaster and difficulties all around the world. 


            The folks in Christchurch New Zealand lost the centerpiece of their city when their cathedral’s tower and steeple were toppled.  And last evening as I checked they still were saying there are about 800 + people still missing from the city and possibly trapped in the rubble even in their cars. So they are certainly worthy of our prayers… beyond that Haiti is still in a very difficult situation… never mind the uprisings in the Middle East – with warships from Iran sitting in Syrian docks. 


            The weather continues to be chilly but not the severe cold that still grips the upper mid-West… From what New England friends tell me this weather would foretell a big crop of maple syrup if it will warm up enough for the sap to run and the workers to be able to get in the wood to bring the syrup back to the furnace and pans where it has to be boiled down to the finished product. It’s been a difficult winter in many places and not over yet.


            There’s still one more place where the difficulties are rather large and that’s Ireland. They have – like Greece – come upon hard times financially and with impending economic collapse.  Ireland was just starting to pull itself out of the economic difficulties when the recession hit – and made everything difficult again.  I read one of the national papers yesterday and they say the exodus from Ireland rivals the same kinds of leaving the ‘home country’ as it did back during the potato famine and before. So there’s another place to pray for.


            We’re trying something a little different here at JUST A MINUTE. I finally broke down and forked out the $$$ to purchase a better microphone. For 7 or 8 years now I’ve used a little five-dollar condenser mike – which is OK for ‘bare bones’ communication – and only someone with a skilled ear (that’s an intriguing picture… a “skilled” ear… sounds like it’s made out of stainless steel) can probably notice a lot of difference.  When I was involved with a lot of audio recording years ago…I could tell by ear, which kind of mike we were using without having to look … but that skill is about gone now.

            Anyway… I scouted around, read reviews etc… and purchased one I thought would fill the bill… (and I still think it will) but my recording digital computer  program is so sophisticated… and complicated… and I’m so much behind the times… it’s taking a while to train the ear and the fingers and find all the buttons that need adjusting to make it sound a bit better.  Of course it would be better if one started out with a ‘good’ voice… I’ve heard Bobby-Mac say his is thin… I’m sort of in the same category… But that’s shop talk…I think you’ll still be able to understand things OK… just be a little patient and understanding of us older ‘folk’ –


            Well.. have a great weekend… see you Monday, Lord willing, and lets not forget to pray for those who are really in need. God bless you.


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Barbara and Jack Buttram



            Just a Minute: -- Figuring out what Mommar Gadhafi will do or say next follows closely behind whatever’s happening with Rod Blagojevich as he strolls toward his re-trial as the former Governor of Illinois. A federal judge said Thursday that he might have to assign a federal marshal to post no-trespassing signs before homes of jurors since reporters have staked out jurors homes and are creating disturbances in the Chicago neighborhoods.

          The judge has thrown out several charges against Blagojevich but there are still twenty or so charges to be tried against “Blago” – as he is called by TV personalities – who seems un-worried… continuing on his breezy way – even appearing in TV commercials endorsing pistachio nuts.

          Meanwhile Col. Gadhafi unleashes mercenaries upon his own people as his military personnel demur from firing on the Libyan populace.  Gadhafi in costume and sunglasses shows up and makes rambling speeches in which he asserts he ought to be able to stay in power as long as Queen Elizabeth has in Great Britain.

          Let us ask the Lord in mercy to soon relieve the suffering of those people.

          <> I’m Jack Buttram           (END)

Jebco Editorial Service




Thursday, February 24, 2011


            Well Hello… tell me what the season is?  We’ve got a big crop of 4 buttercups coming up by the back steps…


            And with all the wind about this week… we have a yard full of sticks that I suppose should be called ‘windfalls’ – (one was pretty big – I was glad it wasn’t closer to the house.)  We spent a fair amount of $$$ cutting some of the overhanging branches.  Most of the trees near the house are tulip poplars… nice for the shade in the summer… bad for the cars that sit in the driveway for the unknowing in the spring. We’ve had some smaller limbs fall… but the tulip poplars seem to shed their branches when they’re still small… For that, Lord, I’m truly grateful.  


            During the early part of the winter… actually I guess it was January mid part – cold and we did have enough snow to keep the mail truck from arriving four days in a row… then comes mild summer weather right after the groundhog said we’d see six more weeks of winter… (And I suppose it is not beyond belief) – we’ve got a lot of decorative fruit trees in the neighborhood. 


            I do hope it got cold enough to freeze all the mosquito larvae.  Anyway… I started to remark on the way the robins and blackbirds really stripped off the holly berries… of one particular kind of holly… Very pretty and about eight feet tall… I had hired a young man to trim them down to that height … and he never came back.  (He must have mistaken one of my jokes for criticism.) In any case we have another breed of a hedge plant that also bears red berries – more than the holly bushes – but the robins/blackbirds didn’t touch them.  The robin/blacks were diligent to decorate my truck and driveway… with some opaque splotches… looked like it could destroy the top level of concrete… One *more* reason to get the driveway repaired … I also suppose I’ve got to write a best seller to get up the $$$ to make the repairs. (L)… that’s not too likely.  But those birds didn’t leave a single red berry on the first set of holly bushes. And I’m glad something in the front yard provides food for them.


            We do have a water-oak. It has been trimmed twice this year to get some of the limbs off the power line coming to the house… (the squirrels like the little acorns) and Duke Energy paid Asplundh (Is that the way it’s spelt?) to trim back the trees of any limbs that threaten the high tension wires feeding the neighborhood – which kept about four crews busy here for a month and a half or so… and then we didn’t get any ice.  Maybe next year.  (Or maybe yet this year… who knows?)


            Anyway… I’ve been fiddling with my audio recording set up for the JAM (Just A Minute) … and replaced a mike with one I thought would bring things up to snuff… but … not so – YET.  Maybe I’ll learn about this audio stuff… I’ve only been working at it 50+ years. (J) But my electronics education sort of froze in its tracks after solid state stuff started coming along… and digital is the icing on the cake… MORE stuff I don’t understand.  But I nod and smile a lot. (J)


            Ya’ll come back t’morra ya heah?  Bye now…


            Cordially, IN HIM



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            Just a Minute: -- Apparently in his last campaign for the Illinois Senate seat, the President signed on to support the Defense of Marriage Act between one man and one woman. Only five states and the District of Columbia have legalized homosexual marriage. But with mounting pressure from the same sex and trans-gender bloc of his political base he’s instructed Attorney General Eric Holder to no longer defend that part of the legislation a federal judge has declared unconstitutional. So the U.S. Government is thereby prevented from supplying benefits to homosexual couples.

          Now the President just sends his underlings to express his re-discovered opposition, thus softening his previous position. This stirs up Conservative groups who vigorously assert his earlier position was the correct one.

          “It’s a dereliction of duty…” says Tom McClusky, Senior Vice President of the Family Research Council. “Whether they agree with the law or not is irrelevant… They’ve purposely dropped the ball…”

          Pew Research polling finds 43 percent favor homosexuals marrying legally and 47 percent oppose. Only 21 percent of Republicans support it – Washington Post opinion research has a similar division.   

          <>I’m Jack Buttram.


Jebco Editorial Service






Tuesday, February 22, 2011


            G’day Mates… Terrible tragedy in Christchurch yesterday…


            A second – shallower but closer to the earth’s surface – earthquake wreaked havoc on Christchurch, New Zealand’s Capitol city.  One survivor said looking out the window of a major government building, it seemed as if half the town had been collapsed and the rest left without quite such horrific damage. 


            So… let us pray for those affected in that land “Down Under” about 800 or so miles, east of Australia… its closest national relative.  Many of our AF troops from Greenville used to fly support missions from Christchurch to Antarctica in our winter… their summer.  Newsmen from WMUU visited on most of those trips… and actually traveled to the South Pole. 


            New Zealand is sort of a second home to many South-Sea island natives. When we visited our children in Fiji – we were able to take a week long motor home tour of the South Island and I suppose you could say we ‘fell in love’ with New ZealandChristchurch has the reputation of being ‘more British’ than Britain. We certainly found it to be a great place to visit and enjoyed our stay.  We feel terribly sorry for the folks in Christchurch.  In addition to the loss of life they have suffered great damage in the dwelling-place – the downtown – of their beautiful city.  We should certainly pray for the population… And for those who have lost loved ones and for the great disruption of their country and way of living.  Let us support them in any way possible.


            What shall we as a nation do about these gathering Mid-East storm clouds?  From the President’s NON-action thus far it appears he’s going to let it all drift into a terrible mess. In my humanity – I would say it’s about time the PRESIDENT did something beside make speeches and turn a blind eye toward the Middle East.  But so far he merely jumps into the Wisconsin riots to uphold his UNION constituents to the detriment of doing what he ought to be doing – taking care of our Nation.  President Roosevelt summed it up saying we should be “Talking softly but carry(ing) a BIG stick.”


            On the other side of the world in North Africa and the Middle East it appears there’s a confluence of forces which well could result in ‘end times’ forecast contests and tragedies. I do not claim to be an eschatology student. I have been exposed of course to the prophecies which pertain to the end times laid out in Scripture.  But not being a language scholar by any stretch of the imagination – I am pretty much restricted to what I can glean from those who are.  I have done some studying of ‘advanced’ courses but not at the graduate level for higher degree work. 

               Beyond that, the Scriptures do tell us: But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. (KJV) Matthew 24:36  So you may just as well put away your calendar and your calculator.  Let us just pay attention to our Lord – He will let us know all we need to know.

            At the same time we are instructed to be aware of the days after the ‘Tribulation.’  Again in Matthew 24: vv 32 and following: “Now learn a parable of the fig tree…” and the author writes … “When ye shall see all  these things know that it (He) is near even at the doors.”  So I am obliged to tell you we need to be alert and expecting the Lord’s return… You can look it up for yourself and make yourself aware of HIS directions. That’s the only wise thing to do.  The Bible is a GREAT guidebook.  Avail yourself of its benefits.

            Well… got to get to bed… and get my beauty sleep.  May the Lord bless and keep you is my prayer.

            Cordially, IN HIM

            Jack & Barbara

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BB: JUST A MINUTE: – Mr. Jack – Ah got a question.

Jack: Go right ahead Billy-bob – to whom is it directed?

BB: Ah guess to them in the White House Crisis room.

MizP: Tha-ut souns interestin’ Mr. Beelie… whas your question?

BB: OK  -- Ah gots’ this white board see…  like th’ ones they use on TV. .

Jack: Fine … go ahead.

BB: Th’ firs line says: Four Americans killed by Smelly pirates.

Homer: An th next ‘un?

BB: At least two hunnert an fifty killed in Libya by Libyan forces.

MizP: Mr. Beelie’s rite…I done seen tha-ut on news reports three times. 

BB: Yeah – Thankee Miz Pearl.  Third line says “Presdint O’bam don’t say er do nothin’ ".

Homer: Hit shore ain’t nothin’ we’s heered about.

BB: So my corn-clusion is writ large – Hit’s TIME FER A CHANGE!

Homer: You’s rite Miz Pearl. – we’s seen Billy-bob tawk down a whole footbawl team.

MizP: At’s rite… over in frunt of O’Flattery’s Hardware… --- buncha mountain guys wuz makin trubble.

Homer: On a Friday nite… after th’ hometown Hornets done beat th’ visters –

MIz: Th score was 21 ta nothin’ – but hit was won fair and square…

               I cheered fer th home boys.

BB: Yeah… th’ other bunch was a-holdin’ up pipe an ax hannels an a-fussin.

Homer: Mr. Bill, wawks up ta the gang leader and asts him if’n he don’t want ta tawk?

MizP: An the mountain guy – bigges as he was – he jist kinder hung his head.  

Homer: Tha-ut took th’ steam outn’ th steam-whistle I reckon.

Jack: So your question is…

BB: Hit’s: “Where’s our Prezdint?” – four ‘Mericans sailin’ round th’ world  --

                Jist handin’ out Bibles.  – killed in cold blood?

MizP: What’s threatnin’ ‘bout tha-ut?

               Ain’t Libya where th’ shore of Tripoli is… in th’ Marine’s Hymn.

Jack: You’re right Miz Pearl!  And unfortunately time’s up for today -- we’ll be back.

               <> I’m Jack Buttram. (end)  

                                                                    Jebco Editorial Service





Monday, February 21, 2011

HAVE THE BADGERS REALLY COME OUT TO PLAY? - for Just A Minute Radio -- Tuesday 110222

            It really is remarkable….


            Looking at the national weather map I see it was in the low 20’s up in Wisconsin -- while South Carolina was enjoying daytime temps of 70’s – but yesterday the wind did BLOW.  Here in Greenville area we had 40 MPH – just showing the turmoil that was in between weather fronts further up in the air.


            Old pilots never quite get over lookin’ at the weather.  They’re just glad they don’t have to fly in it on turbulent days like the middle of yesterday.  A landing with a BIG crosswind component like it was turning up yesterday afternoon… it can be a really *exciting* time. But also rewarding – you got back without bending the airplane… GRAND!


            What’s difficult – and seeming to drag on and on forever is those countries gathered around the shores of the Mediterranean sea as well as certain waters near Africa and India just seem like they are forever going to be in a bad temper.  There are reasons… some of them are embedded in the early chapters of Genesis. Others have developed in the centuries since then.


            A good question to ask these days is: Are things going to be better or worse?  We’d be happy to have you post your short – well thought out answers on our blog here. I’m sure we’d be benefitted.


            I’ve about written all I think I can expound on today right down below – it’s the script for today’s commentary.  There’s room for yours thoughtful addition right there. Happy to have you aboard. We’re not selling anything… nor even taking a survey.(J)


            Cordially, IN HIM


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            Just a Minute: -- The labor laws Wisconsin unions so bitterly defend were popular a while back -- but now the unions they built -- and growlingly protect -- are smaller and much less popular. What frosts the taxpayers, however, is the size of government union payrolls and pensions much greater than the rest of the public – that comes out of taxes.

          Organizing for America, is the current successor to President's Obama's 2008 campaign. They have filled buses with protesters flooding Madison – the capital – paying for 15 phone banks canvassing for people to call legislators. Scott Walker, the State’s Governor, is trying to avoid laying off over fifty-five hundred government employees and getting them to contribute about 18.4 percent of earnings toward pensions and health insurance – roughly half what most public employees contribute.

          So the battle is joined between the government trying to close a $137 million budget gap and the government unions calling in ‘sick.” The Governor has the votes so  Democrats in the legislature skedaddled to stop the vote.         

          Who’s going to blink?

          <>I’m Jack Buttram.


Jebco Editorial Service







THE ALMANAC SAYS TODAY IS...? - for JUST A MINUTE Radio - Monday 110221

            Has it been as busy around your place as at ours?


            We seem to be inundated with things we are supposed to have done… or are getting ready to do – and with the warm weather… perhaps we’re supposed to have done them already! Then if you look at the weather map and see it’s six degrees or less in Minneapolis – and in the high 50’s around here about midnight… you wonder just what’s going on with the weather machine?


            Saturday, I even saw some (a pitifully poor number because I’m too deleterious to get the bulbs planted in the fall at the right time) jonquils or daffodils  doing their best to crawl out of their winter beds.  At least the careless forsythia that hang around our place until I can get to cultivating it properly is only putting out the bare minimum number of blooms to avoid embarrassment of the rest of us – they’re holding back.  So far, I’ve not seen fruit trees trying to posit blooms… but a few more warm days like this and we’ll have a Springtime disaster… Oh well… if we didn’t have the weather to talk about we’ll have great gobs of silence hanging around.


            It’s really been hard keeping up with everything going on… Egypt calming down it seems… while other places are heating up… with real live gunfire… I don’t like that… Well honestly I don’t like any of it.  Gunfire is one of the *worst* ways to say you’re going to ‘settle’ an argument.  The word may begin with an ‘s’ – but it’s more likely to be in a phrase called “spread” the argument rather than anything else.


            Excuse me for laughing but I picture it as hilarious to have 14 state senators from Wisconsin ‘hiding’ out from their capitol police so they won’t have to vote on a measure they think they can’t defeat.  It might be more humorous if you had a passel of “Keystone Kops” running around in Bobby hats swinging Billie clubs… But I guess really violence – even potential violence only “kicks the can further down the road” – to borrow somebody on the Democrat’s team’s vocabulary. 


            I don’t see where folks who are supposed to be smart enough to get elected to the State lawmaking body are OK to go running away from their legislative responsibilities or think they’re doing their constituents a favor by acting out the way they’re doing.  Perhaps Wisconsin is getting the worst because they are the first… but more states are ready to follow… and it looks like the President isn’t going to be able to haul out enough fire hoses to put out all the fires. Sometimes it happens that way in an early Spring… the woods get too dry!


            Well… since it’s been busy all the week… and I have an early morning meeting. I’d better get on my hobby horse and get some sleep before the early dawn.  We’ll look for you on another morning this week… if we can figure out what to call it… I think really Tuesday is George Washington’s Birthday… although I don’t think he’s gonna gripe about it a lot if you celebrate today!


            Cordially, IN HIM






            Just a Minute: -- My calendar says “President’s Day” but it’s: WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY OBSERVED. 

          Actually, harking back to the “push” to pass another extended weekend – you’ll remember they were selling the opportunity to add another holiday long week-end combining *both* president’s birthdays on the 3rd Monday in February -- doesn’t that leave poor ‘Honest Abe’ outside in the cold February snows? 

          Now “HAIR” comes “The DONALD” horning in on CPAC’s convention. Last week the star of “The Apprentice” [or is it “Dancing with the Stars?”] – Anyway, declaring himself now a new-born’ pro-life, conservative – originally The Donald started out as a “Reagan” Republican – then aimed to be Ross Perot’s favorite in the New York Independence Party . In 2001 Trump declared he’s a Democrat to the New York Daily News because “he didn’t care” for Bush; but by 2009 he was back under the GOP’s banner and you should simply ignore the fifty thousand bucks he contributed to former Obama Chief of Staff  Rahm Emanuel’s campaign to be Mayor of Chicago.

          It’s just been a busy week.

            <>I’m Jack Buttram.


Jebco Editorial Service






Friday, February 18, 2011

ROUNDING UP THE 'STRAYS' -- Just A Minute Radio for Friday 110218

            Indeed it IS FRIDAYYYYY! – And don’t let anyone fool you into thinking differently.


            I looked around on the GOP side of the aisle and found about three folks who may just have difficulty with the changed leadership structure for the next 17 months more or less.


            Senator Olympia Snowe has occupied one of the Main state seats in the Senate for what will complete three Senate terms or 18 years come November of 2012. She apparently intends to continue her Senate career… at least at this time that’s the indication. But she’s been a borderline Rino for a good bit of that time.


            Ms. Snowe is a fiscal conservative in the main – but she is not a right to life candidate.  Religiously she identifies herself as a member of the Greek orthodox faith. However that does not play a major part in her political portrait. Also she has not endeared herself to those who wish to preserve the Constitution without making a lot of changes… and has voted recently for both Justice Kagan and Sotomayor. There has been a coalescing of conservative pressure in Main that indicates her support may not be at the 74 percent level at which she won her last Senate race.


            Mr. Lugar is the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee I believe and John Kerry is the Chairman.  Mr. Lugar will be running for his seventh six year term… He’s 78. He doesn’t seem at all interested in giving someone else a chance… often the case of those who’ve been in office a long time.  And to those who think he might be unseated in this election… he just says… “Get Real.”  Possibly that is inherited from being the mayor of Indianapolis  back around 1970 as well as having served as a briefing officer for former President Dwight Eisenhower.  That just shows experience – right? 


            Mr. Hatch we covered fairly completely in yesterday’s program… He too has been around long enough to become pals with Ted Kennedy. Not that such is a ‘mortal’ sin… just that Republican people who vote for candidates because they *are* Republicans are kinda getting shortchanged when the Republicans turn out not to be so Republican after all.  Well.. that could be the start of a long sermon… but I leave it to you to decide how long is long enough… or if you profess one particular set of policies and people vote for you on that basis – is it being fair and upright to decide you no longer follow that kind of thought? 


            It’s my view that’s what most of the Tea Party people have had enough of… (I know that’s weak grammar… but it says what I think needs to be said.)


            So… we’ll leave it there for today… We have a whole 16 and a half or 17 months to hash this over – and believe me it *will* get hashed over…


            Better to put down the pen and turn off the computer while we are still reasonable toward one another. (J)


            Cordially, IN HIM



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            Just a Minute: -- Yesterday we started with Sen. Orrin Hatch – noting the Wall St. Journal’s John Fund saying: “He is going to have to do a better job explaining his record.” And today we’ll complete the Round-Up with Senators Snowe and Lugar.

          Olympia Snowe of Maine is one of the three targeted for some ‘stimulus’ Tea Party attention. She’s been willing to buck her party on abortion and other social issues like voting for Supreme Court nominees Kagan and Sotomayor. Maine has a conventional primary the mood may be right for a more conservative challenger although she captured her last term with 74 percent of the vote.  The Tea Party Express announced disapproval of her votes for stimulus funding and are calling it “Snowe Removal.”

          Sen. Richard Lugar is aiming for his sixth six year term and his demeanor borders on haughtiness. To a possible State Treasurer challenger he’s only said: “Get real.” He was conservative but not lately supporter of the immigration “Dream Act.” Not entirely enticing to Rino hunters. -- That’s the round up.

            <>I’m Jack Buttram.


Jebco Editorial Service





Thursday, February 17, 2011


            Sometimes time flies – and sometimes it just dawdles along


            Thursday is dawdling day. But not on Capitol Hill… they want to get their hearings, meetings etc. out of the way so they can get home for the weekend. But back when I worked there, Senators and Representatives only got paid to fly back home about three times in a legislative session. Nowadays – due to the generosity of you (and me) taxpayers they can charge it off to the govermint *every* time they take a notion.


            So… Mrs. Pelosi can fly out to the West Coast every weekend she can get away, but (sigh) she doesn’t get her own jet to do it in… (sob, sob) she has to sit in the aluminum tube (FirstClass I’m reasonably sure) with the rest of the ‘citizens’ (who pay her way) who are not so privileged.  


            Please take note Oh Spending Cutters… it amounts to quite a bit over the course of a two-year session… going back and forth every weekend… or almost every week end.  That would be a cut that would at least make the less privileged of us at least feel like we’re ‘sharing the load’ somehow. (L)


            Well at least we appear to have made progress on the ‘earmark’ removal campaign.  Too bad it’s not big enough to hardly nick the deficit…


            If you’ll note the script printed below – and read it carefully, you’ll note both office-holders we describe are members of the GOP – and they are receiving what might be described as “incoming” shells – or at least having attention called to what ordinary citizens might – by some stretch of the budget feel as hostile criticism… No… that’s not the case.  The criticism is not partisan.  What I think IS illustrated is the effect of that old saying – “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”


            I also believe I’ve rambled far enough into the night… Too many typing and editing mistakes.  I’m simply going to give it up for the time being.


            We’ll look for you (DV) tomorrow.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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            Just a Minute: -- Here’s a tale of two Republican office holders.

           Orrin Hatch, of Utah, leaves confusion in his Senate career. He’s a Mormon, a boxer, a lawyer who writes and sells poetry and songs – but was a great fan of Sen. Ted Kennedy they sometimes cosponsored bills. At CPAC convention he was challenged about his vote for TARP. He expressed a brief apology – but said he probably would do it again.

          Fellow Mormon and ex Senator Bob Bennett, found you can lose if you’re not on the Tea Party train.  Hatch is running the seventh time for re-election.  Wall St. Journal writer John Fund says: “He is going to have to do a better job explaining his record.”

          By contrast nobody in New Jersey has the slightest question of where Gov. Chris Christie stands – right in the middle of the Right. Voters agree by more than 60 percent that state spending is out of control and state workers should expect to feel the brunt of spending cuts. Sixty four percent say services should be cut before raising taxes – only 26 percent hoist the flag for more taxes.  No uncertainty here.

            <>I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service


