Wednesday, October 13, 2010

THINGS SLOW DOWN - THEN THEY HEAT UP -- Just A Minute Radio for Wednesday 101013

            Welcome to the middle of a busy week…


            You’d think with Congress out of town – and with Obama on the ‘look my way’ path – having gone to Ohio about as many times as he, or they can stand it; things would sort of settle down to a dull, background roar.  But not according to the news and the Internet and the cable channels and the Chile miner’s rescue and, and , and…


            November 2nd can’t come quick enough in my book. But, it’s the political season… and like football, basketball or even baseball (which is by far the slowest, most laid-back sport -- but has its moments) there’s a certain urge that the sports fans have to answer and there’s no staunching the flow of cheering for the “home” team no matter where you are or what you’re doing.


            So… we who don’t have polls running in our arterial avenues, nor breathe the air of backroom deals, agreements or feuds, we’re a bit mystified by it all. But you only have to look at the way football (and all the other sports) fans open their wallets to realize how far ‘over the cliff’ they’ve gone… and there’s little hope of rescue. 


            I admit to being attracted to certain activities, like aviation, or ham radio, or girls (back in high school days) but I, after a while pried loose the grip – at least in *most* cases.  But each person is different… and that coupled with the scriptural knowledge that God deals in HIS own ways with HIS people… and each case (person, family or association) is its own entity.  So… while I have every intention of cleaning up my office where it is more useful… I don’t get to it. The same is true for my tools… my work bench… it seems the list is never ending.


            So, when the leaves start dropping and the political winds have blown now for nine months or so in this particular cycle, I guess it’s like the old stories of the fire house horses who never loose their reaction to hearing the firehouse alarm bell ring, signaling the call to duty – at least in our nobler moments we think of it as duty. Certainly politics *should* be thought of as public service. But there are areas in which…. And I’d better leave off the rest of the catalog… or it would go on forever.


            In any case… for the Christian – it’s a time for study and meditation… which is often lost in the excitement of campaign. And we’ll only keep our eye on the prize of the upward call in Christ Jesus, if we engaged in a determined manner, and faithfully execute

the course which requires discipline… and dedication and renewal of a close walk with the Holy Spirit.  All of that is mostly foreign language in political circles; seldom thought of and even more seldom followed. I’m afraid I speak from experience.


            Lord Acton’s pronouncement is not scripture – but it is nonetheless true: “Power corrupts – and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  I don’t know of a single person involved in public service, who if he/she is honest would not look over the life that is passing and affirm the accuracy of Lord Action’s observation.


            Perhaps it will recur on your radar screen as it does mine… and sometime we can have a mature discussion of the inevitability of it’s effects.


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack Buttram

Delayed audio link:






MizP: JUST A MINUTE: – Mr. Jack – Ah don’t feel Ah’s ever felt this confused.

Jack: What’s troubling you Miz Pearlie?

MizP: Well jist ever-thang. They’s jist too many thangs a-goin on ta keep track.

BB: Ah shore was glad ta see tha-ut first miner frum Chile git up out’ tha-ut mine.

MizP: Oh Ah thank everone was Mr. Beelie. Didja see his little boy?

BB: Ah shore did. Hit wuz really good news.

Homer: Sum really Xcitin’ thangs a-goin’ on as we gits closter ta’ November second.

BB: Summa them politicos is a wondrin’ what’s a goin’ on too.

Jack: Like who Mr. Bill?

BB: Well Like th’ West Virginnie Governer who wants ta claim Bobby Byrd’s seat in th’ Senate.

MizP: His name is Manchin an looks like he mite lose ta th’ ‘Publican challenger.

Homer: Tha-ut wud be a reel upset woun’t hit?

MizP: Oh Ah reckon hit wud. Didjer know they done started callin’ Mr. Manchin a DINO?

BB: A DINO… Whassat?

MizP: At’s a Demicrat in name only.

BB: Ah don’t git hit.

MizP: You ‘member them a callin’ Mr. Speckter a RINO Republican?

BB: Oh yeah… Republican in name only – Rino… and DINO … means…

MizP: At’s about where they done got Miz Lincoln down to in Arkensaw.


MizP:  No Mr. Billee a D-eye-no is a…

BB: Oh I gits hit… Demicrat in name… Ah gits hit.

MizP: Yeah… Well the Demicrats’s is a gonna cawl Gov. Christie Sherman.

Homer: Sherman?

MizP: Sherman like the tank… cause he’s ‘bout as big as Prezdint Cleveland was in 1894

 when he got stuck in th White House bath tub.

Homer: Miz Pearl – Ah’m surprised at you…

Jack: I am too Miz Pearlie… and you such a kind little ole lady.

MizP:  Ole… where you gittin’ that Ole frum.

Homer: Uh….Miz Pearl… this ‘lection stuff is a-gittin too ya.

Jack: Homer’s right Miz Pearl. It’s time for us to call it a day and cool off.

          <> I’m Jack Buttram (END)

JEBCO Editorial Service





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