Wednesday, June 25, 2008

TOTAL CONTEMPT FOR DEMOCRATIC PROCESS -- Just a Minute for Thursday 06-26-08

Howdy Folks…


It’s getting hot around these parts. Now that the runoffs – sparsely attended as they were – are over we get to the real serious campaigning leading up to the November elections. Of course the party conventions of the GOP and the Democrats intervene – and you’ll have plenty of time to fully get tired of the seemingly endless stream of charge and counter charge. Problem is we do get awfully tired of it all… and frankly lose our attention in a cloud often more obfuscating than illuminating.


But for all that we have it infinitely better than the poor folks in the former Rhodesia – that used to be a prosperous, and growing economy, supporting both black and white citizens in its increasing prosperity. All that has crumbled under the iron dictatorship of Robert Mugabe who now refuses to abide by the democratic process by which he was elected and won’t leave the president’s office. He was defeated in a March 29th election – now he says his soldiers with their guns are mightier than those who merely mark an X on a ballot. His opposite number has had to take refuge in the Dutch Embassy apparently to have a chance to live another day. Mugabe says “Only God will remove me from power.” To which there is a mighty, but silent, AMEN! MAY IT BE SO. 


Do we take note of what can happen when the process of government is overthrown by those who seek power for its own sake? I don’t see us thinking about that kind of thing much in our own nation. And certainly we should pray for the families of those who have been killed or harmed by the ruthlessness of those who refuse to pay attention to the citizens of their countries. It’s a lesson we need to keep reminding ourselves about. You think it can’t happen here? It already has happened here. Read the history of America’s struggle for self-government. It’s not a dead story – but it could be.


Cordially, IN HIM






Just A MinutePresident, Robert Mugabe, saw Morgan Tsvangira (svang –ger-ee -ah), the man who came in first in Zimbabwe's March 29th  election take refuge in the Dutch embassy fearing more innocent people would die as Mugabe’s soldiers sweep the country. Eighty plus Tsvangira (svang –ger-ee -ah),   supporters have already been murdered -- thousands more beaten and raped.  

Zimbabwe – formerly Rhodesia – has already heard Mugabe threaten he will not honor the Tsvangirai (svang –ger-ee -ah) victory. He says (quote): "only God will remove me." adding: “We are not going to give up our country because of a mere X! How can a ballpoint fight with a gun?" Which puts him in the same group with Joe Stalin who said: “…it doesn't matter who votes, only who counts the votes."

Well I remember studying in High School when the United Nations was being founded that this kind of thing was to be outlawed … Mugabe now thumbs his nose at the UN but says of his gang: "We have degrees in violence…"

Shall we ask God to remove him, since Mugabe says that’s the only way he’ll leave?

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service




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