Thursday, June 5, 2008

Beaten by #2 ??? - Just a Minute for 06-06-08 Friday

Howdy folks… it’s FRIDAY – and the week seemed interminable. But Friday finally got here with a late Spring – early Summer heat wave.  Tornadoes in the mid-west.


Tornadoes too on the political front and more to come I fear.


Tomorrow (Saturday 06-07-08) is *supposed* to mark the suspension of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign for the Presidency… but we don’t get to the Democrat convention until late August… so… much ado ‘till then.  And within a few days there will be more rumbling and grumbling ‘she’s not abiding by the rules just like she didn’t when it came to not campaigning in Florida etc. etc.


The pattern you will be seeing is largely attributable to the major media having to do *something* to keep people looking in on the political front while we wait for the clock to tick on toward Labor Day when campaigning is getting ready to crank up for the main event. Most of this struggle is likely to be behind the ‘arras’. [That’s left over from my HS study of Hamlet…which did me little good I fear.] The correspondents are drug out from spending 16 months on the road following the candidates around from the snows of Iowa until now. The general public will shortly discover – mostly for themselves – is that one cannot win a national campaign strictly along black v. white lines.  But what will be done with all these news salaries and overhead if we don’t put out a news product…. Well… we could all go to the beach or mountains. It would be far more relaxing and reconstructive I think.


However the real world isn’t that orderly – and we will be left with Bob Novak’s minions looking through keyholes and Chris Matthews rehashing endlessly his Democrat party bias along with others – trying to breathe some life into this campaign that has reached a pause. Meanwhile I hope someone is talking John McCain into either taking elocution lessons or sticking with the Town Hall type forum where he can stay even or at least come close to matching Obama. Perhaps the rest of us can take up Fishing or baseball until the footballers begin to bash each other in the Fall.


Anyway… have a good weekend – join us next week.


Cordially, IN HIM







Just A Minute – Mrs. Clinton says she will ‘suspend’ her campaign tomorrow. I say don’t believe it.

The Clinton’s never give up -- and the Democrat pros are just beginning to filter out the word winning the black and Hispanic vote just ain’t goin’ to cut it.  

Check South Carolina – Just winning along racial lines won’t provide Democrats a victory. A recent black writer the Greenville News by fellow living in Switzerland did the math and in order for Senator Obama to win either the Republicans have to blow it, or the Democrats must bring in help to win working white voters if you’re playing the color game.

Mrs. Clinton knows this, that’s why she’s ‘suspending’ operations but not quitting. Some kind of accommodation has to be reached, probably behind the scenes in the coming weeks.

David Broder, senior writer at the Washington Post says the same thing just in different words. Most of the media remain interested in ‘keeping the fight going’ in order to keep readers and viewership high for advertising revenues.  The political pros have different goals.   

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service


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