Monday, June 30, 2008

OBAMA DEFENDS HIS PATRIOTISM - Just a Minute for Tuesday 07-01-08

Hello again…

Getting close to the 4th of July. The politicians are headed for the picnic grounds, fireworks displays and wherever there’s a flag in which to wrap oneself – at lease the rhetoric sounds that way.

Barack Obama commenced his three pronged attack on John McCain… defending his own patriotic gestures… like not wearing a flag lapel pin, nor putting his hand over his heart while not singing the Star Spangled Banner, or not reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Oh right … I got all of those backwards. He’s changed his ways. CHANGE … that’s the theme… I forgot. But didn’t John Kerry use up all the change last time? Oh… I forgot again… the theme has CHANGED. It’s not FLIP- FLOP this year. It’s time for CHANGE – So Barack sent his military advisor Wes Clark, out to say flying a jet fighter and getting shot down and spending five plus years in a Viet Nam prison camp really wasn’t sufficient to qualify one to be Commander in Chief – but that got retracted by his Chief before sundown… Thursday’s program if something more interesting doesn’t come along.

Well, John McCain was so impressed with Barack’s reformation he launched his own “Truth Squad” of “Swift Boat Veterans” – brought out of retirement from the “04” campaign to make sure Mr. O… hews the line. I don’t think it’s stirring up a lot of emotion yet. But the race has all of July and August to ‘heat up’ – as if we needed any more hot air to add to the woes of “Global Warming.”

All of the things that needed saying couldn’t be squoze into one minute… so I’ll have to do the second half on Thursday morning. Stay tuned.

Cordially IN HIM


Links for your convenience.



Just A Minute – I don’t often quote CNN – because… well, let’s say they’re a tad less impartial than I am. Anyway, here are excerpts of CNN’s coverage of Obama’s defense of his patriotism yesterday in Independence, Missouri.

(quote) ”At certain times over the past 16 months, I have found for the first time, my patriotism challenged – at times as a result of my own carelessness.” He went on to vow never to challenge the patriotism of others in the campaign adding, “I will not stand idly by when I hear others question mine.”

Still quoting CNN: “Obama has been defending his patriotism ever since the beginning of the primary season, when he was first criticized for not wearing a flag pin – which he now does much more frequently – and when false rumors began circulating that he did not say the Pledge of Allegiance … A widely distributed photo also seemed to show him failing to place his and over his heart during a rendition of ‘The Star Spangled Banner.’”

We’ll wind up coverage of Mr. Obama’s defense on Thursday.

<> I’m Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service


Friday, June 27, 2008

SECOND, and more, THOUGHTS -- Just A Minute for Monday June 30th, 2008

Hello Again – Here we are at the beginning of a brand new week… all those days stretched out before us.


At the end of this week – Saturday – we’ll be headed for TEXAS for a few days to witness the wedding of my namesake grandson, Jack, who is one of the newest on the firefighting crew at Simpsonville, SC. He went to the SC Fire Academy for several weeks last Spring. Prior to that he was working as a lineman at GSP helping to service aircraft – but the call of fighting fires prevailed (and he could use the money to help support him and Sarah, his soon bride to be.)  We’re looking forward to the ceremony, if not to the long trip and the soaring price of gas. I don’t recall ever having paid $4.00 per gallon for gas even in flights outside the United States. But once again I digress…


            Closer and closer we edge to the shore of *real* campaigning. We’ve been doing this well into the second YEAR. Anybody tired?  It used to be that Labor Day marked the beginning of the real campaign… of course there were primaries and caucuses before that… and especially in the South where winning the Democrat primary used to be *tantamount* (where ever else was that word used – hardly anywhere) to election. But all that changed beginning in 1948 when former Governor, Judge, Senator J. Strom Thurmond ran against President Harry S. Truman as the “States Rights” candidate – and then took another lurch forward in 1964 when Senator Barry M. Goldwater carried five southern states and Arizona in his presidential race and things went “downhill or uphill”, depending on your party affiliation, from there.


            This election cycle has been a most interesting one. I’ve never seen quite the same elements put to the test so starkly in local races – and I don’t think the national contest will be much different. It just makes me long for and argue for a shorter campaign season.  This one has been too long by more than half. We’re *all* tired of the rhetoric. There are only so many ways to say it or write it – and the pundits run out of punditry. So I’d surely rather have a hard fought but briefer campaign – like the British do – than this unending marathon that sprang out of the box in 2006 and continues crawling over the political landscape here in 2008.  Let’s see if something can’t be done about it so we don’t have to suffer through another one.


Cordially IN HIM







Just A MinuteUnity in New Hampshireat what price? $4600 by Barak and Michelle plus $10 million in cash still on the cuff – that’s what Hillary still owes vendors. Barak, in exchange, is introduced to Hillary’s big-dollar list. She requires a jet to run around in -- but each camp is wary of letting the other paw through their donor lists -- which could be used say in 2012.

Meanwhile, Wisconsin Democrats want Debra Bartosehvich, an elected delegate from Racine County to step aside. Debra feels Mrs. Clinton has been dumped and, (quote)  “Mr. Obama is risky,” telling the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “[we] need to have someone who has experience with foreign matters.” That kicked the bee-hive – Now the Wisconsin Democrat Party has filed a formal challenge to her being seated: says she’s broken her pledge, is disloyal to the candidate, and the party has been embarrassed by her McCain endorsement.

That’s a decision for the DNC credentials committee -- Hillary is still the candidate to which Ms. Bartoshevich is pledged saying: “I still support Hillary  --… "I hope to go to Denver.”

Ms. Bartoshevich – don’t hold your breath.

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service




Thursday, June 26, 2008

WHAT'S AN OBAMACON? Just A Minute for Friday 6-27-08

IT’s FRIDAY --- Where has the time flown?

Now we get to settle down for those nice long, HOT, DRY (argh) days of July and August…July I can usually manage… but August… I think back to the days of visiting Grandma and Grandpa in South Carolina – Or driving 600 miles plus to visit my other Grandma in Alabama – where we had to bring water out of the well in those 4 foot long buckets… and chip ice off the sawdust covered cake in the smoke house… and the flies would get in the car and ride with you – even with the windows down… otherwise you’d smother! Those were really HOT days… My only rescue was Watermelons… My uncle Clarence near five forks -- always had a big patch – we just seldom got them cooled… but they were sweet in the shade of the mimosa trees out in the yard and my cousins and I inevitably had a seed spitting contest which I never could win. My older male cousins had an advantage… they practiced with tobacco juice.

But I’m off the subject. Last Wednesday was “MittWok” – so my Michigan friend e-mailed me … Midsummer’s Eve… which for some reason is the first Wednesday after Summer actually begins when the sun crosses the equator and starts it’s northward journey. Wipe the sweat from your brow… it’ll soon enough be Christmas shopping time – and Halloween is just next week. (Just kidding… it just seems like the stores have got Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas all mushed together now. I’d rather enjoy them leisurely one at a time… and let’s let the 4th of July come first!

Today’s Just A Minute explains what is an Obamacon – and a bit about how we got’ em… and who they are. We are – according to some pundits – likely to see a landslide change in the Fall… but then “some pundits” are sometimes wrong in a big way. The most pleasing news I got this week was someone reminding me that in the gas crisis of 1978 (or whenever it was) when expectations finally got back in line with reality and the price of crude dropped back to normal gas prices dropped thirteen percent in a matter of days. OK… will somebody please push the same button again?

Cordially, IN HIM




Just A Minute – What’s an Obamacon? Has the word crossed your eyes?

Actually it came into existence from the UK last January when the British Press coined the term describing conservatives contemplating voting for Obama.

Colin Powell and Chuck Hagel are two looming on the horizon for John McCain. Powell, first-term secretary of state for George W. Bush and Chuck Hagel retiring after two terms as a Nebraska senator have not actually endorsed Obama… but they give signs of major disenchantment. Powell never was much of a conservative and it’s not likely Hagel will endorse. But some sources predict Powell will probably pick his own time to enter Obama's camp. Hardly anyone will give you odds either one will support McCain although both supported Bush in 2000 and ’04.

Bruce Bartlett was a mid-level official in the Reagan and the first Bush Administration. He dissed George W. in a book which says he bankrupted America – but Bartlett avows he’s “not ready to join the other side.” But his shots at the current President seem to characterize Obamcons.

They just give me an ill feeling.

<> I’m Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

TOTAL CONTEMPT FOR DEMOCRATIC PROCESS -- Just a Minute for Thursday 06-26-08

Howdy Folks…


It’s getting hot around these parts. Now that the runoffs – sparsely attended as they were – are over we get to the real serious campaigning leading up to the November elections. Of course the party conventions of the GOP and the Democrats intervene – and you’ll have plenty of time to fully get tired of the seemingly endless stream of charge and counter charge. Problem is we do get awfully tired of it all… and frankly lose our attention in a cloud often more obfuscating than illuminating.


But for all that we have it infinitely better than the poor folks in the former Rhodesia – that used to be a prosperous, and growing economy, supporting both black and white citizens in its increasing prosperity. All that has crumbled under the iron dictatorship of Robert Mugabe who now refuses to abide by the democratic process by which he was elected and won’t leave the president’s office. He was defeated in a March 29th election – now he says his soldiers with their guns are mightier than those who merely mark an X on a ballot. His opposite number has had to take refuge in the Dutch Embassy apparently to have a chance to live another day. Mugabe says “Only God will remove me from power.” To which there is a mighty, but silent, AMEN! MAY IT BE SO. 


Do we take note of what can happen when the process of government is overthrown by those who seek power for its own sake? I don’t see us thinking about that kind of thing much in our own nation. And certainly we should pray for the families of those who have been killed or harmed by the ruthlessness of those who refuse to pay attention to the citizens of their countries. It’s a lesson we need to keep reminding ourselves about. You think it can’t happen here? It already has happened here. Read the history of America’s struggle for self-government. It’s not a dead story – but it could be.


Cordially, IN HIM






Just A MinutePresident, Robert Mugabe, saw Morgan Tsvangira (svang –ger-ee -ah), the man who came in first in Zimbabwe's March 29th  election take refuge in the Dutch embassy fearing more innocent people would die as Mugabe’s soldiers sweep the country. Eighty plus Tsvangira (svang –ger-ee -ah),   supporters have already been murdered -- thousands more beaten and raped.  

Zimbabwe – formerly Rhodesia – has already heard Mugabe threaten he will not honor the Tsvangirai (svang –ger-ee -ah) victory. He says (quote): "only God will remove me." adding: “We are not going to give up our country because of a mere X! How can a ballpoint fight with a gun?" Which puts him in the same group with Joe Stalin who said: “…it doesn't matter who votes, only who counts the votes."

Well I remember studying in High School when the United Nations was being founded that this kind of thing was to be outlawed … Mugabe now thumbs his nose at the UN but says of his gang: "We have degrees in violence…"

Shall we ask God to remove him, since Mugabe says that’s the only way he’ll leave?

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service




Tuesday, June 24, 2008

DON'T SHOOT THE MESSENGER - Just a Minute for June 25th 2008

Sometimes we make progress – some times we don’t …


It seems the same on the campaign trail. This weekend both major candidates stumbled into the world of the futures market… which probably not one person out of fifty or more doesn’t understand. My old economics professor explained it so I could understand it… but still warned us to stay away… for the Amateurs, he said, it just amounts to gambling… and we all know where that leads. Well… too bad my old prof isn’t around to advise Senators McCain and Obama… neither seems to grasp the futures market, including the speculators, is just a means of developing price points. To think you can solve the gas crisis by tinkering with regulating the market more severely – you might as well put new gas gages in every car that showed the tank is nearly full. People who know the markets know there are lots of scams… but to think speculators control the market – except in very rare and infrequent circumstance – is like putting a new face on the steam gage to lower the pressure.  It doesn’t solve the problem.


But then as a matter of fact and history – politicians are not always adept at grasping reality. That is to say it’s often easy to mistake the cause for the effect – or somewhat like the legend of King Canute who sat on the seashore commanding the tide not to come in. I just found out this week… the king was doing that to convince his courtiers that when it came to tides… his kingly command was indeed worthless. I take it he ruined a good pair of shoes by that practical example… But I digress.


We are into the unreal world of campaigning with promises… rhetoric…more smoke and mirrors than a stage magician’s convention. Just don’t take too seriously all you hear on the trail. Recall that press secretary’s jobs depend on doing what the boss wants them to do.  In general they are not expert counselors except in their areas of expertise which is to say having a good idea which reporters or news organizations are friendly and which are hostile. My advice to candidates entering controversial areas is to recall TV reporters especially would love it if you would fight and preferably in the street where his camera crew can get a good picture for the 6 PM news.


Maybe I sound too cynical. It’s just at this season of the campaign cycle… do more listening than you do talking is always safe advice.


Cordially, IN HIM








MizP: Just a Minit – “Don’t shoot the messenger” -- Whut does at mean?

Jack: Miz Pearl, it means if someone brings bad news don’t shoot him he’s just the messenger. Homer: *Both* McCain and Obama say they’ll git us cheaper gas by regulatin’ th’ speculators.

Jack: They’re looking for a culprit and speculators are an easy target.

BB: They’s gamblers ain’t they?

Jack: No more than you are if you wait til next week to buy gas guessing it may go down.

 MizP: Well, I don’t understand it.

Jack: That’s why you and I need to stay out of the futures market. It’s a zero sum game.

BB: Whut does that mean?

Jack: For every winner – there has to be a loser in the futures market…for every correct guess somebody guessed wrong. The result is zero.

BB: At makes my head hurt.

Jack: That’s why you’re not a futures trader. Too many wrong judgments and you’re out. Some make a living trading futures some lose their money. But you can’t force gas prices down just by closing off the market.

BB: I don’t unnerstand hit just like Miz Pearlie…

Jack: Look – it’s not a game for amateurs – and apparently not for presidential candidates.

Homer: Sounds to me like you’re a-sayin’ they don’t know whut they’re tawkin’ about.  

Jack: The commodities futures market just develops price information – it’s a message … don’t shoot!… <> I’m Jack Buttram



Jebco Editorial Service








Howdy Folks…

Washington is awash this week in folks trying to keep from getting their feet wet in an overflow of information they’d just as soon didn’t reach the public domain – and regular burps and erps from the political landscape where it seems almost every utterance has its unintended consequences.

There’s just too much scandal to go ‘round – is the judgment I heard from the back corridors of power. Dennis Hastert – the pudgy ex-football coach, Wheaton College graduate, ex-speaker of the House and winner of the Teddy-Bear Look alike contest, entered the ranks of the smudged with the Fox News disclosure by Chris Wallace that he and his wife have disappointed a lot of people in Illinois in a land deal that while not – strictly speaking – illegal, is certainly to all appearances un-ethical. The facts Chris Wallace put on the conservative news channel last week involved the former House Speaker and an official of the Republican Party in Illinois, apparently cooking up a deal for a Prairie Parkway – authorized some years back to connect two east-west Interstates headed west from the Chicago area – to be a part of a hidden land-in-trust deal that ended up putting a lot of money in the former House Speaker’s bank account.

It was an earmark. And the interest in earmarks is what brought it to light. President Bush was enticed by the Speaker to come out to his farm and sign the authorizing legislation into law. And it was only through diligent discovery methods that a Washington not-for-profit organization dedicated to letting sunshine into back legislative corridors – found out Mr. Hastert’s wife, Jean, was found paying taxes for a “Little Rock Trust” group whose names were hidden by Illinois law. It ended up with Mr. Hastert carving out a 186 acre tract to add to his farm – which he later sold for five million dollars – mainly because it was close to the “parkway” built with earmarked taxpayer money that Mr. Hastert had inserted in the legislation “in the dark of night’” without debate or discussion.

These are the kinds of dealings that will cost the Republican Party dearly in the coming election – and rightly so. Mr. Hastert entered Congress some years back with a net worth of less than $300,000. His last report stipulated a net worth in excess of six million. Not a good record – and not explained so far.

Today’s JUST A MINUTE gives a quick look at South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint attempting to shine sunlight into the rewriting of lending legislation that’s being crafted with the help and direction of lobbyists and Senator Dodd and Senator Shelby. The new regulations will excuse Dodd’s self-dealings… along with his fellow Democrat Sen. Kurt Conrad of N. Dakota – and I hasten to add… these are just the scrapings from a very big iceberg of which we’ve not seen a lot. Well, eventually more will come to light – I expect.

Thanks for looking in.

Cordially, IN HIM


Just A Minute – Remember the TV ad – “Nobody can do what Countrywide can? America’s biggest sub-prime lender it seems was making special rates for special Senators… like Chris Dodd, who is Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, and North Dakota’s Kent Conrad, member of the Finance Committee.
Last Thursday, South Carolina’s Jim DeMint insisted on a floor vote on reform lending legislation. Republicans and Democrats chickened out. Only 16 GOP members voted with DeMint. Republicans wonder “Are we trying to lose the election?”
Sen. Richard Shelby closeted with Dodd and banking lobbyists to write the bill. This isn’t the way our government is supposed to work. Is it fishy Dodd got seventy thousand in campaign gifts from Countrywide – and special rates for Conrad? He had been on the Senate floor… but when the vote was taken he was no where to be found. Any thoughts about that? What could have influenced his vote on this ‘sweetheart’ bill?
Maybe the ad’s line should of read – “Nobody ought to have done what Countrywide did.”
<> I’m Jack Buttram

Jebco Editorial Service

Saturday, June 21, 2008

I HAD A WONDERFUL/TERRIBLE DREAM -- Just A Minute for Monday 6-23-08

Hello again… We’re back between trips to PA and TX – High School reunions and Grandchildren getting married. Reminds us of previous June travels when the kids were just out of school for the summer and we went camping all over the place. But travel now is hard on old bones.

We kept up with some of the news while on the road. – but the most interesting was a Friday evening discovery by Reuters News Service (UK Based) that ferreted out the fact Senators Obama and Clinton are most likely to make a joint campaign appearance in Washington on Friday when they start putting the bite on lobbyists and other BIG contributors to give once again to the joint effort to put Barak H. Obama in the White House.

Never mind Mr. O promised, along with the rest of the candidates, to forego all but publicly available campaign funds for the run at the Presidency – that was back when he thought the dollars might be scarce. But now that his Internet efforts have made his primary campaign be awash in surplus $$$ -- and there’s more where that came from, he’s ready for the taps to open. No longer railing against the BIG CAPITALISTS (like George Soros?) who unduly use their wealth to influence elections, Obama believes he can use Hillary’s connections to tap into the *really big bucks* she’s been able to touch for dough.

She’s reportedly said she’s not worried about the $11.5 million of her money (presumably Bill had a say in it being drawn out of their combined book writing, speechmaking efforts) that would be useful in replenishing the Clinton family fortune. She’s willing to put her efforts on the line to help Obama – and just perhaps open the door to being the VP candidate on the Democrat ticket. Of course she wouldn’t be thinking about that at all… riiiight.

The biggest obstacle it seems would be combining their campaign staffs. Hillary fired her long time assistant who is reportedly shopping around for a book deal and possibly was the source material for a tough Vanity Fair article on Bill. Then there’s the strategist to whom the Clinton campaign owes several million in fees – who has been cozy with the Obama campaign if Washington gossip is to be believed. What do you do with folks like that in a joint effort? I’m sure *something* can be worked out. Money talks, as Al Capone used to say. So… we’re in for some interesting if tough times.

Glad to have you here.

Cordially, IN HIM




Just A Minute – Depending on your viewpoint – the news that Hillary and Barak will be campaigning together beginning this week is your dream come true or a house of horrors nightmare.

Reuters – the British News agency broke the news Hillary has agreed to appear jointly with Senator Barak in pursuit of more millions for his presidential effort. She reportedly has said she’s willing to forego soliciting for funds to replenish her campaign coffers which are reportedly around $22 million in the hole – including about $11 and a half million out of the Hill/Bill personal bank account.

Well… nobody’s going to miss a meal over this – but it looks to me like a trial run to see if their campaign staffs (among whom there is bad blood) can cobble together a functioning campaign. My guess is they will. Never mind the Obama broken promise to stick to public funding… he’s now after the BIG lobbying contributions – and Hillary is just the one to help him jump the shark.

<> I’m Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service

Monday, June 16, 2008

HAS CASEY BECOM OBSOLETE? - Just a Minute for Friday 06-20-08

Howdy – well, we’re almost at the end of a perilous week with audio tracks done in advance… and dumped into many mailboxes.  Sorry about that.


Today’s JUST A MINUTE has a bit of irony and humor and I hope puts you in a good mood for another “summer” weekend… for we should be through the summer solstice when we get back together on Monday. I remember as a school kid… when they declared it was the first day of summer… there was still a lot of hot weather ahead… and already I could see the school doors opening too soon and barefoot days drawing to a close.. and it’s not even the 4th of July yet.


But … still, enjoy it. Carpe Dieum… (has the Latin I always avoided in HS failed me again.)


We’ve been through one grandchild’s wedding a week or so ago… and another looms closely.  They are very pleasant… but remind people like us (in our mid to late 70’s) the time is fleeting. But it’s a good reminder for all of us to take stock and see just how well prepared we are for our times (which we know are in HIS hands) to be drawing to a close. I’m sure the family of Tim Russert are just now coming to the unexpected loss of a loved one. Those are the events of which our lives consist – and it’s never to soon to make sure of our eternal destiny.  Romans chapter 10 verses 9 and 10 are always welcome rocks upon which we build our hope and expectation.


Have a good weekend – see you Monday, Lord willing.


Cordially, IN HIM







Just A Minute – George Will, writing on baseball, says major league baseball is threatened by too many cameras focused on the miniscule amount of meaningful action in the usual three hours of a normal game. Too many instant replays or cell-phone cameras bent on proving the Umpire wrong, may fatally damage an already slowed-down game.

He points out although Barak Obama’s major political premise is CHANGE – we ought to be wary of too much too soon – or we’ll damage forever the national pastime – and find like “Clay Carroll, a former relief pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds -- who asked, ‘How do you say 'adios' in Spanish?’"

I’m well aware of the need to leave well enough alone myself, but Will cautions: “People impatient for replays should remember the admonition from Johnny Logan, once a Milwaukee Braves shortstop: ‘Rome wasn't born in a day.’” --  Otherwise -- to quote another “hall of famer” – Yankee philosopher-catcher, Yogi Berra – “It’s déjà-vu all over again.”

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service






NEW START ON TEACHER TRAINING -- Just a Minute for 06-19-08



Getting closer to the end of the week and we bring up a subject that is just plain aggravating – at least to me. I know in the South we have many, many qualified teachers. In fact I’m related to three of them. All certified … One in Tennessee, one in Virginia and one in South Carolina. I know they’re dedicated and want to see their pupils succeed and try to do their best to operate in the system. But the frustration level is high … and results in many qualified teachers just not feeling the ‘game is worth the candle.’  That means our children and grandchildren suffer.


What is most doggy is the dog-in-the-manger attitude taken by most of the state organizations of the NEA or the AFT… who seem to care far more about the welfare of their members than the achievement and success of their pupils. After all – at the end of the day who are the schools built with tax money to benefit --- teachers and educational staff or students?  It’s a no-brainer… schools are there for the students. Of course they provide employment for teachers and others… but that’s not *why* they’re there.  It’s to educate the children… the pupils – their customers if you please.


Well…you can see I climb on the soapbox quickly – but every time I come across the example of a whole multi-storied school building in New York, full of teachers doing nothing… sitting there twiddling thumbs, reading magazines or doing other non-educational, or even productive work, because either they are incompetent or incorrigible to work with … but NEA or AFT union rules make it impossible for the school system to fire them – smoke comes out my ears. [g] Taxpayer hard earned money is going down the drain big time – and students are left in the educational lurch.


Well… I better stop and take a BP pill. Hope you have a good day,


Cordially, IN HIM




Here’s the old fashioned way of posting links to the audio and script.





Just A Minute – Thirty seven hundred college grads --  a large percentage from very selective schools -- commence a Teach for America five-week boot camp, and head off for two years in America’s neediest public schools.  

Does the AFT know about this or the NEA? Either it’s slipped under their radar or they figure it doesn’t threaten their current stranglehold on education.  

            Unions say good students won’t opt for teaching positions unless they are paid at a rate close to incoming professional people like doctors and lawyers. But what seems attractive to these young people is avoiding years of crushing traditional ‘education’ in order to be certified. My daughter got one of these slots a few years back and looked forward to great opportunity.

It turns out two-thirds of the participants stay in the education field, often as junior level administrators on the way up. Anyway…for once there’s something encouraging to report about education. The results for their pupils measure up also.

Oh -- don't tell the teachers unions.

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service




Sunday, June 15, 2008

THE BORDER MANIFESTO -- Just a Minute for 6-18-08

Howdy folks…


I got to looking into some of the difficulties surrounding the “Carolina Line” and within a few minutes I had more facts and interesting historical legends than I would have been able to use in a month much less 60 seconds. In any case… the more I look into colonial history the more fascinating it becomes. One history program I heard in the last week or two said the reason there’s not more about Revolutionary War action in the South is most of the writers of that era lived from the Mid-Atlantic northward. I never had thought of that. The program producer felt there’s a LOT of unexplored American Revolutionary history in the Carolinas that’s just never been properly exposed. I’m not enough of a historian to sift through that… but it sounds reasonable.


Anyway… today Homer, Billy-bob and Miz Pearl share their ignorances of what went on when trying to place the “Caroliner Line.” I expect there’s a lot of loose data there.


We’re traveling up North today and tomorrow. Barb has some relatives gravestones she wants to look up… and there are still living relatives and friends we don’t get to see often. So I hope things go well for you (and us) today.


Cordially, IN HIM




PS – As I wrote yesterday… we’re going back to the ‘old’ way of posting links.





Homer: Just a Minit – Mr. Jack --  Where perzakly, is th’ Caroliner line?

Jack: Homer, it’s the line dividing the states of North and South Carolina.

BB: Whooee… you don’t wanna git into th’ tangle they did over surveying that thang … back in th’ 16hunnerts they said hit went to the South Seas.

Jack: England originally claimed those as the western border for the Carolina colony.

MizP: You reckon we could claim an island in Hawaii?

Homer: Or maybe Fiji.

BB: Naw… Fuji b’longs ta' Japan.

MizP: You fellers don’t know what you’re a-tawkin’ about.

Jack: We have a lot of listeners who don’t know who you are … Homer…?

Homer: I’m Homer Ledfooter… I used ta' race beat up cars on th’ dirt tracks.

MizP: An I’m Ms Pearl Goodlady – we all live near th’ settlemint of Playfair.

BB: My name Billy-Bob Catlett – I like ta' fish an tawk politics.

Homer: He got some BIG fish stories.

Jack: These are my friends… they often say they’re ‘yellow dog Democrats.’

MizP: …‘Cause my granddaddy said: “If’n a yeller dog was a- unnin’ as a Demicrat sum of these folks ‘ud vote fo-wah him.”

Jack: Mostly they hang around  Earl ‘n’ Lester’s Bait Shop and Sushi Bar and exchange views – usually on Wednesdays. – but It’s only for one minute… so you have to be here on time. <> I’m Jack Buttram



Jebco Editorial Service
