Sunday, September 2, 2012

WISE WORDS ACROSS THE TRANSOM -- Just a Minute Radio for Monday 120903

Hey! It’s Labor Day!  On toppa that I just wrote a pome. (I know it’s spelled wrong – it’s just one of the tricks I garnered to give me more time for *other* things.


Well what’s the news – what are some of the *other* things you’re spoutin’ about (I ask Humbly – notice I capitalized “Humbly” and made it ‘bold’ because I’m entering on a new program of saving time and being more efficient. 


Now I realize looking at an old guy like me you’d say something like: “Your time’s about up anyway – old codger!” and I would agree with you – but I’m undertaking a new project which even though it may be unsuccessful, it at least puts me in the category of trying to learn at least one new thing every so often – as often as I can muster – and it’s supposed to give me a shot at extending the time when I don’t have to put up with my own “Can’t remember what I just said.”- experience…. I think it’s called by the medical name of  “Alzheimer’s”.


See I’m entering a new world. *I* didn’t remember that … or recall how to properly set it off in the type face so you would notice it. No!  I tricked the typewriter hidden inside this computer into doing it. [Of course it took me nearly five minutes of experimenting and rearranging the commands etc. to get it to do what I wanted. And that’s NOT efficient – nor the goal I had set in my mind. BUT…


I’m giving a chance to the “Dragon” Naturally Speaking program to *teach* me how to do it and with some practice to become an expert.  That may be far off over the not- so-nearby horizon – but once again remember I’m fighting two things here… my typing (which is abominable since college days) and time – of which I am running out. (L) – You can see the ‘smiley-face’ isn’t smiling. [Would you believe I had 5 wrong keystrokes embedded in getting that smiley-face to frown?]  That see is the key to my problem … I never took the time to learn -  which probably would have added 20 years to my lifespan and reduced blood pressure if I had.


Somebody must have written a short two-line poem to take care of making my point here… but I can’t remember it or who.?


Anyway don’t expect miracles – just know that I’m chipping away at the Alzheimer’s ogre staring over my shoulder and making errors for me.  BTW…I did have to go back on this paragraph and *copy* Alzheimer’s from the earlier copy. It’s one of those words I seem to *continuously* get wrong --  (I didn’t have to look up continuously but I did have to correct [electronically] the typos… I think it’s if not a losing battle at least a difficult one. 


And with that I close out today’s experiment and wish you all a HAPPY LABOR DAY!


Cordially, IN HIM









                        Just a Minute: In reading the reactions and commentary in between the GOP and Democrat Conventions, I ran across this from Thomas Sowell, who was born in North Carolina, grew up in Harlem, attended Harvard as a former Marine photographer and is one of America’s best short form news commentators. He is currently the Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

            He recently wrote: (quote)Barack Obama is one of those people who is often wrong but never in doubt. When he burst upon the national political scene as a presidential candidate in 2008, even some conservatives were impressed by his confidence.

            “But confident ignorance is one of the most dangerous qualities in a leader of a nation.

            “If he has the rhetorical skills to inspire the same confidence in himself by others, then you have the ingredients for national disaster.” (Unquote)

                Dr. Sowell put it more succinctly and to the point than I could have done. It’s a fitting background to the next four days. <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service




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