Monday, December 27, 2010

BIG QUESTION HANGING IN THE AIR -- OBAMA CARE! -- For Just A Minute Radio Tuesday 101228

            Howdy everybody….Well things have slowed down around our house to an after Christmas walk…


            I’m mainly thankful about NOT having to do a lot of snow shoveling. Probably the people more thankful than I are those Michiganders and Wisconsonites who know what winter’s all about… and don’t even mention those who used to live in Buffalo…


            I was thinking about it as I enjoyed the sunshine and blue sky – and I began to think maybe they know how to really get a ‘charge’ out of a sunshine day and especially when one doesn’t have to man the shovels.  For a while a few years back I did some consulting work in Sun City ARIZONA.  A few folks out there (maybe more than a few) participated in a style of lawn-keeping called – “Desert”….I had never seen that up close before… but it can be quite attractive. It can also get boring pretty quick.


            Several times I saw make-believe snowmen… with either a shovel or a rusted out snowblower… one jolly old fellow held a sign that read; ‘HO, HO, HO – NO SNOW!  Another had an old reel-type push lawn mower he had give a gilt coat of glittery paint – it had no sign it just sat in a yard full of cacti and beautiful red rocks…  No mowing there!


            You can wander down many pathways when you start to knit things together… Shakespeare’s Hamlet does so in his famous to be or not to be soliloquy – contemplating what lies beyond the grave he considers that undiscover'd country from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have --Than fly to others that we know not of?’  


            Of course we have no way of knowing what course of belief the imagined character “Hamlet” believed or accepted in his heart – and there’s little fruit to be grasped in such cases since there’s no way to ‘interview’ Hamlet dead or alive.  But nice sunshiny day like we had yesterday is pleasant to contemplate and enjoy.


            One of the great enjoyments of being a Christian is to have something certain to cling to and stand on… solid rock. I’m a fully convinced, practicing Christian – saved by the Grace of God and gladly pointing anyone who is interested to the Lord Jesus Christ – not to ‘earn’ eternal life, for no one can do that – but the Bible is the surest way to spiritual life and growth.


            Well – enough ramblin’ for today. Look for you tomorrow over at Playfair.


            Cordially, IN HIM


Delayed audio link:





          Just a minute: - The big question hanging over the reorganized Congress in the coming two years is “What happens to Obama care?”  That, and what happens when the continuing resolution which keeps government funded runs out sometime in March? 

Latest data in the Wall St. Journal and other outlets -- includes a Federal Judge’s ruling saying requiring an individual to buy health insurance is unconstitutional --  Increases the percentage of Americans who believe ObamaCare will be set aside.

The Rasmussen Reports latest national survey finds 52% of likely voters think it's somewhat likely the law will be junked compared with 33% who think that’s unlikely.  It’s the first time a majority has gone negative on the proposal.

You have to go back to July 2009, before the details were known, to find a majority of Americans supporting the health-care bill. Since more information about the bill gradually became known a consistent majority or plurality oppose it in every major poll. Rasmussen says the negative number now stands at 55% in its survey, with only  40% in favor.

Looks like rough sailing.

<>I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service








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