Wednesday, September 30, 2009

IS IT TH' CRAZIES ER TH 'SYLUM? - Just A Minute Radio for Wednesday 9-30-09

Hello again… it’s FALL and getting cooler!


And the folks at Earl ‘n’ Lester’s Bait Shop and Sushi Bar are a-gittin’ up in arms. You have to remember living on the Caroliner Line means your #1 political axiom is “DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!”  So, when you get the tail across the dashboard (an old country sayin’) and start bossin’ people around… To quote Udon Campbell – “Hit don’t go down easy.”


You probably haven’t heard of Udon… but there were four Campbell boys brought up on their Uncle John Sandy’s farm over in Alabama – They lived on the north bank of the Tennessee River right near Wheeler Dam… named after the Civil War General Joe Wheeler.  And they didn’t have much – but they had electricity from the TVA.  And they had *independence* with a capital “I”.  


Those boys, Udon, Utah, Ujon and Ufaw inherited a strong independent streak from their Father… Uncle John Sandy and he raised 600 acres pf cotton in those parts. He needed all ‘them’ boys. It was pretty strong ‘copperhead’ country in north Alabama – they, along with others resisted the ‘sesech’ movement – especially when war was in the offing… they thought it would be a ‘rich man’s’ war but a ‘poor-man’s’ fight. And the NW corner of AlabamaWinston County in particular, became a hot bed of ‘hiders’ – men who resisted conscription to serve in the Army.


Well, it hasn’t died out yet from the arteries and veins of the Scots-Irish Presbyterian descendants who came down through the Shenandoah Valley, through SW Virginia and settled in east Tennessee and western North Carolina. You saw a lot of them spread out across the country – and participating in the Taxpayer’s March on Washington. They even have an outdoor theater over in “The Free State of Winston” – a nickname that came to the area when the Winston County Delegates to the Montgomery Secession Convention mounted the argument that if it was all right for Alabama to secede from the Union, it would be equally OK for Winston County to secede from Alabama.


You’ll still see signs in Haleyville that say Free State of Winston – Auto Service.”  All that to say, I’m guessing our President, not very familiar with the South and how it’s held on through the years – and spread out to Michigan and points west – is encountering the resistance and feelings of a free people in a free country. The roots go back a long ways.  It’s something to be valued, prized, not stomped on… and unlike Bill Clinton who at least understood Arkansas – there’s a pretty steep learning curve ahead that won’t be mastered by slick speeches and neighborhood organizing methods, peddled by people who don’t specialize in honesty.


Well… enough local history for a Wednesday… Be with us again on Friday.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram


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MizP: JUST A MINUTE – Mr. Jack –  Hit was a year ago ‘bout this time when they done ast they ast that feller from Eye-rahn ta' speek to the Unity Nations?

               Why do they do tha-ut?

Jack: He’s their leader.

MizP: But ain’t he the one who says they done got TWO plants ta' built ha nukeer bomb?

BB: Ah don’t ritely know, Miz Pearl – but hit’s th’ same one – an fer good mesure th’ man wif th’ coffee can hat ta' jine in.

Homer: An whut’s your favorite sayin’ Mr. Jack?

Jack: What’s that  Homer?

BB: Oh don’t brang tha-ut out again… Ah’m tired a hearin’ hit.

Jack: You mean “Why do we have a Democrat party?

BB: Yeah… at’s th’ one… You keep a sayin’ th’ only reasen fer Demicrats is to ‘mind Reepublicans why ta' vote.

Jack: Sorry ‘bout that… It is sort of rubbing salt in the wound isn’t it.

MizP: Well.. I guess we needs ta' wake up.

Homer; An hit looks like passin’ a law er makin’ hit a deliberate offense NOT to buy health Inshorince is about to do hit.

Jack: I do agree with those that say we’ve never required people to buy something to live as U.S. Citizens.

MizP: Well whut about havin’ ta' git a Diver’s License?

Homer: Yeah… that’s kinda new though – My granpa didn’t have ta' have no driver license.

BB: When your Gran’pa was a- drivin’ they wasn’t but three cars in upstate South Carlina.

Jack: See Miz Pearl driving is something we elect to do or not… and we have to pay for roads and have the rule.

Homer: But livin’ ain’t optional… well… Ah means everbody from a baby on has ta' live… ‘tain’t rite ta' tax tha-ut.

MizP: But Mr. Bama says hit ain’t a tax….

BB; Yeah but Aberham Linkin said callin a dog’s tail a leg don’t make hit a leg.

Jack: You know I think we’re off in the weeds somewhere with this discussion.

BB: Yep les git back on the bawl.

Jack: Times up… come back next week.  I’m Jack Buttram.



Jebco Editorial Service






Monday, September 28, 2009

WHY DO OPINIONS CROSS THE ROAD? - Just a Minute Radio for 09-28-09

            Howdy there… it IS Monday – though for a while there last week we though we might wash away!


            Today’s JUST A MINUTE gives further discussion to the age old question of why does the Chicken cross the road? And perhaps there’s a great deal of wisdom in the offing if you want to be in on it.


            In downstate SC there’s a long road – running approximately SW-NE that divides Congressional Districts #2 and #6. It puts Congressman Joe Wilson’s constituents in choices which are similar to those in Congressman Jim Clyburn’s – only different. Looking at the maps published in the WaPO… you can easily tell why the district lines were drawn as they were. Dist. 6 includes, Charleston and North Charleston… lots of diversity in there.


            District Wilson’s includes Hilton Head… lots of out of state folks there, but also lots of golfers and people who are retired…in the upper income brackets… except on the other end of his district is Orangeburg with a heavy concentration of black students… and a history of some racial violence.


            All that to say – canvassing, census taking redrawing district lines… that’s all important in American politics. One could wish it was more unifying than diversifying – but the aim is to give everybody a chance at participating in the Government. The recent dust-up over Cong. Joe Wilson’s remark and Cong. Jim Clyburn’s Black Caucus leadership tells us that democratic leadership (with a small d ) isn’t easy to achieve – and in big cities and other places it often distorts ability to be representational.


            So it looks like we’re always going to have divisions over *something* -- let’s just make sure they are important and selfless… not selfish.


            Look up the story for Sept. 9-22… in the WaPo which seems to be rapidly taking the place of the NYT as the city newspaper of record. Things – they are a-changing… but that doesn’t mean we have to be angry at one another… St. Paul said… *if it be possible – as much as lieth in you – live peaceably with all men…* I guess the the two phrases to note – if it be possible… and as much as lieth in you – are the ones we most cling to as refuge for our excuses or prejudices or whatever else you think fits there. I believe it IS possible and it does lie within us (with the Lord’s help) – but it’s impossible *without HIM*… If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Romans 12:18, KJV :)


            Better get to bed… tomorrow is another day!  God bless you all.


            IN HIM

            Jack & Barbara Buttram


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Just A Minute – There’s a revealingly important map  in last Tuesday’s Washington Post  - Sept 22. – It reveals Districts #2 and #6 divided by Columbia road downstate.

Rep. Joe Wilson, White and Republican represents District Two,  including, Orangeburg and Hilton Head; Rep. Jim Clyburn, Black and Democrat represents Number Six, across the road and includes Charleston plus suburbs and is a member of the House leadership, and Black Caucus.

So, you begin to see.

Mr. Wilson’s prominence resulted from his admittedly emotional outburst during President Obama’s House speech – for which he offered an apology, accepted by the President. Mr. Clyburn’s seniority position puts him in leadership of ‘inside Congress’ forces determined to punish Wilson.

The Post interviews similarly situated Carolinians on either side of Columbia Road.  The differences expressed underlay the Constitutional reasons why we require the census and ten year re-districting of House seats.

To read these comments and expressions is to add to understanding with which the founders wrestled.

The story appears in the 9-22 edition of the Washington Post -- it’s easily accessed.

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service






Thursday, September 24, 2009

IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD! - Just A Minute Radio for Friday 9-25-09

Hello again…on this lovely FRIDAY!


I’m not just sure what I’m so cheerful about – but a friend keeps reminding me ‘cheerfulness is a choice.’ So… I desire to spread happiness around and here I am. I’m so glad you’re here too!


Thursday evening I remarked to Barbara, my lovely wife of 56 years and counting, that I really feel confused at times… with the health care debate… the having both the Czar of Iran and the Czar of Libya in the country is pretty overwhelming. On whichever day the President spoke to the UN I dutifully decided I’d try to catch what he said… but dropped off to sleep.  I’m sure that’s my fault not his… but I woke with a strange voice, not fully recognizable to me… who sounded like he was having a terrible time reading his script.


As it turned out he was the translator… and the person for whom he was trying to translate had wrinkled and mixed up yellow pages that resembled what I carried to the teacher when I used the excuse: “My dog ate my homework!”

 Needless to say my teacher didn’t believe me – and neither did I… believe what I was hearing which ranged from the assassinations of “Lee Oswald” [the Harvey was left out]; Jack Ruby and JFK. That was followed if I can remember by a long exhortation about how lousy America was, but how we should thank America for hosting this meeting, but we should hold it somewhere else – like Africa – “where I come from” … So I had to go do other things – but I came back by to hear the news people say his speech which was supposed to be between 15 and 20 minutes had gone on for over 90 minutes. As to length it’s only been exceeded there by Fidel Castro’s 4.5 hour marathon.

Dr. Gaddafi, was dressed all in dirt-desert brown from his collar to his foot… except for the DimSum black hat he wore which magnified his oddity. Well… enough…


And then the next day comes Hugo Chavez, saying he ‘doesn’t smell sulphur around the UN anymore.’ What a charming guest to have in our country. What a master of the ‘cheap shot.’ I’m glad for it. It shows us how fortunate we are.


So much for confusion… at least for a while it took our minds off ‘health care reform’ but I think that three-ring circus is likely to be engaged for further “enjoyment.” After all this entertainment we all – especially the seniors – get to stick around (maybe) long enough to work on paying the bills.


Anyway… sorry – too much confusion to sort out and fit into JUST A MINUTE. We’ll give it another shot on Monday. God bless you all – and if you want to wash out your mind… somewhat like washing your hands – just get the Bible in front of you read almost anywhere…Try Ps. 2 verse 4 and see how the Lord is laughing. You’ll be struck by the Scripture’s beauty and especially its orderliness. The more I read it the more I find it so. The Psalms are particularly worthy of meditation morning and evening.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack and Barbara Buttram


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            Just A Minute – ABC reported the Vice President told a fundraiser in Arizona for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, last Monday -- if Republicans take back 35 traditional GOP House seats currently occupied by Democrats, it would mean doomsday for the President’s agenda.

            Biden says Republicans are counting on flipping these seats and observed: (quote) "If they take them back, this [is] the end of the road for what Barack and I are trying to do…,"        Well it’s reassuring to know both Republicans and Biden are smart enough to figure this out.

But columnist Michael Medvedthinks it would be the best thing that could happen to Obama’s administration and would help him find a cooperative, unifying path rather than continue on the hyper-partisan course of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

That does make more sense than crediting Biden who believes a Democrat victory would spring “hidden Republicans” from Democrat ranks who don’t have the courage to vote against the party pressure -- says: “It will break the dam and you will see bipartisanship.”

Hmmm – Well, I expect if pigs had wings, indeed they might fly.

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service






Tuesday, September 22, 2009

AH'VE BARELY HEERED OF SUCH AN ORGANIZATION -- Just A Minute Radio for Wednesday, September 23, 2009

            Howdy – OK the drought came back…but the drought is broken again – along with a lot of other things.


            The conversation over at Playfair’s Bait Shop and Sushi Bar owned and run by Earl ‘n’ Lester… is about the rain – which has done a whole lot for restoring the water level in the lakes along the Savannah basin – and raising either the grousing or complaining level in polite conversation.


            Possibly you noted an end-of-the-summer snow storm in Denver. We blame it on global warming says James Taranto of Opinion Journal output by Dow Jones. But then lots of things get blamed on Al Gore and his crusade. Cause and effect these days are sometimes hard to connect. For instance Mr. Obama seemed hardly to recognize the name “Acorn” when asked about it on TV – when he visited all the weekend news shows *except* for Fox News – thereby granting them the most attention of the group. Seems like in these ‘exciting’ times some people want to take credit for things they really haven’t been close to – and on the other hand people who have worked hand-and-glove with organizations like ‘community organizers’ can’t seem to remember past last week.


            Lyndon Johnson had such an ailment: His right hand man – he said – was Bobby Baker from the mountainous part of Pickens County in South Carolina. Later he owned a bar practically in the shadow of the Senate Office buildings and even later a nighclub on the Maryland coast – that got into some fracas over gaming or some such local ordnance, where Bobby had left some “T”’s uncrossed or “I”’s undotted. As the local law enforcement began to put the clamps on Bobby and his operation – the man who had been at LBJ’s elbow when he was majority leader in the Senate – and whom Lyndon heliocoptered in to a campaign stop appearance with at ‘Rocky Bottom,’ SC – Bobby’s home town, describing him as a trusted advisor – “The last man I see before I go to bed at night – and the first in the morning!”   But when the smell of scandal began to waft around Bobby and his night club, a newsman who had the guts to ask President Johnson, “What do you think about the problems Bobby Baker is having?” -- answered ‘snappily’ – “Bobby, who?”


            It’s a measure of how fast the ‘chosen’ fall from the boss’s grace when trouble comes. Mr. Obama knows not “Acorn”, and apparently hardly knows Mr. Patterson – the Governor of New York; who’s having a difficult time taking Elliott Spitzer’s place at the top of the ballot since his polling ratings hover in the low 20’s.


            How are the mighty fallen – and, How soon they forget. Phrases that come to hand quickly in the world of political misfortune.


            Cordially,  IN HIM




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MizP: Just a Minit – Mr. Jack, didja see enny of ‘em big TV News shows on Sunday?

BB: Er how ‘bout Obama bein’ on comedy hour wif Honest Dave Letterbox?

Homer: Or what about tha-ut speechifyin’ at the Newnited nations?

Jack: Obviously you folks have ‘lo-Obotomized.

MizP: Well… th’ folks Ah’ve tawked wif at Earl ‘n’ Lester’s is a-gittin’ mighty tired of hit.

Jack: Of what Miz Pearl?

MizP: Of a-tunin’ on th’ T & V an excep fer rasslin’ er’ Monday nite footbawl…hit’s Obama all th way.

Jack: Hmmm…  does seem a little overdone, does it not?

BB: Th’ folks at th’ Bait Shop and Sushi Bar thinks they done been Carterized!

Jack: Which means?

MizP: Hit means we’s had ‘bout awl we kin stan.  Hit’s beginning ta' sound more like “Br’re Jimmy!”

Homer: Of awl th’ five TV networks he was on Sunday – only one ast him ‘bout Acorn – that community organizin’ bunch.

MizP: An he pertended he din’t even hardly know them – when he left his law job ta' go an work for ‘em.  At shore is a short mem’ry.

Homer: He tole Mr. Stevenopolis tha-ut he wasn’t even aware th’ ACORN group was a-gitting Federal Funding.

BB: Well he shore don’t have a good mem’ry then… tha’s how HE got paid – he tole Steveopolis hit wasn’t sumthin’ he was payin’ a lot of attention to.

MizP: Probly rite… he’s bin too busy strong-armin’ th’ ‘Surance compnies & the Docters.

Jack: Well – remember he’s the President and a pretty busy man.

BB: I’ll ‘gree with tha-ut… he’s got more freqwunt flyer miles on AF One than Boeing Aircraft Co.  

Jack: He had to fly to New York to speak to the UN.

BB: An ta' chat wif David Letterbox.

MizP: Why you cawl him Letterbox?

BB: Cuz tha’s whut he ree-mines me of… when you open the big mouth hit’s mos’times empty.

Homer: If he ‘pears wif them guys more an more he’ll soon be a-gittin’ his own show.

MizP: Wonder whut he’ll cawl hit?

BB: Ah’d vote fer OBAMANIA.

Homer: Th’ theme song cud be “Back Home Again In Obamahoma!”

Jack: <> I’m Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service




Sunday, September 20, 2009

WHERE *ARE* WE GOING? -- Just A Minute Radio for Monday 09-21-09

            Hello again… our landscape… [such as it is] is wet… yours?  We’re thankful!


            I was scratchin’ around for something to pack into sixty seconds (No it’s CBS that does the Sixty Minutes… I’m still working on Sixty Seconds… which is *far* harder… I think!)  And I ran across an article in the Weekend Edition of the Wall St. Journal (Sec W1) entitled “From Bear to Bull” with colorful and interesting illustrations and a most encouraging and enlightening article from Mr. James Grant, who edits a publication called (originally enough) “Grant’s Interest Rate Observer.”  I don’t know Mr. Grant, and presume he knows me not also… (although he works for a far larger organization than I do.) If you can lay hands on a copy I suggest you do so if you wish to get out of the economic doldrums.


            He does a very good job from my non-expert point of view – of laying out the case for too much pessimism in the economic opinion market-place. Essentially he cites history and various historical economic figures who support the idea that the more severe and sudden the economic down-turn, the “zippier” the rebound.  Now that’s the kind of info I like to get!


            I’m certainly not expert enough in my field… [and economics -- especially financial-market economics – ain’t my field or I’d be rich] to pass judgment upon his piece. I found it informative… however, occasionally I’d step off in a hole. But I understand what he’s saying… and I’ve heard it before in different times and situations. Back in the ‘60s somewhere when we were running through some economic rough patches… I recall one or more of the radio commentators of that day reciting economic lore from the 20’s and before… in which he said we had drastic losses…but before FDR and the New Deal folks took over the platform there wasn’t so much gov’t interference and things bounced back rather smartly and shortly. [Now see I have no data other than my memory to back that up. But I’m reasonably sure a case can be made.]


            Anyway… I’ve just spent a pleasant cloudy afternoon ‘lookin’ for the rainbow.’ It’s a lot more fun than checking the stats on your favorite college football team or regretting how you didn’t pull for the Chicago Cubs this year – again. (Sorry about that George Will. It just doesn’t seem like it’s gonna happen in your lifetime.)


            My take anyway… although I do like to look at facts and see if I can see a pattern developing – sometimes I’m right! My take is for the really important stuff I’m more than willing to leave it to the Lord. I can pray and do… I don’t think Pat R. is foolish to pray for a Hurricane to blow itself out to sea. At the same time I know I’m looking at things down here – whereas my Heavenly Father sees things from the end to the beginning… and made all things and controls all things. I’ll let the small gang at our Gideon Camp’s picnic out in the Paris Mt. State Park tell you how accurate a weather forecaster I am.  But we had a good time of fellowship, anyway and the hamburgers were *fantastic* thank you Bobby!.


            Folks… let me know what you think here on the blog and we’ll all have a great discussion.


            Cordially, IN HIM




PS – We had some glad news and sad news over the weekend. One new baby “Molly Grace Blackburn” joined the family over in Tennessee. We also got news that one we were expecting next Spring sometime won’t be coming after all. Sadness in that family – but we know the little one is with the Lord. So that’s happy – hard for the little ones to understand but that can be a blessing too. Thanks for your prayers.


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Just A Minute – Last year I asked: Where are we going? Saturday, read a Dow Jones article by James Grant – Editor of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer – it changed my outlook.

Grant says, Arthur C. Pigou, who died 1946 -- Cambridge economist, blamed for neoclassical macroeconomics, often attacked by Maynard Keynes – originator of Keynesian economics.  Most of us are ignorant of economic theory -- until it slaps us in the face with a lost job or a foreclosed home. --- Mr. Pigou observed this about economic crises long ago: (Quote) “The error of optimism dies in the crisis … but gives birth to an error of pessimism.  This new error is not an infant but a giant.”  (Unquote)  Grant says Volcker, Bernanke, Paulson, and other economic worthies, believe the economy has gotten drunk, fallen down stairs and now lies in a hospital bed with a broken leg “contemplating the wages of sin.”  He argues their gloomy forecasts ignore economic history – to wit: The deeper the slump, the zippier the recovery. And infers we’re on the cusp of record-breaking recovery.

Do you agree or disagree? Let me know.

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service








Friday, September 18, 2009

SOMEDAY IT WAS BOUND TO HAPPEN - Just A Minute Radio for Friday 18 September 2009

            Hello on a Friday … We’re still on the dry side here… How about you?


            In the wake of the “Tax Payers March on Washington” last Sept. 12… Saturday… this week has been like a cake walk… sort of sticky. (J) As Senator Claghorn used to say on Allen’s Alley …”That’s… ah say… that’s a joke, Son!”


            But then I forget *most* of you folks never heard of Allen’s Alley. Fred Allen was a radio comedian – out of vaudeville I guess…even I’m not old enough to remember vaudeville. Anyway Fred and Jack Benny used to make comedic insults of on another. Fred had an imaginary Alley peopled with folks like Senator Claghorn (sort of like a not too smart KFC Colonel) who would always say “That state rite next doah to SOUTH CAROLINA…”  -- because he din’t like anything with the name “NO**H in it. Mrs. Neussbalm was a Jewish lady who lived on the alley… Also Silas Moody… who spoke with a New Hampsh’re accent – and occasionally other characters. I  think he also created “Digger” O’Dell… the mortician…Irish I suppose… anyway his closing line every week was –“Well I guess I’d better be shoveling off…remember, I’ll be the last one to let you down.” Corny jokes but we all laughed.


            Fred was a lot better at quips than Jack Benny was… so they sort of had a ‘war’ when they made personal appearances on the same show… Once Fred got the best of Jack who responded… “Just wait…next time I’ll bring my writers.”  That might have been a good line for Mr. Obama when the teleprompter broke down… but then in these days nobody would know what he was talking about.


            In these crazy days – we could use a few of those old radio comedy writers. Nowadays they’re all employed in Washington rather than Hollywood. (JL) Oh well… a little levity helps from time to time.


            What happened last Friday morning is a sad milestone. Mr. James L. Poullion of Owosso, Michigan was shot to death as he carried his pro-life sign in front of the high school. He wanted to warn the young folks about the dangers of abortion. The New York Times did a story… but the far better one – with more home town details like Mr. Poullion had to wear leg braces or use a walker… and carry an Oxygen tank to do carry on his ‘mission’.  It wasn’t easy.  Sometimes people threw fruit that hit him on the head.  That never made it into the NYT story.  You come away from the ‘Great Gray Lady’s’ treatment thinking…. “Well he’s just a nut.” But he wasn’t. He was concerned for the kids.


            The Flint Journal carried the account of a local car dealer who really felt Jim kept people from getting into his dealership sometimes.  But one day Jim came in and said “Doug… if you’d just say I changed your mind about abortion I’d go away.” – Doug [I’m not sure that’s the right name and don’t have time to go back and look it up…but you’ll get the idea and ‘Doug’ will forgive me.] said… “Why sure, Jim, I’ve never been for abortion all along!” – He said Jim went away as good as his word… and never paraded in front of his dealership again.


            The comments column in the Flint paper had loving comments… and a few hating comments. It’s an issue few people are neutral on. And it’s just as well. I’m one who’s going to stick with what I believe the Scriptures teach… for that’s God’s book… and I’m glad we have it.  Far better than all the science-so called in the world. Sorry… it’s late and I gotta get this on the air. Love you all.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just A Minute Early last Friday, Jim Pouillon, 63,  died from gunshots fired in front of the high school in Owosso, Michigan. It’s thought to be the first killing of an anti-abortionist. 

          For twenty years, rain or shine, this retired auto worker -- the sign man, to locals -- who needed leg braces and an oxygen tank to stand in this small town near Flint, -- crying out and holding signs that said LIFE – on one side and ABORTION on the other.  A waitress where he often ate breakfast said he was quite pleasant and “didn’t push his views around here.”

          Most said he was a good neighbor.  His grandkids often romped with him in the yard of his neat, aluminum-sided home with red shutters and heart cutouts. A small mound of flowers appeared on the corner near the school where he died of several bullets fired by a local truck driver now in police custody suspected in another shooting and scheduled for a mental exam.

          Sunday, President Obama, said the shooting is "deplorable" saying: “Whichever side of a public debate you're on, violence is never the right answer."

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service





Tuesday, September 15, 2009

AH HEAH TH' FEETS A-MARCHIN' - Just A Minute Radio for Sept. 16, 2009

            Howdy everybody –


            All the folks over at Playfair are stirring and still talking about the TAXPAYER’S MARCH ON WASHINGTON that seemed to set new records last Saturday when all the busses rolled into the Washington vicinity and the streets leading up to the Capitol building as well as the west lawn and part of the Mall were overrun with a colorful and apparently well-mannered and courteous crowd if the Wall Street Journal and even the New York Times are to be believed.


            Of course there was the occasional bully or over-zealous demonstrator. They’ve been present even in the peace marches. But I was pleased to see and read the accounts that it was for the most part a motivated and well-mannered, excited crowd that were so crowded into the available space some were left standing on Constitution Ave. unable to get close enough to see the speaker’s platform.  Most everyone seemed to be having a good time – except Congress… and for the most part they did not make themselves known – except for those who spoke. They were cheered – not jeered. And the crowd was by most accounts good humored – and we weather was good. Praise the Lord.


            Will it have the desired effect?  Probably that depends on how high your hopes are.  I think it goes beyond question – at least if the polls are to be believed – the nation is pretty evenly divided – but this crowd was not. They had spent their own money coming from all 50 states by most of the news accounts – and the common theme seemed to be to ‘take back the government’ – Exactly from whom they were taking it was not crystal clear – but still that was the common thread.  One Dow Jones Saturday Journal writer said it’s a populist river that disappears and reappears from time to time. He said the last major appearance was with Ross Perot… who got about 19% of the vote when George H.W. Bush was running.


            Interesting… I had not thought of it in that way – but clearly *something* was afoot… and it did not appear to be sympathetic to the themes sounded often by the ACLU or the Democrat party. Still there was little in the way of observable animosity – and in the stories I read and saw the correspondents went out of their way to say the crowd was older, polite, good humored. That’s pleasing.


            Now that Congress in back in as “full swing” as it ever gets – the sandpapering and nastiness returns. But I think a lot of Congresspersons are caught looking over their shoulders to see what’s catching up with them.


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack Buttram


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MizP: Just a Minit – What did you thank ‘bout th’ Saturday march, Mr. Jack?

Jack: To me it looked like a big crowd, Miz Pearl – what about the guys at Earl ‘n’ Lester’s?

BB: At th’ Bait Shop and Sushi Bar?

Jack: I mean about th’ march – Rush says two million…?

 HOMER: Hit shore was a passle of folks.

MizP: Down South – we knows a ‘passle’ means BIG!

JACK: Did you see a favorite sign?

MizP: Ah was innerested in th’ pe-pul. If this’n was a revolution Ah thank hit’s th’ first

               revolution lead by ree-tirees…

Homer: Ah liked th’ sign that said – We IS th’ MOB. So stan back.

BB: Ah liked th’ one tha-ut said – “We done come peaceful” – This time.

Jack: It looked more like a BIG county fair to me – like people were having a good time.

BB: Hit  deepens on how hard-headed they are ‘bout these taxes an all.

MizP: Yew thank hit’ll pass, Mr. Jack?

Jack: This is the first major hurdle for the President. He  can’t afford to just lose.

Homer: You thank he’ll compermize?

BB: Ah thank he’ll do sumpin like tha-ut an cawl hit a victry. Course we’uns gits ta' pay th’ bill.

MizP: No – the chirren, an gran-chirren, an grate, grate gran-chirren git ta' pay.

BB: Do you know how much a trillion is?

MizP: Hit’s a lot – Ah know.

Homer: My cousin Simon says if’n you started spendin’ money at a hunnert-thousan a minute – frum th’ time Christ was born up ta' now you’d jist now be approachin’ a trillion.

BB: At’s rite… Ah ain’t figgered hit out mysef…  but I reckon sumbody’s gonna haffta pay fer hit.

Homer: Don’t know if’n you er me’ll be a-round ta' do hit.

MizP: I reckon Mr. ‘bama ain’t goin’ ta' be a-roun neither if’n hit takes tha-ut long.

Jack: Speaking of time… I reckon time’s about up for this week. We’d better just wrap it up with a prayer for our Nation that the Lord will bring us thru.

MizP: Oh He will, Mr. Jack – Ah know He will.

Jack: OK Miz Pearl, Homer, Billy-bob – see you all next week. I’m Jack Buttram.


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