Tuesday, September 30, 2008

IS THAT BILL BRYAN? Just a Minute Radio for 10-01-08

            Hello – for a new Month of October – with it’s ‘bright blue weather’ [according to the poet.]


            We’re stuck in the time-warp of things that go ‘bump’ in the night… like the ‘meltdown’ of the markets that has been forecast and re-forecast, and re-forecast. Something like a John Kerry Video loop that just keeps playing and playing and playing.


            This is a real bi-partisan effort to get people to kick the Internet habit. It is a MEDIA CRISIS of *minimal proportions* no matter how they try to scare us. There are enough smart people out there (outside of Congress) who know the market mumbo-jumbo that scares the bejeebers out of those who have not weathered a sufficient number of market storms to know, ‘This too shall pass away.’


            I’m very impressed with Representative Cantor of Virginia (my home state) who has held his ground with dignity and not been intimidated by all the economic and talking-heads authorities enough to keep his – and simply go on and persevere. I’m also impressed that Neal Cavuto of FOX has done a good job of not just mindlessly following the mainstream and gives good evidence of thinking for himself. And the numerous times in the last two or three days when Dave Ramsey has made appearances on the tube to reassure people of his being grounded in enough economics to refute the “big boys.” I’m glad the cable outlets are making a dent in the major nets and giving the vox populii a genuine opportunity to express themselves in a way that means something.


            In a couple of weeks this will be mostly behind us – it may linger until the ballots are counted November 4th – and then we’ll all be caught up in formation of a new Administration and Congress and all this financial fluff will be forgotten like last year’s cotton candy.


            In the words of P.P. Bliss’ famous hymn written in the wake of a terrible family tragedy in which he lost children at sea --
“Be not dismayed what ‘ere betide – God will take care of you!” – Amen


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack Buttram









BB: JUST A MINUTEMr. Jack do you ree-member Bill Bryan?

Jack: Bill Bryan? – Do you mean William Jennings Bryan?

BB: At’s th’ feller. In school we wuz told he argued against backin’ our money with gold.

MizP: Did he really do that–ut,  Mr. Jack?

Jack: He did make a speech called the “Cross of Gold” to the Democrat Convention of 1896 I believe.

Homer: So he was a Demicrat?

Jack: That’s what I’ve been told. I’m not old enough to have been there.

MizP: Oh we know that Mr. Jack – but did he have somethin’ ta' do with this crack-up we heah so much about?

Jack: I don’t think you can blame that on Mr. Bryan – He passed away a long time ago.

MizP: Haz tha-ut got sumpin’ ta' do wif all this chin-waggin’ a-goin’ on about gas prices an th’ stock market?

Jack: I’m sorry -- You’re asking more questions than I have answers.

BB: Th’ way Washin’tn is a workin – Ah thank I’ll git my coin c’lection out’n th bank -- nothin’s holdin’ t’gether.

Homer: I don’t thank there’s any worry ‘bout tha-ut Mr. Bill.

BB: Ah don’t know who ta' trust.

MizP: You kin trus Sec-etary Paulsen … he’s a Demicrat.

Homer: No he ain’t Miz Pearl – He’s a Ree-publican.

MizP: But I thot…

BB: He was appinted to th’ job by Prezidint  Bush.

MizP: Oh.

Jack: Just leave ‘em in the lock box, Bill… we’ll talk about it next week.

BB: Oh -- OK.  They’ll be safe ‘till then?

Jack: I believe so --- I’m Jack Buttram



Jebco Editorial Service


e-mail n4zhk@arrl.net


















Monday, September 29, 2008

I'M BAILING AS HARD AS I CAN! - Just a Minute Radio for Tuesday 9/30/08

            Hello again… Busy time, eh? … OK – now for some explaining.


            The simple explanation is everybody got lined up *except* the voters. They said: “If you let those skunks who walked of with their pockets stuffed with money… OUR MONEY!  You’re no friend of mine.  And I intend to prove it at the next opportunity.


            Some of the Democrats got the same message and believed it. And lovely Nancy -- of the most unusual hair style seen recently on the planet – managed to irritate enough of those who had been talked into walking the plank so the vote failed by a margin of about 12 votes. Kudos to the Jewish members who went off to spend Rosh Hashana with their families and wouldn’t be talked out of it. Meantime the creeks will rise and fill in the low places.


            Today’s script (below) bears the comments of Chuck Colson and Mike Huckabee – I’m glad to see there are some sane voices out there who say “Chicken Little” is wrong. You have to be old enough to realize this is an “OLD” movie… some of us with a few wrinkles and fewer hairs recall growing up during the days of Roosevelts’ Bank “Holidays” – and bread lines and tough times. But the Republic survived. It wasn’t easy… and it isn’t going to be easy now… if it’s as bad as the media keep saying. (But they are given to hyperbole – it’s the nature of their business.)


            They are like the weather briefers at the flight service station … nice enough fellows… but they want to make sure you get the picture the weather’s not good out there … They’d rather be able to say “I told him it was bad but I don’t think he was listening.”  Than to have you come back next time and say “Why didn’t you tell me about that T-storm in the way? In other words – and I’m not any economist, but I know something about news – and the cameraman sent out to get a story for the six o’clock news will always suggest… “If you’re going to fight anyway – please do it in the street so I can get some good shots.”


            So… the newsies have had their day and their say – and panicked the whole countryside – whether it’s needed or not. Let’s say a prayer it’s not. But even so, we know – as believers – we have the Lord and HE is in control, not the Fed… nor Freddie or Fannie… or the President, or the House Speaker. We serve a higher authority who works all things for our good.  And that’s the cheerful note I leave you with today!


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack Buttram









Just A Minute – OK – the bailout hit the fan but in the words of Mike Huckabee, “let’s not get so distracted we forget the irony here – those who are pretending to come to the rescue like knights on white horses … bear a large share of the blame.” And added, “We don’t want those who burned the Thanksgiving Turkey to be in charge of preparing the Christmas Dinner.”

Exactly so -- Chuck Colson; pointed out B. Hussein Obama … “ ranked number three in campaign contributions from Fannie and Freddie over the past decade amounting to over $100,000 and [one of his] chief advisors in the VP vetting is the former CEO of Fannie Mae.” Now letting those guys walk off with millions stuffed in their pockets enrages taxpayers who are being hit with the bill – and that’s why they threatened Congress for letting them get away with it. Baynor and Blount for the Republicans need to point that out to Pelosi and Paulson. It’s called Anger Management 101.

The American taxpayer isn’t going to be taken for a chump forever. It’s pay-up time for Congress and the citizens aren’t gonna be stuck with the bill.

 <> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service


e-mail n4zhk@arrl.net





Sunday, September 28, 2008

NOW WHAT DO WE DO? WE CAMPAIGN! - Just A Minute Radio for Monday 09-29-08

            Glad you’re with us on Monday…


            Things get so ‘bolixed’ up when enough members of Congress get in a swivit… it’s hard to get settled down again. Let’s hope Campaign 2008 gets down to running the race rather than running around like Chicken Little.


            Having the credit channels seize-up is rather like getting a call from the bank that your last 15 checks have bounced. But it happens… and while it gives you that sinking feeling for a while eventually all that gets straightened out if you haven’t been kiting checks – but just not paying attention. Paying the penalty tends to put a price on NOT paying attention – at least in my experience.


            So … we’ve got problems to solve… let’s get with the program – buckle down and quit trying to paper over the difficulties. Nothing’s solved by ignoring the problem when it really exists. What I think *most* people resist is the good-old-boy network that exists in every state capitol I’ve ever looked into – and in Washington it’s epidemic. Everybody isn’t corrupt and taking money under the table – but it seems there are more people than ever *trying* to do the corrupting. In my experience in Washington – which ended back in the 70’s – I only ran into one client who genuinely thought my firm could pave the way for what he was seeking (which was a post office contract) if he could just say the magic words and shift the money under the table. When a couple of thought to be “well connected” attorneys offered to see that my Senator boss from McCain’s home state wouldn’t have opposition in his next re-election campaign if he would just favor some overseas regulation they wanted, he stood up and escorted them to the door while I watched his neck turn beet red with anger. They were lucky to get out without a thrashing.

               Well, this too shall pass away – and I think in a way it’s good for the Republic. It points up the problems – and the folks who can solve it are NOT in Washington. They live next door to you and me… or at least in the same county. Alexis De Tocqueville – who along with Beaumont wrote about Democracy in America, found a deep respect for the law. The reason, he felt, was American citizens themselves held the ultimate power to change any laws they disliked. He knew America was by no means perfect – but its people held what he saw was the key to the future. Let us make sure we prize and guard those freedoms of ours.

            Cordially, IN HIM

            Jack Buttram





Just A Minute – Sometime today – it’s Monday by my calendar -- Congress will make a run for home by dark, to accommodate the Jewish members whose holiday, Rosh Hashanah, begins at sundown – and the dust of the past two weeks will start to settle.

For all the panic-stricken TV talking-heads repeating breathless announcements that if something isn’t passed the world will turn to split pea soup … the markets have held up well – and we hear the muted calls of “Chicken Little” saying the sky is falling covered by the sounds of shofar.

All that to say no doubt there are problems that need solving (there always are) but reports of the demise of the Republic are a bit premature. It’s time to take a deep breath and settle down – work a crossword puzzle or a Sudoku. The world will turn – November’s Election Day will arrive on time and unless the Lord returns the sun will arise in the east again on November fifth. I’ve got more things that need attending to than staying glued to the TV screen. Tune in tomorrow we’ll all know more then.

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service


e-mail n4zhk@arrl.net





Thursday, September 25, 2008

RECESSION -- HERE'S THE CURE? Just A Minute - for Friday 9-26-08

Howdy – It’s Friday --- Cheers and Hollers …


            One of the things we learn from History – they say – is that we don’t seem to learn anything from History!


            Today’s lesson may be one we have hanging around a long time – or (as I pray it will be) it may be an outstanding example of what happens when we pray. For as sure as the day is long… the Lord IS still in charge… and no matter how smart or dumb we think we are HIS will *will* be accomplished. HE will teach us what HE wills through all these times of constriction and pressure.


            It’s an exciting time to be alive and kickin’ – to coin a phrase… and I’m glad to be observing. I just hope I’m learning something valuable. Like my old shop teacher used to say: “Don’t make the same mistake twice --- there are too many new ones to make.” Sounds like a production line joke doesn’t it.


            We hope – or more accurately *pray* the markets will awake and the financial world will be over it’s upset stomach – and we can go back to more mundane things like electing a president for the next four years. But no matter how things turn out, believers in the Lord’s goodness and kindness – and what HE reveals in Scripture stand secure. I’m thankful for that and I’m sure you – if you’re a believer – do so too. I’d like to hear from you if you have a moment.


            God bless you with a blessed weekend of joy and worship.


            Cordially IN HIM











Just A Minute – Recession is defined as two sequential quarters of negative growth. Is that true at the moment? The statistical answer is “no”.

Looking at economic history it seems true more market intrusion means problems last longer. That was the case when FDR came up with his Social Security Act of 1935. Despite best ‘brain trust’ plans effected in 1933 the economy was again hitting the skids by ‘37 – and the Roosevelt Recession” as the critics called it, was blooming again. The “Big Bill” in the spring of ‘35 created what was called a depression within the depression and noted historian David M. Kennedy says by October of ’37 the stock market was in a slide.

In his conclusion about Roosevelt’s “New Deal”, Kennedy pens in the Oxford History of the United States citing the New York Times and says Roosevelt’s administration did not bring about the end of the depression (only WW II did.)

With this hastily cobbled up “rescue plan”, are we embarking on a similarly ill-fated exercise with the largest price tag in recorded history?

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service


e-mail n4zhk@arrl.net






Wednesday, September 24, 2008

JUST A GUY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD? -- Just A Minute - for 9-25-08 Thursday

            Here’s something I was skeptical of … Until…


            Until I looked into the facts backed up by a story from Stanley Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Institute, who went to great lengths documenting the connection between Barack Obama and Bill Ayers – Admitted Pentagon bomber and radical leftist who says his only regret was “We didn’t bomb more.”


            There’s much more to this story than I could squeeze into 60 seconds of Just A Minute. The Wall St. Journal carried a full story on the Editorial page (Sept. 23rd) by Stanley Kurtz who is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Institute and who filed a FOI (freedom of information action) against the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) whose Board minutes and proceedings were archived under lock and key at the University of Illinois – Richard A. Daley Library in Chicago. Kurtz spent days poring over the Board minutes and correspondence of the CAC to discover that Bill Ayers is NOT “just a fellow who lives in my neighborhood” – a casual acquaintance with whom Obama does “not share opinions often.” --  But instead is an admitted “…  leftist, small ‘c’ communist…”  bomber of  the Pentagon in the ‘60’s who helped Obama start up the CAC and channel $100 million into creating “sites of resistance” among the Chicago public schools. When interviewed about his bombing efforts at the Pentagon, Ayers said that he was “sorry we didn’t bomb more.”


            Now Obama – who has written two autobiographies in a short period of time – never thought to reveal his communistic connections or the fact that he worked very closely with Ayers in forming the by-laws and structure of the CAC – and indeed became its first executive director. Obama has *never* claimed any executive experience beyond running a Senate office in Springfield and D.C. – because if he was honest about it he would have to include his record as the CEO of the CAC up until 2001 when he left the Board.  His is NOT just a “hi and goodby” acquaintance with Bill Ayers – and when questioned about it his staff puts out a smokescreen that conceals the details of his long association and close affiliation with Ayers.


            As the perpetrators of Watergate – and various other ‘gates’ in Washington have learned – it’s often not the actual criminal action or appearance of wrong-doing that gets you in trouble – so much as the cover-up. I don’t think the American people want to trust their government to a young man black, brown or white, who has long associations with people like Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko and who knows how many others – and tries to smokescreen it away.


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack Buttram









Just A Minute – Bill Ayers, “Weather Underground” radical, who admits bombing the Pentagon in the ‘60’s – has been connected with Senator Obama. Last April Barak said Ayers was only (quote) “a guy who lives in my neighborhood …  But investigation shows a much closer association.

Stanley Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, gained  Freedom of Information access to Chicago Annenberg Challenge files and Board minutes, housed in the University of Illinois Daley Library. Kurtz, discovered Obama and Ayers worked hand in hand to form and run the organization, and Ayers radical influence continued even after he had moved on to Cleveland.

Despite writing two books about himself, Obama has never revealed this connection with Ayers or the organization Ayers founded. Board minutes show Obama, Ayers, and two others wrote the by-laws for the CAC and chose Obama as the first executive. CAC channeled more than $100 million into hands of radical education activists. The Senator continued on the CAC board until 2001.

Ayers admits to being a “communist.” Obama obscures Ayers’ connections. Do we want a President with this connection? Why the cover-up?

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service


e-mail n4zhk@arrl.net




Tuesday, September 23, 2008

WHO IS THAT BEARDED MAN? - Just a Minute for Wednesday 9-24-08

            Confusion reigns…


            Everybody seems to be upset about something – maybe two or three things. And the folks over at Earl ‘n’ Lester’s Bait Shop and Sushi Bar on the Caroliner line are no exception. They are angry at the gas pump – at the bank -- at the grocery store – even at church. They don’t like being put down in the campaigning and they don’t like paying $50 to fill up the pick up truck.


            Who is going to pour oil on these troubled waters?  Right now it doesn’t look like it’ll be Hank Paulson – who came over to the Treasury Department from Goldman Sachs – the premier Investment Bank house on Wall street. Just about all his predictions of things calming down after they get an infusion of cash – like Freddie and Fannie and Lehman Bros. and AIG – things seem just as ‘roileld’ as before he gave his assurances.


            Barny Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid all contribute their bit of grit in the axle grease – but at least Chuck Schumer managed to stay within the eight allotted minutes yesterday and kept Chairman Dodd from losing his Connecticut cool. Trouble is everyone’s got questions – and the answers being shoveled back from Paulson, Berneke, President Bush and other assorted ministers of calm seem ineffective. The public (read that taxpayers) have finally realized the truth of Everett Dirkson’s famous aphorism – “A billion here, a billion there and after all that’s a lot of money!”  SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION – with everyone saying it might be more – finally twists cries of anguish from Republicans, Democrats, and Independents alike. Problem is *everybody’s* got a plan and only about three days to do it in. And it’s got to be right! (Doncha know!)


            Nobody remembers (Least of all Joe Biden – who said on CBS FDR went on TV in 1929 to explain what happened. There was no TV in 1929…and besides it was Herbert Hoover… FDR didn’t get there until 1932.) how FDR’s “brain trust” managed to stretch out the depression from ‘29 to ‘41 and we might still be in it had it not been for WWII coming along and everyone forgot about ‘fixing’ the market while we were busy winning the war!


            Well children – there are still plenty of fairy tales out there – and everyone’s trying his best … but most of them are wrong… the comforting thing is “God has them all in ‘derision’ [laughter] and maintains HIS loving concern for HIS children all the way through. If you’re not familiar with that story told over and over – just get the Bible down and start reading.


            Cordially, IN HIM












MizP: JUST A MINUTE – Mr. Jack – Why do  they ast that feller from Eye-rahn ta' speek to the Unity Nations?

Jack: He’s their leader.

MizP: But ain’t he the one who says they done re-started they’re plan to build a nukeer bomb?

Jack: That’s the one…

MizP: So what I want ta' know is *why* do they have such a rabble-rouser at th’ organization supposed to be fer worl peace?

BB: Ah don’t ritely know, Miz Pearl – but he’s there all rite.

MizP: Oh Mr. Beelie… Why does we spend th’ money to let people ta' teah us down.

Homer: Specially when they don’t pay their part.

BB: An double specially when – Mahmud – keeps a-threatnin’ ta wipe Israel offn’ the face of the earth.

MizP: Hit don’t make no sense…

Homer: No sense a-tall.

MizP: I reckon hit’s th’ silly season… with the campaign pains goin’ all and all.

BB: Ah thank hit’s th soft in th head season.

MizP: Well I’ll tell you one thang…

Jack: What’s that Miz Pearl?

MizP: Lettin’ tha-ut maniac loose on th’ platform of the Yew-nited Nations makes about as much sense as… ast

Homer: As whut Mz. Pearl?

MizP: As… as… astin’ them big-city bankers, an off-th-wall legismulators to… to…

BB: To what Miz Pearl?

MizP: To figger out how git rid of these Fowah dollah gas prices an hep folks ta git theyer house paymits back on track.

Jack: That’s a tall order Miz Pearl -- <> I’m Jack Buttram



Jebco Editorial Service


e-mail n4zhk@arrl.net








Monday, September 22, 2008

WHICH IS IT -- MAKE YOUR CHOICE - Just a Minute for Tuesday 9/23/08

            It’s the first “official” day of Autumn – all the way up to December 21st… So enjoy the ‘Indian Summer Weather’ while you may.


            That’s about the only thing that’s calm – so we should be too. The times and seasons roll along just like clockwork – and the sun still comes up in the East along about 7:27 – and the odds are that will keep on happening on schedule right through the election in November. So… don’t get fretted.


            It’s a difficult thing to do as Rudyard Kipling said – “If you can keep your head about you while others are losing theirs…”  There’s the crisis of the moment… and with the newly patented 24 hour news cycle you have *many* more chances to ‘lose your head’ than you did when news traveled by horseback… or even by telegraph.


            As I get older, I’m increasingly attracted to history – and biography -- of interesting people. Right now I’m in the first few chapters of a book dealing with American history 1814 – 1846. The towering figure of that era was Andrew Jackson the South Carolina native – unless you think he was born on the northern side of the rather indefinite border – then North Caroline claims him. When we lived in Rutherford County we found a sizeable group of natives there also claimed him. And out in western North Carolina where the Cherokee Indian Reservation sits…there are a large number of people who don’t want to have anything to do with his memory.


            Well – that’s history. And if you think about it, day by day you are sitting right through the unfolding (or some say unraveling) days of history in the making. Unless the Lord returns soon – someday your great grandchildren may be talking about Great Grandma and Grandpa who lived back in the quaint old days of 2008 sweated through the near melt-down of what they thought was the unsinkable financial system of the 21st Century.  And they laugh – and think “how quaint” wonder why they couldn’t see it coming and didn’t know how to stop it – or at least get out of the way.


            Pick up your pen and paper and write down just what you think – right now – and why you thought it. Then tie it up with a bow and put it in a trunk marked “For the Attic” and see what happens in 40 60 or 100 years – you may be very important – at least to your grandchildren after all.


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack Buttram









Just A Minute – Lanny Davis, a Bill Clinton minion, suddenly is masquerading as Adam Smith – author of “The Invisible Hand” – the definitive book on leaving free market capitalism alone. So why is John McCain ‘jumping ship’ and favoring more regulation, risking turning off his conservative base?

The answer -- from offstage is – if he sticks with his conservative principles and continues telling people the "fundamentals" of the economy are sound -- grossly over-drawn new regulations will make matters worse. That’s a historical economic fact recognized even by political liberals.

Democrats, including Mr. Obama, have a similar problem: the two discharged CEO’s of  Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are Democrats, who walked off with pockets stuffed with more than fifteen million apiece like many of their huge Wall Street contributors, hedge-fund managers and derivative bubble makers.

So who’s going to blink or hang their heads in shame? There’s plenty of blame to go around – Perhaps we’ll see which party sticks closest to the truth by next week. 

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service


e-mail n4zhk@arrl.net







Sunday, September 21, 2008

CAREFUL AS YOU LEAVE -- Just a Minute for 9-22-08 Monday

It’s Monday – and a whole new week before us!


Right in the middle of a Wall Street week another area of contention presses into the national scene. The Washington Times – opposite number to the Washington Post in the nation’s capital – has run a book review. It’s a book written by the Time’s chief religious writer Julia Duin (pronounced Deen) entitled “Church Quitting.”


Most everyone knows the voting bloc (really not much of a bloc because there’s no preeminent leader or even group of leaders) of the so-called ‘evangelical vote’ is urgently sought after by both parties because it could represent the winning margin especially in some crucial states. Ms. Duin’s book published within the month by Baker Book House, indicates there is trouble within the evangelical community. Her research and reporting – admittedly somewhat thin because it seems to be mostly a one reporter show – which she describes as trouble with the churches more than with the members who are leaving.


It does not seem to be exactly a mass exodus so much as a change of methods or preferences among the worshipers.  This has been noted in other places – even among some of the mega-church leaders. Ms. Duin has experienced some of the difficulties first hand and points to teaching that stops at the basics, and churches that are so big and diffused there isn’t much of a sense of community. Also since she is a single mom she finds some difficulties on that score.


But it’s one more set of factors complicating the outlook on what promises to be one of the most difficult to forecast elections of recent memory.  In any case for at least part of one day we got your mind and attention off Wall Street and back to main street.


Cordially, IN HIM










Just A MinuteThe ­Washington Times chief religious writer Julia Duin (Deen) writes a book published by Baker Book House called, “Quitting Church.” There she chronicles a major exodus from ‘evangelical’ churches according to Terry Eastland’s Wall Street Journal book review – right at the crucial time when both candidates are angling for the ‘evangelical’ vote.

Ms. Duin’s (spelt DEEN)  “church-quitting” (not splitting - another problem another time) is an epidemic. She says the problem isn’t with the members, but the character of the churches they’re leaving. "Something," she says, "is not right with . . . evangelical church life."

In 30 years of journalism she’s worked for five newspapers and is now based in D.C. -- the world’s largest journalistic collection. Her observations: There’s less a feeling of community among the members, teaching stops at the basics and women in particular are often asked to do too little.

My experience is a bit different – but then I don’t write books. You can get a copy of this script from WMUU-FM or from “justaminuteradio.blogspot.com”

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service


e-mail n4zhk@arrl.net






Thursday, September 18, 2008

WHERE *ARE* WE GOING? - Just a Minute for 9-19-08C

            It’s finally here… Friday!


            Seems like it’s been a terribly long week – and if you follow the market, which I seldom do – it’s been even longer. One day up – another down… charges, counter-charges. Answer one another; appear to ignore one another. More information than I could possibly digest given my incomplete knowledge of what the financial markets work and how they gyrate… it’s been a bit of an oxymoron… an exciting bore!


            I get tired of the same crime stories being done over and over and over in excruciating detail – and the same goes for the financial indices… at best they give an incomplete picture – and if you don’t really know what you’re looking for, you’re likely to not know when you’ve found it. Sort of like Alice in “Through the Looking Glass” I think it was the Cheshire Cat who asked her where she was going – and of course she answered she didn’t know – So he said: ”Well any road will take you there.”  A perfectly satisfactory answer in an unsatisfactory world.


            We should understand, I suppose, since imperfect humans designed and conduct the markets – they will take on the characteristics of their creators – namely they will be quite imperfect.  Why should we expect anything else?  Oh… comes the answer: “If we can put a man on the moon we ought to be able to…” (fill in the blank.) Nobody yet has been able to consistently predict or out-guess the market. It seems to have a mind of its own. And given the events of this week… I’d say the same about this interminable presidential election. Up one day – down the next – operating on its own non-schedule. I sometimes think so-called campaign consultants should have three initials inscribed after their names.  Like Karl Rove, MBG – My best guess!


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack Buttram









Just A Minute – I started out to write a commentary about lemmings, senselessly marching over cliffs.

The financial melt-down, wild swings in the stock market and credit crunch call to mind the legend of lemmings periodically committing mass suicide or incredibly stupid acts. In the case of the financial ‘geniuses’ who should know better, I have a description of what’s really happened. 

They, like all us fallen humans, are subject to grasping and greed; seeing hefty profits realized by competitors, and subject to pressure from owners, stockholders and pride, comes the breaking of one of God’s ten commandments:  THOU SHALT NOT COVET. So, observing their brethren capturing wealth – while ignoring the means – they do dumb, immoral and even illegal things to keep up. It’s an ancient problem that’s been with us since the Garden of Eden.

However it is amenable to the cure Christ offers by His Gospel. People just think it’s not for today. We Christians ought to be showing them that’s not the case. 

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service


e-mail n4zhk@arrl.net