Sunday, April 29, 2012

YOU LIKE WHAT YOU GOT - WANT MORE? -- Just A Minute Radio for Monday 120430

It’s a long road that has no turning – and that’s about how we’re feeling when we know we’re still too many months in this ‘race’ that seems like a herd of turtles.


Ah – a longing for the good old days when the lack of air conditioning meant you just could stand it in the ‘hot and sticky’ of campaigning only so long. Now…it’s a year ‘round sport… starts sometime in the cold weather and goes for nearly  two years. Arggghhh…


Ah well… only thing to do is enjoy the scenery.


Time’s a-wastin’ as ‘Snuffy Smith’ used to opine in the funnies and the black and white comics. Trouble is it’s hardly any entertainment except in the very early days of the state fairs like out in the Midwest – Iowa in particular. Those folks are already fixin’ up for the campaign in 2014 and 2016 – and here we are bogged down in 2012.


Well, you can’t crank up the calendar – you can just wish your way through it, or take off a week and go to the beach or the lake or the mountains. It’s going to be a long hot summer to get through and not a lot of fun doing it. It’s rather like sitting through a marathon of ‘watching the pot’ – which in the wisdom of the “Old Farmer” never boils if you’re looking dead at it.


We’re just going to have to invent some kind of political tiddledee winks that’ll get us through these long dry spells when there’s not much going on and everybody’s bemoaning it.


So to relieve the pressure on this Monday we’ll just quietly fold our banner for the time being and hope to see you shortly when there’s something more interesting happening than working a jig-saw puzzle or getting sunburned at the beach… it’s that time again.


Thanks for sticking with us this long.


All the best – Cordially IN HIM


Jack Buttram





          Just a Minute: Over the weekend Peggy Noonan – columnist for the Wall Street Journal -- asked the question under the headline of ‘A Bush League President:

          “Did you like the past four years? Good, you can get four more.

          “Do the President and his people strike you as competent? If so, you can renew his contract, and he will renew theirs.

          “If you don’t want to re-hire him you will look to the other guy. Does he look credible, a possible president? Then you can hire him.

          Republicans should cheer up.”

          Hmmm. – Some times Ms. Noonan simply relishes being blunt. Here’s how she describes Obama’s style: “… he seems like a man distracted as if he’s holding a private conversation in his head “or is “constantly dribbling away the punch line.” Perhaps he’s noticing the size of the crowd and wishing the front row would start fainting again like they used to.” But she’s polite, not wishing to be rude.

          Well, I’m with her – just so we don’t have to go through another four years with Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton.

          <> I’m Jack Buttram.


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Thursday, April 26, 2012

NEW YORK SLAMS THE DOOR FOR MITT -- Just a Minute Radio for Friday 120427

It’s hard to believe the weekend’s here. Seems like this week was made to stretch and stretch… but now…


Seems like we’ve been caught in this dream… er… nightmare forever….and we’ve got at least five and a half months to go… lesse… no… it’s six months and a couple of days. Lots of water to go over the dam between now and then. But perhaps it will be a pleasant summer crowned with victory and joy – at least that’s my outlook… (It is Friday isn’t it?)  Yeah!  Well …


Maybe this year is the time to sharpen up your fishin’ or golf or hikin’… now that would help you learn to see your shoelaces again.


I’ve been strertchin’ and stretchin’ this taffey – Did you ever get caught in a something like that. I thought it was fun…. But it just got longer and longer and ….well maybe I dipped into it too much also.


I am at least glad that we are up to the Convention as the next thing for each party… at least that means we’re making progress.


This will be a welcome Spring weekend – thank you Lord for the beautiful flowers and trees and birds… what if we didn’t have these things to cheer us on in this land of --  well….fill in the blank of whatever you’d dislike.  It’s just been a loooooong week with lots of low pressure.


Take care dear friends… Read the word – pray and the Lord will surely come and lift you up.  I know he does me.


May the Lord bless each one and each family and we know He will.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack & Barbara




          Just a Minute: Yesterday I said the news hardly moved the needle – but today the door slam you heard – reluctantly by the New York media – either ‘slammed the door’ or ‘rung down the curtain’ on the GOP nomination. Clearing the deck of all the contenders in Tuesday’s primaries pretty much does the job as far as selecting who will be the GOP’s nominee.

            Since Rick Santorum has withdrawn from the Republican race Mr. Romney has closed the gap with the President in the battleground state of Virginia. The two men are now essentially tied with Romney holding a 45% to 44% of the Old Dominion finds 6% preferring another candidate and 5% un-decided.

          Delaware did not go for Gingrich as he dreamed it might. A Gingrich spokesman told the Atlanta Constitution: "Newt Gingrich has spent his entire career proving pundits wrong. I'm sure he'll be happy to do so again." He says he’ll hang on for a week so they can have a party in Atlanta. Obviously hoping something else will turn up.

          Mr. Romney has already accepted the mantle in New Hampshire.

          <I’m Jack Buttram.> (END)

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

THE GAP GETS JUST A LITTLE WIDER -- Just a Minute Radio for Thursday 120426

Beautiful night on Tuesday. (I forgot to mention it yesterday.) I’ve *never* seen such a beautiful blue sky after sundown – and a crescent moon plus Jupiter as bright as I’ve *ever* id’d it. Made me thankful all over that I know the Lord that made this whole universe.


But now… back to earth – where we have a war of words going on – but take no never mind to that. The old kids couplet – “Sticks and stones will break my bones; But words will never hurt me.” Well, guess what – THEY WILL!


Now I don’t have the remedy for what happened here… but Mr. Romney’s dual campaigning in 1998 – when he lost out to John McCain – and in 2012, when he’s won the nomination for GOP candidate (at least I’m treating it like a full fledged accomplishment) means we’re on the way to doing a rescue operation for the good ole USA.


You can’t be everywhere at once, or have everything done as you would have it done (unless of course you were the creator of the Universe in the first place).—and the  damage done to egos and feelings and hurtness etc. etc. can’t be naturally recovered or restored. But we know the creator of all things and HE is able to bring things to the conclusion HE wants.


I don’t claim (as one of my industrial instructors told me out in Colorado I think it was) to have a “Pipeline to God.”  But I do know about someone who did – when he had illegally been sold into slavery by 11 wicked brothers. What a tangle and mess that turned out to be. But the Lord knew all about it – and if I’ve challenged your imagination I want you to pull out the old Family Bible – wipe the dust off – control your coughing and look up the 37th Chapter of Genesis.


There you will find the *beginning* the saga of Joseph being sold into slavery – and flowing through to Chapter 50 – (which is the conclusion of the story of Joseph and his brothers) it’s 13 chapters [pick any version you want… I like the old King James but I also prefer a more modern version that explains a few more odd words to us these days. It’s call the English Standard Version (ESV) – and you’ll take about three evenings to read it – you can hardly put it down – it’s an adventure story. You’ll like it!


That’s a blue print of what God is going to have to do for America to keep this country great.


Now I’m not one to tell God what he HAS to do. Nobody in his right mind does that. God is sovereign – supernaturally SOVEREIGN – You will enjoy this book. Read it asking in prayer to God for HIM to reveal to you what you (and I) will have to do to save this Republic. And you are just as well equipped as anyone if you claim to be owned by HIM. I’m just getting you set up for a real adventure of taking part in a miracle of saving the United States of America if the Lord wants it saved.


So I’ll stop there – and let you cool off… We’ve got a LOT of praying and understanding what the Lord wants if we want to see victory. I’m not trying to put together a huge army.  I’m just asking you and me to join together – with others whom God leads to join us – in a prayer effort to rescue our Nation… if God wants it saved. I’m serious.


I’ll be glad to hear from you the Lord moves on your heart to write and join me. I’m going to start to do it anyway. And together we can band together to do HIS will.


God bless you. IN HIM






          Just a Minute: OK, things are pretty much on even keel. Lots of talk about what’s happening; but not much that moves the needle. For instance: The President’s Job Approval rating it’s usually one of the best indicators for assessing his re-election chances? So far – not so good -- not changing much.

         Currently, forty six percent of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president's job performance. Fifty-three percent say they at least somewhat disapprove. Of the president's job performance. It’s totally simplistic to pick the snapshot of polling for one day and say “that’s what’s going to happen.”  You’d almost surely be wrong. “The pro’s ”think these numbers summarize Obama’s chance for reelection. But that leaves out a lot of things. Whatever happened to all those other people? Just go up in smoke?

         If you add 46 and 53 together it’s 99 % -- what happens to everybody else? Might just as well wave the magic wand and pull the rabbit out of the hat… or cram everyone else into that crowded one percent.

          <I’m Jack Buttram.> (END)

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THIS SHOULD BE THE WIND UP -- Just A Minute Radio for Thursday 120425

Things are scattered all over the map.


You want to be listening to the news bulletins as they are being broadcast because it will be the little snippets of returns that have to carry the subject in such crowded weather. It’s the radio news that has to carry the burden of flash bulletin news.


At the time we had to put this story in the chute to make it on the air – all the information wasn’t in place. We didn’t know if Mr. Gingrich was gonna throw in the towel or not. (Bets were he would but at the time we put this together it was a guess.)


Meantime Mr. Romney apparently carried Ohio easily – but the Scott Rasmussen poll had him eight points down in the tracking of just that state – so who can untangle such a mess – the calendar I think… (assuming we don’t have any Florida ‘Hanging chads’ – That’s what throws things awry. (L))


With all the uncertainty over certain races and which seats are going to be filled by which party and all the other ‘goodies’ yet to come I breathe a huge sigh and even though I think things will come out on an even keel – I’m loath to rock the boat – [Even I don’t know what that means.]


So hold tight and rock on  as the young’uns are want to say [and my clues are scanty as to what they mean by it] and be assured by this time next Spring you will have forgotten all about it and be concerned with whatever else is happening under the NEW ADMINISTRATION!  That’s a cast-iron reliable prediction no matter who wins. (J) Ain’t it fun?


We’ll think and talk more tomorrow. Glad to have you with us, we praise the Lord for your willingness to join in. Frankly I don’t know just how the word spreads… I do think it’s by the little birds at the window sill. (J)


See you tomorrow (DV) IN HIM


Jack & Barbara




MizP: Jist a Minit: You said this week we’d have some

   Answers not jist questions.

Jack: Right – what answers do you have Miz Pearl?.

MizP: Wait a minit… Ah figgered you’d be giving th’

   Answers an Ah’d be asking the questions. ‘

BB: Souns like a good Idee Miz Pearl – whut is

   Your questions?

MizP: Now don’t you start Mr. Beelie… 

Homer: Hit’s OK Miz Pearlie… Mr. Bill is jist a-

   -pullin you-wah straing.

MizP: Oh…OK

BB: We jist a joshin’ MizP:

MizP: But we don’e have no time an Beelie is a-

BB: Waistin’ hit – ah’m sorry – Ah jist like ta see

   You showin’ sum spunk.

Jack: You haven’t learned Mr. Mr. Bill that Miz Pearli

   Does have a temper…

Homer: Of course you’s rite Mr. Jack – Do you have

   A question Miz Pearlie.

MizP: Ah shore do… I wanna know who’s ahead in

   This thang we calls a ‘lection.

Jack: Hard to tell Mmiz Pearl… we won’t know for

  Sure until November.

MizP: Ah know tha-ut much…. But whuts’ a happnin?

Jack: Right now Miz Pearl it looks pretty sure that

  Mr. Obama will be the nominee and tomorrow will

  Almost surely tell who will be running against him.

MizP: Fer shure Mr. Jack.

Jack: No, not “for sure” – but looks most likely.

 Miz: An who you’ll thank will win? Mr. Jack?

Jack: Well, I’ve been praying it won’t be Mr. Obama.

Homer: Me too… Ah thank mos of usn’s don’t.

Homer: Ah thank a majoritity thanks th’ same.

MizP: But jist th’ same you ain’t shore!

BB: Naw…nothin’s fer shore MizP ‘ceptin’ death

MizP: An TAXES – Ah’ve done heered that afore.

Jack: So politics is a hard ride MizPearl …

MizP: Youi Kin mark ‘at down fer shore, lotsa weep…

BB: Weepin’ an disappointmints Ah guess – but th

   Main thang is ta keep th’ main thang th’ main thang ….

MizP: Keep th’ main thang th’ main thang an at’s afac!

Jack:  Join us next week. <I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service




Monday, April 23, 2012


Sorry – once again the attachments ran away… here’s the messages that go with the previous ‘sent’ mail – Jack



Script for msg 120404:





          Just a Minute: Today I’m sorting through the opinions of the Wall St. Journal, New York Times, and the Washington Post is a nightmare. Nobody knowseverybody’s guessing. So I’m dealing with data but admittedly it’s not ALL the data – and it’s always shifting.

          However here’s the summary of all trend lines from January to thus far in April, for the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows twenty four (24%) of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval

Index rating of a negative -19 points. There are LOTS of polls – but I look at two things, the methodology of the pollsters and the longer term trend lines.

         The final numbers aggregated DO NOT take into account the various states and their heft in the electoral college. So this is the context to which I refer for an overall view -- it does not predict a final result or take into account the vagaries of the electoral college.

          Right now I can’t devise a more accurate index. <I’m Jack Buttram.> (END)

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Sorry – once again the attachments ran away… here’s the messages that go with the previous ‘sent’ mail – Jack



Script for msg 120404:





          Just a Minute: Today I’m sorting through the opinions of the Wall St. Journal, New York Times, and the Washington Post is a nightmare. Nobody knowseverybody’s guessing. So I’m dealing with data but admittedly it’s not ALL the data – and it’s always shifting.

          However here’s the summary of all trend lines from January to thus far in April, for the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows twenty four (24%) of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval

Index rating of a negative -19 points. There are LOTS of polls – but I look at two things, the methodology of the pollsters and the longer term trend lines.

         The final numbers aggregated DO NOT take into account the various states and their heft in the electoral college. So this is the context to which I refer for an overall view -- it does not predict a final result or take into account the vagaries of the electoral college.

          Right now I can’t devise a more accurate index. <I’m Jack Buttram.> (END)

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NOBODY KNOWS, EVERYBODY'S GUESSING -- Just A Minute Radio for Tuesday 120424

Wonderful brisk day in the neighborhood don’t you think. I hope the orchardists think so and suffer no losses.


With all the data flying around… 1001 opinions of who’s ahead of whom and how much… it’s a bit of a puzzle to figure out what’s actually going on out there in the election-land. So… I try  to simplify a little.


The Rasmussen Poll seems to be the most accurate – at least so far in the contests that have been gone after this year. Even there with so much data from so many states – and everything isn’t uniform in the way it’s counted and administered one wonders that we have anything like accurate elections. If you look at some of the voting districts divided up in the states and by the states you get an Idea of what I’m describing. There’s too much jelly to get on one slice of bread … especially with all the peanut butter. (J)


So today I’m taking a swipe at trying to stick to a uniform yardstick we can come back to and at least get a rough idea of what’s happening out there in the electoral hinterlands.


The Rasmussen polls I’ve found to be the most accurate for a couple of reasons I believe.  1) He sticks with uniform methods. And also likely voters.  I believe he polls about 500 people via telephone calls  (and I think that’s including some cell phones as a more vital factor.)  And secondly he uses robo-calling… 2) that’s having the same voice ask the same questions in the same order with the same inflections etc. and takes at least *some*  of the variations out of the process.


He polls and posts the results of the tracking polls every day – or almost every day accounting for holidays etc.  The results are counted up in a very uniform manner and I’ve found his predictions to be the most accurate of the regular pollsters. Anyway I find Rasmussen to be a real credit to the data gathering world.


Maybe we’ll have more data to compare with results and even have a more accurate field of information to rake over and dissect when we’re trying to identify trends before the polls are counted.


Well… that’s enough for this evening/morning wherever you are. May the Lord bless your efforts too.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack & Barbara

Charles "Chuck" Colson Goes Home -- Just A Minute Radio for Monday 120423

The News over the weekend is sort of startling since we had no advance notice – but it’s news and manageable.


Charles “Chuck” [to his friends] Colson went home to be with his Lord Saturday afternoon.  


His death was due to a blood clot on his brain from surgery apparently done in March. For a while they thought things were getting better, but eventually the condition apparently became impossible to correct. Chuck had been making a presentation in northern Virginia when he became dizzy and was taken to a major hospital in that area. Despite the surgeons and medical personnel’s best efforts his condition continued to decline until he passed away Saturday afternoon about 3PM.


Of course condolences pour in to Landsdowne, VA where Prison Fellowship Ministries is located near the Potomac in Loudon County I believe, on the western bank of the Potomac – it is a ‘census designated’ city of a little less than 12 thousand people according to the best information I have. My youngest daughter worked in the Washington area for several years and was also employed by Prison Fellowship Ministries for a time when she lived in the Northern Virginia area.


In today’s Just A Minute I draw on my experience with Brother Colson before he had the notorious involvement with the Nixon resignation. Many involved with the Watergate-Nixon story that was dominant in the news media back in 1973 and resulted in the President’s resignation and ultimate pardon by his successor Gerald Ford. There’s as much reading material as you want to read about the whole lengthy episode. Some people served time for it – others did not. Colson – for various reasons did not. TIME reports his jail bird days as seven months – although the trauma Colson himself endured was obviously much longer.


In addition to Prison Fellow ship he donated a million dollar Templeton Prize to charities – and various other charitable and assistance efforts in which he has not been sparing. Nonetheless there are plenty of Colson ‘unforgivers’ who remain steadfast and harsh judges of Colson never to be silenced it seems.


That’s about all for now.. There will be other stories of the funeral arrangements etc. He and his family have homes in Virginia and Florida it seems. I think the unforgiving nature of his critics will eventually have its own reward. Check the internet if you wish to get the most up to date information.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram



Charles “Chuck” Colson Goes Home


     Just a Minute: Saturday, Chuck Colson, a central figure in President Nixon’s White House resignation, went home to be with the Lord after complications resulting from brain surgery. He was 80 years old. I had met him being interviewed in his White House office for a National Committee job.

     I didn’t get the job, I didn’t give the answers he wanted; this was before Chuck Colson trusted Christ as his Saviour.


     After he’d served his time in an Alabama prison, trusted Christ and founded a Christian prison ministry – which lasted the rest of his life, I wrote him a letter when his book “Born Again” was published. I thanked him for not recommending me for the job. He answered with a very kind note noting none of his White House staff had been judged as participants in his misdeeds so none were punished.


     Chuck, like all of us, was a sinner saved by trusting in the Lord Jesus. If you’d like to know the full story of his coming to Christ, I’ll get you further information or you can probably check your local library or Christian book store. The title is “Born Again.”

¨     I’m Jack Buttram.  (END)  

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

ANOTHER *MIS*-ESTIMAGE! - Just a Minute for Friday 120420

Wonderful to be at Friday once again. Didn’t think I’d ever make it. (L) We had so many delays and obstacles.


But that’s the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. We are *prepared* to proceed to the end. It’ just that we hit these little rough-patches from time to time.


This little sequence actually happened to me back about 1972 – I enjoyed helping a scholar – a gentleman whose name I’ve unfortunately forgotten – tell the world we’re not running out of “proven oil reserves” which the government was convinced (by other scholars) that we were using up our precious oil reserves too fast. And they thought the reason we had experienced some gasoline shortages was assignable to that fact. 


The fact was – there was no scientific evidence at all to back up the shortage. The oil companies had mis-estimated the demands – and shipbuilders had apparently started late to build the super tankers that were already on the drawing boards but had not been started soon enough to meet demand.


On top of that everyone was worried about the chances of spilling oil in the gulf of Mexico… when the first major spill came off the Al-Can coast when a ship’s captain came too close to some underwater reefs – reportedly while he was in bed. (Not sure about that.)


Nowadays there’s similar “shortage” paranoia. But the Natural Gas industry has been so industrious about storing the stuff – plus a warm winter that delayed demand a LOT and they can’t find a place to put it all…


For a while there was a program to store helium also…. And my office was right next to the fellow responsible for their newsletter and all that stuff…. But they ran out of empty salt mines and other underground storage areas to keep that program alive.  Oh we’ve been wasting money on *many* big problems – but somebody has been managing to stuff some of those $$$ in their bank accounts. So the #1 rule is don’t let government do it or you’ll get a messed up program.


Well, no need to go over all that again. Our Lord makes no mistakes like that… it’s only selfishness and greed that raises its ugly head. Praise the Lord HE formed it all and HE knows how to fix it all…and He does – and HE will…


See you all next week Lord willing… and perhaps we’ll make some progress toward having a budget and solving some other workaday problems. But Be not afraid – HE IS in charge and HE will bring it all right sometime – possibly quite soon. So let’s be ready. Amen? – Amen!


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack and Barbara




            Just a Minute: Here’s another reason not to believe everything you hear.

          I worked with American Enterprise Institute, a think tank in Washington in 1972 and I wrote a news release about an AEI study showing competing studies from other sources guestimating about oil reserves was way off. Competing scholars – not with AEI – were hitting the panic button about “proven oil reserves” -- spreading fear we were about to use up all our oil.

          My scholar said no.  Oil reserves, he pointed out --  are not like buckets. How much oil is in the ground depends in large part on how much you want to pay to pump it out. That remains true today. Searching and drilling techniques have improved and estimates of those reserves have jumped from 455 billion 40 years ago to something like 1.2 trillion barrels now – today!

          Same thing about Natural GAS. Ron Bailey writing in the WSJ “Notable & Quotable” column says we likely have 120 years worth of Natural Gas available in North America could be 250 years. – Don’t let the “sky is falling – Chicken Little” crowd bamboozle you.        <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)  


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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

MR. OBAMA FAVORS DOG-BURGERS? - Just a Minute Radio for Thursday 120419

We really had a downpour last night and again this morning – the Lord must be filling up the Lakes… and the subsoil.


It also like to have drowned our little boxwoods that will take 50 years to grow into maturity I guess.  And we have other projects underway to get on with it. Deciding it’s time to ‘bite’ the bullet and do the prettifying as best we can with what we can.


Also the Romney vs. Obama campaign is beginning to take on a vague outline as it should – and I hoped it would sometime back. But better now than then.


It’s still a long time before the conventions convene… but they are already acting like they’re over. Of course they’re not… and there’s many a ‘slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip.’  They can slip badly or so can we. Let’s pray about it most of all.  That’s what really counts. You know the candidates on our side are desirous of prayer support – at least several that I know.  If we’re not sincere about our prayer – who will be? 


Sounds like I’m down to the nubbin of asking you to pray – but I’m not. The verse that came to my mind as I was typing that are:  “For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God I have leaped over a wall.” Ps 18:29. Things that seem impossible and difficult are possible with the Lord and with prayer.  The Lord will lead you and guide you in praying and HE will honor your diligence. It’s … as my grandsons often ask me… “Is it for real.” Yes son… it is for real!


See you tomorrow and keep on looking up! God bless us all! 


Cordially, IN HIM






            Just a Minute: The Obama campaign tried hard to embarrass Mr. Romney about riding his dog around in a car-top cage the dog seemed to enjoy – windshield and all.  But the Romney campaign struck back with information Obama did try-out weed and cocaine in college but also said as a boy Obama was a dog eater. This information was corroborated in his autobiography, “Dreams of my Father”. In which he more or less self-confessed. 

          OK he was a boy – he says. The hallucination ‘experiments’ he confesses -- came later in college. But the twitter network *magnified* his off-the-record behavior preferences with a ‘hashtag’ contest called: “Obama’s Dog Recipes” to which entries were contributed such as: “Escar-bo, Bo-main and Hound Cake.”

          I’m afraid this is the kind of twaddle we’re gonna have to put up with from now to November.  If you’re communicating with either campaign -- tell ‘em -- can the dog food and get on with the election. <> I’m Jack Buttram.


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