Monday, May 31, 2010

EMPATHIZER-IN-CHIEF -- Just A Minute Radio for Monday 100531

            Howdy… Great to have you with us today…


            Today’s news, I thought, brought forth a pinch of repentance on the part of one of the leaders of the Washington Press Corps – Mr. David Broder – who is the long-time syndicated columnist at the Washington Post.  He’s been around longer than I have. (L)… Which makes him senior…(J)….


            It’s largely that the new guys (and ladies) having to jostle for position in the White House briefing room and getting their jollies by marking down how often Robert Gibbs says “uh”  don’t often want to be caught out in right field saying something that the older (and presumably wiser) heads aren’t saying – or writing.  The only upstart rapscallion group in this sea of conviviality are the folks running FOX news – who seem to be winning the Cable ratings war by being the ‘brash kid on the block.’


            If you follow the ‘inside press box’ kind of game played in DC… it’s a rather tough pecking order.  The old guys (and gals – excuse me) don’t like to be upstaged or ‘scooped’ by somebody newly come to town – so it’s a rather invisibly ordered affair.  And the oldies don’t care for the greenhorns upsetting the apple cart…  All that to say the ‘independence’ of the press corps (which more properly ought to be ID’ed as ‘media persons’ is being challenged all over the place.  They don’t like the bloggers (the P.J. kids) at home or thumbing their blackberries, who have got a nasty way of beating out the older folks… or at least scaring them a lot… so it’s a rather more hostile ground than a mine field – which makes news competitiveness these days nearly a blood sport.


            All that to explain why when you see someone like Dave Broder seemingly take a ‘softball’ approach to the President’s news conference (the first he’d had in over 300 days) … not mentioned much by the ‘lame stream media’ as Mrs. Palin has come to refer to them – is news in itself.  See  the newsmen (er … people) are for the most part supposed to keep themselves out of the story – they are reporters, not performers.  At least that’s the way the script is written.  But lots of people are caught stepping over the line nowadays.


            Well… that’s all rather shot through with jargon… I’m not sure I understand it all because as the guy selling the $5 program sings out when you come in the stadium: “You can’t tell the players without a program.”  And the people with access to the programs don’t want to share. (L).


            We’ll take another crack at explaining that sometimes on a slow news day… meanwhile… let’s just keep paddlin’.


Cordially, IN HIM




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Just a Minute: -- As I began to read Dave Broder’s Sunday piece in the Washington Post I thought for a moment the blinders finally had come off -- but it was a  false hope. I’ve known David since the ’64 Goldwater days. He wrote for the now shuttered Washington Evening Star and is the acknowledged ‘un-retired’ dean of the Washington press corps. .

His opening sentence began: “It took almost a full hour of Barack Obama's news conference for the professor-president to come down from his lecture platform and show [his] human reaction to the gulf oil leak accident..”  I thought the press corps might *finally* be peeking through the blinders.  But it was not to be. Concluding his 700 words or so, he was back in the Obama pocket saying: “What began as a defensive academic exercise ended on a much better note.”

This just illustrates the difficulties encountered this year – and other years – as the overwhelmingly liberal(slash)progressive opinionators of the heavy-duty press people slave away under their  double standard.

It’s difficult for the public to get a clear picture – and turns out to be equally confusing to their supporters.

<> I’m Jack Buttram  (END)

Jebco Editorial Service






Friday, May 28, 2010

IS REFORM GOING TO *REALLY* REFORM? -- Just a Minute Radio for Friday 100528

            Howdy – it’s FRIDAY and another one of the giants of the airways is gone… Art Linkletter… RIP


            For about a year I worked with former California Senator George Murphy – and we often had entertainment figures drop in the Washington office.  One was Art Linkletter who began his broadcast career in the ‘30’s and carried it on up through part of the 70s.  He passed away yesterday at 97 at his home in the Bel-Air neighborhood of Los Angeles.  He was as cheerful and friendly in person as he was on the air.


            But back to politics – The President held his first full-fledged press conference in over 300 days yesterday and finally got some *real* questions – to which he gave rather soggy answers.  Questioned by Fox’s White House Correspondent – he said I’ll get back to you on that --- soon… I didn’t hear the specifics, but I expect they’re flexible.


            From the first the Obama team does not seem to be able to appreciate just how much they miss the communications mark.  I’ve never seen James Carville, with his N’awlins accent be so upset about his leader’s apparent political indifference to the plight of the Louisiana coast – never mind the rest of the Gulf of Mexico – or the world for that matter. 


            Being President is a tough job…  I’ve often wondered why so many seek it.  Obviously as Warren Buffett proves yearly, you can make more money doing other things if that’s your goal.  Is getting your face on TV and riding twice in one week from coast to coast (never mind the cost) in AF-One worth the grind?  Apparently.


            I’ll give the Prez a pass on golfing and playing with the guys in a game of hoops… never been a golfer and not too good at hitting the basket either – but there comes a time of self-reckoning. “Why am I here? What am I accomplishing?  To what end? What happens then?” Those are all questions that are important – and have eternally important answers – even if you can hop on a helicopter and get transported to the Camp David retreat at will. 


            I don’t mean to be flippant or mean, and am not in the slightest angry except for the nation and my fellow citizens.  I share the feeling we are careening down a slippery slope nationally – and I know we are spiritually.  My prayers are with those who have not come to know a saving relationship with the God of the Bible – and that’s not said just because I’m sectarian. I’m also American and I hate to see all the innocents being put through the wringer to satisfy anyone’s misplaced ego.  Some days I feel like Tiny-Tim.  God bless us – everyone.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just a Minute: -- Dan Henninger, Wall St. Journal Columnist, suggests not to get in a lather for reform until a *real* leader steps to the plate.

All the palaver about cooperation, -- finding common ground --, and corralling Republican Senators to a White House lecture session, is pure window-dressing.  The White House is assuming a real leader for 2012 election won’t appear because Democrats think they already have a reform leader in Barack Hussein Obama.

Nonetheless, some cross currents are stirring the electorate.  The Pew Poll continues to peg trust in government at 22 percent -- approval rate for Congress is 23 percent. Something’s got to change.  Henninger believes when people call themselves “Americans, Californians … or even New Jerseyans Persians… they’re talking about a place name … with a grand political history.”  Underneath it is rage at much misgovernance. He sees real reform seeking better politicians who will end gerrymandering and repeal campaign-finance limits that keep good candidates from seeking public office.

Well – that’s a determined start. Lets’ put some powerful prayer behind it.

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service




Wednesday, May 26, 2010

IS THERE NO MIDDLE TO THE POLITICAL ROAD? - Just a Minute Radio for Wednesday 100526

            ‘Tis once again the middle of the week… How pleasant!


            Possibly the politicos involved in what’s happening in DC and other locales are believing the electorate is hanging on their every word and action.  But it appears the public at large is getting the drift of what’s going on behind ‘closed doors’ as well as what’s happening in the wells of the House and Senate.


            Gerald F. Seib – of the Wall St. Journal, writes a Capital Journal column twice a week I believe – and it gives devoted wanna be pundits a high standard when it comes to handicapping the gossip that wafts over ‘foggy bottom’ -- and the rest of the swamp that has come to be called “The District.”  Jerry – who has served as the Journal’s bureau Chief for some time now, seems to keep a steady hand on the throttle and tiller.  He’s not given to chasing every rumor that flashes over the Potomac --- at the same time he catches nuances of what’s happening, possibly because it’s his charge to keep a hungry herd of Journalists under his own surveillance – which is not the easiest high-wire act in the city.


            At the same time because of his exposure to what various writers are working on in the political shadows, as well as serving in overseas news posts, he is perhaps about as well suited to the clash and grinding of the political grist mill as anyone in George Washington’s former backyard.  Today’s JUST A MINUTE is grateful to Mr. Seib for his insightful finger pointing and keeping track of who’s moving up and who’s moving down.


            If you’re looking for data to feed into your Crystal Ball …his columns are not fluffy gossip … nor so heavy laden with the minutia of counting states, counties and PAC reports that you can’t tell the forests for the trees.  For my take on my former haunts on the banks of the Potomac, I believe he gets it right most of the time and does so with apparent ease without ostentatious egalitarianism.


            It’s nice to find a subdued, but most often accurate, voice in the cacophonic bedlam that passes for the news stream coming out of the national capital.  We welcome the quiet.


            Cordially. IN HIM



IS THERE NO MIDDLE TO THE POLITICAL ROAD? - Just a Minute Radio for Wednesday 100526

            ‘Tis once again the middle of the week… How pleasant!


            Possibly the politicos involved in what’s happening in DC and other locales are believing the electorate is hanging on their every word and action.  But it appears the public at large is getting the drift of what’s going on behind ‘closed doors’ as well as what’s happening in the wells of the House and Senate.


            Gerald F. Seib – of the Wall St. Journal, writes a Capital Journal column twice a week I believe – and it gives devoted wanna be pundits a high standard when it comes to handicapping the gossip that wafts over ‘foggy bottom’ -- and the rest of the swamp that has come to be called “The District.”  Jerry – who has served as the Journal’s bureau Chief for some time now, seems to keep a steady hand on the throttle and tiller.  He’s not given to chasing every rumor that flashes over the Potomac --- at the same time he catches nuances of what’s happening, possibly because it’s his charge to keep a hungry herd of Journalists under his own surveillance – which is not the easiest high-wire act in the city.


            At the same time because of his exposure to what various writers are working on in the political shadows, as well as serving in overseas news posts, he is perhaps about as well suited to the clash and grinding of the political grist mill as anyone in George Washington’s former backyard.  Today’s JUST A MINUTE is grateful to Mr. Seib for his insightful finger pointing and keeping track of who’s moving up and who’s moving down.


            If you’re looking for data to feed into your Crystal Ball …his columns are not fluffy gossip … nor so heavy laden with the minutia of counting states, counties and PAC reports that you can’t tell the forests for the trees.  For my take on my former haunts on the banks of the Potomac, I believe he gets it right most of the time and does so with apparent ease without ostentatious egalitarianism.


            It’s nice to find a subdued, but most often accurate, voice in the cacophonic bedlam that passes for the news stream coming out of the national capital.  We welcome the quiet.


            Cordially. IN HIM



Sunday, May 23, 2010


G’day Again…


Here we are on a Monday – starting a new week as the month of May rolls on. 


Although there’s been a lot in the way of rain promised locally – not much has actually arrived.  It’s easy to tell because the grass does not thrive… and I have to keep watering the Impatiens around the mailbox as newly planted. If I don’t, I fear they won’t make it and what we intended to be attractive will turn out as just a brown patch.


Well… those are often the results of good intentions but bad executions.  One thing I remember about my Dad as a gardener… he didn’t want to waste anything.  We even had a compost pile in the city.  It wasn’t very big and I don’t really think we produced enough compost to make it worth the effort – until apple harvesting and cider makin’ and it grew mightily then – but at least the efforts wasn’t lost on me.


Dad having grown up on a farm in the South… and married a girl from a similar background … was of the “Wear it out.” – “Use it up.” – “Don’t throw away something that could possibly be used for something else.” – school.  From the looks of my ‘cubbyhole’ tool room and boxes of things I wonder why I’m saving them… or what I’m saving them for… I think I’m fully enrolled in the same school. 


Even on both my grandpa’s farms – one in SC and one in AL – I can recall tool sheds, black-smith shop, wood sheds, smoke-house, barns of course, and multitudes of places where things were set aside and kept on the premise we “might” use them again… and so they multiplied.


In our own relatively small family – only five children in the household – we seem to live under the curse that clutter expands and multiplies in direct proportion to fill the available space no matter how much it is.   Our  youngest daughter is doing her best to make a living as an artist and a designer and manufacturer of… “Famsters”… as well as a painter on fabric… I can’t explain it all… but sometime I’ll post her website and you can go look if you’re so inclined.  There’s always a use… we think…


Matter of fact I had a distant cousin – second or third or “once removed” whatever those designations are.  She made little costume jewelry dolls out of buttons – as well as doing very attractive water colors… and I don’t know what all… I guess it runs in the family.


Sorry for the ramble… Wednesday may be better. (J)


Cordially, IN HIM




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Just a Minute: -- A “Pol’s Pol” says the Wall Street Journal’s  week-end profile of Pennsylvania’s Gov. ‘Fast Eddie’ Rendell. I learned Rendell steered Hillary to a 10 point win over Obama, in 2008.

Currently he teaches a University class on “How to Win Elections.”  Sen. Arlen Specter fatally ignored Rendell’s first law: “inoculate your self against your weakness.” -- In an unguarded moment Specter admitted he’d switched parties “to get re-elected.”

Rendell break down the health care: “Find a young girl who’s being unfairly denied insurance and hold a press conference with her. Dump ‘Cap and Trade’ --  it’s too difficult to explain; tell ‘em how much the Stimulus has helped --  and cast Pat Toomey, as the man from Wall Street.

He says he admires GOP Gov. Christie of New Jersey who’s vetoing tax increases – saying, as Mayor of Philly, he sold ‘em on increasing taxes by saying short term pain for long term gain. Rendell also admires Bill Clinton – and laughingly calls himself and Clinton – “Fiscal Conservatives.”

The two-term Pennsylvania chief executive is term limited but would love to be the DNC’s top smoke-and-mirrors artist.

<> I’m Jack Buttram (END)

Jebco Editorial Service





Thursday, May 20, 2010

SHE SAID WHAT OTHERS DON'T SAY -- Just a Minute Radio for Friday 100521

            It’s FRIDAY once again…. Paul Harvey’s favorite day…             


            And here we are partially post primary elections… the big three we thought would chart our course for the future weeks.  Well…nothing’s perfect in the political world – and it seems this year is more uncertain than most. 


            People in the stock market are nervously looking over their shoulders after the 100o point DJA drop that occurred two weeks ago… not enough time has passed to mask the jitters that occasioned.  In addition the “gold bug” advocates seem more active than usual – about the only thing we don’t have at present (and that could happen before this gets on the air) is another outbreak of tidal waves, tornadoes or earthquake stimulating volcanoes – it’s just a shaky world out there by any measure.


            However… for those who have secured their ultimate destination according to the Word of God – the Bible, and following the best judgment afforded by that miraculous book – there’s a LOT more peace to be had than through any other avenue of which I’m aware.  You just can’t beat the odds put out by the creator of the Universe and all you may learn about His being from that wonderful record.


            I know,,, I know… there’s a huge contingent out there who mark me down as a ‘fruitcake’  -- but the problem is they’ve never given the evidence supporting the supernatural record of the Bible a fair hearing.  One of the best documented cases of a professed agnostic – Civil War Generla Lew Wallace – coming to belief in Christ is a case you should at least give an open hearing.  There are others also – but one cannot intelligently ignore the miraculous fulfillment record and history of the Bible – at the very least -- that’s my take on it.


            No doubt there will be things I do not fully understand – but that’s true of the nature of light – or of modern day electronics… even of statistical alternative probabilities.  I’m impressed by a simple illustration of the value in recognizing Intelligent Design:  Someone has said if you come across a Coke Bottle in the middle of hundreds of square miles of sand like you’d find in the Sahara – you would not reasonably assume that it happened by chance or natural process accident.  To all sensibilities it must at least present a crack in the door opening to Intelligent Design…


            Once I had a very engaging conversation with an ocular scientist on an aircraft flight from Singapore to Tokyo.  We discussed the probabilities of the human eye (or any other animal’s eye) evolving vs. being the product of an intelligent designer.  His final remark as we landed in Tokyo after traversing more than a thousand miles over ocean was:  “Well, you simply *have to* accept evolution ‘because it’s there.’ “  We parted amicably – but I obviously made no headway.


            Well… I rambled off the track today.  Lord willing, we’ll be together again Monday.  Drop me a line at if you’re so inclined.  I do my best to answer all notes and letters within a day or so.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just a Minute: -- Candor may become the new vogue in Washington. Arlen Specter failed to get re-elected switching parties… (Quote) “So I can be RE-ELECTED!”  Which news anchor Chris Matthews says is “unacceptable.”

Chris, who used to flack for Tip O’Neil, -- should have given departing Campbell Brown a medal for candor when she released this statement asking to be cut loose early from her contract:

“To be clear: this is my decision, as for why, I could have said, and that I am stepping down to spend more time with my children (which I truly want to do). Or that I am leaving to pursue other opportunities (which I also truly want to do). But I’ve never had much tolerance for others' spin, so I can't imagine trying to stomach my own. The simple fact is not enough people want to watch my program, and I owe it to myself, and CNN, to get out of the way so [they] can try something else.”

Three cheers for Candid Campbell.  We wish for you a more rewarding job.

<> I’m Jack Buttram (END)

Jebco Editorial Service




Wednesday, May 19, 2010

SO "NOW" WHO'S ON FIRST? NOT SNARLIN' ARLEN! - Just A Minute Radio for Wed. 1005

            Good-day – as  the Aussies say it…


            Hope it’s been a good one for you so far.  Mine started early – between midnight and the wee hours as the returns trickled in and I got today’s program ready… I used to work for a morning paper – carrying them. (J)


            Anyway – the primary election season was already underway.  And we’ve had some interesting elections in MA, and VA and  NJ – So here comes another parade.  Today we’re trying to look over the wreckage in PA and KY and AR… while UT has already sent it’s results and the season is indeed over for some folks like Bob Bennett and Arlen Specter. 


            I’m thinking it’s going to be an even more unusual season with even higher temps and stormy weather. 


            What concerns me most is wondering if we can ever climb out of the debts – but I worried about that back in 1950’s … and it didn’t do any good – we got in deeper and deeper and so it goes.  But there has to be a day of reckoning… and we’re assured – you can read it for yourself… like the little Sunday School song says: “The Bible Tells Us So.”  Problem is we’re just too preoccupied, or as King Solomon did – we’re chasing after the things that are seen – rather than the things, eternal things, which are NOT seen.


            Pity that this wisdom we find in the most expensive school in the world – the school of experience which charges the absolute highest tuition there is – Pray we will be wise enough to be able to pass it along to our progeny and those who follow our fast fading footprints in the sands of time. 


            Better leave the sermonizing to the professionals.  I just write commentary – and the folks at the Bait Shop and Sushi Bar are just glad to be a part of bringing us all together.  Have a good sleep… that’s where I’m headed now.  (J)


            Cordially, IN HIM




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MizPJist A Minute – Mr. Jack, Ah guess Mr. Arlen ain’t a-snarlin’ now.

Jack: Ah suppose you’re right Miz Pearlie…at least not out in public.

BB: Some say he’s done made his bed an now it’s hisn’ ta la down in.

Homer: Sounds ‘bout rite ta me Mr. Beelie… He done switched parties too many times.

Jack: That’s probably right… 30 years ago he switched from being Democrat to Republican.

MizP: So he switched back then?

Jack: That’s right and then switched back last year.

MizP: Tha-ut jist don’t go down well.

Homer: He fount ha-ut out Miz Pearl.

Jack: What part do you think the Tea Party folks played Homer?

Homer: At’s hard ta say Mr. Jack. In some cases, like Kentucky… well they was a lot happenin.

BB: At’s where the Baseball Pitcher coun’t raise much money.

MizP: But hit’s where th’ eye doctor Paul done hit a home run.

Homer: Still he’s got a close race Ah thank now in th’ genrul ‘lection.

BB: An he’ll have ta patch some fences

MizP: But whut about Miz Lincoln… she come close to losin’ dint she?

Homer: Ah’m not sure how ‘twas when Ah wint ta bed… these ‘lections air hard on th’ beauty rest.

BB: Well at’s one thang you shunt skip, Homer…somebody needs a beauty rest hit’s you.

MizP: Now Mr. Beelie… at’s not a nice thang ta say ‘bout Mr. Homer…

BB: He know’s Ah’m jist a joshin’ him.

Jack: Well… it looks like we have a long windy road ahead of us yet.

Homer: Oh year… the’ys Miz Boxer… Miz Fioreena gitt’in awl wound up ‘bout her.

Jack: And then there’s Oprah…

MizP: Is she a-runnin?

Homer: Would you be a-votin’ fer her?

MizP: Ah’d have ta thank about hit a while.

Jack: And we’ll give you time to think… ‘cause it’s all gone today.  See you next week – I’m Jack Buttram.


                                                            JEBCO Editorial Service







Sunday, May 16, 2010

IT'S NEARLY THE LAST TRAIN OUT -- Just A Minute Radio for 100517

Good Day…


Glad you could be with us for the kickoff – Nope … not football weather yet [Spring training maybe – but not football]… Today we’re trying to get the kinks straightened out in the primary races.


Something basic to pick up is: Primary’s are figured out each by the states themselves.  Sometimes there is coordination and sometimes not.  In the South they virtually stopped having primary races during various periods after the “War for Southern Independence” – because there weren’t candidates and for various and sundry other reasons… So… there’s not time to dissect all that now – just know that up to a couple of decades ago in South Carolina for instance, the primary elections were still being conducted by the political parties.  Now they are run by state government – and they are still supposed to be non-political, non partisan… In other words the election is put on by the local government (In most cases the county) with help from the State and its board of elections.


So that’s why there’s no general election date… some states early, some late… all locally controlled…ballots counted locally… and sometimes that gives counting and preserving and making fair the State election has to be done by the state and the results in a Federal election then turned over to the proper officials.  That’s why it takes Maine longer (or shorter in some precincts) to count votes than say Texas.


Some states – Virginia for instance, which is a Commonwealth rather than a state (as are a few others) -- has its election of state officers on the “off” years… that is they are planned for years in which the Presidential or Federal Congressional elections are NOT held. 


It’s equally confusing because there’s no uniform date set for state primary elections… which are often entangled in run-offs where two candidates get results that are not conclusive and the election is run again except this time it is between only the top TWO  candidates.


Easy to tell that foments a LOT of confusion on dates etc… it’s one of the reasons why New Hampshire and Iowa and a handful of others want to be early on the ground in a Presidential year.  It’s not a particularly good system,… but it’s the one we got. (J)  We can change it if there are enough “true and unselfish” people around… but it’s hard to reach a consensus sometimes.


Gotta get the rest of the work done… See you next time.


Cordially, IN HIM




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Just a Minute: --  Here’s a question for tomorrow: Since the President is opting not to travel to help out Mr. Specter – how will the Pennsylvanian vote when the Kagan nomination comes up if he’s still in the Senate?

Same question for Arkansas’s Senator Blanche Lincoln? Put another way: When does party loyalty die?

Rand Paul has about a nine point lead over his opponents in the Kentucky race according to respected polling. From all appearances right now it’s a toss-up – while Paul expresses confidence after getting retiring Kentucky Sen. Jim Bunning’s endorsement, if things do work out that way, Sen. Mitch McConnell’s leadership role will be diminished.

The President listens to White House advisors who’re telling him, behind the hand, he already has Massachusetts and New Jersey’s losses on his card -- If  cards falls in, the realistic assessment will be the President’s role, at this stage, amounts to a very slippery set of coattails.

Handicapping House races now turns out to be even more difficult than figuring Senate wins or losses – but it’s more fun than checkers.

<> I’m Jack Buttram (END)

Jebco Editorial Service




Thursday, May 13, 2010

WE'RE HEADED FOR THE FIRST TURN - Just A Minute Radio for Friday 1005

            Once more – IT’S FRIDAAAAAAy!


            I don’t rightly know why I’m so glad to be here on Friday.  The rest of the week has gone OK… I’m not hurtin’ or anything or anxious to get to the weekend.  Perhaps I’m wanting the primary elections to get on the way and out of the way.  I’ve gotten several political messages this week noting we’re 50+ days to the local primary races… and North Carolina’s are already over and done with (I think).  So… we’ll try to keep up  the pace and be thankful for each day that comes along – uneventfully. 


            It’s no question… the longer we go on this pilgrim journey somethings just get better… and some just go by the board…. And when it comes to health and ease of climbing stairs, or stirring the memory … or being able to do the same things we know we *used* to be able to do.. and now we can’t…  Well… those are particular hurdles to get over.  But even there, there’s a pleasant challenge and it IS a reward when you can remember where you left the coffee cup or the car keys.   No doubt about it… Pat yourself on the back… but don’t throw your shoulder out of joint. (J)


            Today’s program deals with predicting what will happen in the November elections.  And while it’s sort of stimulating to think you can be an accurate guesser … or predictor… I don’t know as I’d like to make my living like that.  But there are plenty of people in the stock market… and at the race tracks, or Las Vegas and Atlantic City who think they can ‘beat the odds.; I’ve never met one who was entirely happy except when he thought he was winning… (or she … for that matter).


            I do remember being engaged in *real* business and having to travel to Las Vegas once… and make a presentation in one of the hotels that also housed a casino.  I was taken aback when walking through the lobby… and the slots were *everywhere*…to see a dear little old grey-headed grandma feeding quarters into a couple of the one-armed bandits as fast and furiously as she could.  It just seemed there was something totally wrong with that picture.  But I’ll guess I have to leave the correcting of it up to the Lord… or someone else who can exert something more than astonishment… which seemed to be my total stock-in-trade that day.


            In defense of the hotel… I do remember the food was good and plentiful – the hotel room was nicely appointed… and except for the amazement of the locale, it was a pleasant trip.  I was just stricken at the … well… only word that seems to fit is “craziness” of it all.  I couldn’t piece it together… but then I had a father who lectured me – and taught me the folly – of taking a chance on the punch-boards that used to be ubiquitous in country grocery and drug stores.  It was the thought of turning a nickel into a quarter I guess… or winning a big Hershey Bar… that was so tempting… What I’m really thankful for is it all faded under my parent’s care for me.  And that’s one of the things I’m thankful for today.  Thanks Mom &  Dad.


            Cordially, IN HIM





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Just a Minute: -- “The 2010 midterm elections will be bad for Democrats.” That’s Karl Rove writing in the Wall Street Journal.  No beating around the bush there. But consider: 

The most severe recent reversal Democrats took was 1994: In this speedo-vision world – changes occur in a nanosecond.

             Here’s a more current picture: Thirty-two percent told ABC/Washington Post Poll in late April – they want to keep their same Congressional representative, while fifty seven percent said they’re looking for someone else… almost the same numbers as in 1994.  Also, Democrats have had 20 retirements compared to 18 Republicans but 11 of those are Democratic swing seats … only 2 swing seats on the Republican side.

            Democrats have more money on hand to spend in both the House and the Senate races – but note -- in 2006 House and Senate candidates outspent Democrats, yet still lost seats. Spending doesn’t tell the whole story.

            Humanly, I see concern about Obama-Care costs, and huge deficits not going away. 

            The biggest single factor – Praying Christians.

            <> I’m Jack Buttram (END)

Jebco Editorial Service







Wednesday, May 12, 2010

WHAT'S WITH THE THREE CHILLY SAINTS? -- Just A Minute Radio for Wed. 100512BB#19ThreeChillySaints

            Good Day to you…


            There have been a couple of ‘throwback days’ this week that manage to upset Al Gore’s Global Warming thermostat.  Plus I’m always getting my non-existent gardener gene confused as to how warm it’s going to be. (or really how cold?)


            But for the most part Spring/Summer is usually here here -- just not quite … Memorial Day in these lower climes marks Summer’s commencement… but you couldn’t tell it when the thermometer read F 41 degrees the other morning … and I’m sure some of our listeners up toward the Tennessee line worried about losing tomato plants and other tender crops.


            I’d never had the time to research what was/is behind the “Three Chilly Saints” designation the Almanac give the 11th 12th and 13th of May.  Turns out the Gregorian or the Georgian calendar back in the earlier centuries were the recorders of cool snaps… and when the slipped a few days this way or that… it apparently got the cool snaps… snapped… and besides that what works for South Carolina doesn’t’ really hold true for Maine and New Hampshire… so it’s all a rather rough guess in any case.  However this year the cool snap came right there on schedule.  I never can track it anyway… our wedding anniversary comes later in May… and by then … 57 years ago… things were pretty *hot* right here in Greenville… and the auditorium at BJU in those days operated *without* air conditioning. 


            Attempts were made to help performers in heavy Shakespearian costumes – plus academic robes worn during the last school days to cool off --  by dumping tons of ice in the air handling system … which raised the humidity a lot but didn’t do a lot for lowering the temperature.  At least the effort was genuine.  Contrary to Mr. Gore’s global warming opus and Pulitzer that’s talked about so much today… it seemed to me to be a LOT warmer back then.  But I digress. 


            Today is a welcome day to skip some politics… although there are interesting things going on… I just need to take a break from 24/7 political chatter… and look around at weddings and graduations … and even funerals to remember there are a lot more important things going on that whether Mr. Obama is going to go up to PA to try and save Mr. Specter’s campaign bacon.  I’m afraid folks… it’s already in the fire and blazing… One of the unforeseen consequences of GOP profligate spending along with the Democrat’s loose pursestrings is an electorate even more frustrated than usual with *both* parties and with the Tea Party folks it’s become time for the perpetrators to walk the plank (I think) … but we’ll just have to see how things pan out.  [I’m looking for the frying pan.]


            Well… I didn’t manage to totally skip politics after all… Sorry about that!


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack Buttram


 Delayed audio link –







MizP:  Jist A Minute – Mr. Jack, Ah’ve got a question.

Jack: You know that often happens on Wednesday…

BB: Whut’s the question Miz Pearlie… Mr. Jack ain’t th’ onny one ‘roun here wif ansers…

MizP: Ah’m jist a wantin’ ta know ‘bout th’ three Chilly saints?

Jack: You read about them in the Almanac.

MizP: Rite… an I thought hit’d git usn’s away from th’ policiks fer once.

Jack: The Old Farmer’s says it’s three days in May in which some folks think there could be a frost.

MizP: Izzat rite?

BB: Oh I’ze heered of tha-ut – we had a farmer up air at Dark Corner  frum Germany er Switxerland…

Homer: Ah ‘member him – Mr. Blenheim… he’s allus keerful ‘bout his gardning.

BB: Said sumtimes… May ‘even ,twelve en thirteen could come a quick frost an kill off th’ tender plants.

Jack: That’s right…

MizP: But what a-bout th’ saints?

Homer: Summa them old legends named th’ days after Mamertius, Pancras (or Pancratius) and Gervais.

BB;  Yeah… May 11, 12 and 13 is called by them names.  I bet you din’t know Homer could speak French.

Jack: Congratulations Homer.  Homer: Aw… hit’s easy ifn’ nobody’s listening.  ---

MizP: Ah’s heered tha-ut b’fore .

Jack: Sure… you can check it out yourself… Ephesians Chapter one verse one… or Romans one seven… and many other places in the New Testament all believers in Christ are called– saints.

BB: An at’s good ta know.

Homer: Hit really is.

Jack:  Well – I’m glad you asked the question Miz Pearlie… and it has been a bit chilly the last few days…

MizP: So… I guess we’z fouah chilly saints…

Homer: Hit was a unintended consequent tha-ut you done ast the question.

Jack: And time’s up too quickly once again… we’ll be back next week

MizP: Rite here on JIST A MINIT.

Jack: I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

                                                                                    JEBCO Editorial Service
