Sunday, August 30, 2009

NO COLA -- DIET OR OTHERWISE - Just A Minute for Monday, August 31, 2009

Hello Once Again –


It’s a cool(er) August morning. We won’t see another one like this for a year. Several people have told me it seems like this Summer has just skated by as if blown by the wind. I agree – but I thought it was just me with the advancing of my age. It’s like having the wind at your back, pushing you along.


Last week was rather momentous. The passing of Senator Kennedy – while the House and Senate are out on the Hustings (at least about a third to a fifth are – nobody is keeping really accurate records.) Next year at this time the ‘off-year elections’ will be getting hot. For some Democrats in swing districts, they are already feeling the heat. What nobody knows is how things will play out a year from now and more… Historically the first year after a significant swing in party loyalty – when the White House has changed party occupants – a spate of what might be called ‘buyers remorse’ floods the polls. The most recent Tidal Wave of that sort was 1994 – about 18 years ago when the GOP got control of both houses of Congress. That tide reversed itself in 2008 when both houses AND the White House fell into Democrat hands as we continued a rapid descent down a slippery economic slope.


Will the fact that Barack Obama is the first American President of African descent be a factor in next year’s elections? Undoubtedly. What effect will it have? It’s anybody’s guess – and lots are guessing, while lots are wishing. You can fill in your own blanks arguing those points. The fact is the political landscape is like a seascape – it’s restless and constantly shifting. What’s up this year can be down next year or it can be up and then down and back up by the next election. From that illustration I think it wise to get way back and take a long-perspective look before making predictions. If you’ve already committed yourself – oops… too late.


I heard a Harvard professor say on the radio yesterday, “I’ve found I’ve never been very good at predicting the future.” If I were President Obama, I think I’d have several hundred of those signs madeup and installed first on his own desk – and on those of his top ranked Civil Servants as well as Cabinet Officers. It would save a lot of grief – also I don’t doubt it’s unasked for advice that will be given the amount of attention it cost. So…put away your Ouija Boards, Crystal balls and flip no more coins. The Bible is your best source of getting a good idea of what’s going to happen in your future or mine, Stick with what has the best track record of them all – God’s word.


            Cordially, IN HIM



            Jack Buttram


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          Just A MinuteLots of seniors enjoy this program so I want to let you know what AARP and other so-called senior lobbies are crying about for next year. For the first time in 35 years, we Social Security vagabonds won’t get a cost of living increase or COLA in our monthly payments. It did go up 5.8% for this year.

            Now Congress – not having enough to do debating health care – is probably going to confuse things. There will be no COLA [cost of living adjustment] increase this year because the Consumer Price Index has fallen for the past nine months. CPI’s the official cost of living measurement. It’s gone down by 2.3%. So they believe your Social Security benefit is actually now purchasing a bit more. There’s a provision in the law however that which says COLA payments can’t be reduced in any year in which the COLA goes negative.

          Nonetheless, most of us will have to pay about $2 a month more next year because Medicare drug premiums -- part D -- which comes out of those monthly payments will probably be higher. Confused? Blame it on AARP.

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service






Wednesday, August 26, 2009

KERRY TO CLINTON TO OBAMA -- TRIPLE PAY! - Just A Minute Radio for Friday Aug. 28th 2009

            Hello again… seems like we just did this a few days ago… IT’S FRIDAY!


            A team of FBI agents barely nabbed a fleeing suspect at Newark International Airport Tuesday night. He’s a wealthy investment banker who doubles as a Democrat Fund raiser. He heads his own Investment Group called Nemazee Investments in New York, but he’s suspected of providing forged and fraudulent papers to demonstrate collateral and thereby secure a $74 million investment loan from Citi bank.


            The AP story described Hassan Nemazee, well known among the heavy-hitting ‘bundlers’ in greenback political circles as someone who had provided “forged and fraudulent” information to secure a BIG loan from Citi. All the details aren’t in yet – but they were apparently enough to satisfy the Feds they could pull him out of the boarding line at Newark, take him before a judge and get a an ankle bracelet discussion going in the police station. Of course in America everyone is *presumed* innocent until it’s proven otherwise.


            Perhaps it’s the hypocrisy of the news media coming at the same time as Ted Kennedy’s death that contributes to an overarching cloud saying to my soul that hardly anything we see these days rings true. I guess it’s just a mood and it will pass I suppose. I just can’t discard the knowledge that 28 year old Mary Jo Kopechne was left to drown while rich and privileged Teddy, dissembled attempting to save his skin and reputation. When I checked the Internet on Wednesday afternoon…the headline on Google was Mary Jo was back in the spotlight. Google’s traffic counter said there were far more searches on her name than Teddy’s. Maybe she’s not so forgotten after all.


            Frankly, it’s a sadly misinformed, morally misshapen world out there. You and I are part of it if we’re part of the human race – not because I say so, but because God’s word has said it thousands of years ago – ’… all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” I’m not in the bully pulpit at the moment, just repeating what our eyes, ears and hearts tell us is true – and we find it corroborated in the pages of Holy Writ. God will make it all come out right in the end.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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          Just A Minute – Back in 1910, the Chicago Cubs had a Hall of Fame trio of infielders -- Tinker to Evers to Chance. They turned many a double into a double play. Now the Democrat line up of Kerry to Clinton to Obama has a winning fund-raiser, short-stopped at Newark airport before boarding a flight to Rome. He’s Hassan Nemazee, wealthy Democrat investment banker.      Nemazee’s accused of providing Citibank with "fraudulent and forged" information to secure a $74 million dollar business loan. Giving records show he’s been a top fund raiser for Kerry, Clinton and Obama – triple stars of team Democrat.

          Prosecutors said FBI agents put Nemazee, 59, in the local Newark lockup for Tuesday night, halting his trip to Rome. He paid off the $74 million loan next day. Nemazee, was national finance co-chairman for Mrs. Clinton's presidential bid last year but went to work for Obama, after her primary defeat. In ’04 he was New York state finance chairman for Senator John Kerry. 

            Looks like they’re overdue for some changes in that lineup.

<> I’m Jack Buttram



Jebco Editorial Service









Tuesday, August 25, 2009

THAT'S BARACK BROWN-WATER -- HIT'S GOOOOD! - Juat A Minute Radio for Wednesday August 26, 2009

            Hello here in Mid-week –


            Having grown tired of playing with the doggy-bone of health-care (or insurance company) reform, the White House goes off to contemplate it’s navel near Plymouth Rock – or that general vicinity. I say White House because few of us have reason to know that the White House goes wherever the President is. (If you’re not too picky about what the meaning of ‘is’ is.) I’m not sure that’s totally sure when the President goes overseas and leaves the Vice President in charge of things at home… but I think it’s a general enough rule to be carefully observed. There’s only one President at a time anyway.


            The humorous instance for me was Gen. Alexander Haig solemnly *informing* the Reagan Cabinet when the President was undergoing surgery after being shot, that: “Until the President returns, I am in charge here.” Apparently his ego had enlarged to the point of causing  forgetfulness to overrule his knowledge that we do have an elected Vice President. Beyond that when both the President and VP are ‘incapacitated’ or absent or whatever, our constitution believes being elected Speaker of the House – because it is the representative body closest to the people by virtue of being elected every two years, and duly the body charged with originating all revenue bills (although Congress routinely ignores that constitutional provision) and thereby the Speaker is *third* in line as emergency President. I’m not quite sure where it goes after that. Senator Thurmond maintained fourth in line is President Pro-Tem of the Senate (since the VP who is President of the Senate has been incapacitated or whatever) but I’m not sure even of that. Beyond, it goes to Cabinet rank I think… probably Secretary of State, which is I believe the cabinet office with most seniority. Anyway, I’m not going to sit up worrying about it.


            Our ship of State is, in these days, in very choppy waters – in many ways unprecedented. But I believe we’d be foolish to panic ourselves about it. We have many good men and women high in the ranks of our government and armed forces. Leadership under dire circumstances would be called out. We can confidently say Ebenezer – “hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” And believe it.


            Our God is the Almighty One.


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack Buttram


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BB: Just a Minit – Mr. Jack, You’s heered about Greenville’s brown water – right?

Jack: Not *OUR* Greenville?

MizP: Oh they’s a lot of um.

BB: No this’n’s Greenville Mississippi -- candidate Obama promised ‘em hep las year.

HOMER: Tell him th’ whole thang, Miz Pearl.

MizP: Candidate Obama done come campaignin’ ta' Greenville Miss. Las year

HOMER: Miz Hillirary was runnin hard -- but th’ town’s brown tap water -- nothin’ th’ matter jist Cypress roots in th’ town’s wells.

MizP: Water’s duble filtered, chlorinformed an awl -- but rite there on th’ motel’s frunt desk -- where Mr. Obama’s a stayin’ …

HOMER: Tell him ‘bout th’ sign Miz Pearl...

MizP: There’s a sign tha-ut says: “Y'all can drink our water and bathe without fear. For no one lives longer than the folks around here."

BB: See everbody knows ‘bout hit down there…But the lady mayor…

MizP: Oh lemme tell …. She’s only in early thirties and b’leves th’ water’s a-holdin’ back de-velopment.

HOMER: See even th’ sinks & showers got this brownish lookin’ water…

MizP: But hit’s OK  -- don’t leave no stain nor nothin’ …

BB: Jist don’t look s’good… an happins in other towns….

MizP: But Mayor Heather Hudson – she really b’leves this is a-hurtin’ th’ city’s reppitation.

HOMER: So she wants ta' make sure th’ CHANGE Mr. ‘bama’s a campaignin’ fer would change awl of th’ cities not jist *SUM* of them.

MizP: Mr. Obama promised a big crowd … he’ll be back…. 

BB: Well sir – after the $787 billion stimmilous bill done passed…

MizP: Th’ noisy supporters – an th’ mayor begin ta' wonder when at stimmilous money’s a-gonna hit?

Jack: So the African-American community got discouraged?

HOMER: You betcha… Mayor Hudson said her town of 40 thousan was a-leakin’ too many people.

BB: At promisin’ but not heppin’ don’t set well with th’ Bait Shop and Sushi crowd neither.

Jack: Looks like there’s gonna be a lotta disappointment…

BB: Disappintmint hain’t th’ word fer hit.

Jack: Sorry about that – hafta see you next week --  I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service





Monday, August 24, 2009

IS AFGHANISTAN ANOTHER VIET NAM? - Just a Minute Radio for Monday August 24th, 2009

Howdy on a beautiful morning… at least it ‘tis right here in this part of the Caroliner line.

I’m wrestling with my inner-self about all the waste and foul-ups I’m seeing in the American business market… particularly cars – and banks and threatening to slop over into health providers. I’m really troubled to see a 2002 Mercedes run for about thirty seconds before the engine seizes up and it’s become a piece of junk – and gonna be sold for junk.

For some reason I’m taken back to my Grand Pa’s farm right down here in the southern part of Greenville County… I used to visit there – mostly in the summer time. And my brother and I had a great time rummaging around in the ‘Smoke House’ where there were stacks of old magazines and there were workshops scattered in sheds and under the barn roof. I could never find the tools I wanted – and I think Grand Pa had the same problem especially after we left.

To make our toys we found rusty nails and bottle caps for wheels… and those were some funny looking contraptions. I don’t know what we would have done with a full sized car to play with. In another barn yard we found remains of an old truck – and it had a swastika stamped on the ignition port – very small. We thought it was something left over from the war… but it would have had to be the first World War because the second was still going on. Anyway we imagined great things.

I think it would have troubled Grand Pa to see such waste. We didn’t throw away bottles or other stuff that might have had some use in it. But of course the fields had been all changed with soil conservation measured… and cotton and corn were the major crops… with some feed stocks of wheat and oats. I didn’t know much about farming… but it was great to see things being accomplished. I just don’t think it’s very encouraging to see good machinery being scrapped. Somebody – maybe a lot of some bodies don’t have their heads screwed on right.

Tearing things down – or up, if you prefer – just goes against the grain. That’s why America feels shaky right now.

Cordially, IN HIM


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Just A Minute – On November 5th, 2008, Democrat dreamers envisioned Mt. Rushmore adding a portrait of President Obama. They’d done it too for LBJ.

The Obama’s had a group of historians over to the ‘working White House’ during those heady days -- among them the Sanford historian David M. Kennedy. Kennedy is sworn to secrecy of course – as were other guests such as Robert Caro, a respected LBJ biographer.

However, history writes itself – never mind the Massachusetts Kennedys affixing an ‘eternal flame’ in Arlington to claim their Camelot: though JFK’s Presidency was but three years -- they’ve tended it carefully.

Question: is a new crew working on – ‘Obamalot?’

Critics say Afghanistan can as readily become the noose around Obama’s neck as Viet Nam was for Johnson. Dr. Kennedy is quoted saying: “The analogy of Lyndon Johnson suggests itself very profoundly…”

There’s no question the legend of a President desiring to re-shape America in his own image while fighting an overseas war haunts the White House. Is Kabul coming to Washington?

<> I’m Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service


Friday, August 21, 2009

OBAMA POLLING DRAGS BOTTOM - Just A Minute Radio for Friday 21 August, 2009

A Great Big Howdy – it’s truly Friday! (Some weeks it just seems never to get here. This time … well I almost missed the deadline.)


            Ordinarily, the polls go by the board here without much notice. The reason is mostly because every paper and TV station generally gives it at least passing notice. But the situation with the major news outlets in America… sadly enough… has gotten rather convoluted.


            A new wave of writers and reporters are now at work in increasingly troubled newsrooms. The Washington Post for instance, has shrunk its newsroom staff by a third… and the reduction at the New York Times is even greater according to reports of people who actually visit the place. She’s called the ‘gray lady’ because of the majesty and respect so long her claimed territory.


            But the information age is shifting. Forbes magazine this month cites the battle between iPod and Blackberry. Quite frankly I don’t have either and don’t expect to enter that race. I try to be aware of what’s happening technologically – but in today’s world I’m easily left behind. I used tobe up to date on microphones and recall when we first put a top of the line condenser mike in use back in the AM days of WMUU. It indeed had a different sound… much accentuated high frequencies – and we had to have a power supply nearby because there was a small electron tube mounted right in the mike case to supply power to that circuit.


            Well… all that’s by the board now. I have to get my grandchildren to explain to me what’s going on in the constantly and rapidly updating computer world. An article I read yesterday complained – and I think quite rightly – that we are being overcharged for the rivers of information that can be routed into our homes and even into those microcomputers now that are carried in a shirt pocket… PDA’s they are called… I *think* that stands for Personal Data Assistant… but I thought for a long time that would have been a flesh and blood person… instead it’s a collection of plastic IC’s and small screen TV’s.  I’m way behind.


            Anyway… get the latest numbers – run ‘em through *your* PDA and tell me what’s going to happen on the political front a year from this November… about 13 months from now. It just seems the campaigning never ends.


            Cordially,  IN HIM



PS – Oh yes… Don’t forget Hebrews 13:8 – one of my favorite verses in the entire Bible. ”Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” With that assurance I don’t fall behind at all!


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Just A Minute – In a poll coming out today -- President Obama’s polling numbers hit a new low. The margin of error from the Zogby International poll released this Friday shows his numbers to be dragging bottom, the lowest so far. The most significant aspect is the plunge among swing voters – that’s where the pundits look for the real story.

          Just 45.3 percent of voters now approve his performance, – that’s a new record low. And 50.5 percent of likely voters say they dis-approve.

          The consensus is the contentious national debate over healthcare reform has taken a major toll. It also indicates he is in serious political trouble, dropping below the 52 percent approval mark -- according to author Dick Morris, whose books rank high on the New York Times best seller list. Morris described it as “leaking real voters who had backed him last November…”

          Ordinarily I don’t cite polls – but since the main stream media is still giving the President a pass – it’s a good idea to take a hard look at where his popularity is headed.       

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service




Wednesday, August 19, 2009

HIT'S A-GITTIN' DANGERUS OUT'N THERE -- Just A Minute for Wednesday, August 19th 2009

            Well… Hello… it’s still hot and sticky ---


            With some sprints of ‘hot under the collar’ around the nation – as the out-of-session Congress members (well only about 20 to 30 percent of them) actually are meeting their constituents during this summer recess.


            Since “Health Care Reform” – or something like it – is the subject of the moment, it’s not unanimous for all the members to be out making speeches and shaking hands. Matter of fact many are shaking heads instead. And there are lots of empty platforms that in other years might be full – even though this is NOT an election year in most states.


            Virginia has it’s state legislature races and that of the governor and other statewide offices in these ‘off’ year times. But that’s more the exception than the rule. This year’s political frenzy has largely taken the lead with those tending to be excitable about the President’s proposed spending package, are filling up the airwaves even tho in the main it’s NOT a general election year. No question – there IS unrest in the air like a brooding summer thunderstorm – it’s on the way.


            What’s going to happen?  I don’t recall a time since I’ve been following the political scene in the past 50 years or so in which I’ve seen more, or felt more political activity on the march. Is it a good thing or bad?  I can’t help feeling it’s more good than bad because the American electorate in general tends to be low turnout. That’s dangerous. One of our early politicians – and I’m sorry I didn’t have time to find the attribution – said Americans sooner or later get the kind of government they *deserve* … and when we don’t pay attention, and fail to attend to our self-government privilege, things go downhill. For quite a few years now, my judgment is we’ve been drifting downhill.


            Of course there’s always a new generation coming along. But the lack of interest, the failure to learn from hard mistakes of the past, or from bad examples in other countries – in short, just plain laziness and/or ignorance do not serve us well. Eventually the price for such inattention and slack care for our freedoms and privileges exacts its toll in lousy government. I fear we’re in the stage of beginning to pay the price for failing to do our homework. Let us pray we can pull the nation out of this nosedive.


            Cordially, In HIM




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BB: Just a Minit – Mr. Jack, I thank thangs air a-gittin’ dangerus out’n there on th’ hustings.

Jack: How’s that Billy-bob?

BB: Well Demmicrat Senater Durbin, frum Illinoise, he done said he jist ain’t agoin’ ta' meet them Town Hall people n’more.

HOMER: Hit ‘tain’t n’more Mr. Billy-bob – he ain’t met th’ first ‘un yet.

MizP: He’s done tole … Miss Lynn Sweet, a ‘porter fer th’ Chicago Sun-Times that fer him ta' go an jist be yelled at ain’t pr’ductive.  

HOMER: Cain’t really say I blame him.

Jack: But those people are his constituents in Lincoln country. They have a right to petition their elected representatives.

MizP: Ed Morrissey, of says we ourt ta' put th’ faces of them at done gone missin’ on the sides of milk cartons.

BB: I heered they awl must of jined up in the witness pertecshun ack so’s they don’t have ta' meet constituents.

Jack: You know it was at a meeting of the SEIU union in Hicksville, N.Y. – when purple-shirted Union members beat up a black

            Conservative activist, Kenneth Gladney, who was passing out “Don’t Tread On Me” flags at Democrat Russ Carnahan’s

            Town hall meeting in St. Louis.

HOMER: Well, I heered Congersman Paul Hodes -- wants ta' be nex Senater frum New Hampshire, an he says he’s goin’ ta' a meetin’ on health care – but they only gonna let AARP members attend.  

BB: Huh, AARP done los sixty thousand members this year awredy.

MizP: Yeah but they say they git a hunnert thousan’ ever year… so they don’t keer.

HOMER: Up in New Hampshire they say they mite have ta' change th’ state motto to LIVE, ­FLEE, er DIE!

BB: Oh, fer gooness sake…at’s turribul.

Jack: That is terrible, Billy-bob  – see you next week --  I’m Jack Buttram.



Jebco Editorial Service





Sunday, August 16, 2009

TIGER GETS TAIL TWISTED -- Just A Minute Radio for Monday, August 17th 2009

Hello Again… it’s MONDAY – and I know you’re rarin’ to get started on the week!


            All weekend it seemed as if I was hearing the same newscast over and over and over again. Hardly anything was making the news except the controversy about the President’s national health plan, which he promptly disowns… saying HE doesn’t have a heath plan -- *except* there are certain things he favors.


            He goes to considerable trouble to make sure everyone gets the point of what he SAYS – but it seems the public is not equally convinced that’s what he *means* -- For instance he over and over disowns the notion he favors the ‘single-payer’ (i.e. government controlled and subsidized  plan – but he’s quick to say he has favored no plan… he just wants everyone to quit vacationing and get to working.  He says this while touring Yellowstone National Park… which is indeed a beautiful place to tour.


            The pesky problem is somebody dug back into video tape files from 2006 where the President-to-be (he was running, unofficially then) averred in a televised discussion of the health care issue that indeed the plan he “preferred” would be the single-payer plan that “everyone” would be covered by – or something very close to that quote.


            This is something more and more voters in more and more places are discovering. Mr. Obama the President, and Mr. Obama the candidate not only don’t always say the same thing – but often say contradictory things. Here in the Buttram household we have tried, and for the most part been successful, in convincing children that’s not socially, or ethically acceptable behavior. Now, they are carrying on similar instruction to children and grand children and great-grandchildren as the occasion arises. It tends to make for harmony in the households.


            Anyway… having heard the same ground plowed for about the 21st time… I was ready to take a break and get news from the golf world… which is what I put on the air today. I hope it didn’t offend anyone.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just A Minute – Whatta ya do when Congress is playing-hide-the-ball… the Maximus Court is on vacation, and the weather’s just hot and sticky? -- You pretend you’re a sports writer and cover the PGA championship.

          Sunday afternoon, Tiger Woods, lost the final PGA Championship round in Chaska, Minnesota, to the first Asian to win the coveted crown. Y.E. Yang, 37 year old from South Korea became the first Asian-born player to win a major tournament with a stunning performance that was as memorable for his clutch shots as the giant player he toppled.

          Entering the last round, Tiger lead 14 to nothing, not having lost any tournament in round-the-world play over the past nine years whenever he was up by two shots. The AP’s

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service






Thursday, August 13, 2009

DON'T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN! -- Just A Minute Radio for Friday 08-14-09

            Howdy at the end of the week…


            It’s awfully embarrassing to be the spokesperson for a prominent person and have to say: “He didn’t mean it.”  Or “She misspoke.” Or … “It depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ – is!” 


            Such a scenario played out this week between New Hampshire and Washington. The more the President stays on the road – and the further he gets away from teleprompter situations… like town hall meetings… the more he’s liable to get his tangue tongled around his eye teeth and can’t see what he’s saying – or has said.


            In today’s case the mixup actually began back in 1988 when Jesse Jackson proposed universal, one payer health care and all the Democrats were caught off guard and had to scramble to figure out what they wanted to say. It was two years afterwards when Mr. Clinton ascended the White House steps and no one could ‘say him nay.’ And so he often said what he said but nobody exactly knew what he meant. Same thing happened with Richard Nixon and Barry Goldwater and a host of others including both Bush ’41 and Bush ’43.


            The main thing is when you go ‘off script’ you’d better be sure of your footing. In the heat of a campaign – and that seems to be what we’re still in… or anticipating being in – the going gets rapid fire and tough questions are put – and you get held accountable for the answers even if you were just stuttering.


            So… we had that played out this week. Just remember some day it’ll come your turn… and you’ll find that “HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE.”  Like I’ve told you before. Now you can remember it.


            Cordially, IN HIM





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Just A MinuteThe memory of AARP members chasing Dan Rostenkowski down the street in Chicago is still fresh from 20 years ago this month when he supported Hillary’s health reforms. President Obama told his Tuesday New Hampshire Town Hall meeting (quote) “AARP would not be endorsing a bill if it was undermining Medicare, OK?” (unquote)

Oops….AARP immediately said the White house had not endorsed any of the legislative drafts. Bob Gibbs, the President’s Press Aide, said Obama had “misspoken.” [Translation, the teleprompter wasn’t on.] A Democrat media consultant told the ­Washington Times the President hadn’t ‘sold it well enough.’

          Quinnipiac University recent poll says only 39% of “mature” voters think the President’s plan – whatever it is – will benefit them. The above 60 crowd are heavily counted on by White House staffers to come to the President’s aid – but videos of crucial town hall meetings show a preponderance of elderly opposition, plus they always have a high voter turnout. The AARP staff doesn’t want to repeat the mistake of the 80’s.

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service
