Monday, August 30, 2010

HAPPENINGS IN OUR BACK YARD - Just A Minute Radio for Tuesday August, 31 100831

            Best thing I can say about today (or yesterday) is/was – “It isn’t Friday!”


            Why… what’samatter with Tuesday August 31?  It’s been an unusual week. I let most of the week get by without glancing at the Almanac… the Sun still came up on time without my notice… And the note for today says: (quote) “Nothing should be done in haste but gripping a flea.” – I never get one gripped… generally they get away… but we get ‘em with soap or a spray or dip.


            Back on the 29th the Almanac said my old boss, Sen. J. Strom Thurmond, made his record breaking 24 hour & 18 minute filibustering speech in 1957 – which stands until this day, Also in 1905 on August 25th Teddy Roosevelt was the first American President to descend in a submarine. And on the 27th the Almanac says hummingbirds migrate south… I know they leave this area … but much later… We still have hummingbird duels going on outside our back window.


            Now that’s an odd one.  Another odd story in the OLD FARMER’s for August is the story of ‘dilling’ green beans. The Editor says they’re delicious but a day or two makes a huge difference… and since the crop doesn’t come in increments but in a tidal wave it’s easy to get behind – whereupon he says the exercise of pickling them with plenty of spices and garlic – as well as brining them in the canning process…it takes a lot out of a man… and confesses the will to provide takes over and admits that he’s “dilled” beans when the process was less akin to preserving than it was to embalming – and admits his springtime and early summer gardening enthusiasm, begun in the quest of thrift has crossed over into folly… and he has followed it. 


            I guess it’s somewhat like “paying too much for your whistle” – Ah but the interior virtue of knowing you provided something for the sustenance of your loved ones…. Well yes I suppose that is worth something.  But I think I’ll just save my loose change and send my grandson to the grocery. (J)


            Today I managed to turn a glass of iced coffee over on myself and the dining table and chair… what a mess. I began to wish I hadn’t fixed lunch after all. But I got hungry again… and my daughter had shared some slow cookin’ she did in a crock pot … about six hours she said… and it was deliciously tender – especially when I think the meat must have just given up and turned tender about hour five.


            So there are treasures around the house… and Fall’s coming on – more treasures… nuts… apples and the prospect of Thanksgiving and Christmas… Oh… mustn’t get carried away while the temps here in SC continue to climb above 85 in the afternoons.  Find a cool breeze from the ceiling fan and take a snooze… nothing better.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just a Minute: -- In Georgia, the Obamastyle Department of Justice has been wrestling for a year to install their version of the Voting Rights Act  coordinating Georgia’s Voter List with other State data bases, intending to favor groups favoring Democrats.

But in 2008 Georgia passed a law setting up their verification procedure, including asking if the applicant is a citizen -- a basic qualification for voting! The law worked, identifying two thousand out of four thousand selected non-citizens as likely illegal immigrants.

Obama’s Justice Department charged the law as “seriously flawed” ignoring the fact Hispanic registration increased by 140 percent -- and black by 42 percent. So when it became apparent Georgia would take Obama’s Justice Department to Court – they hunkered down and pre-cleared the law -- astounding the liberal ACLU and others.


They feared if the Supreme Court got to reconsider large portions of the Voting Rights Act, it might well be ruled unconstitutional.

Was the Obama Dept. of Justice moved by ideology or by law?

Do pigs go “Oink, oink, oink?”   

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service







THE PROFESSOR AND A PIECE OF STRING -- Just A Minute Radio for Monday 100830

            Good day folks Great to have you with us at the week’s beginning.


            Today’s program I owe to a dear friend who’s with the Lord now.  I went back to University after graduation just to take a couple of his courses. He was from an Iowa farming community – went off to World War II and ran a supply depot or something like it… and returned to finish his career with an American Farm Equipment manufacturing company – I’m not sure of all the details.


            But I wanted to learn something about economics – in broadcasting I’d learned a lot about how to do it – but not a lot about the subject matters with which one has to deal in news broadcasting.  My friend was a Midwesterner with a dry sense of humor and I to this day recall his straightforward way of lecturing in a homespun way.  By now he had retired…. And decided he didn’t like retirement and came to the University’s Business School.  He gave me a new perspective on something I thought was dry as dust – but he made it lively and interesting – and I still quote him a lot.


            In my mind he was a master in his subject matter – but very straightforward and not hesitant to give you a straightforward answer if you asked a question you should have thought about before.  But he was intent on seeing his students do well in the business world, as well as do good – and he was successful at both. He was a Christian businessman with high ethical standards and a rigid dedication to getting work done, on time and under budget. His memory remains in my hall of famous men.


            Thanks for being here today.


            Cordially IN HIM




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Just a Minute: -- My old economics professor was a World War Two vet who had come back home, rescued a failing farm-equipment family, and done well financially in the process. 

Our class was struggling with the Keynes theory of controlling economic ups and downs. He showed it to us like this: (voice)  “Well the Federal Reserve is pretty good at pullin’ the string – putting on the brakes to hold back or slow down inflation: but not good at all at pressing the accelerator to make demand ‘perk up’ – getting people to buy things again.” He said --”Think of it like this… It’s like tying a string to something… you can pull it – but it’s a tough job to try and push it… string just doesn’t push things easily. That’s why the Fed can put on the brakes… but it’s hard to increase demand -- get things to movin’. The string just doesn’t do the job.”

I just wish the economics wiz-kids around the President had the chance to hear my old economics Professor.

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service











Friday, August 27, 2010

FW: THE DEBT ABYSS YAWNS DEEPLY - Just A Minute Radio for Friday 100827



From: Jack Buttram []
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 12:09 AM
To: 'Angelo Mack '; 'Brian Robbins'; 'Burke Crohn'; Caleb Buttram (; 'Dibet Hotchkin'; Donald Caviness; Jack E. Buttram; James Williams; 'Jeff Gainous'; 'Joe Norris'; 'John Cassidy'; 'Josiah Smith '; 'Randy Melchert'; 'Ray Epling'; 'Rick Hulkenberg'
Subject: THE DEBT ABYSS YAWNS DEEPLY - Just A Minute Radio for Friday 100827


            Good day to all… so glad to have you with us…


            What is that dirty grey cloud hanging over the heads of so many people, so often? 


            Why… that’s debt… DEBT… DEBT!!!  Didn’t you know… everybody’s got some… some more than others… for some it’s like that huge pack – that burden that’s described in PILGRIM’S PROGRESS which weigh’s Pilgrim so heavily as he slogs by the Slough of Despond (I think I have it right but don’t know where my ancient copy of John Bunyan’s classic has hidden itself.)


            It’s one of those books C.S. Lewis said should be read every so often for the reinforcement it brings. My trouble is time… but I will gladly read something to put off something else… that’s why my office remains so … well… cluttered. (L) – but someday… some day soon ( keep telling myself.) Why do we keep putting simple things like that off… Rather than carry around that pack… why don’t we UNPACK?


            There I go… mumbling to myself at the computer keyboard again… I think you’ll find today’s program helpful… perhaps convicting… then come back to helpful!


            Have a great weekend – and the rest of the days too!  No need to ration them – the Lord God has made them all – and appointed to us our particular number of them… so as the scripture says --  apply our hearts unto wisdom…-- and hear the ‘well done’ of our Lord Jesus Christ… What a great goal!


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just a Minute: -- Last Friday The House Republican Budget Committee published a report which chills my bones.  Rep. Paul Ryan and his staff report the Democrat team of Obama, Reid and Pelosi, plan to produce the largest "decade of debt" in U.S. history. They will produce such a tidal wave of red ink America will drown in fiscal shipwreck.

Their report says: the largest deficit years in American history – will be 2009, followed by 2010 followed by 2011 – or -- Mr. Obama's first three budgets. Just the interest payments by 2018 will reach $1 trillion a year. Total debt over this "lost decade" could exceed $20 trillion by 2020. Folks, that’s big bucks. The Budget Office and the White House pretend deficits will go down by assuming massive tax increases -- but Democrats swear and vow they won't let that happen

Are you ready to read to your grandchildren, and great-grandchildren the Democrat Fairytale entitled the LOST DECADE? Or – how we sank our own ship?

 I’m not! -- I’m Jack Buttram.  


Jebco Editorial Service





Wednesday, August 25, 2010

CHANGE FROM POLITICS FOR TODAY -- Just A Minute Radio for Thursday 100826

            Once again I’m a day late and a $ short…


            Looking at the sky last evening I thought it was the FULL MOON… but checking it out later… I find the Sturgeon moon was on the 24th.. I was looking at the sky on the 25th and here we are already on the 26th… My memorizer seems to be getting more and more loose. 


            Like the amateur bowler I find myself too often rolling a gutterball thinking I’m gong to go for a strike. I suppose we could rename that the “Tiger” syndrome. He’s really been missing the mark – and with good reason I suspect. The truth is you don’t become a really top notch competitor just thinking about it… there has to be preparation, good coaching and always, always,, practice, practice, practice… There, I quoted my piano teacher word for word on that last speech.  Amazing that I can remember it close to 68 years ago. (L) Back when I decided I’d rather play outside with my buddies than practice.


            We all have those regrets I suppose. I was re-reading Malcome Muggeridge’s little, brief autobiography in which he was repenting of “leaving undone the things we ought to have done; and having done those things we ought not to have done…”  I believed that was close to a quote out of the English Book of Common Prayer… and I find something very close to it when I check it out… but it’s quoted and mangled several different ways…  Anyway – I’m trying to pick out some books that need re-reading… It was an exercise C.S. Lewis found very rewarding… I’m just not in that intellectual league. (J)


            So, I’m trying to kick-start the ‘little grey cells’ into getting in gear and jumping back into writing for a five times a week program sked… and that’s coming… but I’ve gotten a little flabby mentally and things just come slower. The Political season doesn’t help because everybody is writing about the same events (well *almost* everybody) and it goes stale very quickly.  Although I do find the atmosphere with the Internet is so rapid and so broad… you don’t *need* to get stuck in the ditch… there’s lots of room out there to write something original… it’s just the competition is quite crowded.


            All that to say I really appreciate those of you who read this blog – and even more those who take a minute to jot down or type a quick response. Thanks for your time and attention.


            Well.. Back to the salt mine… (J)


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just a Minute: -- Today let’s skip the primaries to go bargain hunting. Two stories appeared yesterday on the Wall St. Journal’s front page – one on smoking, another on caskets.

‘Katrina’ wrecked a pine forest – the source of income for some Louisiana Benedictine monks. So they began making coffins out of the wreckage – “Ah but NO…” said the State’s funeral board, without explanation.

Meantime, in Elmhurst, Illinois, Victoria Vanconcello, an importer of Chinese e-cigarettes sells them on the Internet. “No, no -- you mustn’t do that without our approval” says the Food and Drug Administration. Ms. Vanconcello can’t afford the demanded testing of the battery powered device that vaporizes nicotine-laden “juice” which she maintains is less harmful because there are no toxins from burning tobacco.

Both are tangled in government rules. The Louisiana funeral board made no response to the Journal’s queries. The monks sold only 60 caskets in before being slapped with the FDA’s “cease and desist” order.

About 400 thousand Americans die of smoking-related causes every year.

Do we get enough government for our money?  A lot of people think – it’s too much! 

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service






IS THE TANTAMOUNT LOOSE AGAIN? -- Just a Minute Radio for Wednesday 100825

            Good Day to you as we slide into the slightly receding temperatures toward the end of ‘real’ Summer. – There are no promises made for the coming “Indian Summer” that always seems to plague the weather forecasters.


            In addition this time of year… end of August early September seems to herald the absolute peak of the strong sea storm season. It happens on both coasts… and if you look up the statistics for this period it’s somewhat scary for people who own boats and beach houses.  This year we’ve added Gulf of Mexico BP oil to the mix to make things even more difficult at the shore.  I’m not a big fan… I sunburn too easily.


            The bureaucrats in all Government agencies seem to jerk us around when we least need it. Early season is either too wet or too dry – then the fires – then the rains – then the earth tremors… or throw in a volcano or two – and time just flies by when you’re having fun.


            Actually I’m just having a little fun with you today seeing how readily we swallow “bad” news when it’s tossed at us. I’ve recently been mixing my reading. I’m not setting myself up as an example – but I really have to say I’ve been *enjoying* Bible reading more and more as I get older.  Next week I’m due for an eye exam.  I think I’ve got one eye that feels neglected and seems to be getting lazy leading to unanticipated double vision – but it soon goes away.


            It’s just that I’ve never actually *been* this old before! I don’t know how to act. I remember people – especially grown ups telling me when I was 8 or 9 – to *grow up and be a big boy* -- well I did that… and in some ways things got worse – but now I’m finding that if *I* have the right attitude and follow the good instructions I get from the Bible and my skilled and believing Doctors and my lovely *wife* -- things actually do get better… at least they strike me as better.  Maybe it’s my attitude – my wife is not always sure that’s getting better… but I do have my good moments.


            What I’m beating around the bush about is the realization that keeps poking at me from friendly hands – God’s servant’s hands – that God loves me, and he HAS loved me for a long time… -- actually from before the foundation of the world – ACCORDING TO HIS WORD!  So… I’ve really got not a worry in the world, (Jesus has overcome it!)  and I can realize it if I just stop and do it.


            My friend JOB, has reported the same phenomenon – he’s written a well-written book in the Bible just before the Book of Psalms (if you’re having trouble finding it).  Here’s a good exercise for a month… read one chapter of JOB every day … Sunday is the first of the month… you’ll be through the whole book just reading one chapter a day and by the end of September you’ll feel better… (well actually you’ll have to read two chapters on one day since there are 31 chapters and only 30 days.  Do that on the last day. Your wife will feel better with you too… Just try it – let me know!.


            Well… better quit and get to bed… it’s after midnight when I do the sort of crazy patch writing… but humor me and take it at least at face value.  God bless you.


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack  (I didn’t do the writing script because I got tired of looking it up(J) – God be with you especially today!


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MizP: Just A Minute:– Mr. Jack – Whut is the Southren Tantamount?

Jack: Years ago Miz Pearle…

MizP: When I wuz jist a little girl…

Jack: Right… Well… In most of the Deep South States say from Virginia down through Texas..

Homer: You gone tawk about the Demicrat pri-mary….

BB: The Demicrats wuz about the only game in town.

Homer: Since th’ Civil War the GOP wuzn’t very poplar.

BB; One of th’ “Publican Chairmen…

MizP: You mean Chairwoman

BB: OK… ChairPerson… din’t want th party no bigger than could fit in her livin’ room.

Homer: ‘Cause hit was more of a social club – they want to ree-main Xclusive – which ment small..

MizP: Whut about th’ Tantamount?

Jack: You remember a newscaster named David Brinkley?

MizP: Ah do… he was frum North Carolina

Jack: He didn’t invent it – but he said in all the Southern states back in those one-party days,

they would say, “Winning the Democrat Primary is tantamount to election.”

BB: So you started callin’ hit th’ Southren Tantamount?

Jack:  No… it was David Brinkley who brought the term into frequent use.

MizP: Hit ain’t that way t’day is hit?

Jack: Not since the days of Senator Barry Goldwater… Today the pundits will be looking over the results.

 MizP: Hit’s gonna be like a-lookin’ over a battlefield.

Jack: Those ‘battlefield’ results won’t really be in till November 3rd.

BB: Th’ day after th’ ‘lections.

Homer: That-ut’s when they’ll be a-tryin’ ta ‘splain things. [Like whut went wrong.]

MizP: Well whut are they a-tryin’ ta do now?

BB: So we gone have ta come back tomorrow?

Jack: A bit too quick Mr. Bill… there may be runoffs and so forth – But now we’re out of time.

MizP: So we’ll tawk about hit next Wednesday?

Jack : Right Miz Pearl… I’m Jack Buttram.  (END) 


JEBCO Editorial Service





Tuesday, August 24, 2010

WHO'S THE NEXT "MOMMA GRIZZLY?" - Just A Minute Radio for Tuesday 100824

            Howdy… we’ve come on a Tuesday – I hope it doesn’t upset your schedule.


            We’ve gotten so far behind in trying to keep up with at least the major cum “interesting” things during this run-up to the November election that we decided we had to do something.


            The paper basket over at the Bait Shop and Sushi Bar was overflowing – and I couldn’t seem to turn out scripts fast enough… So what did I do?  I added two more days to the load.  Bonk bonk bonk. – the sound of a very soft sock hammer hitting my head.


            So what does that make me do? Well the very first day…looking up stuff and getting sidetracked and all… here I am at precisely 12:24 in the AM typing and correcting and talking to myself… when I should be lying my curly head upon my pillow… in fact I should have done it an hour ago.


            But I run into very interesting things I think you – faithful “putter up with” listening audience… and I can at least make an extra effort to make things understood at this critical time in our nation… at least encouraging you and all of us to pray for our country – and do our part in keeping it free for the usefulness of God in spreading out the good news (the Gospel – for that is what it is) to those who have never heard.


            I’m well aware of the old saying and have used it several times: “There’s none so blind as THOSE WHO WILL NOT SEE.”  And while we know that… we can’t give up until our work is done.  All that the Lord requires is that we do our best… HE takes care of the consequences. So I’m more and more convinced ot the truth of all of that.


            This is possibly the *most* disjointed, craziest election season of all my very full years. Nonetheless… Jesus said: “In the world ye shall have tribulation – but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”  Oh my… what a *wonderful* reassurance that is. Praise you dear Lord for giving me the opportunity to share this good news of daily living inside the boundry of HIS love.  What a wonderful provision the Lord has made.   Well… Good Night or perhaps Good Morning… wherever you’re reading this – having picked up the bottle on the shore or some such romanticism.  


            May the Good Lord Bless us all … IN HIM



            Good night and God be with us all!


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Just a Minute: -- 2010 is a one-off election in Republican-leaning South Dakota.

Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, 39, a Democrat state legislator is facing her most serious threat as South Dakota’s only representative in the House.  She’s a three-term “blue dog” Democrat, recently married to a former Texas Congressman turned lobbyist. 

Her November challenger is 38 year old mother of three, Kristi Noem, Republican member of the South Dakota Legislature elected in 2006 and now serving as Assistant Majority Leader.  She and her husband Bryon, live on a ranch near Castlewood, raising Angus cattle and showing Quarter Horses.

Kristi has hammered Stephanie Sandlin for her party-line vote saying “I believe the House of Representatives is the People’s House not Nancy Pelosi’s”.  The race is also financially unbalanced with over $700 thousand in the Democrat coffers compared to just under $300 thousand on the GOP side. 

Still this will be an interesting race to watch come November.  Check it out on the Internet.  Stephan

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service





Monday, August 23, 2010

DOES ANYONE REMEMBER "PUNCH & JUDY?" - Just A Minute Radio for Monday 100823

            Good Monday to you … we’re increasingly closer to the end of the hot weather – we think, or hope!


            What a letdown! – was what I heard mostly last week after the 15 months of jockeying… weeks of trial… a week plus  the jury’s out… and “All we get is one lousy paper-mache’ conviction?”  That seemed to be the prevailing opinion in the windy city – that more recently has been the ‘seriously warm’ city.


            I didn’t hear anyone in person or on the news bands cheering for the 23-1 score on the Blagaojevich vs. Illinois contest last week.  All in all what seemed by most accounts to be a milk-toastly unsatisfactory result.


            Mr. Patrick Fitzgerald, Federal Prosecutor, didn’t do himself proud.  There were several other faux-pas in his recent past… and the one we heard most about in this area involved the premature tide of opinion which turned against the Duke University LaCrosse team almost two years ago.  In the interim Mr. Fitzgerald has had some other mis-fires… and the unfortunate whispers going around the legal circles is Chicago lawbreakers aren’t getting a fair shot at justice – and the taxpayers are footing the bill for extreme legal cases.    


            Aside from that there’s a string of other complaints coming too close to Mr. Fitzgerald for it to do his legal career any good.  (Although there is that old P.T. Barnum bon-mot “There’s no such thing as bad publicity.” ) Well maybe not… but Chicago seems to have a heaping helping of news that doesn’t do it any good.


            There’s the old saying… “Don’t be so open minded your brains fall out.”  OTOH… even an ex-governor with not the brightest of apparent smarts – and certainly not a family-related vocabulary – deserves a fair trial.  But in order for that to happen, most judges are going to make you keep your mouth shut.  Not an easy job with someone who has the jawbreaker name of  “Blagojevich.” for a growing family.  


Nobody said it wouldn’t be entertaining… Judicial ‘fairness’ is going to be a tough row to hoe.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just a Minute: -- Rod Blagojevich – ex governor of Illinois, who by most accounts, tried to sell the empty Obama Senate seat – walked out last week convicted on just one of the 24 felony counts against him.

Patrick Fitzgerald, U.S. Attorney, now has a string of cases in which he’s spoken "beyond the four corners of the complaint," to use criminal law terminology, and is attaining an incompetent reputation.  

The AP expressed amazement at the 23 to one score in favor of “BLAGO” – who’s now attained a near folk-hero status in the eyes of Fox News’s Shepherd Smith.  Chicago’s increasing reputation as a high crime and corruption center may soon surpass its earlier seedy reputation as the hangout of the infamous Al Capone.

So what’s the outcome? The Justice Department indicates they’ll retry ‘Blago’s other 23 mistrial counts, if they believe they can get a prosecutor with a normal sized ego to fit within the boundaries of his duties. Then they may take another shot at spending more tax dollars to put Mr. Blagojevich in jail for an appropriate term.

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service




Sunday, August 22, 2010

MSM BIASES ANYONE? - RIGHT THIS WAY... Promoline for Friday 20th 100820

            IT’S FRIDAY… so they say… and *they* are correct!


            End of the week – staring a weekend straight in the face.  The grasses and the weeds for the most part are producing a luxuriant crop… the livestock are happy – munching away.


            Kids are back in school – mostly around here – and mothers a whistling a happy tune.  Teachers are anxiously working their way through the items needed for the coming classes.  Freshmen are presumed properly registered and scheduled and so another academic year commences.  I’ve often wondered why they don’t call the beginning of the school year commencement rather than the end… I’m sure there is poetry in the reasoning somewhere.


            I ran across a remark by a CBS newsman that simply required commentary… so that’s the subject of today’s mini-rant. I don’t take them to task too often… some are folks I’ve known mostly slightly, and mostly from the opposite side of the political spectrum.  But after a while on the news fronts the battle sounds are just mostly noise… and we’re currently in the phasing down of the primary phase… kinda like a batch of popcorn when you’re trying to explode the remaining “old maids” as  the un-popped kernels are sometimes called – and hoping not to scorch the rest of the batch. Just an occasional “pop” now and then. 


            After this gets done… we’ll soon enter the hand-to-hand phase of the political battle… only when it’s mid-term elections that are the contests (no Prez or VP’s being contested) seems like the real pop’n’sizzle sort of reduces except where there are blood feuds going on – and I don’t keep up with out of state races that well. Anyway… it’s no hiding the fact that it’s another political season… some live for it – some die by it – at least in the political sense… and there will be lots of political corpses on the battlefield when this particular day is done… Nov. 2nd… at least that’s what the forecasters are telling us.


            Oh well if it wasn’t this… it’d be baseball and football… maybe all of them together – We’ll see.  Just thank the Lord you’re able to take part in the process and you don’t have a politburo telling you for whom you may or may not vote.  It’s one of those things that seems important… but you really don’t know HOW important until the privilege has slipped over the side out of your grasp.  It’s important for people to be aware – awake!


            Cordially, IN HIM



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Just a Minute: -- Sometime back, in a discussion with a TV network executive, I proposed things would be better balanced if he’d send out two reporters with opposite biases… and see one which the audience preferred.  My host said his reporters had no biases.

Well, let’s check out CBS’s Face the Nation this past Sunday: host Bob Schieffer asked his political panel seven questions. Six highlighted Republican difficulties, and only one pointed out Democrats’  problems come November.

But instead of acknowledging Democrat political challenges, Schieffer acted as if both parties were equally in trouble – he said: "… Democrats on the one hand … have very bad economy, high unemployment: Republicans… on the other hand find themselves ... with...  people who have taken some very extreme views on things."

It got me to wondering if Bob Scheiffer has ever seen South Carolina’s Alvin Greene do a TV interview?  Has he heard state’s Democratic Senate nominee howl at a news reporter from inside his trailer?

I believe I’ll just let it rest there.  

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service
