Wednesday, March 31, 2010

COURAGE DOESN'T COME EASY OR CHEAP -- Just A Minute Radio for Wednesday 100331

            Welcome once again to a little more normal start up.


            We seem to be “making haste slowly” as a dear old lawyer – a friend of another family tried to explain to me as I got more and more frustrated with paper work problems.  Fortunately the Federal agency for which I was filling out a form was little better at deciphering the information that I was sending than I was at getting it right. So… I guess they gave up on me before my friend rescued me and increased my accuracy by about 300%... thus saving my bacon.


            Since my job probably hung on getting that accepted – I was forever in the debt of my friend who seemed to manage the frustrations I felt with little effort.  Now I’m about as old as he was then… and I don’t think I’ve made much progress toward climbing over frustrating obstacles in my paperwork paths.  Added to that nowadays is the complexity of computers etc. I once thought I could master the beasts.  But I’ve about decided there are more of them with them than there are with us.  And I know that’s not what the prophet Elisha got to see when he was shown all the chariots of fire that surrounded him and the whole host of Israel. Every now and then I have to stop and think that whole thing through again.


            I hope you’ve had a good week so far.  I think it’s probably shortsighted for us to live from weekend to weekend… so I’ve dropped dear old Paul Harvey’s cry IT’S FRIDAY! That he used every week. Although for a man who loved his work as much as he gave evidence… I don’t think he came to work on Monday down in the dumps.  He was *always* ‘up’ – at least he sounded that way when I heard him.  We miss him still.  I don’t think there will be another come along to take his place.


            But that seems generally true in the realms of radio – or all broadcasting these days.  Some people do have a singular style… some I like and some not.  But perhaps it’s just perspective.  I don’t find another newsman who seemed to be so good at his work as Ed. Murrow – even though in retrospect I’m not as sure as I once was about his accuracy. Walter Cronkite was one of “Murrow’s Boys” as I think a whole host of CBS guys were back in the days of WWII and following. But Newspapers had some excellent writers and entertainers in print – more so than today I think… but then …I’m getting to be an ancient back number myself … so I’m sure the current oncoming crowd writes us off with considerable dexterity and aplomb. (Although I don’t think I ever knew what that meant. – I always think of some guy with an ostrich plume trailing behind his “capacious” costume.)  Praise the Lord for spell checkers – it found ‘capacious’ even though I mangled it badly.


            Well all the cast has gone home to bed I suppose… reckon I better in order to get this in shape for the morrow. Nice to have you drop in. Drop me a note from time to time if the mood strikes.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Thanks… Jack









MizP: Jist A Minute – Mr. Jack, Ah don’t unnerstan whut’s a-goin’ own ‘bout China an censorhip?

Jack: Miz Pearl, it’s the same issue in all totalitarian countries – the bosses want to run the whole total show…

Homer: You mean th’ commies is a tappin everybody’s phone?

BB:  They wanted Google ta r’port everbody that ain’t stickin’ to their’ line.

MizP: You mean th’ Communist party line?

BB: At’s perzackly it Miz Pearl – Hit’s bin a-gittin wors ever since they closed th’ Limpicks.

Homer: They jist kain’t unnerstan people at don’t want their telephone bugged.

MizP: Ah heered ‘bout tha-ut when Google said they was a-settin up in Chiner.

Jack: See One of Google’s founders came trom Russia as a 7 year old.

BB: Mr. Sergey Brin – one of Google’s co-founders come from Russia – an even as a little boy he was glad ta be in ‘Merica.

Homer: He din’t go fer tha-ut readin’ people’s e-mails a checkin’ on ‘emns.

BB: Hit reminded him of whut th’ Russians allus done ta their people.

MizP: An he din’t want enny part of hit?

Jack: Exactly right MizPearl… he went into China with reservations.

Homer: An when sum Chinese hackers busted inta Google an…an

BB: An stole a buncha them codes -- hit jist rangled Mr. Brin.

MizP:  Ah don’t blame him. I’d a bin rangled mysef.

Homer: But see he mite be a-wawking Google away frum biggest customer in th’ worl.

BB: At takes a lot of courage.

Homer: Ah cawls hit ‘spizirinctim

MizP: At sounds good ta me, Homer.

BB: Ah jist hope hit don’t put them on th’ outside lookin’ in.

Homer: They’s done re-set their shop in Hong Kong which ain’t bin fully swallered up yet.

Jack: Well… let’s pray for Mr. Brin and his bizness.

MizP: Les do – ah don’t want ta’ see Google swallered up neither.

Jack: The clock has ‘swallowed our time for this week. See you all next Wednesday- I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

JEBCO Editorial Service





Sunday, March 28, 2010

TAKE A DEEP BREATH, SIDDOWN, COUNT TO TEN - Just A Minute Radio. 100329CoolingIt.doc

            Good Monday Again –


            Lots of ill winds out there over the weekend.  Searchlite, NV was heavily populated Saturday, though scorned by its most famous Senate Majority Leader. Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) who occasionally forgets whether he’s voting Aye or Nay, did remember to show up at the local shootin’ match range in his home state of Nevada while between eight and nine thousand Tea – Baggers – strolled around the former mining town and listened to the ex-Alaska Governor give a speech on why she – and apparently a LOT of others, think it’s time for the Senator from Searchlite ought to retire to the ranch.


            However… it made good TV… and Fox News made the most of it although it’s probably hard to gage just how well the gerrymandered trip back east will do as it makes its way toward Washington DC.  The organizers plan something like 42 stops along the way. Nobody predicts with verifiable certainty how well the movement will succeed (or fail depending on your loose affiliation with the body politic) but it looks healthy and vigorous enough to provide some interesting vignettes on the way to DC.


            The MSM made the most of the “threats” coming out of Saturday’s rally… although the police didn’t have much trouble from all I could gather.  Undoubtedly there will be more ruckus on the road back – rumor has it the Reid-Pelosi circus parade might even have planted a few raucous voices along the way to see if they can stir up dirt appearing to be attributable to the Taxed Enough Already (TEA-Partyites) – but surely such a highly principled Chicago Politician like Rahm Emmanual, WH Chief of Staff, would stoop to doing dirty work like that – especially since he’s been instructed to clean up his vocabulary.  Trouble is Vice President Biden keeps leading Rahm astray being a bad example.


            Anyway… aside from the snowstorms out in the Rockies… shutting down Denver Airport for a short while… things look to be going along swimmingly for the Obama WH.  The President, afraid there would be such a massive crowd to meet him in Afghanistan, was forced to make a clandestine trip out that way.  He still hasn’t made a trip, clandestine or otherwise to Israel – and we know of none on the schedule – besides which the Prez is a bit behind in his use of AF One – the trips which he dearly loves due to their prestige factor. He had to cancel a couple of trips out to Indonesia and the South Pacific because his girls’ school schedules wouldn’t fit neatly into the limited time he had available after cancelling out twice and ruffling a lot of diplomatic feathers when he was jamming the health care bill down the throats of the ‘loyal’ opposition.


            Oh… sorry… now I’ve lead you off the path of learning what’s going on in Washington these days.  I’ve gotten a bit behind myself… and when I catch up I’ll be sure to send along the information… Meanwhile we shall have to rely on Maestro Robert Gibbs of the Obama WH pressroom to keep us well-briefed and fully informed on what the President is doing or even intending to do – maybe.










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864-242-6240 if you need a script.  We’re still Under construction.   





            Just a Minute: -- The Internet and front pages are full of cautions about runaway anger.  Speculation on Tea-Party insouciance.

            If that’s a concern give me a reading on this quotation from the Associated Press:
“The President said, in response to threats of violence –‘ “We welcome that fight.”

            Is that remark a ‘throwaway’ line – or an invitation for a street gang calling itself the “Barack O’bombers” to go ahead and exercise their free speech rights in a crowded theater?  I

            Testing that phrase on randomly selected disinterested parties,-- I did not get a response suggesting the President should be nominated for another Nobel Prize.  His response – described as ‘roaring’ in some headlines -- did not seem to dampen enthusiasm by those who disagree with his health care reform package called “Obama-Care” by some and irresponsible by others.

            Instead It seems his immediate recipe for damping down dissention voiced during his campaign stop in Iowa to a group of American voter-citizens falls more into the category of spraying gasoline on an already ignited blaze.

             Am I mistaken? Is that response what one would call ‘ Presidential?   

            <>I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service








Friday, March 26, 2010

ISRAEL ONCE AGAIN AT THE BRINK -- Just A Minute Radio for Friday March 26th 2010

Goodness gracious – it’s FRIDAY! Another week in which I *thought* I might turn the corner…but It was not so.


As I did my usual poking around for the jist of the news that everyone else hasn’t trampled over… I came upon a couple of articles that caught my attention.  One was R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. who believes the worst book of the year award – of which he is the usual proclaimer – should go this year to Edward Kennedy, for True Compass – except Teddy’s deceased and Mr. Tyrrell avers it isn’t good form to make fun of the dead. 


Another one of the usual suspects was our ever-ready, gaffer-du-jour Joe Biden – who managed to make President Obama look stupid at the Health Care signing.  Editorialists will go absolutely bonkers if Joe should suddenly vanish from the scene or be effectively silenced by the boss. He is the most dependable comic subject on the tube.

But that did not happen either – we just can’t print what Joe was whispering into the President’s ear at a solemn occasion – managing to make it a solemn kerfluffle. However, I have come upon what I believe is hiding the President’s next move – And it is the subject of today’s JUST A MINUTE.

It appears the President is taking full advantage of all the smoke and fog shrouding the health care signing – and using that occasion as a cover for what amounts to trying to pull the plug on Israel’s attempt to negotiate at least part of the peace of Jerusalem.  It’s not clear this fortuitous collision of events was planned… but given the well-noted push the White House has put on, I think I see Bob Gibbs – the press secretary -- and other White House pronouncers squeezing the most they can out of the House doing re-voting and even perhaps re-re-voting to deliberately focus attention away from what’s happening in the foreground so you and I won’t notice the kind of treatment Mr. Obama is dealing out to Israel.


Experienced Middle East watchers say they’ve never seen the White House in such a mood – and it has Israel preparing for the call. My take is Mr. Obama does not recognize what a tinderbox the Middle East is or how easily he may occasion a conflict which could readily become a “hot” one … not a cold one.  I’m not a foreign policy expert – but one gets to be able to recognize hot spots… and this is one of them.  I have a good friend who assesses concerns about the Middle East.  Recently he asked *me* if Obama is the “Anti-Christ” – in all seriousness. My answer right now is: ‘I don’t know.’ But I surely wouldn’t go playing with matches around a Chinese firecracker warehouse.


May I still say – one thing -- This current rough patch of water renews the Word of God in my soul reminding me: God still can say “Peace be still” as Jesus did on Galilee and the men with him marveled.  That’s really no assurance to those who are trusting in men or riches or arms or whatever, to say Armageddon is just around the corner. At the same time the obverse is true: We simply do not know because the Bible tells us only that only the Father knows the day and the hour of His returning.  It is more than wise to get ready, in order to BE ready.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram






Some links are still being ‘Unkinked… – meantime call WMUU

864-242-6240 if you need a script.  We’re still Under construction.   





            Just a Minute: -- A health care bonfire blazing under the Capitol Dome distracts Americans from treachery at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The President is using the year long domestic contest as a smoke screen to hide his threat to Israel.

            Benjamin Netanyahu was virtually smuggled into the White House for the President to apply unprecedented unilateral pressure for Israel to make huge concessions even before any direct peace talks began. No questions no reporters permitted because the President already had called London and Berlin securing his European allies to back his call for Israel to halt building in Gaza

            President Barack presented Bibi with a virtual ultimatum, according to those in the know, to halt any construction causing Jordan’s King Hussein to say Israel “is playing with fire.”

            Up to now Mr. Obama has virtually disowned foreign policy, but now he’s verging on alienation or abandonment of America’a only friend and ally in the Middle East. Will we awaken some morning to discover America’s friend Israel is abandoned to the tender mercies of the surrounding Arab states?

            I’m Jack Buttram.


Jebco Editorial Service






Wednesday, March 24, 2010

WHICH-AH-WAY DO WE GIT OUTTEN THIS MESS? - Just a Minute Radio for Wednesday 100324

            G’Day Mates… it’s as short as it is long … this week I believe.


            There have been several and apparently several more – which does not make the lawmakers happy since they are acclimated to a three *day* work week… and these long weekends are killin’ them.  However… they really are NOT looking forward to going home for the Easter Break and have to endure the slings and arrows of outrageous voters… or at least those who live in or near their districts.  Nothing so angry as a swarm of hybrid killer bees from back home in Africa!


            I dunno… seems like every one of these things – especially during the last year – is like an overly long and especially unwelcome soap opera – especially to those for whom soap-opera is a high art form.  I think even the most avid viewer is bound to get enough of the same old same old before too long.


            So here we are tied up in the Senate’s apron strings.  We don’t really want to tune in that much to c-Span II and hear the Senators pontificate – or whatever it’s called in the presently windy city… It’s not been a pleasant Spring so far – although speaking for the Chamber of Commerce here locally… we’ve had some gorgeous days… sandwiched inbetween som really ratty ones with clouds and fog and cold and wind… right… good old March weather!


            OK…Perhaps it will blow itself out soon. I won’t be giving you much in the way of advice because I think there’s too much floating around unattached to anyone – and hardly anyone listening.  Seems like we’re all ready for a Spring break. – So I think it’s time for a nap.


            Cordially, IN HIM








Some links are still being ‘Unkinked… – meantime call WMUU

864-242-6240 if you need a script.  We’re still Under construction.  






MizP: Jist a Minit – Mr. Jack, which is the shortest way out’n this thicket?

Jack: It’s hard to know Miz Pearlie… everybody seems confused…

BB: Well – Ah shore am… I admit hit..

Homer: Me too.

 MizP: Whut in the worl are we a-gonna do – we don know which-ah-way is up?

Jack: Now folks… calm donw.. I thought you’d come through this better than this.

MizP: Ah wuz discombobulated when tha-ut Mr. Stupek said he was now a-gonna vote fer hit.

Homer: Me too Miz Pearlie… he was supposed ta have tweve ‘no’ votes in his pocket.

BB: Look like his pocket doen sprung a leak, Homer.”

MizP: Naw Mr. Beelie… tha-ut Miz Pelozie done threatned him wif that gigantick gavel she was a-carryin’

Jack: look folks… I already said calm down… I’ll have to get you some Prozac…

MizP: Oh don’t do tha-ut hit meks me too dizzy.

Homer:: Ah gets drowsey too Miz Pearl.

BB: Yew folks is a-goin soff…

MizP: Whut air we a-goin’ ta do?

Jack: I’d suggest this very day  you get down your Bible and look up 2nd Kinds Six – start at verse eight and read down

            to about verse 23… you’ll read an amazing account of how God provided a great victory for Israwl… and

            they didn’t even have to fight.

MizP: Really Mr. Jack?

Jack: Really Miz Pearlie. 2nd Kings Chapter six.

BB: At in the old Testamint. …

MizP: Ah know tha-ut Mr. Beelie…

Jack: Just read the whole account in there from verse 8-23 … or you can back up and read the whole thing… you’ll

            be encouraged.

Homer: Ah b’leve the Prophet Elisha got their vision renewed.

Jack: Right – they could see the forces of God were greater than the forces of Syria – they went away in peace

MizP: OK Ah’ll do hit…

Homer: So will Ah….

BB: Me too…

Jack: And you folks be with us next Wednesday and we’ll discover some more… I’m Jack Buttram


JEBCO Editorial Service







Monday, March 22, 2010

BRAIN SOFTENING NARROWLY AVERTED - Just A Minute Radio for Monday 100322

Greetings after a turbulent weekend…


It’s MONDAY… sounds almost like Friday. Seems like we had three weeks packed into one last week.  And things don’t look too much brighter for the coming week.  I think the only bright spot is November – and that’s a *long* way off.


However, I remain comfortable and confident the Lord knows what HE is doing in letting this monstrosity of legislation fall in upon us with all the other troubles that are making this beautiful Southern spring into a season of wondering just what’s coming next and where we’re going to come out.  What ever it is we know the Lord is in control – and that’s the important thing to keep before us.


I kept being hammered by the old saw “Sausage and Law are two things you shouldn’t be around to see being made.” I surely felt that while last weekend was piling it on – and Miz Pelosi and Mr. Obama did nothing to satisfy me they have any inkling of what’s going down.


My rather brief experience in DC – about ten years, not counting some campaign time in ’64 with the Goldwater campaign effort – has convinced me of two apparently irrevocable laws in place in the national capitol.  1) What goes around – comes around. You can depend on it… whatever someone puts in motion against an enemy, will one day come back to haunt  you big time. [I think the obverse is true also… good deeds will be rewarded suitably… we just don’t know the time table.] and 2) Lord Acton’s axiom that absolute power corrupts absolutely is simply as true as the earth orbiting the sun or the moon on a similar journey. We’re just not always able to observe justice being properly served… nonetheless I’m convinced it is.


Well… enough philosophizing today… I’ve still got a long ways to go tonight as I write. God bless you all… and stick with us – you’ll see this come true.


Cordially, IN HIM







             Just a Minute: -- Last evening I took a terrible chance risking a nearly permanent  jelly-brain attack while attempting to make sense of last night’s midnight TV from Washington.

             Once the attack begins, there are precious few antidotes – none demonstrably effective – to reverse the condition.  It’s described in non-medical terms as being ‘So open minded your brains fall out.’ – in most cases turns out to be irreversible. 

             Seeking respite, I checked out Will Rogers – the cowboy humorist whose origins are near the Oklabama  Cherokee nation – who said on multiple occasions: (quote) “I belong to no organized political party – I’m a Democrat.”  His good-natured humor would have been very welcome in the “People’s House” last evening – indeed for the last year.

             He once said: “This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.  

             As the evening wore on a thunderstorm blotted out our satellite signal, so I was able to retire peacefully and live to laugh another day.  May the Lord bless America and hold us all in the hollow of HIS hand.

             <> I’m Jack Buttram              (END)


Jebco Editorial Service








Some links are still being ‘Unkinked… – meantime call WMUU

864-242-6240 if you need a script.  We’re still Under construction.   


Friday, March 19, 2010

IS THIS REALLY THE WAY TO MAKE LAW? -- Just A Minute Radio for Friday 100319

            Howdy… IT’S FRIDAY! – and we’re beginning to get some of the posting strings tied up… but a few fringes linger.


            Frankly I think I feel more embarrassed than anything else.  I worked on Capitol Hill for several years, and in campaign and staff positions for several Senators – never worked for a member of Congress, but visited quite a few offices there. And later did a stint in the EOB … now known as the Eisenhower Office Building… right next door to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue – now closed for the most part – to vehicular traffic and across from Lafayette Park and the White House.


            There is a certain mystique… perhaps “aire” is a better term… not so ghostly about the house of the President and the mostly marbleized structures nearby.  But stone, and fences – security guards and gates and all the rest which is now a part of today’s Washington, are really invested in the people who actually make up the three separate but equal branches of our government – Executive, Legislative, Judicial.  Some really smart and dedicated people put their heads together and called on experience, knowledge and God in the formation of our Nation.  And when we see those foundations… begin to tremble a bit and not stand for the things we thought they stood for… We too become shaky… I believe that’s the situation with our nation today. 


            There are many causes – and suggested corrections; unfortunately there are many who sadly have little knowledge of ‘how we got here’ and seem to be ready to dump 300 years of experience in the nearby Potomac to see if there is not a new way of walking across that wide water. I strongly advise against it.


            In fact the sadness I often feel when hearing both supposed friends and foes get angry with one another in governing disagreements, is mixed with embarrassment for myself and for others – who have simply failed to grasp the greatness that is wrapped up in the foundation stones of America.  Yes… I know it’s not perfect.  I don’t know anyone of stature and wisdom who claims it is – but it is as far as I can see, and demonstrably true every day – better than any other human government now or in history.  And to enjoy its benefits and seek to overturn its blessings irresponsibly… well, I’m just embarrassed by the foolish and wanton ignorance.


            Probably I should quit here…it takes much longer than a minute… but we do have the opportunity to call upon Almighty God, and to thank HIM for the blessings of this great Nation – imperfect as it is with humans to run it.  We can and should do better relying on our willing and gracious Heavenly Father.


            Cordially, IN HIM


            Jack and Barbara Buttram





            Just a Minute: -- There’s hardly any way to broadcast a commentary today without the subject being Health Care REFORM legislation.  It’s the battle of the young century – and can bode fair or foul for decades to come.

            That being said, the hot and humid air, unseasonable for this part of the year, harks back to a line from Wm Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar“Beware the ides of March.”  Caesar was reportedly assassinated in the middle of March – and it looks as if our Republic stands in similar serious jeopardy.

            At this writing neither the Democrats or Republicans are claiming victory.  The closest assessment comes from the GOP minority who say on Thursday night – “If Nancy Pelosi had the votes we’d be voting now.”  But no one could be found among the minority GOP players who would flat out predict a win – possibly because the majority kept moving the goalposts.

            For the world’s most powerful self-governing nation, it’s not an attractive scene – embarrassing really.  We should know better and by God’s grace and forgiveness come November, we will know better.

            I’m Jack Buttram.


Jebco Editorial Service








The links are still being ‘Unkinked… I hope soon – meantime call WMUU

864-242-6240 if you want a script.  We’re still working on it.   



Wednesday, March 17, 2010

BETTER BREAK OUT THE SLINGS FOR THE SPRAINS - Just A Minute Radio - Wed March 17th, 2010

            Howdy folks – Happy Middle of the Week ---


            We are slowly tunneling our way out of the hole our recalcitrant computer has dug for us… and hope to return to a semblance of normalcy soon – plus the WMUU-FM, our anchor station’s web site is nailing down their edges… and we hope their streaming audio will be able to pick us up before long so JUST A MINUTE will make connections with distant points again. 


            I didn’t have enough air time to point out it’s St. Patrick’s day… my Dad was always careful he said, to make sure the ‘tater’s were in the ground on St. Pat’s day… that’s about the most I remember of the holiday.  I found although the story spreads far and wide about the young lad kidnapped who was brought up in Ireland… and is credited with returning to driving the snakes from the Emerald Isle… there’s a lot in the legend of Patrick that turns out to be … well rather ephemeral – or hard to get a bead on since the history is obscured with time – and accounts are embellished with lots of enthusiasm.  I was pleased however to get a good account from several books of how much of the literature of the Medieval times was preserved by the fact Ireland’s scribes and wonderful manuscripts were largely spared the burnings that went on in the greater part of Europe.  An interesting series of providential events.  


            Then we have our own not so ‘ancient’ legends to cope with also… one of which I was around for… in 1948 when Israel became a nation in a moment.  I do remember taking history or ‘social studies’ on the formation of the United Nations… which is another story that came out somewhat different than the “organizing committee” intended. I was a young teen who did not know that history books are not always totally accurate.  We’re living in historical times today.


            With all the rain in the northeast and even inland places shut down by the snowmelt flooding plus the torrential rain and hurricane winds … it’s not been the usual winter… some folks lay the blame on the El Nin~o…but I’m not sure of the accuracy of that either… sort of fits with some of the other legendary happenings.


            Nonetheless… one thing we can depend upon… the movement of the stars and planets.  Since the Lord set them all in motion… we have a sure thing in their extremely predictable motion.  For me it’s a totally reassuring thing… especially when contrasted with the vagaries of “Mother Nature” which seems an odd resource for the ‘scientists’ of metrology to hang their reputation upon… We can depend upon the vernal equinox to arrive on March 20th at 1:32 PM… A much more dependable time-table than say,…Amtrack.


            Have a great day!


            Cordially, IN HIM








MizP: Jist A Minute – Mr. Jack, whut is this ‘deem’ stuff they’s a-tawkin ‘bout in Congers?

Jack: It’s the procedure Miz Pearl, allowing people to ‘not vote’ but pass the bill.

Homer: You mean if’n they want ta git th’ Senate Health bill they kin –

BB: They can “deem” hit ta bin passed by th’ House wifout akshully votin’ fer hit.

MizP: Naw…

BB: Nope at’s rite Miz Pearl… hit’s whut Miz Pelozie says – an you know…

Homer: Whut she says goes…If’n she says she’s got th’ votes… she’s gottem...

BB: Even if’n she haz ta’ mek hit up.

Jack: Not exactly right Billy-bob… they’ve use this before but usually just to add amendments to keep from having to run the bill through the other house.

Homer: Ah don’t unnerstan, Mr. “J”… souns total unconstitution ta me.

BB: Me too Homer… air they jist a-mekin’ up th’ rules as they goes?

Jack: Not exactly – but close – this procedure’s never been used for something this big.

MizP: Souns like th’ woof in th’ hen house ta me. Ah doan like hit.

Homer: You gotta lotta comp’ny on tha-ut Miz-Pearl.

BB: Look like ya can have ‘em  say ennythang yew wanted…   

Homer: Sorta like playin’ tennis wif th’ net down.

MizP: Ah doan unnerstan…

Jack it’s not really a good idea, but when you’re up against a deadline…

MizP: Ah know, Mr. Jack… but when th’ hole country’s breadbasket is a-gittin upset…

BB: An hit looks like we’s headed fer th’ ditch..

Homer: Somebody gotta do sumpin’…

Jack: I reckon the best thing for us to do is pray. You only have to read some of the miracles done for the children of Israel on their way out of Egypt… or even in the promised land.

MizP:  At’s when Josh-u-ay saiud, “Hitherto hath the Lord hepped us…”

Jack: So right, Miz Pearl … time to really pray for His will to be done… and we’ll be back next week, Lord willing, to talk about how it all came out. – I’m Jack Buttram.


JEBCO Editorial Service



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Friday, March 12, 2010

MRS. SPEAKER SWINGS A MEAN LASSO - Just a Minute Radio -- For Friday March 12, 2010

            Howdy… Like I told the crew… it’s not been the easiest week to unkink the knowledge base.  I’ve had lots of good help… It’s just filtered through my two brain cells that seem to have developed atrophied mental muscles. (L) – but we limp along… with the expectation we’ll eventually chase all  the ghosts down.


            Meantime… it’s been a harried experience for the folks on whom I depend to give me the technical knowledge I don’t have… and I seem to be well behind the learning curve on computers… although I didn’t think I started that far back in the pack back in 1978 or so when we fired up the first TRS-DOS mammoth machine which had less capacity than the average PDA or wrist watch today it seems. 


            I’m not griping … just rather mystified to simply hear the whoosh… and feel the breeze as the electronic bullet train rips by me and I wonder what’s happening.  But… some day… well.. it won’t matter then. (J)


            This upcoming contest between the definite minority in the House and Senate… ought to be emblazoned on our minds and hearts. We’ve already seen the bold outlines of what’s portending.  Let’s just pray we don’t have to get down to the details but can pull the ship of state out of the dive yet.  Well, there I’ve mixed my last metaphor for today… Next week has GOT to be better… I hope – and PRAY…. I also hope YOU are praying.


            Cordially, IN HIM




(no use posting the links.. they aren’t working yet)





             Just a Minute: -- Michael Barone, Editor of the Almanac of American Politics,  counts real votes not wishes for the best.

             He believes if Mrs. Pelosi had the votes today – she’d call for the vote today. So it can be assumed she doesn’t or isn’t sure. He then does the math of who’s died, who’s left, and who’s switched and comes up with 215 -- one vote shy in the current House.       On top of that, lies the House’s historic distrust of the Senate, demonstrated by Nevada’s Shelly Berkley, telling the New York Times, she wants ‘more than a promise´ adding, “the Senate couldn’t promise it’s way out of a paper bag.”

             At the end of Mr. Barone’s analysis… possibly the Speaker can round up the votes… but about 40 are significantly in doubt.  They are needed to make the necessary 216.

             We all should be praying Mr. Barone is right, because that would put a significant barrier in the way of this power grab for a sixth of America’s economy. Who knows what other tricks Satan may have in store.

             <> I’m Jack Buttram              (END)


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