Thursday, July 31, 2008

TIME FOR COOL HEADS AND CALM HEARTS: Just a Minute for 08-01-08

Welcome to Friday! –


Today we’re talking seriously about he progress – or lack of it – on the presidential front. It seems like the campaign has disintegrated into a war of words – and that’s not unexpected – but happening a little early since we’re not past either of the major party conventions.


All that means – at least to me – is candidates tend to get into a “You said this…” followed by a “No I didn’t…” followed by “Yes you did…” and it goes down hill from there. Now obviously we can’t put words in the candidates mouths – and each man has to stand up for himself – but what amazes me is the downright hate and vitriol I see on the bogging sections of the Internet from supporters.


These are exchanges you wouldn’t be surprised to hear in in a setting of gangsters or thieves or the lowest kind of acrimony voiced on children’s playgrounds – but civilized discourse it’s not… and that’s true for supporters on both sides. It’s like a clash of soccer fans without the fences.


Well… I’m on a one man crusade I guess (although I know there are lots of people out there who have similar reactions) for more civility and less bombast. True enough we had rough political campaigns in the early years of America – and frontier politics were not a Sunday afternoon dinner on the grounds. But we’re doing ourselves in to sink into that quicksand. And the campaign leaders of both candidates can do a lot better than that.


We had all hoped when the candidates had been picked – as the experts assure us has happened – things would sort themselves out a bit. But it appears that’s not the case. We Christians need to pick up our Bibles and re-read and meditate on how we are to conduct ourselves in society. It’s there and not difficult to understand. So – I’ll have more to say about it on Monday. If you’re a praying person… give time this weekend to prayer for our nation and our local politicians. We can do better than this.


Cordially, IN HM


Jack Buttram





Just A Minute – We’ve come under attack by the spiritual enemy in the last 24 hours. People may think I’m nutso speaking in spiritual language that has no place in politics – that’s the problem. We fail to understand it’s the spiritual warfare, not political in which we’re engaged.

Two writers I admire – Scott Ott of the satirical blog Scrappleface, and Dan Henniger, assistant editor at the Wall St. Journal – both suddenly call for McCain to head for the showers. Problem is -- this ain’t baseball!

Look …you don’t call off the campaign just because it’s going badly – President Bush latched on to a new Iraq surge strategy and it’s apparently working. McCain really needs our prayer. His “Faith of My Fathers” autobiography is full of courage, resolution and honor. He’s being bumped off message by making this a referendum on Obama. What happens to honor, leadership and experience? Speechmaking isn’t his bag – nor ours. Re-read the 6th chapter of Ephesians – take up the sword of the spirit. Prayer isn’t getting ready for battle – it is the battle. We’ll go there on Monday, Lord willing.

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service







Wednesday, July 30, 2008

OBAMAPHOBIA ANYONE? - Just A Minute Radio for 7-31-08

Howdy Folks… Don’t get itchy now….we’re nearing the weekend… [g]    


Frankly, I’m not much of a believer in polls. Once I get cranked up thinking they’re getting more accurate… then there’s a big kerfluffle of a mistake… and the explanations start flying. Really I think a poll should be viewed very much like a weather vane on a red barn during a blustery wind storm…  Why a red barn?  Just to give the picture a little more color. [g] Get’s kinda dull otherwise.


The weather vane was originally designed – crafted probably – I doubt there was a drawing board or even a rough sketch involved. It was crafted to show a ship’s captain whether the wind was favorable for the coming tide or not… if he had to go straight down a narrow channel and the wind was from the opposite direction… he’d save his temper by awaiting a change in the wind… indicated by the weather (wind) vane. Also in defense of calling it “weather vane” the wind usually does swing around and come from a different quarter when a weather front passes – but I’ve never been expert enough to figure that out. It remains on my list of things to do --- sometime.


Back to polls…. The biggest errors used to show up in the polls conducted via telephone. For some reason it was hard to get a representative sample in a short time – especially in the days of the rotary dial phone. Plus in the early days you probably divided demographics with a cleaver by expecting telephone patrons to be of a uniform sample. Telephones were expensive and not uniformly distributed amongst voters. 


Well… polling is a fascinating business… and I know in Washington the old saying used to be – “There are lies; there are [deleted] lies; and there are statistics.”  Generally disparaging of the businesses trying to tell us what is in the future by asking questions of a sample and projecting it on the majority. Some politicians swear by it – others just swear at it. Don’t get bent out of shape on polls – especially early ones.


Cordially, IN HIM








Just A Minute – Revisiting polling data finds right now people are more concerned about the kind of man is Senator Obama than getting their questions answered about Senator McCain.

At present 47% say they prefer Obama over the 41% who prefer McCain – that’s about the same lead Obama enjoyed a month ago with an error margin around three percent either way. It appears Americans are more concerned about figuring out an unusual candidate presenting himself as one who brings *change* -- which voters seem to say they want, but can’t pin down just what it is they do want.

In 1980 the electorate seemed ready to toss over the change Jimmy Carter had brought – but they weren’t sure, until late in the election cycle, they were ready for a former actor, California Governor Ronald Reagan, who had become an unabashed conservative after campaigning for Senator Goldwater in 1964.

Democrat pollster Peter Hart, and Republican Neil Newhouse, run the NBC/Wall St. Journal poll --  their conclusion at the moment is:  "Voters want an answer to a simple question: Is Barack Obama safe?"

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service






Tuesday, July 29, 2008

EARTHQUAKE ALERT? Just a Minute for 7-30-08

Howdy Folks…


It’s been a busy 24 hours. Earthquake yesterday near L.A. – fortunately way down in the earth – and not nearly the kind of damage and loss of life like there was in China. But still enough to worry people – especially people headed for Beijing and the Olympics.


President Bush met with Bob Fu of the China Aid Association yesterday in the Oval Office. It’s an attempt on the part of friends and relatives of the Chinese people to get the President to speak sternly to the Chinese leaders about the leadership they need to exert in treating Christians right in the Middle Kingdom. International negotiations and ‘speaking sternly’ in a diplomatic setting sometimes have unintended consequences. We – the United States – need China to use its leverage on the North Koreans to get them to cancel out their nuclear program. What the Far East *doesn’t* need is a rogue nation saber rattling it’s nuclear arms just to get attention and to get its way. So it’s not as easy as it may look.


Meanwhile the Chinese as a nation have a huge national pride. They won the bid of the International Olympics Committee two years ago… and snagged the date 08-08-08 (very good luck they believe) as the opening for these international games. As was proved years ago in Berlin, terrorists are not immune to the knowledge the world is watching what’s happening in Beijing. It’s a coward’s game – but there are plenty of cowards out there ready to try the patience and courage of the U.S. and other allies as well as the nerve of the Chinese to see how they will react to attacks within their system. It would be a large blot on the Chinese record to have international terror incidents happen in their home town on their turf.


So these are tense times – and the sufferings of the Chinese from the earthquake and from years of rulers who are more interested in aggrandizement than in their people may choose this time to call in their chips and make things tough all ‘round.


It’s a time to be praying – as it is at all times.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram






MizP: Just a Minit – Didja heer that bump?

BB: I felt hit. I was over’t th’ Bait Shop and Sushi Bar an I thot a dump truck done hit a

            Big pothole.

Homer: D’ya thank that hit wuz a earthquake?

BB: Naw… t’warn’t big eenuff fer an earthquake.

Jack: They come in all sizes you know.

MizP: An we is on one of them faulty lines ya know.

Homer: I din’t know that-ut. You shore about tha-ut?

MizP: Sure as I’m a sittin’ here eatin’ a sardine an ketchup samwich. Want a bite?

Jack: I’ll pass for now Miz Pearl – thank you anyway.

BB: Ah heer they’s very good fer keeping yer mem’ry sharp.

Jack: Sardine and Catsup sandwiches?

BB: Naw… I mean gittin’ hit up side th’ head wif a earth quake… if’n ain’ too hard.

Homer: Ah reckon gittin’ hit anyways would jar yer brains.

MizP: Yeah… but hit depens on how many you got. If’n your skull is kinder empty then those you has is liable to rattle around too much.

BB: Yep – thas whut happened to my Cousin Lucy… went to a baseball game – got hit by a foul ball – ever after they called her rattlebrained.

Jack: I expect that’s what hit Mr. McCain.

Homer: A fowl ball.

Jack: No… he pledged no new taxes then on one of the Sunday shows when asked about saving Social Security he said *everything* was on the table.

Homer: Even taxes?

BB: Looks like he’da larned sumpin’ from th’ first Presidint Bush an “No new Taxes.”

Jack: Yeah looks like it.

MizP: Not a good development.

Jack: Right Miz P… I’m Jack Buttram



Jebco Editorial Service






Monday, July 28, 2008

A TALE OF TWO EDUCATION CANDIDATES -- Just a Minute for Tuesday 7-29-08

Howdy Folks…


            Things movin’ kinda slow and hot for you?  ‘Tis for me. From about the middle of July ‘til about Labor Day I seem to get the hot and stickies. (Praise the Lord for A/C.) When I was a kid most of the time we had already made the after school trip to the grandparents in South Carolina and on alternate years to Alabama. Those I just remember as HOT days *except* when we could go swimmin’ in the creek or eat ice-cream out of the freezer – some called ‘em churns.


            My Uncle Clarence sticks in my memory as the Watermelon man. In mid to late August he had a smokehouse floor full of those green beauties. It’s still a little early in the season here in the upstate of SC for good, ripe watermelons. But I’ve had a taste of one or two recently that brought back memories of those days. Again with a few exceptions. The one I participated in yesterday had almost no seeds at all – and that was one of the grandest times with the South Carolina cousins to see who could spit watermelon seeds the farthest. Then to get to wash the sticky off with water pumped up from the well… it wasn’t ice-cold – just right to be refreshin’.  However, even watermelon, as near perfect as it is – you eventually got tired of – at least I did. Maybe not having a spittin’ contest takes some of the fun out of it.


            But I didn’t get tired soon enough of black walnuts. They were good mixed in with the ice cream.  But that’s for another day.


            I do remember my Aunt Lucy telling about teaching school in a one room school house adjacent to Grandpa’s farm. Boy… I thought that would be fun. But I never got to go to one. And another thing I never got… My feet never got as tough as my cousins’ who had been without shoes since the weather got warm enough in the Spring. I could never catch up with them getting over tender feet… or getting a sun tan. I always got a burn.


            What does that have to do with today’s program? Nothin’ much… just it’s the time of year for peaches and watermelons… and one should never let those times go unanswered.


            Today we deal with educating children… and how we’re seemingly locked into a losing system.  Listen and think what you can do about it.


Cordially, IN HIM







Just A Minute – When it comes to solving educational problems in America we could not have two candidates who take such diametrically different approaches.

John McCain calls for alternatives to the government monopoly system; Barack Obama wants to keep the kids within that system that has proven to be America’s greatest scandal.  Speaking before the NAACP McCain says parents just want safe schools, competent teachers opening doors of opportunity for kids. (quote) “When a public system fails repeatedly to meet these minimal objectives … parents want a choice in the education of their children. (unquote)

California, Philadelphia and Washington DC have temporary programs offering limited but successful choices.

Obama has accepted  teacher union – NEA – endorsement denying children any kind of choice other than government schools; meanwhile his two daughters attend the private University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, where annual tuition ranges from fifteen thousand plus to twenty thousand plus per child.

Do you think we’ll hear a debate about children’s education?

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service











OBAMA ON DER STUMPF - Just a Minute for 07-28-08

It’s Monday… I hope you had a nice weekend…


            Time to check in on the rising “Citizen of the World” – who somehow missed the appointment at Downing Street in London and was scheduled to make his news conference alone. Not a promising beginning for “President of the World” as Der Spiegel characterized his appearance in Berlin on Thursday.  Obama’s whirlwind tour of the Middle East Europe and anyone else who was interested achieved it’s purpose apparently for he came home with a pocketful of clippings and all the excitement one could hope for from the youth of the world. Now the question: Does that translate into ruling horsepower when it comes to getting elected President of the United States. Maybe the crowd in Denver late next month can tell us – meanwhile we are stuck with the polls – and this season they’ve been like a weathervane in a windstorm.


            So… we’re about to conclujde the tail end of dog days… on the 11th… the day’s length will shrink from about 13 and ¾ hours at the beginning of August to about five minutes less than 13 by the end of August. So all the children can feel the hot breath of school days breathing down their collective collars. We’re on the steep downhill run toward another term of school. I’m sure that cheers up mothers who have wondered when the long hot summer will end. Teachers are probably ambivalent. It won’t be long now.


            There are things going on in the world besides politics – Praise the Lord. I think Fall is a wonderful time of the year – if you discount raking leaves. The leaves are pretty – for the most part… but they do come at a price.  We’ve put off doing things in the yard trying to get our stuff that’s not gotten unpacked from the move sorted out yet. But that’s coming along.  We’ve got a lot of “stuff” to give away, sell or e-bay or will to our descendents – God bless ‘em.


            Well… have a good day. Don’t wait for the weekend.  Carpe dieum (I got it right…I think ) seize the day… It’s one the Lord has made!


Cordially, IN HIM







Just A Minute – OK here’s my take on Mr. Obama’s Berlin speech. -- Uncertainty about the the crowd abounded -- … estimates between two million down to 20 thousand. So take your pick. 

The NEW YORK TIMES opened its coverage on Obama's citizen of the world speech with (quote) "a tone poem to American and European ideals and shared history… “We defer to the New York Poetry Digest.

Der Spiegel‘s chief editor suggests the German media are even more im der Tank für Obama than US media. Our translation says approximately “Anyone who saw Obama in Berlin on Thursday could realize this man will become the 44th president of the U.S. and he wants not only to be president of the USA but the world. Der Spiegel  continued … his speech encompassed the Berlin Airlift, polar ice caps, Iran, Afghanistan, terrorists, poorly guarded nuclear material, World War Two, American mistakes, Iraq and concluded was a ton too much to absorb – in a speech delivered in less than 30 minutes.

Nobody wrote – “Perhaps he ought to get elected first.”


<> I’m Jack Buttram



Jebco Editorial Service






Thursday, July 24, 2008

TALE OF TWO FLIP-FLOPPERS - Just a Minute for Friday 7-25-08

Howdy Folks – Paul Harvey always says IT’S FRIDAY!  Like we might not have one every week…


            Truth is this week has seemed to run over into next week. I have Barak on the trail with three anchors trailing behind him. Reminds me of Dr. Luke’s description of the people with Paul sailing for Rome and about to be shipwrecked. I’m always gripped by the realistic language in the 27th Chapter of Acts (verse 29) ”Then, fearing lest we should fall upon rocks, they cast four anchors out of the stern and wished for the day.” Kind of odd for Obama to be followed about by three anchors… I wonder who’s missing? Chris Matthews maybe. Anyway its been a raucous week… and I don’t think it’s over yet.


            But today’s program takes a 60 second look at the record of flip flops that became such a hassle four years ago when John Kerry’s stories of his Viet Nam war effort (you probably forgot all about that didn’t you) started being mentioned by him in every story – his shipmates in the Swift Boats decided they’d had enough and “being swiftboated” has entered our political parlance. I’m thinking we have many more miles to go, hills to climb and creeks to ford before we get to the first week in November. It is my fervent hope Congress can pull itself together enough after this is over to somehow shorten the campaign marathon. This has been the longest campaign in my memory which goes back a long way. [g]


            Anyway, we’ve had a little relief from the heat – perhaps soon we’ll get some relief from the hot air. If the current polls are to be believed the issue most in the mind of the voters right now concerns bringing gas prices back to earth. And polling numbers out yesterday indicate the presidential race is a close one – although you wouldn’t know it from BIG media. Let’s just all cool it for a while.  The bridges to be crossed are mostly still ahead of us.


Cordially, IN HIM







Just A Minute – Today we compare two flip-floppers:

 John McCain now wants to drill for oil on the seabed – says four dollar gas changed his mind. OK… people may still wonder why he still won’t drill on two thousand acre in the 19 million-acre Arctic Wildlife Refuge. But, -- OK.

He flipped also on the ‘01 and ‘03 tax cuts wanting to “… see them shared more by working Americans." Now supporting the cuts he says if you let ‘em continue they amount to tax hikes… OK – well at least McCain fesses up and explains.

Barak Obama has flipped on political funding, free trade, NAFTA, welfare reform, D.C. gun ban, Terrorist Surveillance,  status of Jerusalem, lapel pins, and disowning Jeremiah Wright (among others) – not only not explaining but acts as if they never happened.

Then there’s Iraq: In ’06 and early ’07 it was ‘everybody out now – even voting to cut off funds while troops were in combat. All that’s flipped!  Last week in the New York Times he talked about missions for his “residual forces” perhaps sixty to eighty thousand still in Iraq still in 2010.

            Hey – wait a minute man -- this ain’t checkers!

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service






Wednesday, July 23, 2008

"YOU LITTLE JERKS!" - Just a Minute for 07-24-08 Thursday



Gittin’ on toward the end of the week. This ‘campin pain’ – as Billy-bob is wont to call it, is gittin’ mo *bitterer* -- looks like we’re like to scrape the bottom of the barrel of common sense. Generally major candidates tend to reach a modicum of composure and quietness when it comes to the opposition. But it looks like this time around might turn out to be the exception.


It’s possible John McCain figures he lost out in 2000 because he played Mr. Nice guy – although I’m sure Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, and George W. Bush weren’t sure of it at least at the time. But… time heals all wounds they say – Or is it wounds all heels?  In any case most of the political nuts I’ve known… (and I’ve known a few) … are at least glad when the campaign is over--- but of course they don’t like losing. Nonetheless when the fire bell goes off again… they’re chompin’ at the bit to get in the trenches again.


If you’re a regular Bible reader, you’ve run across the passages where some of the disciples were getting angry – or at least touchy – toward the sons of Zebedee because they were ‘lobbying’ if you will, to see who would get to sit at the Lord’s right hand and who at the left when he took on his kingly role and stepped up to the throne. And even though Jesus tried several times to disabuse them of the notion that His was going to be an earthly kingdom like the ones they had already experienced under Jewish, Roman and Greek rulers (as well as other oppressors) they still seemed to specialize in ‘missing the point.’


But that’s hardly unusual – when we figure out how we got here and who we descended from – we ought to get a pretty good (or bad, depending on your viewpoint) picture of the human condition. Given the chance men who have the opportunity will grab power and do their best to hold onto it -- Think Hugo Chavez or Fidel. George Washington was an exception. James and John were not – at least initially.


But today is not one for pointing fingers – these days are provided to study and read the scriptures… pray and ask the Lord for wisdom in the choices before us. Tomorrow I’ll write about what the major political pollster… one specializing in focus groups has found out about Americans and elections – particularly this one.


Cordially, IN HIM







Just A Minute – John McCain fights for every scrap of attention from national media while Barak and company (including the three musty TV anchors) surge to gigantic accolades.

But Senator John ought to remember what goes around comes around – especially in Washington where character assassins are cheaper by the dozen. Columnist Bob Novak says a top McCain aide suggested he put the impending veep announcement in his column -- mainly to upset Obama’s parade meeting world leaders. Now Novak believes the announcement was just noise planted by Team McCain since the announcement never came. Novak and the press corps were used as a stick with which to beat Obama.

Confronted with that accusation on the Straight Talk Air-Express – Fund reports McCain blew ‘em off with a smile and asked: (quote) "’What do you want, you little jerks?” Then waved off any questions.

            John McCain doesn’t need to manufacture more enemies; he’s winning the prize as his own worst right now. Washington’s not a town in which you deliberately want to play ugly.

            <> I’m Jack Buttram



Jebco Editorial Service




AN AFGHAN ADVENTURE - Just a Minute for July 23, 2008

Hello again Folks –


            I just never quite know how to answer the question this time of year… “Hot enough for you?”  If I say yes… am I being sincere? Or a masochist? – If I say no… am I just being stubborn or trying to live above it all and apparently giving the impression of a down the nose look? Maybe just best to retreat to the air-conditioned room if I can.


            Anyway…it has been entirely hot enough --- AND humid enough too just to fill out the picture. But I think he heat has gotten to the squirrels enough that their load of fat from scoffing down the bird seed combined with their all-season fur coat makes them just lie up in the tops of the trees where they may catch a breeze.  Even the birds that do come to the feeder do so with beaks apart like they are panting… and maybe they are.


            I wonder how the Washington press corps – and the three network anchors are feeling the heat over there in the Middle East?  Barack’s visit just flew by almost without my notice. Time flies when you’re having fun. I noticed the Media Research Bureau caught Diane Sawyer sort of trying to hammer John McCain for laughing about Obama – similar problems for Jack McCafferty of CNN. Everybody seems a little uneasy in the heat.


            Anyway there’s a lot of chatter on the net now that the obvious and overwhelming bias of major media people becomes more of a factor in their coverage. “Will it help or hurt?” Seems to be the theme of a lot of the discussion.  Most everyone chooses “It will help.” – A few look a little more realistic saying it’ will hurt especially if the public – “The great ‘unwashed’ as H.L. Mencken of the Baltimore Sun used to characterize his readership – decide all this super sweet coverage is a bit too much. It is ‘over the top’ as the current saying is – but what the harvest is in unintended consequences – I’m not sure.


            Just stay cool, stay in the Word, and don’t get panicked by big media. They are *very good* at NOT admitting any mistakes.


Cordially, IN HIM







Jack: Just a Minit – What are you makin’,  Miz Pearlie?

MizP: Hit’s an Afghan, Mr. Jack.

BB: Afghan like Afghanistan?

MizP: No, Silly Billy-Bob

Homer: Looks like a rug you’s a-knittin’...

MizP: Well hit ain’t a rug – and I ain’t a-knittin’ hit – I’ze crocheting (croshaying).

BB: Both use them needle thangs …?

MizP: Yeah… but ast any woman – knittin’ ain’t crocheting and vice versi…

Homer: Ah don’t git hit, Miz Pearl…

MizP: Thas th’ point, Homer… you an the fellers at th’ Bait Shop an Shushi Bar thank you know everthang… but sometimes you don’t know …

Jack: You’re speaking an object lesson, Miz Pearl?

MizP: Egg-zakly.

Jack: So you want to say … ?

MizP: Obama has done run off, spent about two hours each in Iraq an Afghanistan – now headed fer Jordan an Europe an he don’t know nothin’. Even tho he din’t support th’ surge an, even tho hit’s now a-workin – maybe – He thanks a surge ought to be done in Afghanistan with more troops …  

Jack: And you think … ?

MizP: Hit’s two different countries… I been readin’ up. The jogaphreey is different, The Russkies know now th fightin’ has to be different … Well – if I kin croshay this Afghan does he thank he can?

BB: You don’t thank he knows…

MizP: He don’t know knittin’ frum crocheting an thas a fack.

Homer: I’ll try to git Secretary Gates on th’ line …

Jack: <> I’m Jack Buttram.



Jebco Editorial Service






Monday, July 21, 2008


Hi Folks –


Like a large – a very large – pot simmering on the back of the stove, emitting a column of steam from time to time, we have the spectacle of China, its’ people suffering under poor leadership, bad government and a devastating earthquake.  When is this pot going to boil over?


There is no question the world’s largest Communist government knows how to oppress people, keep outward order, and to a degree make the trains run on time. (As Mussolini promised when he took over Italy.)  But how can such an internally fragile society, hovering on the border of an increasingly porous information border, bedeviled by the Internet, fax machines, cell phones and other gadgets of modern technology continue to plug the dikes of knowledge of what’s happening out there – especially when thousands of journalists come to be embedded into society for several weeks while the world’s sports cameras are focused on the “Middle Kingdom?” It is indeed a Chinese puzzle. And the oppressive Chinese regime is laboring heavily to bring it off. But there are problems.


One of them is the CAA – China Aid Association – headed by Bob Fu. I get several press releases a week from his organization (more than I can readily use) telling about continuing acts of oppression, intimidation and outright gangsterism as the Red Chinese government attempts to hold back the tide. A giant hole in the dike has been created – at least for now by Amity Press which has the capability of printing a million copies of the Bible per month – and is set up to distribute them to the thousands who flock to see the Olympics.


At the same time I have 25 or so recently documented and filed stories of oppressive behavior against house churches, individuals and organizations to make your hair turn white. As Abraham Lincoln said – “No nation can long exist half slave and half free.” The Scriptures say effectively “You shall know the truth – and the truth shall make you free.”  It seems the Lord is setting the stage for either a blood bath (possibly after the Olympics) or a showdown on religious freedom that must accompany China’s entrance into being a major trading partner on the world market. Let us be seriously involved in prayerful efforts for ourselves and our Chinese Christian brethren in the prospect of these hard times.


Cordially, IN HIM



Jack Buttram






Just A Minute – Often Yogi Berra is quoted – “It’s déjà-vu all over again.” – Across the Taiwan straits now we believe the tectonic plates of Chinese politics move languidly but inexorably toward change revealing changes not imagined 25 years ago.

I say 25 years for that was the period of time I worked as head of an American -- Chinese friendship organization watching US-Taiwan relations transform themselves from after WWII, through the Korean effort, Vietnam and during the Nixon – Mao exchange. Now the world holds its breath as China approaches the waterfall event of Olympics 2008 – which will either give evidence of cataclysmic clashes between growing freedoms in China and recalcitrant Red Chinese efforts, or reluctant realization the world won’t stand by to watch totalitarians maintain their throat-hold on Beijing’s people.

Changes in China always seem to be accompanied by violent shocks. Tiananmen Square is the most prominent big one which, like the devastating earthquake in parts of the mainland, creates its own thunder. We look for even greater effects in coming days. 

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service
