Thursday, May 31, 2012

THINGS I'M LEARNING I FIND SURPRISE ME -- Just A Minute Radio for Friday 120601

Here we are at the end of a busy week and things on the cusp of turning over again. It’s 5 months and six days until we put this baby (the election) to bed. This has been a longer wait than the very longest time I *ever* remember it taking for Christmas to get here – even when we thought a nice new bicycle might be in the attic or garage, or somewhere.


The watched pot seldom, if ever, boils they say – or at least NOT while you are standing by watching for it to. How tedious and tasteless the hours …


But (DV) we shall prevail until the end.


I’m reminded when we bought bicycles for our girls.  We didn’t get the right color or seat shape or something for the youngest. She had gained a glimpse of what might be in store… but when it came it was the wrong shape and the wrong color and she just didn’t like it at all… I can still remember my disappointment not as vividly as she remembers it I’m sure. Some disappointments stick with you longer than others. I wonder if some graduate student of disappointment psychology is still looking for the term paper his dog ate when he thought he had worked on it so hard and so long and gotten it so perfect – only to figure the only possible thing that could have happened was that the dog ate it.


Life is full of little frustrations I suppose – maybe some day we’ll learn how to overcome the little frustrations… then the bigger ones know their days are numbered.


Today I promised myself and my wife I would do my best to get in bed at a proper time. So I’m going to keep the promise.


God be with you all and see you (DV) on Monday if not before!


Cordially, IN HIM,


Jack & Barbara




            Just a Minute:  Someone asked me what is in the First Amendment?  I stumbled in telling them, but here it is: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

          Just think about that—what broad freedom it is and how fortunate are we who live under it. I think of hundreds perhaps thousands of dead – apparently mostly civilians in Syria. Possibly it runs into the thousands but without full confirmation between the army and the protesters. Russia continues to say action by the West is premature – but other sources inside the country say its slaughter by the Assad regime.

          Even our domestic news is not free of slaughter and murder. We, hope not by police authorities. Our world is hip deep in violence and controversy – we need to be on our knees daily praying for peace and stability realizing it is the Lord who is in control – and we need to be continually committing our future to HIM!  

          <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

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THE GORDIAN KNOT WAS NOTHING TO THIS -- Just A Minute Radio for Thursday 120531

Today we do a mini-expose’ of what the President does all the time to make himself into the figure *he wants to be.*


But as often happens things don’t work out that way and we have to take a back seat to reality.


That’s what I hope is happening along these byways and pathways. I think the evidence is pretty clear – but then I’m neither the detective nor the chief. We just keep sort of ‘trudging’ along as the script says and doing our part. Which we think will become reality before too long – say six days into the sixth month after this one. It’s kind of like a treasure hunt isn’t it. Or maybe a little more boring.


I don’t want to be a wet blanket when all the other *young* people are having so much to think about and talk about as we’re entering the summer season. After Memorial Day – summer is *definitely* here in the State of South Carolina. Tend to your garden. Cut the grass. Go on vacation. Play in the creek.  Don’t get a sunburn. Read that book, or those books you promised yourself you read for sure this summer. I’ve got mine right beside my easy chair where I can read (if I can overcome the urge to nap as I didn’t today), and do the things that need to get done before the summer is over.  That’s one thing about it… you hardly get started on it till it’s over – so enjoy it when it’s here.


One of the things I remember – well actually TWO of the things I remember when we came south from Virginia in the heat of summer.  If it was middle of the season I remember peaches and usually grapes – though sometimes they were too green. The Muscatine’s were the things I really remember as lovely and sweet to eat – along with certain free-stone peaches. And there were times when the local kids had to go back to school in the Summer –because they’d been out for hoeing or weeding or something – and they were going to have to go back to school  but not until another break came along – and after that break they’d be getting back to school when the cotton pikin’ and ginnin’ had to get finished. I wasn’t around at that time..back in VA we were back in school for good.


My grandmothers were excellent gardeners. Why wouldn’t they be -- they had excellent mule drivers that did the plowing and hoeing and other stuff that was too much like farming.  Anyway they knew my brother and I both liked to play in the barn and to eat sugar cookies like she baked. But on Sunday afternoons we generally had a seed spittin’ contest when we cut the watermelons.  That usually had to be in August before they came in. By then the peaches were pretty much gone. But we had done some canning – wonder why they called putting the peaches in the glass jars ‘canning’ – I guess nobody took ‘glassin’ to be the right word for the deed. And there were lots of other things to be ‘put by’ – peanuts to dray out or roast – but we burned them too often.  Well… better quit goin’ down that road.


I do remember a screech owl that woke me up one night – I thought a woman was getting murdered… I can still hear the screeches. Nobody was alarmed but me I guess.


Well… like I say – summer is here enjoy it.. don’t stand under a tree when it’s lightning… bad news. And the red clay roads in Greenville County – with its hills – would just as readily put you in the ditch as ice or snow would in the winter. You didn’t want to drive on a freshly ‘scraped’ road after a rain… you’d get dirty and in the ditch for sure… abandon all thoughts of a trip if the shower came too soon after a scraping.


Enough of the old days.. Mr. Obama isn’t old enough to remember red clay roads – they probably didn’t have any in Hawaii… or ?? where-ever.


See you tomorrow.


Cordially, IN HIM






            Just a Minute:  Shortly after being sworn in as President 2009 Mr. Obama by executive order (EO) created a National Declassification Center (NDC) to review all 400 million pages stored in the National Archives by December 31, 2013. He said he’d make his Presidency the most *transparent* in history. 

          Anyway -- three years later, just 22 million pages (5.8 %) have been made available to researchers. Despite his call for a streamlining of the declassification process at the NDC, the languid pace of “declassification-as-usual” process trudges along. It would require something over 100 years to process even if you weren’t adding hundreds of thousands more pages every year – you’d never catch up.

          We could have gained a glimpse of what was coming when the President in 2010 with Brazil launched an open government policy and challenged other nations to do the same -- he did it behind closed doors.

          It’s a bit hard to convince people you really want transparency when you lock the press out of the room. Think we should have picked up on that? -- <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012


We finally had some more rain in appropriate amounts – not too much, not too little – for which we (and the lawns, farmers and gardens) are thankful.


We’re at the point where Mr. Romney may enter the race for the Presidency without the modifying titles that have dogged him for so long.


I’m at the point of ripping at what hair I have left because of the magnum long drawn out (one can hardly call it a race unless it would be a herd of turtles) for the GOP nomination.


Mr. Obama’s ‘contest’ will be to see if he or his entourage can survive the next five months or so without a severe case of boredom.  I would like to come upon a case of energy that would not be detrimental but keep me awake and active through until the last two weeks of the campaign.  I think that would be fully enough to say more than enough about what’s to be decided or what’s to be tried out for campaign slogans etc. 


Right now it looks as if we’ve already explored all the nooks and crannies of what is yet to be proposed. Mr. Obama’s speeches hardly keep himself awake – and the news wires are scrounging around for something new to write.


When such conditions prevail it’s rather like a six foot snowfall in winter at a place where only 30 inches or so was expected – you get more tired of it than you ever thought you’d be when looking at a Christmas snow scene on a Christmas card. Even Santa in the dreary days of January has more often than not worn out his welcome.


Well… enjoy the explanation that each candidate will be obligated to spell out for us in great detail. Nemmine that we’ve heard it all before.


I’m wanting to hear how Mr. Obama proposes to dig us out from under the pile of debt for which he must take responsibility. The entertainment I suppose will be hearing the economists stay awake while they rework their proposals for the 21st time before the end of the season.


Have a great mid-week.  See you tomorrow (DV) ….


Cordially, IN HIM


Barbara & Jack Buttram



                              EVERBODY’S GOT A QUESTION MARK.

Homer: Jist a minute: Mr. Jack – whut’s a-goin’ on?

Jack: I s’pose you mean in Texas Homer?

Homer: Thass perzackly whut Ah mean..

Jack: MizPear probably knows – Don’t you?

MizP: Ah reckon hit’s got sumpin ta do wif politics.

BB: Ah don’t thank so Miz Pearl -- hits whut you larn.. 

Homer: Well whut do you larn Billy-bob?

BB: Ah’s larned if’n you’s got trubble with the TV…

MizP:  Then cawl in your five yar old granson…

BB: Miz Pearl’s  rite – happens ever time.

Homer: But we’s tawkin politics not fixin TV’s

MizP: An ifn’ the li’l boy don’t know his Daddy will…            

BB: Well whut else has you larned…

MizP: Well, I’ve larned no matter how much a fren

  Promises not to tell ennyone else – she will!

Homer: Naw …. izzat rite?

BB: Hit deepens on how hot th’ secret is…

MizP: The White House bin havin trubbles

Homer: Keepin’ secrets you mean?

Jack: I think I’ve heard something like that.

MizP: Wel, Ah know Ah has – heered hit.

BB: An summa them people air awfull.

   embarrassed ‘bout hit.

MizP: Yous ta say loose lips sinks ships.

Jack: That was a WWII saying!

Homer: Ah knows they’s upset ‘bout secrets.

Jack: Seems like some things have been

   deliberately leaked to be tough.

BB: Thass rite – hit’s whut ah’m a-hearin.

Homer: Supposed ta cut down on behind leadin…

BB: You ain’t a –sayin’ hit rite.

Homer: Ah ain’t….

BB: No – hit’s leadin’ frum behind…

MizP: Means you ain’t leadin’ hit a tall…

Jack: I believe Mr. Romney has the lead…

BB: In votes fer his cornvention you sayin’?

MizP: Yeah – that’s perzakly whut hes sayin’.

Homer: Well Ah’d be happy ifn’ hits true…

MizP: An Ah thank hit is.

Jack: And I think our time’s gone till next week.

               <>I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

                    Jebco Editorial Service




Monday, May 28, 2012

HAS ROMNEY HIT HIS STRIDE? - Just A Minute Radio for Tuesday120529

We’re’ trying to smoke out the reason WSJ is having a tough time making it up the Hill like it used to.


Something’s going on in the Romney vs. Obama toss up and we think we’ve found a clue toward resoluton.


Anyone remember the Senior Gov. Romney coming back from a visit to Viet Nam in 1968 and almost accidentally saying he was ‘brainwawshed?’ 


It was one of those ‘off-hand remarks’ that the Sr. Romney kind of “threw away” – but it turned into a torpedo that circled back and sank his hopes for the GOP convention nomination that year. Left him attired in a paper dunce cap and embarrassed.


That seems to be what the Jr. Romney – once Gov. of Massachusetts --  is trying to kick into the weeds as the contest begins it’s long journey down the backstretch through the Convention and then the short sprint for the big prize.


Careful reading of the P. Noonan usual weekly column in the WSJ weekend edition – finds a nearly buried reference to that long-forgotten skirmish that sank George Romney’s hopes for a shot at the nomination and kind of capped a sterling and hard-charging race for that year’s success in GOP politics, that pretty well wounded him on the political circuit and left him bleeding in the ditch. She mentioned the word “brainwashed” that torpedoed George Romney’s chances at the prize and left him as one of the unfortunate casualties of ‘hard-ball’, rustbelt politics.  Despite his sterling efforts to by-pass that faint grey shadow on his family’s record – it’s taken this long for the younger Romney to take a hard fought lead for the GOP nomination that can possibly usher him into the hero’s slot to rescue the Grand Old Party from an ignominious defeat.


We’ll see how things work out – it’s likely Republicans who carefully examine the qualities of a very successful businessman who has ‘fought a not quite good enough fight’ in recent years – can connect the dots and string together the political points that lead to the Oval office. There’s sure a lot of people out there wanting that long shot to pay off so they won’t have a virtually insurmountable fiscal debt that awaits a hero to rescue the GOP in tight straits.  It’s a very attractive pathway if it can be surmounted.


Cordially, IN HIM,


Jack Buttram





          Just a Minute: I notice the headline writer for Peggy Noonan’s weekly Wall St. column, welcomes her back with a BOLD FACE MOMENT and a smile on Mr. Romney’s face. Does that mean the race is over and locked down? – I hear a chorus of ‘No’s!’ coming from the Obama War Room, David Axelrod and crew want to preserve the impression they have a ‘lock’ on Mr. O’s second term.

          It’s far above my pay scale to propose a win this far ahead of November 6th – but in this Tuesday column I find a phrase that makes the GOP hopefuls feel comfortable enough to at least come in out of the drizzle. Ms. Noonan characterizes Mr. Romney’s mood (from a telephone interview) as “successful enough” to be ‘hoping to make a contribution and go to Washington and go home when it’s over…’

          He turns aside the Senior Romney’s ‘68 faux pas that possibly cost him the nomination realizing one word -- ‘brainwashed’—was possibly a fatal stumble. Mitt says it ‘causes me to be a little more careful in what I say.’

          I think Mr. Romney may have turned the corner. <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

MAY WE REMEMBER OUR HEROES -- Just A Minute Radio for Monday120528

Isn’t this a nervous kettle of pickerels. Last night’s Memorial Day broadcast had to be suspended in mid program because of threatening weather – and by the time you read this it may be even more stormy here. 


‘Twas a beautiful afternoon on Sunday – and our 59th Anniversary so we did something special. We snaked our way downtown through one way traffic to park near the Hyatt…expecting to have a nice extravagant luncheon only to find they were (are) remodeling the entrance to the hotel and had just disassembled the luncheon deal by the time we got there. Oh well… better luck on the 60th Anniversary NEXT year.


That’s an optimistic thing to saddle a couple of old folks with isn’t it… There may not BE a next year (at least not here.)  We’re in that group of ‘young elders’ who generally don’t buy green bananas lest they don’t live long enough to enjoy them. (J) Cheerfulness wins – right? Well – most of the time.


We feel this is an important day for the Nation. And we need to contribute to it. But I’m learning to type on a new keyboard where the spacing for the backspace is a *little* too far to reach so I’m hitting the wrong key too frequently (see I did it again and have had to come back to correct…) ah well… another obstacle to be honored in the observance rather than the breach….  


Hope you have – or have had – a nice holiday weekend and didn’t get rained out on the beach.  F’gooness sake the tropical storm season (aka hurricane season) isn’t officially supposed to start for five or six days yet. (L) Maybe the weather bad apples not getting in their shots for winter have saved a few for summer… think so? 


Anyway… come again tomorrow we’ll be back at the same stand.


Cordially, IN HIM


Lady Barbara and Jack



          Just a Minute: Lt.Col. John McCrae, a Canadian poet -- professor of Medicine, , wrote a poem after burying one of his soldiers which has become possibly best known used to honor all veterans even though McCrae thought it insignificant and discarded it. Now widely used it commemorates all fallen heroes everywhere and the wearing of red poppies in remembrance…

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders’ Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders’ Fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders’ Fields.

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)


Jebco Editorial Service



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Thursday, May 24, 2012

UNIONS OPPOSE FIXING DC SCHOOLS -- Just A Minute Radio for Friday120525

Puzzling troubles with the Internet and computer transmission buzz around on a busy week’s end. We’re trying to wrap things up and the tally lights on the modem go screwy and two calls to tech support don’t bring answers – etc. etc. so I hope you’re getting this OK. I’m just unsure… do so forgive the erratic typing and things. The Gremlins will go away when I get repellant – which is PRAYER!


This issue of Union bosses getting Mr. Obama to hold off on fixing the public school problems is a really tough one.  He has a LOT of constituents in Washington DC (and NYC)  who are really hurting to get their school systems straightened out. And Charter schools (which are still public schools but operate under more freedom to get things done….fixed…repaired) are hamstrung because the Democrats particularly are almost all in charge of the educational unions and that’s an entire other story.


But what’s happening is the children’s educational needs are being pushed under because the Education Union Leaders are pledged to Mr. Obama’s party – and they want to be the ones in charge of who gets to call the shots in the school house. Meantime about half the kids in public schools get about 55% of an education and the kids who are lucky enough to get into the improved charter schools and the better things they are able to accomplish being free of union entanglement let’s them achieve at a 94% level. The ‘run of the mill’ school kids are struggling with a 54% level of schooling. It’s not fair and I don’t blame the parents for being angry about it.


I’m praying there will be a breakthrough for the children’s education soon. I hope and pray you will too! Things will change when enough parents sincerely and effectively complain to their school boards to quit this discriminating in favor of union domination. (Whew – OK I mop my brow.)


OK… have a great weekend – and I’ll be praying for better schools for the overcrowded and under achieving public school children. They deserve better! And the 94% school achievers know it can be done.  


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack & Barbara




          Just a Minute: Question: Why would union leadership oppose improving the situation in DC public schools? Could it be that Voucher Program students are outperforming their public school peers by 90% scores to 55% scores? Why would educators’ unions oppose such progress? Would it possibly be the program is hugely popular among parents and four pupils apply for every available slot?

          Answer: You guessed it! I know that’s hard to believe but apparently the union organizers – as reported both in the Washington Post and the Wall St. Journal say the unions do NOT – repeat NOT – want any expansion of the current program whatsoever. That doesn’t sound very hopeful for the students and their parents does it?

          The fly in the ointment is the demand far exceeding supply. Statistics from New York show 133,000 applications for the 14,600 seats they have available for next year. Only in public education do we see obstruction by union politics.

          Mr. Romney is on the right side of this issue, Mr. Obama is not. Want to let your legislators know?

          <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service




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PRO CHOICE SURVEY AT ALL TIME LOW -- Just A Minute Radio for Thursday 120524

On the downhill grade – headed for the weekend?  You’d think we’d get tired of *always* aiming for the weekends – like we didn’t want to work!  Well – sometimes we don’t – when the weather’s nice?


But here we are – good news sort of easing itself out from behind the scenery and we’re glad to see it – but have no set period to break out with rejoicing.


For my part – I’m not just trying to be an ideologician – arguing for the sake of argument. I really have a hard time thinking of a human being in its mother’s protective provision of a womb for safety and development etc. – being more vulnerable and lacking protection than anything else I can imagine. Even if it was not – I suppose it would be a very helpless being and worth being protected than… well what else?  The Mental pictures of soldiers – Roman soldiers dressed in armour and fitted for war – dashing little ones against stones. It crushes the imagination.


The more I consider that the more I cannot twist my mind about the vulnerability and helplessness of a little baby in a wicker basket floating on the Nile amongst the weeds and grasses of the huge and mighty river. What chance does it (or he) have? That’s what I think of an abortion clinic. In one ward medical personnel striving and using all their talents and abilities to save lives – and just a few doors over other similarly equipped medical personnel effectively terminating with no thought of mercy another life. It’s … horrible.


Well… I cannot stay there. My imagination is not sufficiently acclimated to doing that. I have to leave the scene and pray for those who bear the responsibility. And I think right here is where I must stop for the day and commend you and other believers to the Lord’s tender and gracious mercies knowing HE will deliver us from these nightmares of … well I don’t know how to describe it any further without weeping or worse.


I’ll leave it for another day when we can marshal up the prayer for those who engage in such – and pray for the mother’s who are deprived of their motherhood. May the Lord bless us all.








          Just a Minute: Americans identifying themselves as pro-choice have come to an all time low of 41 percent while the pro-life number is at 50 percent. According to the venerable Gallup poll, which in May of 2009 recorded 51 percent as pro-life while pro-choice was at 42 percent.

          Gallup has polled the question since 1995, when 56 percent were pro-choice and 33 percent pro-life. The gap has narrowed over the years to a point where they are now relatively close. Amidst the close polling between Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney observers pay close attention to any key shifts.

          Kristi Hamrick, of Americans United for Life recently said: "There is a growing uneasiness across America regarding the poorly regulated abortion industry … Americans value life, and this poll reflects that." Pro-life religious organizations and charities are welcoming the growing shift, especially in light of this an election year.  Ms. Hamrick added: "Americans are even more pro-life than the growing gulf illustrates in the Gallup poll." 

          All we need to do is add is “Amen.” <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

HOW COME EVERYBODY'S SO QUITE? - Just a Minute Radio for Wednesday 120523

Mr. Booker – friend of Mr. Obama, apparently inadvertently got “off the reservation” so far as the Obama administration tallies it. Mr. Booker, without thinking praised some of the private equity moves made recently (including Mr. Romney and Bain) – and the Obama machine had a knee jerk reaction to the apparent friendship between Mr. Booker and some of the targets of Mr. Obama’s stump speech rhetoric given at a graduation ceremony.


Mr. Booker thought it “nauseating” and somewhat “boring” that such a big deal should be made over a faux pas – but found within 24 hours he was on the wrong side of the coin and should have taken the opposite stance.


Public criticism of the ‘boss’ is severely frowned upon and Mr. Booker was hard pressed to ‘walk back’ what had been directed at some of Mr. Obama’s friends and cohorts.  I’m sure the hole in the wall will be papered over shortly – meantime there’s a LOT of confusion in the Booker – Obama camp – Which I’m sure will be corrected and the Republic will be righted -- but we shall have another experiment in learning how to erase from memory statements that were delivered in error. They should be able to repair the damage – although the faux-pas may well be indelible and impossible to erase.


A mistake “oh Heaven forfend!”  The Obama administration does NOT make errors! Slight miscalculations or expressions perhaps – infrequently… but a gross error like this… no never!


Well, we shall just have to see just how many gallons of “White Out” it takes completely eradicate a (oh heavens—mistake?) – but we don’t make misteaks!? Do we?  I know it’s not permitted in MY style book. See, it’s hard to explain what “White Out” is to greenhorns who’ve never seen a typewriter, much less carbon paper or means erasing an error.


We shall just have to wait and see how much damage may have been done. Meantime… “ONWARD”  … or is it “Forward?”


Either shall do!


Cordially IN HIM


Jack & Barbara




Homer: Jist a minute: How come everbody’s so quite?

Jack: You mean in the political campaign Homer?

Homer: Thass hit.

Jack: Mr. Obama has some rocks bouncing back.

Mizp: Ah woun’t thank he’d keer fer tha-ut!

BB: Ah don’t thank he duz, Miz Pearl. 

Homer: He prolly likes thangs ta be quite, Mr. Bill.

MizP: But everthang won’t allus be calm. Homer.

Jack: Miz Pearl’s right Homer.

Homer: But din’t sumbody on his side throw ‘em.

BB: Yeah tha-ut happined aw rite. Mr. Booker Ah…

MizP: But tha-ut was Mr. O’bama’s buddy…         

BB: An he’s done got hissef clobbered.

Homer: When you plays ball in tha-ut league well…

BB: You better ‘member who’s th’ boss an don’t ….

MizP: An don’t ferget hit. Issat whut you gonna say?

Homer: Thass whut you better say I heer.

MizP: See th’ big thang is – an you better rmemb…

BB: Big thang ta member ifn’ you doant want yo

   cranium handed to you on a platter ah say….

MizP: You’s rite theyuh… they don’t lough you ta

    Go ‘round switchin’ sides.

Homer: You’s rite Miz Pearl – they gottum scared.

Jack: Scared of switching sides --  You say?

BB: Thass perzakcly whut Ah’m sayin. In Chicago

Homer: He’s a sayin’ you don’t switch sides…

BB: Er ifn’ you do you don’t do hit but wonct!

Homer: Er they’ll have a knee cappin’ partyt.

MizP: Knee cappin’ party – whut’s tha-ut?

Homer: You don’t know Miz Pearl…

BB: An a lady like you don’t want ta know.

Jack: That’s a little strong Mr. Bill.

BB: Hit may be strong but hit’s th’ truf.

Jack: Then I think it’s about time we wrapped….

BB: Wrapped hit up soon is rite Mr. Jack… We

Homer: We don’t want ta hang around tawkin. …

BB: Tawkin’ bout hit.. Chicago’s a windy city.

Homer: You kin git blowed over reel easy.

Jack:I think we’d   better say, see you next

     week <> I’m Jack Buttram. (End)                    Jebco Editorial Service






Monday, May 21, 2012

ANY LOBBYISTS BEEN SEEN AROUND HERE -- Just a Minute Radio for Tuesday 120522

Great day to be alive and trottin’ right along.


The race is picking up steam a little bit. Looks like Mr. Obama hasn’t laid in all the cash he figures he’ll need to beat Mr. Romney.  Neither has Mr. Romney the number of greenbacks he’s going to need to win this race.  But there’s close to six months left to do all that. And lots of steam on both sides to do it with..


Senator McCain didn’t spend nearly as much as Mr. Obama did in 2008. That’s one of the reasons for the big win.  But I don’t think it would have been a great deal different even if they had the same amount of dollars. Mr. Obama was on a roll…and little could be done to stop him


This time it’s quite different. I don’t really think Mr. Obama and his confident crew from the DNC are going to be able to turn him aside from a good race. He’s saying he’s going to go big time. But the signs don’t look that way to experienced observers.


Predictions don’t do much but raise the air temperature.  And we don’t really need that. The cheering crowds on both sides will supply the heat. And making predictions – I’ve found out – is not something I’m very good at. I’ll tell you something though that Mr. Romney is good at – raising $$$ and allocating them strategically. Beyond that he has several things going for him.


He already knows what it’s like to lose – but in his win in Massachusetts, he knows too, what it takes to win. In that way Romney has a BIG advantage but one he’ll have to work at.


So… It’s close to the witching hour here tonight in Greenville… so I’ve a lot to do yet this week. Stick with us and we’ll try to be both entertaining and informative. But we really need for you to be doing every day for yourself and for our country. We ALL need to be praying. In my view that is THE key… WE can do nothing more effective than to go into our prayer closet – empty our minds of all other concerns – and pray. That will do more GOOD for this campaign than ANYTHING else.


Well… good night – and as a talented newsman I respected even as a little kid listening to the radio – I can still hear him saying: GOOD NIGHT,, AND GOODLUCK!


You can leave the ‘GOOD LUCK’ part off… the Lord takes care of that – what God wants (and it is God’s son who’s talking to you)  He wants YOU to be putting your trust in HIM and getting the best information from HIS word THE BIBLE.  Do it – Friend!


Cordially, IN HIM,


Jack & Barbara





          Just a Minute: Are lobbyists real or imaginary?

          Instructions enunciated by the President on the West Lawn of the White House in January 2009, recorded in White House visitors’ logs kept by White House Security detail assigned to the President’s quarters actually record lobbyists coming and going and are even published in the Washington Post.  

          Are lobbyists real or imaginary troll-like figures left over from Grimm Fairy tales? I cannot reconciled the police records with the orders issued, by the President or with the records that have come to light via legal action supplied to the Police Detail responsible for Presidential security.

          Mr. Obama pledged to the whole world lobbyists would no longer darken the halls of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I definitely recall President Obama on inauguration day pronouncing anathema upon such beings and promising a purge would be undertaken to remove them -- period.  

          What is to be done about these flagrant violations of Presidential pledges? Possibly you wish to communicate with the President about this. Up to now I have had no success whatsoever.

          <> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

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