Thursday, May 29, 2008

I LIKE IKE... I EVEN LIKED *HARRY*! -- Just a Minute for Friday 05-30-08

Well the long HOLIDAY week is over. Hope you survived OK.

It’s been a tough week at the White House. Scott McClellan became an instant card-carrying member of the ‘pole-cat party’ with his book of secret revelations that he had never spoken to anyone about before it hit the bookstores. I think it’d be a good idea for Scott to be judicious about where he holds book-signing parties – not too near Republican hangouts. San Francisco might be OK…certain parts of Texas however could be questionable.

So… I’d had this endorsement (see below) from an unexpected quarter here on the desk for a while – and this seemed like a good time to turn it loose.

I can remember how Harry and Bess drove themselves to Union Station on Inauguration day in January 1954. I don’t think retiring presidents had any Secret Service protection after the swearing in ceremony in those days… certainly there was no motorcade as they caught the train back to Independence. The Truman Library is one of two I have visited. Whenever you’re near one of those establishments, you’ll do yourself a favor to sample it even if it’s not your native party. I’ve yet to make it to a Republican one – but hopeful. They’ve gotten more lavish over the years. I think Ike’s is the one I’d like to see most right now. We did visit the D-day memorial in my home county of Bedford in Virginia. And that’s an inspiration, as are most of the memorials you can visit in the Capital City.

Well… enough of the travelog. Summer is underway. The Fourth of July will be here before you know it and it’s a quick downhill from there to Labor Day… so enjoy it. Have a good weekend.

Cordially, IN HIM




Just A Minute – I say it’s time the White House gets some good news. So I’m quoting H.V. Kaltenborn who used to open nightly newscast with: “Ah – there’s good news tonight.”(quote)

Seventy one percent of the American public disapproves of how Bush is handling his job as President, an all-time high in polling. His position can be compared with Harry Truman who left Washington unpopular and alone in 1953.

Today, with the passage of time, most historians and certainly the American people, see Truman in a different light, primarily for his willingness to stand firm against Soviet aggression, whether against Greece or South Korea, and proclaim the Truman Doctrine, effectively defending the free world from Soviet efforts to expand their hegemony.

Like Truman, George W. Bush, in my view, will be seen as one of the few world leaders who recognized the danger of Islamic terrorism and was willing with Tony Blair to stand up to it and not capitulate.” (unquote) - columnist and former Democrat Mayor of New York, Edward Koch.

<> I’m Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

*REALLY* STRAIGHT TALK - Just a Minute for Thursday 5/29/08 - Dr. Coburn Prescribes

Hi Folks –


I was a bit surprised to find a Wall St. Journal story headline describing both Obama and McCain speaking like collectivists.


Barack told students at Connecticut's Wesleyan University to devote themselves to "collective service." He totally ignored military (bypassing a Memorial Day remembrance) business, athletics or anything else other than service to the ‘collective.’  Then the story picked up a McCain speech of May 3, 2007 in which McCain was running down Romney and minimizing his leadership abilities saying: “I served out of patriotism … not profit.” Seemingly he would have *everybody* uniform rather like China in the days of Mao.


The WSJ writer, David Boaz, went on to point out Obama’s earnings last year were $4.2 million and he lives in a $1.65 million house – via help from Tony Rezko – while McCain and his beer heiress wife divide their time between “at least” seven homes and split an income of about $6 million. I guess Boaz didn’t have space to take on the Clinton fortune. But the point is this is hardly the description of America’s path to prominence in today’s world either.


Coburn – a conservative Christian MD from Oklahoma says what’s needed is a return to describing the diligence and dependence upon “a power higher than the government” for continued leadership the world needs.  And I think that’s refreshing.  The shortened version (today’s script) is below along with a link to the audio track.


Hope you’ll leave a comment sometime and let us know you’re out there.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram






Just A Minute – I was refreshed yesterday after reading “collectivist” language in the Wall Street Journal from both McCain and Obama, to note a call for return of Republican sensibilities by Dr. Tom Coburn, Republican Senator from Oklahoma -- an M.D. who prescribes medicine the patient really needs.

Obama’s commencement speech in New England Sunday urged graduates to seek communal goals, totally ignoring business or individual achievement. Then review of a McCain’s speech in May of 2007 at the Reagan Library debate, the Navy hero derided Romney’s capabilities saying: “I led out of patriotism … not for profit.”

The Journal noted a ‘whiff of hypocrisy’ here since Obama pulled down $4.2 million last year -- living in a $1.65 million house acquired with Tony Rezko’s help, while McCain and Cindy own seven homes on earnings of around $6 million.

Coburn says, for those who claim, as I do, to submit to an authority higher than government...” conservatives are conservatives promoting policy depending on individual diligence – and of God -- rather than dependence on government.

I go for that.

<> I’m Jack Buttram





Jebco Editorial Service


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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

WHO'S NEXT? - Just a minute for Wednesday 05-28-08

Howdy Folks…


Nice to have a little respite from the primaries… They’ll soon be over – and not soon enough for everyone.


The folks over in Playfair on the Carolina line seem to have had their fill and are talking on today’s program about trying something else.  Question is what’s the rest of the country thinking?


I’ve run into some pretty pessimistic outlooks recently. One old friend who was a press secretary on Capitol Hill during the same ‘black days’ I was – after the Goldwater defeat in 1964 – and we witnessed the budding of what is later called the ‘Reagan Revolution.’ Lots of inexperienced people who had their first taste of losing a race in 1964 just threw up their hands in despair. It’s quite likely we’re going to have to go through another trough in the days to come if the special elections the Republicans have lost as well as the general lack of $$$ in the GOP treasury compared to the millions laying around the Obama vaults. It’s a real reversal of party roles.


At the same time it’s worthy of note that Actor Ronald Reagan became Governor Reagan during that black period. Aimed high for the nomination but missed in the next convention – and it was still a few  years before he actually succeeded Jimmy Carter to the Presidency. America had to get past that ‘malaise’ period of listless drifting before dedication mounted to the point of various political ‘tectonic plates’ moving sufficiently to bring RR to the White House. I’m reminded of the old saying: “The Mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceeding small.” We may well steel ourselves for times of political famine before the tide turns again. I’m not forecasting or wishing for that – just noting that God’s time does not always conform to our time.


So… let’s get to  the work at hand the Lord has for us to do.


Today’s script and link to the audio are below. God bless you and thanks for coming by.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram






Homer: Just a Minit – Mr. Jack Th’ fellers over at Earl’n’Lester’s Bait Shop an Sushi Bar thank hit’s time ta' ring down th’ curtin on this farce.

MizP:  Whut in th worl does at mean?

BB: Hit means everbody is tarrd of this politics…

MizP: I agrees one hunnert percent.-- an I thought…

Jack: You thought having a woman in the race would…

MizP: I *hoped* hit wud civilize thangs a bit… but din’t never seem ta take a-hole…

Homer: I b’leves we’s stuck in a hopeless rut.

Jack: Oh ...  now don’t go gettin’ hopeless on us – There have been old times that were a lot worse – and the country is still …

Homer: So whut are you concerned about Mr. Jack?

Jack: I don’t want young people to think there’s no use trying. Actually, our economy isn’t in that bad shape – and the war *is* winding down.

MizP: An we havn’t been attacked like we wuz… thot was a-goin’ ta' happen rite after 9/11…

Jack: That’s it Miz Pearl. We just need a little optimism and …

BB: An quit callin’ on Washintin fer s’much …

Homer: An quit beein’ s’ selfish.

MizP: Souns like a plan ta' me… Ah’m gonna tawk wif my Sunday School teacher and …

BB: I thank we kin call hit th’ Playfair Plan.

Jack: I think we first better to talk with the Lord about it – I’m Jack Buttram.




Jebco Editorial Service





Monday, May 26, 2008

TIME FOR A CHANGE - JAM for 5/27/08 Education Choice Rollin' Down the Track!

Howdy –


With many Republicans and conservatives in a blue funk – here’s some cheering news we ought to emphasize. I confess it had passed me by for I did not realize there are 23 states plus the D.C. government have opted for change involving free choice. The latest is Georgia – last year it was Louisiana and there are about 23 plus the District who are lowering the gates of demographics to keep people out and gradually approaching the standard that if Congressmen can choose where to send their kids to school, the rest of us ought to have the same opportunity.


The Teacher’s unions have always been the bugabears… but there’s enough data now to show competition actually makes public schools better, stronger more efficient. And with State budgets being overwrought it’s *good* news we ought to emphasize and ask our lawmakers to get with it. It’s a train coming down the tracks – you can hear the rumble.


Cordially, IN HIM


Jack Buttram


Script and links are below.





Just A Minute – Milton Friedman & Paul Weyrich – are two names to enshrine among those who’ve rescued American children’s education. Georgia and Louisiana have recently passed legislation removing demographic limitations and improving what will ultimately save the failing public school system.

Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue, just a week or so ago, signed into law what Paul Weyrich, head of Free Congress Foundation, calls the the most expansive school-choice program in the nation.” So, including Louisiana, -- which passed a similar law last year -- there are now 23 plus school-choice programs in 14 states plus the District of Columbia. It’s coming friends!

Robert Enlow, who heads the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, says, "The old idea of limiting school choice based on family income is coming to an end.”  Politicians afraid voucher programs will destroy the public school system must face the fact competition actually strengthens public schools, and teacher’s union propaganda is a big lie.

Weyrich says, “Lets celebrate this development in Georgia. [It’s] a victory for … all parents concerned for public education in these United States. “
<> I’m Jack Buttram.




Jebco Editorial Service


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Thursday, May 22, 2008

THE VEEPSTAKES CALCULATION - Just a Minute for Monday 5-26-08

Howdy, Howdy Everybody –

Monday morning – McCain and his band of brothers met in Sedona at Johnnie Mac’s invitation to eat BBQ, chew the fat and pray for the wind to be at their backs.

Comments I read on the web indicate picking a VP isn’t the biggest problem McCain has – he doesn’t seem to realize the lack of enthusiasm and vigor among his base for the coming contest – at least that’s what the Prince of Darkness Bob Novak writes. And there are others who write about the problems Obama has waiting for him – but say it still looks like a Tsunami of change is going to sweep over the GOP in the fall and leave taxpayers and conservatives high and dry on the shore.

Unless something changes rather drastically from this point right now… I would guess that’s probably a safe bet. My main consolation is that I am usually very bad at predicting winners and losers – particularly in the long range.

However today’s program deals with a Louisianan, who at least to this observer, sees the glass as half full rather than the other way around. I’m hoping he’s right and I’m wrong.

But there is a school of political thought that says it takes a good drubbing every now and then to get us back on track. This may be the drubbing year.

In any case listen to some of the qualifications of a newbie on the block. He’s a two year veteran of service in the House of Representative, but now occupies the governor’s chair in the Pelican state. If you know that then you don’t have to listen to today’s JUST A MINUTE to find out the new stuff. I’m praying for enthusiasm to fall from the heavens like rain – but I may be a little too early --- or too late.

Cordially, IN HIM


PS – Today’s script is below along with a link to the audio and to the comments line. –



Just A Minute – It’s time -- everyone yank out your Ouija (wee-gee) board, read your tea leaves, or stick a finger in the wind to guess at a Vice Presidential candidate. Obama and Madam Hillary are so far silent– so everyone’s looking to McCain since he’s the only Republican left standing – and pundits say something new is called for.

The latest gust calls forth Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisiana, whose name keeps popping up on news screens. He’s taken the reins of the Pelican state and has plenty to say about governing smaller and more efficiently with lower taxes. The best summation so far comes from John Gizzi, of Human Events, who’s outlined the most compelling profile so far.

Piyush Jindal, son of Indian--as in Calcutta, immigrants, narrowly missed being elected governor of Louisiana in 2003, rebounded the next year to win a New Orleans-area House seat, and captured the governorship with ease last year. Piyush picked the name “Bobby” from one of the characters on ‘The Brady Bunch.” So there’s a name to put in your hat.

<> I’m Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service


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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

ARE THE RICH REALLY DIFFERENT? - JAM for Friday May 23, 2008

Hello.. it’s FRIDAY>>> And I’m thankful… this has been a sort of wearing week… and it’s not over yet.

Well… we had to go through another of the same re-runs on election returns. Mrs. C. won overwhelmingly (65%) in KY… and Mr. O the same in Oregon. [But then it takes a lot of ‘quirkiness’ to travel in a covered wagon all the way from St. Louis across the mountains to the left coast. So… we should expect unusual character from the Pacific NW – and we get it. [g]] Just kidding folks.

Today Just a Minute takes a look in the files and finds out what was going on in this interminable campaign a year ago. Well.. there were a LOT more footprints in the sands. And with seven to ten people making daily speeches on both sides of the aisle… put 50,000 miles a year on eardrums. So you’ll be interested what turned up in the archives for almost a year ago. The script is right below… and the audio link below that plus a commentary line – which seems at time to be disconnected. [g]

Have a great weekend… Look for you Monday.

Cordially, IN HIM

Jack Buttram



Just A MinuteIt’s not quite a year since the San Francisco Chronicle revealed John Edwards – he of the two Americas, one rich the other poor – made a speech at the University of California Davis for which he charged fifty five thousand dollars. The title: "Poverty, The Great Moral Issue Facing America." He spoke at a total of nine universities that year earning $285,000.

I just thought you might want to know that since he’s inflated the possibility another run at the Vice President’s office - or something having now abandoned his coyness of not endorsing anyone by joining the Obama camp.

The Chronicle thought parents might be excused for wondering since the UC system hit students with a seven percent increase in tuition this past year. He could have helped out by giving the speech for gratis…But you know 400 dollar haircuts are not cheap; and it takes a heap of cash to keep up a twenty-nine thousand square foot mansion.

Besides, does anyone really expect candidates to live up to what they say nowadays?

<> I’m Jack Buttram


Jebco Editorial Service


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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

GOOD NEWS FROM A NEIGHBOR - Just a Minute Radio for 05-22-08 Thursday

Hi Folks…


We’ve had some thunder bumpers out our way…but people are glad to get the rain.


Raleigh may not welcome this news… John Hood, President of the Locke Foundation in Raleigh has been turning up some education data, and because he’s followed the progress or lack of it in his Old North State… he has some rather startling things to observe.


He harks back to a few years ago when he says the Education establishment undertook to shift the goal posts a bit and earned themselves some ‘national infamy’ by, he says, “attempting to mislead the federals and the public.” Perhaps you’ll want to go deeper into it yourself… the Locke Foundation does some good work in keeping public servants operating in the public interest and transparency. He finds educational administrators have fiddled around to make North Carolina’s record to appear better than it is – particularly on graduation rates.


I’m not an expert but it sounds like he’s on to something – perhaps if you’re a parent or grandparent with children in school, you’ll want to examine what he says more closely.


Meanwhile we await your comments here as you please.


The audio link and comment line are below along with today’s script.


Cordially, IN HIM






Just A Minute – John Hood, CEO of the Locke Foundation based in Raleigh, compliments South Carolina’s educational record even as he compares it with North Carolina’s.

Hood says North Carolina several years ago [quote] “Gained national infamy by concocting a grossly exaggerated ‘graduation rate’ in a blatant attempt to mislead federal officials and the public.” He adds a series of studies shows North Carolina sets some of the lowest achievement standards in the U.S.

Backing that up he points to academic testing of the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP, calling it the touchstone of academic testing. From unbiased data, Hood says North Carolina has manipulated measurements and earns just a D plus among a small group of states getting D’s and F’s, contrasting it with South Carolina, which he says has NOT dumbed down standards to make themselves look better.

Hood urges Raleigh to face facts: North Carolina has little to teach the rest of the country about enacting good education policy; South Carolina does.

Thanks, Mr. Hood, for encouraging South Carolina’s educators – and for challenging those in the Old North State.   

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service


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Monday, May 19, 2008

WHO FIRED THAT SHOT? - JAM 5/21/08 NRA Makes Nice

Hi Folks…


Here we are at what some folks call “hump’ day… It’s as far back to Monday as it ‘tis to Friday… If we’ve made it thus far… maybe…


Well.. that’s a sort of dead-end philosophy I think… living just for the weekends.  For Christians ‘every day is a new beginning/ Every day is a life made new…” I’ll have to look it up and seen who wrote that in a poem.


In any case the folks at Playfair are listening to the campaign… and wishing “for the day” in the words of St. Luke writing about Paul just about to get washed ashore on Malta. I’ll have to admit I’ve not been in any ocean storms like that… a few Thunder Bumpers have made my wife’s knuckles turn white (and mine too) but we survived them by the grace of God. Like the old saying goes about old and bold pilots… there aren’t many … and I’m certainly not numbered among them. I meet the old part OK…


So it looks like the NRA have decided McCain is OK… falling into that political classification of the ‘least bad of a bad lot I guess...’ The drumbeat continues… let’s pray it isn’t a long hot summer. We need the ‘showers of blessing.’


The script and comment line are below.  So far only someone selling clothing has commented on the JAM comment line… that wasn’t what *I* had in mind in putting it together. (;-) You’ll find an audio link there too, (I trust.)


Cordially, IN HIM







MizP:  Just a Minit – Mr. Jack – You ‘member the feud story?

Jack: Of the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s.

MizP:  And how they laid down their guns finally.

BB: Yeah – I wasn’t there but I ‘member…

Homer: Whut about hit Miz Pearl?

MizP: Sum of their long lost relatives voted in Kintucky yestiddy.

Homer: An sum deesendents at went west on th’ wagon trains voted in O-regon.

Jack: But there’s an even better story today – The National Rifle Association put it’s arms around John McCain when he spoke there a couple of days ago.

MizP: Really – Ah thot they wuz man at him fer McCain-Finegold and other thangs. Ah’m surprised.

 BB: The fellers at th’ Bait Shop and Sushi Bar says they’s looked over whut th’ other choices is an McCain’s a whole heap better’n the othern's.

Jack: That’s interesting – but I still don’t think

MizP: Don’t think whut Mr. Jack?  

Jack: Well West Virginia – see Sen. Bob Byrd is stickin’ with Sen. Obama no matter what the vote said – and no question there are more people angry with the President and wanting to do *something* else… I’m concerned …

 Homer: So whut are you concerned about Mr. Jack?

Jack: With so many people angry and deciding they’re gonna do *something* different…

MizP: You’re worried hit’s Jimmy Cahter time again… ain’t you…

Jack: Weeeellll…

Homer: I’ve heered you say hit many times Mr. Jack… “That’s whut Demicrats is fer.. ta' remine us why we vote Reepublikin!

Jack:  Ah…I’m Jack Buttram

 ( END)

Jebco Editorial Service


















Sunday, May 18, 2008

DISASTERS DON'T FAVOR TYRANTS AND DICTATORS - Just A Minute Radio for Tuesday 5/20/08

Howdy – Very glad to have you aboard today.


It’s still on my mind all those relief supplies sitting on the dock in Myanmar held up because some power hungry elite generals don’t want their apple cart jostled. The earthquake and it’s significant aftershocks have exposed the character flaws in the Chinese government and the society it has built. Huge numbers of peasant laborers and migrant workers in China roam the countryside trying to eke out a living in the nearly uninhabitable and unfertile land of mountains and rocks – which describes large parts of Sichuan province where the earthquake was most severe. This means the people living in the cheapest, shoddiest shelters were the first to be damaged by falling cement and bricks. The others making up a large part of the victims are school children as cheaply built schools, and materials weakened by corrupt contracting practices, were among the first to collapse and trap thousands of children.


Parents know this – and though they grieve we understand they don’t want to reveal their identity lest government reprisals land more troubles on their backs. Today I cite Guy Sorman’s book “Empire of Lies: The Truth About  China in the 21st Century” published within the past year. He says these totalitarian governments think they have everything under control, but when some natural disasters (and some not so natural disasters like Avian Flu and outbreaks of foot, hand and mouth diseases)break out the real culprits are corrupt government officials, businesses and builders willing to cheapen the construction and increase their profits.


Which of the ten commandments would these offenses fall under? Take your pick – false witness – stealing – covetousness – even murder. All are the antitheses of loving your neighbor as yourself.


Today’s script and link to the audio track are just below. Please avail yourselves.


Cordially, IN HIM







Just A Minute – There’s little question, those who’ve suffered the most in China have been of the peasant class, migrant workers and school children. Many Chinese laborers have been loosed from their economic moorings and inhabit the nearly uninhabitable places in China. Mountainous Sichuan Province is such a place.

The first buildings to crumble, were those erected by government – schools. Grieving parents won’t voice their complaints along with their names lest government reprisals fall swiftly. The mourning is, nonetheless, concentrated among the lower, more poverty stricken classes.

Guy Sorman, author of, "Empire of Lies: The Truth About China in the 21st Century," points out children crushed by the walls of their schools are victims of the dishonesty of builders, businesses and government officials as much as earthquakes. The people know this, posturing for aid and shrugging shoulders won’t soften hearts hardened by grief and pain. It’s always that way with autocratic regimes. It’s what insurance companies call “an act of God” that exposes the character flaws in such a system.

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service


Audio link:




Friday, May 16, 2008

WHAT CAN ONE MAN DO? -- Just a Minute for Monday 05-19-08

Good Morning it’s Monday…    


We still have the occasional buggy gremlins hanging around the site… but gradually, like cockroaches, we’re stamping them out. (I Hope.)


In the grand scope of things happening in the world, it would seem to me the deaths of thousands in China and Burma plus the tens of thousands more who are injured and homeless coupled with the absolutely incomprehensible refusal of the Myanmar government to allow relief efforts to assuage the needs of their people looms far larger on a scale of importance than the squabble over whether Obama specified pre-conditions before talking with terrorists; or any of a dozen other “issues” that occupy the media and the political periscope.


People are dead. Children are bleeding, dying needing help urgently and we are distracted by the noises coming from political platforms. I am not unaware of the importance of who gets to sit in the White House and explain why they were unable to keep the extravagant promises they made while on the campaign trail, but the picture that keeps flashing across my frontal lobe is one of Nero playing his fiddle while Rome burned. Are we not like a dimwitted group of inconsiderate, unconcerned and uninformed French elite who continued their parties while the guillotine and the French Republic collapsed and society disintegrated around them?


I saw TV pictures of pallets of water, food, temporary shelter all on Burmese tarmac waiting until *somebody* would let them begin to relieve the suffering. Yet we continue to pay far too much attention to words flying back and forth between foolish partisans. It’s appalling – in fact unreal. The scope of cheap, shoddy materials in collapsed school buildings in China which will fill hundreds of *children’s* graves is horrendous. Yet I hear hardly a murmur of outrage. The Marines, Airmen and medical people on the front lines see it and are aghast. We have apparently become inured. I’m simply amazed.


Today’s program is about one man… doing what he can.  Dr. Bob Jones, Sr. – I used to be his morning program’s recording engineer – used to say: “Remember boys and girls, in your community – you andGod make a majority.”  You can’t do everything – but you can do something. What you can do, you ought to do… and by God’s grace, resolve you will do.


Cordially, IN HIM





Below are today’s script, and a link to the audio track.

May the Lord bless us all with HIS guidance.





Just A Minute – Terrible reports from the Far East due to storm, earthquake and government corruption continue to reach. The agony and needs of these people challenges belief. We’ve sought to encourage you to pray. So, may I share with you this report which came to me via a sister Christian broadcast organization which I pass to you for your prayer and concern.

Matthew 12:15 tells us as a great multitude followed Jesus,  "He healed them all." Its clear Jesus showed compassion for the spiritual as well as the physical needs of people. … The Lord touched the heart of a Korean listener to travel at his own expense and danger into earthquake ravaged China. He thought of ways he could help… he’s strong, he can help move debris – so he took blankets, clothing, bandages and literature telling people how they can come to call on the Lord. Claiming the promise in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me..." He’s most likely in the country now. Let us pray for this brother, that The Father will multiply his efforts and glorify Jesus.

<> I’m Jack Buttram




Jebco Editorial Service


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