Friday, July 30, 2010


No Kiddin’… it’s FRIDAY ALREADY – YEAH!!!!!


            The week was pretty good… I won a few battles… and lost one or two… but it turns out I’m the one who’s generally at fault… and I know I’m a easy mark… got weak spots all over!  But, I serve a Savior who has conquered Death, and Hell and Satan… so I go forth – not in *my* strength but MY LORD’s…


            Sorry… I know that sends some people off their rocker – and I’m not intending to do that. It’s just the fact that I know I’m weak … and I know HE is strong.  I’m far more willing to be on the side of the strong than the weak… especially when it comes to ME!.  So…


            I’m glad this week is drawing to a close but it has had its good moments… like the rains – the plentiful and bountiful rains. I can recall my Grandpa Burdette and his fellow farmers who thought if the rains held off much longer there wouldn’t be a cotton crop. And when they got rain things were *much* more cheerful on Sunday mornings outside in the churchyard.  But I don’t recall Granpa… JC they called him … being exuberant outwardly particularly. He was the Sunday school song leader… and I do recall a bit of his lusty singing and leading.

He and my Grandma Carrie… met at the Methodist Camp Meeting grounds near the Bethel church between Mauldin and Simpsonville.  I’ve heard the meetings went on for a week or so in mid summer. Guest preachers came – and from the tales I heard LOTS of families gathered ‘round for the week of meetings. But I think those were all over by the time I was a child and visited … I can recall the big arbor under which the preachings were held… but I never saw any.


            Guess that’s pretty much the stream of life.  Things change but are often fondly remembered. Sometimes better than they were. Anyway… I’m thankful both my grandparent’s families were Christian folks in reality. I’m sure I’m in their debt for the way in which they raised their children… my grandparents…. More than I know or can thank them for.


            Today’s JUST A MINUTE would be a ‘rant’ if I had more time. Because I really think Mr. Obama has already hit the campaign trail again… but I also think he’s left things in a big tangle.  Looks like our children and even great-grandchildren stand in the line of fire of what’s happening now that may affect them down the line.


            Nonetheless… as I could do nothing about picking my ancestry … neither can I do much about what’s happening. 


            How often I remember Dr. Bob Jones Sr. when I was one of the engineers on his morning radio program.  He would sometimes say:  “I am only one – but I am one; I can’t do everything – but I can do something.

                        What I can do, I ought to do – and by God’s grace I will do. – Amen”


            That’s a good closing prayer… and I leave you with it for a good day!


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just a Minute: -- I’m a commentator – not a reporter. But Wednesday … it happened like this.

Miss Whoopie Goldberg – a heavyweight TV host – at 11 AM Eastern on Wednesday said *repeatedly*: (quote)We’re making news here. For the first time a ‘sitting’  will appear on a daytime talk show!

WOW! I started to check with AP … but either they hadn’t heard or didn’t care.

Then with my won eyes I saw Whoopie Goldberg, and Barbara Walters – who’d come out of retirement – repeat the NEWS.

However, it wasn’t so new: They discovered it was the THIRD time – they “thought” it was the second, but by Miz Walters re-count it *was* the THIRD time he was on THE VIEW.

I just can’t hold back – you need to know before going through another day.

(PAUSE) There was a full hour just like that on the “View”. (PAUSE) Now WE don’t have time.

I’m sorry to tell you I didn’t make ­any of this up.

And I promise you… I won’t let it happen again!

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service






Wednesday, July 28, 2010

THIS IS _NOT_ A SWIFT BOAT! -- Just A Minute BB#30 for Wednesday 100728

            Hello Again…


            It’s a pleasant enough Wednesday since the rains have come – and boy did they come.  Something over two inches in two days at our house.  Which managed to get into the garage and make two cardboard boxes wet on the bottoms.

But we’re happy to put up with some of that when we needed the rain so much!


            And the mood I detect out of Washington is they had a big storm Sunday… and other storms seem to be brewing. Several of the blogs I’ve looked into think it’s going to be a stormy time all across the country. I even had a normally placid kind of retired-tired professor get stirred up because I offered him an article with which he did not agree.


            Up to now I had seen him as a rather un-emotional fellow – but apparently my suggestion of a new idea (at least to him) hit a nerve and I had a jolly old time getting him to dismount from his high-horse.  He had mounted quickly and if I had given him the chance he would have gladly ridden off in all directions. Maybe he did… I’ll find out in a week or so.  Meantime other blogs carry headlines – 99 days of bad ideas. That’s the term we faced yesterday before the November elections come around.


            I think we all could face this in better humor if we had not been ‘campaigning’ in sorts since January 20th or so of 2009 when the Obama Administration took the reins formally.  Since then it’s been rather up hill and down dale… and the road gets long and dusty when you see no turning.  Hopefully there will be a turning.


            As someone has said when you realize you’re on the wrong road the shortest distance to the goal you are headed for is to turn around and go back.  I don’t know exactly just how that plays out in politics… but it strikes me there are a lot of people out there looking for the shortest way back.


            The trouble is… there’s no way to “Unring the bell.”  Not to say repair work cannot be done – or that all hope is lost – but it’s going to be a lot steeper climbing back up the hill than it was sliding down the slippery slope.  Meantime… just remember if you’re going to be campaigning for a friend … or against a political person on the other side… do it with good humor… Someone says “Speak softly… the words are more tender when you have to eat them.”  Sounds reasonable to me.


            Have a good day.—and see you Friday D.V.


            Cordially, IN HIM



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BB: Jist A Minute : Mr. Jack –  Whut is th’  name of Senator Kerry’s new Yacht?

Jack: You mean the boat tied up in Rhode Island?

BB: Yeah – that’s th’ one.

Jack: Mr. Bill, I believe the name painted on the back is IZABEL .

Homer: You’re shore hit ain’t SWIF BOAT?

MizP: Oh Homer…why in th’ worl did he go an have hit made in somerwhere’s else?

Jack: Sometimes things people do, aren’t always well thought out.

MizP: Well whut abaout Mr. Charlie Rangle a-aoin’ ta  have sum kinda trial.

Jack: This investigation of not paying taxes and other things has been going on a long time.

BB: They say he din’t pay no taxes on his Dominican Republic villa fer ten years.

Jack: I kinda think they’ll find a way to postpone this till after November.

BB: They woun’t do tha-ut ifn’ twere you ‘er me!

Homer: No – they wount!

MizP: Now boyez … jist cam down… they’s lawmakers.

BB: But this is America – ever body s’posed ta be equal b’fore th’ law.

MizP: Well… jist look at whut’s NOT a happenin’ ta Governor Bloggervich….

Homer: Whut’s happnin’ Miz Pearl?

MizP: But they ain’t nothin’ tha-ut ah kin see happnin… that’s the problem.

Jack: It is a problem that we need to attend to –

BB: At’s right.. But Mr. Senator Kerry says he gonna pay awl appropriate taxes.

Homer: An Mr. Blagovich says …

MizP: He says he don’t have ta say nothin’ … even tho he promised he wud…

Jack: Right…well… sometimes some folks in high places don’t keep their promises.

MizP: But they SHOULD!

Jack: Right you are… and we promised we’d be outta here on time so we must go.

            I’m Jack Buttram.  (END)           

                JEBCO Editorial Service






Monday, July 26, 2010

WHERE DO THE NUT ROOTS ROOST NEXT? - Just A Minute Radio for Monday 100726

G’day Folks….


Yep it’s MONDAY – and it’s still HOT!  I had the back 40 (our back yard) cut… er … ground up…mulched on Saturday … and did the front yard m’self in near 100 degree weather… just to see if the sweat glands were still workin’ – they are… and the water drinkin’ guzzle pipe too.


This July reminds me of a summer some years back – B-AC… (before Air Conditioning)  at least in the classroom building. I had been talked into taking a ‘double-major’ course for graduation in college…which meant I had to take a couple of courses in the Summer...  and THAT summer was another firecracker.


As I say, there was no A/C in the building in those days… and several graduate students who had them brought along electric fans – of course they sat close enough to the outlets to get some juice… and we sat close enough to the fans – if  there were seats available – to get some of the hot air stirring about.


That was a summer session I still remember… but we got through it.


Can you remember planning to go to the motion picture theater just so you could get cool enough to exist.  It was either that or the ice-house… and I would volunteer to go there to pick up a 25 pound of ice (I couldn’t carry the 50 lb. one) to bring home so we could ‘churn’ some ice cream in the evening…. If we could get the block wrapped up in a burlap sack before too much of it melted away.  Ah… those were the days. 


I never sat in the ice-house… the guy who had to go in and out a lot I thought was fortunate…. But he wore a parka and some gloves.  I guess it wasn’t as pleasant as I imagined.


Someone recently has written a book about how A/C has ruined our society… I guess I’ll let him make the argument to himself… I’m for the A/C.  Obviously it’s transformed the South.


Today’s program is about Senator Al Franken (who I think is holding a seat from the state of Minnesota illegally… but who am I ???) and his boring speech.  My wife and I caught part of it… She went to sleep in less than 5 minutes of its start… I got too angry… and should have quit when I was ahead.  But I found out one thing:  There’s nothing more boring that an unfunny “former” comedian.  I pity the people of Minnesota… but then I guess a majority of them (at least the voters) brought it on themselves…. Or they need to sharpen up their vote counting system.


Come November… I think there’s going to be a LOT more quarreling over those issues.  But that’s what Freedom’s all about… paying attention… attending to the issues and exerting the effort to get good people in office and hold them accountable.


Woops… used up my space for today.  See you on Wednesday – I hope!


Cordially, IN HIM




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Just a Minute: -- Nevada (short “a”) got a down-your-nose scold from former comedian Al Franken as who didn’t get a single BIG laugh out of the 2000 Net Rooters in convention Saturday night in Las Vegas.  But observers said the evening DID have the highest profanity-bleep index in recent history.  John Fund, of the Wall St. Journal contrasted last year’s friendly, even kindly, Net Root mood -- with this one,  Three videographers surrounded him from the moment he arrived until reporters in the media room made them get out.

Democrat bad news that popped up over the weekend came from Kyle Trygstad, of Real Clear Politics, who says the President’s approval rating now ranks barely above public schools, the criminal justice system and newspapers. But in one thing he excels according to Nancy Pelosi, who says: “Well, at least you can’t say he didn’t bring us change.”

Franken’s ‘laugh-a-minute’ speech’s billing just flopped in “Nevada” but he did carry off their Oscar for the most boring speech of the evening and invited them all over to his place in Minnesota next year where he guaranteed it “Wouldn’t be so hot.”  -- In his case he doesn’t have to worry...

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service




Friday, July 23, 2010


Today we examine the question if you can take more water out of the bucket than you put in …

Comparable to either the perpetual motion machine – that inventors formerly thought they would one day discover – but never counted on the truth of the laws of motion; or the medieval alchemists who were forever experimenting to discover how to make base metals into gold – but never getting there… there’s a class of dreamers who believe more money can be taken out of the purse than was ever put in.

Such is the fairy tale we are pursuing today.

There are advocates of certain causes who with slight of hand and ‘now you see it now you don’t’ techniques, convince the gullible more can be pulled out of the hat than was put in. But it’s an illusion – stage magicians make the rabbit or dove or whatever appear or disappear like – well – magic. The problem is, that can’t be duplicated with other people’s money. Somewhere, sometime someone’s coming up short. And in today’s world for the most part, it appears to be the young students in the public schools,

All the ladies in my household either are active school teachers now, or have been at one time or another. We have first hand experience in knowing you can’t take more out of the box than you put in. The real world doesn’t work that way. So – when funds intended for pupil’s education ends up either in bloated salaries for multiplied administrators, or inefficient operational decisions – well unfortunately it’s the pupils who go home with empty heads and lunchpails.

So… what’s to be done. As an old and experienced economics professor once told our class: “You put all your eggs in one basket – and then watch that basket very carefully.

That seems to be at the core of our educational problem. We’re not paying attention to the leakage in getting information from the text book into the student’s heart, life and mind. It’s a difficult proposition – often hindered – but very rewarding when it happens as it does in the presence of excellent teachers – and there are many.

So… let’s quit foolin’ ourselves. Education is worthwhile – and if it’s worth doing it definitely is worth doing right! So there’s no substitute for illusions or special schemes… It’s just like farming – you reap what you sow. While you can improve techniques, and breed better seed and cultivating practices… the basics have to be there of good earth… water—not too much – and sunshine in the absence of killing frosts. These are the basics… they don’t change – they can be improved but a farm doesn’t produce by itself – it has to be tended. No magic tricks pull the rabbit out of the hat.

Cordially, Thanks for being here…


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Just a Minute: -- Does the name David Obey mean anything to you? Mr. Obey, is Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee… He’s counting on taking 10 billion out of various educational programs – Like “Race to the Top” and divert it to School Districts so they can pay for educator’s retirement programs.

If you doubt that -- check the Center for Responsive Politics . You’ll see both big teachers’ unions – the NEA and the AFT gave 92 percent and 98 percent of their political contributions to the Democrats last time around. Any questions?

It’s so bad in California that Jeff Adachi, a San Francisco Democrat and elected Public Defender – who says he’s ­very pro-union admits the union pensions are sucking the life out of all the children’s after-school programs, seniors programs…(quote)everything we care about…” -- he says – and while describing himself as the union’s ‘poster boy’ says they’ve got to do something different or all their efforts will be wasted.

The educational union goose is eating up all the golden eggs.

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A TURNCOAT BY ANY OTHER NAME IS...? -- Just A Minute Radio for Wednesday 100721

            Here we are in the middle of the week again…


            Well it’s OK… perhaps we’re getting closer to cooler weather… at least we hope so.


            By the time you hear this the deed will almost, or already have, been done… The placing on the Supreme Court Bench a nominee who has never been a judge – who seems to profess pro-life views, but has expressed herself as opposed to any corrections even in regard to partial-birth procedures… a practice that goes directly opposed to the Hippocratic Oath to which most physicians profess to adhere.


            This is a difficult time for those of us who believe a new human being is brought into life from conception onward – and to take the life of a helpless infant in the womb is not only cowardly but humanly despicable.  It’s not a case of indifferent preference – but in virtually every respect the taking of an innocent one who is unable to mount a defense of any kind.  It is a crime which has a ‘cringe’ inseparably attached, and readily demonstrated in Holy Writ.


            Nonetheless, this increasingly post-Christian worldview gathers advocates from poorly instructed families, and a willingness to turn a blind eye to the historical position of life that is a sacred gift from God which obviously needs care and concern on a human as well as a divine level. Despite best efforts on a human level, the incidence of abortion continues to rise. Ignoring the mounting evidence of such crimes against humanity as abortion, and sperm donation – not to mention just plain old immorality and the toll it takes in human lives and unhappiness. Those who maintain all human life is sacred and needs to be treated as such find their assertion of what they believe is not only sacred but also highly human continue to be harassed and even violently opposed.


            To me it appears there is little doubt – and I think this message is present in the heart of every human no matter what they profess – that God rules over all, and HIS will, will ultimately be accomplished.  Therefore it is incumbent upon us whereunto light from Scripture and the Holy Spirit and is reflected in redeemed Christian believers, to do everything  in our power to lovingly proclaim the Love of Christ who came to save the human race from itself and our natural bent to sinning.


            When this message of God’s love is lovingly and scripturally presented --  then God takes over and to those who are receptive (depicted in Scripture as ‘good ground’) HE will see to it the seed takes root, sprouts and springs up into everlasting life and fruitfulness.  It is HIS work, we are – but only HIS workers in HIS creation… HIS vineyard.  “It is not by might nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord.” (Zech. 4:6) – and this message is repeated over and over in Heavenly inspired words in the Bible. So we may boldly proclaim, and claim the truth of God to be present in HIS word – backed up by HIS power. 


This outlines the *only* way to eternal life and Heaven in God’s presence. It’s a fullness of life otherwise never experienced. You don’t want to miss it. The testimony is true you will find out – one way or another. God bless you as HE speaks to your spirit.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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MizP: Jist A Minute Mr. Jack – Am I correk in sayin’ Senator Graham wuz th’ onny Republican ta vote fer      

            Miz Kagan?

Jack: I’m afraid so Miz Parlie…

BB: They say she wuz th’ Soliciter General – whuzzat mean?

Jack: Mr. Bill that is the Government’s lawyer who present’s the US case before the Court… usually.

Homer: So in other words she wud be th’ one who argued fer th’ govermint?

Jack: Exactly right, Homer.

MizP: But she ain’t never bin a judge.

Jack: Not even of a traffic court.

BB: But she’s written ‘pinions… ain’t she?

Jack: Not as a judge… she wrote as a clerk for Mr. Justice Thurgood Marshall.

MizP: But they wuz signed by him.

Jack: She asked to be assigned to him as one of his clerks… it’s normal.

MizP: Mr. Lindsey perposed a amendment tha-ut was pro-life.

Jack: Right… against abortion.

BB: But he din’t even go ta th’ heerin’ ?

Jack: I think that’s correct but I believe you’re thinking of his amendment  that would have allowed 9/11 family members to sue Saudi Arabia – he and Sen. Specter were co-sponsors…but I think he’s dropped off now.

BB: An she woun’t allow military recruiters on th’ campus at Haavaard?

Jack: That’s what I’m told Billy-bob…

MizP: Well – awl tha-ut don’t sit well wif me.

Homer: Join th’ Club Miz Pearlie…

BB: How’d we git in this fix of not bein’ able ta vote down a unsuitable judge? …

Jack: Well --- I guess it’s because not enough people agree with you when they go in the voting booth…

Homer: Well… Ah plan ta do sumpin’ a-about tha-ut.

Jack: I’m afraid by the end of this week she’ll have been voted in… the decision was made back in 2008.

MizP: Well… we better git bizzy and do sumpin’ ‘bout hit fer th’ nex’ ‘lection.

Homer: Yeah th’ water’s done gone over th’ dam on this’n…

Jack: And our time’s over as well… See you next week… I’m Jack Buttram. (END)



JEBCO Editorial Service





Monday, July 19, 2010

HOW MANY FELONIOUS VOTES TO ELECT A SENATOR-- Just a Minute Radio for Monday 100719

            It’s a good day for countin’ votes folks… well… perhaps a trifle premature…


            Just remember the long days of ‘hanging chads’ etc. etc. etc. in Florida.  Some like Mr. Al Gore the *former* Vice President – which he seems to forget sometimes, just seem never to get over it.  On the other hand there have been *great* VP candidates… like … well …like Ummm… well… Harold Stassen… and looks like former California Moonbeam Brown is bent on beating the California bushes again… and again… and again…


            In my only participatory Presidential political campaign… I got enough losing in 1964 to last a lifetime… and I thought the record of carrying only five states – which Senator Goldwater captured – would stand for a lifetime until the B-24 WWII Pilot came along from upper West… --- no it wasn’t Hubert Humphrey… he was the “Happy Warrior” – always upbeat.   No this was the man who ran against Ronald Reagan who was running for his second term… Oh… you know… his name … I,  I…. I almost remember it… Oh how soon they (me) forget… oh It wasn’t him anyway … it was Nixon’s second term…  I know somebody will send me an e-mail and tell me for whom I am seeking and cudgeling my brain…Mc… Somebody… ( is my easy to do e-mail address…


            But anyway … both Walter Mondale and this fellow carried only one state… AND the District of Columbia… which I’ve always thought made a good point *against* bringing the District into the Union… Even given a bigger voice in home rule… they’ve had trouble ‘runnin’ the store… and the US always has to bail out the District… Ah well – politics… easy to forget.  [Some are easier to forget than others. (J)]


            It’s getting late… and I’m getting groggy…. So see you soon.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just a Minute: -- John Fund, Political Diary Editor in  the July 14th WALL ST. JOURNAL asks --´Did illegal felon [votes win] the critical 2008 Minnesota Senate election?” Here’s why --

GOP Senator Norm Coleman had a 725 vote lead the day after the election.  Six months of recounts reversed that and gave Democrat Comedian Al Franken a victory by a 312 vote margin.  That gave the Democrats the critical 60th vote to bludgeon us with Obama-Care.

The Minnesota Majority – a watchdog group combing the records -- found 289 convicted felons voted in Hennepin County and 52 illegal votes in St. Paul’s Ramsey County.  That’s 341 votes -- or 29 that say Senator Coleman should still be the other Minnesota Senator instead of Al Franken.

The Minnesota Majority apparently is being stonewalled in Hennepin County – but the D.A. in Ramsey County is taking the case seriously and asking for 15 investigators to run down the information. 

How do you think the White House will respond?

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service






Thursday, July 15, 2010

WHY CAN'T WE JUST "BE REASONABLE?" -- Just a Minute Radio for Friday 10016

            Hello from Ft. Jackson….


            No… they haven’t renewed the draft to take ‘geezers’ – I’m down here in the Columbia area to help in the distribution of Gideon New Testaments in Camouflage.  Not “me” in camouflage but the NT”s… for the new recruits.  So please pray if you have a moment – that the Gospel may go forth to accomplish that to which God sends it by HIS Holy Spirit.


            Meantime the on air JUST A MINUTE today takes up the ‘hot and humid’ subject of abortion – which generally raises the temperature and humidity level about this time in the election cycle.  Many folks can’t understand why Bible believing Christians make such a big to-do over a ‘health-care’ procedure. Of course the question of when does life begin arises… and without going into the technicalities, most of us think it begins at conception – and from then on you don’t have just a clump of natal cells, but a life beginning and shortly a heartbeat and other vital signs are discernable – all that is ‘scientific’ and quantifiable. 


            In any case taking a life of the unborn in the womb is serious business with us.  It’s not just surgery or medical procedure and especially in the instance of partial birth abortion -- I personally think it is a hideous and torturous crime. No matter what you or I think it is an intersection of political and ethical forces that become crucially important to how we think and act about life and its sacredness.


            Today’s program is only one minute – and of course such a subject cannot be adequately covered in 60 seconds. But I plant my flag on the side of protecting the unborn from those who would take advantage of their inability to speak for themselves or mount any defense.  It’s just not moral to be greener than grass as an environmentalist and totally involved in such matters as ‘climate change’ but totally, or mostly indifferent toward protecting the lives of those least able to protect or speak for themselves.


            Some years ago I heard Dr. Francis Schaeffer speak at Notre Dame University on this subject – and he made a very cogent presentation plus forecasting how it would shortly become a ‘game changer’ as far as civilization is concerned.  Indeed his prophecy has come true. This age is more and more indifferent to the morality present or absent in the whole area of the beginnings as well as the ending of life. This space is too small to even begin. 


            But the difficulties still need to be assaulted and conquered – and by the Lord’s grace they will be.  I want to put my life and force (whatever remains of it) on the side of protecting the unborn and respecting the sanctity of life.  I make no claim to high expertise here… but I do think the evidence as well as the morality of being anti-abortion is abundantly clear – and I take my stand there.


            Well… I’ve run out of time and space for today – but plan to come back to stand on the side of the unborn as long as  the Lord enables me.  May the Lord bless you and your understanding of HIM in today’s world.


            Cordially, IN HIM




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Just a Minute: -- Sirius is the “dog star”brightest from July 3rd  to August 11th .  I bring it up because in the Northern Hemisphere generally, it’s hot and humid. The way the atmosphere is affected often, when “abortion” is brought up.

“Why don’t you guys just be reasonable? -- Drop it.”  That raises my blood pressure.

Can a society describe itself as ‘civilized’ while taking an unborn’s life in its totally indefensible state? 

How can one claim to be civilized and compassionate allowing one medical doctor to terminate an infant in the womb, while in the nearby neo-natal unit another skilled physician does his utmost to preserve life?

Theologian Frances Schaffer, says this is the critical issue of our society. He is absolutely correct. 

Abortion is not a political issue like financial rules – or setting interest rates.  It may not be resolved by ‘majority vote’ – or popularity polling.

On another day possibly, we’ll have another go at explaining the magnitude of its importance.

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service





Wednesday, July 14, 2010

WHUT IS HAPPNIN' TA TH' MEAN MR. GREEN? -- Just A Minute Radio for Wednesday 100714

            It’s a BEAUTIFUL day in the neighborhood… if you like mostly dry hot weather…


            Well… enough talk about the weather… Looking back over the last few days and the conversation written down, you’d think I work for NOAA weather radio or something similar.  It has been hot and dry and a bit humid all at the same time.  But “Even this shall pass away…” as the old poem goes. If you don’t like the weather – just wait a while.


            Yesterday we did have some storm-watch boxes over the Carolinas… but the rain was apparently anything but general… quite spotty… and ‘hailey’ – no offense to one of the gubernatorial candidates who has a similar sounding name. (J)


            Today Earl ‘n’ Lester’s Bait Shop and Sushi Bar crowd at ‘Playfair’ seem to be a throwback to a couple of weeks back when the runoff election was held and Mr. Greene surprised us all (perhaps including himself, although he does not say so) to find he finished first on the Democrat Senate Ticket.  At first there was a muffled roar of “What Happened?”  Which since has died down considerably – and yesterday I saw Mr. Greene in a suit and tie heading out – on TV – to the hustings to address the NAACP chapter at Manning, SC… so he does campaign after all – even though no one so far has been able to put their finger on just where he went or what he said.


            Nonetheless… I’m sure candidate DeMint will not take his opponent lightly – and will take the requisite steps to fulfill his campaign pledge and meet and greet and shake hands with all that time will allow.  In fact he’s done a lot of that in Colorado already and probably will do more. I just get a chuckle out of those who are wondering just what is happening – I think it’s pretty evident… and I think Mr. Carter will be happy to have someone at least in SC who will take his place as the candidate of Malaise at least on the local posters.  Now that’s not a prediction – just an observation.


            Friday I’ll be at Ft. Jackson (DV) with a couple of Gideon buddies and we’re scheduled to be giving out some of our small Gideon New Testaments in Cameo for the troops there. It’s my first time to take part in that exercise and I’m looking forward to it.  I’ll have a report for you next week. 


            God bless you all and enable you to *enjoy* the wonderful SC weather in JUNE… maybe the worst of it’s over… unless it’s not. (L)


            Cordially, IN HIM




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MizP: Jist A Minute Mr. Jack – Kin you brang me up ta date on whut is a-happnin’ ta Mr. Green?

Jack: You mean Mr. Greene and his money?

Homer Miz Pearl’s jist astin ifn’ they found out where he got th’ ten thousand plus ta pay fer th’ filin’…

BB: Hit’ was $10,440 dollars th’ filin’ fee fer th’ Senate race…

MizP: Yeah… tha’s th’ one.

BB: The po-lice says he paid outn’ his personal funds. …

Jack: Except he’s unemployed…

Homer: An He lives wif his Father…

BB: Miz Fowler who is resignin’ -- said hit was like them beginnin’ cheks … don’t have yer name printed on hit yet…

MizP: So hit’s a mystery is hit?

Homer: No crime repoted so fah…

Jack: He says it was money he saved up from being in the reserves…

MizP: Congersman Clyburn seems burnt up about hit… cawls hit a im-plant…

BB: Ya mean “Im-port” – Miz P?

MizP: Ah reckon a feller want’s ta run fer Congers an spin his own dollars….

Homer: Hit’s a free country.

BB: Yeah … so fah…

MizP: Whut does you mean Mr. Beelie?

BB: I s’pose th’ papers cudda got hit wrong… but he was a-bein’ questioned ‘bout payin’ fer a lawyer ...

Homer: Said he din’t have no money …

Jack: Maybe we better let the Attorney General or the police figure it out.

MizP: Ah jist I don’t thank th’ questions bin answered.

Jack: And you’re perfectly right to wonder about it Miz Pearl.

MizP: Somebody needs ta figger on it …

BB: Mr. Clyburn… he’s bin astin’ th’ questions…

MizP: We ourt ta ast him ta see if’n hit’s a im-plant.

Jack:  Good Idea Miz Pearl… Possibly you tell us Next Wednesday?

MizP; Well Ah don’t know…

Jack: But time’s gone for today… We’ll see you next week.  I’m Jack Buttram.



JEBCO Editorial Service
