Big cloud of uncertainty seems to hang over the
It strikes me it could be another contest of the ‘griping gladiators’ to see who can complain the most about the issue before the “People’s House.”
But it isn’t entirely the fault of “The People” – in fact it seems “The People” are about to pronounce ‘a plague on both your houses’ – at least that is part of the feedback coming through the filters of pollsters. They say the independent voters in particular are not weathering this bickering – especially the conflict that started up in
Unfortunately there’s no ‘off’ switch on campaigning. The very tragic news that’s come out of Japan, and Haiti competing with the casualty information burbling out of the Mid-Eastern countries of the Med and other parts of Europe, may temper it a bit by providing a blanket or buffer on the news bandwidth that has to be accommodated simply because it’s there – and it tones down the sharper edges. But all in all, tolerating campaigning that never ends – especially when us “normal” folks who don’t have national campaigns to run are stewing in financial stew that results from our housing market, our currency markets…and now our food, drink and fuel markets… Well you’d think someone has a hit program aimed right at us. And maybe that’s so.
Anyway… keeping an even keel and ‘staying the course’ may just be slogans or ‘bumper stickers’ but they are harder to manage with all the debris stirred up naturally by storms, and hazards and temperaments. There’s really only one remedy for it all and that is the presence of the Holy Spirit of God in the believer’s life, and the comfort rendered by the Divinely Inspired scriptures as we read and meditate on them at any time we choose.
Mind if I call to mind a couple of verses you may not have noticed recently? This one came to me years ago from a college roommate who I didn’t observe to be paying a lot of attention to God’s word at the time. He surprised me when in our mutual devotions—he quoted Ps. 116:6 “The Lord preserveth the simple: I was brought low and he helped me.”
And another which came to my mind talking to a very close relative who has suffered recent loss and difficulties that seem to come our way with rather steep learning curves – but which ultimately end up being very comforting, if we simply and diligently apply them in our everyday lives: Proverbs 3:5,6 – “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”
Perhaps just meditating on one or the other of those verses will make a BIG difference in your life and joy today. Let me know if you wish to.
Cordially, IN HIM
HOMER: JIST A MINUTE: – Mr. Jack this fencin’ match has done got me cornfused.
Jack: How so Homer?
BB: Well whut has mekes Mr. Obama Speechifyin t’day?
MizP: Hit’s simple -- Mr. Beelie -- Mr. Obama done blinked?
BB: How come you say tha-ut?
Jack: Miz Pearlie is very up on this stuff Billie-bob she’s seen this movie before.
MizP: Ah keep trak o’ these thangs – back when Gingrich was speaker – th’ Demicrats was ‘bout to blink.
BB: Ah don’t ‘member tha’ut.
MizP: ‘Cause You don’t read e-nuf Mr. Beeelie… Mr. Stepponopolis wrot hit in his Memorawers.
Jack: She’s right Mr. Bill. George Stef-watever, works for ABC now but he worked for
MizP: And he said they was all worried ‘cause the GOP budget-cutters hot on budget cuttin’ …
Homer: Mr. Dole was a-runnin’ fer Prezdint… he din’t want his campin pane messed up.
BB: So he blinked?
MizP: Yep -- an Mr. Clinton raked in th chips.
Jack: Sounds like you know how th’ games are played Miz Pearl.
MizP: Ah jist reads th’ paper like Mr. Will Rogers says an Ah laughs.
Homer: See Mr. Obama plays basketball not poker.
MizP: Some time he fold ‘em when more ‘perienced fellers wud hold ‘em.
BB: I’ll ‘sert – I han’t ever thot of tha-ut.
MizP: Ah bet hit’ll be in this speech – he’ll be a-takin’ credit fer everthang.
Homer: Yeah fergit about Git-Mo – or making jobs grow…
BB: Or dumpin’ th’ debt… tha-ut’s whuts a worryin’ me.
Jack: Polls say people in all parties got angry about him running off to
MizP: Yeah -- when we’s a-fitin’ two er three waws…
Homer: Dubble neck deep in debt..
MizP: Unner watter more like hit.
BB: Yeah – an don’t git mad wif one ‘nother.
Jack: On that note of Harmony I think we’ll have to go.
Be back with us next Wednesday – I’m Jack Buttram
Jebco Editorial Service
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