Friday, May 28, 2010

IS REFORM GOING TO *REALLY* REFORM? -- Just a Minute Radio for Friday 100528

            Howdy – it’s FRIDAY and another one of the giants of the airways is gone… Art Linkletter… RIP


            For about a year I worked with former California Senator George Murphy – and we often had entertainment figures drop in the Washington office.  One was Art Linkletter who began his broadcast career in the ‘30’s and carried it on up through part of the 70s.  He passed away yesterday at 97 at his home in the Bel-Air neighborhood of Los Angeles.  He was as cheerful and friendly in person as he was on the air.


            But back to politics – The President held his first full-fledged press conference in over 300 days yesterday and finally got some *real* questions – to which he gave rather soggy answers.  Questioned by Fox’s White House Correspondent – he said I’ll get back to you on that --- soon… I didn’t hear the specifics, but I expect they’re flexible.


            From the first the Obama team does not seem to be able to appreciate just how much they miss the communications mark.  I’ve never seen James Carville, with his N’awlins accent be so upset about his leader’s apparent political indifference to the plight of the Louisiana coast – never mind the rest of the Gulf of Mexico – or the world for that matter. 


            Being President is a tough job…  I’ve often wondered why so many seek it.  Obviously as Warren Buffett proves yearly, you can make more money doing other things if that’s your goal.  Is getting your face on TV and riding twice in one week from coast to coast (never mind the cost) in AF-One worth the grind?  Apparently.


            I’ll give the Prez a pass on golfing and playing with the guys in a game of hoops… never been a golfer and not too good at hitting the basket either – but there comes a time of self-reckoning. “Why am I here? What am I accomplishing?  To what end? What happens then?” Those are all questions that are important – and have eternally important answers – even if you can hop on a helicopter and get transported to the Camp David retreat at will. 


            I don’t mean to be flippant or mean, and am not in the slightest angry except for the nation and my fellow citizens.  I share the feeling we are careening down a slippery slope nationally – and I know we are spiritually.  My prayers are with those who have not come to know a saving relationship with the God of the Bible – and that’s not said just because I’m sectarian. I’m also American and I hate to see all the innocents being put through the wringer to satisfy anyone’s misplaced ego.  Some days I feel like Tiny-Tim.  God bless us – everyone.


            Cordially, IN HIM




Delayed audio link:





Just a Minute: -- Dan Henninger, Wall St. Journal Columnist, suggests not to get in a lather for reform until a *real* leader steps to the plate.

All the palaver about cooperation, -- finding common ground --, and corralling Republican Senators to a White House lecture session, is pure window-dressing.  The White House is assuming a real leader for 2012 election won’t appear because Democrats think they already have a reform leader in Barack Hussein Obama.

Nonetheless, some cross currents are stirring the electorate.  The Pew Poll continues to peg trust in government at 22 percent -- approval rate for Congress is 23 percent. Something’s got to change.  Henninger believes when people call themselves “Americans, Californians … or even New Jerseyans Persians… they’re talking about a place name … with a grand political history.”  Underneath it is rage at much misgovernance. He sees real reform seeking better politicians who will end gerrymandering and repeal campaign-finance limits that keep good candidates from seeking public office.

Well – that’s a determined start. Lets’ put some powerful prayer behind it.

<> I’m Jack Buttram. (END)

Jebco Editorial Service




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