Tuesday, September 9, 2008

OTHER INDICATIONS OF WINNER - Just a Minute for Wed. 09-10-08

Howdy Folks –


Doesn’t seem possible – we’re half way through the week. Next thing you know it’ll be election day.  Are you registered?  If you’re not --- well unless you’re just forgetful I’m not sure how much I want to ‘goad’ you into registering. If you’re just not that interested – then I for one am not interested in prodding you to go to the ballot box and cast an unthinking ballot for whoever crosses your mind.  Maybe that’s an unorthodox view… but I guess I’m not really for poking and prodding people to go to the polls just to say you’ve voted. I’d rather you stay home if you have no more interest than that.


Now if you’ve moved or don’t have a way to get to the registration place or some other hindrance, by all means get someone to help you – and while you’re at it you want to learn what the issues are – particularly the local issues so you can hold your elected representatives responsible for the things  they say, the promises they make – and let’s be honest for the sacrifices most of them make to be involved in public service. I’m not sure I want those calls coming to me at 3 AM … even in the White House.


Tomorrow is the anniversary of 9-11 – and I’m a bit tired of this incipient, flippant language that denigrates our President. We have NOT had another terrorist attack on a major scale since the twin towers, Pentagon and those gallant folks who gave their lives in a Pennsylvania meadow defending our freedom. Obviously he’s had a lot of help, and gallant people died on that day plus those who have died in defense of our nation – and so we wouldn’t have another tragedy. To have come through that period as we have was not something many of us would have expected seeing the violence and scale of the 9-11 holocaust.  For that I think we first owe our thanks to God and then our President and his assistants and most of all to the gallant men and women of our armed services.


Of course America isn’t perfect. No nation is. But when I look at the way our nation responds to natural disasters… tidal waves, earthquakes and how we are restrained from places like Myanmar, Mugabe’s part of Africa, Darfur and places where man’s inhumanity to man runs amok – I am proud to be an American and to hold forth for the freedoms that we have and enjoy – especially our freedom to worship God.


And for those whether in Britain or Europe or here at home who seem to be in a continual gripe – I’m not very sympathetic. I’m glad you have the freedom to NOT believe whatever you don’t want to believe. Just do it somewhere out of my sight or sound. Our Lord is ever gracious and the old King James word is ‘lendeth.’ But you should not presume upon His mercies.  I’ve said enough.


God bless you today… dear friends.


Cordially, IN HIM











BB: JUST A MINUTE – Mr. Jack – glad to have you back – feelin’ better?

Jack: Sure am Billy-bob –today we’re looking at some new important data.

MizP: You tawked about the Dakotas yestiddy.

Jack: Right Miz Pearl, comparing data from North and South Dakota …   

Homer: We gonna find out who’s fer Obama and whose fer McCain?

Jack: Maybe -- there’s a Tax Revolt going on.

BB: A reel tax revolt?

Jack: The states are quite similar but Wall St. Journal economic writer, Steve Moore, says there’s a big difference in taxes.

BB: Really?

Jack: South Dakota has no income tax and the American Legislative Exchange Council, says it’s a top destination for folks on the move.

MizP: No kiddin’?

Jack: But North Dakota is losing people hand over fist -- confirmed by United Van Lines.

Homer: Whut’s happenin’?

Jack:  Professor, Richard Laffer, at Ohio University, says North Dakota’s high taxes has them right behind th’ eight ball.

BB: Whut’s a-gonna happen?

Jack: The Republicans in North Dakota have a ballot “Measure 2” reducing a 5 percent income tax by half – as well as corporate taxes.

MizP: That’d be change all rite.

BB: That’s not the change Obama has in mind.

Homer: Naw…he wants givvermint ta' be bigger ta' hep peepul.

MizP: They don’t need no hep to git poor.

Jack: Well we’ll just watch and see how it comes out. <> I’m Jack Buttram



Jebco Editorial Service


e-mail n4zhk@arrl.net










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